Index to Proceedings of the Trusteeship Council, 1955-1956 · EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. This Index to...

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Transcript of Index to Proceedings of the Trusteeship Council, 1955-1956 · EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. This Index to...





Fifth Special Session

Seventeenth Session



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Fifth Special Session

Seventeenth Session




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Fifth Special Session25 October to 14 December 1955

Seventeenth Session7 February to 6 April 1956

United Nations Headquarters Library

Bibliographical Series No. T.12



: I



Fifth Specia l Session25 October to 14 December 1955

Seventeenth Session7 February to 6 April 1956

United Nations Headquarters Library

Bibliographical Series No. T.12



: I



Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letterscombined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference toa United Nations document.

, ST/L1B1SER.B(1.;;-;

1- October 1951i --I

Price: $U.S. 0.30; 2/- stg.; 1.2:;(or equivalent in other currencies)







Symbols of United Nations documents are composed nf capital It·ttt~r5

combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a rcfcn~nce tlla United Nations document.

~T/LrBISERBrl;;-i1- October 1951i --I

Price: $U.S. 0.30; 2(- stg.; 1.2:;(or equivalent in other currencies)








Explanatory note iv

Ab breviations v

Fifth Special Session

Agenda .

Subject index ..

Index to speeches .

Numerical list of documents ..

A. Introduction





••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• a , ' ••• 1





Seventeenth SessionA. Introduction:

Date and meeting place ,...................... 7Members and terms of office "...................... 7Officers 7Plenary meetings ,.,............... 7Standing committees ,................. 7Ad hoc committees ,........... 8Resolutions and decisions................................................... 8

B. Agenda , ,...... 9

C. Subject index........................................................................ 10

D. Index to speeches.................................................................. 21

E. Numerical list of documents................................................... 24


SE 52 & 2£,S£2Z2MW££&i£SZ21C£W,& =====Mlb4Mttl£&if&k~


Explanatory note '" '" " . . .. . . . iv

Ab breviations v

Fifth Special Session

Agenda ..

Subject index ..

Index to speeches .

Numerical list of documents ..

A. Introduction





••••••••••• .. ••••••• •• ••• a " , ••• 1





Seventeenth SessionA. Introduction:

Date and nieeting place ,...................... 7Members and terms of office................................................ 7Officers 7Plenary meetings ,................. 7Standing committees , ,...... 7Ad hoc committees ,........... 8Resolutions and decisions................................................... 8

B. Agenda ,...... 9

C. Subject index........................................................................ 10

D. Index to speeches.................................................................. 21

E. Numerical list of documents................................................... 24


EXPLANATORY NOTE1. This Index to Proceedings of the 5th sp~cial an? 17th .sessions of t~~e

Trusteeship Council is intended to offer a bibh?graphlca~ gU1d~ t~. t~e (11s-. d documentation of the meetings. Bemg a sessional index It does

CUSSlOn an itt t' bet, 'cellnot include standing committees or ad hoc. com:n:I ees mee lllg ~"

sessions. However, because of the close. r~latI~n .of Its work to. eac~ SP(~I~~session, the Standing Committee on Petitions IS included, The index C0l1S1sb

of the following parts :

Part A. IntroductionThis part includes lists of meetings, giving, m tabular form, meeting

numbers and dates of meetings.

Part B. AgendaThe items on the agenda are listed in part B, with references to the

relevant subject headings used in part C.

Part C. Subject indexThe subjects dealt with during the session are a:ranged .alphabeti~ally

in this section where will be found, under appropriate subject headings,references to the documentation, discussions, and disposition of each it~m.The agenda item number is indicated in parentheses following the subjectheading.

Part D. Index to speechesSpeeches by representatives are listed in part D. The remarks of the

President of the Council and of chairmen of committees are normally notindexed. However, the speeches of chairmen Or rapporteurs of committeesare indexed when they present or explain the reports of their committeesto the Council. The index is arranged in alphabetical order by country ororganization, subdivided by subject discussed, with the indication of themeeting at which the speech was made.

Part E. Numerical list of documentsThis is a list of the documents included in this index, arranged by

document symbols.

2. Official Records

All the summary and verbatim records of plenary and committeemeetings of the Trusteeship Council appear first in mimeographed form.Summary records of plenary meetings are later printed as separate fasciclesin the Official Records of the session, whereas summary records of committeemeetings remain in mimeographed form. Of the other documents, someappear initially as printed supplements to the Official Records-a fact alwaysindicated in this index-but all the rest are first issued in mimeographedform. Most of them are snbsequently printed in the annexes to the OfficialRecords, where they are grouped into fascicles according to agenda itemnumbers. The resolutions adopted by the Council, which are :first issued inmim~ographed form, are collected in the printed S~tpplement No. 1 to theOfficial Records of the session. After their republication in the OfficialRecords, the provisional documents described above are no longer availablein their mimeographed form.

The ,Printed material concerning a specific item on the agenda of the5th special and 17th. sessIO!1S .of the Trusteeship Council may easily beobtamed after consultmg this index and requesting:

Tr~tsteeship Council Official Records, 5th Special Session, or 17th Session.Meeting - (specify meeting number) for summary fascicles.

S%p~lement . No. . - (specify supplement number) for documents initiallyIssued m this form.

Annex~s, Agenda Item - (specify agenda item number) for republication ofmlmeographed documents.

S%pplemmt No. 1 for resolutions.


EXPLANATORY NOTE1. This Index to Proceedings of the 5th sp~cial an? 17th .sessions of t~~e

Trusteeship Council is intended to offer a bibh?graphlca~ gU1d~ t~. t~e (11s-. d documentation of the meetings. Bemg a sesSlOnal mdex It does

CUSSlOn an 'tt t' bet, 'cellnot include standing committees or ad hoc. com:n:I ees mee lllg ~"

sessions. However, because of the close. r~latI~n .of Its work to. eac~ SP(~I~~session, the Standing Committee on PetItIOns IS mcluded. The llldex C0l1S1sb

of the following parts :

Part A. Introd'tfctl:onThis part includes lists of meetings, giving, m tabular form, meeting

numbers and dates of meetings.

Part B. AgendaThe items on the agenda are listed in part B, with references to the

relevant subject headings used in part C.

Part C. Subject indexThe subjects dealt with during the session are a:ranged .alphabeti~ally

in this section where will be found, under approprIate subject headmgs.references to the documentation, discussions, and disposition of each it~m.The agenda item number is indicated in parentheses following the subjectheading.

Part D. Index to speechesSpeeches by representatives are listed in part D. The remarks of the

President of the Council and of chairmen of committees are normally notindexed. However, the speeches of chairmen Or rapporteurs of committeesare indexed when they present or explain the reports of their committeesto the Council. The index is arranged in alphabetical order by country ororganization, subdivided by subject discussed, with the indication of themeeting at which the speech was made.

Part E. Numerical list of documentsThis is a list of the documents included in this index, arranged by

document symbols.

2. Official Records

All the summary and verbatim records of plenary and committeemeetings of the Trusteeship Council appear first in mimeographed form.Summary records of plenary meetings are later printed as separate fasciclesin the Official Records of the session, whereas summary records of committeemeetings remain in mimeographed form. Of the other documents, someappear initially as printed supplements to the Official Records-a fact alwaysindicated in this index-but all the rest are first issued in mimeographedform. Most of them are snbsequently printed in the annexes to the OfficialRecords, where they are grouped into fascicles according to agenda itemnumbers. The resolutions adopted by the Council, which are :first issued inmim~ographed form, are collected in the printed S~tpplement No. 1 to theOffic'tal Records of the session. After their republication in the OfficialRecords, the provisional documents described above are no longer availablein their mimeographed form.

The ,Printed material ~oncerning a specific item on the agenda of the5th ~pecIa] and 17th. sessIO!1S .of the Trusteeship Council may easily beobtamed after consultmg thIS mdex and requesting:

Tr~tsteeship Council Official Records, 5th Special Session, or 17th Session.Meeting - (specify meeting number) for summary fascicles.

S%p~lement . No. . - (specify supplement number) for documents initiallyIssued 1ll thIS form.

Annex~s, Agenda Item - (specify agenda item number) for republication ofmlmeographed documents.

S%pplemmt No. 1 for resolutions.



Add. AddendumAdmin. Unions Standing Committee on Administrative

UnionsArt ArticleCarneroons under Br. adm. : pets Cameroons under British administration:

petitionsCameroons under Fr. adm. : pets Cameroons under French administration:

petitionsCorr CorrigendumCttee CommitteeGA General AssemblyGAOR General Assembly Official Recordsno numberOBS Observationspar. paragraphpets petitionspt partplen plenaryRev revisionsess sessionSC Security CouncilSornaliland under It. adm. : pets Somaliland under Italian administration:

petitionsStand. Cttee on Pets Standing Committee on Petitionssuppl. supplementTogoland under Br. adm.: pets Togoland under British administration:

petitionsTogoland under Fr. adm.: pets Togoland under French administration:

petitionsTC Trusteeship CouncilTCOR Trusteeship Council Official RecordslTK United KingdomUN United NationsUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientificand

Cultural OrganizationUSA United States of AmericaUSSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsvol. volumeWHO World Health Organization



Add. AddendulnAdmin. Unions Standing Committee on Administrative

UnionsArt ArticleCameroons under Br. adm. : pets Cameroons under British administration:

petitionsCameroons under Fr. adm. : pets Cameroons under French administration:

petitionsCorr CorrigendumCttee CommitteeGA General AssemblyGAOR General Assembly Official Recordsno numberOBS Observationspar. paragraphpets petitionspt partplen plenaryRev revisionsess sessionSC Security CouncilSomaliland under It. adm. : pets Somaliland under Italian administration:

petitionsStand. Cttee on Pets Standing Committee on Petitionssuppl. supplementTogoland under Br. adm.: pets Togoland under British administration:

petitionsTogoland under Fr. adm.: pets Togoland under French administration:

petitionsTC Trusteeship COlmcilTCOR Trusteeship Council Official RecordslTK United KingdomUN United NationsUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural OrganizationUSA United States of AmericaUSSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsvol. volumeWHO World Health Organization





The 5th special session of the Trusteeship Council was openedon 2/i October 1955 at Headquarters, New York, by the Presi­dent, Mr. Urquia (El Salvador), and was closed on 14 Decemberi955,


President; Mr. M. R Urqufa (El Salvador)

Australia .. ", "" Art. !loaBelgi U In "" ".. Art. l:\(iaChina ..... " .. " .. " ". Art. 8libEl Salvador ." " .. Art. Hlic

France ."." " .. Art. !lliaHaiti " Art. 86eIndia "" " .. Art. 8lieNew Zealand "" Art. 86aSyria "" .. " Art. 86eUSSR " ".. Art. 86bUK " .. Art. 8GaUSA " " " " .. Art. 8Ga

Members Bas;s oftemlre

Date of electionbl! General


27 Oct 1952

5 Oct 195,J5 Oct 1953

27 Oct195:!

Terme OfOffice b





llIertinU8 a natl!, 1955 111eetinusa Date, 191i5~~~-

647 2/i Oct 650 23 Noy648 21 Nov 651 25 Noy649 22 Nov G52 14 Dec

a Summary records of meetings are issued as Official Recordsfascicles and bear the symbol T(SR... and a number correspondingto that of the meeting, e.g, T(SRli47.

