Integration of East and West Perspectives Using Yin/Yang as a Lens

Post on 19-May-2015

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This presentation summarizes my thoughts about the coming together of east and west perspectives using Yin/Yang as a lens. The premise is that western management thought with its strong focus on efficiency and results unintentionally leads to disenchantment and disengagement. Chinese perspectives with its 5000 years of history has much to offer. Business in Chinese is 生意, which means meaning of life. However, rather than just describing as a east/west dichotomy, the quest is to seek wholeness and thus the integration of east/west perspectives. Wholeness can be represented by the yin/yang philosophy, where opposite and complementary forces come together. The balance of these opposing forces is not achieved through 50:50 weightage like on a weighing scale. Rather, balance is achieved over time through the constant unbalancing and balancing of these forces. In this process, energy (氣) or life is generated. Experiencing wholeness requires us to be: aware of the dynamics in a situation, accept with non judgement and act with wisdom. This presented at the Asia Organization Development Network Conference in 2012. Wendy Tan is the Founding Partner of Flame Centre (, a organization development consulting and training organization and welcomes responses at

Transcript of Integration of East and West Perspectives Using Yin/Yang as a Lens

Copyright of Flame Centre 2012

Demise of western

management thought is


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Wendy TanFounding Partner


Using Yin/Yang as a Lens

Copyright of Flame Centre 2012

Objectives of Session:

1. Share Reflection and Research on integration of West/East thinking in seek of wholeness

2. Exchange perspectives on this topic

Copyright of Flame Centre 2012

3 Questions

•What is the East/West dichotomy?•How can East and West engage each other to have wholeness?•What are the examples of East/West integration?

Copyright of Flame Centre 2012

Management by Objectives

Balanced Scorecard

Business Engineering

Western Management Thought





Rising Confidence of AsiaFrom being Factory

of the World to now an Innovator

Copyright of Flame Centre 2012

‘Business’ in Chinese is ‘生意’ (pronounced as Sheng Yi)

Which means“Meaning of Life”

Eastern/Chinese Management Thought

Lao Zi 36 Strategies

Tao Zhu Gong’s Business Principles12 Golden Standards

Be a good judge of characterBe customer oriented

Be single-mindedBe captivating in your sales promotion

Be quick to respondBe vigilant in credit control

Be selective to recruit only the bestBe bold in marketing your product

Be smart in product acquisitionBe adept in analyzing market

opportunitiesBe a corporate model

Be far-sighted in developing a total business plan

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Western Hero Chinese Hero

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Western Notion of Exercise

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Chinese Notion of Exercise

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West East

CommonalitiesFocus on what works

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West• Metal• Consumptive• Competitive• Concrete, tools,

processes• Black and white;

hard• Highly rational

• Direct• Legalistic• Shorter term

East/Chinese• Water• Restorative• Harmony• Philosophical,

principle based• Flexible, soft• Mixture of logic

and relationship• Indirect• Relationship • Longer term

What is the East/West dichotomy?

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Exercise 1: At your table groups, define the east/west dichotomy in management/organizations. You can define according to time horizon, creativity, control, empowerment, relationship, leadership, decision making, structure, flexibility, images and etc.

vs.West East

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Need for the coming

together of East & WestWhat is this

coming together of East & West?

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In Search of

圓滿(yuan man)

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Exercise 2:

Pick up an image that represents WHOLENESS to you.

Share with your Partner for 3 mins:- Your image of WHOLENESS- Describe 1 experience of WHOLENESS

Share at your table group for 10 mins. Identify one image/story to share to all.

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Perhaps the role of OD is to seek wholeness in organizations and balance productivity with humanity.

Peter Block

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Yin-Yang as a Representation of


• Co-existence of opposite but complementary forces

• Always shifting in seek of balance

• In the shift from imbalance to balance, energy is created

• This energy is life or progress

How can East and West Engage Each Other in Seek of


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What does Balance mean?

When balance is placed as a scale, it means:When 1 is up, the other is necessarily down. When 1 wins, the other loses. It is also static and short term.

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Is Balance 50:50?

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A Different Notion of Balance

Balance is circular and dynamic.At any one time, 1 force is stronger than the other (70:30).This imbalance requires the other force to emerge to achieve balance.Balance is achieved OVER time in the longer term.This imbalance and rebalancing also gives energy, Chi and life.Wholeness is the coming together of the opposing forces.

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Western Medicine



Examples of East/West Integration

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Confront vs. Avoid

Examples of East/West Integration

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Process run People vs. People run Process

Examples of East/West Integration

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The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.

- F Scott Fitzgerald

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Exercise 3

1. What are some examples of integration you have seen or experienced in organizations?

2. What are some examples of integration you have seen or experienced in your personal lives?

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I Relationship


We Business


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The Key:

Awareness of Dynamics

Acceptance with Non Judgment

Action with Wisdom

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So What?

Now What?

OD Practitioners…

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; And third by experience, which is the bitterest.

- Confucius

Copyright of Flame Centre 2012

Thank You!

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