INTERCOM - Jody J. Jessen, USAF ... LTC Harry “Skip” Taylor, USA 242-3279 CH (Lt Col)...

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Transcript of INTERCOM - Jody J. Jessen, USAF ... LTC Harry “Skip” Taylor, USA 242-3279 CH (Lt Col)...

Five-Star ChapterSince 2004


Cape Canaveral Chapter, Inc.Military Officers Association of America

“Visit us at” Serving the Space Coast


VOL. 42 NO 12 DECEMBER 2017Issue Editor: 1LT Beverly Durham, USA (Ret)

2 Good Deeds Foundation Golf Fundraiser. P47 TMBC, 19th Hole IRCC8 Army & Navy Wives, The Tides, p49 Army-Navy Game12 On-The-Go, Dove III, p514 TMBC, 19th Hole IRCC16 MOAACC Christmas Party, IRCC Colony Hall21 TMBC, 19th Hole IRCC25 Christmas Day28 TMBC, 19th Hole IRCC

IRCC – Colony Hall • December 16Social Hour: 5-6 PM

Dinner: 6PM • Dancing to Follow

Meal Choices:Tenderloin of Beef with Béarnaise Sauce

Duchess Potatoes and Asparagusor

Chicken PiccataRice and Asparagus

Both selections come with a Salad andIce Cream with Crème d ’Mint topping.

Price: $36 per person

Checks payable to MOAACC

Send reservations to Jody Jessen900 Cormorant Ct, Viera FL 32955.

If needed, please include specialseating requests.

Deadline for reservations is Dec. 8 Call Jody with questions: 321-636-5678.

MOAACC Christmas Party

Meet the New Leadershipof the Cape Canaveral ChapterThe MOAACC Installation Banquet

13 January 2018 at Colony Hall, IRCC.Details and Reservation form

on Pg 9 of this issue!

1. Sign Up for VA Health Benefits at is an easy guide to VA’s comprehensive medical benefits package. It includes helpful instructions on how to apply.

2. Drop by a Vet Center Did you know there are 300 Vet Centers across the U.S. and sur-rounding territories? They are for Veterans who have served in any combat zone and offer a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services. Visit for more information.

3. Learn About VA Mental Health ResourcesThe Guide to VA Mental Health Services for Veterans and Fami-lies is intended for Veterans, Veteran family members, members of Veteran Service Organizations, or members of other groups interested in VA mental health care. Find the Guide at

4. Help a Homeless Vet Find a HomeVA is committed to ending Veteran homelessness. No one who has served our country should ever go without a safe, stable place to call home. Visit to find out how you can help.

5. Watch Veterans Share Their PTSD ExperiencesAt you can watch brave Veter-ans with PTSD tell their stories, hoping it will help other Vets — a compelling VA online resource.

Continued on Pg 12



MOAACC Membership as of 7 November 2017 was 1434 of whom 345 are Life Members and 298 are Auxiliary Members.


EDITOR 1LT Beverly U. Durham, USA

CIRCULATION MANAGER Lt Col Robert H. Clark, USAF 723-4267

WEBSITE MAILING LIST Col Larry G. Sills, USAF 757-8353

ADVERTISING MANAGER Col Susan B. Neugebauer, USAF 253-9658

PHOTOGRAPHERS Col John D. Beeson, USAF 783-2950 1st Lt Gloria Makowski, USAF 773-0151 LTC Darrell Woehler, USA 446-0615 Maj Andrea M. Eufrazio, USAFR 613-2614 EDITORIAL CONSULTANT CAPT Alfred W. Schumann, USN 752-7275


CPT R. Scott Robinson, USA (Fmr) 241-6181



Col Gary D. Eppler, USAF (Ret) 622-6096



CW3 Daniel L. Smith USA (Ret) 614-403-8915


LTC Amicitia Maloon-Gibson, USA (Ret) 537-5002


COL Jerry M. Gill, USA (Ret) 610-3193


Capt Larry C. Jackson, USAF (Fmr) 757-3936


COL Patrick J. Keane, USA 777-6921


LTC William A. Hampton, USA 254-0418

Capt David F. Conroe, USAF 575-6358724


Col Gary D. Eppler, USAF 622-6096


Maj Tatiana Bohorquez, USAF 433-1271


Capt Jody J. Jessen, USAF


Maj Andrea M. Eufrazio, USAFR 241-4664


CPT John A. Kerns, USA (Fmr) 622-4828


(Term Expires January 2018)

