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Transcript of Integral_Control.odp

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    Integral Control System


  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    Often control systems are

    designed using Integral Control. Intis control metod! te controlsystem acts in a "ay tat

    te control e#ort is $ro$ortional tote integral of te error.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    %e $ro$ortional controller am$li&este error and a$$lies a control e#ort tote system tat is $ro$ortional to te

    error. In integral control! te controe#ort is $ro$ortional to te integral sote controller no" needs to 'e anintegrator! and it "ill a(e a transfe

    function of )i*s - not +ust a gain! )$.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    Integral control is "at you a(e "ente signal dri(ing te controlledsystem is deri(ed 'y integrating te

    error in te system.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    An integral is te area under a cur(eAssuming tat te inde$enden(aria'le is time! t. %en as time goes

    on te area accumulates. Integrationis te limit of a $rocess of ta,ing smalincremental areas and letting teinter(al! %! srin, to ero.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    If te integral starts at ero! ten teintegral is +ust te area under te cur(e.

    Implications: If the input goes to zero, then the integra

    stops changing and just has whatever valueit had just before the input became zero. The integral can change in either direction as

    the signal goes positive and negative.Negative area can subtract from positive

    area, lowering the value of an integral.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    sing Integral Control

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    te out$ut le(el is te desired le(el! tis is adesira'le steady state.

    Re(ie" on te situation/

    If output level matches the desired level, the error iszero.

    Because the error is zero, the integrator output doesnot change.

    Because the integrator output doesnt change, if the

    rest of the s!stem is at stead! state nothing elsechanges. The s!stem has to reach stead! state. "oull need to

    learn something about s!stem d!namics to ensurestabilit!. If the s!stem starts to oscillate wildl!then it ma! not reach a stead! state, so the zerostate state behavior is never reall! seen.

    #lthough the error goes to zero, no guaranteesabout speed of response are given.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    0isad(antages of IntegralControl

    #n integral controller is not particularl! di$cult toimplement. In an analog s!stem, an integral control s!stem

    integrates the error signal to generate thecontrol signal. If the error signal is a voltage, andthe control signal is also a voltage, then a

    proportional controller is just an analogintegrator.

    In a digital control s!stem, an integral contros!stem computes the error from measuredoutput and user input to a program, and

    integrates the error using some standardintegration algorithm, then generates anoutput%control signal from that integration.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    Integral Controller

    1i(en a system in "ic you "antto use integral control!

    #& Be able to predict the e'ect of

    integral control on (().B& Be able to predict the e'ect ofintegral control on stabilit!.*& Be able to predict the e'ect of

    integral control on speed of response.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    2ro$erties Of IntegralControllers

    %e controller integrates te error asso"n in te 'loc, diagram of ane3am$le system 'elo".

    %e integral controller as a transferfunction of )i*s

    So! te actuating signal 4te in$ut to tesystem 'eing controlled is $ro$ortiona

    to te integral of te error.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


    In an integral controller! steady state

    error sould 'e ero. The s!stem would have to have a zero

    at the origin to ma+e this claim false.

    f course, the closed loop s!stem has to

    be stable.

    Integral control as a tendency to ma,ea system slo"er.

  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp


  • 8/10/2019 Integral_Control.odp

