Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql...

Post on 24-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql...

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 1/19

Installation and confguration

o Oracle Gateway orHeterogeneous databases

(MSSQL, MySql & !"#

$ontents1 Overview.................................................................................................................3

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 2/19

2 Introduction to Oracle Database Gateway..............................................................3

3 Installation and confguring Oracle Gateway or MS SQ........................................3

3.1 Setu! Overview...................................................................................................3

3.2 Gateway Download lin".......................................................................................3

3.3 Installing Oracle Database Gateway or Microsot SQ server.............................3

# $oniguring Oracle Database Gateway..................................................................1%

& $onfguring Oracle Database Gateway or MySQ................................................12

&.1 Setu! Overview.................................................................................................12

&.2 Set drivers ' connectivity.................................................................................12

&.3 $onfgure Oracle (et istener or t)e gateway*.................................................13

&.# $onfgure t)e Gateway Initiali+ation ,ara-eter ile*.........................................1#

&.& $reate a database lin" in Oracle database to connect to MySQ database*......1&

/ $onfguring Oracle Database Gateway or I0M D02.............................................1/

/.1 Setu! Overview.................................................................................................1/

/.2 Set drivers ' connectivity.................................................................................1/

/.3 $onfgure Oracle (et istener or t)e gateway*.................................................1

/.# $onfgure t)e Gateway Initiali+ation ,ara-eter ile*.........................................1

/.& $reate a database lin" in Oracle database to connect to D02 database*..........1

2 , a g e

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% OeriewIn t)is docu-ent t)e ste!s to install and confgure Oracle Database Gateway orMS SQ server are de-onstrated.

" Introduction to Oracle atabase Gateway

Oracle Database Gateways address t)e needs o dis!arate data access. In a)eterogeneously distributed environ-ent4 Gateways -a"e it !ossible to integratewit) any nu-ber o non5Oracle syste-s ro- an Oracle a!!lication. 6)ey enableintegration wit) data stores suc) as I0M D024 Microsot SQ Server and 78cel4transaction -anagers li"e I0M $I$S and -essage 9ueuing syste-s li"e I0M:ebS!)ere MQ.

' Installation and confguring Oracle Gateway or MS SQL

'% Setu) Oeriew

,ara-eters Source Syste- 6arget Syste-Database MS SQ Server Oracle DatabaseD0 version SQ Server 2%% 11.2.%.3O!eratingSyste-

:indows inu8 /# bit

;ost (a-e S$S5:indows S$S5inu8I, <ddress 12.1/.1.22= 12.1/.1.Instance na-e MSSQS7>?7> orclDatabase(a-e

scs orcl

'" Gateway ownload lin*  6)e Oracle Database Gateway can be downloaded ro- ollowing lin"*


'' Installing Oracle atabase Gateway or Microsot SQLserer

$o!y t)e downloaded +i! fle into @o!t and un+i! it. n+i! t)e downloaded +i! fle. It will create a directory

na-ed EgatewaysF $)ange t)e directory to gateways and start installer.

cd /optunzip p10404530_112030_Linux-x86-64_5of7.zipcd gateway

3 , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 4/19


$lic" ne8t to !roceed

# , a g e

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$lic" ne8t

,rovide@c)ec" O><$7A;OM7 inor-ation and clic" ne8t to !roceed

& , a g e

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$lic" ne8t

$)ec" Oracle database gateway or MS SQ and clic" ne8t

/ , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 7/19

,rovide MS SQ Server inor-ation )ost4 !ort4 instance4 databaseH

$lic" Install to start installation

= , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 8/19

78ecute t)e scri!ts as root user to set !ro!er !er-issions ondirectories and clic" O 

, a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 9/19

$ /opt/o!a"n%ento!y/o!aint&oot.'

('anging pe!)iion of /opt/o!a"n%ento!y.*dding !ead+ w!ite pe!)iion fo! g!oup.&e)o%ing !ead+ w!ite+ execute pe!)iion fo! wo!#d.

('anging g!oupna)e of /opt/o!a"n%ento!y to ointa##.,'e execution of t'e c!ipt i co)p#ete.

$ /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/!oot.'

e!fo!)ing !oot ue! ope!ation fo! !ac#e 11g

,'e fo##owing en%i!on)ent %a!ia#e a!e et a  &*(L_& o!ac#e  &*(L_ /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1

nte! t'e fu## pat'na)e of t'e #oca# in di!ecto!y /u!/#oca#/in(opying d'o)e to /u!/#oca#/in ...

  (opying o!aen% to /u!/#oca#/in ...  (opying co!aen% to /u!/#oca#/in ...

