Informatics Practices - Assignments - WordPress.combased on JAVA & SQL) A Practical Workbook Class...

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Informatics Practices - Assignments

(based on JAVA & SQL)

A Practical Workbook

Class XII


Assignments based on JAVA

1. Create a java Desktop application to find the largest number among the three floating –point

numbers. The following is the screen used to find largest number among three numbers:

2. Create a java Desktop application to enter your friends ROLLNO,NAME, ADDRESS,SECTION and

grade, Using a JButton ‘s click event handler, display the details of input into a JTextArea control.

Note that the JTextArea background would be in yellow color.

3. Create a java Desktop Application to find salary of the employee on the basis of “Designation

selected using JCombobox. The JCombobox contains the following designation with respective


Designation Salary

Project Manager 200000

Manager 150000

Architect 100000

Team Leader 100000

Sr. Programmer 75000

Programmer 50000

Operator 25000


4. Create a Java Desktop application to do mathematical operations like ADDITION, SUBTRACTION,

MULTIPLICATION, DIVISION and MODULUS of two numbers and display the result with

appropriate text box after clicking a JButton control.

5. Write a program to input any number and print them in reverse order using while statement.

Whereas the input number must be positive. The following is the screen used to print the

reverse of a number.

6. Mr. Vidyarthi wotks in Blossoms Public School as a Programmer . he is required to develop a

student record. The school offers two different streams, Medical and Non-medical, with

different grading criteria. The school also offers incentive to the NCC cadets in the two streams

is given below


(A) Write the commands to disable the textboxes txtPercentage and txtGrade. Also, set

Medical as default stream.

(B) Write the code for cmdClacPer to calculate the percentage after finding the total marks of

first term and second term (assuming that both marks are out of 100). Also ensure

(C) Write the code for cmdClacGrade to calculate the grade depending on the stream selected

according to the criteria given below

(D) Write the code for cmdClear Command Button to clear all the text boxes and check box and

Medical as default stream.

7. Define a class report with the following specification

Data Member :

ADNO Integer

NAME String

Marks 5 Floating Point values

Average Average marks obtained

Getavg() to compute the average obtained in five subjects

Member methods

Read_info() function to accept values for ADNO,NAME,MARKS and invoke the function


Displayinfo function to display all data member on the screen you should give function



Calculate the average mark and print a message “You are Passed “ if percentage is greater than 40 ,

otherwise print “You are Failed “ . Also, at runtime , the colour of “ You are passed “ must be Blue and

“You are failed “ must be Red with font size 10.

8. Create an application to design a form counting ListBox and Combobox. Add major cities to both

ListBox and ComboBox through a TextBox, Also provide three command button for clearing the

TextBox ,ListBox and ComboBox. When you click on a button (JButton), the action will affect to

respective controls. Also , use command buttons for clearing the TextBox, ListBox and

ComboBox . See the form given below.

9. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follows:

Sagar electronics has the following products with their list prices given. The store gives a 10%

discount on every product. However, at the time of festival season, the store gives a further 7%

festival discount after 10%


Note that the product Name is stores in JComboBox control.

10. HDFC Bank frequently needs to calculate the interest and amount due for his clients. He ask his

software programmer to design an interest calculator which will calculate the compound

interest and amount due. The bank offers two different accounts fixed deposit and recurring

deposit with different rage criteria. The programmer uses Java language with NetBeans IDE to

develop this.


(A) Write the code to disable the text boxes txtInterest , txtAmount , txtRate and txtDate in the

form when the from activated.

(B) Write the code for cmdClear command button to clear all the textboxes and box except txtDate.

Set the default choice in the option button as Fixed Deposit.

(C) Write the code for the click event of the command button cmdCalculate to calculate compound

Interest and amount and display the values in textboxes txtInterest and txtAmount depending

on the principal, rate and time.

Note that the compound interest is calculates ad P*(l+r/100)^T & amount as Principal + Interest.

Rate is calculated based on the time according to the following table.

An additional rate of 2% is givento senior citizens i.e. if the chkSR chechbox ix checked

(D) Write the code for cmdExit to exit the application

11. Define a class Batsman with the following specification:

Data Members

BCODE Integer

BNAME String



RUNS Integer

BARAVG It is calculates according to the formula : bataavg=runs/(innings – notout)

Calcavg() Function to compute batavg

Member Function

readdata() Function to accept values for bcode, name , innings , notout and invoke the

calculate function calcavg()

displaydata() Function to display the data member on the screen.

(i) Define a class Batsman with required specification.

(ii) Write the code for Batting Average buttons click event procedure to operate the class

batsman’s method.

12. Develop a Java Desktop application to create a simple menu and perform its action event to

display simple messages for each menu item. Notice that the Menu item are shown as given figure :


Write the code for click event procedure for all File menu options with different dialog boxes

containing different icons.

13. Create a Java Desktop Application to perform the following calculations :

(a) Calculation of Total and Average Marks as :

total = english + maths + science + history

average = total / 4

(b) Displaying the Distinction / Average Marks based on the Total Marks scored.

(c) Displaying the grade (A, B, C, D, F) based on the Average Marks Scored.

Average Result Grade

>= 75 >= 60 >= 50 >= 40 Otherwise

Distinction First Class Second Class Average Fail


Enter four subjects’ marks called : English, Maths, Science and History. Also the entered marks

should be between 0 and 100 for each subject.


14. Create a java Desktop Application to find the Incentive (%) of Sales for a Sales Person on the

basis of following feedbacks :

Feedback Incentive (%)

Maximum Sales Excellent Customer Feedback Maximum Count of Customer

10 8 5

Note that the sales entry should not be space. Calculate the total incentive as : Sales amount *


15. Develop a Desktop Application to test all String manipulation methods using a JButton click

event procedure. Note that the result of String manipulation methods will be placed in JTextArea

control. Note . The operations will be implemented using two strings as : your name and school.


16. Write an application to add records into the Customer table. The Customer table has the

following entities :

Field Name Data Type Width Constraint

Customer_Id Customer_Name Address Phone

Int Varchar Varchar Varchar

4 25 40 10

Primary Key Not Null

Note that the Java NetBeans IDE for customer data entry screen looks like as follows :


17. Write an application to navigate the above Customer table records using MoveFirst, MoveNext,

MoveLast and MovePrevious resultSet properties. Remember that the four operations will handle

by four different command buttons.