Inscription v. Description

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Inscription v. Description

Inscription; To mark a surface with words, characters, etc., especially in a durable or conspicuous way

(Geometry) To draw or delineate one figure within

another figure so that the inner lies entirely within the boundary of the outer, touching it at as many points as


"The true inscription cannot be thought of apart from that whereon it stands." - Gotthold Lessing

Marcel Duchamp


Tarin Towers

Bruce Nauman


Karen Justis

Meg Hitchcock

Glenn Ligon

Betty Levy

Jane Tong

Miriam Londono

Lesley Dill

Description: Depiction or account of ;

representation or delineation by elaboration

"Objective description" - the artist/writer regards himself as a kind of


"Impressionistic description “- focuses on the mood or feeling the object evokes in the observer rather than upon the object itself

Illustrations for Ciecro’s Aratea 9th C France

Illustrations for Ciecro’s Aratea 9th C France

Lee Trites

Lorna Simpson

Robert Mars

Glenn Hirsch

Ellie Wilder

Barbara Kruger

Squeak C arnwath

Cate White