Inland Fish Farm Final Project

Post on 21-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Inland Fish Farm Final Project

Project Management


Under Supervision of

Sir Khalid Mehmood Gorsi

Work Done By:

Rana Mehroz Haider (081315)

Student of Bachelors of Business Administeration , 10th Semester



IN the name of ALLAH who is the most

Beneficent and merciful to HIS Creature


All praises are due to ALLAH almighty, who give the courage to undertake

uphill task and shower his countless blessing upon me. It is only with that I

could complete this assignment.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to our MENTOR “SIR Maj. Khalid

Mehmood Gorsi” who guided a lot to accomplish the task. He has

completely delivered me the concepts of Project Management in an open

friendly environment. His kind guidance helped me when and where needed.


I dedicate my all efforts to Parents, Sir Maj Khalid Mehmood Gorsi, and Friends

who give me great support and courage.



Executive summary............................................................................................................................................. 5

Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Feasibility of Project........................................................................................................................................... 7

Project Overview................................................................................................................................................ 7

Project Name and Date:...................................................................................................................................... 8

Product............................................................................................................................................................... 8

Project Sponsor/Customer.................................................................................................................................. 8

Project Manager................................................................................................................................................. 8

Problem/Opportunity......................................................................................................................................... 9

Estimated Cost................................................................................................................................................................9

Business Charter................................................................................................................................................. 9


Structure of Farm:............................................................................................................................................. 10

Business Legal Status:....................................................................................................................................... 10

Legal Plan:........................................................................................................................................................ 10

SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................................. 11

Success Criteria................................................................................................................................................. 12


Obstacles/Constraints:...................................................................................................................................... 13

Time constrains:................................................................................................................................................ 13



Project Area:..................................................................................................................................................... 13

Project Duration:............................................................................................................................................... 13

PERT................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Project Deliverables.......................................................................................................................................... 14

In Scope Deliverables........................................................................................................................................ 14

Production Cycling............................................................................................................................................ 19

Marketing Phase............................................................................................................................................... 19

Out Scope Deliverables..................................................................................................................................... 20

Hierarchy of Deliverables.................................................................................................................................. 21

In scope and out Scope Deliverables.................................................................................................................. 22

PLANNING PHASE.............................................................................................................................................. 22

Gantt Chart and Network Diagram.................................................................................................................... 23

Production Process........................................................................................................................................... 24

Extensive fish farming....................................................................................................................................... 24

b)Intensive technique....................................................................................................................................... 24

c)Semi intensive fish farming technique............................................................................................................ 25

Comparison of Techniques.............................................................................................................................. 26

Diagram of Machineries................................................................................................................................... 27

Fianacial Plan.................................................................................................................................................... 33

Financial Analysis.............................................................................................................................................. 37

Quality Plan:..................................................................................................................................................... 38

Risk Plan:.......................................................................................................................................................... 38


Time Risk:......................................................................................................................................................... 38

Financial Risk:................................................................................................................................................... 38

Acceptance Plan:............................................................................................................................................... 39

Communication Plan:........................................................................................................................................ 39

Project Manager:.............................................................................................................................................. 39

Supplier of Machinery and equipments............................................................................................................. 39

Execution Phase................................................................................................................................................ 40

Project Closure.................................................................................................................................................. 40


Executive summary

Farm-reared fish offer a new alternative agricultural crop that can potentially replace those which are declining in popularity or profitability. Healthy farm- reared fish, guaranteed free of diseases, pesticides, and other harmful toxicants, are a more desirable substitute for wild fish from potentially polluted waters.The project is primarily focused on the local customers and national markets due to the prevailing high demand and taste preferences. The main feature of the project would include naturally grown fisheries in clean environment keeping in view the quality standards and principles. This prefeasibility study explores the viability of setting up inland fish farm based on economic and technology trends and available local strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.



