Integrating Sensors and Actuators into Assistive...

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Transcript of Integrating Sensors and Actuators into Assistive...

Integrating Sensors and Actuators into Assistive

Technology for the Blind

By Sameer Kamath

Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science

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Table of Contents

Section Page Number

Abstract 3

Literature Review 3

Research Plan 14

Methodology 15

Results 25

Analysis 31

Conclusions 34

Acknowledgements 34

References 35

Appendices 36

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There are an estimated 285 million visually impaired people, 39 million of whom are

completely blind. Unfortunately, red and white canes are inaccurate and often miss obstacles.

Guide dogs, a common alternative, can cost over $42,000, and current electronic aids are poorly

engineered and have had little market success. The goal of this project was to engineer a tactile

device that would better allow blind people to perceive and avoid walls and obstacles. The first

prototype was an Arduino-based handheld device consisting of nine sonar sensors pointing out

from the body and a pad of vibrating motors that transmitted information from the sensors to the

test subject‘s palm. This device and a cane were tested separately in an obstacle course. The

problems encountered with the first prototype and the cane alone were addressed in the final

device. This system consisted of upper body sonar sensors, a magnetometer, a buzzer, vibrating

motors, and a cane with a mechanical attachment. The final prototype significantly reduced

orientation issues and variance in navigation times. Furthermore, based on a Poisson test,

collisions with low obstacles were significantly reduced.

Literature Review

Visual Depth Perception

Humans navigate by using visual cues to perceive depth from two-dimensional images,

which allows them to navigate. These cues can be divided into oculomotor, monocular, and

binocular cues. Binocular cues require both eyes to be open, whereas monocular cues require

only one eye to be open. Oculomotor cues rely upon the tensions in eye muscles and the

positions of the eyes. As the distance between an object and a person’s eyes varies, the eyes

move inward toward the nose or outward away the nose. This movement causes the eye muscles

to change tension. The relationship between the tension and positon of the eyes provides depth

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information to the brain. Additionally, monocular cues such as the sizes of familiar objects,

shadows, texture gradient, linear perspective, motion parallax, and occlusion further enhance

depth perception. Occlusion occurs when an object is covered by other objects, causing the

human brain to perceive the covered object as being farther away. Motion parallax causes nearby

objects to appear to move through the field of vision faster. Because of motion parallax, objects

that are farther away appear to move more slowly.

Figure 1. Familiar Size Cues. (“Perceiving Depth,” n.d.)

Furthermore, the brain uses binocular cues such as stereopsis, the disparity between

images the two eyes produce, to calculate depth from the correspondence of the points in the two

images (“Perceiving Depth,” n.d.). All these complex cues simultaneously work together to

provide sighted humans with detailed three dimensional perceptions of their surroundings.


There are an estimated 285 million visually-impaired people, 39 million of which are

blind (“Visual Impairment,” 2014). Visual impairment indicates that a person has vision 20/40 or

worse in his or her better eye when the eye is corrected (“Blindness and Vision Impairment,”

2011). A person with 20/40 vision can read a line of letters at 20 feet that a normal person can

read at 40 feet (“What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?,” n.d.). A person is legally blind if his or her

corrected vision in his or her best eye is 20/200. A visual field less than or equal to 20 degrees in

diameter in a person’s best, corrected eye also constitutes legal blindness. (“Blindness and

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Vision Impairment,” 2011). A person’s depth perception and ability to navigate can be severely

hindered if his or her visual impairment is substantial.

Assistive Technology

Many devices have been engineered to help blind people navigate. The white and red

cane is one of the simplest of these devices. Blind people sweep the cane from side to side with

the tip of the cane hovering above the ground (Edison, 2014). The canes provide people with

information about obstructing objects and changes in surface and elevation (Schellingerhout,

Bongers, Grinsven, Smitsman, Galen, 2001).

Figure 2. Obstacle Detection with a Red and White Cane. (Edison, 2014)

Unfortunately, according to several cane-users, canes are inaccurate and tend to miss

obstacles (Schellingerhout et al., 2001). These flaws can pose a significant threat to the safety and

peace of mind of blind people when navigating. Also, the majority of cane-users hold the cane at

angles greater than 35° to the ground, which is far too high to adequately detect many obstacles

on the ground (Schellingerhout et al., 2001). Approximately 2% of blind people use trained

guide dogs. Guide dogs follow commands and lead their owners around obstacles (“Travel

Tools,” n.d.). However, guide dogs can cost upwards of $42,000, which makes them

unaffordable for many people (“FAQ,” 2016). The lack of decent assistive equipment for blind

people has lead researchers to utilize more advanced technology, such as sensors and

microcontrollers, to engineer complex electronic aids (“National Research Council,” 1986).

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Infrared and ultrasonic sensors are two common types of distance sensors that are widely


Infrared Sensors

Infrared sensors emit a beam of infrared light, and the light is reflected back to a receiver

if an obstacle is present. This returning beam creates a triangle between the emitter, obstacle, and

receiver. The light is transmitted from the receiver of the sensor to a device called a charge-

coupled (CCD) array. The sensor then uses the CCD array to calculate the base angle of the

triangular beam, as shown in Figure 3. The base angle is used to calculate the distance to the

obstacle (Al-Fahoum, Al-Hmoud, Al-Fraihat, 2013).

Figure 3. Infrared Sensor Triangulation. (Al-Fahoum et al., 2013)

Unfortunately, infrared sensors, when compared to ultrasonic sensors, are terrible at

detecting objects that are not perpendicular to the sensor (Loven, 2016). Furthermore, reflecting

infrared light is a tricky process; sunlight can cancel out the infrared beams, and non-reflective

surfaces render these sensors useless. (Kanwal, Bostanci, Currie, Clark, 2015).

Ultrasonic Sensors

Points of Emission

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The ultrasonic sensor is another common type of sensor that can be used to find distances

to objects. The transmitting piezoelectric transducer of an ultrasonic sensor emits a short

ultrasonic pulse. After the pulse reflects off an object, the receiving transducer times how long it

takes for the pulse to be received. This duration, along with the speed of sound in air, 343 m/s, is

used to calculate the distance to the target object. For optimum detection, the obstacle must be

relatively flat and capable of reflecting sound properly. It is very important that the sensor face is

parallel to the object. If the face of the sensor is not parallel to the surface of the object, the

readings can be inaccurate due to the cone-shaped spread of the sound waves (“Ultrasonic

Acoustic Sensing,” n.d.).

Figure 4. Inaccuracies with Ultrasonic Sensors (“Ultrasonic Acoustic Sensing,” n.d.)

As the energy of the sound beam spreads, beam divergence occurs, as shown in Figure 5.

The greatest sound pressure comes from the centerline of the transducer. Therefore, objects

directly in front of the transmitting transducer will send the strongest echoes to the receiving


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Figure 5. Beam Divergence from a Transducer (“Transducer,” n.d.)

Sound is a longitudinal pressure wave that moves through a medium by transferring

energy between particles. An ideal sound wave would be a perfectly straight, cylindrical shape.

However, in the real world, beam divergence occurs because the particles in the air do not

perfectly transfer all their energy to the particles directly in front of them as the sound wave

propagates. Beam spread is significantly affected by frequency and transducer diameter. Higher

frequencies and larger transducers correspond to less beam spread (“Transducer,” n.d.).

Arduino Mega

Arduino is an open source microcontroller platform for building electronic devices, such

as travel aids for the blind. Arduino boards can be programmed using the Arduino integrated

development environment (IDE) (Blum, 2013). At the heart of the Arduino Mega, one of

Arduino’s largest and most versatile boards, is an ATMega2560 integrated circuit. Some features

of the Mega are 54 digital input/output (I/O) pins, 15 of which can be used for pulse width

modulation, 16 analog inputs, and one 16 MHz crystal oscillator for clock signaling (“Arduino -

ArduinoBoardMega2560,” n.d.). Ordinary binary digital pins can output and receive a high

voltage of 5 V or low voltage of 0 V. The pulse width modulation pins can control the duty cycle

of the digital high and low voltages, allowing for an analog output or input. For example, an

LED can operate at half brightness by receiving a 50% duty cycle signal from an Arduino board

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(Hirzel, n.d.). The Arduino’s low price and extraordinary (I/O) capabilities make the platform

tremendously useful for controlling and receiving data from actuators and sensors.