CAPT Jody J. Jessen, USAF (Frm)

Maj Joseph J. Oblack, USAF (Ret) 453-2947

COL Jeffrey C. Rogers, USA (Ret) 254-0487

CPT Donn Weaver, USA (Fmr) 613-2403

(Term Expires January 2019)

RADM Wayne E. Justice, USCG (Ret) 757-474-5777

COL John C. Murphy, USAR (Ret) 745-8296

LTC Harry “Skip” Taylor, USA (Ret) 242-3279


Janis E. Clark, Honorary 431-5659


Roslyn Bates, AUX 773-4459


Maj Joseph J. Oblack, USAF 453-2947

CW4 Robert E. John, USAR 631-8843

CDR A Courtney Yelle, USN 783-3992


LCDR Dean Schaaf, USN 452-0365


COL Jerry M. Gill, USA 610-3193

Col William W. Brandon ll, USAF 255-0174

Capt Larry C. Jackson, USAF 757-3936


Cozette Merritt, AUX 610-4505


CW04 Dan McIntyre 254-6997


CH (Lt Col) Thomas Unrath, USAF 757-3637

CH (MAJ) William P. Adams, USA 960-6877

CH (CDR) Mark Moreno, USNR 242-1610

CH (MAJ) William H. Otis, USA 474-9506


MAJ Timothy D. Pishdad, USA 622-6672


Maj Joseph J. Oblack, USAF 453-2947

Dances: Capt Jody J. Jessen, USAF

Mary E. Dunagan, AUX 775-3896

Cozette Merritt, AUX 610-4505

Ruth M. Oblack, Sp Mbr 453-2947


MAJ Timothy D. Pishdad, USA 622-6672


Capt Jody J. Jessen, USAF


Capt Larry C. Jackson, USAF 757-3936


RADM Wayne E. Justice, USCG 757-474-5777


1LT Cheri M. Hawes, USA 428-5090


CW3 Daniel L. Smith USA 614-403-8915

COL Jeffrey C. Rogers, USA (Vice) 254-0487

Roslyn Bates, AUX 773-4459

Lt Col Robert F. Carpenter lll, USAF 610-1371


MAJ Timothy D. Pishdad, USA 622-6672


COL Patrick J. Keane, USA 777-6921


CWO4 Dan McIntyre, USCGR 254-69997

LTC Harry “Skip” Taylor, USA 242-3279

CDR William Cox, USNR 338-5050


Lt Col Charles Shaw, USAF 506-5778

CAPT Don R. England, USN 610-1371

CAPT Robert C. Houle, USCG 410-353-7032

LTC Harry “Skip” Taylor, USA 242-3279

CH (Lt Col) Thomas Unrath, USAF 757-3637


Capt Robert P. Hanrahan, USAF 801-497-6342

Col William W. Brandon II, USAF 255-0174



CPT Donn Weaver, USA 613-2403


CAPT Robert C. Houle, USCG 410-353-7032

Ruth M. Oblack, Sp Mbr, Asst 453-2947


CPT Jack kerns, USA 622-4828

Gail Holder, Spouse 433-0833

Sheliah Fritz, Spouse 987-5511

Eleanor Joy, Sp Mbr 757-0193

Patricia A. Kerns, Sp Mbr 622-4828

Cozette Merritt, AUX 610-4505

Ruth M. Oblack, Sp Mbr 453-2947

Carlie Rogers, Spouse 254-0487


By RADM Wayne Justice, USCG (Ret)

CPT R. Scott Robinson, USA (Fmr)

Be Informed

Visit to send a message to elected officials asking them to support key legislation that affects the military.

Greetings engaged MOAACC members! Plenty going on, but wanted to draw attention to the new Administration’s first COLA for Social Security and Retired pay… 1 Jan will be 2.0%. This is the highest in 6 years (remember last year’s 0%) and the 2nd most in the last 8 years. Nothing like a new Administration… Of great interest as well is the announced potential changes to the VA’s care policies. The Military Times reports that Veterans Affairs officials recently presented Congress with their formal plan to ease rules concerning veterans seeking medical appointments outside the VA system at government expense, potentially sending tens of thousands of new veterans into the private sector for care. The new plan, which VA leaders spent most of the summer drafting, would do away with rules limiting outside care for veterans who

