Inside this issue: Special Points of Interest · gratitude. Acting in gratitude means living out...

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Transcript of Inside this issue: Special Points of Interest · gratitude. Acting in gratitude means living out...

Attendance/Finance Report .......................... p 3

Seniors Luncheon/Advent Decorating ........... p 4

Notes from the Music Director ..................... p 6

Annual Community Thanksgiving ................. p 7

Worship Ministries ..................................... p 10

Poinsettia Order Form ............................... p 12

Inside this issue:

From The Pastor’s Desk ................................... p 2

Missions Focus ............................................. p 4-5

Advent Church Decorating .............................. p 5

Arts & Craft Fair/Offering envelopes ................ p 7

Calendar of Events ....................................... p 8-9

Children’s Puzzle Page ................................... p 11

Special Points of Interest:


From The Pastor’s Desk . . .

Pastor Christopher Kostyn Passante E-mail:

Phone: 717.525-3205

Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church



Have you been the recipient of a gift that maybe wasn’t all that genuine? Often, our gratitude is

commensurate with that gift: a lukewarm gift equals a lukewarm thanks. As we approach the holidays,

we are bombarded with Thanksgiving messages and told what we are to be thankful for: luxury SUVs,

diamonds, video game consoles… Gifts that may cost a lot of money, but little heart. Things of this

world, as we know, don’t last.

But those that do last are the very things of the heart: love, service, grace, justice. These are the

gifts that Jesus gives us each and every morning. But when we receive such amazing gifts daily, we may

have the tendency to take them for granted; after all, these “new morning mercies” are always pre-

sent. Despite that they came from Christ’s work on the cross, if we give thanks at all, it’s only commen-

surate with our perception of that gift. And our lukewarm gratitude is witnessed in our tepid worship,

inconsistent Bible study, and reluctance to serve.

Thankfulness isn’t merely a perfunctory response; it’s a spiritual discipline. We must actively

practice our gratitude. We practice gratitude by first recognizing the gift that we’re given. If done cor-

rectly, “Thanks” is not simply a word, it’s an act. For the gift we are given, we are to some degree trans-

formed by it: We are in a different place now that it’s been given. We respond in thanks, then we act in

gratitude. Acting in gratitude means living out the gift’s transformative power upon us and our lives.

But when we take for granted the gift — as simple as waking up in the morning — we take for

granted the very understanding that we are not in control of our lives, of our hearts beating, of our

own breathing… What if we woke up each day thanking the Lord for the miracle of life and the poten-

tial of all the day could bring? How would that change our outlook on the day and our lives? How

would that transformative discipline transform the world? If we don’t practice the discipline, we will

never understand the gift itself. The gift simply becomes ordinary, and it creates in us religion and not

true worship.

In his groundbreaking book, “Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth,” Richard

Foster writes “If we think we will have joy only by praying and singing psalms, we will be disillusioned.

But if we fill our lives with simple good things and constantly thank God for them, we will be joyful, that

is, full of joy.”

We can’t merely go through the motions; we must daily practice connecting the gift to the Giver.

When we make that connection, we are truly grateful. And when we are truly grateful, we are trans-

formed. And when we are transformed, we are able to transform the world. And we pray: “Let the

kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”


The following financial information is provided

by Amy Williams, Treasurer - 861-5288

and Pat Weaver, Finance Director 466-6895

Questions can be directed to either of them.

January—September 2019

General Fund Income $360,353.10

General Fund Expenses $356,356.09

Capital Improvement Income $68,096.80

Captl. Imprvmnt. Expenses $54,386.18

Missions Fund Income $30,179.00

Missions Fund Expenses $29,906.00

DATE 9:00 AM 10:30 AM

Oct 6

Oct 13

Oct 20

Oct 27


Blessing of the Pets











January $2,612.50

February $5,369.00

March $2,851.50

April $4,064.00

May $2,776.00

June $3,577.00

July $2,265.00

August $3,092.00

September $3,572.00

* Christian Education Sunday $873.00

* Conference Ben. Shares $20.00

* Supportive Indpndt Living $878.00

* UM Home for Children $30.00

* UMCOR Hurricane Relief $735.00

* Volunteers In Mission $468.00

* Wesley Fndtn. Campus Min. $563.00

* World-wide Communion $5.00

Grand Total To Date $30,179.00

Specific Totals for individual accounts in any given month

can be viewed on-line at the church website by reviewing

previous newsletters. Questions concerning finances should

be directed to Amy Williams or Pat Weaver.

