Inglés de Negocios... · Inglés de Negocios Etapa 3: Good product or service, high sales. Good...

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Transcript of Inglés de Negocios... · Inglés de Negocios Etapa 3: Good product or service, high sales. Good...

Inglés de Negocios

Etapa 3: Good product or service, high sales.

Good Product . . . High Sales

Pop Question:

What is production line?

It is a set of sequential operations

established in a factory where

components are assembled to make a

finished product or where materials are

put through a refining process to

produce an end-product that is suitable

for onward consumption.

Production line


Mass Production

Assembly line

Batch production

The production

of products for use or

sale using labor

and machines, tools,

chemical or biological

processing or


A series of

workers and

machines in a

factory by which a

succession of

identical items is



Products are

produced in

groups instead

of continuous


The manufacturing

of large quantities

of standardized

products, often

using assembly

lines or automation





Answer page 125

(Comprehension Activity)

Answer pg. 126 (Vocabulary Activity)

Pop Question:

What is Marketing?

It is the process of getting potential clients or

customers interested in products and services of a

company. Marketing involves researching,

promoting, selling, and distributing products or


This discipline centers on the study of market and

consumer behaviors and it analyzes the

commercial management of companies in order to

attract, acquire and retain customers by satisfying

their wants and needs.




Item or items the business plans to offer to customers.


How much the company will sell

the product.


The distribution of the product


Integrated marketing

communications campaign.

The 4 Ps of The Marketing Mix



Answer page 130

(Comprehension Activity)

Answer pg. 131 (Vocabulary Activity)

Performance Activity

Page 132

Choose an existing product and create an advertisement. Consider the following aspects

- Product- Price- Place- Promotion

Activities from the learning


Read text pgs. 62 and 63

Answer activity pg. 64

Dimension 1


Answer quiz pg. 69

Pop Questions:

* Why do you think finances are important?* How do you manage your finances?

It is the study of money and how it is used.

Specifically, it deals with the questions of how

an individual, company or government

acquires the money needed - called capital in

the company context - and how they then

spend or invest that money.

Answer page 135(Comprehension Activity)

Answer pg. 136

(Vocabulary Activity)

Writing ActivityPage 137

A sale is a transaction between two or more

parties in which the buyer receives tangible

or intangible goods, services, and/or assets

in exchange for money.

Regardless of the context, a sale is

essentially a contract between the buyer and

the seller of the particular good or service in


In addition, the good or service that is being offered has to actually be available to purchase, and the seller has to have the authority to transfer the item or service to the buyer.

They also have to be in agreement regarding the specific terms of the sale.

To complete a sale, both the buyer and the seller have to be considered to be competent enough to make the transaction.

A sale determines that the seller provides the buyer with a good or service in exchange for a specific amount of money or specified assets.

How a Sale Works

Sales Example


Answer pg. 141

(Writing Activity)

Performance Activity

Page 142

Activities from

the learning


Dimension 2


Answer activity pgs. 70 and 71

Dimension 3


Answer activitypg. 72

Pop Question:How does a company measure the quality of their products?

It helps to ensure that the products/services produced,

actually meet the requirements of the customer.

It involves tasks that make sure products and

services meet end-user requirements in a

reliable way.

It deals with testing to see if output meets

established criteria, typically en-user requirements.

Use a Plan-Do-Check-Act model to solve

problems by instituting quality

improvement processes in a systematic


The quality process at Porsche


Answer page 145

(Comprehension Activity)

Answer pg. 146

(Vocabulary Activity)

Performance Activity

Page 132

Using the previous product you

created; study the quality process and

implement it. Consider the following


Pop Question:

Why do you think business strategies are important?

It is a set of competitive moves and

actions that a business uses to attract

customers, compete successfully,

strengthening performance, and achieve

organizational goals.

It outlines how a business should be

carried out to reach the desired ends.



Rtve (2013). How the Tesla Model S is Made (Video). Disponible


Rtve (2018). The Quality Process at Porsche (Video). Disponible


Rtve (2012). Sales Call Example 1 (Video). Disponible en:


Treviño, F., (2020). Business English. Ciudad de México, México

Proveedora de Textos de Monterrey.