Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity: A ... · with damage to extracapsular knee...

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Aalborg Universitet

Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity

A Biomechanical Cadaveric Study Measuring Knee Kinematics in 6 Degrees of FreedomUsing Dynamic Radiostereometric AnalysisNielsen, Emil Toft; Stentz-Olesen, Kasper; de Raedt, Sepp; Jørgensen, Peter Bo; Sørensen,Ole Gade; Kaptein, Bart; Andersen, Michael Skipper; Stilling, MaikenPublished in:The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

DOI (link to publication from Publisher):10.1177/2325967118789699

Creative Commons LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Publication date:2018

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Link to publication from Aalborg University

Citation for published version (APA):Nielsen, E. T., Stentz-Olesen, K., de Raedt, S., Jørgensen, P. B., Sørensen, O. G., Kaptein, B., Andersen, M.S., & Stilling, M. (2018). Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity: A Biomechanical CadavericStudy Measuring Knee Kinematics in 6 Degrees of Freedom Using Dynamic Radiostereometric Analysis. TheOrthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(8).

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Original Research

Influence of the Anterolateral Ligamenton Knee Laxity

A Biomechanical Cadaveric Study Measuring KneeKinematics in 6 Degrees of Freedom Using DynamicRadiostereometric Analysis

Emil Toft Nielsen,*†‡ MSc, Kasper Stentz-Olesen,† MSc, Sepp de Raedt,†§ MSc, PhD,Peter Bo Jørgensen,†‡ MSc, Ole Gade Sørensen,|| MD, PhD, Bart Kaptein,{ MSc, PhD,Michael Skipper Andersen,# MSc, PhD, and Maiken Stilling,†‡ MD, PhD

Investigation performed at the Department of Radiology and Orthopaedic Research Unit,Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

Background: An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture often occurs during rotational trauma to the knee and may be associatedwith damage to extracapsular knee rotation–stabilizing structures such as the anterolateral ligament (ALL).

Purpose: To investigate ex vivo knee laxity in 6 degrees of freedom with and without ALL reconstruction as a supplement to ACLreconstruction.

Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.

Methods: Cadaveric knees (N ¼ 8) were analyzed using dynamic radiostereometry during a controlled pivotlike dynamic move-ment simulated by motorized knee flexion (0� to 60�) with 4-N�m internal rotation torque. We tested the cadaveric specimens in 5successive ligament situations: intact, ACL lesion, ACL þ ALL lesion, ACL reconstruction, and ACL þ ALL reconstruction. Ana-tomic single-bundle reconstruction methods were used for both the ACL and the ALL, with a bone-tendon quadriceps autograftand gracilis tendon autograft, respectively. Three-dimensional kinematics and articular surface interactions were used to deter-mine knee laxity.

Results: For the entire knee flexion motion, an ACL þ ALL lesion increased the mean knee laxity (P < .005) for internal rotation(2.54�), anterior translation (1.68 mm), and varus rotation (0.53�). Augmented ALL reconstruction reduced knee laxity for anteriortranslation (P ¼ .003) and varus rotation (P ¼ .047) compared with ACL þ ALL–deficient knees. Knees with ACL þ ALL lesions hadmore internal rotation (P < .001) and anterior translation (P < .045) at knee flexion angles below 40� and 30�, respectively,compared with healthy knees. Combined ACL þ ALL reconstruction did not completely restore native kinematics/laxity at flexionangles below 10� for anterior translation and below 20� for internal rotation (P < .035). ACL þ ALL reconstruction was not found tooverconstrain the knee joint.

Conclusion: Augmented ALL reconstruction with ACL reconstruction in a cadaveric setting reduces internal rotation, varusrotation, and anterior translation knee laxity similar to knee kinematics with intact ligaments, except at knee flexion angles between0� and 20�.

Clinical Relevance: Patients with ACL injuries can potentially achieve better results with augmented ALL reconstruction along withACL reconstruction than with stand-alone ACL reconstruction. Furthermore, dynamic radiostereometry provides the opportunity toexamine clinical patients and compare the recontructed knee with the contralateral knee in 6 degrees of freedom.

Keywords: anterolateral ligament; anterior cruciate ligament; knee laxity; reconstruction; dynamic radiostereometric analysis;biomechanical analysis

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction remainsunable to replicate native knee kinematics.50,62 Rotationalknee laxity can lead to degenerative changes of the menisciand cartilage and eventually gonarthritis.16,59 According to

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(8), 2325967118789699DOI: 10.1177/2325967118789699ª The Author(s) 2018


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Lohmander et al,37 50% of patients undergoing ACL recon-struction develop radiographic osteoarthritis within 2 dec-ades of the injury.

Intra- and extra-articular knee-stabilizing surgicalprocedures have been studied.13,51 Intra-articular recon-struction targets the ACL lesion, whereas the aim of extra-articular reconstruction is to reconstruct specific anatomicstructures or the knee joint’s functional anatomy. Recentyears have seen renewed interest in the extra-articular lat-eral reinforcement concept to supplement intra-articularACL reconstruction to reduce rotational laxity,2,39,41 withparticular attention being paid to the role of the anterolat-eral ligament (ALL) in relation to rotational laxity.