Figure 6. Analog Output with Pulse Width Modulation. (Hirzel, n.d.)

Vibrating Motors

Vibration motors are commonly used in electronic travel aids to alert blind people about

obstacles (“National Research Council,” 1986). The fundamental principle behind a vibrating

motor is a net centripetal force. The non-symmetrical mass attached to the shaft of the dc motor

causes an unbalanced centripetal force, which in turn causes the entire motor to move. The shaft

oscillates extremely fast, resulting in constant displacement of the motor, which creates vibration

(“AB-004 : Understanding ERM,” n.d.).

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Figure 7. Pancake Vibration Motor (“Coin Vibration Motors,” n.d.)

Electronic Travel Aids

Many engineers have attempted to create electronic travel aids (ETA) that assist blind

people with navigation. These devices usually consist of sensors, often ultrasonic or infrared,

which gather information about a blind person’s surroundings, and some sort of auditory or

tactile system of transmitting the information to the person. Some aids, known as obstacle

detectors, detect only the general area and direction of obstacles without collecting information

about the nature of the obstacles. The Russell Pathsounder, for example, uses a chest-level

ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles. It triggers an auditory and tactile warning if an obstacle is

detected within 6 feet of the person. The Mowat Sensor, another sonar ETA, is a handheld device

that consists of an ultrasonic sensor and vibration motors that vibrate with intensity proportional

to the distance detected by the sensor. Researchers have also engineered a modified version of

the Mowat Sensor that plays musical notes with frequencies proportional to the detected ranges.

Unfortunately, none of these outdated devices have achieved much success on the market

because they are expensive, uncomfortable and impractical. Furthermore, the devices do not

properly transmit enough desired information (“National Research Council,” 1986).

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Neuroscientists have recently attempted to reinvent electronic travel aids by trying to

connect the tongue to the brain by using a device called BrainPort V100. The device consists of a

video camera that is fixed to a pair of glasses, and an array of electrodes attached to the tongue.

The pixels of the image from the camera are converted into electric pulses that are sent to the

array of electrodes on the tongue. The identification of objects, shapes, and text were tested.

After one year of training, 69% of subjects could pass the object recognition test (“FDA,” 2015).

Unfortunately, even with funding from the US Department of Defense and Google, the device

still costs $10,000 (“FDA approves novel tongue sensor,” 2015). Furthermore, the images

transmitted to the brain are of extremely low resolution, and a cane is still necessary for depth

perception and obstacle detection in 3D space (“BrainPort V100 Vision Aid,” 2015).

Researchers at Chonbuk National University in Korea recently engineered a device that

used ultrasonic sensors and vibration feedback on the palm to detect and inform blind people

about objects in their path (Jeong, Yu, 2016). Figures 8 and 9 show how the configuration of

ultrasonic sensors on the device detects objects in front of users as well as changes in elevation.

Because the two-point discrimination of the palm is 11 mm, the vibration motors were spaced

over 20 mm apart from each other so that users could easily differentiate between which motors

were vibrating on their palms (Jeong et al., 2016).

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Figure 8. Spatial Obstacle Detection. (Jeong et al., 2016)

Figure 9. Array of Ultrasonic Sensors. (Jeong et al., 2016)

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Figure 10. Basic Indoor Obstacle Course. (Jeong et al., 2016)

Figure 11. Complex Outdoor Obstacle Course. (Jeong et al., 2016)

Figures 10 and 11 show the testing the device underwent. The test subjects of the

experiment in Figure 10 were blind-folded university students, and obstacles were placed in

random locations unknown to the test subjects. The obstacles were successfully avoided 90% of

the time. In the experiment shown in Figure 11, the test subjects were completely blind people

who normally used red and white canes for navigation. Single obstacles were avoided 96.7% of

the time, dual obstacles were avoided 60% of the time, the toll bar was avoided 86.7% of the

time, and the hanging obstacle only had a 13.3% avoidance rate. Detection of obstacles was not

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the main issue; the researchers found that an overwhelming majority of the collisions were

results of attempts to maneuver around obstacles. In fact, many subjects reported that the

vibration feedback would change erratically during the maneuvers, leading to collisions (Jeong et

al., 2016).

Unfortunately, most blind people still have few alternatives to the red and white cane due

to a lack of affordable and modern electronic travel aids that provide ample obstacle avoidance


Research Plan

Engineering Problem

There are no affordable, widespread, modern electronic travel aids on the market that

allow blind people to fully grasp the 3D space in front of them and avoid obstacles.

Engineering Goal

The goal of this project was to engineer a tactile device that would better allow blind people

to perceive and avoid walls and obstacles.

Design Criteria

Low Cost

High Obstacle Avoidance

Low Variance of Navigation Times


The first prototype consisted of a handheld vertical stick with 3 rows of 3 ultrasonic

sensors at shoulder height, hip height, and ankle height. The 3 by 3 array of stationary sonar

sensors scanned and mapped out the depth of the region in front of the person and sent the data

to an Arduino. A 3 by 3 array of Arduino-controlled vibration motors formed a tactile hand-held

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grid that fit on the test subject’s palm. The location of the vibrations on the grid represented the

presence of obstacles in the 3-D space in front of the person. Rows corresponded to obstacle

range, and columns corresponded to horizontal position. After initial testing, a second prototype

was created. The second prototype consisted of two ultrasonic sensors and one Adafruit sensor

board that functioned as a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer. The first ultrasonic

sensor was mounted at neck height, and the second was at stomach height. The Adafruit board

was mounted just below the lower ultrasonic sensor. These three upper body sensors were

connected to an Arudino. A pad of three vibrating motors were attached to the subject’s arm, and

all three motors buzzed if the sensors detected a high obstacle within 152 cm. This second

prototype was a hybrid aid; therefore, in addition to the sensors, it also consisted of a stick

similar to a red and white cane. The stick had a wooden mechanical attachment that would

increase its detection area.


The two prototypes and the cane by itself were tested. A person navigated an obstacle

course multiple times with his eyes closed by using the aids. The set of obstacles were randomly

arranged each time. The subject’s ability to successfully avoid walls, high, medium, and low

obstacles were tested. The percentage of obstacles detected and avoided indicated the obstacle

detection capabilities of the device. Next, the stick was tested for obstacle detection capability.

Finally, the second prototype was tested for obstacle detection capability. The aids were

compared in an engineering matrix based on variance in times taken to navigate the obstacle

course, cost, and obstacle detection.


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Prior to designing the first prototype, preliminary sensor tests were conducted on 3 HC-

SR04 ultrasonic sensors to observe the obstacle detection capabilities of the sensors. HC-SR04

sensors are manufactured by Elecfreaks and are available on Ebay. The trig and echo pins of 3

ultrasonic sensors were wired to digital pins on an Arduino Mega (from Amazon), and the VIN

and ground pins were wired to power and ground on the Arduino. Using duct tape, the 3 sensors

were mounted horizontally across a rectangular sheet of cardboard that was the width of the test

subject’s body at the ribs. The test subject held up the board of sensors at shoulder height at

60.96 cm, 91.44 cm, 152.40 cm, 213.35 cm, and 304.80 cm from a wall. The exact length

measurements were taken with measuring tape. The sensors were wired to an Arduino and a

stream of 57 readings were taken per sensor at each distance. Using Excel, the average error per

sensor was calculated.

Figure 12. Cardboard sensor board (not drawn to scale)

The goal of the next preliminary test was to map out the beam divergence of the sensors,

which was taken into account when programming the two prototypes. The same board of

ultrasonic sensors was attached to a cardboard box. Rectangular pieces of tape were directly

centered in front of the 3 sensors at distances of 30.48 cm, 60.96 cm, 91.44 cm, 121.92 cm, and

151.40 cm. Also, an additional 10 pieces of tape were positioned at 13.97 cm on the left and right

sides of the left and right sensors, as shown in Figure 13. A glass prism of dimensions 8 cm by

10 cm by 15 cm was centered on each piece of tape during each trial, as shown in Figure 14, and

24.8 𝑐𝑚

0.32 𝑐𝑚 12.4 𝑐𝑚

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a stream of 78 distance readings per sensor was taken with the prism on each piece of tape.

