Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease ......a thyroid disorders a weight gain or...

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Transcript of Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease ......a thyroid disorders a weight gain or...

This special report will help you learn how the right food and nutrition can help you feel good again - and even eliminate symptoms you didn’t even realize you had!

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease,

& Being Truly Healthy

food nutrition with intention© 2016 Nourish™

Let’s make this clear: If you don’t feel good, pretty much every day, then something is wrong.

Your norm should not include:

a pain or discomforta medications and pharmaceuticals a foggy brain or loss for wordsa anxiety or feelings of despaira hot flashes, hormone imbalance, weight loss, or weight gain a Psoriasis, excema, acne, or dry skin a dependence on coffee, energy drinks, or caffeinea digestive distress, bloating, extended belly, gas, constipation, or diarreah a loss of energya insomnia or inability to sleep throughout the night

Anyone who tells you differently, is wrong.

a You should feel good. a Your energy levels should be good and

even throughout the day.a You should be free from medications.a Your weight should be under control.a Your mind should be clear.a Sleep should come easily at night with

no difficulty waking.a Your skin should be healthy with a glow.

You know you should feel good. And you probably know that your food choices are failing you. And that something has to change.

Figuring out what foods are right for you can be confusing and overwhelming. There’s a lot of nonsense out there and people who don’t know what they’re talking about are dispensing nutrition advice.

food nutrition with intention

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at


Without medication, you can dramatically reduce or even reverse the impact of: a autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s, Celiac, Lupus,

Crohn’s, Rheumatoid Arthritisa Type 2 diabetesa digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarreah,

IBS, and constipation a thyroid disordersa weight gain or imbalancea PMS & menopausal symptomsa hormone imbalancea anxiety and depressiona adrenal fatigue

...all by simply changing your diet?

Essentially, if you ate your way into a symptom, illness, problem, or disease, you can eat your way back out. Or in other words, food can make you sick or it can heal you.


Here are some things to keep in mind when researching and trying to figure out how to get the best infor-mation on the best approach for nutrition for you.

a Most medical doctors and physicians only get about 20 hours of nutrition education during their en-tire time in medical school.

a To become a Certified Personal Trainer, you don’t need any - not even one hour - of formal nutrition training. And in most states, unless you have additional nutrition training, as a personal trainer dis-pensing nutrition advice is considered out of the scope of practice and they are only allowed to refer people to the government Food Plate for advice. Despite this, many trainers still give advice, and they’re leading many people down unhealthy paths.

a Don’t be fooled: the government Food Pyramid and Food Plate were designed by politicians. A com-mittee of people with a conflict of interest between the big food industry of companies who are back-ing them financially, and we the people whom they should be serving and protecting. They have no business dispensing nutrition advice.

a The word “natural” used on product packaging is terribly misleading. It means only that the original source of the ingredient must be derived from something found in nature. It can then be altered in a lab or combined with non-natural ingredients to create a new compound, but still called “natural.”

So, no wonder everyone is confused about what to eat!

food nutrition with intention

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

food nutrition with intention


Even if you think you’re eating “healthy”, you may be eating all the wrong foods for YOU - and you could be getting all the wrong advice from peo-ple not qualified to be giving nutritional support.

The kind of foods and diets most people follow fail miserably ever single day. If they were successful, then you would see lots of healthy people every day, the “diet industry” wouldn’t be a multibillion dollar industry, and our healthcare system wouldn’t be a trainwreck.

As nationally Certified Holistic Nutritionists, we go through 800 hours of nutrition training.

Eight hundred hours.

And the most important thing we learn is how food can either heal you or make you sick. We learn all the dirty little secrets used by food marketing executives to give the illusion that their products are healthy. We cover hours and hours of lectures, videos, and books on how the body works, how the mind responds to various nutrients, and how the soul reacts when it’s forced to endure ineffective nutrition. And we work with real people, like you, who have struggled to figure out what works for them.

We learn about various autoimmune conditions, digestive disorders, disease, and an unbelievable list of symptoms caused by the wrong nutrition.

We know how to dose the proper supplements when needed and the biochemistry of food, nutrition, and wellness. And we learn how to use nutrition to stop symptoms, reverse disease, and prevent illness.