ALL research has focused on the anatomic bone attach-ment site and its association with the Segond fracture,which has been widely correlated with ACL inju-ries.14,31,47,66 The cortical tibial avulsion site of the Segondfracture is equivalent to the tibial attachment of the ALL(midway between the Gerdy tubercle and the anterior bor-der of the fibular head).10,29 Thus, the presence of a Segondfracture could indicate an ALL rupture in patients with anACL injury.8,11 A radiographic examination can easilydetect Segond fractures but will not detect soft tissue inju-ries. Furthermore, grading of the anterolateral structure isdifficult, and arthroscopically nonaccessible ALL injuriesmay go unnoticed. Those patients who suffer from concur-rent ACL and ALL injuries may therefore represent thegroup that harbors residual pivot-shift dysfunction afterACL reconstruction.26

Cadaveric studies have investigated the role of the ALLby determining changes in ligament length during kneeflexion14,20,71; however, they report conflicting results pos-sibly because they have used different definitions of theALL’s femoral origin.9 Researchers largely agree on thetibial attachment site of the ALL but not on the femoralattachment site, which has been described as beinganterior-distal20,71 or posterior-proximal14 to the fibularcollateral ligament; moreover, variations of position anddistinctness between patients have also been reported.9,14,34

In a series of studies searching for the ideal and mostisometric length-changing ALL reconstruction technique,different ALL attachment sites show different length-changing patterns during flexion.25,28,30,33,42,67

Other cadaveric studies have investigated the kinematicinfluence and/or force contribution of the ALL in intact, ACL-deficient, and/or ACL-reconstructed knees.5,32,45,49,52,57,63,64

These studies have found that the ALL reduces knee laxitythrough passive restraint, but the extent to which laxity isrestrained varies between studies. Most studies describe theALL as a secondary restraint to internal rotation, with the

ACL providing the primary restraint, but the ALL to someextent also restrains anterior translation.5,45,49,52,57,63,64 Theanterolateral restraining function of the ALL increaseswith increasing flexion angle.45,49,63 Kittl et al32 assignedonly a minor role to the ALL compared with the iliotibialtract. They found that the ACL was the primary and theALL the secondary contributor to knee laxity restraint at30� to 90� of flexion. Additionally, cadaveric studies reportdiverging results when reconstructing the ALL; somereport a potential for improving knee laxity compared withintra-articular ACL reconstruction,43 whereas others showthat ALL reconstruction does not restore native kinemat-ics.57 A recent study showed that ALL reconstruction over-constrains knee laxity.52

The role of the ALL in knee laxity has been extensivelystudied in recent years; however, laxity has mainly utilizedstatic evaluation methods that do not mimic the dynamicpivot-shift–like16 movement, which correlates with symp-tomatic functional instability.1,36 Additionally, the prepa-ration of the specimens in these cadaveric studies hasgenerally encompassed removing the distal part of thethigh and the proximal part of the shank for fixing thebones in a robotic simulator and/or fully or partially dissect-ing the knee. The knee is a complex mechanical mecha-nism, and resecting superficial knee structures andfixating bone inevitably alter the native dynamics to someextent. Therefore, the ALL should be investigated in asetup that more resembles an in vivo human setting. There-fore, the purpose of this ex vivo study was to evaluate thecontribution of the ALL to knee laxity in 6 degrees of free-dom during a controlled pivotlike dynamic movement usingdynamic radiostereometric recordings of full lower limbcadaveric specimens.


Examinations were performed on 8 fresh-frozen humandonor legs (from 2 female and 2 male patients) thatincluded the foot, knee, and hemipelvis. A local ethicalreview board approved this study. The donors’ age rangedfrom 58 to 94 years. The inclusion criteria were no known orsurgically treated knee-associated fractures and no cruci-ate ligament or ALL lesions, which we assessed from thereported medical history, visual inspection for former sur-gical incisions, Lachman test, pivot-shift test, and radio-graphic inspection. Arthroscopic surgery was used duringthe experimental tests to verify the intactness of cruciateligaments and meniscus.

*Address correspondence to Emil Toft Nielsen, MSc, Orthopaedic Research Unit, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, PalleJuul-Jensens Boulevard 99, Entrance J, Aarhus, Denmark (email:

†Orthopaedic Research Unit, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.‡Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.§NRT X-RAY A/S, Hasselager, Denmark.||Department of Sports Traumatology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.{Biomechanics and Imaging Group, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.#Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest in the authorship and publication of this contribution.Ethical approval for this study was waived by the Central Denmark Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics.

2 Nielsen et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

The knee joints of the intact frozen specimens were scannedwith a clinical computed tomography (CT) scanner (Brilliance40; Philips) using axial slices at 120 kVp and 150 mAs, slicethickness of 0.9 mm, slice increment of 0.45 mm, and pixel sizeof 0.39� 0.39 mm. A fully automated method12,35 using graphcuts for segmentation of the 3-dimensional CT volumes wasused to generate 8 CT bone models of the femur and tibia.These models (Figure 1) covered the distal 15 cm of the femurand proximal 15 cm of the tibia. Each segmented bone modelwas remeshed from approximately 500,000 to 10,000 triangu-lar elements. Each generated CT bone model was assigned to alocal anatomic coordinate system (ACS) using a fully

automated method,40 except that we used the mechanical axisas the proximal-distal axis.