Figure 13. Tape configuration

Figure 14. Prism positioning at each tape setting

Two more boards of ultrasonic sensors were assembled. The boards were identical to the

one used in the preliminary sensor tests. Using hot glue, one board was mounted on a flat wood

stick at shoulder height, another at hip height, and the last at ankle height, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 16 shows the approximate locations of the sensors relative to the body when the stick was

13.97 𝑐𝑚

Kamath 18

held in front of the test subject. The wood stick (Home Depot) was approximately the height of

the test subject. All the sensors were wired to an Arduino. Using hot glue, nine pancake vibration

motors (Amazon) were mounted on a hand-sized piece of foam (Mr. Loven), as shown in Figure

17. All nine motors must make contact with the test subject’s palm when his or her hand is

strapped to the foam vibration pad with a rubber band. The power wire of each motor was wired

to a PWM pin on the Arduino, and the ground wires were wired to the ground pin on the

Arduino. A program was written in Arduino C that vibrated the appropriate motor when an

obstacle was detected. Figure 18 shows how the program decided which motor to vibrate based

on the sensor readings. Positions on the table correspond to vibration motors on the palm.

Figure 15. Sensor mounting

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Figure 16. Approximate sensor locations.

Figure 17. Vibration pad

Figure 18. Vibration array program boolean logic

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The first prototype was tested in an obstacle course consisting of two low level obstacles,

two medium height obstacles, and one high obstacle. The low obstacles were only high enough

to be detected by the bottom row of sensors. The medium obstacles were only high enough to be

detected by the middle and bottom rows. The high obstacle was high enough to be detected by all

3 rows. At the start of each trial, the test subject closed his eyes and faced forward at the starting

location while the obstacles were arranged in random locations in a 12 ft by 17 ft room.

Figure 19. Obstacle course room

The pad of vibrating motors was pressed against the subject’s left palm by a strong

rubber band. The subject held the sensor stick (with his right hand) directly in front of him 1 to 2

centimeters above the ground with the sensor boards facing straight ahead. The timer person

made sure that the subject was facing straight ahead toward the obstacle course and said “go”

right as she started the timer. The test subject navigated the obstacle course with his eyes closed.

When the test subject reached the opening at the top right corner of the room (shown in Figure


17 𝑓𝑡

12 𝑓𝑡

331 𝑓𝑡

Kamath 21

19), the timer person stopped the timer. During navigation, if the test subject turned the wrong

way and walked out of the 12 by 17 ft space, the trial was ended and recorded as a complete loss

of navigation. If the person successfully made it to the opening, the time, types of collisions

(high/medium/low/wall), and numbers of each type of collision were recorded.

Figure 20. The five obstacles

Next, a reflective driveway marker was purchased from Home Depot. The marker was

cut to the test subject’s armpit height. A piece of Scotch tape was attached to the bottom of the

marker so that it could sweep the ground smoothly. The obstacle course test was repeated 42

more times with the marker (held in the right hand) instead of the sensor-based device. The cane

was swept (not tapped) from side to side during navigation.

Next, a final aid was built and tested. The sensors were mounted on a cut meter stick

from Home Depot. The length the meter stick was cut to was equal to the length from the test

subject’s shoulders to hips. Two ultrasonic sensors were hot glued to two squares of cardboard.

The cardboard squares were then hot glued to the cut meter stick such that one sensor would be

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at shoulder height, and the other would be at chest height when the meter stick was mounted on

the test subject’s upper body. Next, an Adafruit gyroscope/accelerometer/magnetometer module

was hot glued to a cardboard square, and the square was hot glued onto the meter stick just

below the lower ultrasonic sensor, as shown in Figure 21. The VIN and ground pins of the

Adafruit module were wired to power and ground on the Arduino. The SCL and SDA pins of the

module were wired to the SCL and SDA pins on the Arduino. The Arduino Mega was hot glued

to the stick just under the Adafruit module, and a piezo buzzer (Mr. Loven) and three vibration

motors were wired to the Arduino. The power wire of the piezo buzzer was wired to a PWM pin

on the Arduino, and the ground wire was wired to the ground pin on the Arduino. The three

motors were hot glued to a piece of foam as shown in Figure 21. The Arduino C program for this

prototype vibrated all three vibration motors if either sensor detected an obstacle within 152 cm.

Also, if the yaw angle of the Adafruit module deviated more than 7 degrees from its initial angle,

the program buzzed the piezo buzzer. The test subject could press the reset button on the

Arduino at any time to restart the program and reset this initial reference angle. Two loops of

string were hot glued to the upper body apparatus and were used to firmly tie the device to the

test subject’s chest. The vibration pad was pressed against the test subject’s wrist with a rubber

band. The programs for both prototypes and the initial sensor testing are in Appendix C.

The final part of this prototype is the mechanical attachment to the marker (shown in

Figure 22). A thin strip of wood from Home Depot was cut to 55.5 cm, which is half the length

of the base of the triangle shown in Figure 22. The marker was laid out on the ground, and the

triangle was created on the ground with tape. Next, the wood was hot glued and firmly duct

taped to the orange marker 5 cm above the base of the tape triangle, as shown in Figures 22 and

23. The prototype was tested in the obstacle course exactly the same way the stick and the first

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prototype were tested. When the test subject intentionally changed directions (ex: when turning

at a wall), he had to press the reset button on the Arduino to reset the reference angle of the

Adafruit module. After testing, the average numbers of collisions, types of collisions, and

average times from the experiments were compared. Also, detailed written reflections were

recorded in a lab notebook immediately after each full experiment in the obstacle course.

Figure 21. Upper body sensors

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Figure 22. Lower body cane

Figure 23. Cane attachment measurements

Cane Height: 91 cm

Cane Length: 144 𝑐𝑚

111 𝑐𝑚

55.5 𝑐𝑚

Kamath 25


Quantitative Data

The results of the first preliminary sensor test are shown in Table 1. Each cell shows the

average reading (from each stream of 57 readings) for each sensor at each measured distance

setting from the wall. The average error per sensor is shown in Table 2.

Table 1. Average sensor readings

Measured (cm) 60.96 91.44 152.40 213.35 304.80

Sensor 1 (cm) 58.82 91.59 149.47 210.78 320.64

Sensor 2 (cm) 58.15 89.69 147.91 208.71 298.58

Sensor 3 (cm) 55.08 88.81 146.27 209.36 299.67

Table 2. Average % error per sensor

± Error (cm)

Sensor 1 4.73

Sensor 2 3.98

Sensor 3 4.75

The results of the sensor test for beam divergence are shown in Table 3. Each cell

represents an average from a stream of 78 distance readings. Cells are highlighted if the prism-

shaped obstacle was detected with ±5 cm of accuracy. Cells are also bolded and underlined if the

obstacle was detected with ±5 cm of accuracy by the sensor directly in front of the obstacle.

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Table 3. Beam divergence data

Tables 4, 5, and 6 show the results of the three experiments in the obstacle course. The

number of collisions per trial with walls and high, medium, and low obstacles are shown. The

last column shows the amount of time it took to complete each trial. A blacked out row indicates

a complete loss of orientation for that trial. Figure 24 is a time vs trial number scatter plot of the

three experiments. Using Excel, a line of best fit was created for each set of data.

