Indian Postal Assistant Aptitude Model Paper

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Indian Postal Assistant Aptitude Model Paper

  • Aptitude Test

    1.The standard scale of temperature is?

    A. Gas scale

    B. Mercury scale

    C. Kelvin scale

    D. Celsius scale

    Ans: C

    2.Beats is a result of the phenomenon of?

    A. Resonance

    B. Interference

    C. Reflection

    D. Echo

    Ans: B

    3.The ratio of tangential stress to velocity gradient is?


    B. Surface tension

    C. Young's modulus

    D. None of the above

    Ans: A

  • 4.An external resistance R is connected to a cell of internal resistance r, the maximum current flows in

    the external resistance when?

    A. R

    B. R>r

    C. R=r

    D. R=any value

    Ans: C

    5.A bomb of mass 16 kg at rest explodes into two pieces of masses of 4 kg and 12 kg. The velocity of the

    12 kg mass is 4 ms-1. The kinetic energy of the other mass is?

    A. 96 J

    B. 144 J

    C. 288 J

    D. 192 J

    Ans: C

    6.Electro cardio graph is used to study?

    A. Blood pressure

    B. Function of lungs

    C. Function of heart

    D. Function of liver

    Ans: C

  • 7.A force of 20N acts on a body of mass 2 kg initially at rest. Find the work done in 2 seconds?

    A. 400J

    B. 20J

    C. 10J

    D. 5J

    Ans: A

    8.A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected. If the plates of the

    capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulating handles?

    A. The charge on the capacitor increases.

    B. The voltage across the plates increases.

    C. The capacitance increases.

    D. The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor decreases.

    Ans: B

    9.The displacement of a body is directly proportional to the square of time. Its acceleration?

    A. Constant

    B. Decreases

    C. Increases

    D. Zero

    Ans: A

  • 10.A particle is moving eastward with a velocity 5 m/sec. In 10 seconds, the velocity changes to 5 m/s

    northward. The average acceleration in this time is?

    A. 122m/sec2 towards northeastern

    B. 12m/sec2 towards northwest

    C. 12m/sec2 towards northwest

    D. 12m/sec2 towards northeast

    Ans: D

    11.The sky is blue in colour because of?

    A. The moisture present in the air

    B. The scattering of light by dust particles or air molecules

    C. Combination of various lights producing blue colour

    D. All the above

    Ans: B

    12.The wire having a black plastic cover is a?

    A. Live wire

    B. Neutral wire

    C. Earth wire

    D. None of these

    Ans: A

    13.A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 g moving at a rate of 20 m/s. If the catching process is

    completed in 0.1 s, the force of the blow exerted by the ball on the hand of the player is equal to?

  • A. 300 N

    B. 150 N

    C. 3 N

    D. 30 N

    Ans: D

    14.What is the audible range of the average human ear?

    A. 20 Hz to 2000Hz

    B. 40 Hz to 4000Hz

    C. 20 Hz to 20000Hz

    D. 40 Hz to 40000Hz

    Ans: C

    15.The blue colour of the sky is explained by?

    A. polarization

    B. reflection

    C. scattering

    D. refraction

    Ans: C

    16.An ice ball floats into a water tank. when the ice melts, the water level?

    A. Rises

    B. Does not change

    C. Falls down

  • D. First increases then decreases

    Ans: B

    17.The capacitive reactance of a condenser in AC circuit is?

    A. wc

    B. 1/wc

    C. c/w

    D. w/c

    Ans: B

    18.The sun remains visible for some time after it actually sets below the horizon. This happens due to?

    A. Atmosphere refraction

    B. Scattering of light

    C. Dispersion

    D. Persistence of vision

    Ans: A

    19.Light year is the unit of?

    A. Distance

    B. Time

    C. force

    D. solar mass

    Ans: A

    20.A charge of 60 c passes through an electric lamp in 2 minutes. then the current in the lamp is?

  • A. 30 A

    B. 1 A

    C. 0.5 A

    D. 5 A

    Ans: C

    21.Ponds looks shallow because of?

    A. Reflection

    B. Refraction

    C. Diffusion

    D. Dispersion

    Ans: B

    22.Which of the following can't be used to make a solar cell?

    A. silicon

    B. platinum

    C. gallium

    D. germanium

    Ans: B

    23.A body moving with uniform acceleration, crosses two fixed points A & B with velocities of 20 m/s

    and 30m/s respectively. The velocity of the body when it is at midpoint of A & B is?

    A. 24 m/s

    B. 24.5 m/s

    C. 25 m/s

  • D. 25.5 m/s

    Ans: D

    24.An iron ball and a wooden ball of the same mass are released from a height "h" in air. Neglecting the

    viscous drag of air?

    A. The iron ball will hit the ground earlier.

    B. The wooden ball will hit the ground earlier.

    C. Both will hit the ground at the same time .

    D. depends upon the place.

    Ans: C

    25.The coefficient of viscosity for hot air is?

    A. Same as the coefficient of viscosity for cold air

    B. Smaller than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air

    C. Greater than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air

    D. Zero

    Ans: C

    26.Which of the following is not an essential condition for interference?