El. Italy and States members of the UN Advisory Council forSomaliland participate, without right to vote, in the debateon the reports of the Administering Authority or on petitionsconcerning Somali/and under Italian administration.

b Terms of office begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.



The collected resolutions and decisions of the 5th specialsession are contained in document T(1217 (TCOR, 5th specialsess.. suppl. no. 1).




The 5th special session of the Trusteeship Council was openedon 2/i October 1955 at Headquarters, New York, by the Presi­dent, Mr. Urqula (El Salvador), and was closed on 14 December1955,


President; Mr. M. R. Urqufa (El Salvador)

Australia " "" Art. !loaBelgium "" " .. Art. l:luaChina ..... ".............. Art. SubEl Salvador ." Art. HlicFrance " .. Art. !luaHaiti " " .. Art. l:l6cIndia " "" " .. Art. 86cNew Zealand " Art. 86aSyria " .. " Art. 86cUSSR "........ Art. 8fibUK " .. Art. t\(iaUSA .. " " .. Art. 8lia

Members Bas;. oftemlre

Date of eledionbl! General


27 Oct 1952

5 Oct j 95,J5 Oct 1953

27 Octl952

'l'el'1ns OfOffice b





llIertinu~ a Datl!, 1955 l11eetinus a Date, 191i5~~~-

647 240ct 650 23 Noy648 21 Nov 651 25 Noy649 22 Nov li52 14 Dec

a Summary records of meetings arc issued as Official Recordsfascicles and bear the symbol T/SR... and a number correspondingto that of the meeting, e,g. TfSR.li47.

IEl. Italy and States members of the UN Advisory Council for

Somaliland participate, without right to vote, in the debateon the reports of the Administering Authority or on petitionsconcerning Somaliland under Italian administration.

b Terms of office begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.



The collected resolutions and decisions of the 5th specialsession are contained in document T/1217 (TCOR, 5th specialsess., supp!. no. 1).

B. AGENDA1. Adoption of the agenda

See Trusteeship Council, agenda

2. General Assembly resolution 860 (IX) : the Togoland unification problemand the future of the Trust Territory of Togoland under British adminis­tration

See Togoland: unification

;J. Arrangements for a periodic visiting mission to Trust Territories in thePacific in 1956

See United Nations Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific, 1956



B. AGENDA1. Adoption of the agenda

See Trusteeship Council, agenda

2. General Assembly resolution 860 (IX) : the Togoland unification problemand the future of the Trust Territory of Togoland under British adminis­tration

See Togoland: unification

;J. Arrangements for a periodic visiting mission to Trust Territories in thePacific in 1956

See Unite.l Nations Visiting Mission to TlWlt Territories in the Pacific, 1956



C. SUBJECT INDEXGold Coast: & Togoland under British administration: See Togo­

land: unification

Togoland:-unification (agenda item 2)

General Assembly resolution 860 (IX)

DocumentsFrance. Statement made at 6/18th meeting of the Council

concerning special report of the Visiting Mission to theTrust Territories of Togoland under British Administrationand Togoland under French Administration. T/1215

India, USA. Draft resolution. T/L.621Secretary-General. Note transmitting petitions. T/1213TC. Draft special report. T/L.62~

UE:. Observations on special report of UN Visiting Missionto the Trust Territories of Togoland under British Adminis­tration and Togoland under French Administration, 1955.T/1214

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togolandunder British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 19f1fl. Special report. Tf1206 and Add.L

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 648-652Draft resolution in TfL.6il adopted (9-0-3) as resolution

I,H:i8 (S-5) at 650th meetingDraft special report in TfL.622 adopted (8-0-4) at 651st


Togoland under British administration:

- & Gold CoastSee under Togoland: unification tOY documentation and discussion

Trusteeship Council:-agenda (agenda item 1)

Provisional agenda. T/1203

Discussion in Pienary: Meetings 647, 652Provisional agenda adopted at M 7th meeting. Text in Tf1207Item relating to future of Togoland under British adminis­

tration deleted from agenda at 652nd meeting

---decisionsCollected resolutions. T/1217 (TeaR, 5th special sess., supp!.

no. 1)

Trusteeship Council (continued)

-documents: publicationDiscussion in Plenary: Meeting 652

-officersMr. M. R. Urquia (El Salvador) elected President at 643rd

meeting of 16th session

-organization of workDiscussion in Plenary: Meeting 647

-resolutionsCollected resolutions. Tf1217 (TCOR, 5th special sess., suppl.

no. 1)

Trusteeship Council, 11th session: .

-dateDiscussion in Plenary: Meeting 652

-organization oC workDiscussion in Plenary: Meetings 651, 652

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo­land under British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 1955:

-report on 'I'ogoland under Britislt administration. Tf 1210(agenda item 2)

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 652

Item removed from agenda. Decided to consider it atLSth session of the Council

United Nations Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,1956 (agenda item 3)

DocumentsHaiti. Draft resolution concerning terms of reference.

T/L.620Secretary-General. Notes. Tf1212 and Add.I, Add.2

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 6117-649

Belgium, Guatemala, India, UK elected at 647th meetingNominations of Messrs D. Massonet, R. Bennet, M. E.

Chacko and J. Macpherson by their respective govern­ments approved at MBth meeting

Draft resolution by Haiti in TfL.620 adopted as resolution1367 (8-5) at 649th meeting



C. SUBJECT INDEXGold Coast: & Togoland under British administration: See Togo­

land: unification

Togoland:-unification (agenda item 2)

General Assembly resolution 860 (IX)

DoctlmentsFrance. Statement made at 6/18th meeting of the Council

concerning special report of the Visiting Mission to theTrust Territories of Togoland under British Administrationand Togoland under French Administration. T/1215

India, USA. Draft resolution. T/L.621Secretary-General. Note transmitting petitions. T/1213TC. Draft special report. T/L.62~

UE:. Observations on special report of UN Visiting Missionto the Trust Territories of Togoland under British Adminis­tration and Togoland under French Administration, 1955.T/1214

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togolandunder British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 19f1fl. Special report. Tf1206 and Add.1.

.Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 648-652Draft resolution in TfL.6i1 adopted (9-0-3) as resolution

1,H:i8 (S-5) at 650th meetingDraft special report in TfL.622 adopted (8-0-4) at 651st


Togoland under British administration:

- & Gold CoastSee under Togolllnd: unification tOY documentation and discussion

Trusteeship Council:-agenda (agenda item 1)

Pl'ovisional agenda. T/1203

Discussion in Pl,mary: lVIeelings 64.7, 652Provisional agenda adopted at M 7th meeting. Text in Tf1207Item relating to future of Togoland under British adminis­

tration deleted from agenda at 652nd meeting

---decisionsCollected resolutions. T/1217 (TeaR, 5th special sess., supp!.

no. 1)

Trusteeship Council (continued)

-documents: publicationDiscussion in Plenary: Meeting 652

-officersMr. M. R. Urqu{a (El Salvador) elected President at 643rd

meeting of 16th session

-organization of workDiscussion in Plenary: Meeting 647

-resolutionsCollected resolutions. Tf1217 (TCOR, 5th special sess., suppL

no. 1)

Trusteeship Council, 11th session: .

-dateDiscussion in Plenary: Meeting 652

-organization oC workDiscussion in Plenary: Meetings 651., 652

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo­land under British Administration and Togoland Ullder FrenchAdministration, 1955:

-report on Togolllnd under Britislt administration. Tf 121.0(agenda item 2)

Discussion in Plerlary: Meeting 652Item removed from agenda. Decided to consider it at

18th session of the Council

United Natious Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,1956 (agenda item 3)

DocumentsHaiti. Draft resolution concerning terms of reference.

T/L.620Secretary-GeneraL Notes. Tf1212 and Add.t. Add.2

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 6117-649Belgium, Guatemala, India, UK elected at 647th meetingNominations of Messrs D. l\IIassonet, R. Bennet, M. E.

Chacko and J. Macpherson by their respective govern­ments approved at MBth meeting

Draft resolution by Haiti in TfL.620 adopled as resolution1367 (8-5) at 649th meeting




El Salvador

Togoland : unification Plen : 649-651UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1956 PI en : 647-6/,9

Plen: 650, 651Territories in the Pacific,

Plen: 6/19

Plen : t).i!J·li51Plen: l,l51

Pacific,Plen: I',HI

Plen : [H,9·r;;;!Plen: li51Plen: (Jr.tPion: 1Ir.2

the Pacific,Plen : on, lil9

Plen : (H!I. '\;'1the Paci fie,

Plen: li19


Togoland : unificationTC 5th sess., special: organization of workTC 17th sess.: date

organization of workUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in


New Zealallll

Togoland : unificationUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in



Togoland : unification Plen: O-i!J·r.:HTC 5th sess., special: organization of work PIen : ti~l1

UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,1956 Plen: 647. Oi9

Union of Soviet Socialist Repuhlics

Togoland : unificationTC 5th sess. special: organization of workUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the


Plen: 651

Plen: 6/19-651Plen: 652

the Pacific,Plen: 64.9

Plen: 650, 651the Pacific,

Plen: 649


Togoland: unificationTC 17th sess: organization of workUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in



Togoland: unificationUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in



Togoland: unificationUN Visiting Mission to Trust


Economic and Social Ceuncih Secretary

Togoland : unification

PIon: t';':!Plen: li~.t

the Pacific,Plon: III i·I'I!1

Plen : lii !J.I';' ITerritories in the Pacific.

PI en : 6·~ Ii. I, i!'

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Togoland : unification Plen: iihHi~>l

TC 5th sess., special: organization of work Plen: G4. 7, 1i51. ti;,:!TC i 7th sess. :

dateorganization of work

UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in1956

United Slates of AnIeriell

Togoland: unificationUN Visiting Mission to Trust


Togoland : unification Plen: 648, 651TC 5th sess., special: organization of work Plen: 647, 652TC 17th sess.: date Plen: 652UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1956 Plen: 61J,7, 6HJ



Togoland: unification Pion: 649-651TC 17th sess.: date Plen : 65tUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1056 Plen: 649



El Salvador

Togo1and: uniftcation Plen : 649-651UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1956 PIen : G4.7-61,9


Togoland: unification Plen: G5G, 651UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1956 Plen: 6119


Togoland: unification Plen: 650, 651UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1956 Plen: 649

Plen: [H,9·r;;;!Plen: 1:;51Plen: (J;;tPien: 11;;2

the Pacific,Plen: 6n, (;19

Plen: (H11, O:ilthe Pacific,

Plen: lii9


Togoland: unificationTC 5th sess., special: organization of workTC 17th sess.: date

organization of workUN Visiting MissiDn to Trust Territories in


New Zealallll

Togoland: unificationUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in



Togoland: unificatiDn Plen: 6-i!J.t"~ll

TC 5th sess., special: organization of work PIen : ti~l1

UN VisitUlg Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,i95G Plen: 6<i7. ui!l

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Togoland: unification Plen; tH!I-li51TC 5th sess" special: organization of work Plen: l,i51UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

195G Plcn: I',HI

Plen: G51

Plen: 6119-651Plen: 652

the Pacific,Plen: 64.9


Togoland: unificationTC 17th sess.: organization of workUN Visiting Mission to Trust Ten'Haries in


Economic and Social COllncill Secretary

Togoland: unification

Plen: t'~':!