Experimental Setup and Equipment

A customized, motorized fixture (Figure 2) was built to sup-port the thigh and lower leg, and the knee area was keptcompletely uncovered to avoid image artifacts. The hemipel-vis was fixed to the base of the apparatus using 3 regularscrews at the sacrum, iliac crest, and pubic bone. The foot andankle joints were fixed in 90� of ankle flexion using a ProþFixed Walker (VQ OrthoCare). The boot shaft was shortenedby approximately 10 cm. A stepper motor (3 N�m) (NEMA 23;National Instruments) was installed with pulley wheels, atiming belt, and 2 linear sliders to perform controlleddynamic knee motion from approximately 0� to 100� offlexion and back at a rate of 0.1 m/s. Another NEMA 23 motorwas mounted to the footrest to control internal rotation. Aslowspeed (0.001 m/s) enabled manualstop of themotorwhenthe desired torque of 4 N�m was reached in the fully extendedknee. The torque was measured using a torque sensor(accuracy, ±0.15%; repeatability, ±0.03%) (TQ 201-500;OMEGA) and an adjacent meter (DP25B-S-230; OMEGA).Both motors were controlled using a driver (DM542A; LongsMotor) and a breakout board (DB25; Sunwin).

Stereoradiographs were recorded using dynamic radio-stereometric analysis (dRSA) (Adora RSAd; Nordisk Rønt-gen Teknik) with a 10-Hz sampling frequency. A verticallyplaced uniplanar calibration box (Box 14; Medis Specials)and a vertical tube setup (16� tube angles) were used tomaximize visualization of the knee joint line during motion.The full detector size of 37 (horizontal) � 42 cm was used torecord knee motion from 0� to 60� of flexion. The source-image distance was 2.94 m, and the focus-skin distance was2.38 m. Exposure settings for dynamic recordings were90 kV, 500 mA, and 2.5 milliseconds, with a resolution of1104 � 1344 pixels (79 DPI).

Test Protocol

At 72 hours before testing, specimens were thawed at 5�C.Each specimen underwent 5 series of identical tests. One

Figure 1. Computed tomography bone models of the femur(top) and tibia (bottom) illustrated along each axis of the ana-tomic coordinate system for a right leg (red pointing lateral,green pointing anterior, and blue pointing proximal). From left,a lateral, anterior, and proximal view. The lateral-medial axiswas defined by an orthogonal projection of the mechanicalaxis to the center line of a cylinder (cupper), which was posi-tioned using a least-squares fit to the condyles (blue area).The midpoint between the lateral and medial intersections ofthe lateral-medial axis and bone model surface was assignedas the origin. The proximal-distal axis was determined as thefixed mechanical axis between the femoral origin and thecenter of a sphere fitted to the femoral head using a least-squares fit. The cross-product of the proximal-distal andlateral-medial axes defined the anterior-posterior axis. Theorigin of the tibial coordinate system was defined by the cen-troid of the tibial plateau (blue area), which was cut off at thelargest cross section. The proximal-distal axis was defined asthe mechanical axis between the tibial origin and the center ofthe tibial articular surface in the ankle joint. The lateral-medialaxis was defined by an orthogonal projection of the mechan-ical axis to the first principal component of the tibial plateau(blue area). The cross product of the proximal-distal andlateral-medial axes defined the anterior-posterior axis.

Figure 2. Lateral sagittal (left) and distal-proximal (right) viewsof the motorized fixture with a right leg installed.

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity 3

series of tests assessed 1 ligament situation. Each seriesconsisted of 1 machine-controlled test and 3 manual tests.First, each specimen was carefully fixed to the machine,and a motor-driven pivotlike maneuver was simulated byapplying constant internal rotation (4 N�m of torque duringfull knee extension) to the foot and lower leg at motioninitialization. This rotation was maintained during kneeflexion (0� to 100�). Subsequently, manual tests were con-ducted by an experienced knee surgeon (O.G.S.) in a man-ner similar to that used in clinical practice.6 Theanteroposterior translation laxity of the tibia was mea-sured using the Lachman test (grade, 0-3)65 and the meanof 3 Rolimeter tests (mm).4 Rotational laxity was deter-mined using the mean of 3 pivot-shift tests (grade, 0-3).16

The same experienced surgeon conducted all surgicalprocedures. The order of the tested ligament situationswas consistent for all specimens. The first series of testswas conducted with an intact knee. Subsequently, the ACLwas resected (cACL), and then the ALL was cut (cACL-cALL). These procedures were followed by reconstructionof the ACL (rACLcALL) and then the ALL (rACLrALL).The ACL was visualized during arthroscopic surgery in allspecimens after the first series of tests and was thenremoved with a shaver before the second series of tests. TheALL was accessed through a vertical skin incision from thelateral femoral epicondyle to midway between the Gerdytubercle and the fibular head. The iliotibial tract wasdivided longitudinally at the joint level. Next, ALL fibersincluding the capsule were cut with a 2-cm horizontal inci-sion approximately 1 cm proximal to the tibial attachmentsite (Figure 3A). The iliotibial tract was closed with a Vicryl2-0 suture (Ethicon) before the next test series. Single-bundle anatomic ACL reconstruction was performed using

a bone-tendon quadriceps autograft with a 9-mm diameter.The articular entry point of the bone tunnel in the femurand tibia was placed according to anatomic studies per-formed by Smigielski et al55 and Siebold et al.54 The ACLwas fixed with a 7 � 25–mm Biosure interference screw(Smith & Nephew) in the femur and a 9 � 25–mm Biosureinterference screw in the tibia. Anatomic single-bundlereconstruction of the ALL with a gracilis tendon autograftwas performed as described by Sonnery-Cottet et al56 withminor changes. The only difference between the methodsinvolved tibial graft fixation. Instead of looping the graft inthe tibia, the single-bundle graft was fixed with a screwmidway between the Gerdy tubercle and the fibular head,1 cm inferior to the joint line. The femoral attachment sitewas placed approximately 8 mm proximally and posteriorlyto the lateral femoral epicondyle. A 6 � 25–mm Biosureinterference screw was used for both femoral and tibialfixation of the ALL graft. The graft was tensioned and fixedin 10� to 20� of flexion (Figure 3B).