    A. The two interfering waves must be propagated in almost the same direction or

    B. The waves must have the same time period and wavelength

    C. Amplitude of the two waves should be the same

    D. The interfering beams of light must originate from the same source

    Ans: C

  • 1.If in a certain code 'RANGE' is coded as 12345 and 'RANDOM' is coded as 123678, then the code for

    the word 'MANGO' would be?

    A. 82543

    B. 82346

    C. 84563

    D. 82357

    Ans: A

    2. Multiply 12 x 248 ?

    a) 3165

    b) 3165 3/16

    c) 3165 3/4

    d) 3165 3/8

    e) 3166

    Ans: B

    3.After three years, father's age will be ten years more than twice the son's age. What is the father's

    present age.?

    A. 33 years.

    B. 22years.

    C. 44years.

    D. 34years.

    Ans: A

  • 4.A train of length 150 metres takes 40.5 seconds to cross a tunnel of length 300 metres. What is the

    speed of the train in km/hr?

    A. 13.33

    B. 26.67

    C. 40

    D. 66.67

    Ans: C

    5.What is Average age of class?

    The average age of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in the class is 16.4 years while that of

    girls is 15.4 years. What is the ratio of boys to girls in the class?

    A. 1:2

    B. 3:4

    C. 3:5

    D. None of these

    Ans: D

    6. How many 2/3 cup sugar bowls can be filled from 18 cups of sugar?

    a) 12

    b) 21

    c) 24

    d) 27

    e) 36

  • Ans: D

    7.Which of the following trains is the fastest ?

    A. 25 m/sec

    B. 1500 m/min

    C. 90 km/hr

    D. None of these

    Ans: D

    8.If a man can see 500m through one eye then how long he can see through two eyes?

    A. 1000

    B. 100

    C. 500

    D. 250

    Ans: C

    9. Solve: $7.32 is 15% of what amount?

    a) $1.10

    b) $8.42

    c) $10.98

    d) $48.80

    e) $109.80

    Ans: D

  • 10. If a carpenters wages were $452.20 and she paid $94.96 in income tax, what percentage of her

    wages was income tax?

    a) 47.6 %

    b) 4.76%

    c) 24%

    d) 21%

    e) 18%

    Ans: D

    11.If the compound interest on a sum for 2 years at 12% per annum is Rs. 510, the simple interest on

    the same sum at the same rate for the same period of time is :

    A. Rs. 400

    B. Rs. 450

    C. Rs. 460

    D. Rs. 480

    Ans: D

    12.The marked price of a table is Rs 3000 and is available at successive discounts of 20% and 10%

    respectively. If there is an additional discount of 5% on cash payment, then what is the cash price of the


    A. Rs 2400

    B. Rs 2160

    C. Rs 2100

    D. Rs 2052

    E. None of these

    Ans: D

    13. If the total bill was $149.00 and you paid $37.25, what percentage must still be paid?

  • a) 25 %

    b) 40%

    c) 60%

    d) 75%

    e) 80%

    Ans: D

    14. persons can repair a road in 12 days, working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons,

    working 6 hours a day, complete the work?

    A. 10

    B. 13

    C. 14

    D. 15

    Ans: B

    15. A room 8m*6m.Is covered with a carpet of width 2m. Find the length of the carpet?

    A. 12m

    B. 36m

    C. 24m

    D. 48m

    Ans: C

    16.A farmer sold two of his cows for 210/-. He sold one cow at a profit of 10% and other for a loss of

    10%. Totally he gained 5% on selling both the cows. What is the original cost of each cow?

    A. 130 and 70

    B. 150 and 50

  • C. 120 and 80

    D. 115 and 85

    Ans: B

    17.The resultant of two forces is maximum when the angle between them is?

    A. 180

    B. 90

    C. 120

    D. 0

    Ans: B

    18.A bucket containing water is rotated in vertical circle at a high speed. What will happen to the water

    when the bucket is upside down at the highest point?

    a) All the water will spill out

    b) Some water will spill out

    c) Water will be thrown out at a tangent

    d) No water will spill out

    Ans: D

    19.The unit of refractive index is?

    a) Metre

    b) Degree

    c) Dioptre

    d) No unit

    Ans: B

  • 20.Intensity of gravitational field inside a hollow spherical shell is?

    A. Variable

    B. Minimum

    C. Maximum

    D. Zero

    Ans: D

    21.The focal length of a convex lens when placed in air and then in water will?

    A. Increase in water with respect to air

    B. Increase in air with respect to water

    C. Decrease in water with respect to. air

    D. Remain the same

    Ans: A

    22.Zener diode is used for?

    a) Rectification

    b) Amplification

    c) Voltage stabilization

    d) Modulation

    Ans: C

    23.If a bomb was released from a plane moving with uniform velocity, by the time the bomb reached

    the ground, the plane would be?

    a) Vertically above the bomb

    b) Ahead of the bomb

    c) Behind the bomb

  • d) Ahead or behind depending on its velocity

    Ans: A

    24.If the force of gravity were to disappear suddenly

    A. Man would sink to the bottom of the earth

    B. The whole universe would collapse

    C. The earth would break into many pieces to form different planets

    D. Nothing would happen

    Ans: B

    25.Which day is celebrated as Science day?

    a) September 5

    b) November 14

    c) February 28

    d) October 4

    Ans: C

    1.A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?

