Inquiry for batterX® system sizing · Grid-tied with possible backfeeding into the grid Gried-tied...

Post on 23-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Inquiry for batterX® system sizing · Grid-tied with possible backfeeding into the grid Gried-tied...

Inquiry for batterX® system sizing

1 Contact

Your name (or company) *

Phone number

E-Mail *

Street, number *

Postal code, city *

Geographical coordinates (optional)

Type of the object *Private house, office building, E-charging station,...

Private house

Office building

E-charging station

PV installation


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* Required

What is your main goal for the system? *

Select all applicable answers.

Which system components do you want to install? *

Select all applicable answers.

PV installation

Energy storage (battery)

UPS protection

Peak load management

Electric car charging station

Additional energy sources (diesel genset, cogeneration)

Communication via relay contacts


Which grid usage is being planned? *

Select all applicable answers.

Grid-tied with possible backfeeding into the grid

Gried-tied without backfeeding (grid usage for battery charging possible)

Off-grid (no grid available)


3 Load

Type of the load *Select all applicable answers.

Electronic devices


Air conditioning

Production facilities


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2 Purpose of the system

Self consumption

Backfeeding into the grid

Cost reduction

Off-grid power

Peak load management


If there is no load profile yet...Please describe your load profile or give an estimation as precisely as possible!

Absolute peak load *

Highest possible load peak in W, kW or Amp.

Annual energy consumptionPlease indicate in kWh!

4 PV installation

Data on existing PV installationIf you already have a PV installation, please tell us: Total kWp + type, model and number ofinstalled modules + array/orientation of the installation + inclination of the roof/modules +existing inverter or other equipment

Please send us some pictures of the existing PV installation!This is required to calculate the costs for the PV installation

Data for sizing of a new PV installationPlease tell us about the array/orientation of the roof + inclination of the roof + other wishes for the installation.

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Please send us your load profile!Without a load profile it´s not possible to size the system!

5 Energy storagebatterX® can work with most diverse energy storage devices. This makes us uniquely flexible.

Which type of energy storage are you interested in? *

Select all applicable answers.

Carbon battery

LiFePO4 battery

SPzS battery

UPS battery

I don't know


6 Conclusion

Here you can add all information and questions that haven't been 21. mentioned above:

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Please send us some pictures of the roof where the PV panels shall be installed!This is required to calculate the costs for the PV installation