Insurance Brochure 2015 eRead

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Insurance Brochure 2015 eRead

For Insurance professionalsEnsuring your marketing’s return on investment

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Hello...Historically insurance brokers have had renewal retention rates of 90-95% across their books (allowing for 50% in volatile markets like private car, micro SMEs and self-employed traders at 70%). However, we know you are facing a retention rate challenge, competition is fierce and Direct Writers are increasing their presence and customer penetration. As a broker you need to maintain your existing customers, cross-sell to these clients, and, above all, drive client retention. produces great results in both client retention and attracting new business, whilst always adding value to your business. By using us you can: aGain more new business aRetain existing business aBe unforgettable to your customers

How it works...



Automated Messages...Stay in touch... The customer journey for your insurance clients can be comparatively long when compared to other industries, with a variety of collateral being sent out upon quotation request, mid-term adjustment, during and after a claim- but what about before renewal time? helps you to implement and manage all your touch points with ease, so you can drive more efficiency in your business and maximise income, whilst also saving time. aAutomate messages such as the confirmation of a policy number, a product survey and any contact names and numbers they may need. aAutomate not just email, but SMS, Surveys and Letters too! aSimple to set up, easy to monitor, maintain or change, your automated messages are built based on live data, so if someone enters the sales funnel, you can rest assured that you’re keeping in touch with them. Did you know..? ● The average click-through rate for automated emails is more than double the rate for mass emails. ● When email is integrated with other marketing tactics, 65% of respondents agree online marketing delivers the best return on investment. ● Marketing that spans 2-3 communication channels gets an average of 24% more engagement. Source: Epsilon, WhoisHostingThis, EmailInstitute, DMA, Experian, Epsilon.

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“ Automated messages average 152% higher click-through rates than ‘business as usual’ marketing messages. ” Source: Email Institute

Sample Customer Journey

Keep them in the loop... We know that you need your customers and prospective customers to know why you’re different. We want to help you shout it from the rooftops - and, by using our intelligent Emails and Newsletters, you can! Our intelligent newsletters are a unique tool that cannot be purchased anywhere else, allowing you to send your clients multiple news stories or articles that help customers see you as a market leader. aEach recipient sees a different newsletter, based on their preferences. This means you can send one article that’s relevant to risk management and another that’s relevant to a specific trade sector like Farm and Estates, or Tradesman, Solicitors, Motor Traders and so on. The recipient will only ever get the news that’s relevant for them. aTrack and analyse what your clients do, showing you which article they last read, so you can target them with even more precision the next time. aBy using to build up preferences, you are getting a 360 degree view of your prospects - and that’s invaluable. aYou can also break into social media with easy to access social and email content relevant to your sector at your fingertips with our Content Engine. aNo time to write content? Our RSS feed pulls in industry news your customers will love that you can share in just a couple of clicks.

Emails & Newsletters...● Personalized emails have a 29% higher open rate and a 41% higher unique click-through rate.

● When surveyed, 21% indicated that the emails they open and buy from are about something they’re “specifically interested in”.

● Email marketing has a return on investment of 4,300%

● 77% of consumers say they prefer to receive marketing via email.

● For every £1 spent on email marketing there is a £30.56 return on investment. ● There are over 43 million email accounts in the UK. ● Personalised subject lines are 22.2% more likely to get opened. Source: Endai Worldwide, Experian, DMA.

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“ 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message. ” Source: Direct Marketing Association

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Be current... With smartphones ever more prevalent, SMS messaging is one of the strongest marketing tools around when used in combination with intelligent email targeting and offline marketing like direct mail.

Whilst you can use SMS in a variety of ways, we find that the best results are when it ties into your sales process really tightly.

aSMS can be automated with, so you can easily send a SMS welcome message when a policy has been purchased or 4 weeks before a policy expiration date. aLink to your website, a survey or any collateral you think will delight your clients.

aBecause of the tie in with your CRM, the message can be personalised with the recipient’s name. aUse your data to easily highlight or remind them of an interaction they’ve had with you, such as “we hope you enjoyed the article on Speciality Risks. Why not read this?”

The possibilities to inform and engage your clients are endless.

SMS Messaging...Did you know..? ● Millennials touch their smartphones 43 times per day, and 30 percent admit they touch more than four devices over the course of 24 hours. ● 60%of millennials surveyed expect a consistent experience from brands whether they interact online, in store or via phone. ● The average person receives 178 text messages in comparison to 1216 emails.

