Integrated Biology and Undergraduate Science Education: A New Biology Education for the Twenty-First...

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  • 8/9/2019 Integrated Biology and Undergraduate Science Education: A New Biology Education for the Twenty-First Century?


    FeatureFrom the National Academies

    Integrated Biology and Undergraduate Science Education:A New Biology Education for the Twenty-First Century?

    Jay B. Labov,* Ann H. Reid, and Keith R. Yamamoto

    *Center for Education and Board on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, DC 20001; andDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,CA 94143


    Given the radical changes in the nature of the scienceof biology and what we have learned about effectiveways to teach, this is an opportune time to address thebiology we teach so that it better represents the biologywe do.

    For more than a decade, numerous reports have called for arethinking and restructuring of high school and under-graduate science education to make it more relevant andaccessible to a broader spectrum of students (Handelsmanet al., 2006; Hulleman and Harackiewicz, 2009; NationalResearch Council [NRC], 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003a,b,c,

    2005, 2008; National Science Foundation [NSF], 1996) andto base our strategies on the expanding body of researchon human learning and cognition (NRC, 2000b; Allen andTanner, 2007; Morse and Jutras, 2008; DeHaan, 2009,Pfund et al., 2009, Labov et al., 2009). In 2009, severalimportant publications, conferences, and events havepointed toward confluence around more interdisciplinaryand interconnected approaches and themes for under-graduate education in the life sciences. These events haveincluded the following:

    Release of draft curriculum frameworks in biology for theCollege Boards multiyear restructuring of advanced place-ment courses in science for high school students (see http:// This restructuring closelyfollows the recommendations of a report from the NRC(2002) and calls for teaching fewer concepts in greater depth.Restructuring also requires developing and implementing

    means to measure students level of conceptual understand-ing (Mervis, 2009a; Wood, 2009).

    Publication of Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians, ajoint report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute(HHMI) and the Association of American Medical Col-leges, which calls for a change in undergraduate scienceeducation away from a system based on courses to one

    based on competencies. According to the committee, Acompetency-based approach will give both learners andeducators more flexibility in the premedical curriculumand allow the development of more interdisciplinary andintegrative courses that maintain scientific rigor, whileproviding a broad education. (Executive Summary, p. 1)1

    Convening of Vision and Change in Undergraduate Bi-ology Education, a summit held in Washington, DC, in

    July 2009 that was organized by the American Association

    for the Advancement of Science with support from theNSF. This summit brought together 500 people to con-sider future pathways for undergraduate education in thelife sciences (Mervis, 2009b; Woodin et al., 2009).2 A reportfrom the summit is planned for release in 2010.

    Publication in September 2009 ofA New Biology for the Twenty-First Century by a committee under the aegis of the NRCsBoard on Life Sciences (NRC, 2009; a podcast about thereport is available at The report proposes a bold new integratedresearch agenda, with important implications for the fu-ture of undergraduate and K12 science education.

    Convening in November 2009 of an interdisciplinary fo-rum on synthetic biology as part of the annual NationalAcademies Keck Futures Initiative.3 Consistent with callsto find ways to develop science curricula in conjunctionwith cutting-edge scientific discoveries (Jurkowski et al.,2007), the forum actively considered issues of educationand communication about synthetic biology in conjunc-

    DOI: 10.1187/cbe.09120092 Present address: American Academy of Microbiology, Washing-ton, DC.Address correspondence to: Jay B. Labov (

    1 A separate Executive Summary for this report is available at Additional information is available at Additional information is available at

    CBELife Sciences EducationVol. 9, 1016, Spring 2010

    10 2010 by The American Society for Cell Biology

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    tion with discussions of scientific, legal, and ethical as-pects. A report from this event will be published by theNational Academies in 2010.

    Thus, throughout this past year, the life sciences communityhas focused its attention on where biological research islikely to progress over the next several decades and howeducation in the life sciences might keep pace with this

    rethinking of research priorities and progress. The NRC(2009) report offers the most comprehensive review of thesesets of issues; its recommendations for research and educa-tion agendas are summarized below.


    Biological research is in the midst of a revolutionary changedue to the integration of powerful technologies along withnew concepts and methods derived from inclusion of physical sciences, mathematics, computational sciences, andengineering. As never before, advances in biological sciences

    hold tremendous promise for surmounting many of themajor challenges confronting the United States and theworld. Historically, major advances in science have providedsolutions to economic and social challenges. At the sametime, those challenges have inspired science to focus itsattention on critical needs. Scientific efforts based onmeeting societal needs have laid the foundation for countlessnew products, industries, even entire economic sectors thatwere unimagined when the work began . . .

