Info juin 2014 magazine - draft 3 - Caritas - lowres.pdf · 2014-06-29 · BANGU Caritas Sénégal:...

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Transcript of Info juin 2014 magazine - draft 3 - Caritas - lowres.pdf · 2014-06-29 · BANGU Caritas Sénégal:...

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 1

e-MagazineNumber : Numéro : Número 18

June : Juin : Junho 2014Info

Cape Verde Green Project Awards:Honorable Mention / Mention d’Honneur / Menção Honrosa

Caritas BurundiGolden JubileeJubilé d’orJubileu de ouro

Caritas GhanaMinor migrants

Migrants mineursMigrantes menores

Caritas Cape VerdeCaritas Cap VertCaritas de Cabo Verde

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 2

Cover picture1. Caritas Caboverdiana competed in 2013

in the first edition of the Cape VerdeGreen Project Awards, in the categoryof Sustainable Tourism and Agriculture.The project was awarded an HonorableMention.

2. Caritas Burundi and CRS Burundi joint-ly celebrated their Golden Jubilee inGitega, Burundi.

3. In Ghana, migration flows have been inresponse to the inequalities indevelopment between northern andsouthern Ghana.

Photo de couverture1. Caritas Cad Vert a participé en 2013 à

la première édition des Green ProjectAwards du Cap Vert, dans la catégorie« Tourisme et agriculture durable ». Leprojet a reçu la Mention d’Honneur.

2. Caritas Burundi et CRS Burundi ontcélébré ensemble leur jubilé d'or àGitega, au Burundi.

3. Au Ghana, les flux migratoires ont étéen réponse aux inégalités de développe-ment entre le nord et le sud du Ghana.

Foto da capa1. Caritas Caboverdiana competiu em 2013

na primeira edição dos Cabo Verde GreenProject Awards, na categoria de TurismoSustentável e Agricultura. O projeto foipremiado com uma Menção Honrosa.

2. Caritas Burundi e CRS Burundi come-morou seu Jubileu de Ouro em conjun-to em Gitega, Burundi.

3. Em Gana, os fluxos migratórios têmsido em resposta às desigualdades dedesenvolvimento entre o norte eo sulde Gana.

Contents - Sommaire - ConteúdoPage












Editorial: Dignité et droits des migrants / Migrants’ dignity and rights / Dignidadee direitos dos migrantes - Jacques DINAN

Célébration à Gitega du Jubilé d’or de Caritas Burundi et CRS Burundi / CaritasBurundi and CRS Burundi Golden Jubilee celebrations in Gitega / Celebrações do Jubileude Ouro de Caritas Burundi e CRS Burundi em Gitega - TharcisseNTAHONKIRIYE

Caritas de Cabo Verde recebe Menção Honrosa do Green Project Awards / CaritasCape Verde receives the Green Project Awards Honorable Mention / Caritas Cap-Vert reçoitla Mention d'Honneur du Green Project Awards

Ghana: Minor Migrants who work / Les migrants mineurs sur le marché du travail /Menores migrantes no mercado de trabalho - Samuel Zan AKOLOGO & JosephBANGU

Caritas Sénégal: Participation au Global Forum de Stockholm sur la migration /Participation in the Global Forum of Stockholm on Migration / A participação no FórumMundial de Estocolmo sobre Migração - Ambroise TINE & Mignane DIOUF

Caritas Nigeria tasks President's Comprehensive Response Plan / Caritas Nigeriaexamine le Plan d’intervention du Président / Caritas Nigéria examina Plano de Respostado presidente - Cecilia AGRINYA

Caritas CEDOI-M: Meeting in Seychelles of the Indian Ocean Caritas members /Rencontre aux Seychelles des Caritas des îles de l’océan Indien / Reunião em Seychelles dosmembros do Oceano Índico da Cáritas - Caritas SEYCHELLES

Caritas Rwanda: Une nouvelle approche de promotion de la planification familialenaturelle / A new approach to promoting natural family planning / Uma nova abordagempara promover o planejamento familiar natural - Aloys MUNDERE

XVIII Assembleia Geral da Caritas Moçambicana / Caritas Moçambicana XVIIIGeneral Assembly / XVIIIe Assemblée générale de Caritas Mozambique - SantosGOTINE

Burundi : Apaiser, réduire ou neutraliser des situations de handicap / Soothe, reduceor neutralize handicap situations / Acalmar, reduzir ou neutralizar situações de handicap- Ferdinand NDARURERERE

From casual labourer to carpenter: Caritas Lesotho transforms the life of a doubleorphan / Caritas Lesotho: De l’ouvrier occasionnel au métier de menuisier / Caritas Lesoto:Desde o trabalhador ocasional em um carpinteiro

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 3

Caritas Africa Infoe-MagazineNumber : : Número 18

June : : Junho 2014Published by/Publié par/Publicado por

Caritas Africa Secretariat /Secrétariat deCaritas Africa / Secretariado Caritas África

735 Bd des Armées, SECAF TokoinSéminaire, Togo, Lomé

Tel.: (228) : secaf@caritas-africa.orgInternet :

Deux articles dece magazineconcernent les

questions liées à la mi-grationet fournissent des indications sur ceque font les organisations Caritas pour faireface aux problèmes résutant du nombrecroissant de migrants dans le monde.

Les études démontrent que 30% des migrantsafricains se rendent en Europe, alors que 65%d’entre eux se rendent dans d’autres pays

Two articles of this magazine refer toissues connected with migration andprovide some insight on the way

Caritas organisations are dealing withproblems resulting from the growingnumber of migrants in the world.

(Continued on page 4.


Dignidade e direitosdos migrantes

(Continua na página 4.)


Dignité etdroits desmigrants

(Suite à la page 4.)


Migrants’dignity and rights

22 - 27 September / septembre / setembro de 2014 - Bujumbura, BurundiCaritas Africa Regional Commission meeting / Rencontre de la Commission régionalede Caritas Africa / Reunião da Comissão Regional de Caritas África

8 - 9 October / octobre / outubro de 2014 - Brussels / Bruxelles / Bruxelas,Belgium / Belgique / BélgicaCaritas Secretariats’ Meeting / Rencontre des secrétariats de Caritas / Reunião daCáritas Secretarias

10 October / octobre / outubro de 2014 - Brussels / Bruxelles / Bruxelas,Belgium / Belgique / BélgicaWorkshop on CI Minimum Standards / Atelier sur les normes minimales de CI /Workshop sobre Padrões Mínimos de CI

18 November / novembre / novembro de 2014 - Ouagadougou, BurkinaFasoCaritas Africa Humanitarian Team meeting / Rencontre de l’Equipe Humanitairede Caritas Africa / Reunião da Equipa Humanitária da Caritas África

19 - 21 November / novembre / novembro de 2014 - Ouagadougou,Burkina FasoCaritas Africa Humanitarian Forum / Forum Humanitaire de Caritas Africa /Forum Humanitária da Caritas África

3 - 5 Dec. / dezembro de 2014 - Cape Verde / / Cabo VerdeCI Sahel Working Group / Groupe de Travail de CI sur le Sahel / Grupo de trabalhoda CI no Sahel

17 February / février / fevereiro de 2015 - Accra, Ghana / GanaCaritas Internationalis & Caritas Africa: workshop on Risk Management / Ateliersur la gestion des risques / Workshop sobre a gestão de risco

18 - 20 February / février / fevereiro de 2015 - Accra, Ghana / GanaCaritas Africa Regional Conference / Conférence régionale de Caritas Africa /Conferência Regional de Caritas África

13 - 17 May / mai / maio de 2015 - Rome, Italy / / ItáliaCaritas Internationalis General Assembly / Assemblée générale de CaritasInternationalis / Caritas Internationalis Assembléia Geral

Forthcoming meetingsProchaines rencontresPróximas reuniões

Duas seções da revista Consulte aquestões relacionadas com amigração e fornecer algumas dicas

sobre a forma como as organizações daCáritas está lidando com problemas decor-rentes e para o crescente número de mi-grantes em todo o mundo.

Estudos mostram que 30% dos imigrantesafricanos para a Europa, Considerando 65%deles vão para os países africanos, que são

Jacques DinanSecrétaire exécutif

Executive SecretrarySecretária Executiva

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 4

(Suite de la page 3.)


Dignité et droits des migrants

(Continued from page 3.)


Migrants’ dignity and rights

(Continuação da página 3.)


Dignidade e direitos dos migrantesd’Afrique qui sont politiquement plus stableset plus indistrialisée. La migration est étroite-ment liée avec la pauvreté, dans le sens largedu terme. Les membres les plus vulnérablesde la société voient en la migration l’oppor-tunité de vivre mieux ailleurs. Ils sont forcésde migrer pour se sauver des conflits, éviterles conséquences du changement climatiqueet espérer trouver de quoi se nourrir et norrirleur famille, ou encore pour sortir de leursituation d’extrême pauvreté en espéranttrouver de l’emploi ailleurs et être capable desubvenir à leurs besoins.

La migration peut aussi être un choix: lesmigrants qui cherchent un emploi ou veulentréunir leurs familles ou encore veulent semarier. Une autre forme de migration, qui peutêtre forcée ou par choix, est le traffic humain.

Caritas, à travers le continent, fait face à touteune variété de situations concernant les groupesvulnérables et comprenant des migrants irré-guliers, des migrants réguliers et des migrants quisont de retour. Les migrants viennent chercherde l’aide auprès des bureaux de Caritas. Ceci esttout à fait naturel puisque Caritas possède unréseau étendu et est présente dans la plupart desdiocèses et paroisses. En raison de sa capillarité,caritas est trçs proce de ceux qui sont dans lebesoin et est capable de rapidement répondre àleurs demandes.

Pour Caritas, la migration est une ressourcepour les migrants comme pour les pays quisavent comment les accueillir. La migrationsdoit être au bénéfice des migrants, du pays hôtecomme du pays d’origine. La migration doitêtre régulée par le dialogue entre les partiesconcernées en association avec la société civile.

Le réseau Caritas joue un rôle d’informationet de sensibilisation en disséminant des don-nées et des études sur les risques et les difficul-tés des routes migratoires et sur les réalités dela vie dans les pays de transit et de destination.

Caritas Africa encourage la collaboration entreles organisations Caritas afin qu’elles amélio-rent leurs connaissances, leurs pratiques, lacoordination et les actions de plaidoyer auprèsdes autorités de l’Eglise et des autorités publi-ques aux niveaux local, national et international.

Toutes les organisations Caritas de la régionAfrique qui sont directement ou indirecte-ment concernées par les questions de migra-tion sont invitées à joindre leurs efforts ettravailler ensemble afin de veiller à promou-voir la dignité et les droits des migrants.

Studies show that 30% of African migrantsgo to Europe, whereas 65% of them go toAfrican nations that are politically more stableand industrialized. Migration is closely linkedwith poverty, in the broad sense of the word.Those members of society who are mostvulnerable look at migration as an opportunityto lead a better life elsewhere. They are forcedto migrate in order to run out from conflicts,to avoid the consequences of climate changeand hope secure food for themselves and theirfamily, or to get out of their extreme situationof abject poverty hoping to find employmentelsewhere or be capable to earn their living.