Radiographic Analysis

The dynamic stereoradiographs were analyzed using com-mercially available software (Model-Based RSA v 4.02;RSAcore).58 The fitting process of the CT bone model to theradiographs was performed meticulously using as manycontours (external and internal) of the bone in all directionsas possible (Figure 4). The included contours for the femurwere the shaft, condyles, and supracondylar line. For thetibia, the included contours were the shaft, eminencies, andmedial and lateral plateaus. Because of the confined record-ing area, only knee angles between 0� and 60� of flexioncontained enough of the tibial and femoral bone on the

Figure 3. (A) Illustration of the access and cutting of the anterolateral ligament (ALL). (B) Illustration of the 2 reconstruction methodsof the anterior cruciate ligament (rACL) and ALL (rALL). cALL, cut ALL; FCL, fibular collateral ligament; GT, Gerdy tubercle; ITB,iliotibial band; SI, skin incision; T, tuberosity.

4 Nielsen et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

stereoradiographs to be analyzed. Three model-optimizationalgorithms (IIPM, DIFDoNLP, and DIFDHsAnn) fromModel-Based RSA software were used successively tooptimize the CT bone model pose (position and orienta-tion) on the radiographic projection.27,48

Data Processing and Statistical Analysis

Customized software (MATLAB R2015b; MathWorks) wasdeveloped to investigate the biomechanical effect of theALL. The raw kinematic data from the Model-Based RSAanalysis (n¼ 624) describing the anatomic linear and angu-lar movements of the femur and tibia included approxi-mately every 2.5� to 5� of knee flexion. For illustrationsand comparisons between specimens, measures of anatomicdisplacement and rotation, as well as contact points at thetibia, were linearly interpolated with knee flexion angleincrements of 2.5�.

To ensure clinical relevance, the anatomic displacementsand rotations of the knee were standardized in accordancewith terms introduced by Grood and Suntay.17 The contactpoints during the dynamic interaction between the femoralcondyles and tibial plateau were determined in accordancewith Anderst and Tashman,3 with 1 significant modifica-tion: Instead of using the tibial plateau of the bone model, atibial transverse plane intersecting the tibial origin wasdefined by the anterior-posterior and lateral-medial axesto avoid detecting tibial eminences as a contact pointbetween the tibia and femur.

The femoral contact point was estimated by theweighted-average method used by Anderst and Tashman.3

Briefly, the centroids of each triangular element of thefemur were weighted based on their proximity to the

defined tibial transverse plane. The estimated tibial con-tact point was identified by projecting the contact point atthe femur to the tibial plane along the tibial proximal-distalaxis. To achieve the most accurate estimate of contactpoints, the 8 high-resolution original bone models (beforeremeshing) were used.

To further investigate the nature of the contact points,we adopted the approach of Hoshino and Tashman.22 Theseauthors reported that the path length of the contact pointsoffers further insights into the dynamic interactionbetween the tibia and femur. The femoral path length wasestimated as the sum of the sagittal excursion between con-tact points. The tibial path length was estimated as the sumof the transverse-plane length between contact points. Thelateral and medial sliding lengths (sliding) were estimatedby the difference between the path lengths of the femoraland tibial contact points. The difference in sliding was alsocalculated as the difference between the lateral and medialsliding lengths.

The kinematic data and path length calculations are pre-sented as absolute and normalized values. Absolute valueswere estimated directly with no further processing. Nor-malized values were determined by subtracting observa-tions for each ligament situation by observations forintact knees. This normalization removes idiosyncratic var-iations across individual specimens.

All statistical analyses were conducted using Stata 14(StataCorp). A mixed model was used on the measures ofkinematic translation and rotation as well as the contactpoint excursion analysis to take into account repeated mea-surements on the cadaveric specimens, pairs, and ligamentsituations. Model validation was performed by visuallyinspecting residuals, fitted values, and random-effect esti-mates. The Wald test was used to analyze the systematicdifference. A similar mixed-model method was used for theanterior and posterior Rolimeter tests; however, for thenonparametric Lachman and pivot-shift tests, model vali-dation was unacceptable because of nonnormally distrib-uted residuals and random-effect estimates. Because anonparametric test is likely to be more robust than a mixedmodel, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed for theLachman and pivot-shift tests. A significance level of .05was used for all tests.


The tibiofemoral joint kinematics with respect to flexionangle are illustrated in Figure 5 for all 5 ligament situationsand all 5 degrees of freedom: varus-valgus rotation, external-internal rotation, lateral-medial translation, anterior-posterior translation, and proximal-distal translation.

Kinematic Analysis

Figure 6 illustrates the normalized values of each liga-ment situation. Throughout the motion, larger internalrotation (D1.76�-2.48�, P < .01) and anterior translation(D0.62-1.53 mm, P < .05) were observed for all ligamentsituations compared with ligament-intact knees. Anterior

Figure 4. A radiographic image illustrating a computedtomography (CT) bone model pose optimized by minimizingthe matching error between the virtual CT bone model pro-jection (black edges) and the actual projections detected (rededges) in the radiographs. The matching error is the meandistance (in mm) between the CT bone model surface andthe projection lines that connect the X-ray focus with thedetected edges in the radiographs. The contours areenhanced in the image for better visualization. The fiducial(yellow) and control (green) marker sets of the calibration boxare illustrated.

