Indo pacific humpback dolphins

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Indo pacific humpback dolphins

Indo- Pacific Humpback Dolphins

Indo- Pacific Humpback Dolphins By: Josilyn McGee-Smith


Jefferson, T.A., Webber, M.A. & Pitman, R.L. (2008).

Habitat type & Location

Encyclopedia of Life, 2010


Click Below to view the sounds of communicatingwasanajai/Shutterstock

Diet & feeding behavior


First picture on the right is the indo pacific humpback dolphin breaching fish out the water, the second picture is sardines and the last picture is the dolphin breaching out the water to watch mullets.ing5

Types of movement (patterns)

Beasts of Hong Kong, 2012

Natural enemies/defensive behavior & Social or solitary behavior

MarineBio Conservation Society, 2013Wikipedia, 2015

Reproductive behavior, Life cycle

Australian Geographic

Encyclopedia of Life, 2010

Conservation status

Charles Darwin Foundation

Current research on behavior


B R E A C H INGRobert Tharding

M Swiet / Getty Images. T A I LSLAPPING

Thank you for watching!By: Josilyn McGee-Smith