Patrick Henry said, “We are not weak if we make proper use of those means which the God of nature has placed in our power… the battle sir, is not to the strong alone;

it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” Today and every day, may we hold in our hearts, our thoughts and our prayers,

the brave men and women who are fighting in hostile territory to protect our freedoms in this country. ...Nov 11, 2019


November 3rd … ANGEL TREE Each year, Mt. Nittany displays a tree in the

church lobby decorated with lights and paper angels. Written on each angel are the Christmas gift

wishes passed along to us from by various community groups, such as the Women Resource Cen-

ter, Interfaith Human Services, local schools, or church members who know someone in need. Parishioners take the angels, buy the gifts written on them, and place them under the tree. The

season-long event is capped off when church members gather to wrap all of the presents for de-

livery to agencies and families. Stay alert for more announcements about dates!

While the congregation’s generosity takes care of the requests that we get well in ad-vance, it’s not unusual to get last-minute requests. Your donations on these special Sundays let us say “Yes” to

as many families as possible. Thank you for your kind contributions.

November 10th . . . Veteran’s Assistance Fund of Centre County

Since July 27, 2011, the Veteran’s Assistance Fund has provided nearly $100,000 in

assistance to 95 veterans in need. Their help has extended to homeless veterans, a female

veteran who was homeless and a single parent of three children, and widows of Vietnam

Veterans. Our veterans fought to protect our freedom and guarantee the freedom of our

children and grandchildren. This is an opportunity to personally honor and thank our Cen-

tre County Veterans who unselfishly served in the military to protect this great nation and assist those vet-

erans who urgently need our help.

You can learn more about the Veteran’s Assistance Fund from their website:


November 17th- WORLD HUNGER//Harvest Home . . . The crisis of inadequate food extends into many communities worldwide. Our

Christian compassion calls us to do all we can to help alleviate hunger in our

local community, in our nation and around the world. The World Food Pro-

gram estimates that as many as 1 in 3 people worldwide suffer from some form

of malnutrition. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that

approximately 11% of Americans live in food-insecure households. Feeding

America estimates that the rate of food insecure households in Centre County, Pennsylvania is higher

than the national average, with 13% of households representing almost 21,000 people.

By participating in the Harvest Home for World Hunger Offering you can take one action to help

address the urgent need of the hungry in our midst. From the donations taken on November 17th,

50% of funds go to fight hunger in the Susquehanna Conference. UMCOR distributes 25% of the funds

to fight hunger in America and 25% to fight hunger internationally. In 2018, 37 different hunger

projects in the Susquehanna Conference received grants from the Harvest Home for World Hunger


If you contribute your time to an organization that fights hunger, consider completing a grant applica-

tion. Copies are available from Cody Steele, 814-933-7929.


November 24th - UNITED METHODIST STUDENT DAY … The son of two addicted parents, Ricky Blue had grown up without much

hope for a future. But when Ricky’s church family—Louisiana’s Luling UMC—raised

$4000 for Ricky to begin college, hope was born. Then, the Gift of Hope Scholarship,

made possible only by your generous giving to United Methodist Student Day,

allowed Ricky to continue. Today Ricky is a certified candidate for ministry in the

Illinois-Great Rivers Annual Conference. What no one person can do, we’re doing

together. When you support United Methodist Student Day, you make it possible for

more students like Ricky to serve the world God loves. So although you can’t meet every need you’d

like to, your giving allows members of Christ’s body, people like Ricky, to do it in Jesus’ name.

You can see more information about the mission of United Methodist Student day at …


calendar for Wednesday, December 11th for our Christmas Dinner and program. Please be sure to read the church bulletins during November, and next months’ NWSLTR for more details :)

CHURCH DECORATING for Advent season which begins Sunday, Dec. 1, means we need volunteers to help decorate the lobby

and sanctuary on Friday Nov 29th beginning at 9:30 am.

We need men to help lift and put in place some of the heavy items, women who will assist in other decorations. and young people who can climb ladders, and help in many other ways. We can use your help even if it’s just for an hour that morning; please talk with Joan Lassman for details or if you have any questions.

