Intelligent Transportation Trends chpt.5 - Tolling and Enforcement

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The term Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) was coined over two decades ago to designate applications of information and communication technologies to the operational management of transportation networks. The main promise of ITS has been very consistent over that period: network capacity can be freed up by optimizing traffic controls and empowering users with accurate travel information. It can be debated how much faith practitioners and policy makers have placed in technology by investing their resources, as well as the extent to which Intelligent Transportation Systems have delivered on their promise. However, there is no question that steady and sometimes spectacular advances in computing technologies and usage trickle down to transportation applications in important ways. As a result, new products and services emerge continuously. They include systems that address the direct needs of networks managers, as well as others that are developed in tangential markets (e.g. automotive) or even through non-market mechanisms (e.g. many mobile web applications). This talk presentation reviews major trends in information and communication technologies and demonstrate how each of them is driving innovative transportation services. We attempt to envision how those trends might develop in the future, so that we can finally examine some of their implications for travel demand and network management. There lie both challenges and opportunities for transportation engineers and planners, but either way, profound changes appear inevitable.

Transcript of Intelligent Transportation Trends chpt.5 - Tolling and Enforcement

Intelligent Transportation Trends and Perspectives


J.D. Margulici

Chapter 5: Tolling and Enforcement

Note to copyright owners: all third-party materials contained in this presentation were obtained from publicly available sources. However, they are reproduced here without explicit permission from their

owners. Novavia Solutions will gladly remove any such material at the owner’s request.

ITS primer and brief history

State of the art: tolling & enforcement

Information technology trends

Prospective and implications

J.D. Margulici

Intelligent Transportation

Trends and Perspectives


Transportation Funding

ITS Trends and Perspectives - April 2011 3

Not only is the Highway Trust Fund running a deficit, current spending

levels are inadequate to even maintain existing infrastructure in the long run

Transit Electronic Fare Payment Systems

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Electronic Tolling and Enforcement

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Texas Turnpike (Austin)

Road User Charges

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Parking Payment / Enforcement

Add Streetline, SF Park…

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Red Light Enforcement

850 fatalities, 170,000 injuries / year (NHTSA)

Systems reduce red light running, but safety benefits are moderate

Typically split revenue between provider and city

Big business – Total Addressable Market $3B by some estimates

Carlyle Group, Macquarie to acquire Redflex Holdings for $304m

ITS Trends and Perspectives - April 2011 8

Red Light Enforcement: Safety Benefits

Combined results for seven jurisdictions

Right-angle crashes Rear end crashes

Total crashes Definite

injury Total

crashes Definite injury

EB estimate of crashes expected in the after period without RLC 1,542 351 2,521 131

Count of crashes observed in the after period

1,163 296 2,896 163

Estimate of percentage change (standard error)

- 24.6 (2.9)

- 15.7 (5.9)

14.9 (3.0)

24.0 (11.6)

Estimate of the change in crash frequency - 379 - 55 375 32

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FHWA-HRT-05-049, April 2005

Speed Enforcement

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Source: Cochrane Collaboration based on a review of 35 published studies

Speed reduction


Speeding reduction


Crash reduction


VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder)

Automated Speed Enforcement Deployment: France

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3 1 2

Occupancy Enforcement

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Intelligent Transportation Trends and Perspectives


J.D. Margulici

Next is Chapter 6: Mobility Services