face a 30-day wait for appointments or a 40-mile travel to VA facilities. That requirement was the basis of the Choice program formed by Congress in 2014, meant to speed access for veterans frustrated with limited VA health options. Instead, the new Veterans Coordinated Access & Rewarding Experiences (Vets CARE) Act would allow medical appointments to any veteran who is seeking specialty care not provided by VA or who faces a wait longer than “a clinically acceptable period.” VA officials could also authorize outside care when “the veteran and the veteran’s primary care provider agree that furnishing care and services through a non-department entity or provider would be in the best medical interest of the veteran.” The new plan would also make it easier for private-sector doctors to access walk-in care at private-sector clinics for minor ailments, with veterans paying a shifting scale of copays to help cover the cost of more convenient care. The department plan would also consolidate a host of outside care programs into a single funding pot, giving VA officials more flexibility in paying for community care offerings. Department leaders began pushing

for that during former President Barack Obama’s administration, arguing it would lead to quicker and more efficient options for veterans. The Vets CARE Act would also expand telehealth options for veteran patients, eliminating department restrictions on where doctors and patients must be located to participate in online sessions. Department officials would also increase partnerships with community clinics and hospitals through new contracts, to create a more formal network of outside physicians accustomed to working with veterans and VA administrators. That includes some sharing of medical records of current VA patients, in hopes of creating seamless care across different offices. Critics have said that shifting more appointments to non-VA doctors will end up costing taxpayers more over time, and will lead to the gradual erosion of VA services as funds are shifted from federal facilities to private-sector ones. House Veterans’ Affairs Committee leaders have already scheduled a hearing on their VA health care reforms proposals. In a statement, committee spokesman Tiffany Haverly said the chairman and committee staff “are reviewing VA’s community care proposal and will take it and stakeholder feedback into consideration as the legislative process moves forward.” And……a new Tax Plan has been floated!! Plenty to digest. Please TAKE ACTION! Thank you.

So we are in the last month of yet another calendar year. For most, it is a time to look forward and set personal and professional goals for the New Year. It is also a time to look back and to identify what worked, what didn’t, and what we will carry over into the New Year. Your membership and support throughout the year have been instrumental to our success. I cannot thank you

enough! Looking ahead, 2017 was a great year. With your help, we can make 2018 an even better year. Our Chapter has two philanthropic arms: the Scholarship Fund and the Good Deeds Fund. The Scholarship Fund helps the children of military families further their education, while the Good Deeds Fund supports local JROTC programs and a multitude

of local military and veteran focused charities. Despite the significant impact these charities have had over the years, many members are unaware of them as an outlet for charitable giving, nor as a source of assistance. As we close out 2017, I ask all our members to consider making an end-of-year gift to one or both of these charities. A bequest or other planned-giving vehicle is also an option worth considering to create a lasting legacy. Our Chapter has a great deal to be thankful for, and what better time of year to express that thanks?


M O A A C CArmy Wives Navy Wives

The Army Wives and Friends will be joining the Navy Wives for a Holiday Lunch on Friday, 8 December 2017 at The Tides Club, PAFB. Meet and Greet at 1130 with Lunch and Entertainment starting at 12 noon. Menu is choice of Beef Tenderloin, Salmon or Fruit Plate. Call Nancy Kinsella at 242-1365 to make your reservation NLT 5 December 2017. Looking forward to a Jolly Good Time together!!

Ros Bates 773-4459

The Christmas luncheon will be held on Friday, Decem-ber 8th at THE TIDES CLUB, PAFB. Social hour begins at 11:30am and lunch will be served at noon. Christmas music will be provided by RAVE Youth Group Director from First United Methodist Church in Cocoa Beach. Our menu selections are Petite Filet of Beef Tender-loin, Grilled Salmon or Seasonal Fresh Fruit. Dessert will be Key Lime Pie. For more information and reservations, please call Anne Bordy at 213-6012 not later than noon, Tuesday, December 5th. Remember Spouses and Friends are always welcome. Our January meeting will be Friday, January 5th at Indian River Colony Club’s AT EASE CLUB. Please note the change of date.

Ellie Joy 757-0193

Save the Date


Friday, 15 December 20173:00 TO 5:00 pm

At Ease Club, IRCCPlease RSVP with your check for

$15 per person (payable to MOAACC) NLT 12 December 2017

Mail to Roslyn Bates290 Paradise Blvd #78Indialantic, FL 32903

For more information Call773-4459 or email at

New Date!