Table 4. Experiment 1 data


Trial # High Medium Low Wall Collisions Time (s)

1 1 0 2 1 4 150

2 0 1 0 0 1 92

3 1 0 0 0 1 75

4 0 1 1 0 2 95

5 1 0 0 1 2 88

6 0 0 0 0 0 94

7 0 0 1 0 1 73

8 0 1 1 0 2 105

9 0 0 0 0 0 97

10 1 1 0 0 2 84

11 1 1 1 0 3 131

12 0 0 0 1 1 104

13 0 1 0 0 1 157

14 0 0 1 0 1 110

15 1 0 0 1 2 115

16 0 0 0 0 0 104

17 1 1 0 0 2 106

Obstacle Detection:

Obstacle: Far Left Left Middle Right Far Right

Distance (cm):

30 210 208 208 29 209 209 209 28 198 209 94 27 209 209 208

61 209 209 209 58 62 209 208 58 60 210 62 58 210 209 63

91 210 209 209 88 89 144 90 88 89 209 90 87 209 187 149

122 184 197 210 118 119 121 120 118 119 166 119 118 210 123 120

152 210 209 209 149 150 150 151 148 149 210 152 149 210 208 149

Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3

Distance to

wall (cm): 213.35

Kamath 27

18 0 1 0 0 1 95

19 0 0 0 0 0 100

20 0 0 1 1 2 77

21 0 1 0 0 1 74

22 0 0 0 0 0 83

23 0 1 0 0 1 81



25 0 0 0 0 0 87

26 0 1 0 0 1 102



28 0 1 0 0 1 80

29 0 0 0 0 0 63

30 0 0 0 1 1 87

31 0 0 0 1 1 67

32 1 0 1 0 2 88

33 0 0 0 0 0 62

34 0 1 0 1 2 89

35 1 0 0 0 1 77

36 0 1 0 1 2 94

37 0 1 0 1 2 126

38 0 0 1 0 1 90

39 1 0 0 0 1 94

40 0 0 1 0 1 127

41 0 0 1 1 2 107

42 0 1 0 0 1 75

Table 5. Experiment 2 data


Trial # High Medium Low Wall Collisions Time (s)

1 0 0 0 0 0 54

2 0 0 1 0 1 51

3 0 0 0 0 0 62

4 0 0 0 0 0 49

5 1 0 0 0 1 121

6 0 0 0 0 0 61

7 0 0 0 0 0 63

8 0 0 0 0 0 60

9 0 0 0 0 0 38

10 0 0 0 0 0 46

11 0 0 0 0 0 55

Kamath 28

12 0 0 0 0 0 103

13 0 0 0 0 0 52

14 0 0 0 0 0 58

15 0 0 1 0 1 35

16 0 0 0 0 0 27

17 0 0 0 0 0 46

18 0 0 0 0 0 33

19 0 0 0 0 0 40

20 0 0 0 0 0 41

21 0 0 0 0 0 38

22 0 0 0 0 0 28

23 0 0 1 0 1 34

24 0 0 1 0 1 53

25 1 0 0 0 1 32

26 0 0 0 0 0 40

27 0 0 0 0 0 37

28 1 0 1 0 2 39

29 0 0 0 0 0 53

30 0 0 0 0 0 35

31 0 0 0 0 0 27

32 0 0 0 0 0 35

33 0 0 0 0 0 34

34 0 0 0 0 0 33

35 0 0 0 0 0 35

36 0 0 1 0 1 32

37 0 0 0 0 0 24

38 0 0 0 0 0 31

39 0 0 0 0 0 40

40 0 0 0 0 0 32

41 0 0 0 0 0 32

42 0 0 0 0 0 38

Table 6. Experiment 3 data


Trial # High Medium Low Wall Collisions Time (s)

1 1 0 0 0 1 36

2 0 0 0 0 0 34

3 0 0 0 0 0 48

4 1 0 0 0 1 34

5 0 0 0 0 0 33

6 0 0 0 0 0 37

Kamath 29

7 0 0 0 0 0 39

8 0 0 1 0 1 26

9 0 0 0 0 0 37

10 0 0 0 0 0 26

11 0 0 0 0 0 25

12 0 0 0 0 0 33

13 0 0 0 0 0 30

14 0 0 0 0 0 22

15 0 0 0 0 0 32

16 0 0 0 0 0 22

17 0 0 0 0 0 23

18 0 0 0 0 0 33

19 0 0 0 0 0 24

20 1 0 0 0 1 38

21 0 0 0 0 0 26

22 0 1 0 0 1 33

23 0 0 0 0 0 41

24 0 0 0 0 0 29

25 0 0 0 0 0 38

26 1 0 0 0 1 37

27 0 0 0 0 0 32

28 0 0 0 0 0 25

29 0 0 0 0 0 27

30 0 0 0 0 0 30

31 0 0 0 0 0 30

32 0 0 0 0 0 30

33 0 0 0 0 0 30

34 0 0 0 0 0 28

35 0 0 0 0 0 25

36 0 0 0 0 0 28

37 0 0 0 0 0 24

38 0 0 0 0 0 28

39 0 0 0 0 0 24

40 0 1 0 0 1 32

41 0 0 0 0 0 32

42 0 0 0 0 0 18

Kamath 30

Figure 24. Time vs trial number

Table 7 is a summary of the time data, and Table 8 shows the results of an ANOVA test

on the times from the 3 groups. Table 9 shows the results of a Poisson test where the decimals in

the high, medium, low and wall columns represent the probability of there being no collisions of

the specified type.

Table 7. Summary of times

SUMMARY of Times

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Experiment 1 40 3805 95.125 452.1635

Experiment 2 40 1807 45.175 361.8917

Experiment 3 40 1229 30.725 33.99936











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45


e (s


Trial Number

Time (s) vs Trial Number

Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3

Linear (Experiment 1) Linear (Experiment 2) Linear (Experiment 3)

Kamath 31

Table 8. ANOVA test of times

ANOVA of Times

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 91348.87 2 45674.43 161.5737 2.18E-34 3.073763

Within Groups 33074.13 117 282.6848

Total 124423 119

Table 9. Collisions Poisson test

Collisions Poisson Test


Experiment # High Medium Low Wall Collisions

1 0.78 0.67 0.74 0.76 0.31

2 0.93 1.00 0.87 1.00 0.81

3 0.90 0.95 0.98 1.00 0.84


According to Table 2, all three sensors were accurate to within 5 cm. Therefore, it was

assumed that properly working HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors are accurate to within 5 cm. Based

on Table 3, an attempt to map beam divergence, the sensor directly in front of the prism always

detected the prism within 5 cm of accuracy to the measured distance. For the left, middle, and

right obstacle positions, beam divergence generally increased, and more sensors (not just the one

aligned directly in front of the prism) picked up on the prism as distance increased. This

phenomenon was a result of beam divergence. However, the left and right sides of the table are

not mirrored perfectly, proving that beam divergence is inconsistent and extremely

unpredictable. There were several scenarios where sensors picked up on the prism in the far right

position. However, the sensors never detected the prism in the far left position. Also, more

sensors detected the prism at the far right position at 122 cm than at 152, further proving the

inconsistency and high sensitivity of beam divergence. This preliminary experiment did not

prove to be very useful; significant sources of error included the alignment of the tape, minor

Kamath 32

measurement errors, and errors with the positioning of the prism on the tape. At 30 cm, no

sensors other than the ones directly in front of the prism detected the prism. Therefore, it was

concluded that 30 cm was a sufficient distance to indicate the closest obstacles (see Figure 18).