Migration can also be out of choice: migrantslooking for jobs or wanting to be reunitedwithin families or maybe also to get married.Another form of migration, which can beeither forced or out of choice, is trafficking.

Caritas all over the continent faces a largevariety of situations involving vulnerablegroups who are irregular migrants, regularmigrants or returned migrants. The migrantscome to Caritas offices looking for help. Thisis quite natural since Caritas has an extendednetwork and is present in most dioceses andparishes over the continent. Because of itscapillarity, Caritas is very close to all those inneed and is capable to quickly respond to theirrequests and provide rapidly and on the spotthe necessary support.

Caritas views migration as a resource for bothmigrants and the countries that know how towelcome them. Migration should benefitmigrants, host countries as well as the coun-tries of origin. Migration should be regulatedthrough dialogue between all the partnersinvolved and by associating with civil society.

The Caritas network plays an informative andawareness-raising role by disseminating eye-witness accounts and studies on the perils andsuffering of migratory routes and the realitiesof life in transit and destination countries.

Caritas Africa encourages collaborationamongst Caritas organisations to improvetheir knowledge, practices, coordination andadvocacy actions aimed at Church and publicauthorities at local, national and internationallevel.

All Caritas organisations of the Africa regionthat are directly or indirectly concerned bymigration issues are invited to join forces andto work together in order to ensure themigrants’ dignity and rights are upheld.

politicamente mais estável, e industria-lizados.Intimamente ligada com a migração é apobreza, no sentido amplo da palavra. Osmembros da sociedade são os mais vulne-ráveis Você olha para a migração como umaoportunidade de levar uma vida melhor emoutro lugar. Eles são forçados a migrar, a fimde acabar de conflitos, para evitar as conse-quências das alterações climáticas e esperoalimento seguro para si e sua família, ou forada sua extrema pobreza, com a esperançade encontrar emprego em outro lugar e sercapaz de satisfazer as suas necessidades.

A migração também pode ser de escolha: osmigrantes à procura de emprego ou que preten-dem se reunir no seio das famílias ou talveztambém para se casar. Outra forma de migração,que pode ser forçado ou fora da escolha, é o tráfico.

Caritas de todo o continente enfrenta uma grandevariedade de situações que envolvem gruposvulneráveis que são imigrantes ilegais, os imigran-tes regulares ou migrantes retornados. Os imi-grantes vêm para escritórios Caritas à procura deajuda. Isso é bastante natural, uma vez Caritas temuma rede estendida e está presente na maioria dasdioceses e paróquias sobre o continente. Devidoà sua capilaridade, a Caritas está muito perto detodos os necessitados e é capaz de responderrapidamente às suas solicitações e fornecerrapidamente e no local o apoio necessário.

Caritas vê a migração como um recurso para osmigrantes e os países que sabem como recebê-los. A migração deve beneficiar os imigrantes,os países de acolhimento, bem como os paísesde origem. A migração deve ser regulamentadapor meio do diálogo entre todos os parceirosenvolvidos e associando com a sociedade civil.

A rede Caritas desempenha um papelinformativo e de sensibilização através dadivulgação de relatos de testemunhas ocularese estudos sobre os perigos e sofrimento derotas migratórias e as realidades da vida nospaíses de trânsito e de destino.

Caritas África incentiva a colaboração entre asorganizações da Cáritas para melhorar os seusconhecimentos, práticas, coordenação e açõesde advocacy que visam Igreja e as autoridadespúblicas a nível local, nacional e internacional.

Todas as organizações da Cáritas da região daÁfrica que estão direta ou indiretamente emcausa por questões de migração sãoconvidados a unir forças e trabalhar emconjunto para garantir a dignidade dosmigrantes e os direitos sejam respeitados.

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 5

Célébration à Gitega du Jubilé d’orde Caritas Burundi et CRS BurundiEn cette date du 14 juin 2014

à Gitega, Burundi, vers dixheures du matin commence

la célébration de la clôture de l’annéejubilaire de Caritas Burundi et deCatholic Relief Services (CRS) Burundi.La messe est concélébrée par septévêques du pays et plusieurs prêtres.Les cérémonies sont présidées parMgr Simon Ntamwana, Archevêquede Gitega, qui débute par une posede la première pierre pour la cons-truction d’un centre médical de laConférence Episcopale des EvêquesCatholiques du Burundi (CECAB).Ce centre va contribuer à l’amélio-ration des soins de santé offerts auxfemmes du Burundi et de la sousrégion, spécialement dans le traite-ment des pathologies tumoralesgynéco-mammaires.

S’ébranle ensuite une procession quiconduit l’assemblée à la cathédrale del’archidiocèse de Gitega. Là, se dérou-

le une célébration eucharistique degrande fête étalonnée par des prières

Pose de la première pierre du centre médical.

Ambiance festive.

(Suite en page 6.)

Caritas Burundi and CRS Burundi Golden Jubileecelebrations in Gitega

The end of Caritas Burundi and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) BurundiGolden Jubilee celebrations took place in Gitega on 14 June 2014. Masswas concelebrated by seven bishops of the country and several priests. Theceremonies, presided over by Bishop Simon Ntamwana, Archbishop ofGitega, began with the laying of the foundation stone for the constructionof a medical centre of the Episcopal Conference of Catholic Bishops ofBurundi (CECAB). This centre will contribute to the improvement of healthcare offered to women of Burundi and the sub-region, especially in thetreatment of gynecological breast tumors.

Archbishop Joachim Ntahondereye, Bishop of Muyinga and President ofCaritas Burundi, addressed the participants focussing on the attention thatevery Christian should have in favour of the poor, the vulnerable and otherdeprived members of society. He thanked, in particular, charitableorganizations such as Caritas and CRS, that have for 50 years centered theiractions on poverty alleviation raging within the Burundian population.

During mass, as a symbol of a laudable charity, the first reading was readby a blind man who can read braille after the training received in a Churchcentre specializing in this field. Then, premiums and honorary certificatesare offered to twenty Christian volunteers who have long served the causeof the poor.

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(Suite de la page 5.)

Célébration à Gitega du Jubilé d’orde Caritas Burundi et CRS Burundi

et des chants de louange à l’amourde Dieu et à l’action caritative. C’est

le thème qui revient à travers lesdiscours de circonstance prononcéspar différentes personnalités de mar-

que qui ont répondu à l’invitation.Parmi eux se retrouvent le deuxièmevice président de la République duBurundi et le Secrétaire Exécutif deCaritas Africa.

S’adressant à l’assemblée, Mgr Joa-chim Ntahondereye, Evêque de

Muyinga et Président de CaritasBurundi, met le point sur l’attentionparticulière que chaque chrétien doitavoir en faveur des pauvres, des

vulnérables et autres laissés pourcompte. Ses remerciements vontspécialement à l’endroit des organi-sations caritatives comme Caritas etCRS qui, depuis 50 ans, ont con-centré leurs actions sur l’atténuation

Tous se sont rassemblés à la cathédrale de l’archidiocèse de Gitega pour fêter les 50 ans de Caritas au Burundi.

La première lecture faite par unaveugle, lisant le braille.

(Suite en page 7.)

Celebrações do Jubileu de Ouro de Caritas Burundi eCRS Burundi em Gitega

O fim das celebrações do Jubileu de Ouro da Cáritas Burundi e CatholicRelief Services (CRS) Burundi ocorreu em Gitega em 14 de junho de2014. Missa foi concelebrada por sete bispos do país e vários sacerdotes.As cerimónias, presididas pelo Bispo Simon Ntamwana, Arcebispo deGitega, começou com o lançamento da primeira pedra para a construçãode um centro médico da Conferência Episcopal dos Bispos do Burundi(CECAB). Este centro vai contribuir para a melhoria dos cuidados desaúde oferecidos às mulheres do Burundi ea sub-região, especialmenteno tratamento de tumores de mama ginecológicas.

Arcebispo Joachim Ntahondereye, Bispo de Muyinga e Presidente daCaritas Burundi, dirigiu-se aos participantes centrados na atenção quecada cristão deve ter em favor dos pobres, os membros carentesvulneráveis e outros da sociedade. Ele agradeceu, em particular,organizações de caridade, como a Cáritas e CRS, que por 50 anoscentrado suas ações no combate à pobreza que lavra na população doBurundi.

Durante massa, como um símbolo de uma instituição de caridadelouvável, a primeira leitura foi lido por um cego que pode ler braille apóso treinamento recebido em um centro especializado Igreja neste campo.Em seguida, os prémios e certificados de honra são oferecidos aos vintevoluntários cristãos que há muito tempo serviram a causa dos pobres.

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 7

(Suite de la page 6.)

Célébration à Gitega du Jubilé d’orde Caritas

de la pauvreté qui sévit au sein de lapopulation burundaise.

Pendant la messe, comme symboled’une louable action caritative, lapremière lecture est lue par un aveuglequi sait déchiffrer l’écriture braillesuite à la formation reçu au sein d’uncentre spécialisé en la matière.Ensuite, des primes et des certificatsd’honneur sont offerts à une vingtainede chrétiens bénévoles qui ontlongtemps servi la cause des pauvres.

Mgr Joachim Ntahondereye.

En définitive, cette célébration eu-charistique donne un nouvel élanaux actions caritatives et offre uneoccasion rêvée de diffuser pour lapremière fois l’hymne de CaritasBurundi, hymne qui vient de reten-tir à nouveau au moment du partaged’un vin d’honneur offert en cetteoccasion, dans la salle de réceptiondes militantes de la Vierge de Gitega.

Tharcisse NTAHONKIRIYEChargé de CommunicationCaritas Burundi

Présence d’une foule nombreuse à la cathédrale du Christ Roi à Gitega pour la messe du jubilée de Caritas.

Ils étaient nombreux à s’être déplacés pour participer à la pose de la première pierre du centre médical.

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 8

Caritas de Cabo Verde recebe MençãoHonrosa do Green Project Awards

ACaritas Caboverdiana con-correu ao prémio 2013 da 1ªedição do Green Project

Awards Cabo Verde, na categoriado Turismo Sustentável e Agri-cultura, com o projeto Agroecoló-gico no Sitio de João Varela –Ribeira Grande de Santiago, cujagala de entrega dos prémiosaconteceu no dia 10 de Maio desteano. O projecto da Caritas foipremiado com a Menção Honrosanessa categoria.

O Sitio Agroecológico de JoãoVarela da Caritas Caboverdiana,com uma área de 20 hectares, tem

Recuperação do ecossistema natural e a promoção dasegurança alimentar, através de práticas agroecologicas

e técnicas de resiliência às mudanças climáticas.

por objectivos : a recuperação doecossistema natural e a promoçãoda segurança alimentar, através depráticas agroecologicas e técnicas deresiliência às mudanças climáticas.Foram introduzidas no sistema maisde 30 novas espécies de plantas,faz-se a substituição gradual daacácia americana por árvores eespécies que resistam à seca, mais de6 000 árvores plantadas até agora, ea produção agrícola 15 000 metrosquadrados até agora é ecológica;respeita o meio ambiente e a saúdedas pessoas.

