Instructional Plan Template Robert Mandel Week 5

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Transcript of Instructional Plan Template Robert Mandel Week 5

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1

AET/515Instructional Plan


Robert Mandel

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2

Needs Assessment

1. What is the learning problem or opportunity?

Baderman Island Resort is known as an international vacation destination and accommodates guest who speak several languages other than English. The main problem is staff members throughout the island resort are having a difficult time with understanding and communicating in the native languages of their foreign guest, mainly French and Spanish. Complaints regarding the need for French and Spanish speaking staff members are evident when reading both employee and international guest blogs on the company website.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3

Needs Assessment

2.What is currently available?

Boardman Corporate University was created to support company goals and objectives and provide for the professional development needs of their employees. The University offers a variety of courses for preparing employees to meet the performance goals in their respective service areas. Though the University does a good job in providing staff training, currently no courses are available to Baderman Island Resort employee’s to develop their foreign language skills in French and Spanish so they can properly accommodate their international guest.

Needs Assessment

3. What should be available?

The University should offer a series of Guest Services Language Skills courses designed to teach employees basic greetings, numbering, and commonly used phrases in French and Spanish so staff members are better prepared to handle language barrier problems throughout the Island Resort.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4

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Needs Assessment

4. Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available.

The needs assessment shows the Baderman Island Resort is unable to properly service their international guest due to language barriers from not having French and Spanish speaking employees on staff to answer questions and provide assistance when asked. What is needed are French and Spanish speaking staff members who are available to greet, answer questions, and properly assist their international guests.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6

Needs Assessment

5. What is your recommended solution for filling the gap?

The resort needs to fill this gap by training guest services employees with the language skills necessary to assist their French and Spanish speaking guests. This can be achieve with the development of Guest Services Language Skills courses offered through Boardman Corporate University. This training should include instruction in proper greetings, numbering, and answers to commonly asked questions from island guest.

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Instructional Goal

After completing the Guest Services Language Skill course, the employee should have the language skills necessary to interpret and properly answer commonly asked questions from international guest in either French or Spanish as required. The employee should also be able offer greetings and know numbering when working with international guest at the front desk.

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Performance-Based Objectives

When asked a question by an international guest, the guest services employee will be able to identify if the guest is speaking French or Spanish, interpret what information they are requesting, and formulate the answer in the language identified within 5 minutes of being asked the question.

When assisting French and Spanish speaking guests with room check-in or check-out questions, the front desk employee will be able to greet the guest appropriately, explain hotel room policies, and clarify all room charges that appear on their bill while staying at the Island Resort, both clearly and accurately.

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Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes

The summative assessment is a cumulative evaluation used to measure whether student learning goals have been met. And often are created in the following formats: selected response items, short answer, extended written response, and performance assessments (Coffey, n.d.).

The assessment formats chosen to determine the student’s proficiency levels in French and Spanish are selected response items. The assessments will take the form of multiple choice, and short answer tests, administered both written and orally, and will including roleplaying scenarios.

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Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes

Using multiple choice answers where the student is asked questions in both French and Spanish and given 5 minutes time to select the correct response from a series of answers in both languages. This evaluates the student’s ability to identify the language being used, their interpretation of the question asked, and selecting the correct answer within a 5 minute time frame. A short answer test to evaluate the students’ knowledge of communicating their knowledge of numbers. And role playing scenarios where students are asked to give the appropriate greeting in French and Spanish dependent on the time of day and gender of the guest. All these forms of assessment are used to determine the students level of proficiency.

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Learner Characteristics

The Guest Services Language Skills class will only accommodate a maximum of 4 student’s pair into two groups. The small number of students allowed to attend is due to the need for working closely with the students in developing French and Spanish language skills during an accelerated class. Having too many students will take away from individual assistance and instructional time. The class will consist of both male and female guest services managers, front desk employees, and concierge staff members who have been with Baderman Island Resort for a minimum of six months and have a strong working knowledge for the operations within their respective departments.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12

Learner Characteristics

It is important to work with employees who already have the knowledge and capability to answer the questions commonly asked at the resort. This allow all our class time to be spent on learning language skills. In addition, any staff member who has preexisting French and Spanish language speaking skills are ideal candidates for enrollment into this program. The students should prefer to learn from both visual and auditory method of instruction.