(!eating /etc/o!ata fi#e...nt!ie wi## e added to t'e /etc/o!ata fi#e a needed y9ataae (onfigu!ation *itant w'en a dataae i c!eated:ini'ed !unning gene!ic pa!t of !oot c!ipt.ow p!oduct-pecific !oot action wi## e pe!fo!)ed.:ini'ed p!oduct-pecific !oot action.

$lic" 78it to fnis) t)e instllation

, a g e

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+ $oniguring Oracle atabase Gateway

During t)e installation4 t)e ollowing initiali+ation !ara-eter fle iscreated*


$o!y initdg#-s9l.ora to a new fle initMSS$S.ora.

cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/dg4);#/ad)incp initdg4);#.o!a init<<(<.o!a

Modiy newly created fle initMSS$S.ora and -odiy or add t)e MS SQserver ' database na-e.


<!!end e8isting listener.ora and add ollowing lines to add new listener*

L"<,&_9@   A9<(&","   A*99&<< A&,(L ,(BA<, <(<-LinuxBA&, 1511BB  B

<"9_L"<,_L"<,&_9@   A<"9_9<(   A<"9_* <<(<B  A&*(L_ /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1B  A?<L9_L"C&*&D_*,/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/dg4);#/d!i%e!/#i/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/#iB  A&@&*/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/in/dg4);#B  B


*9&_C*<_L"<,&_9@ /opt/o!ac#e

Start t)e newly created listener.

#n!ct# ta!t #ite!ne!_dg

?eriy t)at t)e MSS$S service is registered wit) t)e listener

#n!ct# tatu #ite!ne!_dg

<!!end ollowing in tnsna-es.ora

<<(<   A9<(&","  A*99&<<A&,(LtcpBA<, <(<-LinuxBA&,1511BB  A((,_9*,*A<"9<<(<BB  A<EB  B

$)ec" service !ing using tns!ing utility*

1% , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 11/19

tnping <<(<

,< ing Fti#ity fo! Linux ?e!ion - !oduction on 07-G*-2016 10564=

(opy!ig't AcB 1==7+ 2011+ !ac#e. *## !ig't !ee!%ed.

Fed pa!a)ete! fi#e/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/netwo!H/ad)in/;#net.o!a

Fed ,<*< adapte! to !eo#%e t'e a#ia*tte)pting to contact A9<(&"," A*99&<<A&,(LtcpBA<, <(<-LinuxBA&,1511BBA((,_9*,*A<"9<<(<BB A<EBBE A10 )ecB

$reate a new database lin" !ointing to t)is 6(S using SQ Server logincredentials. 6)is userna-e -ust be already created in t)e Microsot SQServer database.

<>LI c!eate pu#ic dataae #inH c_d connect to JKaJ identified y

JKaJ uing <<(<M

Query any table to c)ec" i t)e db lin" is wor"ing

<>LI e#ect N f!o) t1O c_dM

  co#----------  1  2

11 , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 12/19

$onfguring Oracle atabase Gateway or MySQL 6)is docu-ent assu-es t)at OD0$ gateway is already installed usinginstallation ste!s -entioned above.

% Setu) Oeriew

,ara-eters Source Syste- 6arget Syste-Database MySQ Oracle DatabaseD0 version &.1.// 11.2.%.3O!eratingSyste-

inu8 /# bit inu8 /# bit

;ost (a-e Ms9l)ost S$S5inu8I, <ddress 12.1/.1./ 12.1/.1.Instance na-e 5 orclDatabase(a-e

-vrdb orcl

" Set driers & connectiity

$reate a new directory or bot) OD0$ driver -anager and OD0$ driver*

P cd P&*(L_P )Hdi! app

Download and install ni8OD0$4 or OD0$ driver -anager and co!y it toEJO><$7A;OM7@a!!F directory*

Download uni8OD0$52.3.#.tar.g+ ro-'ttp//ou!cefo!!oKect/unixodc/fi#e/unix9C(/

Install OD0$ driver -anager*P cd P&*(L_/appP ta! x%zf unix9C(-2.3.4.ta!.gzP cd unix9C(-2.3.4P./configu!eP )aHeP )aHe inta##

Download and install OD0$ driver4 also called MySQ $onnector*'ttp//de%.)y;

$o!y t)e downloaded -ys9l5connector5odbc5&.3.#5linu85el/58/5/#bit.tar.g+ fle to JO><$7A;OM7@a!!