Based on Table 7, variance decreased significantly between the three experiments,

proving that consistency improved with each experiment. The p-value of 2e-34 from the

ANOVA test indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between the times of the

3 groups. The results of the Poisson test indicate the probability of having zero collisions for

each experiment. Experiment 1 only had a 31% chance of not having any collisions, and the

average time was 91.125 s. Experiment 2 had an 81% chance of not having any collisions, and

the average time was 45.175 s. Many of the collisions (especially with walls) in experiment 1

were caused by a lack of forward orientation. There was no way for the test subject to know

which way was forward, causing the two complete losses of orientation. The test subject

frequently walked at an angle toward walls and obstacles and collided with them. He often found

that interpreting the vibrations was confusing and overwhelming. Furthermore, the vibration

motors often did not make enough contact with the palm. In experiment 2, the test subject was

able to use the cane to get information about the nature of obstacles rather than the mere

presence of the obstacles. He was able to form a much stronger image of the space in front of

him and the exact position of obstacles, whereas the sensor and vibration motor system from

experiment 1 was far too confusing and unreliable. The increased spatial information resulted in

less collisions, and the test subject could navigate the course with more confidence, causing

lower times. It was concluded that ultrasonic sensors and vibration motors were only useful as a

supplement to the cane. Also, sweeping the tip of the cane along the wall provided information

about the test subject’s orientation. Orientation losses were not as severe in experiment 2, and the

Kamath 33

cane could be used to regain orientation. Nevertheless, the cane had a lot of room for

improvement. It often swept over low obstacles and could not detect protruding/hanging parts of

high obstacles at all. In fact, during all three experiments, collisions with the high obstacle were

often a result of bumping into the protruding hamper on top of the ladder (see Figure 20). The

final prototype was designed to fix the issues encountered during experiments 1 and 2. The

mechanical attachment and magnetometer allowed the test subject to have more confidence and

peace of mind when navigating, causing a 14.45 s decrease in average time and a 91% decrease

in variance. The test subject could sweep the cane along a wall and align himself forward and

then set the reference angle for the magnetometer. Then, no matter where the test subject went,

he could always re-orient himself forward. The attachment hit low obstacles and increased the

detection area of the cane, and the final prototype was 11% more likely to have no low obstacle

collisions than a standard cane. The upper body ultrasonic sensors (connected to vibration

motors) provided a sufficient warning that helped detect the first obstacle(s) encountered in each

trial. However, when obstacles were tightly packed close together, the motors constantly buzzed

and did not provide any information that helped the test subject weave through the obstacles.

Also, the upper body ultrasonic sensors unfortunately did not help with detecting the protruding

part of the high obstacle, and the test subject continued bumping into the hamper, causing high

collisions. In fact, the final prototype was slightly more likely to have medium and high


Because the obstacles were arranged by a human for each trial, the arrangements were

not completely random each time, and there may have been biases which could have skewed

times. Also, as seen in Figure 24, the times improved during all three experiments as the test

subject got used to using the devices. Both the second and third experiments used the cane, and

Kamath 34

the decrease in average times and collisions was most likely partially caused by this

improvement. Nevertheless, the significant 91% decrease in variance and the lack of outliers in

the experiment 3 time vs trial plot suggests that improvements in orientation and navigation were

a result of the device itself. The wide spread of data in experiment 2 was a result of orientation

loss and confusion, which also contributed to the higher average time.

Engineering Matrix Max

Criteria Score A B C

1 High Obstacle Detection 10 3.10 8.10 8.40

2 Low Variance of Navigation Times 10 0.00 2.00 9.25

3 Low Cost 2 0.64 1.96 0.38

Total 22 3.74 12.06 18.03

Score (Percent)

17.00 54.82 81.95

Figure 25. Engineering matrix

Conclusions and Future Extensions

Based on the engineering matrix, the prototype from the third experiment is the best aid,

despite its high cost. Though the cane is an extremely powerful yet simple device, the final

prototype has the potential to further improve navigation for the blind. In the future, the device

should be further tested by real blind volunteers during their daily lives. The device the

researcher tested was somewhat crude because it was heavy, unbalanced, and held together by

duct tape and hot glue. If the aid were to go into production, the mechanical attachment and cane

could be improved significantly. Also, more accurate sensors could be used to trigger the

warnings and detect changes in orientation.


I would like to thank all the people who have helped develop this project. First, I would

like to thank both my parents for their financial and moral assistance. I would like to thank my

mother for arranging the obstacles during testing. I would also like to thank Mr. Pavel Loven for

Kamath 35

teaching me how to program Arduinos. Furthermore, I would like to thank Mrs. Shiobhan Curran

and Ms. Rachel Johnson for guiding me through the engineering process. Lastly, I would like to

thank Mr. William Ellis for teaching me how to statistically analyze data.


Perceiving Depth and Size. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

Visual impairment and blindness. (2014, August). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

Blindness and Vision Impairment. (2011, February 08). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from


Edison, T. (Producer). (2014, April 1). How Blind People Use a White Cane [Video file].

In Youtube. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

Schellingerhout, R., Bongers, R. M., Grinsven, R. V., Smitsman, A. W., & Galen, G. P. (2001).

Improving obstacle detection by redesign of walking canes for blind

persons. Ergonomics, 44(5), 513-526. doi:10.1080/00140130120830

Travel Tools and Techniques of People Who are Blind or Who Have Low Vision. (n.d.).

Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

FAQ. (2016). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

Al-Fahoum, A. S., Al-Hmoud, H. B., & Al-Fraihat, A. A. (2013). A Smart Infrared

Microcontroller-Based Blind Guidance System. Hindawi, 2013, 1-7.


Loven, P. (2016, October 30). STEM Project With Arduinos [E-mail to the author].

Kanwal, N., Bostanci, E., Currie, K., & Clark, A. F. (2015). A Navigation System for the

Visually Impaired: A Fusion of Vision and Depth Sensor. Applied Bionics and

Biomechanics, 2015, 1-16. doi:10.1155/2015/479857

Ultrasonic Acoustic Sensing. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

National Research Council (US) Working Group on Mobility Aids for the Visually Impaired and


Travel AIDS: New Directions for Research - NCBI Bookshelf. Retrieved November 23,

2016, from

Kamath 36

FDA allows marketing of new device to help the blind process visual signals via their tongues.

(2015, June 18). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

FDA approves novel tongue sensor for the blind. (2015, June 19). Retrieved November 23, 2016,



BrainPort V100 Vision Aid [Video file]. (2015, November 30). In Youtube. Retrieved November

23, 2016, from

Blum, J. (2013). Exploring Arduino: Tools and techniques for engineering wizardry.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.

Arduino - ArduinoBoardMega2560. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

Hirzel, T. (n.d.). PWM. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

AB-004 : Understanding ERM Vibration Motor Characteristics. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23,

2016, from


Jeong, G., & Yu, K. (2016, July 12). Multi-Section Sensing and Vibrotactile Perception for

Walking Guide of Visually Impaired Person. Sensors, 16(7). doi:10.3390/s16071070

Coin Vibration Motors. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2016, from

Transducer Beam Spread. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2016, from https://www.nde-

What Does 20/20 Vision Mean? (n.d.). Retrieved December 19, 2016, from

Nedelkovski, D. (2016, May 16). Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino Tutorial. Retrieved

February 14, 2017, from


Appendix A: Limitations and Assumptions

The preliminary sensor tests conducted on the three ultrasonic sensors were a

generalization of all nine sensors used in the project. It was assumed that all nine sensors would

share the same accuracy and beam divergence characteristics. It was assumed that the Adafruit

magnetometer/accelerometer/gyroscope program was accurate and that the sensor module

Kamath 37

worked the way it should. Also, it was assumed that the marker used as the cane would simulate

a real red and white cane. It was also assumed that walking with one’s eyes closed would

simulate real blindness. Additionally, the obstacle course used during testing was not an accurate

representation of the spaces a blind person would normally encounter; obstacles are not usually

packed so densely together. This project only targeted obstacle detection and orientation; the

final device does not help blind people navigate to locations the way a GPS would. Also, the

final device does not replace vision in any way, and it only offers limited information about

obstacles around the user.