    . . . the essence of the New Biology is integrationreintegrationof the many subdisciplines of biology, and the integration intobiology of physicists, chemists, computer scientists, engineers,and mathematicians to create a research community with thecapacity to tackle a broad range of scientific and societalproblems. NRC (2009), p. viii

    . . . the New Biology represents an additional, complementary

    approach to biological research. Purposefully organizedaround problem-solving, this approach marshals the basicresearch to advance fundamental understanding, bringstogether researchers with different expertise, develops thetechnologies required for the task and coordinates efforts toensure that gaps are filled, problems solved, and resourcesbrought to bear at the right time.

    NRC, 2009, p. 3

    The committee4 that authored A New Biology (NRC, 2009;Figure 1) was asked by the National Institutes of Health,NSF, and the U.S. Department of Energy to undertake anappraisal of areas in which the life sciences are poised tomake major advances and of how these advances could

    contribute to practical applications and improved environ-mental stewardship, human health, and quality of life. Italso was asked to examine current trends toward integrationand synthesis within the life sciences, the increasingly im-portant role of interdisciplinary teams, and the resultantimplications for funding strategies, decision making, infra-structure, and education in the life sciences.

    The report states that the life sciences face a moment ofopportunity similar to that faced by physics in the twen-tieth century. The members of the committee identifiedfour major areas of societal challenge where problem-focused research incorporating emerging theory, newtechnologies, fundamental findings from basic research inthe life sciences, and integration into the life sciences ofthe physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering could

    enable biology to contribute to rapid progress in practicalproblem-solving. These broad areas, which are in factinterdependent and must be addressed in parallel, in-clude the following:

    health, with an emphasis on developing the capacity tounderstand individual health at a level that allows pre-vention, diagnosis, and treatment to be based on eachindividuals unique genetic and environmental character-istics rather than statistical probability;

    environment, with an emphasis on developing the meansto monitor, diagnose, and restore ecosystem function and

    biodiversity in the face of rapid environmental change; energy, with an emphasis on expanding sustainable alter-

    natives to fossil fuels; and food, with an emphasis on developing the capability to

    adapt any crop plant to sustainable growth under any setof growing conditions. The new biology, if successful,would make it possible to more quickly and predictably

    breed food plants suitable for cultivation where they aremost needed.

    The committee envisioned the New Biology as a cycle en-compassing four major components (Figure 2):

    1. Integration of Scientific Information, Theory, Technolo-gies, and Thinking about Complex Problems. As noted inFigure 2, biology is essential, but in its traditional form isinsufficient to confront the key problems that must be

    addressed in the future. The physical sciences, mathemat-ics, engineering, and information sciences all must beintegrated with the traditional discipline to form the NewBiology. Importantly, the committee emphasized that sci-ence education must be an integral input to this interdis-ciplinary approach to capacious problems. Science edu-cation itself also is envisioned as advancing as a result ofthe feedback loops that emerge from this integrated ap-proach.

    2. Deeper Understanding of Biological Systems. A deeperunderstanding of biological systems emerges from themultifaceted thinking of experts from a variety of disci-plines. This deeper understanding will advance biologyfrom an era of observation and mechanism to one of

    deciphering design principles for biological processes,making them accessible to manipulation and eventuallypredictable.

    3. Biologically Based Solutions to Societal Problems. Forsocietal problems that may be intractable by other ap-proaches, the deeper understanding that results fromthe integrated and interdisciplinary collaborationsdriving the New Biology will allow more rapidprogress on complex and interrelated challenges suchas those in the areas of health, environment, energy,and food. In this context, the societal issues could be

    4 A list of committee members and their institutional affiliations isavailable at

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    considered as interactive drivers on a very large scale,spurring the development of enabling technologies and

    new discovery.4. Feedback and Benefits to Contributing Disciplines and

    to Education. The collective, synergistic knowledge andthinking that emerge from integrated approaches to

    biological research and their applications to societalchallenges will, in turn, inform and stimulate funda-mental research across the scientific spectrum and inscience education. If education tracks the projected tra-

    jectory of research that is encompassed by the NewBiology, individual disciplines are also likely to con-

    verge around the idea of integrated and interconnectedscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics

    (STEM) education.


    The committee observed that the New Biology presentsunprecedented opportunities to draw attention to the excite-ment of biology but will require new ways of thinking about

    Figure 1. Report cover for A New Biology forthe 21st Century.

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    how to attract, educate, and retain undergraduates as de-tailed below.

