Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Narrative, 5 th grade & Biography, 5 th grade READ 7140...

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Transcript of Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Narrative, 5 th grade & Biography, 5 th grade READ 7140...

Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation

Narrative, 5th grade &

Biography, 5th grade

READ 7140

Katie Linton

Georgia Writing Test• Evaluation of student responses to prompt

• Given either imaginative story or personal narrative prompt.

• Evaluated to determine the developmental stage of writing

• 6 stages: emerging, developing, focusing, experimenting, engaging, or extending writer

Narrative Writing5th grade

5th grade, Narrative Writing

• Social Studies Connection:

SS5H1 The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War.

b. Discuss how issues of states’ rights and slavery increased tensions between the North and South.

c. Describe the effects of war on the North and South.

Pre-assessment Activity

• Give student prompts• Have 45 minutes to write narrative story• Prompts: 1. What if your pet could talk to you.2. Where would you go if you could fly

anywhere for 48 hours?3. What would you do if you woke up one

morning and found you were invisible?

Grouping Options

• Whole Group – Modeling & Practice Activity

• Individual – Assessment Activity

• Small Group – Part of Assessment Activity during revising and editing

Narrative Writing

• Students write a story, retell a story, write sequels, write a personal narrative, or create an original story.

• Students include beginning, middle, and end in their story.


• Students choose an appropriate genre• Students identify the audience, form, and

purpose of their writing.• Students fill out a story map.• The students write on the topic based on

their own experiences.• Modeling – The teacher will show a

model of a story map that she filled out.

Author: _________________________________ Date: _____________

Prewriting Story Map Directions: Write notes in each section. Adapted by Katie Linton: Houghton Mifflin English. Story map 2. Retrieved May 16, 2006, from

Setting Where: When: Major Character: Minor Characters:


Event 1: Event 2: Event 3:


Practice Activity

• Students will fill out a story map together for their practice.

• Teacher will use shared writing method.• Students will use the rubric as a guide to

filling out story map.• Class will be writing as if they are a young

girl with a Union family who has a friend that has a Confederate family.


• Students will work alone and fill out the story map for their story.

• Students will pretend they are a child from the time period of the Civil War and write a story about the tensions of friendships. You will write as if you are a child with a friend from the other side of the war.

Author: _________________________________ Date: _______________________

Narrative Prewriting Rubric


Exceeds Standard

(+ 1)

Meets Standard


Partially Meets Standard


Did Not Meet Standard

(1) Relevance to

topic All of the information is related to the topic.

Most of the information is related to the topic.

Some of the information is related to the topic.

None of the information is related to the topic.


The setting was described with many details.

The setting was described with some details.

The setting was described with few details.

The setting was not described.


The characters were described with many details.

The characters were described with some details.

The characters were described with few details.

The characters were not described.

Event #1

The event was described and included many details.

The event was described and some details were included.

The event was partially described and included few details.

The event was not described and no details were given.

Event #2

The event was described and included many details.

The event was described and some details were included.

The event was partially described and included few details.

The event was not described and no details were given.

Event #3

The event was described and included many details.

The event was described and some details were included.

The event was partially described and included few details.

The event was not described and no details were given.


The conclusion was described with many details.

The conclusion was described with some details.

The conclusion was described with few details.

The conclusion was not described.

Story Map

The information was written in the correct place on the organizer.

Most of the information was written in the correct place on the organizer.

Some of the information was written in the correct place on the organizer.

None of the information was written in the correct place on the organizer.

Total Points:

Linton, K. (2006). Narrative prewriting rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Student write a rough draft • Student marks page as rough draft• Student emphasizes content rather

than mechanics• Modeling – The teacher will show a

copy of her draft she wrote from her model story map.

Practice Activity

• Students will come up with a rough draft using the story map filled out during prewriting practice.

• The class will write it using the shared writing method.

• Students will use the drafting rubric to make sure they include everything.


• Students will write a rough draft using their story maps from prewriting.

• Students will write as if they have a friend that is from the other side of the war and their friendship was not allowed.

Author: _________________________________ Date: _______________________

Narrative Drafting Rubric


Exceeds Standard


Meets Standard


Partially Meets Standard


Did Not Meet Standard


Relevance to topic

All of the information is related to the topic.

Most of the information is related to the topic.

Some of the information is related to the topic.

None of the information is related to the topic.


The setting was described with many details.

The setting was described with some details.

The setting was described with few details.

The setting was not described.


All characters on story map were included and well developed.

All of the characters from the story map were included and some were developed.

Some of the characters from the story map were included and few were developed.

