Initial Concept

Post on 07-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Initial Concept

Initial concept, USP and target marketThe concept for our music video will be based around the raving lifestyles of todays teenagers. There will be a specific Kaleidoscope theme to it as we will be using colours associated with a kaleidoscope and will be doing some shots filmed through a kaleidoscope. Our music video will be abstract and creative. We will be using a vast amount of editing to create the kaleidoscope effect. The song we have chosen for the music video is AlunaGeorge Kaleidoscope Love (Kaytranada Remix), this is why we have chosen to use colours that would be related to a kaleidoscope. The colours we are using in the music video will also reflect the moods of the two characters.Idea 1For our first idea we would have the boy and the girl at a rave, as the music starts they become lost in each other and the music, both intoxicated we will use the green screen with the different colours to represent how colourful and magical their night has been together, we are now seeing what they are feeling (wed also do some shots filming through an actual kaleidoscope). As the night progresses and the lyrics in the night play they will be roaming the street in darkness in their own little world. A few of the shots in front of the green screen would be a choreographed dance. Then as the song is coming to an end it will show the boy awakening in his bed, as he rolls over he is with a different girl who is his actual girlfriend, in disappointment and confusion he gets up and looks at his bedside table he sees an item of the girl from the night before and smirks.Idea 2For our second idea we would base it around a girl whos badly tripping out on drugs, it will start at her house where she will take the drugs in the morning and then end with her returning home after a long day or tripping. Throughout her journey she will be seeing a kaleidoscope pattern whenever she opens her eyes, she is overwhelmed by what she is seeing and continues her journey throughout the day until she ends up back where she started. Idea 3Thirdly wed have the boy and girl both actually together as a couple, they go to meet up with their mates but are side tracked and decide to go out somewhere on their own, they again become intoxicated and start to hallucinate this is where the green screen comes into play and filming through the kaleidoscope. As theyre hallucinating theyre actually making fools of themselves roaming around the streets but they cant see any of this, we would have some shots of what they are seeing (thats when wed use the green screen and filming through the kaleidoscope), then shots of reality and how other people are seeing them in the street.Target marketOur target market would be teenagers and young adults from the ages of 16-21. We have chosen this target market as most of them are familiar with the raving lifestyle and are familiar with the genre of music. They will also be able to relate to the feeling you get when youre out listening to this type of music and having fun.USPOur unique selling point would be the fact that we are putting a lot of creative thinking behind it and we believe the colourfulness and creativeness will draw in our target market with just a glance.