Interactions of the systems 2018 part 2 notes

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Interactions of the systems 2018 part 2 notes

Structures, Functions, and Interactions

Today I am learning about the body

systems because they keep me alive by working together.

All classes were able to write the notes last week, but nothing


Organs: glands such as hypothalamus, thyroid, ovaries, testes

Functions: Controls body functions by using chemical messages from glands

Interactions: Sends growth hormones to skeletal system, releases adrenaline into the blood stream to stimulate the muscles into action.

Organs: Tonsil, Spleen, Thymus, Lymph Nodes

Function: returns leaked fluids to blood vessels and helps get rid of bacteria and viruses.

Interactions: White blood cells made in the bones grow into T cells in the thymus.

Organs: Skin, Hair, Nails

Functions: Protects; keeps water in & foreign particles out; allows you touch; regulates temperature; gets rid of wastes (ex- sweat)

Interactions: Works with the nervous system to keep you aware of your surroundings.

Structures: Large Intestines, rectum, anus

Functions: Material that cannot be absorbed into the blood stream is compacted in the large intestines for elimination.

Interactions: The large intestine absorbs water into the cardiovascular system for use throughout the body.

Structures: kidney, urinary bladder, urethra

Functions: Blood is filtered through the kidneys to remove cell/body waste. Waste is stored in the bladder and eliminated as urine.

Interactions: Cleans waste from the circulatory system.

Structures: Nose, Trachea (Wind Pipe), Lungs: Bronchi/Bronchioles, Alveoli

Function: Moves oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide and water vapor from the body.

Interactions: Circulatory system carries oxygen to the cells and carbon dioxide away.

Structures: Heart, blood vessels

Functions: Heart pumps blood through all blood vessels.

Interactions: Highway system of the body, carries food (digestive) and oxygen (respiratory) to the cells and carries waste away.

Structures: Testes (male), ovaries, and uterus (female)

Function: Create a new living individual

Interactions: The endocrine system regulates the hormones necessary for sexual maturity and reproduction.