Caritas Caboverdiana competed in 2013 in the first edition of theCape Verde Green Project Awards, in the category of SustainableTourism and Agriculture, with the Agro-Ecological Project inSitio John Varela - Ribeira Grande de Santiago. The project ofCaritas was awarded an Honorable Mention in this category.

The Agro-Ecological Site of John Varela Caritas Caboverdiana ,with an area of 20 hectares, is aimed at: the recovery of the naturalecosystem and promoting food security through agroecologicaltechniques and practices of resilience to climate change. Over 30new species of plants have been introduced into the system, it isthe gradual replacement of the American acacia tree by speciesthat are resistant to drought. Over 6 000 trees have been planted

Caritas Cape Verde receives the Green Project Awards Honorable Mentionso far, and ecologicalagricultural production, respecting theenvironment and people's health cover 15 000 square meters.

The GPA (Green Project Awards) of Cape Verde is a jointinitiative of the Ministry of Environment, Housing and TerritorialPlanning and GCI - a consultancy specializing in sustainabilityprojects to mobilize civil society, businesses and NGOs aroundthe sustainability agenda and the environment.

This program, launched in 2008 in Portugal, has been internatio-nalized in 2011, first in Brazil. In 2013, the initiative was launchedin Cape Verde and will be extended to Mozambique and Angola.

(Continued on page 9.)

(Continua na página 9.)

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O GPA (Green Project Awards) deCabo Verde é uma iniciativa con-junta do Ministério do Ambiente,Habitação e Ordenamento do Terri-tório e da GCI - uma consultoraespecializada em projetos de susten-tabilidade - e pretende mobilizar asociedade civil, empresas e as Orga-nizações Não Governamentais emtorno da agenda da sustentabilidadee do meio Ambiente.

Este programa, lançado em 2008 emPortugal, foi internacionalizado em2011, chegando primeiramente aoBrasil. Em 2013, a iniciativa foilançada em Cabo Verde e seráalargada a Moçambique e Angola.

Caritas Cape Verdereceives theGreen ProjectAwards(Continued from page 8.)

The procedure included the followingcategories: Renewable Energy andenergy-efficiency; Mobilization initia-tives; Natural Resources; New Tech-nology Research and Development;Sustainable Agriculture and Tourism.

The participation of Caritas in thatcompetition was intended to informthe general public the initiativespromoted by Caritas, to promotepractices that preserve theenvironment and promote other waysof doing agriculture, breaking withconventional practice and provesustainability environmental andeconomic.

Caritas de Cabo Verde recebe MençãoHonrosa do Green Project Awards(Continuação da página 8.) O Concurso contou com as

seguintes Categorias: EnergiasRenováveis e Eficiência Energética;Iniciativas de Mobilização; RecursosNaturais; Novas Tecnologias Pes-quisa e Cooperação; TurismoSustentável e Agricultura.

A participação da Caritas nesseconcurso teve por objectivo dar aconhecer ao grande publico asiniciativas promovidas pela Caritas,no sentido de promoção de praticasque preservação do meio ambientee promovam outras formas de fazera agricultura, rompendo com aspraticas convencionais e provam asustentabilidade ambiental e econó-mica.

Caritas Cap Vert a participé en 2013 à la premièreédition des Green Project Awards du Cap Vert,dans la catégorie du tourisme durable et del'agriculture, avec le projet agro- écologique à SitioJohn Varela - Ribeira Grande de Santiago. Le projetde Caritas a reçu une mention honorable dans cettecatégorie .

Le site de Jean Varela Caritas Caboverdiana, d'unesuperficie de 20 hectares agro-écologique, vise à larécupération de l'écosystème naturel et lapromotion de la sécurité alimentaire grâce à destechniques et des pratiques agro-écologiques derésilience au changement climatique. Plus de 30nouvelles espèces de plantes ont été introduitesdans le système, avec le remplacement progressifde l'acacia américain par des espèces qui sontrésistantes à la sécheresse. Plus de 6 000 arbres ontété plantés à ce jour, et la production agricoleecologique , respectant l'environnement et la santéde la population couvre 15 000 mètres carrés.

Le Green Project Awards du Cap-Vert est une initiative conjointedu ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Aména-gement du Territoire et du GCI - un cabinet conseil spécialisédans les projets de développement durable pour mobiliser lasociété civile, les entreprises et les ONG dans les programme dedéveloppement durable et de l'environnement.

Ce programme , lancé en 2008 au Portugal, a été internationaliséen 2011, d'abord au Brésil. En 2013, l'initiative a été lancée auCap-Vert et sera étendue au Mozambique et en Angola.

Caritas Cap-Vert reçoit la Mention d'Honneur du Green Project Awards

La procédure comprend les catégories suivantes: les énergiesrenouvelables et l'efficacité énergétique; les initiatives demobilisation; les ressources naturelles; les nouvelles technologiesde recherche et de développement; l’agriculture durable et letourisme.

La participation de Caritas à ce concours avait pour objectifd’informer le grand public des initiatives promues par Caritas, depromouvoir des pratiques qui préservent l'environnement et depromouvoir d'autres façons de faire de l'agriculture, en ruptureavec la pratique conventionnelle et prouver la viabilitéenvironnementale et économique .

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Minor Migrants who workIn Ghana, migration flows have

been in response to the inequalitiesin development between northern

and southern Ghana. Northern Ghanafalls within the savannah ecologicalzone while southern Ghana is mainlycoastal belts and forested. The deve-lopment gap also has historical ante-cedents perpetuated by colonial deve-lopment policies as well as post-colonialneglect. Consequently the three nor-thern regions of Ghana are the poorestand lag behind the rest of the countryin basic infrastructure and social ame-nities. The Ghana Living StandardSurvey (GLSS 4) reports that five outof ten regions in Ghana had more than40% of their population living in pover-ty in 1999. The worst affected being thethree northern regions (Upper East,Upper West, Northern regions). Nineout of ten in the upper east, eight outof ten in the upper west, seven out often in the northern region were allclassified by the paper as poor in 1999.Of equal importance is the fact that, thehighest incidence of poverty was recor-ded among food crop farmers whoconstitute 59% of the poor in Ghana.The GLSS 4 further reports localitiesand regions especially the three northernregions are the hardest hit by the povertysituation in Ghana. Unsurprisinglymajority of the children especially girlshave migrated from here to the urbancentres of Accra and Kumasi to engagein load carrying activities for a fee.

In the past, internal migration wasdominated by adults but this has signi-ficantly changed with children who nowmove independently of their parents orrelatives. Studies have shown fourdimensions of internal migration inGhana: fostering, street children, traf-ficking and independent child migra-tion. Independent child migrationinvolve children migrating on their ownto earn income to pursue highereducation, buy clothes, and acquirebasic necessities for marriage (Hashim2005 cited in Agyei and Ofosu-Mensah2009, p24). The 2005 child migration

survey in Accra and Kumasi showedthat 55.9% of the migrants had comefrom the Northern region, 32.4% fromthe Upper east region and 12.2% fromthe Upper West region. The samesurvey reports that almost a fifth ofthem were under 15 years and a littleunder half (48.6%) aged between 15-19years. The educational characteristicsare not any different, more than half ofthe migrants had no formal educationand 2.3% had Senior High School orhigher education. Living conditions ofhouseholds influence migration andlevel of child labour (48 % for thepoorest and only 14% for the richest,MICS, 2006). This phenomenon hasproduced a north-south internal migra-tion pattern from less endowed regions

with natural resources being the mainsource while those with rich naturalresources become the main destina-tions. Other determinants of internalmigration in Ghana include; employ-ment opportunities, search for socialand cultural amenities.

Independent Child migration is hydra-headed and could be seen as streetism,and human trafficking. The phenome-non of child migration has given rise tosome particular group of young peoplehailing mainly from the three northernregions called “Kayayie”. This group ofyoung migrants, composed mainly ofwomen, operates as head porters, arevery visible in the large markets inKumasi and Accra, and in lorry stations.The male counterparts work as truckpushers, street vending and othermenial jobs which require no emplo-yable skills. Others migrate to work incocoa farming communities in theBrong Ahafo, Western and Ashantiregions.

Studies revealed that child migrationfrom northern to southern Ghana isinfluenced by poverty and the lured ofthe city from the sending areas. And theliving conditions of these child mi-grants in the cities are deplorable,exposing them to economic, social andreproductive health risk (Kwankye;2009 p2). The degree of risk experien-ced by many child migrants in the citieshave raised concerns among policy

(Continued on page 11.)

A Kayayei Woman in Accra.

The authors of these reflections onMinor Migrants who work

are from the Ghana National CatholicSecretariat:

Samuel Zan AkologoExecutive Secretary Department

of Human DevelopmentResponsible for Public Policy Advocacy

and Head of CARITAS-GhanaJoseph Bangu

Project Officer with Migrants,Refugees and Relief Unit of

Department of Human Development

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makers, researchers and actors like theCatholic Church in Ghana about theactivities of kayayie particularly in thebig cities. The 2006 Multi-ple Indicator Cluster Sur-vey (MICS) provides in-sight into the incidence ofchild labour: there are morechildren engaged in childlabour in the northernregions of Ghana then itssouthern Ghana, the UpperEast region recorded thehighest with 53.5%, follow-ed by the Upper West andNorthern regions with50.1% and 43.6% respecti-vely. Looking at all types ofwork, 34% of children 5-14years are engaged in childlabour. But the phenome-non of kayayie is a visiblemanifestation of minorsengaged in work in theGhana.

The phenomenon ofFemale Child Migrants(Kayayie)

In Ghana, the most visibleof child migration involvedin working are the female headporterage: kayayie. Kayayie is a creationof the north-south migra-tion ofchildren pushed by poverty and hasbecome serious concerns for both stateand non-state actors alike who aretrying to find some measures to ensurethat young migrants either do notmigrate when they are too young orreceive protection at the cities of desti-nation. This is manifest in the variousinterventions; including shelter, skillstraining and rights awareness seminarsbeing organized for them at their desti-nation cities. Most Kayayie either havenot been to school or dropped out inschool to participate in the movement(Anarfi and Appiah, 2009, p 64), there-fore designing the appropriate interven-tion or protection policies have been a

problematic area. As minors, most ofthese require protection in travellingand the destination centres.

The degree of deprivation suffered bythese minors in their work can begauged by their health seeking beha-viours, accommodation, personal safetyand feeding. Most of these minors are

trafficked by so-called foster parents inpublic transport buses overnight andarriving at their destinations at dawn.In this way, they manage to escape theoccasional police checks on publictransport vehicles for trafficked minors.A recent report by the Criminal Inves-tigation Department of the GhanaPolice Service (Daily Graphic of 12November Issue, Page 40) titled ‘Anti-Human Trafficking Unit for NorthernRegion’, indicated that 433 victims hadbeen rescued out of which 293 werechildren. The night public transportbuses are associated with high and fatalaccident rates with occasional armedrobbery attacks on their way down tothe South. We have no figures of howmany such victims die or get maimedas a result.

