Insider 09

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Insider 09

Transcript of Insider 09

Insider 09-08-2015

Welcome back for the second Insider focused on the hobby aspects of The Undercity.

In article one, I went over how to shock-harden the plastic used for the board game figures in

order to get a more rigid mini to work on. In this article, I will take you through the process I

used to speed-paint my Undercity miniatures.

Be sure to let your shock-hardened minis dry completely before priming them. I primed mine

with P3 Black Primer.

After the primer dried, I used my airbrush to apply a layer of Bootstrap Leather, followed by a

very light coat of Hammerfall Khaki.

Paint the skin with Beast Hide.

Basecoat the trousers with Hammerfall Khaki.

If you’re painting a blue thug, basecoat the cloak with Cygnar Blue Highlight.

For a red thug, use Khador Red Base.

Shade the cloth on blue thugs with Blue Ink.

For the red thugs, use a 2:1 mixture of Red Ink and Armor Wash to shade the cloak.

Basecoat all metals with Cold Steel.

Make a wash using a 1:1:2 mixture of Battlefield Brown, Armor Wash, and water. Apply this

liberally over the entire model.

Go ahead and base your models, and you are done! Because I wanted to be able to use my

Undercity miniatures in the Iron Kingdoms roleplaying game as well, I decided on a neutral

basing scheme of sand with a Battlefield Brown basecoat, followed by drybrushing with

Hammerfall Khaki. Once I have sealed the miniatures, I’ll apply tufts of static grass (as seen

below on my Unleashed miniatures).

That’s it, simple and quick. I haven’t finished all of the figures in the box just yet, but I’m getting

close. Once you have your set painted up, stop by the forums to show it off!

Be sure to come back next week for the final article in the series: gender-swapped heroes.

September 04, 2015