Fish farming involves the raising of fish, usually for food, commercially in tanks or enclosures. Fish farming is an ancient practice that can provide many profitable opportunities today. The raising and selling of fish on commercial basis has proven to be economically successful throughout the world. The recognition that fish is a healthy food, low in calories and cholesterol levels, but rich in protein has increased consumer demand over the years. This has led to a dramatic increase in the consumption of fish products, although mostly in the developed and richer parts of the world. Global production, however, remains mostly in Asia.Fish farm industry has experienced a tremendous growth level as compare to any agrifood industry on record. Many remarkable developments and initiatives has been made in the said industry, however the most important step was taken in 1960's when the intensive breeding of different fish species was started at commercial level around the world. These factors helped to accelerate the fish farming industry to unprecedented levels of growth, making it one of world's fastest growing agri food sector .Globally, fish farming is moving from extensive to semi-intensive and intensive techniques. Within intensive techniques, recirculating aquaculture production systems offer an alternative to extensive pond aquaculture technology.Although Pakistan is significantly gifted with vast marine and freshwater aquatic resources, both these resources are in a decline. Hence the viability of enhancing fish output from both these resources through wild fishing is not possible.


Feasibility of Project

Project Overview

The proposed project will be involved in inland fish farming using intensive, extensive and semi intensive techniques producing high value species for local market. Project to be located in an area that is neither subject to flooding nor near to rivers. The selected location should have Enough elevation so that it can easily be dried in off season.

In addition many other factors must be considered while selecting site. These factors may include availability of china clay in soil, round the year adequate water supply, road access even during the rainy season and location away from agricultural activities to avoid pesticides application and noise pollution.

The entire facility can be housed in an acre of land. The major components of the system maybe imported from Europe, USA or Australia. As such, there are


no restrictions, rules or conditions laid out by any government department regarding operation and start-up of an aquaculture project. Basic permission is easily granted by the concerned Fisheries Department.

Project Name and Date:

The project is about opening a inland fish farm that would provide pscale a huge variety of fishiers to local customer. The name of farm would be rana fish farm The project will be starting from 16 of August 2011.


Fish is a high protein, low fattening food that provides high range of health benefits. The white fleshed fish is lower in fat than any other source of protein and enrich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Fish meat is medically recommended as a diet for human body, it produced essential nutrients in significant amount which is required for healthy body.

Moreover fishes are low in the bad fats commonly found in red meat, called omega 6 fatty acids that make it even more favorable product as compare to red meat.

Project Sponsor/Customer


Mr. Rana Kashif is the sponsor of this project. He has divided the whole budget in two parts i.e. equity and debt. He is providing 50% of his own and remaining 50% would be taken loan from bank or other financial institutions

Project Manager

Rana Mehroz Haider from the institute of management sciences is going to manage this project.


Fish farming is a profitable business if the necessary arrangements are made and properly managed. There is a huge business opportunity in this sector. Fish are nutrient product and wildly consumed around the world in verities of food items. They are used in various traditional dishes such as Fish meal, Amritsari Fish, Tandoori Fish, Fish Tikka and Fish Pakora etc. and also consumed in modern dishes like burgers, pizzas and canned products. In addition, fish are also used in medicine industry. Such factors contribute to making fish farming a viable project for investment.

Estimated Cost

The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 7 Million

Business Charter



The objectives for the first three years of operation include: To provide the consumers healthy and hygiene food To maintain the quality of the food even in packaging To generate the employment To promote the fish industry

Structure of Farm:

The site for proposed fish farm will require proper surveying to determine the slope, bed of pond should be kept slight in slope to take advantage by allowing the water to flow as much as possible by gravity. This slope will provide water to move easily hence increase the natural oxygenation process and reduce the soil excavation due to water strike which ultimately results in the lowering of operational costs.

Water distribution channels should be placed on top of the pond dikes and the drainage channels from the ponds should be kept at the lowest point of the land. Effort should be made to utilize the natural attributes of the land to minimize capital costs and to facilitate the operational efficiency.


Business Legal Status:

The legal structure of the business entity is sole proprietorship. Business operate

through a private limited company (to be incorporated in Pakistan under the

Companies Ordinance 1984).

Legal Plan:

SWOT Analysis


o High Yieldo Increasing Demando Reliable food Source


o Operating Costo Water Purificationo Disease and Infections


costRegistration expense 30000Rent expense 100000Insurance 150000total 370000

o Large capital is required to began new business


o Diversified demand of the product from the food industry and medicine.o Availability of abundant raw material.o Lack of specialized producer.o Established market and demand.


o Substitute’s availability.o Price fluctuations and macroeconomic instabilityo Huge competition cannot be ignored in this field which is big threato Economic and political circumstances of country.