● Smartphones and tablets combined account for 66% of all email opens. ● 98% of text messages are read within 90 seconds. Source: SDL, MoveableInk

“ SMS messages have a 19% click through rate compared to email’s 4.2% ” Source: TextBoard

Online Surveys...

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Stay brilliant... We know that you always seek feedback from your clients, but collecting and analysing that data - now that can be complicated! Why not manage your feedback collection through us? By using you can: aDeliver timely, digital surveys that allow you to acquire more information from the whole of your database - knowledge that you can turn to your advantage. aFurther the customer journey and capture valuable up to date information about your customers. aAutomatically send a survey that is triggered by an event. The possibilities for this are endless, and you can see fantastic results by sending a survey after a claim, or 1 month into a policy. aOur intelligent and in-depth reporting tool can help you see what’s going well and where there is room for improvement - as well as giving you a really detailed view of your clients’ purchasing behaviour. In turn, you will be able to perfectly tailor your marketing for the future - a hugely powerful tool.

“ The customer survey tool has allowed us to engage with our customers around how we shape our products and services. We’ve been able to get high quality feedback quickly and to demonstrate to our customers that we are actively listening to what’s important to them. ” Source: SSP

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Direct Mail & Letters...Prospecting has changed... On average, an insurance broker sends 30 letters per customer, from quote to claim resolution, so we know that printing letters is a huge part of your business. offer a full print and send service called PostDirect which costs less than the price of 1 single 2nd class stamp per letter, which could save you 50% on your postage costs! aSimply download our software, type your letter in word, merge your contacts and hit print - then it’s over to us! aWe print your letters on high quality paper with your unique branding and letterheads, before sending them direct to your customers’ doors- and they’ll never know it’s not been printed in-house. aMake huge savings on toner, branded paper, franking- and time! We know that prospecting is critical, too! Direct Mail has been shown to be highly effective for discovering new clients, with 79% of customers acting on direct mail immediately. aOur Direct Mail suite allows you to order brochures, stationery, business cards and posters, as well as leaflets and flyers. aYou don’t need to be a graphic designer; simply drag and drop your images and text into our software, proof and print - and you’re away!

aDiscover up to 20 million new prospects with our data module. Target by postcode, location, credit risk or household composition. aEnjoy a minimum print run of just 24 cards. Did you know..? ● Direct Mail isn’t dead. It produced $2.05 trillion in sales in the USA in 2012 - representing roughly 8.7% of US GDP. ● Highly targeted personalised direct mail receives a 5 x better response rather than traditional direct mail. ● 56% of people feel printed marketing shows a brand is trustworthy. Source: The Direct Marketing Association

“ 44% of people who receive Direct Mail then visit the brand’s website. ” Source: The Direct Marketing Association

SSP and One of the things that’s important to us is putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. We can only do that if we really understand what’s important to our customers and what their preferences are.

From our perspective there are huge benefits both internally and externally with, and these benefits include the reduced cost of communication, dramatic increase in conversion rates, transparency in what has been opened and opportunities to link this back to sales processes. Everyone has their own preference in how they interact. A group of brokers may prefer to interact electronically, and there are others who like to print any communication. What we now know is how they like to receive communication, so we have a really cost effective way to reach these people. It brings down about 30% of fulfilment costs of print marketing. As a company that’s very into corporate responsibility it allows us to be very environmentally friendly, and it allows us to communicate internally in a much more personal way.

The impact has been phenomenal from the time of response rates in line with the industry average, within 6 weeks we had increased our response rate tenfold, and we are also getting feedback and ideas on what we can do differently. The proposition has helped us find solutions to the challenges we wanted to resolve in a number of ways.

See how they did it...In terms of measuring the success, we now get high quality data that has allowed us to monitor our campaign activity end to end and cleanse our campaign data at the same time. By using to profile all our contacts and our current customers and make sure they receive the info that is important and of value to them, we have increased our response rates to around 30% - and up to as high as 70% with niche campaigns and markets.

The customer survey tool has allowed us to engage with our customers around how we shape our products and services. We’ve been able to get high quality feedback quickly and to demonstrate to our customers that we are actively listening to what’s important to them.

The post system has allowed us to differentiate from our competition and introduced fresh thinking. The savings in terms of money and time has been significant and has helped our customers free up additional budgets to focus on growing their business. By improving the communication flow with our customers and staff it has stimulated a lot of great ideas and feedback quickly on how we can do things better and more innovatively and that’s been a real bonus.

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“ Month on month we have seen the uptake up of grow as the brokers have seen the value in cost savings, efficiency savings and that it can help them drive cross and upsales, at the same time raising the bar in customer satisfaction and through all of this increasing revenue and profits. ”