Only one character from the story map was included and none were developed.

Event #1

The event was described and included many details.

The event was described and some details were included.

The event was partially described and included few details.

The event was not described and no details were given.

Event #2

The event was described and included many details.

The event was described and some details were included.

The event was partially described and included few details.

The event was not described and no details were given.

Event #3

The event was described and included many details.

The event was described and some details were included.

The event was partially described and included few details.

The event was not described and no details were given.


The conclusion was described with many details.

The conclusion was described with some details.

The conclusion was described with few details.

The conclusion was not described.

Draft Format

The story was written using complete sentences and paragraphs.

The story was written using sentences and paragraphs.

The story was written using some sentences and few paragraphs.

The story was written using sentences and only one paragraph.

Total Points: Linton, K. (2006). Narrative drafting rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Students reread their own writing• Students make changes in their compositions

by adding, deleting, and transposing using a black pen.

• Students work in groups to get opinions on changes that need to be made after they revise their own paper using a red pen.

• Modeling – The teacher will show the students a copy of her draft that she has revised.

Practice Activity

• Overhead transparency of draft from practice drafting

• Class will find the revising errors in the writing.

• Class will use the shared writing method

• Class will use proofreader’s marks to correct the writing.


• Students will revise their own work

• Students will be grouped to go through group revising strategy

• Students will use revising rubric as guide.

Narrative Revising Rubric Author: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (+ 1)

Meets Standard (3)

Partially Meets Standard


Did Not Meet Standard

(1) Introduction Catches the

readers’ attention and added many details.

Catches readers’ attention and added some details.

Somewhat catches readers’ attention and added few details.

Does not catch readers’ attention and has only one detail.

Setting: Add details or changed

Added many details and/or changed the setting.

Added details and/or changed the setting.

Added very few details and made few changes on the setting.

Did not add details or change the setting.

Characters: Add or

change details and dialogue

Added many details and changed things for the characters while adding dialogue.

Added details and changed things for the characters and added dialogue.

Added very few details and made few changes on the characters and added some dialogue.

Did not add details or change the characters. Did not add dialogue.

Events/Action Details

Added many details to each of the events and developed the action of the story.

Added details to each of the events and developed the action of the story.

Added some details to each of the events and partially developed the action of the story.

Added very few details and did not develop the action of the story.

Sequence of Events

The events were all in the correct order that they occurred.

The events were mostly in the correct order that they occurred.

The events were somewhat in the correct order that they occurred.

The events were not in the correct order that they occurred.

Conclusion A conclusion was written with many details that wrapped up the story.

A conclusion was written with some details that wrapped up the story.

A conclusion was with very few details that wrapped up the story.

A conclusion was not written to wrap up the story.

Proofreader’s Marks

Used all proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used most of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used some of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used very few proofreader’s marks correctly.

Total Points: Linton, K. (2006). Narrative revising rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Students proofread their own writing• Students identify mechanical errors

and correct their writing• Students help proofread others’ work• Student may meet with teacher for

final editing.• Modeling – The teacher will show a

copy of her draft that she has edited.

Practice Activity

• Class will make editing corrections to revised draft.

• Use shared writing method

• Use proofreader’s marks to make corrections.

• Use rubric as guide


• Students will edit their revised copy of writing.

• Students will edit their paper individually.

• Students will use proofreader’s marks to make corrections.

• Students will work with group to make additional editing changes.

Narrative Editing Rubric Author: ____________________________ Date: _________________________


Exceeds Standard (+1)

Meets Standard (3)

Partially Meets Standard


Does Not Meet Standard


Sentence Structure

Always used complete sentences.

Used complete sentences most of the time.

Used complete sentences some

of the time.

Rarely used complete sentences.

Word Use Always used the correct subject-verb agreement.

Used the correct subject-verb

agreement most of the time.

Used the correct subject-verb

agreement some of the time.

Rarely used the correct subject-verb agreement.

Comma Use- in a series & in compound sentences

Always used commas in the correct places.

Used commas in the correct place most of the time.

Used commas in the correct place some of the time.

Rarely used commas in the correct place.

Apostrophe Use Always used apostrophes in

the correct place.

Used apostrophes in the correct

place most of the time.

Used apostrophes in the correct

place some of the time.

Rarely used apostrophes in

the correct place.

Quotation Marks – Beginning and

closing marks

Always used quotation marks

in the correct places.

Used quotation marks in the correct place

most of the time.

Used quotation marks in the correct place

some of the time.

Rarely used quotation marks

in the correct place.

Capitalization – proper nouns &

beginning of sentences

Always used commas in the correct places.