Government Response

The government of Ghana has passeda number of legislation and ratifiedvarious conventions and treaties thatseek to promote the rights of womenand children and their development ina coherent manner.

The 1992 Constitution ofthe Republic of Ghana –which sets out the legal ageof adulthood as 18 yearsalso, has special conside-ration which notes, inter alia:

Under Section 28, Parlia-ment is enjoi-ned to enactlaws as are necessary toensure that:

Every child has the right tothe same measure of specialcare, assistance and main-tenance as is necessary forits development from itsnatural parents exceptwhere those parents haveeffec-tively surrenderedtheir rights and responsibi-lities in respect of the childin accordance with the law.Under the same section(28), the Constitution notesthat every child has theright to be protected fromengaging in work that cons-titute a threat to his or her

health, education or development .

The Children‘s Act (Act 560) presentsthe basic rights of the child, supportsfamily tribunals, rules for parental dutyand custody, labour, apprenticeship,care, protection so that the child cangrow to his/her fullest potential andstipulates the minimum age of marriage.

The Children’s Act of Ghana (Act 560)provides definition for a child as “aperson below the age of eighteenyears”, the act further states amongothers that:● The best interest of a child shall be

paramount in any matter concerninga child;


Minor Migrantswho work(Continued from page 10.)

(Continued on page 12.)

Kayayei Woman carrying plantain.

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Minor Migrantswho work(Continued from page 11.)

● Every child has the right to life,dignity, respect, leisure, liberty,health, education and shelter to beprovided by their parents.

Act 560 further make provision forchildren in Ghana, placing responsi-bilities on the district assemblies andstate institution, the Act notes:● District Assemblies are to protect

the welfare of children and promotethe rights of children within its areaof authority and shall ensure thatwithin district ,government agencies,liaise with each other in mattersconcerning children.

● The social welfare and communitydevelopment department of a dis-trict assembly shall investigate casesof contravention of children’s rights;

● The prohibition of the child labourat night such that no person shallengage a child in night work, wherenight work constitutes work bet-ween the hours of 9 pm and 6 am.

The presence of minor migrants inmany urban cities visibly engaged inwork detrimental to their life defeat theintention of the constitution and theChildren’s act. There appears to be noconscious effort to provide minors withthe necessary care and protection.

Some of the most relevant governmentpolicies and legislations on the Rightsof the child in Ghana are presentedbelow:● 1990 - Ghana finally ratified the

UNCRC and ensured that certainprovisions in the CRC are adheredto.

● 1992 - A ten year National Pro-gramme of Action for childrenentitled “The child cannot wait” wasdrawn.

● 1998 - The establishment of theWomen and Juvenile Unit of thePolice to provide information, ser-vices and support, to prevent andprosecute crimes against women andchildren. It has now been renamed

DOVVSU- Domestic Violence andVictim Support Unit.

● 2000 - Juvenile Justice Act (Act 653)was also established to ensure childprotection according to internationalstandards. The age of criminal res-ponsibility was increased from 7years to 12 years.

● 2002 - The establishment of ChildRights Regulation to operationalizethe children‘s Act of 1998.

mes, Statutory laws to ensure the pro-tection of children rights, how enforce-able are these laws and what provisionshave been put in place to ensure thatthese Statutory laws are fully enforceable?This is because, despite the ratification ofthe UNCRC in 1990, a large and growingdemands exits for cheap labour in theurban centres thus bringing about exploi-tation of children whiles others are caughtup in a cycle of poverty and streetism.

The very young are not excluded.

● 2005 - the establishment of theHuman Trafficking Act ( Act 694)which addresses the problem ofrecruitment, transportation, transfer,harbouring, trading and receipt ofpersons within and across bordersby threat, force, coercion, abduction,fraud, deception, abuse of power orexploitation of the vulnerability.

The above stated Laws/Policies, Con-ventions, Protocols are among the lawsthat have been passed by Ghana‘sParliament; the law making body andgiven assent by the executive; the lawenforcement body. The above gives usan idea of efforts made with regards toprotecting the rights of the child andshowing the place of the child in thetop hierarchy of governance in Ghana.

However, the question that remainsunanswered is: whilst government hasput in place all these policies, program-

The Ministry of Women and Children’sAffairs (now Ministry of Children,Gender and Social Protection) wascreated in 2001 to attend to specificchildren and women issues. In additionsome legal frameworks that define andprotect citizens’ rights, and ensureminimum civic standards to safeguardthe interests of individuals have beendeveloped. Examples are the LabourAct, and minimum and equal paylegislation. There are provisions underthe ministry of Children, Gender andSocial Protection to address child-related issues including:● Ensuring child development plan-

ning at all levels;● Provision of appropriate policy

guidelines to improve the quality oflife of children;

● Sensitization on children’s issues atall levels to ensure survival, protec-tion and development of children;

(Continued on page 13.)

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Minor Migrantswho work(Continued from page 12.)

● Establishing genderand children respon-sive monitoring andevaluation mecha-nisms for develop-ment;

● Establishing effec-tive mechanisms tomonitor and eva-luate child issues.

Church Interventions

The Church in Ghanahas intervened in seve-ral fronts to reducepoverty and by extension to reduce theinci-dence of the general north-southinternal migration. This is significant inparticular due to insufficient govern-ment support to minors engagedharmful work. The establishment of themigrant’s commission bears testimonyto the intention to address migrationand related child migrants issues inGhana. However, there are Arch/Diocesan specific project targetingchild migrants and female head porters.

Centre for Child Development

The Centre for Child Development(CCD), a brain child of the CatholicCharismatic Renewal (CCR) in theCatholic Diocese of Navrongo-Bolgatanga, started in 1996 and isdedicated to the welfare and develop-ment of distress children. CCD offersthe following programmes:1. Residential/Resettlement Program-

me (rescued children-trafficked andin child labour, orphans, abandonedand strayed children)

2. Educational Programme (commu-nity outreach and advocacy)

3. Home Based Support Programme(health, formal education etc.)

4. Vocational Training Programme(VTP)

5. Drop-in/ Child trafficking supportprogramme

6. Child rights and advocacy pro-gramme

7. HIV/AIDS orphans programme8. Special needs child support pro-

gramme (Intellectual Disability)

offers children bathing and laundryfacilities.

CAS also runs a temporary residentialcentre and a vocational training centre

for street children. There are dormitoriesfor girls and boys.

Children are given aweekly food allowanceand are responsible forbuying and preparingtheir own food. Twomeals per week areprepared by the stafffor the children –‘communal meals.’

Children are offered aselection of 12 month,in-house vocationalprogrammes, such as

hairdressing, tailoring, manicure andpedicure at Hopeland Training Centre,rather than attending external trai-ningand apprenticeships.

Recommendations to Government

● Enact and strengthened protectionpolicies for children who move towork to ensure they are not undulyexploited by employees;

● Monitor all policies to ensurecompliance;

● Address living conditions of minorsworking in the cities;

● Speed – up development interven-tionsin northern Ghana to close the develop-ment gap between north and southernGhana. For example the widening offree zones in northern Ghana;

● Make decentralization more relevantto the local people.

ReferencesAmpofo A A et al (2007); Examiningthe sexual exploitation of Children onthe streets of AccraCensus on street Children in theGreater Accra region, GhanaGhana, Multiple Indicator ClusterSurvey 2006-Monitoring the situationof Children, women and menGhana Statistical Service (GSS) (2000).Poverty Trends in Ghana in the1990s. Accra

Thinking about ...

9. Sustainability project (Farms, Cano-py and chairs)

The plan for the CCD is for it tobecome a Faith-based Child centredorganization focusing on child rightsand protection encompassing; traffic-ked children, street children, strayedchildren, abused and abandoned chil-dren and children advocacy centre innorthern Ghana.

Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi –Street child project

Kumasi, capital of the Ashanti regionis a major recipient of unaccompaniedminor migrants in Ghana.

Catholic Action for Street Children(CAS) has been working with streetchildren since 1992, when it was foun-ded to help the increasing number ofchildren living in street situations inAccra. Children who wish to leave thestreet are offered a stable livingsituation and can either go to school orenter skills training.

The house of refuge is open every day,so children can drop in. The refugeoffers all sorts of activities for thechildren, such as TV, indoor games,sports, demonstration workshops, lite-racy and numeracy classes, counsellingand basic first aid. The centre also

Voir le résumé decet article à la page 26.

Veja o resumo doartigo na página 29.

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Caritas Sénégal

Participation au Global Forumde Stockholm sur la migration

Du 8 au 14 mai 2014, unedélégation de Caritas Séné-gal, composée de l’Abbé

Ambroise Tine, Secrétaire Général,et de Mignane Diouf, Chargé duProgramme MADE-Afrique, a par-ticipé au Global Forum sur la Migra-tion et le Développement (GFMD),qui s’est tenu à Stockholm en Suède.

Ci-après quelques notes qui s’arti-culent autour des trois points : lerappel du contexte; les momentsforts des travaux; et les perspectiveset recommandations.

Le rappel du contexte

Le 7e Forum mondial sur la migra-tion et le développement, s’est tenuà Stockholm, Suède, en trois tempsliés, avec les Journées de la sociétécivile les 12 et 13 mai 2014, uneséance avec les gouvernements,intitulée « Espace commun », aumême endroit le 14 mai, suivie desJournées du gouvernement duGFMD les 15 et 16 mai.

Le GFMD est un espace de dialoguede haut niveau entre acteurs de lasociété civile mondiale et desgouvernants du monde.

Caritas Sénégal, qui depuis desannées intervient dans la migrationet participe en ce moment à ungrand projet international, Migrationand Development (MADE), sous deuxniveaux complémentaires, (ENGA-GE–IMPACTS), est membre ducomité de pilotage du GFMD et alargement pris part à cette ren-contre. La délégation de CaritasSénégal a donc pris part à une sériede rencontres parallèles et àdifférents panels.

Les moments forts

La délégation de Caritas Sénégal a,dès son arrivée à Stockholm, entamédes rencontres avec les acteursMADE d’Asie, d’Europe et d’Amé-rique Latine et du Bureau de coor-dination de Bruxelles, dans leslocaux de Caritas Suède.

Cette rencontre a permis de partagerdes idées sur les enjeux et défis dela migration actuelle, mais aussi surcomment adopter une stratégiecommune d’action. Le lendemain,une autre séance avec l’équipe dubureau de Bruxelles a permisd’échanger sur certains aspects rela-tifs au programme et à des actionscommunes et/ou à partager dans le,cadre de la mise en œuvre duprogramme. Au terme de ces deuxrencontres, les échanges ont permisde constater une convergence depoints de vue sur les défis de l’heureet de convenir du lancement duMADE–Afrique, lors du prochainforum social africain prévu à Dakardu 16 au 19 octobre 2014. Lesaspects de management, de gestionet d’animation y ont été aussiabordés.

Par la suite, la délégation a participéaux journées de la société civile les12 et 13 mai, avec des débats richesportant entre autres sur des ques-tions comme  : la migration et ledéveloppement dans l’Agenda post2015, la migration travail et lamobilité humaine dans le monde, lamigration et la défense des droitsdes migrants dans les pays de criseet en conflits, et la migration et letravail décent dans le monde.