The MOAACCGood Deeds Foundation

Golf Fundraiser Tournament has beenrescheduled for Saturday, 2 December.

For more information, contact Steve Turnerat 321-266-6290 or via email atsteventurner75@ or

In the Photo, 1VP Gary Eppler (L) thanks Col Kurt Matthews, the Commander of the the 920th Rescue Wing at Patrick Air Force Base. Col Matthews spoke to the membership at the October Luncheon about the 920th Rescue Wing’s operations and their recent activities rescuing people at sea and hurricane victims.

In the photo, MAJ George Bowdren, USA Retired, accepts his Certificate of Life Membership in the Cape Canaveral Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America from CW3 Dan Smith, Chairman of the MOAACC Membership Committee.

(Offering a 25% Discount to Military Personnel)

For more information visit our website

or call us at

(321) 676-2525Our New Location:

2627 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite 105Melbourne, FL 32935


On The Go uncheon

Meets the Second Tuesday each Month


For Reservations or additional information:Phone: Mary Dunagan at (321) 775-3896

Cut off for reservations,cancellations 8 December

Date & Time: 12 DEC., Tues. -11:30AMCost: Per Individual Location: Dove lll 836 E. New Haven Ave. Melbourne, FL (Old Town) 321-725-3683

The Intercom is published 12 times annually by the Cape Canaveral Chapter, Inc. an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America of Alexandria, VA.Contents of The Intercom articles are the opinions solely of the authors and do not necessarily express the policy or official views of MOAA or the Cape Canaveral Chapter.Your comments and suggestions are welcome.Mailing Address: P.O. Box 254186 • Patrick AFB, FL 32925-4186 Email:

On Thursday, 19 October Congressman Bill Posey addressed a special meeting of the MOAACC Current Affairs Forum after the Thursday Morning Breakfast Club (TMBC) at the 19th Hole in the Indian River Colony Club. Congressman Posey spoke for about 25 minutes; giving a very interesting presentation on congressional issues important to MOAA Members, and then answered questions from the floor. This was a great opportunity to speak with Representative Posey about his support for MOAA’s legislative agenda including ending sequestration, ending the widow tax for surviving spouses who receive dependency and indemnity compensation from the VA, and preventing unreasonable hikes to Tricare fees. Mr. Posey represents Florida’s 8th Congressional District which encompasses all of Brevard and Indian River Counties, and a small portion of Orange County. In the photos provided by CW3 Amir “Pish” Pishdad, we see Congressman Posey at the podium and with MOAACC Legislative Affairs Chairman, RADM Wayne Justice, who introduced Congressman Posey at the meeting.


Our earlier articles in The Intercom emphasized the importance of having a sound investing program for our family’s future, financial security and independence and the urgency of starting such a program now. In these articles we emphasized the critical role we play in helping our family recognize this new world order which is much different from the one that we (the senior cohort of our membership) grew up in. To recap: the trend over the last several decades in the personal financial world is clear: our society is shifting away from a future retirement funded primarily from a military and/or civilian company pension plan (called “defined benefit”) and Social Security to one where our quality of life in retirement will be funded primarily from the personal savings and investments (called “defined contribution”) we made during the entirety of our working years. This societal shift places a very heavy emphasis on personal responsibility for planning for our retirement. Our chapter’s newest program provides help on how to thrive in this new environment. To assist our MOAA Cape Canaveral Chapter’s membership in our journey to financial independence we have established a Financial Literacy program which complements our two other chapter programs designed to assist our membership. Unlike financial literacy, which is a life-long process, the other programs are provided to help our membership during difficult and stressful transition periods: • Transition and Career Support Program (TCS) and • Survivor Assistance As promised, this month we’re starting a new series of articles that will focus on investing education and training

opportunities locally (Patrick Air Force Base) and online that you may want to pursue yourself or pass along to other members of your family and friends. This latest initiative is part of an ongoing program our Chapter has developed to help members and their families learn how to invest for their future financial independence. Our program includes a partnership with local BetterInvesting volunteers to help us learn how to invest. BetterInvesting is a non-profit organization that teaches individuals and investment clubs how to properly employ fundamental analysis to become successful long-term investors through investments in high quality growth stocks at an attractive price. They have graciously agreed to assist us on our journey to financial independence. Their mission “... to provide a program of sound investment information, education and support that helps create successful lifetime investors” is a good fit with our other Chapter membership and community support programs. We look forward to viewing BetterInvesting’s various local and internet webinar based courses for our members and members extended families (e.g., your grandchildren) on how to invest for their future financial independence. You can start now on your journey by reading an “Offshoots Article” (Published with permission from BetterInvesting) which discusses how a couple of retired Army colonels helped start two youth investing clubs for their progeny and their friends. Very interesting reading with lots of good ideas to help your family on their journey to financial independence. Please view this article on our Chapter’s website ( to benefit from the hyperlinks embedded in the article. Go to “Misc Links” and click on the first item in the list (Chapter Financial Literacy Program Overview”). Then click on the blue, underlined stuff.