Used commas in the correct place most of the time.

Used commas in the correct place some of the time.

Rarely used commas in the correct place.

Spelling Always used the correct spelling of words.

Used the correct spelling of words most of the time.

Used the correct spelling of words some of the time.

Rarely used the correct spelling of words.

End of sentence punctuation

Always used the correct end punctuation.

Used the correct end punctuation most of the time.

Used the correct end punctuation some of the time.

Rarely used the correct end punctuation.

Paragraph Indentation

Always indented paragraphs.

Indented paragraphs some of the time.

Did not indent paragraphs.

Proofreader’s Marks

Used all proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used most of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used some of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used very few proofreader’s marks correctly.

Total: Linton, K. (2006). Narrative editing rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Students make final copy of writing.

• Students rewrite or type their paper.

• Students share their finished work with appropriate audience.

• Modeling – The teacher will show the students her published writing.

Practice Activity

• Teacher will hook up computer to television screen.

• Class will use shared writing method.

• Corrections will be transferred to final copy of typed draft.

• Print out published writing.


• Class will go to computer lab.

• Students will make the needed corrections to typed draft.

• Use rubric as guide

• Students will print a published copy of writing.

Narrative Publishing Rubric Author: ________________________________ Date: _______________________

Category Exceeds Standard (+1)

Meets Standard (3)

Partially Meets Standard


Does Not Meet Standard

(1) Relates to the

Topic All of the

information relates to the


Most of the information relates

to the topic.

Some of the information relates to the


None of the information relates

to the topic.

Introduction Catches the reader’s attention

and has many details.

Catches the reader’s attention

and has some details.

Catches the reader’s attention

but has few details.

Does not catch the reader’s attention and has only one

detail. Event 1/ Details

The event is well developed and

has many details in it.

The event is developed and

has details some details in it.

The event is somewhat

developed and has few details.

The event is not developed and has no details.

Event 2/ Details

The event is well developed and

has many details in it.

The event is developed and

has details some details in it.

The event is somewhat

developed and has few details.

The event is not developed and has no details.

Event 3/ Details

The event is well developed and

has many details in it.

The event is developed and

has details some details in it.

The event is somewhat

developed and has few details.

The event is not developed and has no details.

Conclusion A conclusion was written with many details & wrapped

up the story.

A conclusion was written with some details & wrapped

up the story.

A conclusion was with very few

details & wrapped up the story.

A conclusion was not written to wrap

up the story.

Grammar Author makes no errors in


Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar.

Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar.

Author makes 5 or more errors.

Spelling Author makes no errors in spelling.

Author makes 1-2 errors in spelling.

Author makes 3-4 errors in spelling.

Author makes 5 or more errors.

Capitalization Author makes no errors in


Author makes 1-2 errors in


Author makes 3-4 errors in


Author makes 5 or more errors.

Punctuation Author makes no errors in


Author makes 1-2 errors in


Author makes 3-4 errors in


Author makes 5 or more errors.

Organization Well organized. Organized. Somewhat organized.

Not organized.

Total Linton, K. (2006). Narrative publishing rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).

Informational Writing:Biography5th grade

5th grade – Informational Writing: Biography

• Social Studies Connection:SS5H1 The student will explain the

causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War.

d. Describe the roles of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

Biography Writing

• A biography is an account of a person’s life written by someone else.

• We are going to focus on the historical biography.

• You can use historical records, interviews, letters, dairies, mementos, and lots of other sources.

Pre-Assessment Activity

• Give students prompts• 45 minutes to write• Prompts:1. Write an autobiography about yourself.2. Write a biography about one of your

family members.3. Write a biography about one of your



• Students identify the audience, form, and purpose of their writing.

• Students fill out a graphic organizer

• The students write on the topic based on their own experiences.

• Modeling –The teacher will show the students a copy of the graphic organizer she filled out.

Practice Activity• Students will fill out a graphic organizer

together for practice.

• Teacher will use shared writing method.

• Students will use the rubric as a guide to filling out graphic organizer.

• Class will be writing a biography of one of the important historical figures during the Civil War.


• Students will work alone and fill out their graphic organizer for their biography.

• Students will fill out the biography graphic organizer on the historical figure that they are given.