We work with our clients to help them heal as a whole. How to feel good in body, mind, and soul. And how to cut through the crap and make food and nutrition work so they reach their goals.

Take a breath. Seriously, take a deeeeeep breath.

Now imagine what your life would look like with a nutrition guide who gave you a personalized, clear path to your optimal health.

How much better would your life be? How much different would your relationships be? How much more time would you have to focus on the things you enjoy?

How many other things in your life would be impacted if you were the healthy self you deserve to be?

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

food nutrition with intention


You’re not alone if you are struggling to feel good or aren’t feeling as good as you could. Millions of people don’t feel well and are not get-ting the healing help they really need from traditional medicine.

aThe Mayo Clinic has reported that almost 70 percent of Ameri-cans take at least one prescription drug a day, and more than 50 percent are on at least two prescriptions, while 20 percent are on at least five prescription meds. The most common prescrip-tions are for antibiotics, antidepressants, and painkiller opioids.

aThe American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association reports that about 50 million people suf-fer from autoimmune disease and the number is rising. They say that current US medical education provides “minimal learning on autoimmune disease.”

aAs reported by the Trust for America’s Health, as of 2012, two thirds of adults are overweight and one third of children are overweight.

aThe Office of Research on Women’s Health at the National Institutes of Health named autoimmune disease a “major women’s health issue” and says it’s the underlying cause of more than 100 serious, chronic illnesses.

aAccording to the ground breaking 2003 medical report Death by Medicine, by Drs. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith, 783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes. That’s the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes every day for an entire year.

aAnxiety & Depression Association reports that anxiety is the number one most common mental con-dition in the U.S. effecting 40 million people, though only 1/3 of people seek help.

aAs reported by, 85% of premenopausal women experience PMS symptoms, many with severe symptoms which may lead to PCOS, anxiety, depression, early menopause, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and problems with the endocrine system and hormone balance.

aThe website reports that 1 in 8 women are at risk for thyroid disorder and about 85% of thyroid issues are caused by the autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s Disease.

aHealth Research Funding Group reports that nearly 70 million people are dependent on caffeine from coffee, sodas, or energy drinks in order to function throughout the day.

aThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 115 million people have diabetes or are prediabetic and 90% of people with prediabetes are symptomatic, but undiagnosed.

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at


Even if you are prescribed a pharmaceutical that may appear on the surface to be working, it is most likely making you worse in the long run.

Pharmaceuticals often suppress the immune system, causing your body to work even less effectively, and generally cause their own list of additional side effects.

Medications do not cure what is causing your symptoms.

They only cover up the symptom, which may lead to long term, irreparable damage to your body or mind.

The only way to truly heal and be well is through the right foods and nutrition.


Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

food nutrition with intention

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

WHAT YOU MAY GAIN - OR LOSE - LIKE OTHERS HAVEFinding the right foods for you can ultimately change your life. You could experience some or all of the things below, just by finding the right diet for your body, your mind, and your soul.

a reverse diseasea stop symptoms a increase energy a balance hormones a feel greata reduce inflammationa have clear skina find a healthy weight alook the way you want

Check out some of the results our clients have seen....

food nutrition with intention

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Susan’s StoryOne Nurse’s Journey to Reverse Her Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

Background: Susan was labelled a Type 2 Diabetic many years ago. She’s a nurse in her 50s whose job is to create and teach classes to patients on how to manage and live with diabetes. Recently, Susan decided that she was finished just living with diabetes - she wanted to see if she could live without it.

Despite the concerns and even protests from her hospital co-workers and most of the doctors on staff, Susan chose to work with Nourish Certified Holistic Nutritionists to create a plan to get her body to level her blood sugars on its own without medication.

During the program, Susan kept careful watch over her blood sugar levels and she was in contact with her general practitioner, keeping her constantly informed.

The Program: For 17 days, Susan participated in a Nourish juice cleanse and found that her blood sugar levels gradually went down each day. When she got to several days hovering around 140, Susan gradually reduced her medi-cation and shifted to the food re-introduction stage and added smoothies and whole, clean foods into her routine.