Learning Context

The instructional setting for the Guest Services Language Skills course will provide adequate room for traditional classroom instruction, and include computer workstations for use during the labs. It should have desks with comfortable chairs, include adequate lighting, and creates a relaxing environment for learning.

The course will include both instructor lead lectures and exercises that make use of a whiteboard and PowerPoint presentations during class. Computer labs are required so students can practice at building their French and Spanish language skills at their own pace. Students will have access to computer labs during free time, before and after work.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13

Learning Context

The instructional plan will incorporate the use of all available resource as described. The students will benefit from use the whiteboard and PowerPoint presentations as visual aids as part of the course instruction. Computer workstations and headsets will offer students the ability to learn from auditory repetitiveness of French and Spanish and include other interactive lessons.

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Delivery Modality

The Guest Services Language Skills course is a complex learning environment that needs to incorporate a variety of delivery methods so students do not feel overwhelmed by the daunting task of learning new language skills. The main method of delivery will focus on instructor-led tutorials that present the lessons for the day followed by class discussions. It is easier to learn language skills while interacting with others so it is important to create a synchronous learning environment where students and instructor may ask questions and respond to others in the classroom.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16

Delivery Modality

Students will work together in groups of two where they can help each other learn basic vocabulary and practice speaking the language being learned.

The class will also incorporate the use of computer-based learning exercises where the student can put on headphones and interact with French or Spanish learning tutorial software to practice at their own pace.

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Instructional Strategies

The instructional strategies for the Guest Services Language Skills course is to teach guest services employees the language skills they need to assist international French and Spanish speaking visitors during their daily routine. The language skills they need to learn are basic vocabulary, grammar and an understanding of the culture behind the language being taught. Each student will learn basic salutations, numbering, and answers to commonly asked questions that pertain to their department, (e.g. Front Desk, Concierge, etc.).

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Instructional Strategies

The Guest Services Language Skills course is designed to be an instructor-led course that combines lectures and classroom interaction with group and individual learning activities. The instructor will present lessons that are designed to teach the students proper methods used for learning and speaking a foreign language.

Course instruction will include exercises and activities that focus on learning French and Spanish as a second language through repetition. “In particular, listening and repeating many times is very good - this will help you improve your listening comprehension, speaking skills, and accent all at once” (Lawless, 2014).

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 19

Instructional Strategies

The instructor will begin each class handing out support material to the students and presenting lessons on the language skills to be learned. The students are then provided the time to ask questions and discuss the lessons being presented for that day. With the aid of lecture notes, and handouts, the students will create flashcards that follow the day’s lessons to use when in their learning groups and on their own time away from class. These flashcards are used to learn vocabulary, grammar, numbering, salutations, and short answers to commonly asked questions. During learning team exercises the students will use these flashcards to reinforce their language speaking skills through repetitive oral exercises.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 20

Instructional Strategies

Roleplaying scenarios designed to emulate guest interaction are used so students can practice their listening, interpreting, and speaking skills and provide answers to questions commonly asked.

The use of computer-based learning (CBL) language tutorial software will help students refine their language skills through audio and visual interaction based on repetitive learning exercises. These CBL activities will focus on vocabulary, grammar, and salutations in French and Spanish.

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Plan for Implementation

The Guest Services Language Skills training is presented in two courses, French and Spanish, designed for a duration of 8 weeks of instruction for each language being taught. The program will start the second week in March 2014 with a new class starting every eight weeks. The classes are 3 ½ hours long and scheduled to meet 3 times per week. This provides the students with 84 hours of class learning time per course. Classes are scheduled to meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during regularly scheduled work hours at the Meredith Visitor Center. Each employee will receive their normal wages for the time spent attending class.

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Plan for Implementation

The courses are facilitated by Certified French and Spanish Instructors and intended for Guest Services managers, Front Desk staff, and concierge employees. The materials that are needed for this course include the course syllabus, textbooks, practice exercises, flashcards, computer-based language tutorial software, class lecture outlines, and supplemental handouts.