    The New Biology Initiative Provides anOpportunity to Attract Students to Science WhoWant to Solve Real-World Problems

    This approach may be especially attractive to those stu-dents who would otherwise become disenfranchised fromscience through traditional approaches to teaching andlearning. Emerging research is demonstrating that allow-ing students to make connections between the sciencethey study and the problems that they, their families, andtheir communities face can encourage greater interest inscience as well as the motivation to learn scientific con-

    cepts more deeply (NRC, 2000b; Hulleman and Harack-iewicz, 2009).

    The New Biologist Is Not a Scientist Who Knows aLittle about All Disciplines, but One with DeepKnowledge in One Discipline and a WorkingFluency in Several

    Although this vision of scientists who participate in theNew Biology may seem to support the current structure ofscience majors, it actually would require very differentthinking about how scientists are educated. Solving com-plex, interdisciplinary problems will require that studentsgo far beyond their life science majors both in understand-

    ing what connections exist across disciplines and how tomake those connections. Requiring separate courses inother natural and behavioral sciences with no attempt tohelp students make specific connections among them willprobably be insufficient. Preparing future life scientistswithout offering them exposure to and experience withengineering, design, computer science, and an apprecia-tion of the broader connections between science and tech-nology (NRC, 1998, 2003; National Academy of Engineer-ing, 2002, 2007, 2009) will not constitute adequatepreparation. And mere exposure (by requiring students to

    take courses in these other areas) most likely will notprepare them to make and understand the connectionsamong these disciplines; specific efforts must be made tohelp students learn these skills (NRC, 2000b).

    Highly Developed Quantitative Skills Will Be Increasingly Important

    Mathematics and other quantitative tools are becoming in-creasingly important to the work of biologists and to theadvancement of the field, and these areas need to become alarger part of undergraduate biology education (NRC,2003a; Bialek and Botstein, 20045; Brent, 2004; Cohen, 2004;Hoy, 2004; Gross, 2004; Steen, 2005). However, there aremany structural and systemic impediments that limit trueintegration of mathematics and quantitative literacy intoundergraduate biology education. These include lack ofcommunication between biology and mathematics depart-ments to better integrate mathematical concepts and exam-ples into biology courses and more appropriate examplesinvolving biology in mathematics courses in which biologymajors enroll. There are also persistent misperceptions aboutthe kinds of mathematics that are required to prepare pre-

    medical students for the Medical College Admission Test(currently none are specifically required6) or for entrance tomedical schools (requirements vary widely from urgingpreparation in mathematics, to one or two semesters ofcalculus or to algebra or statistics7). The recent report fromthe Association of American Medical Colleges and HHMI(2009) recommends that students should be able to Applyquantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to de-scribe or explain phenomena in the natural world. (p. 22).This competency could be demonstrated by students whoare able to

    demonstrate quantitative numeracy and facility with thelanguage of mathematics,

    interpret data sets and communicate those interpretationsusing visual and other appropriate tools,

    make statistical inferences from data sets, extract relevant information from large data sets, make inferences about natural phenomena using mathe-

    matical models, apply algorithmic approaches and principles of logic (in-

    cluding the distinction between cause/effect and associa-tion) to problem-solving,

    quantify and interpret changes in dynamical systems (pp.2224).

    5 This editorial is part of a special issue of Science on Mathematics inBiology. All relevant papers in this issue are available through links According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, TheMedical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess the examinees problem solving,critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of science concepts andprinciples prerequisite to the study of medicine. Scores are reported inVerbal Reasoning, Physical Sciences, Writing Sample, and BiologicalSciences. Medical colleges consider MCAT exam scores as part of theiradmission process. See For a listing of entry requirementsin mathematics for medical schoolsin the United States, see

    Biology-Based Solutionsto Societal Problems





    Deeper Understanding

    of Biological Systems: Organizing Principles


    Scientific Integration

    BiologyPhysical &ChemicalSciences










    Figure 2. The inputs to and outcomes of a new integrated approachto biological research in the twenty-first century (NRC, 2009, p. 18).

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    New thinking about ways to integrate and connect thesetwo disciplines can serve as the basis for departments of

    biology and mathematics, and for professional societies inthese disciplines, to work together toward the improve-ment of undergraduate education as envisioned by theNew Biology.