Susan’s Results: On day 30, Susan was off all of her blood sugar controlling medication and her blood sugar levels dropped to around 90. As a bonus, she also lost 20 lbs, her energy increased, and her food cravings disappeared!

Prior to Susan’s shift in diet, she was on 1800mg of constant medication to control her blood sugar levels and generally followed the standard diabetic diet protocol recommended by the CDC to manage Type 2 Diabe-tes, though her blood sugar numbers generally hovered around 350-400.

Now, following her new clean, whole foods diet, Susan is continuing to heal her body, mind, and soul.

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

food nutrition with intention

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Melissa’s StoryOne Mom’s Journey to Getting Her Body Back

Background: Melissa is a 34-year-old busy mom of an energetic 3-year-old girl. Melissa has a demanding job and her husband is a police officer who flips from day to night work every two weeks, which is extremely disruptive to their lives. Even though Melissa works out, since the birth of their daughter, Melissa has struggled with her weight and with her energy levels. Melissa was dependent on the caffeine and the sweetness of her diet sodas. She found that she was eating most of her meals out of convenience rather than nutrition.

The Program: Based on Melissa’s busy life, blood type, work out regimine, and goals, we created a specific diet tailored to her needs. Also, Melissa replaced her diet sodas with green tea and natural cold-pressed juice. She stopped frequenting the drive-through and set aside Sunday afternoons to prep family meals at home based on her unique diet and even included her daughter in the process.

Melissa’s Results: a By day 30, Melissa saw noticable results. Her clothes began to fit better and her diet soda cravings went


a By day 90, her skin was clear, her energy was high and consistent throughout the day and her mood was balanced. She was down several sizes - even smaller than her pre-baby size - and she was no longer embarrased to wear shorts.

The Best Result: According to Melissa, the best result was the change she saw in her daughter’s eating habits because she wanted to be “just like Mommy” and was also reaching for heathier options. Melissa knew that she was not only changing her heath for the better, but that she was shifting the trajectory of her daughter’s heath for the better, as well!

Melissa’s story is typical of the results our clients see on a regular basis. A shift in choices result in a change in the body, mood, and energy.

food nutrition with intention

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

Georgia’s StoryHow A Grad Student Turned Her Awful Digestive Discomfort Around

Background: Georgia is a 23-year-old grad student with a big heart and giving soul, with a typically stressful school sched-ule. Not only did she have full time classes and a part time job, she also is active with a local homelss shelter.

A few years ago, her digestive complications began, and her acne got worse. She didn’t think much of the digestive issues at first, but the acne was embarrassing. She started avoiding spicy and greasy foods. Then she gave up sweets and kicked up her workouts. She tried to eat vegetarian. Still, she wasn’t getting any relief and no matter how many acne products she used, her skin wsan’t clearing up. The bloating was worsening, her anxiety increased, and she was gaining weight. She was embarrased to wear some of her favorite clothes because her stomach would extend so far that she looked pregnant. She even turned down invitations from friends to hang out because she wasn’t sure when her stomach was going to act up with uncontrollable gas.

Georgia finally sought help from her doctor, who perscribed an anti-anxiety medication and a proton pump inhibitor (medicine to supress stomach acid), and told her to stay away from spicy or fried foods. He also encouraged her to see a dermatologist. Georgia left her doctor’s office even more frustrated and upset. She didn’t want to be on medication and she had already taken spicy and fried foods out of her diet.

The Program: A plan was designed just for Georgia based on blood type, symptoms, and willingness to cook. We added lamb and wild fish back into her diet, and eliminated some specific foods that are notorious for causing dig-stive challenges, along with adding a specific digestive enzyme to her supplements to increase digestive acid (the opposite of what her doctor suggested) and her body’s ability to digest more effectively. She shifted to a completely organic and non-GMO diet and participated in a 30-day herbal detox program that helped to gently cleanse the colon and the liver and give her body much needed relief.