By CAPT Bob Houle, USCG, Retired


LTC Peter J. Baker, USA Ret(Eliane)Lawrenceville, GA 30045Sponsor: John Murphy

Mrs. Charlotte Butts (AUX)Satellite Beach, FL 32937-3907

Lt Col Kathryn CantuMelbourne, FL 32940-8605Sponsor: Tim Pishdad

Mrs. Clara Cleland (AUX)Melbourne, FL 32940-6705

LTJG Joseph R. Dillon, USCG (Katherin)Cocoa, FL 32927-3435Sponsor: Dan McIntyre

Col Michael C. Lane, USAF Ret(Ruth)Melbourne, FL 32940-6720Sponsor: Dan Smith

Mrs. Ruth C. Lane, SPOUSE(Mike)Melbourne, FL 32940-6720Sponsor: Dan Smith

Doriot A. Mascarich, USA Ret(John Olsen)Melbourne, FL 32940

Mrs. Coila M. Moeller (AUX)Melbourne, FL 32940-7848

CAPT Frederick (Rick) D. Puncke, Jr., USN Ret(Rose Marie)Melbourne, FL 32940-6731

Col Pete B. Todsen, USMC Ret (Linda)Melbourne, FL 32940-6747Sponsor: Skip Taylor

MAJ John A. Wilf, USA RetCoral Springs, FL 33067Sponsor: Roger Wilf

Our annual renewal campaign kicks off Dec.1st. Renewal invoices for Regular, Auxiliary and Spouse members will be mailed to the member’s address on file. We have over 900 members renewing this year. An addressed reply envelope will be included with the invoice. Please update the information that has changed since last year, including your spouse on your membership. Members have three methods to choose from to submit their renewal payment: check; on-line by check which requires a check be sent; or on-line with credit card at the chapter’s website. Address any questions to the Membership Committee or our data keeper, Jan Clark, at (321) 431-5659 or email at Get your renewal in early. Don’t risk being dropped from the chapter roster. Your continued membership helps our chapter remain the largest in the U.S.

2018 MembershipCampaign

Effective January 1, 2018, the federal lifetime estate tax exemption will increase to $5,600,000 per indi-vidual (up from $5,490,000). This is the total amount of tax-free money an individual may pass during his/her lifetime and/or at death. However, Florida does not have an estate tax. Federal estate taxes may still be due, depending on the value of the gross estate. The gross estate includes trust assets, assets held in the decedent’s name, jointly held property, accounts desig-nating a beneficiary, life insurance, annuities, etc. The estate tax return (IRS form 706) is due 9 months after death. A significant number of Floridians eventually relocate to other states, often because of health issues and/or to be closer to family. If the possibility exists that you may return to or relocate to one of the 21 states that has its own estate tax - New York and New Jersey are among them - it may be appropriate to include tax planning in

your estate plan, as a precautionary measure. Married couples can double this amount and pass $11,200,000 estate tax-free. If a spouse has not used up the individual exemption at death, the surviving spouse may combine the unused amount with his/her own exemption. To claim a deceased spouse’s unused exemption, the decedent’s estate must file a federal es-tate tax return and take the “portability” election within nine months. The annual estate and gift tax exclusion will also in-crease in 2018, from $14,000 to $15,000. As much as $15,000 may be given to any one individual, to as many individuals as you wish, without affecting your lifetime exemption. Married couples can double that amount. You are not limited to $15,000 if you want to pay for someone’s medical expenses or tuition, so long as the money goes directly to the medical or educa-tional provider.