Success Criteria

o Farm should be prepared with proper soil i.e. China Clay to avoid water seep.

o Availability of fresh water supply throughout the year.

o Farm should have road access even during the rainy season.

o It should be positioned away from agricultural activities to avoid spray application of pesticides.

o Monthly financial report would be analyzed to get either required score is achieved or not and to take specific precautionary steps.


o Special sales promotion from time to time will make customer attracted and would be helpful in establishing favorable relationship with them.


o Firstly, main risk is with the bank that either it accepts our request for the loan or not. As our 50 % of total budget depend on Bank Loan so that would affect the project constrains if it does not pass the loan.

o Secondly ,law and order situation is not so good so its effects the our sales revenue.

o Thirdly, the political condition in Pakistan is not good


There are following constrains must have to done accordingly:

Time constrains:

Must have to be completed within optimistic time duration mentioned in project proposal.



Budget more than predetermined budget would not be affordable as we are already taking 50% of budget from bank

Project Area:

Lahore (Near PU new campus)

Project Duration:

Optimistic Time: 4 months (o)

Pessimistic Time: 8 months (p)

Normal: 7 months (m)

PERTo+4m+p/6 = 4+ 4(7)+8/6 = 40/6

=6.6 months

Project Deliverables

Deliverables of our project can be divided into two parts, in scope deliverables and out scope deliverables. In scope deliverables are those which are the part of this


project whereas out scope deliverables are those which are deliverables but beyond the scope of this project.

In Scope Deliverables

1. Purchase Land on Rent

2. Purchasing of machinery

3. Description of Farm

(a)Structural Design of the Land

(b)Soil sampling

(c)Electricity Fixtures



(f) Water Requirement

(g)Species Selection

4. Supplementary feeding

5. Production Cycle

6. Marketing Phase

7. Getting financial report from time to time.

8. Getting the evaluation report of project at the end of the project


Land on Rent

The Land must be buying on rent .Instead of going to own the land. The Land that is neither subject to flooding nor near to rivers. The selected location should have enough elevation so that it can easily be dried in off season.

Purchasing of machinery

The machinery include the following machine for the production

Tube Well, Transformer, Air Pump/ Water Pump, Net, Telephone Sets, Filters

Purchasing of Raw material

The primary raw materials used for fish farming are Katti and cow dung, in addition urea is added to enhance the water quality and enhance productivity for better growth. Globally some artificial feeds such as fish meal are used for feeding purpose but these are very expensive and are not recommended as economical in Pakistan. However, it is the choice of entrepreneur or feed specialist to use or decide the amount of daily feed requirement.

Structural Design of the Land

The fish farm will require proper surveying to determine the slope , bed of pond should be kept slight in slope to take advantage by allowing the water to flow as much as possible by gravity. This slope will provide water to move easily hence increase the natural oxygenation process and reduce the soil excavation due to water strike which ultimately results in the lowering of operational costs.

Water distribution channels should be placed on top of the pond dikes and the drainage channels from the ponds should be kept at the lowest point of the land.


Effort should be made to utilize the natural attributes of the land to minimize capital costs and to facilitate the operational efficiency.

Soil sampling

Soil samples should be taken in account of the proposed site for analysis.

These samples should be collected from the surface, middle and depth. The required lab tests are pH, soil composition (the ratio of sand to silt to clay), total dissolved salts, calcium and magnesium etc. Clay is most desirable for water retention in the fish ponds. If the soil is sandy at the surface but contains sufficient clay at an accessible depth, the sandy soil should be excavated completely, and the clay will be used for the final layers of the pond bottom and pond banks to minimize water losses.

Electricity Fixtures

Fish farms must be furnished with proper electricity facilitation for daily routine operations and particularly for the management of water and air. In addition, for quality inland farming machinery like filter, water pumps and blower must be installed


The most appropriate pond type is the combination of both excavated/elevated ponds. If the soil has sufficient clay content, the dikes can be built form the soil that is removed during pond excavation, thus excavation costs are minimized. Elevated ponds are recommended appropriate for natural oxygenation and could be partially drained by gravity.

The farm will be established on 9 acres of land, consisting of 8 ponds with an area of 1 acre per pond. Appropriate walkways must be designed between ponds for


ease of management. Preferably a rectangular shaped pond is desirable. It should be constructed by excavation 2 to 3 feet soil and elevating for 4 to 5 feet from ground level. The crest of the embankment should be 4 to 5 feet and depth should not be more then 8 to 10 feet, having a minimum slope of 1 to 2 feet


Nitrogen and Phosphorus are the primary Nutrients required to stimulate productivity of the pond. In Pakistan, there are two sources of organic fertilizers, Chicken manure and Cow dung. The recommended inorganic fertilizers are Urea, Di ammonium Phosphate, Single Super Phosphate, Ammonium Sulphate and Nitrogen. Different fertilizers require different application procedures, The inorganic fertilizers urea and others except DAP dissolves quite rapidly, and can be placed directly into the pond water, Di ammonium phosphate, however, requires extra effort to dissolve and should be mixed with water in a bucket or basin and dissolved as much as possible prior to distribution in the pond. Fertilizers should be added on regular basis throughout the summer to sustain the productivity.