    Development and Implementation of Genuinely Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Courses andCurricula Will Both Prepare Students for Careers asNew Biology Researchers and Educate a NewGeneration of Science Teachers Who Will Be WellVersed in New Biology Approaches

    The preparation of future science teachers must become a joint responsibility between faculties in science depart-ments and schools of education (NRC, 1998, 2000a, 2003a).Templates and syllabi for interdisciplinary undergraduatecourses that would benefit teachers of science (especiallythose in the elementary and middle grades) have been pub-lished.8 But science, mathematics, and engineering facultyand academic leaders in higher education must recognize

    their roles in preparing future teachers as well as futureresearchers. Consideration must be given to what under-graduates will need to learn to teach science in the wayenvisioned in A New Biology, both with respect to the nec-essary scientific knowledge base and to familiarity withscientifically based pedagogical techniques that are mosteffective in teaching science.

    Similar attention needs to be paid to preparing graduatestudents to become the next generation of faculty whowill, in turn, assume some of the responsibility for K12teacher preparation. Are graduate students being encour-aged to pursue quality teaching experiences? Are they

    being provided with training in new approaches to teach-ing and learning and exposure to the research literatureabout human learning and cognition as part of that prep-

    aration?What characteristics might undergraduate courses have

    that emphasize an interdisciplinary approach as envisionedin A New Biology? The report provides an example of intro-ductory courses at Harvard University (see Box 2). Addi-tional models are offered by SENCER (see footnote 9) andinclude courses with biological emphases such as

    Cellular and Molecular Biology: Cancer Life Science in Context: SubSaharan Africa & HIV/AIDS The Science of Sleep Slow Food Addiction: Biology, Psychology, and Society Environment and Disease

    Nutrition & Wellness and the Iowa Environment Human Genetics Tuberculosis Biomedical Issues of HIV/AIDS Mysteries of Migration

    Box 1: Connecting Bio 101 to Real-World Issues: AnInterdisciplinary Approach

    In 20052006, Harvard University launched two se-mester-long introductory courses that provide an inter-disciplinary introduction to biology and chemistry. Thefirst course synthesizes essential topics in chemistry, mo-lecular biology, and cell biology, and the second course

    synthesizes essential topics in genetics, genomics, prob-ability, and evolutionary biology. Scientific facts andconcepts are introduced in the context of exciting andinterdisciplinary questions, such as understanding thepossibility of synthetic life, the biology and treatment ofAIDS and cancer, human population genetics, and ma-laria. Through interdisciplinary teaching, students graspof fundamental concepts is reinforced as they encounterthe same principles in multiple situations. Each course istaught by a small team of faculty from multiple depart-ments. Members of each teaching team attend all lec-tures and participate for the entire term. The prepara-tion for and teaching effort in each course offering isintegrated. Teaching assistants are also drawn from

    different departments and work in small interdepart-mental teams.Development of these courses required institu-

    tional support. The president, dean of the faculty,and the chair of the life sciences council all providedfunds to support a one-year curriculum develop-ment effort, lab renovations, lower teaching fellowstudent ratios, equipment, and development of teach-ing materials. One of the founding faculty membersHHMI undergraduate education award contributed todeveloping specific sets of teaching materials.

    Success depended on finding faculty members withpersonal commitments to the principles of the coursesand willingness to work as a team to build the newcourses from scratch. This effort was rewarded as

    individual departments agreed to count these interde-partmental and interdisciplinary courses toward theirrespective departmental teaching expectations.

    Since the courses were implemented, undergradu-ate enrollment in introductory life sciences courses isup 30% and the number of life sciences majors hasrisen 18%. NRC (2009) p. 80

    The life sciences and science education communities havemade significant advances in articulating how undergradu-ate biology education can be made accessible to more stu-dents with varying education needs and learning styles. The

    beginnings of real consensus about the future course for life

    sciences education is emerging. As the year 2010 opens, theideas for transforming undergraduate education for futureresearch biologists that were envisioned in the Bio 2010report are being considered more seriously and imple-mented more widely than many had imagined when thereport was published in 2003 (e.g., Pfund et al., 2009). TheNew Biology report emphasized the ongoing and lastingrelevance of Bio 2010 but also noted the incomplete imple-mentation of its recommendations to date. Much work re-mains.

    8 For example, model courses have been developed with support fromthe NSF as part of the Science Education for New Civic Engage-ments and Responsibilities (SENCER); see and the Mathematics/Science Partner-ships (see initiatives.

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    The findings and recommendations that emerged in 2009again offer a collective and coherent vision for improvingundergraduate science education in general, and biologyeducation specifically. As a community, we must work to-ward implementation of the visions articulated in A NewBiology and other recent initiatives, scaled to encompass allareas of biology and all undergraduates who enroll in biol-ogy courses and programs.


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