My Prayer for Our Troops ... Our heavenly Father, we thank you for our brave troops who are serving this great nation at home and abroad. We ask of you, in the name of your only begotten Son, Jesus, to protect each one of them as they fight for the freedoms we love in this country; watch over them, and care for them...and when they are tired, give to them Your strength; bring

healing to those who are wounded and suffering, comfort those who are lonely and fearful, and draw them close to You that they might sense Your presence with them. Grant to them all, Your strength and wisdom, and grant them Your peace O Lord… these things I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, Our Rock and Our Refuge—a very present help in time of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)



… Jim Beatty, Music Director

“ FOR ALL THE SAINTS ” ( page 711 in our Hymnal )

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,

let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,

and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. … Hebrews 12:1

Someone has described a “saint” as any Christian who makes it easier for others to believe in God. One of the neglected liturgical days in many Protestant churches is All Saints Day, which occurs on the first Sunday in November. This neglect is understandable because the tradition of the day is rooted in medieval Catholi-cism. Homage is given on this day to the departed canonized saints of the church.

There is however, an underlying meaning to this day that evangelical Christians should use and recognize. Here, for example are some lessons it can teach us:

* Every believer whom God has called by His grace and sanctified by His Holy Spirit has been called to sainthood.

* We should thankfully remember those believers from our local church who were called to their heavenly home during the past year.

* We can thank God for that one particular individual who has especially influenced our lives— directing us to God, tutoring us in truth, and modeling the virtues of the Christian life.

Bishop William W. How wrote the text of “For All The Saints” hymn in 1864 for use in the Anglican church liturgy commemorating all Saints Day. It was originally titled “Saints Day Hymn-Cloud of Witnesses-Hebrews 12:1” It has been published in more than four hundred ninety hymnals. The stanzas of the hymn “For All the Saints” describe the common life of all the saints: the credit due to Jesus Christ for drawing us all to Him, the strength and guidance we continue to draw from Him, our joint communion in Christ, the continuing struggle against evil, and the coming day when the dead shall rise and we shall all worship together before God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. No matter what path each of us travels, we all will enjoy the same glorious eter-nal life.

How do we best honor the memory of loved ones and friends who have contributed to our lives? By rededicating our own life to God, obeying Him implicitly, and reaching out to the needs of others. My prayer today is that you will take a few minutes to recall the various individuals who have especially influenced your life for God, and breathe a prayer of thanks for their memory.

For all the saints who from their labors rest, Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might; who thee by faith before the world confessed, thou, Lord, their captain in the well-fought fight; thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. thou, in the darkness drear, their one true light. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day; From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast, the saints triumphant rise in bright array; through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, the King of glory passes on his way. singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


The annual FREE Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner is fast approaching. We need donations and volunteers to make this year's event a success. Last year we served over 300 guests. Mt. Nittany does this each year for those who need a hot meal and have no where to go during the holiday or will not be able to spend time with family. An insert during the month of November will be in the Sunday morning bulletins with additional information and to sign up to volunteer and a food donation list will be available. Setup for the dinner is Wednesday, November 27 at 6:00pm.

The last football dinner is Roast Beef on Nov 16 served from 4:00-7:00pm. If you haven't volunteered for one of the dinners, now is the time to give it a try...if you have already volunteered you know how much fun it is...sign up with Wendy each Sunday morning. You don't want to miss out. It is guaranteed to be fun.

Banquet help needed November 12. Sign up with Wendy if you are able to help.

The Christmas holiday is just around the corner and it is time for our annual Holiday Craft

Fair on Saturday, December 7 from 9am - 3pm. Craft vendor applications

have been sent out and if you are interested in having a table and didn't

receive an application, please see Wendy Franklin. Bakers are needed so

get those family recipes out and plan on donating some baked goods to be sold.

More details to come in your December newsletter as well as Sunday morning


Wendy Franklin, Coordinator E-mail:

The 2020 Offering Envelopes have been ordered and will be made available for pick-up at the church upon arrival in December. If you attend Mt. Nittany regu-larly and give offerings to the church, I urge you to have your own boxed set/account number for a year-end (tax) statement. If you have offering envelopes, I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to use them for any donations you give to the church, or special offerings.

PLEASE REMEMBER—If you want a Tax Statement for year-end purposes, it is essential to have the offering envelope marked with your name or number... especially if you take an envelope from the pew rack on Sunday morning. If you are giving a donation for which you want credit on your tax statement, PLEASE use an offering envelope. Don’t just hand your check or cash donation to the contact person, and not have put it in an offering envelope! You may want to consider the E-giving program which is simple & cost effective. If you’re inter-ested, please talk with Pat Weaver for additional information concerning it.