Water Requirement

Water is the most essential component of inland fish farming. Water color is a good indicator of its quality. The water quality of the tube well should be analyzed, oxygenation is main problem with the tube well water, arrangement must be made for oxygenation of water that can be accomplished by installing air blowers. Thus temperature and dissolved oxygen should be tested at the site.

Species Selection

The proposed fish’s species for the said project are Thaila, Moraka and Rohu. These species provide an ideal environment for farm management and as per their feeding pattern. Rohu feeds near the water surface, Thaila in the middle and Moraka takes feeds from the bottom.


This pattern will provide an efficient utilization of feeds and prevent feed losses. It is recommended that these species may be used in ratio of Rohu (40%), Thaila (30%) and Moraka (30%) respectively.

Supplementary Feeding

In a well managed pond enough food will be produced to permit the moraka, rohu and thaila to attain marketable size in a prescribed growth period. All species including the specialist plankton feeders will accept supplementary feeds and additional weight gain may be realized, but the bottom and water column feeding species (Rohu and Moraka) may receive the most benefits, especially if the amount of organic material in the pond is limited. Four rules should be followed when feeding fish.

o A regular feeding schedule must be followed, because infrequent feeding will have little measurable effect on growth. The fish should be fed on daily basis during the warm months.

o The quantity of feed given must be calculated by the farmer based on the actual sample weight data collected at the end of each month

o The fish must be fed at the same time each day, and at the same place in the pond.

o The farmer must carefully observe feeding behavior and determine the extent to which the fish are consuming the feed given.


Production Cycling

The overall production cycle for the inland fish farming comprises of 6-7 months which is mainly subjected to the life/age of the seed (specie). If fresh seed is used (with an age of less than 20 days) the production cycle will take 8months for the production of desire output. It varies respectively with the selection of fish (seed) age. Keeping in view the economical prospective, it is suggested that fish with different age may be used for different ponds.

Marketing Phase

The marketing of Fish follows the traditional channels of distribution. Generally fish are distributed in the market through middlemen and wholesalers. The role of middlemen and wholesalers is to identify buyers and negotiate the price. Fish are transported to the urban market and are sold to retailers. The time spent in getting fish from the farm to the retail shop varies from area to area.

Although collection and handling of fish has improved with the use of loader vehicles, but it is an established fact that greater the distance between the farm and consumer, more complicated will be marketing system including their collection, handling and transportation to the middlemen or consumer as per perishable nature of the product.

Marketing of fish farm includes the following promotions



Marketing deliverables are very important part of project as we have to create awareness about fisheries, so we need to have very appropriate marketing plans.

Analyze Financial report from time to time

Providing the financial report of project deliverables from time to time should be an important part as it’s very crucial to analyze the utilization of finance according to plan. Each activities or deliverables mentioned above obviously need finance for its completion, but the important aspect would be how it is managed.

Getting the evaluation report of project at the end of the project

At the end of the project, a document will be prepared that would provide information about the complete evaluation the project and its outcome.

Out Scope Deliverables

Hiring the farm manger, helper and guard

Reducing and reusing the wastage water

Insurance of farm and equipments


Hierarchy of Deliverables

Leasing Sh


Purchase land in Rent

Purchasing the machinery

Purchasing of raw material

Description of farm


Finalization of the farm


Final evaluation report

In scope and out Scope Deliverables


Appointment of Project Team

Project Manager Farm Manger civil workers




Purchasing Land On rane

Registration of Farm

Purchasing of


Pump/water pump

Tube Well




Purchasing Of Raw material

Katti and Cow Dung


Farm DescriptionStructural design of






FertilizerWater Requirement

Species Selection


News Papers


Final evaluation report

Gantt Chart and Network Diagram (Attached)


Production Process

Three techniques are practiced for inland fish farming.

a) Extensive Fish Farmingb) Intensive Fish Farmingc) Semi intensive Fish Farming

Extensive fish farming

Extensive fish farming is a self sustaining natural production system in which the fishes are totally feed on naturally grown plants and species within the water.