Georgia’s Results: a By day 4, Georgia was already seeing improvement in her skin, and by day 7, the overwhelming diges-

tive distress had all but gone away. Her clothes began to fit better and her anxiety began to subside.

a By day 30, her acne had subsided so much that friends and family began to comment on how good her skin looked and she had stopped caking on the heavy make-up to hide blemishes. Though she didn’t think her energy was low before, it was now consistently high througout the day and she found herself sleeping better. And she was back to wearing her favorite clothes.

a By day 90, her anxiety was gone, her skin was clear, and the bloating had completely stopped. An uexpected result was the impact Georgia saw on her school work. Georgia’s grades went up because her concentration and memory were sharper.

The Best Result: Georgia says that her best result was the positive impact she saw in her relationship with her fiancee. She hadn’t realized how much her anxiety and the bloating had negatively impacted her libido and desire to be in-timate with her future husband. “He’s a happy guy ! So thrilled that I am working with you. That’s all I can say!”

food nutrition with intention

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Your body and mind WANT to be well.

All you have to do is uncover which foods and nutrients your specific body needs.

Imagine... How good YOUR story

will look in just 30 days?

food nutrition with intention

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

If you could push a button and get to the healthy version of you that you’d REALLY like to be, what would that look like?

Most people lie to themselves when they think about how healthy they are. They overlook the red flags the body, mind, and soul use to signal that there’s a problem and danger is close - or that it’s already there.

They say, “Oh it’s just a little indigestion” or “I’m only taking one (allergy, reflux, thyroid, birth control, antibiotic, steroid, etc.) medication” or “It’s only a few extra pounds….”

But, then suddenly, your midsection is holding onto weight you can’t get rid of, you are on two or more medications, and the symptoms (or diagnosis) have been piling up. You find yourself thinking: How did this happen?

If you’d like to get to the bottom of what’s happening and get back to your healthiest self...


If you’d like to get our personal support to make it happen, then check this out...

For a limited time, we are offering a Rapid Results Nutritional Coaching Session for ZERO COST.

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to...

aCreate a crystal clear vision for the healthy life you’ll be living in your happy, energetic, and balanced self.

aUncover hidden challenges (including “healthy foods” that may be sabotaging your wellness efforts and keeping you sick.

aLeave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally get the healthy body, mind, and soul you want - once and for all.

If that sounds like exactly what you’ve been looking for, then email us at and we’ll email you a link to our Rapid Results Nutrition Session intake form. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to set up your personal Rapid Results Nutrition Session.

The Healthiest Version of YouRapid Results Nutritional Coaching Session Offer

Anna’s Story A Grandmother’s Takes on Hashimoto’s - and Wins!

Background: Anna is a 62-year-old busy grandmother of four lively and intelligent kids. Anna enjoys reading books with the kids, playing board games, and crawling on the floor with the youngest child - Joey - to help him build tracks for his precious trains and cars.

Though Anna had gone through menopause in her 40’s, by her late 50’s she began having hot flashes, brain fog, weight gains and losses, and stomach challenges. On top of that, it was getting more difficult for Anna to concentrate at her job as a receptionist in a busy dental office. She was considering quitting, thinking that per-haps she was just too old to keep up. Her energy levels were dropping mid-day and she was having difficultly sleeping. Her friends would joke with her about her “senior moments” where she would often forget things.

Anna knew deep down that there was more to it. She was worried, and her anxiety was increasing. Her doctor said her lab work “was in normal range” and suggested an anti-anxiety medication.

Not wanting to take meds, Anna met with us. Her symptoms indicated a common autoimmune condition of the thyroid called Hashimoto’s Disease, which a blood test confirmed. Anna didn’t like change and enjoyed her routine. But her symptoms were impact her life, so she was willing to make changes.

The Program: We created a program for Anna which included foods and exercise that would not only help manage her Hashimoto’s symptoms, but support and help heal her immune system, too. The ultimate goal was to reverse the disease. Since wheat is one of the most inflammatory foods for people with autoimmune disease, we worked with Anna to learn how to eliminate wheat from her diet. We also took into account Anna’s dislike for cooking and created recipes that would help fit into her daily routine and keep her from spending hours in the kitchen.

Anna’s Results: a By day 3, Anna’s digestive issues had improved as did her ability to concentrate.

a By day 14, her coworkers noticed improvement in Anna’s mental sharpness. Her digestive challenges were gone, her energy levels had improved, her anxiety had lessened, and she was sleeping more easily.

a By day 30, Anna felt better than she had in years. She was still getting used to the shift in her diet, but it was getting easier and she was motivated to continue based on her results.