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity 5

translation was also larger for the cACLcALL knees thanwith cACL (D0.70 mm, P < .03) and less for the rACLrALLknees compared with cACLcALL (D0.91 mm, P < .01).Varus rotation was larger for cACLcALL than for the intactcondition (D0.46�, P < .01) and was also less for the rACL-rALL knees compared with cACLcALL (D0.33 mm, P< .01).For lateral-medial translation and proximal-distal

translation, none of the ligament situations was signifi-cantly different from the intact knee. However, less medialtranslation was found with the rACLrALL knees than withcACLcALL (D0.21 mm; P< .05) or rACLcALL (D0.21 mm; P¼ .03).

Further inspection of anterior-posterior translation andexternal-internal rotation showed that the differences

Figure 5. The kinematics of the tibiofemoral joint during knee flexion from 0� to 50� for all ligament situations. The 5 degreesof freedom included varus-valgus rotation, external-internal (EI) rotation, lateral-medial translation, anterior-posterior (AP)translation, and proximal-distal translation. The solid lines represent the mean, and the dashed lines represent the95% CI of the mean. The subplot in the bottom right illustrates, by the colored dots, which ligament situations are signif-icantly different from the intact knee at knee flexion angles grouped in ranges of 10� for all 5 degrees of freedom. Thecorresponding P value is listed to the left of the colored dot. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; ALL, anterolateral ligament;cACL, cut ACL; cACLcALL, cut ACL and then cut ALL; rACLcALL, cut ALL and then reconstruction of the ACL; rACLrALL,reconstruction of the ACL and then reconstruction of the ALL.

6 Nielsen et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

between the intact knee and the other ligament situationswere largest at small flexion angles, and they were reducedas knee flexion angles increased. Figure 5 illustrates whichligament situations were significantly different from theintact knee at varying flexion angles. Flexion angles weregrouped in 10� increments.

For external-internal rotation, the cACL knees (P < .04)had larger internal rotation than the intact knees at flexion

angles ranging from extension (D3.1� [95% CI, 4.9�-1.4�]) to30� (D1.9� [95% CI, 3.6�-0.1�]). The cACLcALL (P< .01) andrACLcALL (P < .03) knees had larger internal rotationthan the intact knees at flexion angles ranging from exten-sion (D3.1� [95% CI, 4.8�-1.3�] and D2.7� [95% CI, 4.5�-1.0�],respectively) to 40� (D2.4� [95% CI, 4.2�-0.7�] and D2.1�

[95% CI, 3.9�-0.4�], respectively). Compared with the intactknee, the rACLrALL knee (P < .02) was the only construct

Figure 6. The normalized kinematics of the tibiofemoral joint during knee flexion from 0� to 50� for all ligament situations. The5 degrees of freedom included varus-valgus (VV) rotation, external-internal (EI) rotation, lateral-medial (LM) translation, anterior-posterior (AP) translation, and proximal-distal (PD) translation. The solid lines represent the mean, and the dashed lines representthe 95% CI of the mean. The stars in the top left of the subplot indicate that the respective ligament situation is significantly differentfrom the intact knee throughout the entire motion. The subplot at the bottom right shows the root mean square of the means ofeach ligament situation compared with the intact knee. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; ALL, anterolateral ligament; cACL, cut ACL;cACLcALL, cut ACL and then cut ALL; rACLcALL, cut ALL and then reconstruction of the ACL; rACLrALL, reconstruction of the ACLand then reconstruction of the ALL.

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity 7

with larger internal rotation at 0� to 20� of flexion. Themean difference was seen at extension (3.0� [95% CI, 4.2�-0.7�]) and at 20� of flexion (2.0� [95% CI, 3.8�-0.3�]).

For anterior-posterior translation, the cACL (P ¼ .009)and rACLrALL (P ¼ .035) knees had larger anterior trans-lation at 0� to 10� of flexion than the intact knee, with amean difference of 2.2 mm (95% CI, 0.6-3.9) and 1.6 mm(95% CI, 0.1-3.1), respectively. The cACLcALL knees (P <.045) had larger anterior translation than the intact knee atflexion angles ranging from extension (D2.6 mm [95% CI,1.0-4.3]) to 30� (D1.6 mm [95% CI, 0.1-3.1]). The rACLcALLknees (P < .05) had larger anterior translation than theintact knee at flexion angles ranging from extension (D1.6mm [95% CI, 0.1-3.1]) to 30� (D1.5 mm [95% CI, 0.0-3.0]).

For varus-valgus rotation, lateral-medial translation,and proximal-distal translation, none of the ligament situa-tions was found to be significantly different from the intactknee in 10� ranges.

Contact Path Analysis

The contact path had a relatively constant medial contactpoint, whereas the lateral contact point moved posteriorlyand slightly medially during knee flexion. However, for themajority of the specimens, the first lateral contact point for

the intact knee was clearly positioned anteriorly to the firstlateral contact point for all other ligament situations. Theligament situation with the contact point nearest to thecontact point of the intact knee was rACLrALL in 50% ofthe specimens. For the remaining specimens, no clear pat-tern was observed. Figure 7 illustrates an example in whichthe contact path did not change until the ALL was cut.Likewise, a return to the contact path of the intact kneewas not observed until the ALL was reconstructed. Resec-tion of the ALL caused posterior displacement at the end ofthe contact path with a slight delay of the subsequentmedial movement.