Extensive system uses low stocking densities (e.g., 5,000-10,000 larvae/ha/crop) and no supplementary feeding, although fertilization may be done to stimulate the growth and production of natural food in the water

Water changes are done on regular basis to maintain the oxygen level and provide fresh water to fishes for better growth. The ponds used for extensive culture are usually large (more than two hectare), may be shallow and not fully cleared of tree stumps. Production is generally less than 1 ton/ha/year.

b) Intensive technique

Intensive fish farming is a technique in which the fish are sustained in artificial culture i.e. external food supply, artificial aeration and water filtration.


Intensive culture uses very high densities of culture organisms (e.g. 200,000-300,000 larvae/ha/crop) and is totally dependent on artificially formulated feeds. Financial returns are therefore much more attractive than those from extensive culture. Production is of course much higher (i.e. 10 tons/ha/crop)

c) Semi intensive fish farming technique

Semi Intensive farms harvested in ponds and supply with artificial feeds along with natural feeds. This technique is basically a mixture of both Extensive and Intensive fish farming. This technique is usually practiced in small ponds i.e. about 1 acre each in size for ease of management.

Semi intensive system uses densities higher than extensive systems (e.g.,50,000- 100,000 larvae/ha/crop) and use supplementary feeding. Semi intensive culture system is managed by the application of inputs (mainly feeds, fertilizers) and the manipulation of the environment primarily by way of water management through the use of pumps. Feeding of the stock is done at regular intervals during the day.

In Semi intensive culture production is much higher then extensive technique (i.e. 1.5 tons/ha/crop). keeping in view the cultural, economical and environmental aspects of Pakistan market, Semi Intensive technique to be used in this farm.


Comparison of Techniques

Parameter Extensive Semi-Intensive Intensive

Species Used Monoculture orPolyculture

Monoculture Monoculture

Stocking Rate Moderate Higher than extensiveCulture


EngineeringDesign andLayout

May or may not bewell laid-out

With provisions foreffective water management

Very well engineeredsystem with pumps and aerators to control water quality and quantity

Very big ponds Manageable-sized units(up to 2 ha each)

Small ponds, usually 0.5-1 ha each

Ponds may or maynot be fully cleaned

Fully cleaned ponds Fully cleaned ponds

Fertilizer Used to enhancenatural productivity

Used regularly with lime Not used

Pesticides Not used Used regularly forProhylaxis

Used regularly forprophylaxis

Food andFeedingRegimen

None Regular feeding of highquality feeds

Full feeding of high-quality feeds

Depending on stockingdensity used, formulated feeds may be used partially or totally



2 2.5 2.5

Quality ofProduct

Good quality Good quality Good qualityCulture speciesdominant but extraneous species may occur

Confined to culturespecies

Confined to culturespecies

Variable sizes Uniform sizes Uniform sizes

Globally, fish farming is moving from extensive to semi-intensive and intensive techniques. Within intensive techniques, recirculating aquaculture production systems offer an alternative to extensive pond aquaculture technology. A recirculation system is essentially a closed system which involves fish tanks, filtration and water treatment systems. Fish are housed within tanks and water is exchanged continuously to guarantee optimum growing conditions. Water is pumped into the tanks through biological and mechanical filtration systems and then returned into the tanks.

Diagram of Machineries





As fish live and breathe within water it is important that optimum water

quality conditions are maintained within the recirculation system

especially when fish are stocked at high densities. The supply water

carries oxygen to the fish and removes waste products such as faeces,

ammonium, carbon dioxide and uneaten food. These waste products are

removed from the system and transformed into less harmful compounds

or concentrations that do not affect the growth or health of the fish.