Informational: Biography Graphic Organizer

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Background: 1. ____________________________


2. ____________________________


3. ____________________________


4. ____________________________


5. ____________________________


Young Life/Family: 1. ____________________________


2. ____________________________


3. ____________________________


4. ____________________________


5. ____________________________


Education and Motivation:

1. ____________________________


2. ____________________________


3. ____________________________


4. ____________________________


5. ____________________________


Major Contributions: 1. ____________________________


2. ____________________________


3. ____________________________


4. ____________________________


5. ____________________________



1. ____________________________


2. ____________________________


3. ____________________________


4. ____________________________


5. ____________________________


Adapted by Katie Linton from Oakland Schools. Biography graphic organizer. Retrieved May 21, 2006, from

Name of Person: ____________________________

Informational Writing: Prewriting Rubric Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________________


Exceeds Standards

(3 points for Meets Standard plus one point)

Meets Standard

(3 points)

Partially Meets

Standard (2 points)

Did Not Meet

Standards (1)

Information related to topic

All information is related to


The information is

partially related to topic.

None of the information is related to the

topic. Background information

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Young Life and Family

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Education and Motivation

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Major Contributions

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Conclusion Conclusion is provided with many details.

Conclusion is present with


Conclusion is partially present.

No conclusion is present.


Linton, K. (2006). Informational writing: Prewriting rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Student write a rough draft • Student marks page as rough draft• Student emphasizes content rather

than mechanics• Modeling –The teacher will show the

students a copy of the draft she wrote using her graphic organizer.

Practice Activity

• Students will come up with a rough draft of biography using the graphic organizer filled out during prewriting practice.

• The class will write it using the shared writing method.

• Students will use the drafting rubric to make sure they include everything.


• Students will write a rough draft using their graphic organizer from prewriting.

• Students will write a biography on the historical figure given.

Biography Draft Rubric Author: _____________________________ Date: _______________________


Exceeds Standards

(3 points for Meets Standard plus one point)

Meets Standard

(3 points)

Partially Meets

Standard (2 points)

Did Not Meet

Standards (1)

Information related to topic

All information is related to


The information is partially

related to topic.

None of the information is related to the

topic. Background information

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Young Life and Family

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Education and Motivation

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Major Contributions

Provides 5 or more details.

Provides 3-4 details.

Provides 2 details.

Provides only 1 detail.

Conclusion The biography was well wrapped up.

The biography was wrapped up.

The biography was somewhat wrapped up.

The biography did not have a conclusion.

Sentence Structure

Biography written using all complete sentences.

Biography written using mostly complete sentences.

Biography written using some complete sentences.

Biography written using very few complete sentences.


Linton, K. (2006). Biography draft rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Students reread their own writing• Students make changes in their

compositions by adding, deleting, and transposing.

• Students work in groups to get opinions on changes that need to be made after they revise their own paper.

• Modeling – The teacher will show the students her revised copy of the draft she wrote.

Practice Activity

• Overhead transparency of draft from practice drafting

• Class will find the revising errors in the writing

• Class will use the shared writing method

• Class will use proofreader’s marks to correct


• Students will revise their own work

• Students will be grouped to go through group revising strategy

• Students will use revising rubric as guideline

Biography Revising Rubric Author: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (+ 1)

Meets Standard (3)

Partially Meets Standard


Did Not Meet Standard

(1) Introduction Catches the

readers’ attention and added many details.

Catches readers’ attention and added some details.

Somewhat catches readers’ attention and added few details.

Does not catch readers’ attention and has only one detail.

Body/Details Added or changed many details to each of the body paragraphs.

Added or changed some details to each of the body paragraphs.

Added or changed few details to each of the body paragraphs.

Rarely added or changed details to each of the body paragraphs.

Sequence of Events

The events were all in the correct order that they occurred.

The events were mostly in the correct order that they occurred.

The events were somewhat in the correct order that they occurred.

The events were not in the correct order that they occurred.

Conclusion A conclusion was written with many details that wrapped up the biography.

A conclusion was written with some details that wrapped up the biography.

A conclusion was with very few details that wrapped up the biography.

A conclusion was not written to wrap up the biogarphy.

Proofreader’s Marks

Used all proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used most of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used some of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used very few proofreader’s marks correctly.

Total Points: Linton, K. (2006). Biography revising rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Students proofread their own writing• Students identify mechanical errors

and correct their writing• Students help proofread others’ work• Student may meet with teacher for

final editing.

• Modeling – The teacher will show the edited copy of the draft she wrote.

Practice Activity

• Class will make editing corrections to revised draft.

• Use shared writing method

• Use proofreader’s marks to make corrections.

• Use rubric as guide


• Students will edit their revised copy of writing individually.

• Students will use proofreader’s marks to make corrections.

• Students will work with group to make additional editing changes.