The Best Result: Anna says her best result was the change she saw in her interaction with her grandchildren. She felt much clearer and energetic when spending time with them. She hadn’t realized how much her symptoms were af-fecting her visits with them. She even noticed that her joints weren’t achy anymore when crawling around on the floor with Joey playing trains and cars.

As Anna explained: “It’s amazing how many aches, pains, and symptoms I had been putting up with for so long, that I didn’t have to! Now that I feel good - truly well - I want to tell everyone that it’s not just part of get-ting old! You don’t have to put up with that nonsense.”

food nutrition with intention

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at


There are thousands of different diets out there, from low carb to no fruit and high protein to no fat. Though there are some glimpses of things that work in each of these diets, here are the things you really need to understand before you choose which foods will work best for you.

Here are some of the specific information we use to help create personalized nutrition plans for our clients:

a Blood Type. Though this isn’t a 100% indicator on exactly which foods work, we’ve found it to be a fantastic baseline that often uncovers major underlying pieces of the digestive and wellness puzzle for each person when used correctly.

a Symptoms. It’s helpful to look at what symptoms you are having (brain fog, constipation, fatigue, hot flashes, sensitivity to cold, insomnia, etc.) because they are often indicators of the underlying cause of your challenges. There are foods which can quickly alleviate symptoms or can be causing them. For example, milk products (cheese, yogurt, butter, etc.) often exacerbate autoimmune conditions and digestive disorders such as IBS, Hashimoto’s, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

a Stress level. Are you dealing with an unusual amount of stress or has there been a constant stressor you’re dealing with? Stress can manifest and present in the body physically, emotionally, or mentally even if you think you’re managing it well. When the body is under constant stress, adrenal function (responsible for energy and hormone production) is often compromised, which causes the body to reserve energy resources. This often causes problems with the immune system, digestive system, and hormone production. There are foods which help reduce stress and support the immune system such as spinach, wild salmon, kale, walnuts, Swiss Chard, pistachios, avocados, and fresh herbs.

aTriggers. In every case of au-toimmune disease there is a “trigger” that sets the disease into motion. Essentially, a trig-ger is an incident or a series of stressful events that pushes a compromised immune system into failure. Examples of triggers are often traumatic experiences such as pregnancy, divorce, loss of a job, car accident, moving, or a death of a loved one.

food nutrition with intention

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

a Medications. Pharmaceuticals can play a major roll in how your body manages, absorbs, and utilizes nutrients. Some medications can sup-press your immune system, stop your body from absorbing nutrients, and prevent you from properly digesting your food, which is detrimental to healing, staying healthy, and avoiding illness and disease.

a Cravings. These often give us lots of insight into food allergies, challenges with the thy-roid, problems with adrenal function, potential candida or SIBO indicators, and nutritional deficiencies. For example, people who often crave saltier foods may in fact be struggling with adrenal function. Adding sea salt and foods naturally containing sodium such as raw sauerkraut and seaweed often help support adrenal function.

a Sleep and energy patterns. How easily you fall asleep, how well you sleep throughout the night, and what you feel like when you wake up tell a lot about your health and nutrient balance.

a Bowel Behavior. The amount of time it takes from when you eat a food to when it leaves your body is important. The perfect window is about 18-24 hours. If food is leaving your system in less than 18 hours, it’s a good indicator that you are not getting enough nutrition from your food and that there is perhaps a food allergy or intolerance. If your body is hanging onto food past 24 hours, it’s an indicator that your body is having difficulty digesting properly and you could be reabsorbing unhealthy toxins and hormones back into your system. There are specific foods such as beef and bison which are more difficult to digest and you may need to avoid them. You also may be incredibly low in stomach acid (especially if you are an A blood type and/or are having acid reflux symptoms, which are often misun-derstood as too much stomach acid) and you may need to add digestive enzymes into your regimen.

a Body Shape. The shape of your body and where you hold excess weight often tells its own story of what is causing your symptoms and which foods will be most beneficial in supporting optimal health. For example, excess weight held around the mid-section is often an indicator of an imbalance of cortisol, which impacts hormone production, sleep patterns, energy, thyroid health, and the ability to manage stress. There are specific foods and supplements that will help balance cortisol levels.