Plen: li~.t

the Pacific,Plen: III i·I';!1

Plen: lii !J-I,~,l

the Pacific.PIen : 6·~1i. 1"1'

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Togoland: unification Plen: Gh!-li~>l

TC 5th sess., special: organization of worl, Plen: 64. 7, liil I, li~,:!

TC 17th sess. :dateorganization of work

UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in195G

United Slates of AnIericll

Togoland: unificationUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in


Togoland: unification Plen: 648, 651TC 5th sess., special: organization of work Plen: 647, 652TC 17th sess.: date Plen: 652UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1956 Plen: M7, 6HJ



Togoland: unification Pion: 649-651TC 17th sess.: date PIen: 65tUN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in the Pacific,

1056 Plen: 64.9


E. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS(1) Plenary (continued)

1216 Document of 17th session1:.!17 (TeOR, 5th special sess., suppl. no. 1)

(2) Limited Series


(3) Summary Records


(4,) Supplements to Officiol Records

No. 1 Resolutions, 5th special session. Dee 1955. iL p. (1'/1217).$U.5. 0.10; gel. stg.: Sw. fr. O.M)


(1) Plenary

T/120iJ1204 Document of '[8th session1205 Document of 17th session1206 and Add. i12071208 Document of 17th sessionUOU Document of 17th sessioni210 Document of 18th session1211 Document of 17th session1212 and Adc1.1. Add.21213-1215


(1) Plenary

T/120iJ1204 Document of 18th session1205 Document of 17th session1206 anel Ac1el.i12071208 Document of 17th sessionl:!OU Document of 17th sessioni210 Document of 18th session1211 Document of 17th session1212 and Adcl.l, Add.21213-1215


(1) Plenary (continued)

1216 Document of 17th session1:.!17 (TeOR, 5th special sess., suppl. no. i)

(2) Limited Series


(3) Summary Records


(4,) Supplements to Officiol RecOl'ds

No. 1 ResDlutions, 5th special session. Dee 1955. 4 p. (1'/1217).$U.5. 0.10; gel. stg.: Sw, fr. O.M)

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k_zaZ= £ Eas2£


i2 Mar2 May

Dute, 1956


:1 Feb 19552 Feb 19563 Feb 19566 Feb 19567 Feb 19568 Feb 19569 Feb 1956

10 Feb 1956i3 Feb 195614 Feb 195615 Feb 195616 Feb 195620 Feb 195621 Feb 195623 Feb 195624 Feb 195625 Feb 1956

2 Mar 19566 Mar 19567 Mar 19569 Mar 1956

12 Mar 195613 Mar 195615 Mar 195616 Mar 195622 Mar 195622 Mar 195623 Mar 195626 Mar 195621 Mar 1956<'8 !VIar 19563 Apr lU56




MeeUnus a

l'1Iedinus a

13 Feb20 Feb

Date, 1956




Meetinus a

Meetinus a

a Summary records of meetings bear the symbol T/C,l/SR.­and a number corresponding to that of the meeting, e.g.,T/C.l/SR.7/1 .

Standing Committee on Administrative Unions. Established at7th session, 311th plenary meeting on 17 July 1950. Terms ofreference in resolutions 81 (IV). 293 (VII) and 420 (X). Mem­bers: appointed at 484th plenary meeting, 28 January 1954.,as follows: China, Haiti, New Zealand, USA. At 65Mh plenarymeeting Guatemala was appointed to replace Haiti. Chairman:Mr. Emilio Arnales Catalan (Guatemala) elected at 14th meeting,13 February 1955. Series symbol: T/C.l/-. Reports: T/L.565, 653.

Standing Committee 011 Petitions. Established at LOth session,397th meeting Oil 13 March 1952. Terms of reference in resolution'425 (X). Members: Appointed at 17th session, 646th plenarymeeting on 22 July 1955 as follows: Australia, Belgium, France,Haiti, India, USSR. Chairman: Mr. R. j aipal (India), electedat 28Mh meeting on 4. August 1955. Series symbol: T/C.2/-.Reports: See Trust Territories: petitions: examination, 17thsession, p. 18 NIeetings:

284 4. Aug 1955285 4 Aug 1955286 3 Jan 1956287 3 Jan 1956288 11 Jan 1956289 5 Jan 1956290 6 Jan 1956291 9 j an 1956292 9 Jan J956293 10 Jan 1956294 11 Jan 1956295 13 j an 1956296 13 Jail 1956297 16 Jail 1956298 17 Jan 1956299 17 Jan 1956300 18 Jan 1956301 i8 Jail 1956302 19 Jan 1956303 19 Jan 1956304 20 Jan 1956305 • 23 Jan 1956306 24 Jail 1956307 24 Jan 1956308 25 Jan 1956309 25 Jan 1956310 26 Jail 1956311 26 Jan 1956312 27 Jan 1956313 27 Jan 1956314 30 Jan 1956315 30 Jan 1956316 31 Jan 1956

a Summary records of meetings bear the symbol T/C.2/SR.- anda number corresponding to that of the meeting, e.g., T/C.2/SR.284.

Terms01 Offioe a

1956-195816 Dec. 1955

20 Oct. 1955 1956-1958[) Oct. 1953 1954-1956

'l Oct. 195:i 1954-195614 Dec. 1955

re-elected20 Oct. 1955 1956-1958

Date 01 eleotioo byGeneral ..1sstmlbll/

Basis 01tenure

Art. 86aArt. 8GaArt. 8GeArt. 86bArt. 86aArt. 86eArt. 86cArt. 8GcArt. 86aArt. 86aArt. 86c




The 17th session of the Trusteeship Council was held at theUnited Nations Headquarters in New York, 7 February to6 April 1956.

Australia ..Belgium .Burma .China ..France .Guatemala ..Haiti .India ..Italy .New Zealand .Syria ..

a Summary records of meetings are issued as official recordsfascicles and bear the symbol T/SR.- and a number corres­ponding to that of the meeting, e.g. T/SR,653. Verbatim recordsof meetings are issued in mimeographed form only, in theseries T/PV.-, e.g., T/PV.653.

USSR ..................... Art. 8GbUK ........................ Art . 86aUSA........................ Art. 86a

a Terms of office begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.

OFFICERSPresident: Mr. Mason Sears (USA)Vice-President: Mr. Max H. Dorsinville (Haiti)


Meetinosa Date, 1956 Meetinus a Date, 1956

,653 7 Feb 677 6 Mar

! 65 /1 8 Feb 678 7 Mar

f655 9 Feb 679 8 Mar656 10 Feb 680 8 Mar

i 657 13 Feb 681 9 Mar658 ill Feb 682 12 Mar659 15 Feb 683 13 Mar660 16 Feb 684 III Mar

061 17 Feb 685 14 Mar662 17 Feb 686 15 Mar

063 20 Feb 687 16 Mar

064 21 Feb 688 19 Mar

665 21 Feb 689 20 Mar

666 23 Feb 690 21 Mar

667 2/l Feb 691 21 Mar

668 27 Feb 692 22 Mar

6H9 28 Feb 693 23 Mar

l\70 28 Feb 694 26 Mar

671 29 Feb 695 27 Mar

672 29 Feb 696 29 Mar

67::3 1 Mar 697 2 Apr

674 2 Mar 698 4 Apr

675 5 Mar 699 5 Apr

676 5 Mar 700 6 Apr


k_zaZ= £ Eas2£


12 Mar2 May

Date, 1956


1 Feb 19562. Feb 19563 Feb 19566 Feb 19567 Feb 19568 Feb 19569 Feb 1956

10 Feb 195613 Feb 195614 Feb 195615 Feb 195616 Feb 195620 Feb 195621 Feb 195623 Feb 195624 Feb 195625 Feb 1956

2 Mar 19566 Mar 19567 Mar 19569 Mar 1956

12 Mar 195613 Mar 195615 Mar 195616 Mar 195622 Mar 195622 Mar 195623 Mar 195626 Mar 195621 Mar 1956;l8 !VIar 19563 Apr lU56





l'1Iedinus a

13 Feb20 Feb

Date, 1956




Meetinus a

Meetinus a

Standing Committee on Administrative Unions. Established at7th session, 311th plenary meeting on 17 July 1950. Terms ofreference in resolutions 81 (IV). 293 (VII) and 420 (X). Mem­bers: appointed at 484th plenary meeting, 28 January 1954.,as follows: China, Haiti, New Zealand, USA. At 65Mh plenarymeeting Guatemala was appointed to replace Haiti. Chairman:Mr. Emilio Arnales Catalan (Guatemala) elected at 14th meeting,13 February 1956. Series symbol: T/C.l/-. Reports: T/L.565, 663.

a Summary records of meetings bear the symbol T/C.l/SR.­and a number corresponding to that of the meeting, e.g.,T/C.l/SR.7/1.

Standing Committee 011 Petitions. Established at 10th session,397th meeting Oll 13 March 1952. Terms of reference in resolution'425 (X). Members: Appointed at 17th session, 646th plenarymeeting on 22 July 1955 as follows: Australia, Belgium, France,Haiti, India, USSR. Chairman: Mr. R. Jaipal (India), electedat 28Mh meeting on 4. August 1955. Series symbol: T/C.2/-.Reports: See Trust Territories: petitiolls: examination, 17thsession, p. 18 Meetings:

284 4, Aug 1955285 4, Aug 1955286 3 Jan 1956287 3 Jan 1956288 4 Jan 1956289 5 Jan 1956290 6 Jan 1956291 9 Jan 1956292 9 Jan J956293 10 Jan Ig56294 11 Jan 1956295 13 Jan 1956296 13 Jan 1956297 16 Jan 1956298 17 Jan 1956299 17 Jan 1956300 18 Jan 1956301 18 Jan 1956302 19 Jan 1956303 19 Jan 1956304 20 Jan 1956305 • 23 Jan 1956306 24 Jan 1956307 24 Jan 1956308 25 Jan 1956309 25 Jan 1956310 26 Jan 1956311 26 Jan 1956312 27 Jan 1956313 27 Jan 1956314 30 Jan 1956315 30 Jan 1956316 31 Jan 1956

a Summary records of meetings bear the symbol T/C.Z/SR.- anda number corresponding to that of the meeting, e.g., T/C.2/SR.284.

Terms01 Offioe a


20 Oct. 1955 1956-1958[) Oct. 1953 1954-1956

'l Oct. 195:i 1954-195614 Dec. 1955

re-elected20 Oct. 1955 1956-1958

16 Dec. 1955

Date 01 eleotion byGeneral .Assembly

Art. 86aArt. 8GaArt. 8GcArt. 86bArt. 86aArt. 86cArt. 86cArt. 86cArt. 86aArt. 86aArt. 86c

Basis 01lenure


The 17th session of the Trusteeship Council was held at theUnited Nations Headquarters in New York, 7 February to6 April 1956.



Australia ..Belgium .Burma .China ..France .Guatemala ..l1:aiti .India ..Italy .New Zealand .Syria ..

R Summary records of meetings are issued as official recordsfascicles and bear the symbol T/SR.- and a number corres­ponding to that of the meeting, e.g. T/SR,653. Verbatim recordsof meetings are issued in mimeographed form only, in theseries T/PV.-, e.g., T/PV.653.

USSR ..................... Art. 86bUK ........................ Art . 86aUSA........................ Art. 86a

R Terms of office begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.