Biography Editing Rubric Author: ____________________________ Date: _________________________


Exceeds Standard (+1)

Meets Standard (3)

Partially Meets Standard


Does Not Meet Standard


Sentence Structure

Always used complete sentences.

Used complete sentences most of the time.

Used complete sentences some

of the time.

Rarely used complete sentences.

Word Use Always used the correct subject-verb agreement.

Used the correct subject-verb

agreement most of the time.

Used the correct subject-verb

agreement some of the time.

Rarely used the correct subject-verb agreement.

Comma Use- in a series & in compound sentences

Always used commas in the correct places.

Used commas in the correct place most of the time.

Used commas in the correct place some of the time.

Rarely used commas in the correct place.

Apostrophe Use Always used apostrophes in

the correct place.

Used apostrophes in the correct

place most of the time.

Used apostrophes in the correct

place some of the time.

Rarely used apostrophes in

the correct place.

Quotation Marks – Beginning and

closing marks

Always used quotation marks

in the correct places.

Used quotation marks in the correct place

most of the time.

Used quotation marks in the correct place

some of the time.

Rarely used quotation marks

in the correct place.

Capitalization – proper nouns &

beginning of sentences

Always used commas in the correct places.

Used commas in the correct place most of the time.

Used commas in the correct place some of the time.

Rarely used commas in the correct place.

Spelling Always used the correct spelling of words.

Used the correct spelling of words most of the time.

Used the correct spelling of words some of the time.

Rarely used the correct spelling of words.

End of sentence punctuation

Always used the correct end punctuation.

Used the correct end punctuation most of the time.

Used the correct end punctuation some of the time.

Rarely used the correct end punctuation.

Paragraph Indentation

Always indented paragraphs.

Indented paragraphs some of the time.

Did not indent paragraphs.

Proofreader’s Marks

Used all proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used most of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used some of the proofreader’s marks correctly.

Used very few proofreader’s marks correctly.

Total: Linton, K. (2006). Biography editing rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).


• Students make final copy of writing.

• Students rewrite or type their paper.

• Students share their finished work with appropriate audience.

• Modeling – The teacher will show the students the published copy of her writing.

Practice Activity

• Teacher will hook up computer to television screen.

• Class will use shared writing method.

• Corrections will be transferred to final copy of typed draft.

• Print out published writing.


• Class will go to computer lab.

• Students will make the needed corrections to typed draft.

• Use rubric as guide

• Students will print a published copy of writing.

Biography Publishing Rubric Author: ________________________________ Date: _______________________

Category Exceeds Standard (+1)

Meets Standard (3)

Partially Meets Standard


Does Not Meet Standard

(1) Relates to the

Topic All of the

information relates to the


Most of the information relates

to the topic.

Some of the information relates to the


None of the information relates

to the topic.

Introduction Catches the reader’s attention

and has many details.

Catches the reader’s attention

and has some details.

Catches the reader’s attention

but has few details.

Does not catch the reader’s attention and has only one

detail. Paragraph 1/

Details The event is well

developed and has many details

in it.

The event is developed and

has details some details in it.

The event is somewhat

developed and has few details.

The event is not developed and has no details.

Paragraph 2/ Details

The event is well developed and

has many details in it.

The event is developed and

has details some details in it.

The event is somewhat

developed and has few details.

The event is not developed and has no details.

Paragraph 3/ Details

The event is well developed and

has many details in it.

The event is developed and

has details some details in it.

The event is somewhat

developed and has few details.

The event is not developed and has no details.

Conclusion A conclusion was written with many details & wrapped up the biography.

A conclusion was written with some details & wrapped up the biography.

A conclusion was with very few

details & wrapped up the biography.

A conclusion was not written to wrap up the biography.

Grammar Author makes no errors in


Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar.

Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar.

Author makes 5 or more errors.

Spelling Author makes no errors in spelling.

Author makes 1-2 errors in spelling.

Author makes 3-4 errors in spelling.

Author makes 5 or more errors.

Capitalization Author makes no errors in


Author makes 1-2 errors in


Author makes 3-4 errors in


Author makes 5 or more errors.

Punctuation Author makes no errors in


Author makes 1-2 errors in


Author makes 3-4 errors in


Author makes 5 or more errors.

Organization Well organized. Organized. Somewhat organized.

Not organized.

Total Linton, K. (2006). Biography publishing rubric. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA (READ 7140).

Accommodations & Modifications

• Gifted Students – go to the back of room to begin working on their writing.

• Learning disability students – conference with the teacher during each lesson to make sure that they are on the right track.

• Nonstandard English Student – Teacher will teach mini-lessons on subject-verb agreement and adjective placement within the sentence.