a Lab Work. When clients already have lab results, we use that to factor in which foods and nutrients will help support what information the results show. We also used Live Blood Analysis technology in our wellness center or can recommend specific lab testing to help shed light on underlying or hidden is-sues such as nutrient deficiency, candida, difficulties in digesting foods, and other issues. Each piece of information helps show what type of foods need to be added or removed from a person’s diet to give them optimal results.

food nutrition with intention

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

a Diagnosis. If the client has been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, type 2 diabetes, candida, SIBO, or other specific condition, we factor that into creating a diet for them. For example, there are specific foods such as wheat and other grains which aggravate autoimmune conditions, and foods such as spinach, which support the immune system and can aid in the reversal of the disease.

a Organic & Non-GMO Food Intake. The amount of foods you eat that are Genetically Modified Organ-isms or are not organic often play a major roll in your ability to feel good, find a healthy weight, and manage symptoms. The pesticides used in non-organic foods are designed to kill bugs by destroying their digestive and central nervous systems. Scarily, these pesticides also compromise the digestive system, cognitive function, immune system, and ability to fight disease for humans, too.

a Food Allergies & Intolerances. Knowing food allergies and intolerances will help uncover insight into why the body isn’t seeing optimal health. Clients who have IgG type allergies (also known as “delayed allergies” to foods, herbs, and environmental elements can have reactions up to three days after in-gesting or coming into contact with the item. For example, someone could have a delayed allergy to spinach which causes the client headaches, though the headache doesn’t present until a day or two after eating the spinach. This often makes it difficult to self-diagnose allergens. There are multiple ways to uncover IgG allergies including self-testing and lab testing.

a Preferences. Your personal food preferences can tell a lot about what types of foods will work best for you. For example, if you find that you’ve never really enjoyed meats such as beef, lamb, or pork, that could be an indicator that you have low stomach acid (especially if you’re an A blood type) and that you may excel on a vegetarian or Pescatarian (vegetarian with fish and eggs) type diet.


a Drink only real beverages. Water is your best choice. Herbal tea, kombucha tea, and cold pressed organic juices are also good choices.

a Cook with organic, cold pressed oils. Ditch the processed canola or vegetable oil and choose olive, avocado, walnut, safflower, or coconut oil.

a Add more plants into your diet. Fruits and veggies - especially green ones - are alkalizing and anti-inflammatory. They help fight disease, reverse symptoms, support the immune system, and keep you healthy.

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©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

a Quit fast food. Make extra portions of dishes to eat for meals throughout the week to save time and keep you from making poor choices when your in a rush. This easy habit will save you from eating pro-cessed meals at the local fast food joint.

a If you choose to eat animal proteins, choose local, grass-fed, wild, and/or organic meats, fish, and eggs. Buy from your local farmer’s market or order from a butcher that is committed to meat that is free of hormones, antibiotics, and grain feed.

a Drop the wheat. Read labels and buy foods that are naturally free from wheat and gluten. Keep in mind, just because the label says “gluten free” doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

a Uncover the specific foods, herbs, or supplements that are working against you. Just becuase it’s “sup-posed to be” healthy, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy for you!

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

food nutrition with intention


If figuring out your own personal food map feels overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. We have developed easy-to-follow programs including recipes, food plans, and support to get you everything you need to heal and feel better.

We work with clients every day who feel the same way. In fact, that’s why we do what we do.

In fact, here are our stories....

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

Kirstin’s Story Business Owner Discovers Celiac and Finds Happiness

Ten years ago, in my early 30’s, I hit a serious wall with my health.

On the surface, my life looked perfect: I had a successful business consulting company, owned a handful of rental properties and other small businesses with some partners, had the “perfect” life, was making lots of money, and “should have been” happy. The reality was, I wasn’t happy at all. Not even close.