OFFICERSPresident: :Mr. Mason Sears (USA)Vice-President: Mr. Max H. Dorsinville (Haiti)


Meetinos a Date, 1956 Meetinus a Date, 1956

,653 7 Feb 677 6 Mar

! 65/1 8 Feb 678 7 Mar

fti55 9 Feb 679 8 Mar656 10 Feb 680 8 Mar, 657 13 Feb 681 9 Mar658 ill Feb 682 12 Mar659 15 Feb 683 13 Mar660 16 Feb 684 III Mar

061 17 Feb 685 14 Mar662 17 Feb 686 15 Mar

063 20 Feb 687 16 Mar

064 21 Feb 688 19 Mar

665 21 Feb 689 20 Mar

666 23 Feb 690 21 Mar

667 2/l Feb 691 21 Mar

668 27 Feb 692 22 Mar

6G9 28 Feb 6g3 23 Mar

l\70 28 Feb 694 26 Mar

671 29 Feb 695 27 Mar

672 29 Feb 696 29 Mar

67::3 1 Mar 6g7 2 Apr

674 2 Mar 698 4 Apr

675 5 Mar 699 5 Apr

676 5 Mar 700 6 Apr





AD HOC COMllfiTTEES (colttillned)

Committee on Communications from the Cameroons underFrench ndminlstrntion. Established at (;(j5th plenary meeting,:ll February l!Ifl/i. Members: Australia, India. Interim reportTjL.G" 7.

Drafting Committee OIl the Cameroons under British adminis­tration. Appointed at (i.'Hith plenary meeting, 15 March 1\);;0.Members: Burma, China, Italy, USA. Chairman: U Than Hla[Burma). Series symbol: None, Report: T/L.661 and Corr.LMeetings: Six meetings he/cl. No records published.

DraCting Committee on the Cameroons under French adminis­tration. Appointed at IHJ5th plenary meeting, :l7 March 1956.Members: Belgium, China. Haiti, USA. Chairman: Mr. RobedScheyven (Belgium). Series Symbol: None. Report: T/ Six meetings held. No records published,

DraCting Committee on Ruanda Urundi, Appointed at G63rdplenary meeting, :lO February 1956. Members: France, Guate­mala, Haiti, UK. Chairman: Mr. B. O. Gidden (UK). SeriesSymbol: None, Report: T/L.65B. Meetings: Fifteen meetingsheld. No records published,

Drafting Committee on Tanganyika. Appointed at ul:llst plenarymeeting, 9 March 1956. Members: Burma, India, New Zealand.USA. Chairman: Mr. B. Cerig (USA). Series Symbol: None.Report: TjL.G57, illeetings: Eleven meetings held. No recordspublished.

Drafting Committee OJ' Tognland under French udminlstrutlou,Appointed at 673rd plenary meeting, 5 March l!J56. Members:Australia, Belgium, India. Syria, Cliairman: lIIr. Rafik Asha(Syria), Series Symbol: None. Reports: TjL.ti58, 65D. Meetings:Eleven meetings held. No records published.


See United Nations Visiting Mission P: 1!), ~O.


The collected resolutions and decisions of the i 7th sessionare contained in document T/J '2-37 (TCOR, 17th sess., i).




AD HOC COMllfiTTEES (colttillned)

Commillee on Communications from the Cameroons umIerFrench ndministI·ntioll. Established at (;(j5th plenary meeting,:ll February l!Ifl/i. lVlcmlJers: Allstralia, India. Interim reportTjL.I)" 7.

Drafting Committee on the Comeroons under British ndminis­tration. Appointed at (i.'Hith plenary meeting, 15 March 1\);;0.klembers: Burma, China, Italy, USA. Chairman: U Than Hla(Bunna). Suies symbol: :.lone, Report: 'I'/L.661 and Corr.!,lfleetings: Six meetings held. No records published.

Drafting Committee on the CamCl'oons muler French adminis­tration. Appointed at IHJ5th plenary meeting, :l7 March 1956.Members: Belgium, China. Haiti, USA. Chairman: Mr. RobedSclwyvcn (Belgium). Series Symbol: None. Report: T/L.(j(i:l.Meetings: Six meetings held. No records published.

Drnfting Committee Ol~ RUllndn Urundi. Appointed at 663rdplenary meeting, :lO F('brnary 1956. Members: France, Guate­mala, Haiti, UK. Cha;nllrut: Mr. B. O. Gidden (UK). SeriesSymbol: None. Report: T/L.65B. Meetings: Fifteen meetingshekl. No records published.

Drafting Committee on Tallganyika. Appointed at ul:llst plenarymeeting, 9 March 1956. Members: Burma, India, New Zealand.USA. Chairman: Mr. B. Gedg (USA). Series Symbol: None_Report: 'I'jL.G57. Meetings: Ele\'en meetings held. No recordspublished.

Drafting Committee OJl Togo]alld under Frencll administralion.Appointed at 673rd plenary meeting, 5 March l!J56. ltIembers:Australia, Belginm, India, Syria. Chairman: !lIr. Ratilt Asha(Syria), Series Symbol: None. Reports: TjL.G58, 65D. Mee{l/Igs:Eleven meetings held. No records published.


See United Nntions Visiting Mission p. 1!), ~O.


The collected resolutions and decisions of the i 7th sessionare contained in document T/J '2-37 (TCOR. 17th sess., 1).


1. Adoption of the agendaSee Trusteeship Council: agenda

2. Report of the Secretary-General on credentialsSee Trustecship Councils members: representatives: ere­


3. Examination of annual reports of AdministeringAuthorities on the administration of Trust Ter­ritories :(a) Tanganyika, year 1954

See Tanguuyikas report, 1951-(b) Ruanda-Urundi, year 1954

Sea Ruanda-Urundir report, 1951-(C) Cameroons under British administration,

year 1954See Cameroons under British administration: report, 1954

(d) Cameroons under French administration,year 1954

See Cameroons under French administration I report, 1954(e) Togoland under French administration, year

1954See TogoJand under French administration: report, 1954

4. Examination of petitions listed in the annex tothe agenda

See Trust Tcrritoriesr petitions: examination, 17th aeasionand sub-heading petitions 1md61' names of territories

5. Report of the United Nations Visiting Missionto the Trust Territories of Togoland underBritish administration and Togoland underFrench administration, 1955

See United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Terri­tories of Togoland under British administration andTogoland under French administration: 1955: reporton Togoland under French administration

6. Reports of the United Nations Visiting Missionto the Trust Territories of the Cameroons underBritish administration and the Cameroons underFrench administration, 1955

See (a) United Nations Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories of the Cameroons under British ad.


ministration ancl the Cameroons under Frenchadministration, 1955: report on the Cameroonsunder British administration

(b) United Nations Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories of the CamerOODs under British ad.ministration and the Cameroons under Frenchadministration, 1955: report on the Cameroonsunder French administration

7. Administrative unions affecting Trust Territo­ries: reports of the Standing Committee onAdministrative Unions

See Trust Territories: union with other Territories

8. The Togoland unification problem and the futureof the Trust Territory of Togoland under Britishadministration [General Assembly resolution 94.4(X)]

See Togoland: unification

9. Attainment by the Trust Territories of theobjective of self-government or independence[General Assembly resolution 946 (X)]

See Trust Territories: political development

10. Report of the Trusteeship Council covering theperiod from 17 July 1954 to 22 July 1955[General Assembly resolution 948 (X)]

See Trusteeship Council: report to General Assembly,1954/1955

11. Opportunities for women in handicraft andcottage industries [Economic and Social Councilresolution 587F 1 (XX)]

See Trust Territories: women: handicrafts

12. Revision of the rules of procedure of the Trustee­ship Council [1tern proposed by the Secretary­General]

See Trusteeship Council: rules of procedure

13. Appointment of the Members of the StandingCommittee on Petitions

See Standing Committee on Petitions: members (Trustee­ship Council, 18th session)


1. Adoption of the agendaSee Trusteeship Council: agenda

2. Report of the Secretary-General on credentialsSee Trustecship Cowlcil: members: representatives: cre.


3. Examination of annual reports of AdministeringAuthorities on the administration of Trust Ter­ritories :(a) Tanganyika, year 1954

See Tarlganyika: report, 1951-(b) Ruanda-Urundi, year 1954

Sea Ruanda.Urundi: report, 1951-(C) Cameroons under British administration,

year 1954See Cameroons under British administration: report, 1954

(d) Cameroons under French administration,year 1954

See Cameroons under French administration I report, 1954(e) Togoland under French administration, year

1954See TogoJand undel' Fl'ench administration: report, 1954

4. Examination of petitions listed in the annex tothe agenda

See Trust Tcuitories: petitions: examination, 17th ses~ion

and sub-heading petitions 1md61' names of tenitories

5. Report of the United Nations Visiting Missionto the Trust Territories of Togoland underBritish administration and Togoland underFrench administration, 1955

See United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Terri·tories of Togolanll under British administration andTogoland under French administration: 1955: reporton Togoland untler French administration

6. Reports of the United Nations Visiting Missionto the Trust Territories of the Cameroons underBritish administration and the Cameroons underFrench administration, 1955

See (a) Unitell Nations Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories of the Cameroons umler British ad.


ministration ancl the Cameroons undm' Frenchadministration, 1955: report on the Cameroonsunder British administration

(b) United Nations Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories of the CamerOODs under British ad.ministration and the Cameroons under Frenchadministration, 1955: report on the Cameroonsunder French administration

7. Administrative unions affecting Trust Territo­ries: reports of the Standing Committee onAdministrative Unions

See Trust Territories: union with other Territories

8. The Togoland unification problem and the futureof the Trust Territory of Togoland under Britishadministration [General Assembly resolution 94.4(X)]

See Togoland: unification

9. Attainment by the Trust Territories of theobjective of self-government or independence[General Assembly resolution 946 (X)]

See Trust Territories: political devclopmellt

10. Report of the Trusteeship Council covering theperiod from 17 July 1954 to 22 July 1955[General Assembly resolution 948 (X)]

See Trusteeship Council: report to General Assembly,1954/1955

11. Opportunities for women in handicraft andcottage industries [Economic and Social Councilresolution 587F 1 (XX)]

See Trust Territories: women: handicrafts

12. Revision of the rules of procedure of the Tmstee­ship Council [1tern proposed by the Secretary­General]

See Trusteeship Council: rules of procedure

13. Appointment of the Members of the StandingCommittee on Petitions

See Standing Committee on Petitions: members (Trustee­ship Council, 18th session)


A1ega, ClUef Martin, and others: See Cameroons umler Fr, adm.ipMs

AgCa Filmfabrik, VEB, Wolfen: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Akonolinga, POllulation of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm••report, 195'1,

Awes, Francis K •• See Togoland under Fr. adm.r pets

Awewuho, Marie: See Togoland under Fr. adm,s pels

Assemblee generale des infirmes africains du C:unerowlI SeeCameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Assembly of Cultivators and Peasants of the Villages of Messondo,Mhenglle and Sodhanga Station: See Cameroons under Fr.adm•• pets

AssociatioDs des amis de I'ONU: See Cameroons under Fr. adm••report, 1954

Association des notables democratiques carnerounaiss See Came­roons under Fr. adm.: pets