“Researchers from The University of Nottingham have shown that playing simple games using words and pictures can help people to learn a new language with greater ease” (University of Nottingham, 2013). Based on this research activities such as roleplaying, games and puzzles will be used as learning aids throughout the course.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 23

Plan for Implementation

An announcement flier introducing the new Guest Services Language Skills courses for employees to learn French and Spanish will be posted on the bulletin board in every employee break room. In addition, employees will receive a copy of the flier with their paychecks as a reminder. The flier will include a brief introduction about the new courses and provide contact information for anyone who is interested in signing up for a class. Class sizes are limited to only 4 students per course allowing for 8 employees to attend each starting date. New classes are scheduled to start the second week every other month. Because of the limited class size priority for attendance is given to front desk and concierge staff members.

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Instructional Resources

The resources necessary to implement the instructional plan fall into several categories. The instructor will need the use of a whiteboard as an instructional tool when presenting lecture based lessons to the class. The whiteboard allows the instructor to write out lesson instructions and reinforce important learning methods for students to practice. The classroom will have available five computers installed with French and Spanish language tutorials that include headphones for individual learning lab exercises. Visual games and puzzles that make use of vocabulary, grammar, and phrases are needed for individual and group related assignments.

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Formative Assessment

When teaching a second-language there are a variety of formative evaluation instruments available. Data can be collected using measurement or observation instruments. Measurement instruments are used to evaluate learning such as reading comprehension that cannot be observed. Observation instruments evaluate learning demonstrated through performance (“Formative Assessments,” n.d., p. 9).

For the purpose of the Guest Services Language Skills course the following five formative assessment instruments will be used to evaluate students performance.

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Formative Assessment

1. The use of observation charts by the instructor to observe students as they work together during individual and learning group assignments. The instructor will use an observation chart to observe student’s participation and effort and record behaviors that show the student is mastering the strategies necessary to learning a second language.

2. Fill in the blank assessments where the student will insert the correct word in a sentence. The words left out of the sentence will emphasize trigger words the student will need to recognize when conversing with French or Spanish speaking guest. This exercise will assess specific linguistic knowledge.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 27

Formative Assessment

3. Short answer assessments that involve the student writing a single sentence following a question. This will assess how well the student is at interpreting a question and formulation the correct response.

4. Manipulative assessments where the instructor asks the students to place sentences in a coherent order that is grammatical and comprehensible. This will assess how the students are at mastering vocabulary and grammar.

5. The use of a self-assessment form that enables the students to be involved in the evaluation process. This method of assessment allows the students to examine and reflect upon their learning.

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Formative Assessment

The selected formative assessment instruments will provide the instructor, and students, with feedback that measures the students’ progress in mastering the language skills being taught. This information tells the instructor if any adjustments to instruction, or additional information, is needed in class. The students will learn what their learning strengths and weaknesses are and where they need to focus while the learning process is taking place.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 29

PART IIITemplate Instructions

Please read before proceeding with this section!!

For your Week Six assignment you will complete the evaluation phase of ADDIE.

Part III– Evaluation of Instruction

•Complete the following sections:

– Evaluation Strategies – slide 17– Outcome Review – slide 18– Recommendations – slide 19– References – slide 20

Note: You may add additional slides if necessary.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 30

Describe strategies for evaluating your instructional plan. For example, student surveys, follow-up with management staff, improvement in performance, academic achievement, and other qualitative and quantitative data as appropriate.

Evaluation Strategies (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 31

Outcome Review(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)

Identify criteria for examining that design goals, performance-based objectives, and learning outcomes were achieved. For example, a rubric, a scoring guide, a rating scale, or a Likert scale.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 32

Recommendations (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)

Based on the outcome review, analyze, and describe possible recommendations for future use.

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 33


Coffey, H., Learn NC, Summative assessment: LEARN NC, The University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill. Retrieved February 3, 2014, from

Formative Assessments, English as a Second Language. (n.d.). THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION

OF SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHERS. Retrieved February 17, 2014, from:

Lawless, L.K., Learning French: Tips for Adults Learning French, French Language. French Language. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from:

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 34


University of Nottingham. (2013, April 16). Language instruction improved with fun and games.

ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 16, 2014 from

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 35

Template End

• You have completed the three parts of the instructional plan assignment.

• To complete your Week Six assignment be sure to submit your entire template reflecting sections I, II, III, and the Reference slide.

• To finalize your instructional plan, remember to remove slides 2, 3, 10, and 16. Your final presentation should only reflect the three sections of your instructional plan. The instructions within this template should be removed.

• Note: Students must upload the final completed Instructional Plan (Parts I, II, and III) to their personal Presentation Portfolio in TaskStream. (This is required.)