I had always been an athlete and muscular, though I was thin and could seemingly eat anything I wanted. Sud-denly, it felt like over night, I was gaining weight and couldn’t seem to lose it no matter how much I worked out or how “healthy” I ate. I constantly felt bloated and puffy. I was suffering from terribly painful cystic acne, my hormones were all over the place, and my digestive system was a trainwreck. Emotionally I felt disconnected, lost, and unbalanced. Even though my business consulting company was doing well financially and all my cli-ents were thrilled, I felt burned out and unsatisfied. I falling into a depression, which made everything worse.

None of the many specialist could find anything “wrong” in the myriad of tests. So, they diagnosed me with acid reflux, IBS, “irregular periods,” early onset arthritis, allergies, ovarian cysts, and “stress.” I even ended up with “un-explainable” blood in my urine and painful shingles multiple times! I was given prescriptions to mask symptoms and was told to stop eating “spicy foods.” My issues seemed “normal” because many of my family complained of similar symptoms. One doctor suggested that perhaps seeing a therapist would help. But I knew there was more to it. I didn’t want to feel this way and didn’t want to “suck it up” and take pills for the rest of my life.

I decided to take my health into my own hands. After exhaustive research, and a shift away from “traditional medicine”, I began to tap into what “healthy” really is – and it definitely wasn’t The Food Pyramid! Then, I finally discovered that I have Celiac Disease (an autoimmune condition of the digestive system).

After changing my ideas on “healthy eating” and discovering the foods that work for me – everything changed!

I take prescription or over-the-counter medications. My mind and skin are clear. My weight dropped and bloat-ing disappeared. The ovarian cysts and shingles outbreaks stopped completely. The blood in the urine is a thing of the past and my hormones and emotions stabilized. Mentally and emotionally, I came out of the haze.

And for every symptom that went away, I was hurdled closer to overall balance, health, and wellness for my body, mind, and soul. I found energy I didn’t realize I could have and I felt better than I had in years.

Oh, and now… I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

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©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

food nutrition with intention


Following the wrong nutrition advice can be harmful to the body, mind, and soul. In fact, here’s Anthony’s story, which exemplifies this point exactly.

Anthony’s Story A Bodybuilder Finds His Way to Health & Happiness

I was a fat kid. My mom says once I learned how to feed myself, I started putting on weight. And more weight. I got picked on and beat up in school because I was fat.

My aunt gave me a weight set for my 12th birthday and I discovered weight lifting. Through the combination of football and weight lifting, I transformed by body and found a healthier weight. I studied all the great body builders of the time. I ate all the things they did and took all the legal supplements they endorsed. I used their protein powders filled with pro-tein and lots of other additives and chemicals, and loved diet sodas. I used to drink two 2-liter bottles of Pepsi One (diet soda) every day!

It never occurred to me that how I was eating was not healthy. In fact, I thought like most athletes do: “As long as you’re getting physical results, then it must be good for you.”

I my college years, I did my first body building competition and did well. I studied everything I could find on hypertrophy, workout regimens, and nutrition because I wanted to stay a natural bodybuilder and didn’t want to take “enhancing” drugs. I competed several more times and loved it. The brutal process of preparing the body for competition was wearing on me physically, mentally and emotionally. Though I didn’t realize it at the time.

Throughout my 20’s and 30’s I continued to follow a typical bodybuilder diet - tons of eggs, chicken, whey pro-tein, “diet foods”, and sugar free stuff. I would have told you I was healthy, but I wasn’t. My memory was often cloudy, my energy was inconsistent, old injuries would flare up, and I was often unexplainably cranky. I believe because of the acidic state I put my body in, it lead to an aggressive form of skin cancer when I was 40.

I curbed my competitive side with motorcycle racing and dog showing, but missed competitive bodybuilding. At 43, I spent 10 months preparing for my first competition in 20 years. I wanted to be a natural pro bodybuilder. I was still in great shape, but the dieting and workout process was incredibly hard on my body, my mind, and my relationships. Though I looked amazing, and placed in my class, it had a poor impact on me. I was exhausted, frustrated, foggy-brained, and withdrawn. I didn’t enjoy things the way I once did. It didn’t make sense to me.

Blood tests confirmed that my hormones and cortisol levels were totally out of whack, which explained so many of the symptoms I was having. After a year of soul searching, studying advanced holistic nutrition, diet and lifestyle changes, I found my way to the best I’ve ever felt physically, emotionally, and mentally.