Table 1 shows the estimated femoral and tibial contactpath excursions in the lateral and medial compartments.The actual and normalized distances are shown with theircorresponding P values.

Manual Testing

Results of the manual tests (Lachman, anterior Rolimeter,posterior Rolimeter, and pivot-shift) revealed differences inknee laxity between ligament situations (Table 2). In all 4manual tests, the largest differences were found whenresecting and reconstructing the ACL (P < .02), while onlyminor differences were found when resecting and recon-structing the ALL (P< .02). Compared with the intact knee,the laxity of the cACL knees increased in all tests (P < .02);however, the cACLcALL knees were only different from thecACL knees for the anterior Rolimeter and pivot-shift tests(P < .01).

For all tests, the rACLcALL situation decreased kneelaxity compared with the cACL and cACLcALL situations(P < .02). Only the pivot-shift test showed larger laxity(P< .015) for the rACLcALL knees than for the intact knee.In addition, results of the pivot-shift test showed decreasedknee laxity from the the rACLcALL to the rACLrALLsituation.


The most important findings of this ex vivo study were thatALL resection increased knee laxity in ACL-deficient kneesand that ALL reconstruction in ACL-reconstructed kneesapproached native knee laxity during simulated move-ments such as the pivot shift using full lower limbs.

The largest effects of ALL resection were found duringexternal-internal and anterior-posterior movements. Theevaluation of knee laxity at 10� increments of knee flexionrevealed that the rACLrALL situation was not significantlydifferent from the intact knee above 10� for anterior-posterior translation. For external-internal rotation, no sig-nificant differences were found above 20�. In contrast, thecACLcALL situation was significantly different from theintact knee at knee flexion below 40�. Interestingly, ACLreconstruction did not reduce knee laxity for external-internal rotation until the ALL was also reconstructed.Thus, our study demonstrates that ALL-reconstructedknees resemble intact knees at flexion angles (30�-40�) inwhich giving way occurs in ACL-deficient knees, for

Figure 7. The contact path length was determined by esti-mating the articular surface interaction between the femurand tibia. The thin solid lines represent the path of the contactpoints that begin at the large dot (0� of knee flexion). Subse-quently, each dot represents increments of 5� of knee flexion.The thick solid gray line represents the tibial perimeter of thelargest cross section of the anterior-posterior and lateral-medial planes. The anatomic coordinate system is illustratedin green (anterior-posterior axis) and red (lateral-medial axis)and is connected by a blue dot (origin). ACL, anterior cruciateligament; ALL, anterolateral ligament; cACL, cut ACL; cACL-cALL, cut ACL and then cut ALL; rACLcALL, cut ALL and thenreconstruction of the ACL; rACLrALL, reconstruction of theACL and then reconstruction of the ALL.

8 Nielsen et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

example during combined stepping and crossover cuttingtasks24 and stepping-down tasks.23 These knee angles areused when performing a manual pivot-shift test; indeed, wefound coherence between knee laxity during dRSA in thisknee flexion range and the manual pivot-shift test. Thissuggests that clinically, patients with significant anterolat-eral laxity may have ALL damage and could potentiallybenefit from ALL reconstruction. Of all manual tests, thepivot-shift test was the most sensitive for evaluating thestabilizing effect of the ALL in ACL reconstruction. Thisindicates that gracilis tendon reconstruction of the ALLcombined with anatomic single-bundle quadriceps tendonreconstruction of the ACL approaches intact knee kinemat-ics, except at low knee flexion angles.

In our setup, which mirrors the in vivo setting, theresults support previous studies regarding the contribu-tion of the ALL to restraining knee laxity in anterior

translation and internal rotation, and we here confirmthat concurrent ALL and ACL reconstruction can improveknee laxity for patients with severe laxity due to combinedACL and ALL injuries. Previous non-dRSA studies mea-suring changes in kinematics43,49,52,57,63,64 or kinetics45,64

reported a similar relationship between increasing kneeflexion angles and increasing ALL effects on internal rota-tion and anterior translation.

Besides describing a similar effect of the ALL, Schonet al52 also described excessive constraint of the knee jointafter combined ACL and ALL reconstruction. They illus-trated a proportional relationship between graft fixationknee flexion angle and overconstraint of the joint. Clinicalstudies using combined intra- and extra-articular recon-struction techniques have reported deviating results; com-pared with previous results,39,41,56 some demonstratedlower ACL graft rupture rates, satisfactory control of

TABLE 1Contact Path Excursion of the Femur and Tibia in the 5 Ligament Combinations During Knee Flexion From 0� to 50�a


Absolute Absolute Normalized P Absolute Normalized P Absolute Normalized P Absolute Normalized P

LateralFemur 26.6 ± 6.0 26.5 ± 6.0 –0.1 ± 0.1 .33 26.4 ± 5.8 –0.2 ± 0.2 .20 26.3 ± 6.3 –0.4 ± 0.2 .06 26.6 ± 6.0 0.0 ± 0.0 .75Tibia 23.0 ± 5.9 20.7 ± 5.4 –2.7 ± 0.7 .00b 21.3 ± 6.2 –1.6 ± 0.6 .07b 20.6 ± 4.0 –2.4 ± 1.0 .01b 19.4 ± 3.9 –3.6 ± 1.0 .00b

Sliding 3.6 ± 10.5 6.2 ± 9.2 2.6 ± 0.7 .00b 5.0 ± 10.4 1.4 ± 0.7 .03b 5.7 ± 9.8 2.0 ± 1.1 .06 7.2 ± 8.1 3.6 ± 0.9 .00b

