Intelligent Energy Europe Info Day - 2012 01 24 Bruxelles - presentation3/3

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Intelligent Energy Europe Info Day - 2012 01 24 Bruxelles - presentation1/3

Transcript of Intelligent Energy Europe Info Day - 2012 01 24 Bruxelles - presentation3/3

Anette Jahn & Waltraud SchmidHeads of Sector, Renewable Unit & Energy Efficiency Unit

European Info Day, Intelligent Energy - EuropeBrussels, 24 January 2012

1} The lEE évaluation; prtncîpies & timing

2) Effective proposais: thé award criteria

3) Get advice: your way to IEE information

4) Seing successfui in IEE: tips and hints in a nutshell

IlpE nvfjluatîori: Principles

> Pair and eqyal treatment of ail proposeras Based on thé criteria announced in thé Call•/ Confidential process, no conflicts of interests Independent external experts as advisers

> Compêtitivfrjjroetsfs Indicative budget (per field) as guidance

• . • • . . •

3 steps of tl ié '/aluatîon^ Elîgîbilîty criteria^ Sélection criteriav' Award criteria

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Deadline Results8 May* I Nov2012

Your proposaipréparation

j EvaluationI __.

Exception: separate deadlines for BUILD UF

1) The IEE évaluation: prîncïples & timing

2} Effective proposais; meetthe award erîteria

3) Get advice: your way to IEE information

4) Being successfui in IEE: tips and hints in a nutshell

•I X

thé *mwsts* : • -1 i|criteria.,,

t N T t l. I. I !i f H J

> Proposais can ONLY be submittecthrough on-line application System (EPSS)

> Proposais must be on time

> Proposai must be complète

> Minimum 3 indépendant partners from3 différent elîgible courtfrles** (EU, Croatia,Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Former YugoslavRepublic of Macedonia)

> Proppsers must prove their financial &technical̂ apacity

.and convince on thé

> 5 criteria with 3 sub-criteria each> 0-10 points par criterion> threshold 50% (6+)

> Threshold for recommendedproposais: 70% (score 35+)

> No secret- : ̂ x,<;,.;,; . . ;'" ,x,published in Call for proposais

> Instructions & Advice included in'Guide for proposers'



Relevance of thé proposed action

Quality of implementation methodology

Ambition and credibility of thé impacts of théproposed action •. ,̂..-,rï~..̂ ..;,. . • *$ *<« „•.,-,

EU added value

Resources ailocated to thé proposed action

each wiîh 3 sub-cnteriaDifferent/additional Criteria for 'BUILD UP Skills'and 'IWLEI - Project Development Assistance':refer to Call text

idea relevant?

> Focus on 2012 Cail prîorities

> Show how you solve userneeds and market barriers

> Explain how you com| .aientexiste" \ /;;. ities

.';"-':dl thé priorilfef'for 2012in thô Call text- look outfor, "Pripritîes for action in2012"'"

t major part on

i ' iMng in markeé ;ji«v (gi; /i thc start


> Care about methodology. fyour target groups / stakel s

> Set up a clear work programme andtime plan, Reflect on how tomeasure and monitor yourperformance. Show it in orksteps

• • ". ,

> Communication is key to thé IEprogramme - and to your projeProvide a comprehensive pian, betaïior made, hlre professiona!

B précise, <".«ar, iDel ne your te '"«.k-slogy.

ii ijec i im

at.-.*, ::; sdi îeriW ^a^ofyour pi D| os il f î t to lethei

10 1

Criterion 3: What's "ambitious

> Visualise thé scale ofservices/outcomes you plan toproduce and delîver

> Visualise thé expected impactwithîn and after project duration

> Show thé sustainability of yoursolutions beyond thé IEEfunding - what will continue totrigger effects?

Use SMART indicators, Showyour ambition. Use them înyourwork programmé!

S Spécifie•S Measurable*/ AchievableS Relevant•S Time^bound

> vidence that EU collaborationleads to greater benefits

> Argue and convince on théappropriate geographical focus

more than assemlingseveral countries> Show a clear pian and commitment

for how and te a your resultswill be transferred

s Explain yûur cnoices

/ Include transferactrfîties%ithin yourwork programme

> Efficient team composition,responsibilities, management

> Level of hours for each workpackage and main task

> Justification of costs andco-financïng

' Budget must be realisticand bottom-up

! it fit: managementplan fits to challenge,sktiis fit to tasks, volumeof hours fit to tasks etc

/ Own co-funding needs\sJncere reasoning ^^

Recall of important~''"*"idgetprinciples:

> IEE projects are çosjtéhared projects: no profit makir»g ailowed> staff costs + overhead costs are prédominant cost items> staff costs based on actual. real salary + social charges> évidence required for staff costs (e.g.: copies of payslips, timeshéets)

> Fiat Rate of 60% on sféff costs to cover indirect co^ts("overheads") - do not need to be justified JC ,

> No basic research or hardware costs àccepted

> EU Fundsng of up to 75% of total eligible costs

1) The IEE évaluation

2) Effective proposais: thé a^arl erfteria

••:-.: vm.^ way • "M ̂ fc-'.rai;^<

: I l tips M ;^r;tf 1

'Callfor Proposais';. :-; iy.. i !V! 'y:


nquirç service: questions r§lâte^tq thé call & rules: SJ:'TÎ i : :"'.:.: ̂ ; J-;.. ?P,P Ws>k:ii :

^r^';'.K |j||. ai", ,

> Régional/nationalassociations

> Nationale Contact Point(NCP) (see IEE website)

> Partner search facility ofManagEnergy

> EACI cannot recommendpartners

Take a(nother) look at théIEE website :

http;//ec.europ jentenergyj

we look forward to yourproposai!