
Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Innovation

Background & Objectives"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science." Albert EinsteinInnovation is regarded as the transformation of an idea or a concept. From vehicles to medical instruments, almost everything in the world has undergone the process of innovation. In the medical world, innovation has taken place at large, and what may have seemed to be impossible years ago is seeing breakthroughs now. Take, for instance, the wheelchair. The invention of the motorized wheelchair as compared to a manual one which required manpower to enable movement. The innovation of the automated wheelchair's system has assisted impaired individuals with mobility issues, as are other inventions that help with various kinds of disabilities.Hundreds and millions of families, as well as individuals are affected with some form of disability in developing countries. 2 in 10 adults live with a disability, revealed a statistic by WHO and Work Bank. The idea of easing their daily life's tasks has been taken into consideration whenever a developing tool or equipment is targeted mainly into the mainstream society. Despite having the skills and requirements, half of the disabled population of USA were found facing barriers to employment, as reported by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2012. . May 2012 Current Population Survey stated that a " lack of transportation, the need for special features at the job, and a person's own disability " were among the reasons reported for having hindrances to employment.In order to ease the mobility of elderly and physically challenged people, especially individuals suffering from arthritis and Ideational dyspraxia who mainly faces challenges when performing small, precise movements of the hands and arms required for carrying out daily tasks, an instrument that facilitates daily task movements, such as, holding objects from a distance without having to seek assistance can be developed. The aim of the project is to make a Robotic Arm Extension by collecting adequate research and knowledge so that the equipment can be cost-effective and a reliable tool for elderly and physically challenged people, bearing in mind that it's ergonomic, safe, efficient, comfortable and easy to use. Also, users can feel more independent, dignity, and a heightened sense of self-worth as they use our equipment. Besides that, we hope that this project will be able to instill a sense of teamwork within us.