MedialFemur 29.4 ± 4.7 29.2 ± 4.5 –0.2 ± 0.2 .27 29.3 ± 5.0 –0.1 ± 0.3 .60 29.1 ± 4.7 –0.3 ± 0.2 .11 29.6 ± 5.1 0.2 ± 0.2 .37Tibia 13.0 ± 4.8 12.4 ± 4.4 –0.6 ± 1.0 .52 13.4 ± 4.8 0.4 ± 0.8 .61 13.1 ± 4.7 0.0 ± 0.6 .96 12.3 ± 4.7 –0.7 ± 0.9 .42Sliding 16.4 ± 5.3 16.8 ± 6.6 0.5 ± 1.0 .65 15.8 ± 6.0 –0.5 ± 0.7 .45 16.1 ± 5.5 –0.3 ± 0.6 .61 17.3 ± 5.4 0.9 ± 0.5 .05

D Sliding 12.7 ± 10.1 10.6 ± 10.5 –2.1 ± 1.0 .03b 10.8 ± 9.6 –1.9 ± 0.9 .03b 10.4 ± 10.9 –2.3 ± 1.3 .06 10.1 ± 8.2 –2.7 ± 1.1 .01b

aValues are shown as mean ± SD (in mm). The absolute and normalized (to intact) values are shown. The P value for each ligamentcombination refers to the comparison with the intact ligament combination. D Sliding refers to difference between the medial and lateralsliding. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; ALL, anterolateral ligament; cACL, cut ACL; cACLcALL, cut ACL and then cut ALL; rACLcALL, cutALL and then reconstruction of the ACL; rACLrALL, reconstruction of the ACL and then reconstruction of the ALL.

bP < .05.

TABLE 2Results of the Rolimeter, Pivot-Shift, and Lachman Manual Tests for Each Ligament Combinationa


Anterior Rolimeter test, mm 4.0 ± 1.2 7.6 ± 2.0b 9.4 ± 1.4b,c 4.5 ± 1.1c,d 4.4 ± 0.7c,d

DAnterior Rolimeter test, mm 3.6 ± 2.1 5.3 ± 2.0 0.4 ± 1.5 0.3 ± 1.1Posterior Rolimeter test, mm 3.4 ± 0.6 5.8 ± 1.3b 5.3 ± 0.9b 3.4 ± 0.8c,d 3.2 ± 0.9c,d

DPosterior Rolimeter test, mm 2.4 ± 1.3 2.0 ± 0.8 0.1 ± 1.1 0.1 ± 1.3Pivot-shift test (grade, 0-3) 0.0 ± 0.0 1.2 ± 0.4b 1.8 ± 0.8b,c 0.2 ± 0.4c,d,e 0.0 ± 0.0c,d,f

Lachman test (grade, 0-3) 0.0 ± 0.0 2.8 ± 0.5e 2.9 ± 0.4e 0.3 ± 0.5g,h 0.1 ± 0.4g,h

aValues are shown as mean ± SD. D indicates the difference to intact. All ligament situations were compared for significant differenceswithin each test type. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; ALL, anterolateral ligament; cACL, cut ACL; cACLcALL, cut ACL and then cut ALL;rACLcALL, cut ALL and then reconstruction of the ACL; rACLrALL, reconstruction of the ACL and then reconstruction of the ALL.

bIntact (P < .0001).ccACL (P < .0001).dcACLcALL (P < .0001).eIntact (P < .015).frACLcACL (P < .003).gcACL (P < .015).hcACLcALL (P < .015).

The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Influence of the Anterolateral Ligament on Knee Laxity 9

anteroposterior movements, and maintenance of rotationalknee laxity without complications such as stiffness or lim-ited range of motion, while others reported high failurerates, poor long-term functional subjective and objectiveoutcomes, and chronic lateral knee pain.53,69,70 These dif-ferences may be attributed to the population/extent of theinjury and the surgical reconstruction technique. Asdescribed above, the graft fixation knee flexion angle52

influences knee laxity, but the graft position is also foundto influence the ALL length pattern25,28,30,33,42,67 andthereby knee laxity. These 2 parameters are closelyinterrelated.

In our study, we used a graft fixation knee flexion angleof approximately 10� to 20� with proximal and posteriorfemoral graft origins, which did not result in an overcon-strained joint below 60�. However, higher flexion anglesalso need to be investigated because the contribution of theALL has shown to increase with increasing flexion angles.A review article38 and a meta-analysis21 have suggestedthat lateral extra-articular reinforcement in conjunctionwith intra-articular reconstruction could be important forcontrolling rotational knee laxity, and both studiesreported a statistically significant reduction in pivot shiftin favor of ACL reconstruction combined with extra-articular tenodesis. This could indicate that patient-specific treatment should be considered to a greater extentthan is currently the case, especially in light of the distinct-ness and variations of the ALL position betweenpatients.9,14,34 Noninvasive methods such as ultrasound44

and magnetic resonance imaging19,46,61 may be used for thepreoperative evaluation and diagnosis of anterolateralstructures such as the ALL.