Biological Filtration

Biofilters consist of a medium with a large surface area upon which

nitrifying bacteria will colonize after a few weeks. These bacteria

will convert toxic ammonia and nitrites into non-toxic nitrates via

oxidation. This process is known as nitrification. There are a number of

different biofilters in the market and some recirculation systems will

often incorporate several into their design. It will usually take a few


weeks to a month before nitrifying bacteria colonise and the biofilter

becomes active. During this time stocking and feeding rates should be


Technology that can be used for biological filtration are Rotating

Biological Contactors (RBC), Trickling Filters and Fluidized Sandbed

Filters. All these technologies have been used in the treatment of domestic

wastewater for decades, and are now widely used as nitrifying filters in

aquaculture applications. Some examples of biological filters are presented






To remove the wastage from water this filter is used



Mechanical Filtration

Mechanical filtration removes suspended solids obtained from faeces

and un- eaten food. Removal of solids is important to ensure that pipes

and equipment components do not become clogged with waste

material. Decomposing waste matter left in the fish tanks will also

consume available oxygen within the water column. There are various

types of mechanical filtration that will filter out different sized

particles of waste matter. They include drum filtration, screenfiltration,

foam fractionation, settlement tanks, sand filters to name a few.

Mechanical filters require regular back-flushing to prevent the

accumulation of sludge. Some examples of mechanical filters are


presented below:





Fianacial Plan

1. Equipment Required


Equipments Required Quantity

Cost (PKR)

Tube Well 1 1400000

Transformer 1 650000

Air Pump /water Pump 4


Net 1 80000

Generator (5kw*2) 2 300000

Telephone Set 1 15000

Fans/tube lights 4 30000

Filters 4 250000

Total 19 2905000

2. Machinery Required

3. Legal Plan


Down payment400000


Rent per month 150000

Insurance 100000


Machinery Required

Quantity Cost

Trickling Filter 1 65000

Bio Filtration Plant

1 45000

Solid Wastage Plant

1 35000

Mechanical Filter

1 60000

Total 4 Rs:205000

Total Registration Cost710,000

Total Rs: 710,000

4. Land and Farm construction

Since the land is taken on rent, so sponsor needs only to pay down payment initially. Later on he has to pay monthly payments according to contract.

Start up requirements Cost

Office Building cum store 150,000

Air conditioners for office 150,000

Construction of 8 ponds( 1*320000) 2560000

Others 50,000

Total CostRs:2910000


5. Marketing Plan


6. Management Plan


Activities Costs

Ad in newspaper 8000


SMS Marketing 2000

Banners 5000

Advertisement in cable 20000

Total cost 118000

Other Costs 15000

Total Rs: 125000

Financial Analysis


Management plan Numbersalary/mnth

Farm Manager 1 25000

Assistant Manager 1 15000

Cleaner 3 18000

Technician/Electrician 3 21000

Personal and Admin officer 2 30000

Account officer 1 15000

Helper 2 10000

Security Guards 1 8000

Total 14 Rs:145000

Financial Analysis Cost

Legal plan 710000

Machinery Requirement 2905000

Equipment Requirement 205000

Land and Building Construction 2910000

Marketing plan 125000

Management plan 145000Total Rs: 7000000

Quality Plan:

Quality standard must be kept under optimum conditions to ensure the survival

of both the culture fish species and the nitrifying bacteria inhabiting the

biofilter. Continuous records of quality must be regularly maintained to control

any changes that may occur. Quality testing kits or probes are readily available

from analytical supply stores however the equipment should measure within the

required rangesThe project quality would be checked after end of each week so

that we can get our appropriate goal at the end.

Risk Plan:

The following risks are associated with our plan:

Time Risk:

The project might take longer due to electricity shortage and law and order condition in our country in summer season.This problem could delay project further. In such condition we have estimated one month extra in our forecasted period.

Financial Risk:


As it is the sole proprietorship but the project is dependent on 50% we need the help of bank . If we provide them good project so that they dare not to reject our application.

Acceptance Plan:

We need to make our project accepted by our customer. We would attract customers by marketing strategies and once they are attracted, we would provide them value we promised for.

Communication Plan:

Project Manager:

Project Manager will be project head and everyone should report to him. He will be responsible to see everything being carried out according to the plan with given time and budget.

Supplier of Machinery and equipments

1. Mackerel enterprises

2. Aklhlaq enterprises limited


Execution Phase

The Execution phase is typically the longest phase of the project (in terms of duration). In this phase deliverables will be physically constructed and presented to the customer for acceptance. To ensure that the customer’s requirements are met, the Project Manager will monitor and control the activities, resources and expenditure required to build each deliverable throughout the execution phase. A number of management processes will be undertaken to ensure that the project proceeds as planned.

Project Closure

The project looks feasible with respect to its planning and budgeting. After a careful phase review we can conclude that the project looks feasible and should be completed within the time and budget planned. The risks have been taken account in to and suppliers have been contracted too. Things look positive and project look within budget and time too.