I still work out, but moved from the typical bodybuilder diet and eat only plants now. No chicken, eggs, chemi-cals, or whey protein for me! I choose meals to be healthy and find that my body, hormones, and soul are in line.

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

Kirstin CareyCertified Holistic NutritionistOwner, Nourish

I love working with women who know there’s a better way and

want to feel good - especially women struggling with autoimmune conditions, adrenal fatigue, and digestive challenges.

I know what it’s like to know you should feel better, but cannot find the right help, support, or answers.

There are answers! You just need to know where to look and what to ask.

Email to set up your Nutrition Session. I look forward to chatting with you.


Of course life will get in the way sometimes, so expecting to feel at 100% all of the time, is unrealistic, but you should feel good nearly every day.

Overall, you should feel:

a happinessa free from painafree from anxiety and depressionabalanced energy throughout the dayasharp mind and clear thoughts aease of digestionano reason for medication afree from symptomsaoverall feelings of wellbeing

If you do not feel good, and you want to (or know someone who does), then aaaemail to get started on the Rapid Results Nutrition Session Offer. ZZZ

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

food nutrition with intention

Anthony DiNobileBoard Certified Holistic NutritionistDirector of Wellness, Nourish

My strengths are working with people to maximize wellness, balance hormones, and feel their best - especially vegan or plant-based eaters. I enjoy working with active individuals, athletes, and men over 40 looking to increase energy and vitality.

When your body, mind, and soul aren’t working the way you know they should, it’s frustrating. And you can’t just ignore it or work out harder and expect it to go away. Let me help you get the information you need.

Email and we’ll set up a time to talk.

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

food nutrition with intention

QUIZ: Is It Healthy or Not?

Good Food Quick Quiz

Here are a few quick ways determine if an item is “healthy” or not:

a Is it Organic?a Is it GMO free?aDoes it contain preservatives?aDoes it contain dyes?aDoes it contain processed sugars or sugar alcohols? aIs it local? aIs it processed?aIs it in its original form?aDoes it contain ingredients you don’t recognize or cannot pronounce?

So, choose foods that are in, or as close to, their natural state as possible. Lean into local, organic, and non-GMO choices.

Never, never, never take your healthy food choice cues from product packaging. Just because the box is marked “all natu-ral”, “healthy”, “gluten-free”, “GMO-free”, “no fat”, “sugar free”… doesn’t mean it’s actually good for you. There is very little control over marketing claims on packaging, so pay attention. Usually, if a product needs marketing claims… well, it’s gener-ally not the best choice.

If it’s organic and it can be pulled off a tree, out of the ground, or shot with an arrow... then you’ve got a bet-ter chance of it being healthy than if it came out of a bag, has labelling, and needs a marketing department. Just some food for thought!


Below is a great quiz to use as you try to determine what is healthy and what is not. Of course, there are per-sonal pieces that need to be factored in, but this will give you a great head start!

REMEMBER: If you do not feel good, and you want to (or know someone who does), then aaaemail to get started on the Rapid Results Nutrition Session Offer. ZZZ

©2016 Nourish™ Sign up for free recipes and nutrition info at

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

Insider Secrets to Overcoming Symptoms, Reversing Disease, & Being Truly Healthy

If you’d like to get our personal support to get your energy back, stop your digestive distress, or turn around your autoimmune condition symptoms, all you have to do is send an email.

Get in on this limited time offer. Get a Rapid Results Nutritional Coaching Session for ZERO COST.

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to...

aCreate a crystal clear vision for the healthy life you’ll be living in your happy, energetic, and balanced self.

aUncover hidden challenges (including “healthy foods” that may be sabotaging your wellness efforts and keeping you sick.

aLeave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally get the healthy body, mind, and soul you want - once and for all.

Here’s how it works:

aSend an email to

aWe’ll email you a link to our Rapid Results Nutrition Session online intake form.

aYou click on the link and fill out the online form. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to set up your personal Rapid Results Nutrition Session.

All you have to do to get started is SEND THE EMAIL....

Rapid Results Nutritional C oaching Session Limited Time Offer = Zero C ost