To our knowledge, the biomechanical influence of theALL on knee laxity had yet to be investigated in all6 degrees of freedom. The present study reveals that theALL supports varus rotation and potentially medial trans-lation. To the best of our knowledge, these effects have notpreviously been reported. The increase in varus rotationafter ALL resection in the ACL-deficient knee was expectedbecause of the anatomic position. However, ACL recon-struction normalized varus rotation. In combination withthe observation of no decrease in knee laxity for internalrotation after ACL reconstruction, this indicates thatbesides anterior-posterior translation, ACL reconstructionin an ACL- and ALL-deficient knee primarily stabilizesvarus-valgus rotation. Given the fact that an ALL tear islikely to occur during an ACL tear, this may explain resid-ual laxity and the pivot shift after ACL reconstruction.

For ACL reconstruction as well as combined ACL andALL reconstruction, a decrease in medial translation to itsprevious ligament situation without an increase in theresecting ligament stages could indicate overtightening ofthe ligaments after reconstruction. However, this seemsnot to be the case because these ligament situations werenot significantly different from the intact knee. These kine-matic behaviors should be further investigated.

Those patients who experience a residual positivepivot-shift sign after ACL reconstruction may have anunnoticed injury to the lateral aspect of the knee suchas the ALL.8,11 Our results indicate that for patients

within this group, combining ACL and ALL reconstruc-tion may outperform traditional procedures because theALL stabilizes the knee within flexion angles in whichlaxity is naturally largest without restricting the motionrange at higher flexion angles. To confirm our findings,additional clinical research utilizing dynamic methodssuch as dRSA should be performed comparing rotationallaxity of ACL-deficient knees with a positive pivot-shiftsign before and after ALL reconstruction.

Our study is not without limitations. Eight specimensmay not be sufficient to interpret the results. At samplesizes this small, even random variation across specimenscould influence statistical significance; thus, there is a sub-stantial risk of type II errors, in which we failed to reject afalse null hypothesis even though a true effect does exist.

The included specimens consisted of pairwise legs fromthe same donor, which may introduce the potential for het-eroscedasticity. However, this was tested and accounted forusing the mixed-model statistical method.

Furthermore, our specimens were cadaveric and henceobtained from older patients than those typically undergo-ing ACL reconstruction.60 This may have affected ourresults because age can influence ligament laxity and thefixated strength of ligament reconstruction because ofpoorer bone quality.68 Additionally, knee osteoarthritisoccurs more commonly in the elderly. Nevertheless, only1 specimen pair (2 specimens) had osteophytes based on theCT-reconstructed bone models. One case was more severethan the other, but the cartilage was preserved at arthro-scopic surgery (International Cartilage Repair Societygrade 2).7 The osteophytes affected the ACS of the femur;thus, the origin was clearly different from the rest of thespecimens, as evidenced by a different condylar shape. Thisresulted in a larger variety of kinematic translation mea-sures at the tibiofemoral joint and caused inevitable inter-ference during the computed rotations. These consequencesare seen in the large variation in kinematic movementsdisplayed in Figure 5. However, statistical analysis withand without this specimen did not affect our findings.

The tibial plateau estimation as 1 simple flat plane is aclear limitation when estimating contact points betweenthe femoral and tibial surface models. This may have influ-enced the lack of clear association between the ligamentsituations. Hashemi et al18 found that the posterior tibialslope differs between patients and that the medial and lat-eral slopes differ within patients. Our general tibial jointsurface plane defined by the lateral-medial and anterior-posterior planes may have skewed the contact point calcu-lations during knee flexion. Therefore, we performed avisual inspection to confirm the resemblance between theindividual posterior tibial slopes and the applied tibial pla-teau plane. Unfortunately, it was not possible to correct formedial and lateral plane differences or for the concaveshape of the medial and lateral tibial plateaus. However,the method is promising for 2 main reasons. First, it esti-mates the direct interaction between relevant bones. Sec-ond, it is not affected by kinematic calculations of the ACS.Nevertheless, a method that segments the articular carti-lage to determine the position and thickness would be ben-eficial when evaluating bone interaction.

10 Nielsen et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine

We designed a machine to load the specimens in a man-ner resembling the pivot-shift test. The final designincluded controlled internal rotation, followed by a kneeflexion movement with high accuracy. It was not possibleto fully satisfy the pivot-shift test because we were unableto apply reliable valgus stress during the flexion move-ment; thus, knee and hip kinematics were completelydependent on internal rotation and flexion movement.However, it could be expected that some valgus stress atthe knee was naturally applied because of the forcefulinternal foot/lower leg rotation. Nevertheless, impingementof the subluxed tibial plateau against the lateral femoralcondyle preventing an easy return, as observed in the pivot-shift test, could not be expected with certainty. Some imple-mented valgus stress in our machine may have resulted in alarger influence of the ALL on knee laxity.15

Our instrument design limited the biomechanical evalu-ation of knee ligaments at large flexion angles (above 60�)because of the confined recording area, but repositioning ofthe machine could produce knee flexion motions closer to90�, if needed, at the expense of low flexion angles. Largerrecording areas with the dRSA technique may be developedin the future, thus simplifying the recording of clinicalmotion exercises.


This ex vivo study confirms that the ALL is a signifi-cant anterolateral stabilizer of the tibiofemoral joint inACL-deficient knees. Furthermore, this study comple-ments the literature by demonstrating that the ALLaffects varus and medial laxity of the knee. AugmentedALL reconstruction with ACL reconstruction signifi-cantly improves knee laxity compared with ACL recon-struction alone. The ALL stabilizes the knee at flexionangles in which the ACL has a minor influence. Thus,ALL reconstruction has the potential to improve rota-tional laxity for patients with a positive pivot-shift signat the time of repeated or primary ACL reconstruction.


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