Institution Research - Little White Lies

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Institution Research - Little White Lies

Little White Lies: Truth & MoviesWho Are They?

• Little White Lies was born from a student degree project by Danny Miller, and was then turned into a fully fledged magazine.

• Published by media company TCOLondon they have great support.

• “The best-desgined film magazine on the shelf” – The Guardian


• TCOLondon is a rising multimedia prodcution and distribution company that ‘creates premium content for millenial audiences’ meaning that they cater for the youth audience, although some of their products seep into the older audiences.

• Their list of awards is expansive to say the least, as is their list of partners as they have worked for companies from NIKE and Google to Finnish Vodka and their own independent magazine creations of Little White lies and Huck

Clients and a snapshot of awards

For Little White Lies they have a very distinct and unique style for presenting their information; they create visually stunning graphically assisted hand-drawn pieces of art that supplement the text. This is most notably seen on their covers but is true once you delve inside the magazine. The cover in fact usually inspired and sets the theme of of the interior, an example of this would be the ‘Magnificent 7’ cover, which created a western inspired issue

The content of the magazine is typically split into three parts or acts; The lead review of the issue, a series of featured articles which are inspired by the film of the issue, and then a reviews section

• Little White Lies has been created for a niche audience of people who are interested or invloved in media, they offer alternative viewpoints towards films and topics, offering a fresh new voice in an overly corporate world.As an independent company they have far more control over their own content and so are not at the whim of top levels or company agreements. They areproducing their magazine for young people with a disposable income, but are producing a top quality piece of media that has a grat deal of collectibility or showcase value.

The demographic and why theyre popular

• Their main demographic and target audience are in ‘Group O’, meaning they are ‘young welll educated people who are open to new ideas and influences’. These are people who are looking for an authentic magazine as apposed to style over substance. This leads on to how the magazine contains well thought out and interesting articles, which engages the audience. The magazine feels like a substantial piece of media, from first look at its alternative and unconventional yet groovy front cover, to the feeling of it when picked up and read.

• The thick print paper makes it feel more like a book, and something that should be cherished as opposed to a disposable like say EMPIRE magazine.