Submitted by COL John C. Murphy, USAR Ret


Though the weather did not cooperate in October and I cannot yet report the Good Deeds Foundation (GDF) proceeds from our annual Golf Tournament now set for 02 December at the Cocoa Beach Country Club, as GDF President I can share lots of good news. Our Fall Intercom Envelope Fund Drive got off to a good start and we hope to surpass the $5000 raised that way last year as 2017 draws to the close. Forecasts for the Golf proceeds are better than ever, and we hope Brevard weather in early December will cooperate. Last year we earned over $6000 from the Golf Tournament and expect at least a 20 per cent increase this time around. At the annual MOAACC Membership Meeting on 21 November, I passed out 2017 GDF Report Cards which I will update for the January Intercom, but which are incomplete as of this submission deadline. However, because of our good news with Fall fundraising, we were able to support a number of new activities in the last few months. Grants have been made to: • the Civil Air Patrol for their building fund at Space Coast Airport (TiCo) and to adopt them as a new military youth outreach unit like JROTC and the Sea Cadets; • the original Veterans Cemetery of Brevard County in Titusville to spruce up the long-neglected area for veterans who were buried there since 1978 until the Cape Canaveral VA National Cemetery (CCNC) was opened in 2016; • Rockledge High School for a new Flag Pole and Plaza area for the JROTC and school during special sports and other programs; • the Brevard USO for support to children of junior enlisted active duty personnel from all services for stocking stuffing and special needs during the holiday season; • purchase more umbrellas to protect mourners at the CCNC and MOAACC/GDF tags to id them as our donations; • special funding from members to support four junior enlisted active duty military teams to enter and enjoy the golf tournament; • and to several other veteran related causes as the year winds down. We also will present $5000 to Operation WarmHeart at PAFB in mid-December for holiday spirit and special needs for active duty junior enlisted personnel, a MOAACC tradition for over two decades. So, thanks to all of you who have supported our GDF efforts in 2017. Thanks also to Steve Turner and his very hard-working Golf Committee who have been busy since July and overcome the rainout to ensure great success, and I suspect a great deal of fun at the GDF Golf Tournament on 02 December. Finally, we have two Board openings in 2018 so please contact me or any Board Member (listed on the inside back page of the Intercom) for more information or to sign up. We in the GDF hope you are all proud of what we are doing to support the great philanthropy pillar of MOAACC.

Submitted by Donn Weaver, GDF President, 321-613-2403

On 01 November, MOAACC Student Affairs Chairman

CWO4 Dan McIntyre and Good Deeds Foundation (GDF)

President CPT Donn Weaver (Not Pictured) presented checks

to the Civil Air Patrol 47 of Space Coast Airport in Titusville.

The first check covered funding to help create their new

facility in the background and the second was to the cadets to

inaugurate their addition to the 17 JROTC and 2 Sea Cadet

Units that MOAACC and the GDF support in Brevard County.


Meet the New Leadership of the

Cape Canaveral Chapter

MOAACC Installation Banquet

IRCC – Colony Hall Installing Officer:

Lt. Gen. John L. "Jack" Woodward Jr, USAF (Ret.)

January 13, 2018 Social Hour: 5-6 PM

Dinner: 6 PM Dancing with Music by Sass ‘n Brass

Meal Choices:

Tournedos of Beef or Salmon with Lemon Pepper Cream

with Duchess Potatoes and Mixed Vegetables

Both selections come with a Salad and Dessert is Vanilla Ice Cream with Strawberries

Price: $37 per person Please complete the form below and send with your check (payable to MOAACC) to the address at right.

Mail To: Jody Jessen 900 Cormorant Ct. Viera FL 32955 Questions? Call Jody at 321-636-5678

Names: 1. 2.

Phone Number: Special Seating Requests:

Meal Selections: # Beef # Fish

Amount Enclosed (Number of Meals x $37): $ Check No:

(Use additional sheet as required)

Reservations must be received by January 5, 2018


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6. Discover the Many Ways VA Is Helping Women VeteransThe VA has made tremendous progress improving services for women by redesigning the delivery of comprehensive primary care for women and training VA providers in women’s health. Visit

7. Enroll in the MyHealtheVet On-line ProgramMy HealtheVet is VA’s online per-sonal health record. It was designed for Veterans, active duty Service-members, their dependents and car-egivers. My HealtheVet helps you partner with your health care team. It provides you opportunities and tools to make informed decisions and manage your health care. Visit to get started!