Appendix B: Literature Review Search Terms and Search Engines

Search Terms: echolocation, ultrasonic sensors, aid for blind, assistive devices for the

blind, improving canes for the blind

Search Engines: Google, WPI Gordon Library Database

Appendix C: Code

Preliminary Sensor Tests Code:

int leftTrig = 51;

int leftEcho=50;

int middleTrig=39;

int middleEcho=38;

int rightTrig=47;

int rightEcho=46;

double measurement;

double duration;

double distance;

Kamath 38

void setup() {









double scan(int trigPin, int echoPin ) {

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; //sensor algorithm from (Nedelkovski,2016)

return distance;


void loop() {


//Serial.println("Left Sensor: ");


//Serial.println("High, ");




if(measurement>117 && measurement<=233){

//Serial.println("Medium, ");


Kamath 39



if(measurement>233 && measurement<=350){

//Serial.println("Low, ");





Serial.print(" ");



//Serial.println("Middle Sensor: ");


//Serial.println("High, ");




if(measurement>117 && measurement<=233){

//Serial.println("Medium, ");




if(measurement>233 && measurement<=350){

//Serial.println("Low, ");





Serial.print(" ");



//Serial.println("Right Sensor: ");


//Serial.println("High, ");



Kamath 40


if(measurement>117 && measurement<=233){

//Serial.println("Medium, ");




if(measurement>233 && measurement<=350){

//Serial.println("Low, ");





Serial.print(" ");




Experiment 1 Code:

int motor1=13;

int motor2=12;

int motor3=11;

int motor4=10;

int motor5=9;

int motor6=8;

int motor7=7;

int motor8=6;

int motor9=5;

int leftTrig1 = 51;

int leftEcho1=50;

int middleTrig1=39;

int middleEcho1=38;

int rightTrig1=47;

int rightEcho1=46;

Kamath 41

int leftTrig2 = 28;

int leftEcho2 = 29;

int middleTrig2=30;

int middleEcho2=31;

int rightTrig2=52;

int rightEcho2=53;

int leftTrig3 = 32;

int leftEcho3=33;

int middleTrig3=34;

int middleEcho3=35;

int rightTrig3=36;

int rightEcho3=37;

double measurement;

double duration;

double distance;

double near=30;

double medium=60;

double far=90;

void setup() {







Kamath 42
























double scan(int trigPin, int echoPin ) {

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

Kamath 43

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;

return distance;


double processDistance (int trigPin, int echoPin){




if(trigPin==51 || trigPin==28 || trigPin==32){



if(trigPin==39 || trigPin==30 || trigPin==34){



if(trigPin==47 || trigPin==52 || trigPin==36){





if(measurement>near && measurement<=medium){


if(trigPin==51 || trigPin==28 || trigPin==32){



if(trigPin==39 || trigPin==30 || trigPin==34){



if(trigPin==47 || trigPin==52 || trigPin==36){





if(measurement>medium && measurement<=far){


if(trigPin==51 || trigPin==28 || trigPin==32){


Kamath 44


if(trigPin==39 || trigPin==30 || trigPin==34){



if(trigPin==47 || trigPin==52 || trigPin==36){


















void loop() {

Serial.println("Row 1");





Serial.println("Row 2");





Serial.println("Row 3");

Kamath 45






Serial.println("Row 1");








Serial.println("Row 2");








Serial.println("Row 3");










Experiment 3 Code:

Kamath 46

#include <SPI.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>

#include <Adafruit_LSM9DS0.h>

#include <Adafruit_Simple_AHRS.h>

double angle=0;

int speaker=9;

int topTrig=51;

int topEcho=50;

int bottomTrig=53;

int bottomEcho=52;

int motor1=3;

int motor2=5;

int motor3=6;

int near=152;

long duration;

double distance;

double measurement;

// Create LSM9DS0 board instance.

Adafruit_LSM9DS0 lsm(1000); // Use I2C, ID #1000

// Create simple AHRS algorithm using the LSM9DS0 instance's accelerometer and magnetometer.

Adafruit_Simple_AHRS ahrs(&lsm.getAccel(), &lsm.getMag());

// Function to configure the sensors on the LSM9DS0 board.

// You don't need to change anything here, but have the option to select different

// range and gain values.

void configureLSM9DS0(void)


// 1.) Set the accelerometer range


Kamath 47





// 2.) Set the magnetometer sensitivity





// 3.) Setup the gyroscope





double scan(int trigPin, int echoPin ) {

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;

return distance;


double processDistance (int trigPin, int echoPin){








Serial.print("Measurement: ");

Kamath 48








void setup(void)



Serial.println(F("Adafruit LSM9DS0 9 DOF Board AHRS Example")); Serial.println("");

// Initialise the LSM9DS0 board.



// There was a problem detecting the LSM9DS0 ... check your connections

Serial.print(F("Ooops, no LSM9DS0 detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!"));



// Setup the sensor gain and integration time.











double angle2;

bool first=true;

Kamath 49

void loop(void)


sensors_vec_t orientation;

if (ahrs.getOrientation(&orientation))






if (abs(angle2-angle)>20){


Serial.print("Angle: ");



Serial.print("Angle2: ");

















Appendix D: Extraneous Tables and Figures

Raw Data from Preliminary Sensor Test 1

Kamath 50

60.96 cm:

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Sensor 3

57.72 58.00 59.02

56.88 56.27 58.50

57.05 56.92 58.80

55.83 55.71 58.51

54.52 54.40 56.32

53.75 54.40 56.66

53.02 53.07 55.62

51.00 51.26 54.01

49.15 49.16 50.17

51.78 51.17 42.52

55.15 54.50 48.77

60.93 59.76 59.08

62.70 61.13 62.36

62.65 61.74 51.87

63.02 62.32 62.56

63.78 62.48 62.76

61.51 60.50 52.85

60.21 59.28 60.23

59.96 59.16 50.00

58.79 58.89 60.78

59.04 58.97 60.67

59.18 58.92 51.39

58.96 59.30 61.46

58.55 58.70 60.59

59.64 58.70 59.53

61.08 60.06 60.35

61.88 60.23 51.68

59.53 58.62 48.77

59.23 58.36 48.60

59.38 58.55 59.04

60.20 59.13 60.01

59.89 58.87 51.24

59.53 59.04 53.01

59.26 58.41 58.80

91.44 cm:

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Sensor 3

90.44 88.33 80.27

90.58 88.47 82.04

91.12 89.59 81.58

90.85 89.18 81.43

91.66 90.00 80.95

91.61 89.06 82.50

91.05 88.55 89.88

91.41 88.47 89.81

91.10 89.39 84.97

91.20 89.13 81.87

91.32 89.18 81.62

91.34 89.57 80.78

90.54 88.40 82.09

91.02 88.47 82.93

90.80 89.08 90.02

90.83 89.54 90.03

90.61 89.28 89.90

90.44 88.72 89.27

90.52 88.77 90.12

91.02 88.88 89.83

90.46 89.22 90.17

90.80 88.35 89.76

91.07 88.59 90.46

90.81 89.64 90.22

90.87 89.22 89.84

91.39 89.34 90.29

90.68 88.52 90.34

90.76 89.06 90.07

91.87 89.79 90.36

91.70 90.03 91.00

91.70 90.54 89.98

91.70 90.10 90.64

91.95 90.30 90.90

91.97 90.29 90.78

152.40 cm:

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Sensor 3

148.89 147.53 149.21

149.06 147.59 147.42

149.48 147.83 147.54

149.01 147.56 149.16

148.41 147.59 148.58

149.45 147.65 148.39

149.79 148.72 148.48

149.53 148.31 148.87

150.54 148.80 148.77

149.86 148.36 149.06

150.33 148.90 149.53

151.56 149.38 149.26

150.28 149.33 140.01

150.69 148.75 141.20

150.20 148.39 148.50

149.62 148.19 148.78

150.25 148.09 148.56

150.21 147.65 148.53

149.09 148.14 148.36

151.27 148.33 148.39

150.40 148.27 149.18

150.67 149.43 149.48

150.13 150.08 149.35

151.01 149.62 149.82

151.22 149.40 150.93

152.63 149.14 151.03

152.07 149.41 149.97

151.42 149.12 141.10

149.75 148.94 149.79

149.96 148.00 148.97

149.57 147.99 148.10

148.38 147.95 147.46

148.63 147.15 147.17

148.39 147.07 146.54

Kamath 51

59.65 59.08 51.46

59.65 58.43 50.64

59.93 58.74 49.69

59.30 58.85 49.30

59.16 58.28 50.83

58.92 58.33 50.30

59.18 58.38 59.43

59.64 58.41 58.74

59.40 58.58 50.49

59.40 58.67 50.32

59.69 58.92 59.23

59.42 58.23 50.49

58.87 58.02 58.84

58.87 58.02 58.43

59.16 58.45 50.83

59.06 58.33 51.41

59.04 58.28 52.07

58.92 58.11 58.60

59.02 58.26 59.52

59.89 58.62 59.36

59.70 58.82 51.44

59.84 59.35 54.98

60.62 59.70 50.81

60.76 60.13 51.09

92.09 90.85 91.04

92.28 90.64 84.71

92.34 90.39 91.80

92.68 90.59 91.39

92.75 90.64 91.15

92.94 90.44 91.38

92.38 90.29 91.26

92.09 89.69 91.31

92.00 89.91 90.83

91.63 90.07 90.56

92.40 90.29 90.85

92.31 90.29 90.78

92.21 90.15 90.68

92.06 90.10 91.36

92.23 89.74 91.02

92.33 90.25 90.71

91.87 89.78 91.51

91.87 90.19 91.15

92.24 90.54 91.04

92.11 90.08 91.92

92.97 90.63 92.11

92.50 91.05 92.06

92.60 91.26 91.04

92.24 90.90 92.41

148.05 147.39 147.05

148.14 147.20 147.51

148.85 146.93 139.15

148.73 147.56 147.99

149.09 148.10 138.62

149.21 146.86 147.58

149.12 147.12 140.23

149.23 148.12 148.05

148.94 147.25 147.68

148.99 147.07 139.98

149.97 147.22 147.39

149.19 147.12 147.46

148.16 148.00 146.90

148.73 147.87 146.93

148.07 146.56 146.86

148.87 146.40 146.90

147.99 147.46 146.40

148.09 147.36 138.81

148.55 147.12 139.60

148.92 147.00 139.49

148.02 146.46 140.83

147.93 146.34 138.31

148.72 146.40 138.36

148.00 147.03 140.25

213.36 cm:

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Sensor 3

209.70 208.28 209.81

210.39 208.17 209.30

209.59 208.79 209.05

211.99 208.28 208.90

209.93 208.59 209.10

209.30 208.35 208.96

209.12 208.62 208.85

210.27 208.08 208.76

209.54 207.76 208.81

209.63 208.30 209.29

304.80 cm:

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Sensor 3

301.75 298.86 299.17

301.67 299.20 299.47

302.65 298.61 299.76

301.78 299.15 299.32

301.41 299.12 301.43

302.16 298.57 299.23

303.45 298.59 298.78

302.62 298.62 298.88

302.12 298.59 299.23

302.02 298.96 301.31

Kamath 52

210.10 208.25 208.96

210.43 208.59 208.68

210.56 208.81 209.36

210.14 208.42 209.56

211.28 209.12 209.87

211.21 208.74 209.39

210.72 209.03 209.71

211.84 209.66 210.32

212.33 208.54 209.15

212.48 208.68 209.32

211.68 209.05 210.19

210.02 208.71 209.47

209.85 208.08 208.71

209.44 208.17 209.29

210.85 208.69 209.36

210.14 208.40 209.54

210.75 209.46 209.30

210.80 209.13 209.87

210.41 208.74 209.51

210.65 208.57 209.85

211.41 208.44 209.20

209.85 209.07 210.12

211.58 208.56 209.22

210.34 209.03 209.24

211.23 209.10 209.22

210.56 208.76 208.81

210.78 208.61 210.07

211.84 208.88 209.81

211.58 208.91 209.54

213.13 210.48 210.07

211.57 210.10 210.55

212.84 210.55 210.15

213.61 209.12 211.77

211.87 208.69 209.25

211.46 209.19 211.00

210.27 209.29 209.44

211.50 208.90 209.47

209.70 208.74 208.49

211.79 208.40 208.93

210.05 208.23 208.73

210.68 208.10 208.61

302.07 299.42 299.27

304.25 298.57 300.92

303.23 298.67 299.06

303.89 299.39 301.80

302.53 299.03 299.90

303.74 298.47 299.37

331.87 298.40 301.17

302.58 298.64 299.25

301.82 298.72 301.55

303.11 298.61 300.31

330.75 298.69 299.42

332.49 299.10 299.46

331.08 298.40 299.20

331.02 298.57 300.14

330.96 298.83 300.97

330.33 299.85 300.12

330.87 298.84 299.13

331.98 300.32 300.14

331.13 299.00 299.66

332.25 298.76 299.81

330.46 298.71 299.81

330.79 298.50 299.69

331.45 298.91 299.66

332.13 298.79 299.88

330.19 298.76 300.75

332.18 299.30 301.22

332.16 299.32 299.66

330.48 299.23 299.71

331.55 299.15 300.68

331.69 299.08 301.84

332.30 298.83 299.68

330.29 298.83 299.68

329.66 298.35 298.33

330.12 298.03 298.95

332.81 298.21 299.76

329.27 297.87 299.13

332.27 298.38 298.69

328.93 297.14 299.66

331.31 297.96 299.15

329.19 297.48 298.32

330.24 297.43 298.28

Kamath 53

209.39 208.10 208.32

209.53 208.28 208.30

209.66 208.40 208.85

211.77 208.30 209.32

211.38 208.35 208.51

210.63 208.45 208.57

210.07 208.00 208.96

329.65 297.09 298.93

329.58 297.18 298.44

301.92 298.18 298.98

328.85 297.72 299.27

330.41 297.18 299.25

302.58 298.03 298.01

331.04 297.19 298.44

The raw tables from the beam divergence tests were not included due to the large size of

the tables. Anyone who wishes to view this data should contact the researcher at

Appendix E: Full Patents Referenced

Zeng, X. (Oct 22, 2002). U.S. Patent No. US6469956 B1. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and

Trademark Office.

Appendix F: Notes

Appendix F Table of Contents

Ultrasonic Helmet Lets Anyone ‘See’ Like a Bat……………………………………………….54

Human Echolocation Waveform Analysis………………………………………………………55

Blind Echolocation Using Ultrasonic Sensors…………………………………………………..56

A Smart Infrared Microcontroller-Based Blind Guidance System………………………………57

Visually Impaired Will Benefit from New Infrared Device: Enactive Torch Helps The Blind To

'See' Without Canes……………………………………………………………………………...58

Choosing an Ultrasonic Sensor for Proximity or Distance Measurement Part 1: Acoustic


This Suit Gives You A Real Life Spider-Sense………………………………………………….60

Ultrasonic Distance Detection for Visually Impaired Pedestrians………………………………61

Mobility Devices…………………………………………………………………………………62

Ultrasonic Sensing……………………………………………………………………………….63

Kamath 54

A Navigation System for the Visually Impaired: A Fusion of Vision and Depth Sensor……….64

A Walking Assistant Robotic System for the Visually Impaired Based on Computer Vision and

Tactile Perception………………………………………………………………………………..65

Original URL


File name of PDF

Date written February 9, 2015 Date


September 15,


Type of paper Secondary source

Goal of the paper To describe advances in human echolocation


Major findings Vision part of brain lights up during


Developing the skill early helps

High frequency bat chirps bounce better than

human voice echoes

Notes on the paper There blind people that can navigate with


Bats, unlike humans, can use ultrasonic sound

Human ears aren’t designed for high

frequency sounds unlike bats

Features of Sonic Eye device:

o Bat-shaped ears that have ultrasonic


o Bat-like chirps

o Very precise

o Captures a lot of spatial information

Vision part of brain lights up

Developing the skill early helps

High frequency bat chirps bounce better than

human voice echoes

Researchers hope to turn the device into a


Biases of the authors Commercial interests of Sonic Eye

My opinions on the paper I think this is a genius and effective device, and

the activity in vision-related parts of the brain

proves that blind people have hope with


Follow up questions and ideas When will this become available for blind people

to purchase?

Keywords Echolocation, spatial audition, soundscape, pinna

Kamath 55

Original URL http://www2.ece.ohio-

File name of PDF humanecholocation.pdf

Date written 22 October, 2012 Date


September 15,


Type of paper Original Research

Goal of the paper To analyze waveforms and test the limits of

human echolocation

Major findings People can tell shapes apart in short distance

echolocation tests (a few cm)

Notes on the paper It is possible for some blind people to get

around without using a cane

o They use echolocation

Radar sensors and sonar sensors have potential


Previous echolocation studies showed that

blind people performed best and could detect

obstacles around 3-5m away

People can tell shapes apart in short distance

echolocation tests (a few cm)

Middle temporal and cortical regions of brain

activated when echolocating

These are the visual parts of the brain

Biases of the authors

My opinions on the paper The introduction and abstract do not explain the

findings or procedure enough. The description of

former echolocation studies is useful, however.

