Inside Crystal Reports 7 for DataFlex T.M. Arnett Training Specialist.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Inside Crystal Reports 7 for DataFlex T.M. Arnett Training Specialist.

Inside Crystal Reports 7 for DataFlex

T.M. Arnett

Training Specialist

New Features of Crystal 7

Tour of Crystal 7

Using Crystal from VF6

Professional Version Report Designer

A powerful ActiveX designer for Visual Basic

New Query Designer / Java Web Reporting / Viewers Additional SQL Features & Tools Client/Server Using ODBC Data Sources

Map Expert Helps identify trends Map on summary

fields; subtotals & cross tabs

4 map layouts 5 map types New view called the

Analyzer tab

Enhanced Charting Helps to analyze

data 11 chart types 47 chart templates an editor for creating

custom charts Bubble; Radar & XYZ

charts New Analyzer Tab

Enhanced Cross-Tab Suppress empty rows & columns Suppress subtotals & grand totals Split wide cross-tabs over page breaks and

repeat the row labels Specify separate background for row & column

grand totals Conditionally format cells Specify order of rows & Columns

Running Totals Easy to use dialog

field to total when to total when to reset it

Document Import Tool Convert old ASCII

text reports into Crystal Reports

Map the report fields to the original database

Generate the report whenever you want

Highlighting Expert Quick formatting to

currency & numbers One dialog to setup

condition background color border style

Field Mapping more database

control allows you to remap

a field value

Enhanced Formula Editor Long Formulas

made easier by: Bookmarks Search & Replace

Rearranging elements of the formula

entirely new look

Enhanced Exporting Export reports to:

MS Word MS Excel

Saves the report as a temp file and will automatically open it in the appropriate application.

Parameter Fields Greater flexibility multiple default

prompting values range limiting edit masks

Enhanced Subreports

Increase report organization Data remains hidden until user

drills-down on the frame

Using Crystal with VDF Configure to use

indexes Set Location

(same as report) Place .RPTs in the \

DATA directory

Let’s create a report!

Next . . .

Lunch! 12:30 - 1:45

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By Dennis Piccioni