    A.120 metres

    B.180 metres

    C.324 metres

    D.150 metres

    Ans: D

  • 2. A copper sphere of radius 3 cm is beaten and drawn into a wire of diameter 0.2 cm. The length of the

    wire in meters is ....

    (a) 18

    (b) 24

    (c) 36

    (d) 48

    Ans: C

    3. By selling 12 articles for a rupee, a man loses 20%. How many he should sell for a rupee to get a gain

    of 20%.

    (a) 5

    (b) 8

    (c) 10

    (d) 15

    Ans: B

    4.A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going,

    in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is:

    A.45 km/hr

    B.50 km/hr

    C.54 km/hr

  • D.55 km/hr

    Ans: B

    5.The length of the bridge, which a train 130 metres long and travelling at 45 km/hr can cross in 30

    seconds, is:

    A.200 m

    B.225 m

    C.245 m

    D.250 m

    Ans: C

    6. Fill in the missing letter in the following letter series; S, V, Y, B

    (a) C

    (b) D

    (c) E

    (d) F

    Ans: C

    7. The percentage profit earned on an article by selling it at Rs. 960 was 20, what was the cost price of

    the article?

  • (a) Rs. 600

    (b) Rs. 900

    (c) Rs. 840

    (d) Rs. 800

    Ans: D

    8. Radius of a wheel is 0.25 m. How many rounds will it take to complete the distance of 11 km.

    (a) 2800

    (b) 7000

    (c) 4000

    (d) 5500

    Ans: B

    9.Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17

    seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:

    A.1 : 3

    B.3 : 2

    C.3 : 4

    D.None of these

    Ans: B

    10.A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 20 seconds. If

    the speed of the train is 54 km/hr, what is the length of the platform?

    A.120 m

  • B.240 m

    C.300 m

    D.None of these

    Ans: B

    11. 3, 15, 35, ?, 99, 143

    (a) 63

    (b) 69

    (c) 81

    (d) 85

    Ans: A

    12. 2, 3, 5, ?, 11, 13

    (a) 12

    (b) 6

    (c) 8

    (d) 7

    Ans: C

    13. The middle term of an arithmetic series 3, 7, 11, ....., 147 is

    (a) 71

    (b) 75

    (c) 79

    (d) 83

    Ans: B

  • 14. If A, B and C are angles of a triangle and tan A=1, tan B = 2, then tan C is equal to

    (a) 1

    (b) 3

    (c) -3

    (d) -1

    Ans: B

    15. If the volume of a sphere is divided by its surface area, the result is 27 cm. The radius of the sphere

    in cm is ....

    (a) 9

    (b) 27

    (c) 81

    (d) 243

    Ans: C

    16.A train 240 m long passes a pole in 24 seconds. How long will it take to pass a platform 650 m long?

    A.65 sec

    B.89 sec

    C.100 sec

    D.150 sec

    Ans: B

    17.Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/hr and 36

    km/hr. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is:

  • A.50 m

    B.72 m

    C.80 m

    D.82 m

    Ans: A

    18. Sarla secured 24 marks more in Geography than in English. The difference between the marks

    obtained by her in English and Science is 16. What are her marks is Science?

    (a) 36

    (b) 40

    (c) 60

    (d) Data inadequate

    Ans: D

    19. What Should come in place of multiple marks (x)

    7942 3587 = 6.5 x ?

    (a) 640

    (b) 760

    (c) 670

    (d) 680

    Ans: C

    20. The difference between two numbers is 8 and their ratio is 1:5. Which of the following is the smaller


  • (a) 24

    (b) 8

    (c) 16

    (d) 2

    Ans: D

    21. If you are ninth person from both the ends in a row, then how many persons are there in the row?

    (a) 10

    (b) 15

    (c) 17

    (d) 19

    Ans: C

    22.A train 360 m long is running at a speed of 45 km/hr. In what time will it pass a bridge 140 m long?

    A.40 sec

    B.42 sec

    C.45 sec

    D.48 sec

    Ans: A

    23. When a number is divided by 7, the remainder 4. When the same number is divided by 6, the

    remainder is 3. What is the number?

    (a) 39

    (b) 37

  • (c) 48

    (d) 56

    Ans: A

    24.Two trains are moving in opposite directions @ 60 km/hr and 90 km/hr. Their lengths are 1.10 km

    and 0.9 km respectively. The time taken by the slower train to cross the faster train in seconds is:





    Ans: C

    25.A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside a railway track in 240 metres ahead of the engine of a 120

    metres long train running at 45 kmph in the same direction. In how much time will the train pass the


    A.3.6 sec

    B.18 sec

    C.36 sec

    D.72 sec

    Ans: C

    26. The average age of NutanPrakash, Gouri and Ramesh is 21 years. The average age of Gouri and

    Ramesh is 18 years. What is the average age of Nutan and Prakash?

    (a) 24 years

  • (b) 26 years

    (c) 20 years

    (d) 22 years

    Ans: A