Infra-Tect: Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On Ductile Iron Pipe

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Infra-Tect: Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On Ductile Iron Pipe




Our water infrastructure is in dire need of upgrading and repair and is a $1.7+ trillion dollar national issue, and

water main breaks and leaking pipes waste millions of gallons of water each year. This is primarily due to pipe corrosion.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

Infra-Tect is an underground water and wastewater infrastructure company

that provides innovative solutions around pipe corrosion prevention, worker safety

and productivity improvements.


The Company’s flagship product, the Bevel-Sert, is a pre-beveled radius insert used in conjunction with standard sized buried ductile iron pipe, and eliminates the need for pipe beveling equipment.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

The Bevel-Sert helps companies save time and money vs. beveling field-cut pipes, while

improving worker safety.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

The Bevel-Sert acts as a barrier to stray currents jumping across pipes, creating the

existence of an electrically discontinuous pipe-joint segment.INFRA-TECT.COM

Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

Eliminating how stray currents can jump across pipes greatly reduces pipe corrosion and maintenance,

which increases the lifetime of underground pipe infrastructure.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

Using the Bevel-Sert also is in compliance with OSHA standards as it eliminates the banned but too-often use of

the side of a cut-off saw blade to grind a bevel onto the cut end of the pipe.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

This dramatically improves worker safety while helping your company’s Experience Modification

Rating because you will not need beveling equipment or the hours involved in beveling field-cut pipes.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

Infra-Tect’s patented products are designed to ease the installation process and protect ductile iron

pipes. In addition, the Company is developing similar applications for C-900 PVC, IPS PVC, SDR-26

and SDR-35 PVC pipes or fittings.


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe

Contact us to find out how you can save time and money with your water infrastructure and how we can provide

peace of mind when installing and beveling pipes.

Visit www.Infra-Tect.comEmail us at

Or call 480-442-4188


Pipe Beveling & Preventing Corrosion On DI Pipe