La journée du 14 mai a été celle ditede « l’Espace Commun », entre lesacteurs étatiques et les acteurs nonétatiques. Une sorte de dialogueentre les diplomaties gouverne-mentales et celles non gouverner-mentales sur les enjeux et défis dela migration. Il faut noter et saluerici la présence du Secrétaire généralde l’ONU, et celle de la princesse deSuède, aux côtés d’une forte déléga-tion du gouvernement suédois.Cette session a permis des échangessous forme d’interpellation et dequestions et suggestions entre lesorganisations de la société civileprésente et les délégations etautorités présentes (Nations Unies,gouvernements et Etats.)

La dernière partie des travaux, les 15et 16 mai, était réservée aux travauxgouvernementaux.

Perspectives etrecommandations

Le Global Forum Mondial sur laMigration et le Développement fut,un fort moment d’échanges et deconvergence entre acteurs des diffé-rents continents sur la migration et

Ban Ki-moon s'adressant auxparticipants durant l'espace commun.

(Suite à la page 15.)

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le développement. Il faut saluer labonne organisation de cette ren-contre sous l’égide des collègues deCARITAS Suède, mais aussi lesoutien et l’engagement du Gou-vernement suédois. En effet, ceGlobal forum a été riche d’ensei-gnements.

Entre autres ensei-gnements, on peutdire que le Forum deStockholm a encorepermis de noter que

les questions de la migration sontet demeurent des questions depopulations, donc de développe-ment dans le contexte d’un mondeen pleine crise et en fortes mutationssocio-économiques et politiques.Cela interpelle alors tous les acteursengagés sur le développementhumain.

Autres enseignements, c’est la for-te attente et les espoirs que suscitele programme MADE, lorsque lesresponsables ont exposé et présentéle programme notamment dans sapartie Afrique, un continent qui estle point sensible de la migrationaujourd’hui.

On peut aussi retenir que les attentessont fortes de la part de beaucoupd’acteurs des sociétés civiles du

(Suite de la page 14.)

Caritas Sénégal

Participation au Global Forumde Stockholm sur la migration

Les participants au Global Forum sur la Migration et le Développement à Stockholm, Suède, en mai 2014.

(Suite à la page 26.)

Caritas Senegal

Participation in the Global Forum of Stockholm on MigrationFrom 8 to 14 May 2014, a delegation of Caritas Senegal,consisting of Father Ambroise Tine, Secretary General, andMignane Diouf, Head of the MADE-Africa Program,participated in the Global Forum on Migration andDevelopment (GFMD), held in Stockholm, Sweden.

Caritas Senegal, which has been involved for years in migrationand is currently involved in a major international project,Migration and Development (MADE), is a member of thesteering committee of the GFMD and has widely participatedin the meetings.

The Global Forum on Migration and Development was a greatmoment for exchanges and there were elements ofconvergence between actors from different continents onmigration and development. The excellent organization of thismeeting under the aegis of Caritas Sweden must be pointedout as well as the support and commitment of the SwedishGovernment. Indeed, the Global Forum was rich in teachings.

The Forum in Stockholm has confirmed that migration issuesconcern one and all, and are directly related to developmentissues in the context of a world in crisis and undergoing majorsocio-economic and political changes. This is therefore aquestion that calls upon all actors involved in humandevelopment.

Caritas Senegal has been entrusted the responsibility oflaunching MADE-Africa during the African Social Forum inOctober 2014 in Dakar. The official launch of MADE inDakar will be an important event to bring together partnersand the focal points of the sub-regional networks that willcarry and lead the regional MADE-Africa platform.

It will be necessary, in this context, to consolidate and betterinvolve the Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Africa networksand also to share the Regional Coordination in Africa, bylargely involving other segments of civil society organizationsand Non-governmental organizations on the continent.





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(Suite de la page 15.)

Caritas Sénégal

Participation au Global Forumde Stockholm sur la migration

Nord comme du Sud sur le MADE-Afrique. Beaucoup de partenaireset interlocuteurs fondent un grandespoir en ce projet qui. de l’avis debeaucoup d’observateurs présents,serait une grande opportunité pourune plus grande synergie entre lesacteurs de tous les côtés.

Au demeurant, c’est bien à cause detout cela que nous voudrions consi-dérer que le GFMD de Stockholmouvre de réelles perspectives pourtous les acteurs en général, maisaussi et surtout pour Caritas Sénégal,qui a la charge de conduire leMADE-Afrique.

Ainsi, concernant ces perspectives,nous voudrions relever l’urgente

nécessité pour Cari-tas Sénégal de mesu-rer. à sa juste valeur,les attentes et les es-poirs placés en elle,

par les autres parties prenantes maisaussi par les différents acteurs de lamigration qui étaient à Stockholm.Ceci nous amène alors de bien devoirmettre en perspective le prochainlancement officiel du MADE–Afri-que, qui, d’un commun accord a étéretenu pour octobre 2014, dans lecadre du prochain forum socialafricain. Et à cet effet, il est urgent depréparer les termes de référence, lesoutils et d’envisager les participantspotentiels à cette rencontre de Dakar.

Ce lancement officiel du MADE àDakar sera un moment importantpour réunir des partenaires et dres-ser en même temps les pointsfocaux des réseaux sous-régionauxqui vont porter et animer la PlateForme régionale MADE-Afrique.

Aussi, parmi ces perspectives, ils’agira de voir comment consolideret mieux impliquer le Réseau CaritasAfrica et aussi Caritas Internatio-nalis dans le partage de la Coordi-nation régionale en Afrique, tout enimpliquant largement les autres seg-ments des Organisations de la Socié-té Civile et des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales du continent.

Alors, dans l’union des cœurs et desesprits, avec une solidarité commeon en connaît dans la famille Caritaset au sein de la Société civile, nousespérons que ces perspectives serontbien prises en charge afin de relevergrandement les défis de l’heure surla migration et pour ne pas décevoirles espoir et les attentes de nospartenaires qui étaient à Stockholm,mais aussi celles des populationsmigrantes et leurs familles.

Ambroise TineMignane Diouf

Caritas Senegal

A participação no Fórum Mundial de Estocolmo sobre MigraçãoDe 8 a 14 de maio de 2014, uma delegação da CaritasSenegal, composta por Pai Ambroise Tine, secretário-geral, e Mignane Diouf, chefe da MADE-ÁfricaPrograma, participaram do Fórum Global sobreMigração e Desenvolvimento (GFMD), realizada emEstocolmo , na Suécia.

Caritas Senegal, que esteve envolvido durante anosem migração e está atualmente envolvido em umgrande projeto internacional, Migração e Desen-volvimento (MADE), é um membro do comitê dedireção do GFMD e já amplamente participado nasreuniões.

O Fórum Global sobre Migração e Desenvolvimentofoi um grande momento para o intercâmbio e haviaelementos de convergência entre os atores dediferentes continentes em matéria de migração edesenvolvimento. A excelente organização destareunião sob a égide da Caritas Suécia deve salientar-se,bem como o apoio e compromisso do Governo sueco.Na verdade, o Fórum Global foi rica em ensinamentos.O Fórum em Estocolmo confirmou que as questões

de migração preocupar um e de todos, e estãodiretamente relacionados com as questões dedesenvolvimento no contexto de um mundo em crisee passando por grandes mudanças sócio-econômicase políticas. Este é, portanto, uma questão que apela atodos os atores envolvidos no desenvolvimentohumano.

Caritas Senegal foi confiada a responsabilidade delançar MADE-África durante o Fórum SocialAfricano, em outubro de 2014, em Dakar. Olançamento oficial do Made in Dakar será um eventoimportante para reunir os parceiros e os pontos focaisdas redes sub-regionais que vão levar e levar aplataforma regional MADE-África.

Será necessário, neste contexto, para a consolidação emelhor envolver as redes Caritas Internationalis eCaritas África e também para compartilhar aCoordenação Regional em África, envolvendo grandeparte de outros segmentos da sociedade civilorganizada e organizações não-governamentais nocontinente.

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Caritas Nigeria tasks President'sComprehensive Response Plan

Caritas Nigeria held a two dayPartners Forum on 15 and16 May 2014, at Chida Hotel

to assess performance, successesand challenges on the SustainableHIV/AIDS Care and TreatmentAction In Nigeria (SUSTAIN) pro-gramme and to make recommen-dations while discussing CDC/PEPFAR (Center for DiseaseControl / President’s EmergencyPlan for AIDS Relief) updates andtheir implications for health pro-gramming in Nigeria.

The Forum drew over 70 parti-cipants from 30 comprehensivefaith based health facilities ofdifferent religious denominationsincluding NKST, Anglican, ECWA,Catholic Health facilities and the

Christian Health Association ofNigeria, who are on the UnitedStates Government funded SUS-TAIN program.

The SUSTAIN program is a five-year comprehensive HIV care, pre-vention and treatment grant funded

by the United States Governmentthrough the Center for DiseaseControl and prevention (CDC).Caritas Nigeria is one of the five

CDC Nigeria’s Lead ImplementingPartners with the mandate tocoordinate HIV care and treatmentinterventions in faith based healthfacilities. The goal of the program is“Morbidity and mortality due toHIV infection is reduced inNigeria.”

The Executive Secretary/CEO ofCaritas Nigeria, Rev. Fr. EvaristusBassey, in his welcome addresshighlighted the Guiding Principles

of the Catholic Church which are allgeared towards upholding humandignity in all she does with regardsto the provision of services topeople. “The Church’s motivationfor establishing these health facilitieswas never for profit but to serve

Executive Secretary of Caritas Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Evaristus Bassey,addressing partners of the SUSTAIN program. (C







A cross section of partners of the SUSTAIN program, from faith based health facilities across different religiousdenominations during Caritas Nigeria Partners Forum in Abuja, in May 2014.




lia A



(Continued on page 18.)

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Caritas Nigeria tasksPresident's Comprehen-sive Response Plan(Continued from page 17.)

especially the poor and needy” saidFr. Bassey.

Furthermore, he emphasized that“in delivery services to the poor andneedy in under served communities,the Church encounters various chal-lenges ranging from inadequateHuman Resources due to staffattrition which can be attributed topoor remuneration of faith basedstaff, unavailability of commoditiesand dilapidating structures. We callon government to revolve supportaround these areas”.

During the session Fr. Bassey said“we are calling on government toimprove its relationship with faithbased facilities, particularly we wantthe President’s ComprehensiveResponse Plan (PCRP) to prepareto take over whatever the donorshave been funding”.

The PRCP is President Good-luckJohnathan’s plan to fight againstHIV/AIDS. The PCRP identifiespriority interventions that will makea real difference over the next twoyears. It also lays out whatinvestment and enabling changesthat are needed to deliver theseinterventions efficiently.

On HIV/AIDS response, CaritasNigeria an agency of the CatholicBishops Conference of Nigeria res-ponsible for coordination of develop-ment interventions for the Church,works through faith based healthfacilities to target people living andaffected by HIV and AIDS in under

served and hard to reach communitiesin 12 states in Nigeria. The purposeof this project is to saturate all faithbased health facilities with requiredHIV care and treatment services incommunities where there are needs.