8. Stop Smoking and Binge EatingVisit to find help to quit smoking, lose weight, and a lot more to keep you healthy.

9. Take Advantage of the Veter-ans Crisis LineThe Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring VA responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Get connected at

10. Visit: Features/2012101a.asp for even more links to VA Services!This is a quick list of links to the many health support services avail-able to Veterans. 11. Bonus. Have a Happy and Healthy 2018!

Continued from Pg 1

Adapted from a December 2015 VA article.<

List-for-Veterans-in-2016.asp> (links accessed November 2017)

Please send your inputs,comments and suggestions



e Joy



Submitted By CH (MAJ) Bill Adams, USAR (Ret)

Robin M. Petersen,■ Former JAG Officer■ Military Brat■ Board Certified in Elder Law by the

National Elder Law Foundation■ VA Accredited Attorney■ MOAA Lifetime Member

Tracy A. Glover, Esq.■ Lieutenant Colonel

U.S. Army JAG, retired

■ MOAA Member

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As I write, I am looking off my hotel balcony, gazing upon Bethlehem of Judea. Somehow, in the passing of the Year of our Lord (A.D.) 2017, we’ve already reached December and Christmas is rapidly approaching! Now, to think that both the year we’re marking and the holiday we’re celebrating had their beginning in that “little town” I’m beholding. The birth of Jesus was, in context, a completely Jewish event that became, in tradition, a completely Christian event. He who Christians call “Christ” (from the Greek Christos) was proclaimed by His fellow Jews as “Messiah” (from the Hebrew Mashiach, the Anointed One). Curiously, the Judean town that saw this most famous Jewish birth is now predominately Muslim with a remnant of Christianity struggling to hold on. And that “little town” is hardly little anymore--Bethlehem of today is a noisy, bustling city of

O Little Town of Bethlehem... How still we see thee lie. Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, the silent stars go by.

220,000! My point to ponder is this: With the rapid passage of time and all the changes that entails, would we rather hold on to tradition or reality? In answering that for myself, I think I want some of both. As a Christian at Christmas, I treasure the songs, the feasts, and festivities that anchor me to the Christ child’s birth. I also love the tradition of family being drawn together in the deep bonds we share in the way of that “dreamless sleep” of that little town, so long ago. That Bethlehem is no longer a sleepy little town, like so many other things that become less than idyllic over time, anchors me to an important reality: I’m here to shine the light of Bethlehem into the dark corners of humanity. Whether by faith, tradition, or even proximity, we can all receive of that eternal light and share it with others walking in darkness.

On behalf of all the MOAACC Chaplains who are privileged to pray for you and serve your spiritual needs, I wish you every blessing in this season of light. Merry Christmas! Yet in thy dark street shineth the Everlasting Light, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

Edward S. BreakellIMO COL William B. Hawley

Mary DunaganIMO Billie Meyer

Jody JessenIMO Pat Hughes

Thomas RosekIn Memory of

MG JOHN R.D. CLELANDMary DunaganErwin C. Hamm

Ernie JoyGloria Makowski

Susan Neugebauer





CDR A Courtney Yelle, USN 783-3992


Brig Gen Gordon P. Masterson, USAF 752-4805 Secretary Roslyn Bates, AUX 773-4459 Treasurer LTC Steven G. Turner, USA 266-6290 CAPT Ernest H. Joy II, USN 757-0193 Col Susan B. Neugebauer, USAF 253-9658 CDR Fred J. Reeg Jr., USN 452-0210 CDR A Courtney Yelle, USN 783-3992


Treasurer LTC Steven G Turner, USA 266-6290

Assistant Treasurer Roslyn Bates, AUX 773-4459


CAPT Ernest H. Joy II, USN 757-0193

1LT Cheri M. Hawes, USA 428-5090

CDR Charles R. McRae Sr., USN 610-3489

Cozette Merritt, AUX 610-4505

Lt Col Joseph G. Tichich, USAF 576-5370

Contributions to the MOAACC Scholarship Fund should be sent to:

P.O. Box 254708, Patrick AFB, FL 32925-4708.

Donations to the Good Deeds Fund

should be sent to:

P.O. Box 254186, Patrick AFB, FL 32925-4186



CPT Donn A. Weaver, USA 613-2403

Vice President

RADM Wayne Justice, USCG 757-474-5777


Col Jerry M. Gill, USA 610-3193



Board Members:

1LT Cheri Hawes, USA 428-5090

CW4 Robert John, USAR 631-8843

Maj Joseph J. Oblack, USAF 458-2047

COL Tom Rosek, USAR 259-2627



TMBC meets each Thursday at 0800 at the 19th

Hole, Indian River Colony Club (IRCC).