Association of Cameroonian Students. See Cameroons under Fr.adm•• pets

Atllkpame cantons, Chiefs of. See Togoland under Fr, adm.:report, 1954

Babal1jou Village, Population of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Bamileke tribes, The aseeclaticn ()f' Representatives of: SeeCameroons under Fr. IUOO•• pets

Babimhi, Nganibe Central Cttee: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Bahimhi, Populanonss General Assemhly of. See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.: pets

Bafia Notables at Douala: See Cameroons under Fr. adID.: pets

Bakang, Al>el Minyem: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Bamoun group, Chief, amI other Notables. See Cam.eroons underFr. adm.: pets

Bamoun Tribe, General Assemhly of: See Cameroons under Fr.al1m.: pets

Bangangte, Nine Notables ()r: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.rpets

Bangeu Committee Family: See Camernena under Fr. adm.rreport, 1954,

Baouti, Jean: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.e pets

Baressoutou, Local Cttee of. See Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Bassogog, Josne: See CamerOODB under Fr. adm.e pets

Batcha Village, Population of: See Cameroons under Fr. udm.•pets

Batoum, Jacques Mhock: See Camel'oons under Fr. adm.: pets

Batoum, Jean: See Cameroons under Fr. adm•• pets

Belgian Congo. union with Ruanda-Urundi: See Trust Territories:union with other Territories

Belibi, Paramount Chief Joseph, and others: See Cameroons underFr. adm.• pets; Cameroons under Fr. ad.m•• report, 1954

Betondjou, Maurice. See Cameroons under Fr. adm•• pets

Bigirauoza, Antoine: See Cameroons under Fr. adm •• report,1954; Rllanda-Urundi: pets

Bilehel, BarnllLe: See Camoroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Bilong, John: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets


Bloc dem()cratique eamernunaiar See Cameroons under Fr. ailm.:pets; Cameroons under Fr. adm.i report, 1954

Bogmis, Etienne: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Bourn, Pierre, and others: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.i pets

Cumeroonians (355 signatories of New Bell Quarter, Douala):See Catnl'lroons under Fr. adnl.' pets

Cameroons under British administration

-petitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:Fawty, E. F. TjPet.llj103, lOll and Add.!Nchamba, John. TjPet.l.j107Nogoso, Andreas, TjPet.4ji05Peng Central Cttee. TjPet.4jL.2Tornbel 1st Quarters. 1'jPet.4j108

Other documents

Secretariat. Working paper. TjC.2jL.188UK. Observations' on petitions. TjOBS.4j14 and Add. 1,


Discussion in Stand. Citee on Pets: Meetings ;~il7, 345, 346Draft report. TjC.2/L.219Report. 1'jL.637

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 698Draft resolutions in TjL.637 adopted as resolutions 1382­

1387 (XVII)

-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (c))

DocumentsSecretariat. Summary of observations made by individual

members of the Council during the general discussionand of comments of the special representative of theAdministering Authority. 1'jL.667

Secretariat. Working paper. 1'jL.639 and Add.1Secretary-General. Note transmitting supplementary inform­

ation to Annual Report, 1954. T/:l222UNESCO. Observations on the report for 1954. 1'/122;1

Petitions circulated under rule 85, par. 11 of the rules of procedure

Union des populations du Cameroun:Peng Central Ctte. TjPE1'.4jL.2Tomel Bakosi Central Cttee. TjPET,4jL.1 and Add.IVictoria Branch. 1'jPE1',4jL.3

Discussion in Drafting Cttee: No meeting records publishedReport. TjL.661 and Corr.J

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 677·580, 682-686, 699, 700Recommendations in 1'jL.661 adopted at 699th meetingThe observations and recommendations of the Council are

included in its report to the 11th session of the GeneralAssembly

Cameroons under British and Cameroons under French adminis­tration:

-pl'ltitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:Song, Felix. TjPE1',4 & 5jL.fJUnion des populations du Cameroun:

Bafoussam Central Cttee. TjPET.4 & 5j4Puis Bayigongo Cttee. 1'jPET,4 & 5j7Victoria Branch. T/PET,l, & 5/8


A1ega, ClUef Martin, anti otbers: See Cllmeroons umler Ft·. udm.:pllts

Agfa Filmfnbrik, VEB, Wolfen: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Akonolinga, POllulation of: See Cameroons lwder Fr. adm.:report, 1954,

Anus, Frands K.: See Togoland nuder Fr. al1m.: pets

Amewuho, Marie: See Togoland under Fr. adm.: petll

Assemblee generale des infirmea africains du Cameroun: SeeCameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Assembly of Cultivators and Peasants of the Villages of Messondo,Mhenglle and Sodhanga Station: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.:pets

AssociatioDs des amis de I'ONU: See Cameroons WIder Fr. achn.:report, 1954

Association des notables democJ:atiques eameJ:ounais: See Came­roons under Fr. adm.: pets

Association of Camcroonilln Students: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets

Atllkpllme cantons, Chiefs of: See TogQIllnd WIder FI·. adm.:report, 1954-

Babadjou Village, Population of: See CameJ:ooDll under Fr. adm.:pets

BamilJlkii tribes, The association of Representatives of: SeeCameroons under Fr. 11100.: pets

Babimhi, Nganibe Central Cttee: See CamerooDs under Fr. adm.:pets

Bahimhi, PopulatiOlt8: General Assembly of: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.: pets

Bafia Notable!! at Douala: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Bakang, Ahel Minyem: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

BamolUl group, Chief, amI other Notables: See Cam.eroons underFr. adm.: pets

Bamoun Tribe, General Assembly of: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets

Bangnngte, Nine Notables of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

BangolI Committee Family: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:report, 1954,

Baouti, Jean: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Barcssoulou, Local CUee of: See Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.: petsBassogog, J08UC: See Cameroons uncler Fr. adm.: pets

Batcha Village, Population of: See ClUlleroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Batoum, ]acques Mhock: See Call1eroons Ullller Fr. adm.: pets

Batoum, Jean: See Cameroons uniler Fr. adm.: pets

Belgian Congo: wOon with Ruanda-Urundi: See Trust Territories:union with other Territories

Belibi, Parumount Chief Joscph, and others: See Cameroons umlerFr. adm.: pets~ Cllllleroons under Fr. adm.: repol't, 1954

Betoudjou, Maurice: See Cameroons under Fr. adnt.: pets

Bigiraueza, Antoine: See Cameroon!! WIder Fr. adm.: report,1954; Ruanda-Urundi: pets

Bilebel, BamllLe: See Cawcroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Bilong, John: See Camel'Oons under Fr. Bdw.: pets


Bloc democratique camerounais: See Cameroons under Fr. ailm.:pets; Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report, 1954

Bogmis, Etienne: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Boum, Pierre, and others: See Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Cumeroonions (355 signatories of New Bell Quarter, Dou8Ia):See Catneroons under Fr. adm.: petll

CllPleroons mIller British administration

-petitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:Fawty, E. F. TjPet.llj103, 10fl and Add.!Nchamba, John. TjPet.l.j107Nogoso, Andreas. TjPet.4j105Peng Central Cttee. TjPet.4jL.2Tombel 1st Quarters. TjPet.4j101l

Other documents

Secretariat. Working paper. TjC.2jL.188UK. Observations 'on petitions. TjOBS.4jH and Add. i,


Discussion in Stand. Cttee on Pets: Meetings :1i17, 345, 346

Draft report. TjC.2jL.2HJReport. TjL.G37

Discussion ·in Plenary: Meeting 698Draft resolutions in TjL.637 adopted as resolutions 1382­

1387 (XVII)

-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (c))

Doc1.tmentsSecretariat. Summary of observations made by individual

members of the Council during the general discussionand of comments of the special representative of theAdministering Authority. TjL.667

Secretariat. Working paper. TjL.li39 and Add.1Secretary-General. Note transmitting supplementary inform­

ation to Annual Report, 1954. T/l222UNESCO. Observations on the report for 1954. T/122'1

Petitions circulated l.mder rHle 85, par. 11 of the rules of pl'OCedll1'eUnion des populations du Cameroun:

Peng Central Ctte. TjPET.4jL.2Tomel Bakosi Central Cttee. TjPET.4jL.1 and Add.IVictoria Branch. TjPET.4jL.3

Discussion in Drafting Cttee: No meeting records publishedReport. TjL.G6I and Corr.1

Discussiol1 in Plenary: Meetings 677·580, 682-686, 699, 700Recommendations in TjL.661 adopted at 699th meetingThe observations and recommendations of the Council are

inclu dcd in its report to the 11th session of the GeneralAssembly

CaIDeroons tmder British and Cameroons uncler French adminis­tration:

-petitions (agenda item fl)

Petitions from:Song, Felix. TjPET.4 & 5jL.9Union des populations du Cameroun:

Bafoussam Central Cttee. TjPET,l~ & 5j4Puis Bayigongo Cttee. TjPET.4 & 5j7Victoria Branch. TfPET.t< & 5/8





ICl1Dleloons under British and Cameroons under French adminis­

tration (continued)

_petitions (continued)

Discussion ill Stand. Citee on Pets.: Meetings :141, 3.J.t\

Reports. T/L.6t4., 655

Discussion i·n Plenary; Meeting mmDraft resolution VII in T/L.G55 adopted as resolution 1:1S8

(XVII) at G\J9th meeting

Cllll1erOOns under French administration:

_pditions (ageuda item 11)Sce also Cameroons under French administration: report

1954; Trusteeship Council: hearings 17th session: Cameroo~under French administratiou

Petitions from:Abega, Chief Martin, and others: T/PET.5/610Agfa F'ilmfabrik, VEB, Wolfen. T/PET.5N0:?Assemblee gencrale des infirmes africains du Cameroun.

T/PET.G/ld9Assembly of Cultivators and Peasants of the Villages of

Messondo, Mbengue and Sodbanga Station. T/PET.5/701Association des notables dernocratiques carnerounais.

T /PET.G/771iBafang Local Branch. T/PET.;>/:l30 and Add.I , T/PET.5/

Bi5Executive Cttee. T/ PET.;>/:HJ7, :~98

Association of Carneroonian Students. T(PET.G/6IliMontpellier Branch. T/PET.5/li:!5Toulouse Branch. T/PET.5/1j!10 and Add.f , 71:~

Babadjou Village, Population of. T/PET.5/430Babimbi, Ngambe Central Cttee. T(PET.5/7HBabimbi, Populations : General Assembly of. T/PET.5/1!2 11

Bafia Notables at Douala. T/PET.EI/366, 523Bakang, Abel Minyern. T/PET.5/7:.l5Barnileke tribes, The Association of Representatives of.

T/PET.5/tlOOBamoun group, Chief and other Notables. T/PET.5/li48Bamoun tribe, General Assembly of. T/PET.5/645Bangangte, Nine Notables of. T/PET.5/70/1

Baou ti, Jean. T/PET.r./66liBaressoutou. Local Cttee of. T/PET.5/7H7Bassogog, j osue. T/PET.5/488Batcha Village, Population of. T/PET.5/435Batoum, Jacques Mbock. T/PET.5/664Batourn, Jean. T/PET.5/661Belibi, Paramount Chief J oseph, and others. T /PET.5/L. 70Betoudjou. Maurice. T/PET.5/467Bikim-Bi-Ngwang. T/PET.5/ ll0S

Bil6beJ, Barnabe. T/PET.5/499Bilong, JOhn. T/PET.5/1!53

Bloc democratique camerounais : DouaIa, Southern Province.T/PET.5/762

Bogmis, Etienne, T/PET,5r1gllBourn, Pierre, and others, T/PET.5/722Carrieroonians (:.155 signatories of New Bell Quarter, Douala).

