Integracija Google Analytics v UserReport

Post on 05-Jul-2015

125 views 3 download


Ranee my mogli integrirovat' dannye UserReport v Google Analytics, blagodarja jetomu ljuboj veb-analitik mog poluchit' krutye otchety kasatel'no togo, kakaja imenno auditorija luchshe vseh moetiziruetsja, ili prinosit bol'she vsego klikov s reklamy i t.d. Segodnja my invertirovali jetot process, i sdelali vozmozhnym analizirovat' ljubye kriterii s tochki zrenija povedenija pol'zovatelja. Naprimer, zadav vopros, "kurite li vy?" vy mozhete poluchit' statistiku o tom, kakaja srednjaja pokupatel'skaja korzina kuril'wika v vashem magazine, ili zhe skol'ko stranic smotrit chelovek, u kotorogo est' inomarka ne starshe 2h let. Na jetom primere rassmotren datskij magazin korma dlja zhivotnyh. Obnaruzhilos' chto u vladel'cev sobak srednjaja korzina bol'she, chem u teh, u kogo sobaki net. Bolee togo, uznav chto u pokupatelej, u kotoryh 4 i bolee sobaki naibol'shij srednij razmer zakaza, byla optimizirovana advords kampanija po kljuchevym slovam "Korm dlja sobak, bol'shie upakovki".

Transcript of Integracija Google Analytics v UserReport

Using UserReport in E-commerce

Google Analytics data in UserReport


E-commerce - Select filter

E-commerce - Filter: Gender

traffic Sources

Traffic Sources - Top 10 referrals

Traffic Sources? Top 10 referrals / Gender

TrafikkilderTop 10 referrals / Kvinder

Summary - Conversion Analysis

Average conversion rate is 5%

Conversion rate for women: 7.5%

Therefore wants more women in the shop!

The women come frequently from:

What should I do: Increase advertising on facebook and consumption Association Target advertising to women

E-commerce - Average value? Webshop - Seller of animal food

E-commerce – Filter: Do you have a dog?

E-commerce - Average value? Do you have a dog?

E-commerce - Filter:How many dogs do you have?

E-commerce - Average value? How many dogs do you have?

Traffic Sources

Traffic SourcesSearch - Paid - Top 10 Keywords

Filter: How many dogs do you have?

Search – Paid – Top 10 KeywordsIf 4 or more dogs

Summary: Animal food shop

Average order value: DKK 476, -

Dog owners have higher order value: DKK 676, -

The more dogs, the higher order value: € 1,115, -(4 ell More dogs)

Dog owners with 4 or more dogs are looking more for "animal feed bulk purchases"

Optimizing ads

Current Adwords ad that matches:"Animal food" and "Animal food bulk purchases"

Optimizing ads

New Adwords ad that matches:"Animal food bulk purchases"

Extra dimension in data

General behavior among visitors

"Animal feed bulk purchases" is a good keyword that provides high average order value

Therefore: Bid more on words in Adwords

Behaviour of otherwise unknown dimensions (gender, age, own quest)

"Animal feed bulk purchases" is a good keyword BECAUSE, it is often used by people with many dogs

Therefore: Bid more on words in Adwords AND optimize ad for dog owners AND indent traffic directly to specific product group