Active participation of partners.

SUSTAIN provides value-based pre-vention education, treatment, careand support to people living with oraffected by HIV in Nigeria.

In line with the national plan toeliminate Mother to Child Trans-mission (eMTCT), SUSTAIN has astrong focus on preventing new infec-tions in women of childbearing age,creating demand for uptake of ante-natal care, and providing access toprevention of mother to child trans-mission (PMTCT) services for pre-gnant mothers and presently supportsabout 100 000 people living and affec-ted with HIV and AIDS with neces-sary services across 120 sites compri-sing of comprehensive care and treat-ment healthcare facilities, stand-alonePMTCT facilities and communitybased organizations. Caritas Nigeriacurrently works in 12 states of Nigeria,namely: Benue, Delta, Ekiti, Kaduna,Kogi, Nassarawa, Oyo, Ondo, Ogun,Osun, Plateau States and the FederalCapital Territory (FCT).

Cecilia Agrinya

Caritas Nigeria examine le Plan d’intervention du PrésidentCaritas Nigeria a organisé un Forum de deux jours, les 15 et 16 mai 2014,réunissant les partenaires pour évaluer la performance, les réussites et les défissur les soins et le traitement du VIH / SIDA au Nigeria dans le cadre duprogramme SUSTAIN et pour formuler des recommandations tout endiscutant des mises à jour du Centre pour le contrôle des maladies et du Pland’urgence du Président pour la lutte contre le SIDA et de leurs implicationspour les programmes de santé au Nigeria.Le Secrétaire exécutif de Caritas Nigeria, le Révérend Père Evaristus Bassey, asouligné les principes fondamentaux de l'Eglise catholique qui sont toutesorientées vers la défense de la dignité humaine dans tout ce qu'elle fait pourservir en particulier les pauvres et les nécessiteux.

Caritas Nigéria examina Plano de Resposta do presidenteCaritas Nigéria organizou um fórum de dois dias, em 15 e 16 de Maio de 2014,que reúne parceiros para avaliar o desempenho, sucessos e desafios no cuidadoe tratamento de HIV / AIDS na Nigéria no âmbito do programa e SUS-TENTAR recomendações ao discutir as atualizações para o Centro para oPlano de Emergência do Presidente para a luta contra a SIDA e as suasimplicações para os programas de saúde na Nigéria e Controle de Doenças.O Secretário Executivo da Caritas Nigéria, Rev. Padre Evaristus Bassey, disseque os fundamentos da Igreja Católica estão todas orientadas para a defesa dadignidade humana em tudo o que faz para servir, em particular os pobres enecessitados ".




lia A



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Caritas CEDOI-M

Meeting in Seychelles ofthe Indian Ocean Caritas members

From 26 to 30 April 2014,Caritas Seychelles hosted theCEDOI-Madagascar Caritas

Zonal Meeting coordinated byPatricia Adèle-Félicité.

A training session took place on 26April 2014 for Chairpersons andmembers of the Caritas groups fromparishes. Members of the Boardand the delegates from the CEDOI-M meeting also attended. A total of32 participants.The Bishop’s pre-sence was well appreciated by all.

Patricia Adèle-Félicité focussed onthe presentation given by CardinalSarah, President of the PontificalCouncil Cor Unum, to the Bishopsmeeting in Kinshasa in November2012. The participants were thendivided into groups to share on PartII of the Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas

Est on the practice of Love by theChurch as a “Community Of Love”.

The participants expressed theirsatisfaction and stated that they nowbetter understand what Caritas isand will be in a better position to

carry out and deliver their work asagents of Caritas as they had gainedby the presentation and sharing ofothers as all had different per-ceptions of the text.

The CEDOI-M Zonal Meeting wasofficially opened on Monday 28April 2014 by the Bishop of PortVictoria, Bishop Denis Wiehe, in thepresence of the Caritas SeychellesBoard members, priests and theparticipants of the zonal meeting.

All the participants presentat the meeting in Seychelles.

Through the various presentations,the delegates discovered that theywere doing a lot of good to theirrespective societies although withsome difficulties but each country has

its own specificities and ways of hand-ling the situations in order to improvethe living conditions of its people.

Presentations and visits to the Centred’Accueil de La Rosière (CAR) (Centre

Launching of the training session.

(Continued on page 20.)

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Caritas CEDOI-M

Meeting in Seychelles ofthe Indian Ocean Caritas members(Continued from page 19.)

for the rehabilitation of drug andalcohol addicts), Les-Li-Viv (Centrefor the accompaniment of young

pregnant girls and mothers), theCaritas Office, Apostolat de la Merand Office of the Migrants, were onthe programme.

The participants had the privilegeto attend the Thanksgiving Mass

Visiting the Centre for the rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addicts.

celebrated on the occasion of thecanonisation of Popes John XXIIIand John-Paul II presided byBishop Denis Wiehe and also to

spend some time at the SeychellesCarnival.

The President and Board Membersof Caritas Seychelles expressedtheir appreciation that the meetingtook place in Seychelles and hoped

that it will put Caritas Seychellesback on track and move forwardin its endeavour to initiate projectsand deliver better services to itspeople.

In the spirit of solidarity andfriend-ship that prevailed duringthis zonal meeting, rendez-vous

was given in two-years’ time forthe next CEDOI-M meeting, thatis in 2016.

Caritas Seychelles

The Office for Migrants.

Rencontre aux Seychelles des Caritasdes îles de l’océan Indien

Du 26 au 30 avril 2014, Caritas Seychelles a accueillilesCaritas de la zone CEDOI-Madagascar. La rencontrefut coordonnée par Patricia Adèle-Félicité. Une session deformation fut organisée pour les présidents et les membresdes Caritas paroissiales. Les membres du conseil d'adminis-tration et les délégués de la zone CEDOI-M étaientégalement présents.

Patricia Adèle-Félicité mit l’accent sur la présentation faitepar le Cardinal Sarah, président du Conseil pontifical CorUnum, à la réunion des évêques à Kinshasa en Novembre2012. Les participants furent ensuite répartis en groupespour partager sur la deuxième partie de la LettreEncyclique Deus Caritas Est sur la pratique de l'amour parl'Église comme une « communauté d'amour. »

Les participants exprimèrent leur satisfaction d’avoir pumieux comprendre ce que Caritas est et ainsimieuxaccomplir leur travail comme agents de Caritas.

Reunião em Seychelles dos membros doOceano Índico da Cáritas

De 26 a 30 de abril de 2014, a Caritas Seychelles acolheuárea CEDOI-Madagascar a lesCaritas. A reunião foicoordenada por Patricia Adèle-Félicité. A sessão detreinamento foi organizado para os presidentes emembros de Caritas paroquial. O Conselho deAdministração e delegados CEDOI-M área tambémestavam presentes.

Patricia Adèle-Félicité enfatizou a apresentação pelocardeal Sarah, presidente do Pontifício Conselho CorUnum, o encontro dos bispos em Kinshasa, emNovembro de 2012. Os participantes foram divididosem grupos para compartilhar a segunda parte do CartaEncíclica Deus Caritas Est prática do amor pela Igrejacomo uma "comunidade de amor. "

Os participantes manifestaram a sua satisfação em sercapaz de entender melhor o que é e Caritas ainsimieuxfazer o seu trabalho como agentes da Caritas.

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Caritas Rwanda

Une nouvelle approche de promotionde la planification familiale naturelle

Le Rwanda est non seulementle pays le plus densémentpeuplé d’Afrique avec une

densité de plus de 489 hab/km2,mais il a aussi l’un des taux defécondité des plus élevés avec 4,62enfants par femme (voir Le problèmedémographique est ainsi aujourd’huidevenu l’un des problèmes majeurset un véritable frein pour ledéveloppement du pays.

Dans ses instructions du 18 décem-bre 2009 portant sur les conditionset les modalités de mise en œuvredu programme de la planificationfamiliale naturelle dans les forma-tions sanitaires catholiques, la Con-férence Episcopale du Rwanda

(CEPR) note que « toutes les for-mations sanitaires de l’Eglise doi-vent intégrer la planification natu-relle (PFN) dans leurs activitésprioritaires. » La CEPR soulignecependant qu’elle est prête à colla-borer avec le gouvernement enmatière de planification familiale.Pour la CEPR, les méthodes natu-relles demandent l’engagement con-senti du couple pour une parentéresponsable. Les mêmes instruc-tions soulignent que la « Caritas

assurera la supervision générale dece travail, la recherche du matériel

didactique ainsi que la synthèse desrapports d’activités. »

C’est pour la mise en pratique de cesinstructions de la CEPR que la

Caritas Rwanda a organisé, du 2 au3 juin 2014, au Centre Saint Andréde Kabgayi, une session de for-mation des prestataires dePlanification Familiale auprès descentres de santé de l’Eglise Catho-lique sur les méthodes naturelles deplanification familiale. La formation,à laquelle ont participé 40 presta-taires des centres de santé desdiocèses de Kabgayi, Ruhengeri,Butare, Gikongoro et Nyundo/Kibuye ainsi que les Coordinateurs

médicaux des cinq diocèses, est enfait le démarrage d’une nouvelle

approche de promotion de laplanification familiale naturelle(PFN) qui sera réalisée sur finance-ment de l’Institut de Santé Repro-ductive/Institute of Reproductive Health

(IRH) de l’Université de George-town aux USA.

La formation des prestataires dePFN auprès des centres de santés’est davantage appliquée à appren-dre la nouvelle méthodologie d’utili-sation facile de deux méthodesnaturelles, à savoir la méthode dejours fixes (MJF) dont le principaloutil est le collier du cycle menstruel

Les participants à la session de formation.

Les jeux de rôles aident à la formation des participantes.

(Suite en page 22.)

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Caritas Rwanda

Une nouvelle approche de promotionde la planification familiale naturelle(Suite de la page 21.)

ainsi que l’attitude à mener au coursdu passage de la période postpartumà l’utilisation de ce collier, et laMéthode d’Allaitement Maternelleet d’Aménorrhée (MAMA). Laformation a essentiellement consistéà alterner des séances de théoriesillustrées d’images et les jeux derôles par lesquels les participantsdevaient prouver qu’ils ont bienassimilé les connaissances acquises.

Signalons que cette formation, quisera bientôt suivie par celle desvolontaires communautaires de laCaritas pour la PFN, a été précédéepar une réunion des Directeurs etdes Coordinateurs médicaux desCaritas diocésaines pour échangersur cette nouvelle approche depromotion de la planification fami-liale naturelle (PFN) et sa mise enpratique. A cette réunion, présidée

par le Secrétaire Général de laCaritas Rwanda, l’Abbé AnacletMwumvaneza, ont en outreparticipé Mme Jeannette Cachan,venue de Georgetown, le Chef duDépartement Santé de la CaritasRwanda, Dr Bosco Prince Kanani,le personnel local de l’IRH etd’autres cadres de la Caritas Rwanda.