T/PET.5/649Charles Antangana Professional School. T/PET.5/460Chernische Werke Buna, VEB: Belegschaft. T/PET.5/S01Chouibou, Njimoupain. T/PET.5/324Choupe Korn, Isaac. T/PET.5/6511

Confederation Generale du Travail. T/PET.5/77!Congress of Canadian Women: Windsor Chapter. T/PET.5/

7S3 and Add.!Coordination des independants camerounais, T/PET.5/630

and Add .:lDiallo, Oscar Mbinak, T/PET.5/743Diio, Nwarnba. T/PET.5/732Djomo, Jean. T/PET.5/1!97

Dongo, Paul. T/PET.5/586Douala, New Bell Quarters, Cameroonians of the. T/PET.5/


Cameroons under Freneh administration (contimled)

-petitions (conti1lued)

Petitions from (continued)

Durnbe, Samuel. T/PET.5/G02Ebanda, Ernest Edimo. T/PET.5/623Ebolla, Chief Samuel, and others. T/PET.5/115:J

Ebonji, Louis. T/PET.5/IHOElelctro-chemisches Kornbinat, VEB, Bittcrfeld. T/PET.5/

78 /1Elig-Belibi Quarters, Yaounde. T/PET.5(7J,S and Add.I

Eseka, Traditional Chiefs of. T/PET.5jGUEssornba, Etienne. T/PET.5/796Etude de la region de N'Kam Ernkam : general Chairman.

T/PET.5/L.50, 6G3Evolution sociale du Cameroun: New Bell Branch. T/PET.5/

50/1, 772Federation des travailleurs agricoles, forestiers et paysans

du Cameroun. T/PET.5/390/Add,1, Bt. T/COM.5/L.111,J\'l

Femmes camerounaises. T/PET.5/618Fonkonankem Village, People of. T/PET.5/1136

Fonti, Population of. T/PET.5/521Force-Ouvriere : Secretary-General. T/PET.5/71!Fosto, Marcel Karnga. T/PET.5/L.63Foyer du progres de la jeunesse Bayangam:

BaIoussam Branch. T/PET.5f'J79Bayangam Branch. T/PET.5/341 and Add.I

Frelell De~tschen Gewerkschaftsbund : IG Chemie : Zentral-vorstand. T/PET.5/785

Front National Camerounais. T/PET.5/700Gabrielson, Nje. T/PET.5/7GllGangoum, Michel-Ledoux. T/PET.5/49BGouife. Gustave. T/PET.5/1154

Group of African Workers. T/PET.5/662Guekop, Pierre. T/PET.5/767Ibang Mang, Simon Pierre. T/PET.5/481Italen, Andre, T/PET.5/443Jamaica Federation of Tr.ade Unions. T/COM.5/L.I37Jeunesse democratique du Cameroun. T/PET.5/141

Chairman, T/PET.5/463Koumassi Branch. T/PET.5/463, 5/1S

Mombo Branch. T/PET.5/678New Bell Bamileke Local Branch. T/PET.5/513N'Lohe Branch. T/PET.5/il37, 790Secretary-General. T/PET,5/li56Seven Djongo I. T/PET.5/739, 74.0Tornbel Branch. T/PET.5/760Yaounde-Ville Branch. TjPET.5/750

juvento :Gold Coast Central Cttee, T/PET.5/63SNational Secretary, T/PET.5/B7!

Kamden, Etienne. T/PET.5/787Kamerun National Congress: Secretary-General. T/PET.5/

682Kamerun National Democratic Party. T/PET.5/GO! and

Add.JKamga, Samuel, and others. T/PET.5/79Il

Kamkingue, Maurice. T/PET.5/423Kamsi, joseph Innocent. T/PET.5/-i8G, 500Kohn, J. Emile. T/PET.5/S01,

Kou ndj i, Antoine. T/PET.5/63!Kumba Refugee Cttee. T/PET.5/683Lavenir, j oseph-Rene Binet. T/PET.5/755Liens culturels de la jeunesse camcrounaise. T/PET,5/626Ligue progressiste des mterets economiques et sociaux des

populations du Nord-Cameroun. T/PET .705Lipem, Lazare Lavoisier, T/PET.5/li57Liyomba Bantu Animist Church of the Carneroons. T/



Cl1Dleloons under British and Cameroons under French adminis.tration (continued)

-petitions (continU8d)

Discussion ill Stand. et/ce on Pets.: Meetings :141, 3!ttlReports. T/L.6i4., 655

Discussion i·n Plenary; Meeting mmDraft resolution VII in T/L.G55 adopted as resolution i:~~S

(XVII) at G\J9th meeting

Cllll1erOOns under Freud) administration:

-pditions (ageuda item 11)S Cl! also Cllmeroons UIIder French adIninistrlltion: report

1954; Trusteeship Council: hem'ings 17th session: Cameroo~unde)' Freneh adminiatt'atiou

Petitio'm from:

Abega. Chief Martin, and others: T/PET.5/610Agfa Filmfabrik, VEB, Wolfen. T/PET.5N02Assemblee generale des infirmes africains du Cameronn.

T/PET.5/ld9,Assembly of Cultivators and Peasants of the Villages of

Messondo, JYJbengue and Sodbanga Station. T/PET.5/701Association des notables democratiques camerounais.

T /PET.G/771iBafang Local Branch. T/PET.;>f:l30 and Add.I, T/PET.5/

Sl5Executive Cttee. T/ PET.;>/:.1\)7, :~98

Association of Cameroonian Students. T(PET.G/6IliMontpelJier Branch. T/PET.5/li:!5Toulouse Branch. T/PET.5/1j!10 and Add.J, 71:~

Babadjou ViJlage, Population of. T/PET.5/430Babimbi, Nga1llbe Central Cttee. T(PET.5/7HBabimbi, Populations: General Assembly of. T/PET.5/424Bafia Notables at Douala. T/PET.f'/366, 523Bakang, Abel Minyem. TjPET.5/7:15Bamil6ke tribes, The Association of Representatives of.T/PET.5/~OO

Bamoun group, Chief and other Notables. T/PET.5/G48Bamoun tribe, General Assembly of. T/PET.5/M5Bangangte, Nine Notables of. T/PET,5/70/1Baouti, Jean. 1'/PET.;./G6l\Baressoutou, Local Cttee of. T/PET.5/7H7Bassogog, Josue. T/PET.5/488Batcha Village, Population of. T/PET.5/435Batoul1l, Jacques Mbock, 1'/PET.5/664Batoum, Jean. T/PET.5/601Belibi, Paramount Chief J oseph, and others. l'/PET.5jL. 70Betoudjou, Maurice. T/PET.5/4B7Bikim-Bi-Ngwang. T/PET.5/ll08Bilebel, Bamabe. T/PET,5/499BHong, JOhn. T/PET.5jt!53Bloc democratique camerounais: Douala, Southern Province.

TjPET.5/762Bogmis, Etienne. TjPET,5p9 11

BOUlll, Pierre, and others, T/PET.5/722Camel'Oonians (355 signatories of New Bell Quarter, Douala).

T/PET.5/G49Charles Antangana Professional School. T/PET.5/460Chemische Werke Buna, VEB: Belegschaft. T/PET.5/S0lChouibou, Njimoupain. T/PET.5/324Choup6 Kom., Isaac. T/PET.5/6511Confederation Generale du Travail. T/PET.5/77lCongress of Canadian Women: Windsor Chapter. T/PET.5/

783 and Add.lCoordination des independants camerounais, T/PET.5/630

and Add ..lDiallo, Oscar Mbinak T/PET.5/743Diio, Nwamba. T/PET.5/7'J2Djomo, Jean. T/PET.5/497Dongo, Paul. T/PET.5/586Douala, New Bell Quarters, Cameroonians of the. T/PET.5/




Cameroons umler Freneh adminiSlJ,'ation (contimMd)

-petitions (continued)

Petitio?ts from (continued)

Dumbe, Sa.muel, T/PET.S/GOiEbanda, Emest Edimo. T/PET.5/623Ebolla, Chief Samuel, and others. T/PET.5/1!5;]Ebonji, Louis. T/PET.5/11l0Elektro-chemisches Kombinat, VEB, Bitterfelc1. T/PET.5/


Elig-Belibi Quarters, Yaounde. T/PET.5(7J,S ancl Add.1Eselm, Traditional Chiefs of. T/PET.5jGHEssomba, Etienne. T/PET.5/79GEtude de la region de N'Karn Ernkam: general Chairman.

T/PET.5/L.50, (jG3

Evolution sociale du Cameroun: New Bell Branch. T/PET.5/50 /1, 772

Fedel'ation des travailleurs ag)'icoles, forestiers et paysansdu Cameroun. T/PET. 5/:J90/Add,l, t32. T/COM.5/L.11i,J i' 1

Femmes camerounaises. T/PET.5/Gi8Fonkonankem Village, People of. T/PET.5/11;;(\

Fonti, Population of. T/PET.5/521Force-Ouvriere: Secretary-General. 1'/PE1'.5/711Fosto. Marcel Kamga. T/PET.5/L.03Foyer du progd'5 de la jeunesse Ba.yangam :

Bafoussam Branch. T/PET.5/370~ayanga.m Branch. T/PET.G/3H and Add.l

Freien Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund : IG ChemiB: Zentral-vorstand. T/PET.5/785

Front National Camerounais. T/PET.5/7110Gabrielson, Nje. T/PET.5/7611Gangoum, Michel-Ledoux. T/PET.5/49BGouife, Gustave. T/PET.5/1154Group of African Workers. T/PET.5/G62Guekop, Pierre. T/PET.5/767Ibang Mang, Simon Pierre. T/PET.5/481Halen, Andre. T/PET.5/443Jamaica Federation of Tr.ade Unions. T/COM.G/L.l37Jeunesse democratique du Cameroun. T/PET.5/141

Chairman, T/PET.5/463Kournassi Branch. T/PET.5/463, 5/!8Mombo Branch. T/PET.5/678New Bell Bamiteke Local Branch. T/PET.5/513N'Lohe Branch. T/PET.5/1!'J7, 790SecrBtary-General. T/PET,5/li56Seven Djongo I. T/PET.5/739, 74.0Tombel Branch. T/PET.5/760Yaounde-Ville Branch. T/PET.5/750

Juvento:Gold Coast Central Cttee, T/PET,5/03SNational Secretary, T/PET.5/67l

KaInden, Etienne. T/PET.5/787Kamerun National Congress: Secretary-GeneraL T/PET.5/

G82Kamerun National Democratic Party. T/PET.5/GOi and

Add.:!Kamga, Samuel, and others. T/PET.5/79Ik

Kamkingue, Maurice. T/PET.5/423Kamsi, Joseph Innocent. T/PET.5/-i8G, 500Kohn, J. Emile. T/PET.5/801•

Koundji, Antoiue. T/PET.5/0BlKumba Refugee Cttee. T/PET.5/G83Lavenir, Joseph-Rene Binet. T/PET.5/755Liens culturels de la jeunesse camcrounaise. T/PET,5/626Ligue progmssiste des interets economiques et sociaux des

populations du Nord-Cameroun. T/PET .705Lipem, Lazare Lavoisier. T/PET.5/li57Liyomba Bantu Animist Church of the Cameroons. 1'1







Camcroens under French administration (contimted)

-petitiolls (co1lti1Hwd)Petitions [rom (continued)

Lontchi, Moise. T/PET.5/79GLourn-Chantiers Village: advisors of. T/PET.5/643

Luc, Agnes. T/COM.5/L.127Luc, Rebecca. T/COM.5/L .127Mahi, Erneat. T/PET.5/7BGMahop, Paramount Chief Louis Abel, T/PET.5/489Makenene Village, Population of. T/PET.5/5HiMallet, jacques. T/PET.5/ G99Marnbou, Jean. T/PET.5/88l and Add.1-3Mang, Lucas Njongui. T/PET.5/709Maquis, Refugees of the. T/PET.5/778Masso, Etienne. T/PET.5/599, 699Matip, Thomas M. T/PET.5/468Mayag, Martha Ngo. T/PET.5/502M'bamayo Subdivision, Ewondos of the southern part of.