Friday 11/1 6:00 - 8:00 pm .................................................. Valley Worship Team Practice (FLC)

Saturday 11/2

SUNDAY 11/3 2:00 AM Daylight Saving Time Ends


9:00 & 10:30 AM. ........................................................................Worship Services

9:00 am .................................................................. Christian Education for all ages

6:00 pm ................................................................................................. KidZ Klub

Monday 11/4 9:30 am .......................................................................................... Yoga Class (FLC)

9:30 am ............................................................................................... Quilters (CR)

Tuesday 11/5 6:00 am - 11:00 pm .............................................................. General Elections (FLC)

7:00 pm .................................................................................... Scouts (Youth room)

Wednesday 11/6 9:00 am .............................................................................. Knit/Crochet group (CR)

3:30 - 6 pm ................................................................................... Piano lessons (BR)

6:00 pm ............................................................................................................. Bells

7:00 pm ........................................................................................................... Choir

Thursday 11/7 3:30 - 6 pm .................................................................................. Piano Lessons (BR)

7:30 - 9:30 pm ............................................................ Volleyball Sports group (FLC)

Friday 11/8

Saturday 11/9 8:00 am to 4:00 pm ............................................................. Scouting for Food (FLC)

SUNDAY 11/10 9:00 & 10:30 AM. ........................................................................Worship Services

9:00 am .................................................................. Christian Education for all ages

6:00 pm ................................................................................................. KidZ Klub

Monday 11/11 9:30 am .......................................................................................... Yoga Class (FLC)

9:30 am ............................................................................................... Quilters (CR)

Tuesday 11/12 6:00 pm .................................................................................... CWR Banquet (FLC)

6:00 pm .................................................................S/PRC Meeting (Mt. Nittany Rm)

7:00 pm .....................................................Finance Team Meeting (Mt. Nittany Rm)

7:00 pm ....................................................................................... Scouts (Youth Rm)

Wednesday 11/13 3:30 - 6 pm ................................................................................... Piano lessons (BR)

6:00 pm ............................................................................................................. Bells

7:00 pm ........................................................................................................... Choir

Thursday 11/14 3:30 - 6 pm .................................................................................. Piano Lessons (BR)

Friday 11/15 6:00 - 8:00 pm .................................................. Valley Worship Team Practice (FLC)

Saturday 11/16 4:00 - 7:00 pm ............................................................. (Roast Beef) Football Supper

SUNDAY 11/17 9:00 & 10:30 AM. ........................................................................Worship Services

6:00 pm ................................................................................................. KidZ Klub

It is not the greatness of my faith that moves mountains, but my faith in the greatness of God. ...Unknown


Monday 11/18 9:30 am .......................................................................................... Yoga Class (FLC)

9:30 am ............................................................................................... Quilters (CR)

Tuesday 11/19 6:00 - 9:00 pm ....................................................................................... Scouts (FLC)

Wednesday 11/20 3:30 - 6 pm ................................................................................... Piano lessons (BR)

5:30 - 7pm .................................................................................... Soccer Shots (FLC)

6:00 pm ............................................................................................................. Bells

7:00 pm ........................................................................................................... Choir

Thursday 11/21 3:30 - 6 pm ................................................................................... Piano lessons (BR)

6:30 pm ................................................................................................... Cub Scouts

7:30 - 9:30 pm ........................................................... Volleyball Sports Group (FLC)

Friday 11/22

Saturday 11/23

SUNDAY 11/24 9:00 & 10:30 AM. ........................................................................Worship Services

9:00 am ................................................................. Christian Education for All Ages

6:00 pm ................................................................................................. KidZ Klub

Monday 11/25 9:30 am .......................................................................................... Yoga Class (FLC)

9:30 am ............................................................................................... Quilters (CR)

Tuesday 11/26 6:00 pm ............................................................................................... Trustees (BR)

7:00 pm .................................................................................... Church Council (BR)

7:00 - 9:00 pm ....................................................................................... Scouts (FLC)

Wednesday 11/27 6:00 pm ................................................ Set-up For Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Thursday 11/28 3:30 - 6 pm .................................... THANKSGIVING DAY Community Dinner (FLC)

Friday 11/29 9:30 am ........................................... Advent Season Decorating (Sanctuary & Lobby)

Saturday 11/30


Craft Fair .............................................................. Saturday, Dec. 7th 9 am - 3:00 pm

Seniors Christmas Luncheon ............................................... Wednesday, Dec 11 @ 12 noon

Grace Lutheran Luncheon .......................................................... Saturday, Dec 14 @ 11 am

Christmas Cantata ................................................................... Sunday, Dec 15 @ 10:00 am

Church Christmas Supper ............................................................................................ TBA

Blue Christmas Service ............................................................... Thursday, Dec 19 @ 7 pm

Angel Tree Gift Wrapping ........................................ Friday/Saturday, Dec 20 & 21 @ 9 am

Red Cross Blood Drive ............................................ Monday, Dec 23, from 1:00– 5:30 pm

Christmas Eve Services (3 services) .................................................. 5:00; 7:00 & 11:00 pm

Church Offices Closed *** .......................................................................... Dec 30 - Jan 6


BEFORE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH. There are forms included on the

back page of this newsletter, and also at the church. Please call the office if you

have any questions.



