InspireHUB -- Making Good Friends

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of InspireHUB -- Making Good Friends

Making Good Friends

Donald Clark

Chief Executive Officer

1.855.355.4482 (US)

Australian Number Coming SOON!

InspireHUB is:

an engagement solutions firm focused on defining a desired result

and then building the plan, the tech, and the training

to make that plan a reality.

Our clients:

are only non-profits and associations.

We use:

the convenience of mobile and tablet devices for engagement, running

over cloud based proprietary enterprise platforms, and rely heavily on

video and two-way interaction to build donor and volunteer relationships.

We MOBILIZE Mission!

In your mobile browser please type:

1. Type this address in your browser.

2. Register in the IHUBApp.

3. Participate in the interactive segment of the meeting.

First Rule of Engagement

Your target’s convenience is uppermost

in your engagement design.

Second Rule of Engagement

Your technology solutions must enable engagement

without making it a frustrating experience.

Lets have some fun!

We have a Mobile Poll Ready.

IHUB Engagement Solutions for Charities

Your Market Lives on Mobile Devices.

Use mobile and tablet.

Do two-way engagement.

Use the power of video created inexpensively.

Ask for feedback (feedback loop).

Centralize all your social feeds in your mobile app.

Manage all of your events, paid and unpaid.

Manage all your volunteer interactions.

Follow best-practices.

Harvest meaningful data.

Make donating or registering frictionless.


Thank you, the many corporations, for the trillions of

dollars you spent to make charities more effective!

$1,000,000,000,000 PLUS(That’s 12 Zeros!)

What do these charities have in common?

Mandela Forever Trust

Seeking to help 4M children

with health initiatives

Local University

Trying to connect with

prospective students

A One Person Charity

Campaigning to get high school girls

in Africa feminine hygiene products

Special Olympics International

Seeking donors and sponsors

for children with ID

Local Food Kitchen

Needing volunteers to serve on

Tuesday and Thursday evening

A “save the species”

Wildlife Charity

Funding habitat creation

A High School Band

Raising money for uniforms

and instruments?

Every Charity is in the business of understanding

and provoking a “behavior” from a behaver.

Provoking behavior, desired behavior,

does not happen by accident.

There are two primary approaches to provoke behavior:

Manipulation or Inspiration

Is the process whereby a charity utilizes language, images, music, guilt,

fear, to temporarily provoke someone into a behavior that, with time to

think or act, would not have self originated that behavior.


You tricked me. You violated me. Shame on you for doing it, and shame on me for getting duped.

Do manipulative techniques work?

Yes. Can you live with the result? Unlikely?

Is there another approach that actually works

without the undesired side effects?

Yes. It is behavior prompted by inspiration.

Inspiration is an “inside to outside” process.

Inspiration provokes behavior that is self-originated.

The “side effects” of an inspirationally sourced behavior is:

Happiness, consistency, persistency, lower fundraising costs,

& most importantly, a deepening affection for the relationship created.

All messaging occurs in a context, and that context is

created by the “evaluative” filters of your audience.

Behavior “self originates”

from the perceptions of the behaver.

You focus on changing

the perceptions

of the behaver!

If you are not getting the behavior you want,

you don’t focus on changing the behavior.

When the perceptions change,

the behavior follows.

Without manipulation!Volunteering or donating is a

“behavior” of a human being.

Behavior is a function of perception.

My perceptions are shaped by eight determinants.

What am I interested in?

What do I believe?

AND what do I believe about your charity?

What am I afraid of?

What have I experienced? Directly or vicariously?

What are my emotionalized attitudes?

What are my core values and

how do I order those values in a hierarchy?

What is my state of health?

Mental, relational, physical, financial?

What is my world view?

Everyone has a world view!

1. What are you interested in?

2. What do you believe?

3. What are you afraid of?

4. What have you experienced?

5. What bias influences your personal or

corporate behavior?

6. What are your core values that guide your

decisions about people, processes, budgets?

7. What is your world view?

8. What is your state of health?

If you want me to become a good friend of your charity,

then explore with me:

An Example: If I am asking for $1000 or $1,000,000

My approach is exactly the same. The charity may change.

The $ may change. This approach works.

What are you interested in accomplishing with your gift?

What do you believe will happen

if you make this large of gift to the charity?

What are you afraid of?

What makes you anxious about making such a gift?

What have you experienced either directly, or indirectly,

that causes you concern about making this gift?

What values would you like to see demonstrated?

By the culture of your charities that receive some portion of your funds.

Do you have any specific bias or prejudice

about entrusting the charity with your gift?

What is your current state of health?

Are you in pretty good health? Mentally and physically?

Every single one of your concerns, fears, wishes and plans can be

carefully reflected and enforceable in documents that no one, not a

family member, not a charity, not a church, can undo! If we can assure

your gift goes for this purpose, have we satisfied your concerns.

45 days later? We had over $9M in directed gifts. However, regardless of the size of the gift, the process is the same!

Celebrate! This is the very best time in history to work

for a non-profit seeking to do good works!

Remember direct mail? I do!

Remember when every charity had to step up their

game and get a fax machine and number?

Remember when you determined

you must have a web presence?

Remember when you made your focus

gathering email addresses?

Remember when you were looking for clever ways

to push out a peer to peer volunteer or donor program?

Volunteering or donating is

a “behavior” of a human being.

We don’t want to create donor fatigue.

We don’t want to attempt manipulating people.

We don’t want to

be THAT charity

that has the

reputation of “all

they ever do is

ask for money!”

Fund Raising should be “fun” raising.

Every charity needs “good friends” to sustain their work:

Good friends: Enjoy….

Communication, and frequent communication is coveted and

enjoyed. In all forms. Text, phone, video, email, social media

We are invested in each other.

We care about each other’s success.We want the very best for each other.

We are loyal to each other.

We overlook our imperfections.

platforms, even an old time concept called a

postcard or snail mail letter.

Every charity needs “good friends” to sustain their work:

• We celebrate each and every birthday,

anniversary and victory.

• We “displace” other demands on our time

and resources to make sure we can connect.

• We want to hear about recent experiences,

good, bad, tragic, or just funny.

• We would not cancel an event unless

something overwhelmingly important

displaced it, and even then we would be

apologetic and seek the immediate


To make a “good friend” for a Worthy Cause requires:

A focus on deepening relationships,

an intent to provide information that

is meaningful to your audience.

an investment in a relationship, and

a commitment to be a “good friend” to your “good friend!

What kind of benefit does this

focus have for your charity?

• It simplifies and clarifies your messaging.

• It radically alters the nature and frequency of your


• It reduces the amount of time dedicated to fund raising


• It lowers your overall cost of fund raising.

• It creates stability in your giving and your budget planning.

• It stabilizes your core volunteer team.

• It focuses your internal and external paid staff on a defined

result for relationship building.

What kind of benefit does this

focus have for your charity?

• It allows third parties to be actively promoting your mission

through testimonial endorsement.

• You spend almost no time worrying about competing

appeals for money or volunteers into your market. There

are enough “good friends” available for everyone.

• It allows you to go through tough times, economic

contractions, and disappointments without fear.

• You spend more time on doing your mission than

promoting your mission!

IHUB Engagement Solutions for Charities

In Closing:

Behavior is a function of perception.

• You can craft your message to be targeted and effective.

• When you make a Good Friend, they stay a good friend.

• And if you want to make it convenient to volunteer, donate

or participate, “Mobilize”.

• Utilize the device that others pay for (devices & access),

as your primary engagement methodology.

• Mobile, tablet, and soon to be wearables.

Thank You.

Hello.dclark@inspirehub.com855.355.IHUB (4482)