T/PET.5/70GMbedi Ebelley, Robert, T/PET.5/490Mbeleg, Gabriel Ledoux, T/PET.5/395Mbessang, Simon. T/PET.5/413Mbinack, Oscar Diallo, T/PET.5/393Mbock, Abraharn. T/PET .5/471Mbock, Elias, and others. T/PET.5/MlMbock, Etienne, T/PET.fl/451Mbogsi, Sylvestre. T/COM. 5/L. 130, T/PET.5/2G2Mbomboa, Moise Mountoumjou. T/PET.5/480Mbonde, Traditional Chiefs of the subdivision of. T/PET.51

680Mediation Iranco-camerounaise, T/PET.5/61ll and Add.IMelwu, Samuel. T/PET.5/745Mofio, j oseph Duplond. T/COM.5/L.110Monetyam, Simon. T/PET.5/675Monssagngue, Ismaila, l'IPET .5/1,04Monthe, Chief Andre, T/PET.5/81llMouaha, Marcus, T/PET.5/311GMouataba Penja Cttee. T/PET .5/817Moulien, Mathieu, T/PET.5/478Mpaye, Hyacinthe, T/PET.5/M8Mpaye, Marie-Louise. T/PET.5/1149Mungo Region, African People of: Special General As-

sembly. T/PET.5/G21.Mvog-Mbi, Population of. T/PET.5/11G9Ndaji, j oseph. T/PET.5/754Ndeno, Daniel. T/PET.5/593Ndjem, j oseph. T/PET.5/356Ndjeng, Maurice Nloka. T/PET.5/687Ndogbianga Canton. T/PET.5/392Ndongassanama, Mr. T/PET.5/G95N'Doume, Joseph, T/PET.5/6f\7, 694New Bell (Funkel), Indigenous Inhabitants of. T/PET.5/515Ngapeth, Rene. T/PET.5/777Ngapua, Salamon. T/PET.5/479Ngan, David. T/PET.5/675Nim, Elias Bissohong, and others. T/PET.5/L.60Njei, Simon. T/PET.5/694Njitagui, Jean. T/PET.5/B24Njournkam, Etienne. T/PET.5/402, 589Nkazu, Isaac. T/PET.5/473Nkongsarnba Subdivision. T/PET.5/505Nlend, Etienne Masso, T/PET.5/L. 60Ntcharn 20'0, Samuel. T/COM.5/L.124Ntchinda, Chief Michel, T/PET.5/357 and Add.tNtem, ZacMe. T/PET.5/699Nzali, Timothee. T/PET.5/724, 780Ombang, Pierre Girbard. T/PET.5/375Omog, Gertrude. T/PET.5/674Owono, Sirnon Pierre. T/PET.5/431Penda, Isaac, T/PET.5/481Penja, Committee of the Village of. T/PET.5/676

Cameroons under French administration (continued)

_petitions (continued)Petitions [rom (continued)

Penka, Michel. T/PET.511d 5

Pohla, Andre-Victor. T/PET.5/7:l'J

Sadrack, Kemagni. T/PET.5/80B

Sakeo, Tchirida. T/PET.5/ 7:'18Samantar, Chief Abdi Moharnud. T/COM· 11/L.180

Sango, Joseph. T/PET.5/H 7Schering Adlershof, VEB, Belegschaft. T/PET.5/t\O:~

Seven Djongo, Inhabitants of. T/CO;\I.5/L .H 5Siankam, Thomas. T/PET.5111M\

Simo, Maurice. T/PET.5/40 5Simon Le Bel, B. T/PET.5/G1l5Singang, Association of the Youth of. T/PET.5/nf)OSornekong M'Bouna, Etienne. T/PET.511133 and Add. 1-:.:Songo, Benoit. T/PET.G/744Souop, Isaac, T/PET.5/792Syndicat des mernbres de l'enseignement officiel, T/PET.5/

347Syndicat des petits plarrteurs :

Mandjap, T/PET.5/38GMbanjok. T/PET.5/387Messondo. T/PET.5/511

Tagne, David Richard. T/PET.5/472Tague, Boniface. T/PET.51114:2Taniga, Joseph. T/PET.511~94

Tate, Abraharn. T/PET.5/7G5 and Add.ITchaham,Sara. T/PET.5/723Tchani, Lucas, T/PET.5/4G5Tchaptchet, Pierre. T/PET.5/75'J, 777Tchokote, Jean. T/PET.5/474Tchouangou, Andre. T/PET.5/7i:JGTchuen-Tamou, Silas. T/PET.5{GliOTchuente, Elie L. T/PET.5/G54Teiutcheu, Engilbert. T/PET.5/MJSTofioll, Jean. T/PET.5/GI7Tolso, ]ean-Hemi. T/PET.5/788Tonye, J6r6me. T/PET.51115GTounkam, Jean Claude. T/PET.5/793Um Urn, Ruben. T/PET.5/4GGUnion democratiqus des femmes camerounaises, T/PET.r,.!

742Babimbi Branch. T/PET.5/409Fonkouakem Branch. T/PET.5/5l2

Union des populations du Cameroun. T/PET.5/:Hi9, 52U,600 and Add.l, 2, 63G, 717, 798Akwa Central Committee. T/PET.5/370Baharn Local Cttee. T/PET.5/752Babete Central Cttee. T/PET.5/816Bafang. T/PET.5/403, 434, 581Bafang General Assembly. T/PET,5/316, 371, 410, ~:!S,

546, 574Bafang Central Cttee. T/COM.5/L.116, T/PET.5/51OBabimbi Ngambe Cttee. T/PET.5/7115Bafoussam Central Cttee, T/PET.5/591, 61.6 and Add.I,

2, 691, 819Barneka Central Cttee. T/PET.5/6G8Barnileke Central Cttee. T/PET.5/B80, 438, 634, 70~

Bandjoun Central Cttee. T/PET.5/809Bangui-Chari Cttee. T/PET.5/327, 757 and Add.IBanka Central Cttee. T/PET.5/808Bansoa Central Cttee. T/PET.5/420Batcha Local Cttee. T/PET.511.1l1Bayangam Central Cttee. T/PET.5{a19. 763Bihiang Local Cttee. T/PET.5/536Bioumoul Central Cttee. T/PET.5/4G4Boumnyebel Central Cttee. T/PET.5/651Boumnyebel: Permanent Secretary. T/PET.5/377Boupe II Cttee. T/PET.5/811Bureau. T/PET.5/3D1, 1106


Cameroons under French administration (continued)

-petitions (continued)

petitions from (continued)

Union des populations du Cameroun (continued)

Cameroons under British Administration Branch. 'I/PET.5/G70 and Add.1-2

Chairman. T/PET.5/3,]7, fI57, 547, 582, 601 and Add.l,005

Cie Bananes Local Cttee. T/COM.5/L,112, T/PE'I.5/727Cornite Colornitant . T/PET.5jGH9Ecole des cadres. T/PET.5/6ft'!.Edea Central Cttee. T/PET.5/A11Eseka Central Cttee. T/PET.5/G5:lExecutive Cttee. T/PET.5/A39Felix Moumie Cttee. T/PE'I.5/372. 5211, 659 and Add.j ,

T/COM.5/L.117Foumko Manjo Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/70BGaroua Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/775General Secretary. 'I/PET .5/358. 367Hikoa-Limbuye Local Cttce, 'I/PET.5/35HIola Mission Local Cttee, 'I/PET.5/72BIsseng Local Cttee. T/PET.5/A61Kajou Cttee. T/PET.5/731~

Kassalafarn Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/6G9Kola Mission Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/707Eolla-Mandouka Local Cttee. T/PET.5/650Kumassi Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/637Kurnassi Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/373, T/COM.5/L.125Lala Mission Local Cttee, 'I/PET.5/72BLog-Sanho Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/518Lourn Central Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/725 and Add.L, 561Loum-Chantiers Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/791Mandjap I Central Cttee, T/PE'I.5/H9Manengotent Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/730Manjo Branch. 'I/PET.5/596, 729 and Add.lManjo Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/GOA and Add.lManjo Sangasang Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/72GMaquis Central Cttee. T/PET.5/686 and Add.1-3Matem-Manjo Local Cttee. T/PET.5179BMbalam Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/583Mbalmayo Local Cttee. T/PET.5/77:lII1balmayo Ten, Cttee of the. T/PET.5/774.Mbanga ville Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/412.Mbanjck Local Cttee. T/PET.5/387Mbem-Njock Local Cttee. T/PET.5/527Mbouroukou Local Cttee. T/PET.5/776Melong I Central Cttee. 'I/PET.5/361, 362Messas Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/749.Mobile Cttee of Refugees. T/PET.5/719Morn Central Cttee, 'I/PE'I.5/525Mombo Care Central Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/632Mungo Cttee , T/PE'I.5/438.Mungo-Nkongsamba Regional Branch. T/PE'I.5/1125

Ndog-Bat n. T/PE'I.5/597 and Add.I, 609, 639 and Add.INdom Central Cttee. T/PET.5/1~55. 426, 526New Bell Bas-Fond Local Cttee. T/PET.5/633. 6H and

Add.lNew Bell Central Cttee, 'I/PE'I.5/L.12. 422, 595, 806New Gare Local Cttee. T/PET.5/60BNgambe Cttees, 'I/PE'I.5/416, 417Ngnasie Local Cttee. T/PET 5/688Ngodi Local Cttee. T/PET.5/1140

Njimoffira Cttee of Refugees. T/PET.5/677Nkololum Loeal Cttee. T/PE'I.5/655Nkomakondo-Babimbi Local Cttee. T/PET.5/1170, 1177

Nkongkouala Central Cttee. 'I/PET.5/385Nkongsamba ville Local Cttcc, 'I/PET.5/6lJ.!>Nkonjok-Bekok Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/MlN'LoM Central Cttee, T/PET.5/G81 and Add.INom-Ayes Nessok Local Cttee. T/PET.5/39GNtem Regional Branch. T/PE'I.5/42G

Cameroons under French administration (contin1ced)

-petitions (continued)

Petitions [rom. (continued)

Union des populations du Cameroun (continued)

Nyoum Local Cttee. T/PET.5/6nPandan Local Cttee. T/PET.5/712Paris Local Cttee. T/PET.5/621 and Arld.I , 622Penja Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/747Political Bureau. T/PET.5/L,69Refugees Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/715Secretary-General. T/PET.5/358Seven Djogo II Local Cttee. 'I/COM.5/L.120, T/PE'I.