CPT R. Scott Robinson, USA (Fmr) 241-6181


Meets the 3rd Tuesday at Colony Hall IRCC.

Reservation Form, Program and Menu on page 16.

Sheliah Fritz (


Dave Conroe ( 575-633-8724


Meets 3rd Thursday every other month starting

January (odd-numbered months) at the 19th Hole,

IRCC immediately following TMBC.

CAPT Ernest H. Joy II, USN 757-0193


Meets 2nd Tuesday for lunch at local restaurants.

Details on page 5.

Mary E. Dunagan , AUX 775-3896

Please Contact Donn Weaver if you would like

to serve on the Good Deeds Foundation Board

Want to help the MOAACC Chap-ter’s Scholarship Fund and America’s future leaders through a gift of life in-surance? Do you have an insurance policy that is no longer as relevant or necessary as it once was? Why not use your insurance to “insure” the future of young leaders and the country they love? The Scholarship Fund can use your donation. Gifts of insurance, though one of the sim-plest types of gifts to arrange, are often an overlooked asset but can have just as much of an impact as a traditional bequest. You can easily make the MOAACC Chapter’s Schol-arship Fund the charitable benefici-ary of your paid-up life insurance policy. All that’s generally required is your signature on a change of ben-eficiary form. For an added tax benefit, you may also make a gift of a paid-up whole life policy and receive an income tax deduction by transferring ownership to the MOAACC Scholarship Fund, a 501(c)(3) registered charity. Your deduction on a paid-up policy will be

equal to the cash surrender value of the policy on the date it is do-nated, or your cost basis, whichever is less. The benefits of this type of asset in support of the MOAACC Scholarship Fund are hard to deny, especially in the case of retirees who may have purchased a policy in their early working years with the intent of providing for their young children. These children may now be grown up and settled in their own careers, making the financial safety net virtu-ally obsolete. Although your policy may have outlived its original pur-pose, it can be put to tremendously good use as a charitable gift in sup-port of conservative principles that will affect the lives of many genera-tions of Americans. So be sure to take a look at that overlooked policy in your file drawer and consider how it might be given a new life as a legacy for America through a scholarship to the future leaders of America. Call CDR Courtney Yelle, USN Retired, if you need more information.

Submitted by CDR Courtney Yelle, USN RetGifts of Life Insurance

James D. Alexander, Lt Col, USAF Ret.1 October 2017

Robert L. Moeller, Brig Gen, USAF Ret.1 October 2017

Elmer T. Helms, Col, USAF Ret.2 October 2017

James L. Butts, CW3, USA Ret.15 October 2017

Marle J. “Billie” MeyerSpouse of COL Warren J. “Bud” Meyer,

USA Ret21 October 2017

John R. D. Cleland, MG, USA Ret.25 October 2017

Myrtle L. (Jean) Coleman, CPT, USA Ret.28 September 2017


Life Membership payable over threeconsecutive months.Make Check payable to MOAACC or pay online at MOAACC.orgDues and Fees include subscription to THE INTERCOM.

The Military Officers Association of America, Cape Canaveral Chapter (MOAACC)P.O. Box 254186, Patrick AFB, FL 32925-4186


New Chapter Annual New Chapter Life


Street Address




Check appropriate boxes:

Change of InformationLife Membership


Service Member DOB


Spouse’s Name


MOAA National Membership No. (See MOAA magazine label)

Nat’l Gd.ReserveRegular

Age Fees

40-49 $460

50-59 $400

60-69 $330

70-79 $235

Active Duty

Former Officer

Sponsor’s Name

Chapter Membership $20Active Duty/Drilling Reserve:

First Year - No Cost

Spouse of Member



Lacerations • Stitches • Cuts/BruisesSprains/Breaks • Sports MedicineOrthopedic InjuriesPre-Employment & Sports PhysicalsAuto Injuries • Work Comp


Monday - Friday 8 am - 7 pmSaturday & Sunday 8 am - 5 pm

(321) 242-SICK(7425)

Located in the Centre at Suntree PlazaNext to the YMCA • 1 Mile N. of Pineda Causeway

6300 N. Wickham Rd. • Suite 101Melbourne, Florida

Please mail to above address or register online at

Age Fees

80-89 $155

90-99 $75

100+ No Cost