Dans son mot d’ouverture de cetteréunion, l’Abbé Anaclet Mwumva-neza a indiqué que l’efficacité de lanouvelle approche permettra deprouver que les méthodes prônéespar l’Eglise dans le cadre de laPlanification Familiale Naturelle(PFN) sont crédibles et méritenttout autant sinon plus de soutien dela part des instances officielles et desbailleurs de fonds. C’est pourquoi,a-t-il ajouté, dans leur souci pastoral,les évêques catholiques du Rwandaont souhaité une implication plus

Le collier du cycle menstruel est unoutil très important.

efficace de la Caritas Rwanda dansla promotion de la planificationfamiliale naturelle en collaborationavec le Service National d’ActionFamiliale (SNAF).


Caritas Rwanda

A new approach to promoting naturalfamily planningRwanda is not only the most densely populated countryin Africa with a density greater than 489 inhabitants persq. km., but it also has a high fertility rate with 4.62children per woman. The population problem is thus todaya major and a real obstacle to the country's development.

In December 2009, the Episcopal Conference of Rwandanoted that “all health facilities in the Church mustincorporate natural family planning (NFP) in their priorityactivities.” The Episcopal Conference pointed out thatnatural methods require the consent of the couple forresponsible parenthood commitment and that “Caritaswill provide overall supervision of this work, research andteaching synthesis activity reports hardware.”

In order to implement these instructions from the RwandaEpiscopal Conference, Caritas Rwanda organized from 2to 3 June 2014, a training session on natural familyplanning methods. This is the start of a new approach tobe carried out on funding from the Institute ofReproductive at the University of Georgetown, USA.

Caritas Ruanda

Uma nova abordagem para promover oplanejamento familiar naturalRuanda não é apenas o país mais densamente povoado daÁfrica, com uma densidade superior a 489 habitantes por km².,Mas também tem uma alta taxa de fertilidade com 4,62 filhospor mulher. O problema da população é, portanto, hoje umgrande e um verdadeiro obstáculo ao desenvolvimento do país.

Em dezembro de 2009, a Conferência Episcopal de Ruandaobservou que "todas as unidades de saúde em que a Igrejadeve incorporar o planejamento familiar natural (PFN) emsuas atividades prioritárias." A Conferência Episcopaldestacou que os métodos naturais exigem o consentimentodo casal para o compromisso da paternidade responsável eque "Caritas fornecerá supervisão geral deste trabalho,pesquisa e atividade de síntese ensino hardware relatórios."

A fim de implementar essas instruções da ConferênciaEpiscopal Ruanda, Caritas Ruanda organizado 2-3 Junhode 2014, uma sessão de formação sobre métodos deplanejamento familiar natural. Este é o início de uma novaabordagem a ser realizada no financiamento do Institutode Reprodutiva da Universidade de Georgetown, EUA.

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XVIII Assembleia Geralda Caritas Moçambicana

De 5 a 8 de Maio de 2014,teve lugar a XVIII Assem-bleia Geral da Caritas

Moçambicana, sob o lema “Por umaCaritas mais unida, mais organizadae mais activa”. Participaram nestaAssembleia, um Arcebispo e noveBispos, das nossas doze Dioceses,Assistentes Eclesiásticos da Caritas,sendo um da Caritas Moçambicanaao nível nacional e outros ao níveldas Caritas Diocesanas, Secretáriosdas Caritas Diocesanas e algunsoficiais de projectos, pessoal doSecretariado Geral e alguns convi-dados, sendo um da CIRME/CON-FEREMO, um da CEMIRDE, umda Caritas Espanhola e um da RádioMaria.

Os assuntos abordados nesta As-sembleia Geral foram:

Processo deDesenvolvimento Organizacional

Nesta abordagem fez-se uma analisedo processo de revitalização da Caritas

Moçambicana iniciado em 2011 e queterminou com a revisão dos Estatutos,Directório, produção do Plano

Estratégico 2014-2019 da CaritasMoçambicana, produção de manuais

(Continua na página 24.)

Caritas Moçambicana XVIII General AssemblyCaritas Moçambicana held its XVIII General Assembly from 5 to 8 May 2014.The theme was: “For a more united, more organized and more active Caritas”.Participated in this Assembly, one Archbishop and nine bishops from 12Dioceses, Caritas Ecclesiastic Assistants, from the Caritas national office andfrom the Diocesan Caritas, the Secretaries from the Diocesan Caritas, someproject officers, staff from the general secretariat and invited guests.

The General Assembly analyzed the revitalization process of CaritasMoçambicana which started in 2011 and ended with the revision of the Statutes,Directory, production of the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, production ofAdministrative Procedure Manuals, Human Resources and financial manuals.The Strategic Plan was unanimously approved and it was accepted that therevised Statutes could be used ad-experimentum. The remaining normativedocuments are to be finalised. In the approved Strategic Plan, the followingareas of interventions are highlighted: sustainable livelihoods, humanitarianresponse, water and environmental sanitation and health and Caritas andcommunity capacity building.

The Caritas Africa President, Bishop Francisco João Silota, Bishop of Chimoioaddressed the Assembly. He called upon Caritas Moçambicana to be moretransparent and credible in accordance with the lines of the Caritas Internationalisorientation, to professionalize its staff in order to answer to the currentsdemands, to abide to the faithfulness and maximum punctuality in accountabilityand to continue to being different from other humanitarian organizations. Forthe Church, Charity is not a kind of social assistance that could be left for others,but it belongs to its nature, it is an undenied expression of its nature.

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de procedimentos administrativos, deRecursos Humanos e administrativoFinanceiro. Estes documentos deve-riam ser aprova-dos durante a XVIIIAssembleia Geral. Destes, a Assem-

bleia aprovou por unanimidade oPlano Estratégico e aceitou que o textorevisado dos Estatutos seja usadoadexperimentum. Os outros docu-mentos normativos deverão ainda sertrabalhados.

No Plano Estratégico aprovadodestaca-se as áreas de actuação:meios de vida sustentável, respostahumanitária, água e saneamento domeio e saúde e criação de capa-cidade da Caritas e das comunidades.

(Continuação da página 23.)

XVIII Assembleia Geral da Caritas Moçambicana que fez uma exortação à CaritasMoçambicana. Na sua exortaçãosublinhou o seguinte:

- A Caritas Moçambicana tem dese tornar mais transparente ecredível consoante as linhas deorientação estabelecidas naConfederação C.I. – Caritas Inter-nationalis;

- Tem de profissionalizar o seupessoal de forma a responder asexigências actuais, exigências quetambém encontramos no Magis-tério da Igreja (DEA.31);

- Tem de pautar pela fiabilidade emáxima pontualidade possível naprestação de contas;

- Tem de continuar a ser diferentedas outras Organizações Humani-tárias. Para a Igreja a Caridade nãoé uma espécie de assistência socialque poderia mesmo deixar aoutros, mas pertence à suanatureza, é expressão irre-nunciável da sua própria essência“DEA. 25”.


A Caritas Moçambicana, com oapoio da CAFOD, nestes últimosmeses, está a realizar formações doscomités de riscos de desastresnaturais às comunidades da quatroDioceses (Beira, Chimoio, Que-limane e Tete) que são atravessadaspelo rio Zambeze com vista acapacita-las para melhor gerirem asituações de emergências sem teremque depender constantemente daajuda das Caritas Diocesanas. Nesteprojecto já foram formados 11comités de gestão de riscos dedesastres naturais.

Santos Gotine

Estes dois grupos representam Comités de Gestão de Riscos de Disastresnaturais a fazerem o levantamento de riscos na comunidade

e elaboração de mapas de riscos e vulnerabilidade.

XVIIIe Assemblée générale de Caritas MozambiqueCaritas Mozambique a tenu sa XVIIIe Assemblée générale du 5 au 8 mai 2014Le thème était: « Pour une Caritas plus unie, plus organisée et plus active. »Participaient à cette Assemblée, un archevêque et neuf évêques des 12 diocèses,les Assistants ecclésiastiques de Caritas, du bureau national et des bureauxdiocésains, les secrétaires des Caritas diocésaines, certains agents de projet, lepersonnel du secrétariat général et des invités.

L'Assemblée générale a analysé le processus de revitalisation de CaritasMozambique qui a commencé en 2011 et s'est terminé avec la révision des Statuts,la production du Plan stratégique 2014-2019, la production de manuels deprocédures administratives, des ressources humaines et des manuels financiers.Le plan stratégique a été approuvé à l'unanimité et il a été convenu que les statutsrévisés soient utilisés ad experimentum. Les autres documents normatifs sont àfinaliser. Dans le plan stratégique approuvé, les domaines d'intervention suivantssont mis en évidence: les moyens de subsistance durables, la réponse humanitaire,l'assainissement de l'eau et de l'environ-nement, la santé et Caritas et lerenforcement de la capacité au niveau communautaire.

Le président de Caritas Africa, Mgr Francisco João Silota, Evêque de Chimoios’est adressé à l'Assemblée. Il a appelé Caritas Mozambique à être plustransparente et crédible en conformité avec les orientations de CaritasInternationalis, de professionnaliser son personnel afin de répondre auxexigences actuelles, de se conformer à la fidélité et la ponctualité maximaledans la reddition des comptes et de continuer à être différente des autresorganisations humanitaires. Pour l'Eglise, la charité n'est pas une formed'assistance sociale qui pourrait être laissée aux autres, mais elle appartient à sanature, elle est une expression incontesté de sa nature.

Exortação à Caritas Moçambicana

A XVIII Assembleia Geral foi hon-rada pela participação do Presidenteda Caritas África, Senhor D. Fran-cisco João Silota, Bispo de Chimoio

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Apaiser, réduire ou neutraliserdes situations de handicapCréé officiellement par l’or-

donnance N° 550/85 du 16Mars 1987 lui accordant la

personnalité civile, le Centre desHandicapes Physiques Saint JeanBosco de Muyinga est l’une desœuvres socio-caritatives du diocèse,suivie par l’Organisation Diocésainepour l’Entraide et le Dévelop-pement Intégral de Muyinga, ODE-DIM, au service des jeunes han-dicapés.

Situé au chef-lieu de la province deMuyinga sur la Route Nationale No.6, le centre s’occupe principalementde la rééducation fonctionnelle desjeunes handicapés ainsi que leurréinsertion socio-scolaire, familialeet professionnelle.

Cette rééducation permet d’apaiser,de réduire ou de neutraliser lessituations de handicap. Pour sub-venir aux besoins de fonctionne-ment sans cesse croissants, ce Cen-tre exerce des activités génératricesde revenus comme la production dela farine MUSALAC équilibrée enéléments nutritifs, la couture, lamenuiserie, la production et la ventedes cartes à images, la boutique ainsique l’agri-élevage outre les aidesponctuelles.

Depuis 2011, malgré le partenariatentre l’Union des Personnes Handi-capées du Burundi, UPHB, etl’ODEDIM, dans le cadre de lamise en œuvre du programmed’assistance aux enfants et jeunesavec handicap du Burundi avecappui financier de la FondationLiliane basée aux Pays-Bas, les défis

Avant Après

Rééducation fonctionnelle.

(Suite à la page 26.)