Install t)e OD0$ driver*

P cd P&*(L_/appP ta! x%zf )y;#-connecto!-odc-5.3.4-#inux-e#6-x86-64it.ta!.gzP )% )y;#-connecto!-odc-5.3.4-#inux-e#6-x86-64it odc-5.3.4

12 , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 13/19

$reate t)e etc directory under t)e JO><$7A;OM7*

P cd P&*(L_P )Hdi! etc

$reate t)e odbc.ini fle in etc directory*

P cd P&*(L_/etcP %i odc.ini

)y;#_!%9!i%e! /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/odc-5.3.4/#i/#i)yodc5a.o9ec!iption (onnecto!/9C( 5.1 9!i%e! 9<<&?& 1=2.168.1.=6&, 3306F<& )%!_de%*<<&9 *##a'"19*,*C*< )%!d," 0

,&*( ::

$)ec" connectivity*

P expo!t 9C(""/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/etc/odc.iniP cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/unix9C(-2.3.4/exeP./i;# )y;#_!% -%

<>LI e#ect %e!ionAB

R----------RS %e!ionABSR----------R

S 5.1.66 SR----------R<>L&ow(ount !etu!n 11 !ow fetc'ed

<>LI e#ect countANB f!o) %e'ic#eM

R---------------------RS countANB SR---------------------RS 50=1=0 SR---------------------R<>L&ow(ount !etu!n 11 !ow fetc'ed


' $onfgure Oracle -et Listener or t.e gateway/

O!en listerner.ora fle and add listener i re9uiredH and service na-e*

cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/netwo!H/ad)in

13 , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 14/19

%i #itene!.o!a

L"<,&_9@   A9<(&","   A*99&<< A&,(L ,(BA<, <(<-LinuxBA&, 1511BB  B

<"9_L"<,_L"<,&_9@   A<"9_9<(   A<"9_* )%!dB  A&*(L_ /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1B  A?< L9_L"C&*&D_*,/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/odc-5.3.4/#i/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/#iB  A&@&*/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/in/dg4odcB  B

*9&_C*<_L"<,&_9@ /opt/o!ac#e

<dd an entry or -ys9l database to t)e tnsna-es.ora fle* 

<dd ollowing lines to JO><$7A;OM7@networ"@ad-in@tnsna-es.ora ont)e database server*

)y;#_)%!d  A9<(&","  A*99&<<A&,(LtcpBA<,<(<-LinuxBA&,1511BB  A((,_9*,*A<"9)%!dBB  A<EB  B

+ $onfgure t.e Gateway Initiali0ation 1ara2eter 3ile/ 

Ma"e a co!y o sa-!le initiali+ation !ara-eter fle initdg#odbc.ora andrena-e it to include sid o MySQ database in our case4 it is -vrdbH.

P cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/'/ad)in/P cp initdg4odc.o!a init)%!d.o!a

$ ,'i i a a)p#e agent init fi#e t'at contain t'e < pa!a)ete! t'at a!e$ needed fo! t'e 9ataae @ateway fo! 9C(

$$ < init pa!a)ete!$<_:9<_((,_": )y;#_!%$<_:9<_,&*(_L?L Tt!ace_#e%e#I<_:9<_<*&*CL_* /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/unix9C(-2.3.4/9!i%e!anage!/.#i/#iodc.o

$$ 9C( pecific en%i!on)ent %a!ia#e$et 9C(""/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/etc/odc.ini

$$ n%i!on)ent %a!ia#e !e;ui!ed fo! t'e non-!ac#e yte)$$et L9_L"C&*&D_*,T%a#ueI

1# , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 15/19

0ounce t)e listener

$reate a database lin* in Oracle database to connect toMySQL database/

<>LI c!eate pu#ic dataae #inH )y;#_)%!d connect to J)%!_de%Jidentified y J*##a'"1J uing )y;#_)%!dM

e#ect countANB f!o) J%e'ic#eJO)y;#_)%!dM

  (F,ANB----------  50=1=0

1& , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 16/19

4 $onfguring Oracle atabase Gateway or I!M !" 6)is docu-ent assu-es t)at OD0$ gateway is already installed usinginstallation ste!s -entioned above.

4% Setu) Oeriew

,ara-eters Source Syste- 6arget Syste-Database D02 Oracle DatabaseD0 version 1%.& 11.2.%.3O!eratingSyste-

inu8 /# bit inu8 /# bit

;ost (a-e db2)ost S$S5inu8I, <ddress 12.1/.1.1&= 12.1/.1.Instance na-e 5 orclDatabase(a-e

-vrdb orcl

4" Set driers & connectiity

$reate a new directory or bot) OD0$ driver -anager and OD0$ driver*

P cd P&*(L_P )Hdi! app

Download and install ni8OD0$4 or OD0$ driver -anager and co!y it toEJO><$7A;OM7@a!!F directory*

Download uni8OD0$52.3.#.tar.g+ ro-'ttp//ou!cefo!!oKect/unixodc/fi#e/unix9C(/

Install OD0$ driver -anager*P cd P&*(L_/appP ta! x%zf unix9C(-2.3.4.ta!.gzP cd unix9C(-2.3.4P./configu!eP )aHeP )aHe inta##

Download I0M D02 OD0$ $I driver ro- ollowing lin"*'ttp//www-304.i).co)/uppo!t/doc%iew.wQuidwg21418043

$o!y t)e downloaded I0M D02 OD0$ $I driver fle toJO><$7A;OM7@a!!