Nov 3 9:00 Shawn Kopp; Karen Bryan

Emily Gregory, Video

10:30 Leonard Tressler; Bonnie Spotts

Nov 10 9:00 Lisa Nearhood & David

Emily Gregory, Video

10:30 Jim Beebe & Nick

Nov 17 9:00 Karen Bryan; Dawn Edmiston

Thomas Delahoy, VIdeo

10:30 Bill & Joann Voigt

Nov 24 9:00 Karen Bryan; Dawn Edmiston

Tyler James, Video

10:30 Bill & Joann Voigt


Nov 3 9:00 Chris McCann

10:30 Sally Ripka

Nov 10 9:00 Shirley Reichard

10:30 Scott & Rhonda Spear

Nov 17 9:00 Beverly Hickey

10:30 Barb Gotwalt; Pat Bailey

Nov 24 9:00 Frank Vongehr

10:30 Nan Yarnell/Thelma Andrews


Nov 3 9:00 Stephanie Ball

10:30 BJ Wurst

Nov 10 9:00 Rick Grazzini

10:30 Chris McCann

Nov 17 9:00 Barbara Derzak

10:30 Emily Gregory

Nov 24 9:00 Scott Metzger

10:30 Brenda Peters


Nov 3 Emily Gregory

Nov 10 Andrea Grazzini

Nov 17 Dawn Edmiston

Nov 24 Emily Gregory

USHERS Nov 3 9:00 Shirley Reichard; Barb Derzak

Joyce Fellows; Frank Vongehr

10:30 Roger Wurst; Lori Williams;

David Panko; Cody Steele

Nov 10 9:00 Robert & Patricia Kidder;

John & Cathy Rideout

10:30 Roger Wurst; Lori Williams;

Pat Bailey; Cody Steele

Nov 17 9:00 Robert & Patricia Kidder;

Vernon & Barb Crawford

10:30 Rik Harris; Francie Brown;

Lori Williams; David Panko

Nov 24 9:00 Robert & Patricia Kidder;

John & Louisa Shawver

10:30 Rik Harris; Francie Brown;

Tom Kline; Barb Gotwalt


Nov 3 Chris McCann; Ginny Johnston

Tom Kline

Nov 10 Pat Weaver; Chris McCann

John & Cathy Rideout

Nov 17 Paul & Connie Kurtz;

Denise Mullins; Lee Copper

Nov 24 Paul & Connie Kurtz;

Ginny Johnston; Tom Kline

We need volunteers to participate in any of these

vital ministries within our worship service.

Please consider a service where you can provide

help; please talk with one of these people:

(or call the church office)

AV Techs: Rick & Dawn Edmiston

Liturgists: Patty DeCapria

Worship Slides: Dawn Edmiston

Greeters: Thelma Andrews

Ushers: Pat Sankey (9:00)

Marcie Auhl (10:30)



Our Mission

Nurture all in the journey

to be disciples of Jesus Christ



(814) 237-3549


To be a welcoming and inclusive family

meeting spiritual and physical needs of all

through teaching, witnessing, service

and missions.

Our Vision

Christmas Poinsettia 2019 *** DEADLINE (Sunday Nov 24th) *** Cost for the plant

is $9.00 - - - Please fill out the information below for your poinsettia order. PAYMENT must accompany the order. Orders must be in the office no later than Sunday November 24th. Plants can be taken home following the 11pm Christmas Eve service or no later than the Jan 5 service. Please write “poinsettia” in the memo portion of your check

PLEASE PRINT YOUR INFORMATION ! Your NAME __________________________________________________ Daytime PH.#: _______________________

IN MEMORY OF or IN HONOR OF: (Circle one) Please use the backside if you need more space.



_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Given by : ________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of plants ordered: ______________@ $9 each = $______________________ Payment enclosed: Cash or Check

(Ck. #:__________________) Newsletter

Thanksgiving Blessings