Soothe, reduce or neutralizehandicap situationsFormally established by Ordinance No. 550/85 of 16 March 1987 granting itlegal personality, the St. John Bosco Centre of Muyinga for the PhysicalHandicapped is one of the social and charitable institutions of the diocese.

Located in the capital of the province of Muyinga, the centre is primarilyresponsible for the functional rehabilitation of disabled young people and theirsocio-educational, family and professional rehabilitation.

This rehabilitation helps to soothe, reduce or neutralize the handicap situations.To meet the constantly growing operational needs, the Centre performsincome-generating activities such as the production of flour that is balancednutrient, sewing, carpentry, production and sale of post cards, the running ofa shop as well as agriculture and animal husbandry in addition to ad hoc aid.

Since 2011, despite various partnerships and the financial support from theNetherland based Liliane Foundation, the challenges abound because: “Manychildren/youth with disabilities are from poor families unable to provide aminimum contribution in the rehabilitation of their children. In addition,specialized teaching to young people with disabilities is very expensive,” saysSr Mary Goreth, who takes care of the children.

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Apaiser, réduire ou neutraliserdes situations de handicap(Suite de la page 22.)

ne manquent pas car : « Beaucoupd’enfants/jeunes ayant un handicapsont issus des familles pauvres,incapables de donner un minimum

de contribution dans la rééducationde leurs enfants. De plus, l’ensei-gnement spécialisé aux jeuneshandicapés est très coûteux alorsqu’il est impossible pour certains

Formalmente, instituído pela Portaria n º 550/85, de 16 demarço de 1987 a concessão da mesma personalidadejurídica, a João Bosco Centro de St. Muyinga paraDeficientes física é uma das instituições sociais e caritativasda diocese.

Localizado na capital da província de Muyinga, o centro éo principal responsável pela reabilitação funcional de jovenscom deficiência e sua reabilitação sócio-educacional,familiar e profissional.

Isso ajuda a acalmar a reabilitação, reduzir ou neutralizaras situações de desvantagem. Para atender à crescenteoperacional necessidades em constante, o Centro Realiza

enfants/ jeunes de suivre l’ensei-gnement ordinaire selon leur type dehandicap, » explique Sr MarieGoreth, intermédiaire qui suit deprès ces enfants.

Aux âmes charitables il est encorepossible de faire mieux que ça !



Acalmar, reduzir ou neutralizar situações de handicapatividades de geração de renda: tais como a fabricação defarinha que é equilibrada de nutrientes, corte e costura,carpintaria, fabricação e venda de cartões postais, ofuncionamento de uma loja, bem como agricultura epecuária em Além de um auxílio ad hoc.

Desde 2011, apesar de várias parcerias e com o apoiofinanceiro da Fundação com base Netherland Liliane, osdesafios são muitos, porque: "Muitas crianças / jovenscom deficiência de famílias pobres são incapazes defornecer uma contribuição mínima na reabilitação de seusfilhos. Além disso, o ensino especializado para jovens comdeficiência é muito caro ", diz Irmã Maria Goreth, Vocêcuida dos filhos.

Au Ghana, la plus visible de la migration des enfantsimpliqués dans le travail sont les jeunes filles quiassurent le transport de marchandises sur la tête : leskayayie. C’est une conséquence de la migrationnord-sud d'enfants poussés par la pauvreté et c’estdevenu une grande réoccupation pour les acteursétatiques et non étatiques qui tentent de trouver desmesures pour assurer que les jeunes migrants nemigrent pas quand ils sont trop jeunes ou bénéficientd'une protection dans les villes de destination. Laplupart des Kayayies n'ont pas été à l'école ou ontabandonné l'école pour participer au mouvement.En tant que mineurs, la plupart d'entre ellesnécessitent une protection dans les voyages et lescentres d'accueil.

Le gouvernement du Ghana a adopté un certainnombre de lois et ratifié plusieurs conventions et

traités qui visent à promouvoir les droits desfemmes et des enfants et leur développement demanière cohérente.

L'Eglise au Ghana est intervenue sur plusieursfronts pour réduire la pauvreté et, par extension,à réduire l'incidence de la migration internegénérale nord-sud. C'est important, en particulieren raison de l'appui insuffisant du gouvernementpour les mineurs engagés dans le travail néfaste.La mise en place de la commission del'immigration témoigne de l'intention de traiterles questions de migration et d'enfants migrantsconnexes au Ghana. Ainsi, il y a des projetsspécifique de l’Eglise qui ciblent les enfantsmigrants et les femmes qui assurent le transportdes marchandises sur la tête dans les villes.


Les migrants mineurs sur le marché du travail

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Caritas Lesotho transformsthe life of a double orphan

Tlali Monaheng, a 19 year olddouble orphan, physicallyimpaired and household

head living at Lesobeng, stays withhis younger sister aged 17. He livedhis adolescent life trying to makeends meet through engaging incasual jobs but, with minimal wagesand support from his relatives, hekept on living from hand to mouth.

In March 2012, Caritas Lesothocame into partnership with Manage-ment Sciences for Health and imple-mented a project called Orphansand Vulnerable Children andCaregivers Empowerment (OCEP)in Lesobeng. Tlali Monaheng andhis sibling were registered asbeneficiaries. In August 2012, theproject attached 34 most vulnerableOVC to a tailor made vocationaltraining course at Bishop Allard

Vocational School in Home Science,Building and Plastering as well asCarpentry and Joinery. Tlali wasamong the 11 males identified andselected and he chose to be trainedin Woodwork and Joinery. Uponcompletion of the training, a gradua-tion ceremony was held for the 34youth in their community. In thisevent, Caritas Lesotho presented allthe trained OVC with starter packtools to start work but they all hadno capital to buy start up materials.

Upon getting back home, Tlalicontinued with the casual jobs andearning some wages. He thenregistered as a member of a Savingsand Internal Lending Community(SILC) group established by anotherCaritas project - Families Unite forLivelihoods Lesotho (FULL). Withall difficulty being the head of his

family, he saved the wages hereceived from casual jobs to pay hiscontributions in the SILC group. Atthe end of the first cycle towardsDecember 2013, there was a shareout and Tlali was among thebeneficiaries. He decided to use themoney as capital to start a smallbusiness in the production of tablesand coffins. Even though somemembers of his family encouragedhim to rather look for a job asherder where he would get constantincome, Tlali decided to go throughthe struggle of being self-employed.Mr. Teboho ‘Matli, a neighbour,offered him a room which was atthe centre of the village to operatefrom. The new production centrebecame more accessible and wascloser to the target market outlet

(Continued on page 28.)

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 28

compared to his home. Communitymembers started placing orders forthe products.

Tlali produced, among other things,2 coffins which he sold for M 1 200(€ 85) each and 5 tables which hesold for M 250 (€ 16) each. Hecollected a total of M 4 200 (€ 296)and he paid for his sister’s firstquarter fees as a Form A student ata local high school. He also pro-vided for her other school needswhile at the same time living fromhis sales.

Orders for his products keepcoming in and he exclaims in hisown words, “I don’t know who Iwould have been had Caritas notintervened. As the bread winner, it

From casuallabourer tocarpenter(Continued from page 27.)

was a struggle having to choosebetween leaving my mother whowas critical at that time and mysister and going to vocationalschool. My mother passed awayimmediately when I got back home

from the training. I was left alonewith my sister, there was no hope.I believe great things are yet tocome despite the costly transpor-tation of materials from Maseru toLesobeng.”

Caritas Lesotho

De l’ouvrier occasionnelau métier de menuisier

Tlali Monaheng, un jeune de 19 ans doublement orphelin, àcapacité physique restreinte et vivant à Lesobeng, est chef deménage avec sa jeune sœur âgée de 17 ans. Adolescent, il a essayéde joindre les deux bouts en s'engageant dans des emploisoccasionnels, mais, avec des salaires et un soutien minimal deses parents, il vivait au jour le jour.

En mars 2012 Caritas Lesotho est entré en partenariat avec uneautre organisation et a mis en eouvre un projet afin del’autonomisation des orphelins et des enfants vulnérables deLesobeng. Tlali Monaheng et sa soeur furent enregistrés parmiles bénéficiaires. Tlali a choisi d'être formé dans en menuiserie.Il s’est ensuite enregistré en tant que membre du grouped'épargne et de prêt interne communautaire (SILC) mis en placepar un autre projet Caritas.

Aujourd’hui Tlali travaille pour son propre compte et entreprenddes travaux pour les membres de sa communauté. Il a produit,entre autres, deux cercueils et 5 tables et a recueilli un total de296 €. Il a payé pour les frais scolaires ainsi que pour d’autresbesoins de sa sœur tout en vivant des recettes de son atelier demenuiserie.

Caritas Lesoto

Desde o trabalhadorocasional em um carpinteiro

Tlali Monaheng , um órfão double de 19 anos comdeficiência física que vivem em Lesobeng é chefe de famíliacom sua jovem irmã de 17 anos. Adolescente, ele tentoufazer face às despesas por se envolver em casual, mas comsalários e suporte mínimo de seus pais , ele viveu de diapara dia.

Em março de 2012 Caritas Lesoto entrou em parceria comoutra organização e tem eouvre um projeto para capacitarcrianças órfãs e vulneráveis Lesobeng . Tlali Monaheng e suairmã foram registrados entre os beneficiários. Tlali escolheupara ser treinado em carpintaria. Ele, então, registrado comoum membro do grupo de poupança e empréstimos dacomunidade interna (SILC) executado pela Caritas outroprojeto.

Hoje Tlali trabalha por conta própria e realizar trabalhospara os membros de sua comunidade. Ele produziu, entreoutros, dois caixões e 5 mesas e levantou um total de 296€ . Ele pagou as taxas escolares e outras necessidades parasua irmã, enquanto vivia na renda de sua oficina.

Caritas Africa Info: page/página 29

Em Gana, o mais visível da migração de criançasenvolvidas no trabalho são as meninas notransporte de mercadorias em suas cabeças: okayayie. Esta é uma consequência das criançasnorte-sul impul-sionada pela pobreza e se tornouum grande reocupação para estatais e não-estataisque tentam encontrar medidas para garantir queos jovens migrantes não migrar migração quandosão jovens demais ou ter proteção nas cidades dedestino. A maioria dos Kayayies não foram àescola ou que tenham abandonado a escola paraparticipar do movimento. Como menores, amaioria deles requerem proteção nos centros deviagens e hospitalidade.

O Governo do Gana adotou uma série de leis eratificou várias convenções e tratados que

promovam os direitos das mulheres e crianças eseu desenvolvimento de forma consistente.

A Igreja em Gana foi realizado em várias frentespara reduzir a pobreza e, por extensão, parareduzir a incidência de migração norte-sul internageral. Isso é importante, principalmente porcausa do apoio do governo inadequada paramenores de idade envolvidos em trabalhoperigoso. A criação do Comité sobre a Imigraçãoindica uma intenção de abordar as questões demigração e migrantes crianças relacionados comGana. Assim, há projetos específicos que visamas crianças migrantes da Igreja e as mulheres quetransportam mercadorias em suas cabeças nascidades.


Menores migrantes no mercado de trabalho