Follow up questions and ideas What features should an ideal radar device have

based on the study?

Keywords Radar, middle temporal, cortical regions

Kamath 56

Original URL

File name of PDF

Date written August 26-28,


Date Accessed September 24, 2016

Type of paper Primary source

Goal of the paper To describe an echolocation device for the blind.

Major findings The device detected moving and still objects very


Undulations in levels (the topography, basically)

was not detected well

Hanging objects were not detected

Objects 0.1-1m away were detected well

Notes on the paper Durability, comfort, ease of navigation, and

detection were the focus

Mowat handheld sensors use the vibration principle

to detect and give blind people information about the

distance from objects

Binaural Sonic Aid: glasses that give audio signals

to both ears about distance to nearby objects

The device in this article:

o “The device detects the nearest object in

front of the user, using two-dimensional

echolocation, and indicates its presence by

triggering an audible alarm”

Not accurate enough when detecting objects on the


Biases of the authors

My opinions on the paper I think this device is OK, but it is too bulky, and it is not

accurate enough. The author of the paper could have done a

much better job explaining the device. It would be better if

the device was wearable.

Follow up questions and ideas What type of ultrasonic sensors were specifically used?

Keywords Ultrasonic sensors, transmitter, reflected impulse,

propagation time

Kamath 57

Original URL

File name of PDF

Date written 20 March 2013 Date


September 24,


Type of paper Primary source

Goal of the paper To describe an infrared device for the blind.

Major findings Can detect different shapes with over 90%


Can detect all combinations of moving and

still obstacles around the person.

Differentiates between different materials.

Notes on the paper Infrared sensors can offer additional

information about the objects

o Like material and shape

“Three simple IR sensors and brings together

all reflective signals in order to codify an

obstacle through PIC microcontroller”

Device: hat and a small pen-sized stick

Doesn’t detect ambient light

Two sensors on hat (right and left)

One on the small stick

The infrared beams form triangles based on

the distance to the object

Vibrating motors were used

Can detect different shapes with over 90%


Biases of the authors

My opinions on the paper This was an extremely well-written paper that

beautifully described the device and how the infrared

sensors triangularly reflect information about


Follow up questions and ideas How exactly can you notify the blind person about the

shapes of objects? Can you use this in conjunction

with ultrasonic sensors?

Keywords Infrared sensor, PIC Microcontroller

Kamath 58

Original URL

File name of PDF

Date written 11 August 2014 Date


September 28,


Type of paper Secondary source article

Goal of the paper To describe an infrared device for the blind.

Major findings An infrared device was created that is equal in function to the


Notes on the paper Blind people don’t like canes much

o Bump into cracks

o Slip under too many objects

Enactive Torch connected to wristband

Vibrates harder as infrared sensor detects obstacle closer

More compact version in production

Can help children fit in

Biases of the authors

My opinions on the


This article did a decent job explaining the device and its benefits. Its

convenience is emphasized since it performed as well as the cane, but

it is smaller.

Follow up questions

and ideas

I want to know what steps the creators will take to make the device

more common.

Keywords Infrared sensor

Kamath 59

Original URL


File name of PDF

Date written February 1, 1999 Date


October 2, 2016

Type of paper Secondary source article

Goal of the paper To describe the factors that affect ultrasonic sensors

Major findings sound waves loose amplitude through transmission through air

humidity affects attenuation

Notes on the paper transducers release the sound

temperature affects speed of sound and sensor’s calculations

wavelength dependent on speed of sound and the frequency

sound waves loose amplitude through transmission through air

loss of amplitude increases with frequency

humidity affects attenuation

Biases of the


My opinions on

the paper very technical

too specific for this particular project, but good for locating

potential sources of error in the sensors

Follow up

questions and


where are the best sources to find accurate sensors?

Keywords humidity in ultrasonic sensors, wavelength

Kamath 60

Original URL


File name of PDF

Date written February 23, 2013 Date


October 2, 2016

Type of paper Secondary source article

Goal of the paper To describe an ultrasonic suit created by a PhD student at the University

of Illinois

Major findings it works fairly accurately

95% of the time the students could detect the oncoming attacker

Notes on the paper used ultrasonic sensors

motors exerted pressure on skin

7 different sensors

3 pounds

$500 cost to build

Biases of the


My opinions on

the paper

Follow up

questions and


when will these types of devices become more common for the



Kamath 61

Original URL

File name of PDF Ultrasonic distance detection for visually impaired pedestrians

Date written October 22, 2002 Date


October 2, 2016

Type of paper Patent

Goal of the paper To describe an ultrasonic device for blind pedestrians

Major findings human voice works better than vibration

Notes on the paper Glasses with earphones on the sides

Ultrasonic sensor to sense distance

converts the distance to # of user strides

vibrations are too confusing

instead communicates # of strides to user

sends audio message into ear of

o too close

o one step

o two steps

o three steps

human voice

Biases of the


My opinions on

the paper This device might seem confusing with so much input constantly

coming in.

Follow up

questions and



Kamath 62

Original URL




File name of PDF

Date written 2001 Date Accessed October 5, 2016

Type of paper Primary Source

Goal of the paper Improving obstacle detection by redesign of walking canes for blind


Major findings

Notes on the paper Blind people sweep the cane side to side to find

o objects in the path

o changes in surface

o integrity of surface foot is going to be placed on

People have reported that the cane tends miss obstacles

Smaller the angle, more detection

Canes make 35 degree+ angle, too much

Canes get stuck and can get jammed


Bystander attention

Poor obstacle and step detection

Biases of the authors

My opinions on the


Follow up questions

and ideas


Kamath 63

Original URL


File name of PDF

Date written Date Accessed October 8, 2016

Type of paper Secondary Source

Goal of the paper Technical information on ultrasonic sensors

Major findings

Notes on the paper blind zone of a sensor:

o “If the ultrasonic beam leaves the sensor, strikes the

target, and returns before the sensor has completed its

transmission, the sensor is unable to receive the echo


sensors emit cone

o cone can be variable through potentiometer

must space sensors so that beam angles do not interfere

usually detect obstacles 3 degrees+ to parallel the transducer

look for noise suppression circuitry

use temperature sensors to get a more accurate value for the

speed of sound

photoelectric sensors are another option

Biases of the authors

My opinions on the


Follow up questions

and ideas

Kamath 64

Original URL

File name of PDF

Date written 18 August 2015 Date Accessed 24 October 2016

Type of paper

Goal of the paper Create a Kinect-based

Major findings Device works reasonably well indoors, not too well outdoors in


Notes on the paper Uses Kinect corner and depth sensors

Ultrasonic sensors may be inaccurate due to sound absorption

Speckled pattern infrared projector on Kinect

o compares reference to actual points to sense depth

o shadows and blind spots cannot detect light

o sunlight clouds infrared sensor

converts depth image to pixeled depth map

uses voice commands to give information

2 types of obstacles

o walls/complete obstructions

o things like chairs that can be avoided by switching


tried on a blind person and a visually impaired person

useful when used with white cane, identifies objects earlier

Biases of the authors

My opinions on the


Follow up questions

and ideas

Kamath 65

Original URL

File name of PDF A Walking Assistant Robotic System for the Visually Impaired Based

on Computer Vision and Tactile Perception

Date written 30 July 2015 Date Accessed 25 October 2016

Type of paper

Goal of the paper Create a Kinect-based vibro-tactile belt device for the blind

Major findings

Notes on the paper “vOICe uses a head mounted camera to capture environment

information and converts image information into sound output

for the visually impaired”

Kinect gathers depth data

Ultrasonic sensor detects additional obstacles and surface

safe direction voice messages and obstacle messages

Biases of the authors

My opinions on the

paper I sort of wanted to use the Kinect, but I think it is a bit too

complicated and ultrasonic sensors can do the job just as well.

Follow up questions

and ideas