Install@unco-!ress t)e tar fle o OD0$ driver. 6)is will create odbcAcliolder*

P cd P&*(L_/app

1/ , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 17/19

P ta! x%zf %10.5fp7_#inuxx64_odc_c#i.ta!.gz

$reate db2cli.ini fle and add ollowing lines*

P )Hdi! P&*(L_/app/odc_c#i/c#id!i%e!/t!aceP cd P&*(L_/app/odc_c#i/c#id!i%e!/cfgP %i d2c#i.ini




$reate t)e etc directory under t)e JO><$7A;OM7*

P cd P&*(L_P )Hdi! etc

$reate t)e odbc.ini fle in etc directory*

P cd P&*(L_/etcP %i odc.ini

9C( 9ata <ou!ceD9C2"C 9C2 9C( 9&"?&

D9C29!i%e!/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/odc_c#i/c#id!i%e!/#i/#id2.o9ec!iptionD9C2 9C2 9C( 9ataae

$)ec" connectivity*

P expo!t 9C(""/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/etc/odc.iniP cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/unix9C(-2.3.4/exeP./i;# D9C2 U% d2init pawo!d

<>LI e#ect countANB f!o) )%!d.anHM

R------------RS 1 SR------------RS 654 SR------------R<>L&ow(ount !etu!n -11 !ow fetc'ed

1= , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 18/19


4' $onfgure Oracle -et Listener or t.e gateway/

O!en listerner.ora fle and add listener i re9uiredH and service na-e*

cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/netwo!H/ad)in

%i #itene!.o!a

L"<,&_9@   A9<(&","   A*99&<< A&,(L ,(BA<, <(<-LinuxBA&, 1511BB  B

<"9_L"<,_L"<,&_9@   A<"9_9<(

  A<"9_* D9C2B  A&*(L_ /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1B  A?<L9_L"C&*&D_*,/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/odc_c#i/c#id!i%e!/#i/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/#iB  A&@&*/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/in/dg4odcB  B

*9&_C*<_L"<,&_9@ /opt/o!ac#e

<dd an entry or D02 database to t)e tnsna-es.ora fle* 

<dd ollowing lines to JO><$7A;OM7@networ"@ad-in@tnsna-es.ora ont)e database server*

D9C2  A9<(&","  A*99&<<A&,(LtcpBA<,<(<-LinuxBA&,1511BB  A((,_9*,*A<"9)%!dBB  A<EB  B

4+ $onfgure t.e Gateway Initiali0ation 1ara2eter 3ile/ 

Ma"e a co!y o sa-!le initiali+ation !ara-eter fle initdg#odbc.ora andrena-e it to include sid o MKD02 database in our case4 it is -vrdbH.

P cd /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/'/ad)in/P cp initdg4odc.o!a initD9C2.o!a

$ ,'i i a a)p#e agent init fi#e t'at contain t'e < pa!a)ete! t'at a!e$ needed fo! t'e 9ataae @ateway fo! 9C($ < init pa!a)ete!$<_:9<_((,_": D9C2<_:9<_,&*(_L?L 0<_:9<_<*&*CL_* /opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/app/odc_c#i/c#id!i%e!/#i/#id2.o

1 , a g e

7/24/2019 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Database Gateway for Heterogeneous Databases (MSSQL, MySql & DB2) 19/19

<_9C_*)%!d$$ 9C( pecific en%i!on)ent %a!ia#eet 9C(""/opt/o!ac#e/p!oduct/11.2.0/d_1/etc/odc.ini$$ n%i!on)ent %a!ia#e !e;ui!ed fo! t'e non-!ac#e yte)$et L9_L"C&*&D_*,T%a#ueI

0ounce t)e listener

4 $reate a database lin* in Oracle database to connect to!" database/

<>LI c!eate pu#ic dataae #inH d2_)%!d connect to Jd2int1Jidentified y J123456J uing D9C2M

e#ect countANB f!o) )%!d.anHOd2_)%!dM

  (F,ANB----------  654

1 , a g e