5/681~ and Add.lSeven Djogo Il Local Cttee. T/PET.5/6BOSong Simut Local Cttee. T/PET.5/537'Iiko Cttce. 'I/PET.5/758Tornbel Central Cttee. T/PET.5/L.l/Add. iTombel 2nd Quarters. T/PET.5/731Tomcl Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/7G9Urn Nyobe Cttee. 'I/COM.5/L.l1i1, T/PET.5/822Underground Central Cttee. 'I/PET.5/779Universite politique, T/PE'I.5/G96Various Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/1124. 627. G47. 690Vice-Chairman. 'I/PE'I.5jJ:<0 and Add.l, 325, 350, 592.

595, G73Victoria Branch. 'I/PE'I.5/7G3Yaounde Central Cttee. T/PET.~/317

Yaounde Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/G2818 j an 1053 Local Cttee. T/COM.5/L.H85 Mar HJ55 Cttee. T/COM.5/13G, 'I/PE'I.5/62913 Mar 1944 Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/68525 May 1955 Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/79724 Oct Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/L,61, 718, 7587 Nov 1954 Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/702

Union des syndicats autonomes du .Cameroun :Administrative Council. 'I/PE'I.5/71O

Union des syndicats confederes du Cameroun. 'I/PET.5/427Union of Australian Women: Townsville Branch. 'I/PET.

5/810Union of Retail Merchants, Craftsmen and Indigenous

Carriers. T/PE'I.5/653 and Add.IUnion regionale des syndicats, Mungo, 'I/PE'I.5/532, 7HlUnite camerounaise. T/PET.5/770

Woud Branch. T/PET.5/721Waffo, Moise. T/PET.5/450World Federation of Trade Unions. 'IjPET.5/720Yana Yana, Gilbert. T/PET.5/65SYap ta, Louis. T/PE'I.5J!~83

Yemeno, EHe. 'I/PET.5/L.62Yetna, jean. T/PE'I.5/G94YHa, Isaac. T/PE'I.5/485Yit. Joseph. 'I/PET.5/7116

Other documents:Committee on Communications 'from the Cameroons under

French administration. Interim report. T/L,6117

France. Observations on petitions. TjOBS.5/61, 62, 611 . 66.

68, 71-75Secretariat. Working papers. T/C.2/L,164/Add.l, 175/Add.l,

187, 191, 192, 194-197, 202, 203, 207, 216

Discussion in Stand. Citee on Pets: Meetings 286-333, :-l!10,341, 343, 3H, 348Draft reports. 'I/C.2/L,198-200, 201 and Add.l, 205, 206,

215 and Add.l, 217, 218, 223 and Add.lReports, 'I/L.619, 623-626. 628, 629. 634-636, 655 .~

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings GM. 660, 662, 692, 695, 695.698, 699Draft resolutions adopted at 660th meeting as follows:

in T/L.623 as resolution 1389 (XVII), 1391 (XVII), 1393(XVII), 1395 (XVII), 1397-1399 (XVII), 14011 (XVII),1427 (XVII). 1483 (XVII)


Cumeroons Imder French administration (continued)

-petitions (continued)

petitions from (continued)

Union des populations du Cameroun (continued)

Cameroons under British Administration Branch. 'I/PET.5/670 and Add.1-2

Chairman. T/PET.5/3:J7, fI57, 547, 582, 601 and Add.l,005

Cie Bananes Local Cttee. T/COM.5/L,112, T/PE'I.5/727Comite Colomitant. T/PET.5jGi\9Ecole des cadres. T/PET.5/G4'!.Edea Central Cttee. T/PET.5/A11Eseka Central Cttee. T/PET.5/65:lExecutive Cttee. T/PET.5/A39Felix Moumie Cttee. T/PE'I.5/372. 52!1, 659 and Add.l,

T/COM.5/L.117Foumko Manjo Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/70BGaroua Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/775General Secretary. T/PET .5/358. 367Hikoa-Limbuye Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/35HIola Mission Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/72BIsseng Local Cttee. T/PET.5/A61Kajou Cttee. T/PET.5/73!~

Kassalafam Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/669Kola Mission Local Cttee. T/PET.5/707Eolla-Mandouka Local Cttee. T/PET.5/650Kumassi Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/637Kumassi Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/373, T/COM.5/L.125Lala Mission Local Cttee. T/PET.5/72BLog-Sanho Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/518Loum Central Cttee. 'I/PET.5/725 and Add.l, 561Loum-Chantiers Local Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/791Mandjap I Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/H9;\Ianengotent Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/730Manjo Branch. T/PET.5/596, 729 and Add.lManjo Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/60A and Add.lManjo Sangasang Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/726Maquis Central Cttee. T/PET.5/686 and Add.1-3Matem-Manjo Local Cttee. T/PET.517gBMbafam Local Cttee. T/PET.5/583Mbalmayo Local Cttee. T/PET.5/77:lII1balmayo Ten, Cttee of the. T/PET.5/774.Mbanga ville Local Cttee. T/PET.5/412lVlbanjok Local Cttee. T/PET.5/387Mbem-Njock Local Cttee. T/PET.5/527Mbouroukou Local Cttee. T/PET.5/776Melong I Central Cttee. T/PET.5/361, 362Messas Local Cttee. T/PET.5/749.Mobile Cttee of Refugees. T/PET.5/719Mom Central Cttee. 'I/PET.5/525Mombo Care Central Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/632Mungo Cttee. T/PET.5/438lVIungo-Nkongsamba Regional Branch. T/PE'I.5/!125Ndog-Bat n. T/PET.5/597 and Add.l. 609, 639 and Add.lNdom Central Cttee. T/PET.5/!~55. 426, 526New Bell Bas-Fond Local Cttee. T/PET.5/633. 6H and

Add.lNew Bell Central Cttee. T/PE'I.5/L.12. 422, 595, 806New Gare Local Cttee. T/PET.5/60BNgambe Cttees. T/PE'I.5/416, 417Ngnasie Local Cttee. T/PET 5/688Ngodi Local Cttee. T/PET.5/!140Njimoffira Cttee of Refugees. T/PET.5/677Nkololum Loeal Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/655Nkomakondo-Babimbi Local Cttee. T/PET.5/1170, !177Nkongkouala Central Cttee. 'I/PET.5/385Nkongsamba ville Local Cttec. 'I/PET.5/M!>Nkonjok-Bekok Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/MlN'LoM Central Cttee. T/PET.5/G81 and Add.lNom-Ayos Nessok Local Cttee. T/PET.5/396Ntem Regional Branch. T/PE'I.5/426

Cameroons under French atlministration (contin1ced)

-petitions (continued)

Petitions trom (continued)

Union des populations du Cameroun (continued)

Nyoum Local Cttee. T/PET.5/6nPandan Loeal CUee. T/PET.5/712Paris Local Cttee. T/PET.5/621 and Add.l, 622Penja Local CHee. T/PET.5/747Political Bureau. T/PET.5/L,69Refugees Cttee. 'I/PE'I.5/715Secretary-General. T/PET.5/358Seven Djogo II Local Cttee. 'I/COM.5/L.120, T/PE'I.

5/68!~ and Add.lSeven Djogo Il Local Cttee. T/PET.5/660Song Simut Local Cttee. T/PET.5/537'Iiko Cttae. 'I/PET.5/758'Iombel Central Cttee. T/PET.5/L.l/Add. i'Iombel 2nd Quarters. T/PET.5/731Tomcl Local Cttee. T/PET.5/769Urn Nyobe Cttee. 'I/COM.5/L.l1i1, T/PET.5/822Underground Cantral Cttee. 'I/PET.5/779Universite politique. T/PE'I.5/G96Various Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/!124. 627. G47. 590Vice-Chairman. 'I/PE'I.5jJ:<0 and Add.l, 325, 350, 592.

595, 573Victoria Branch. 'I/PE'I.5/7G3Yaounde Central Cttee. T/PET.~/317

Yaounde Local Cttee. 'I/PET.5/62818 Jan 1053 Local Cttee. T/COM.5/L.H85 Mar HJ55 Cttee. T/COM.5/136, 'I/PE'I.5/62913 Mar 19!~!! Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/68525 May 1955 Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/79724 Oct LQcal Cttee. 'I/PET.5/L,61, 718, 7587 Nov 1954 Local Cttee. T/PE'I.5/702

Union des syndicats autonomes dll .Cameroun :Administrative Council. T/PE'I.5/71O

Union des syndicats confederes du Cameroun. 'I/PET.5/427Union of Australian Women: Townsville Branch. 'I/PET.

5/810Union of Retail Merchants, Craftsmen and Indigenous

Carriers. T/PE'I.5/a53 and Add.lUnion regionale des syndicats, Mungo. 'I/PE'I.5/532, 7HlUnite camerounaise. T/PET.5/770

Wouri Branch. T/PET.5/721Waffo, Moise. T/PET.5/450World Federation of Trade Unions. 'IjPET.5/720Yana Yana, Gilbert. T/PET.5/65SYapta, Louis. T/PE'I.5J!~83

Yemeno, EHe. 'I/PET.5/L.62Yetna, Jean. T/PE'I.5/594YHa, Isaac. T/PE'I.5/485Yit. J oseph. 'I/PET.5/7!16

Other documents:Committee on Communications 'from the Cameroons under

French administration. Interim report. 'I/L,5!17France. Observations on petitions. TjOBS.5/61, 6i, 6!1. 66.

68, 71-75Secretariat. Working papers. T/C.2/L,164/Add.l, 175/Add.l,

187, 191, 192, 194-197, 202, 203, 207, 216

Discussion in Stand. Citee on Pets: Meetings 286-333, :-l!10,341, 343, 3M, 348Draft reports. 'I/C.2/L,198-200, 201 and Add.l, 205, 206,

215 and Add.l, 217, 218, 223 and Add.lReports, 'I/L.619, 623-626. 628, 629. 634-636, 555 .~

Discuss'ion in Plenary: Meetings GM. 660, 662, 692, 695, 695.698, 699Draft resolutions adopted at 660th meeting as follows:

in T/L.623 as resolution 1389 (XVII), 1391 (XVII), 1393(XVII), 1395 (XVII), 1397-1399 (XVII), 140!1 (XVII),1427 (XVII). 1483 (XVII)

- 54t MW @",wet-Ma;;


Cameroons under French administeatiou (continued)

-petitions (continued)

Discussion in Plenary (continued)

in 'I'lL.624 as resolutions 1474-1479 (XVII)in T/L.625 as resolutions 14000-1402 (XVII), II~Ofi (XVII),

1A07 (XVrI), IldO-lld3 (XVII), 1415 (XVII), 1429(XVII), 1lt80 (XVII), 14082 (XVII)

Recommendations in par. 3 of T/L.fi23, 624, 625 adoptedat same meeting

Draft resolutions adopted at 6G2nd meeting as follows:in T/L.6H) (with Australian amendments in T/L.(32) as

resolutions 1390 (XVII), 13HZ (XVII), 1394 (XVII),13H6 (XVII)

in T/L.626 as resolutions 1403 (XVII), Ildl~ (XVII),lU9 (XVII), 1422 (XVII), 1423 (XVII), 1/~25 (XVII),11128 (XVII), 1/133 (XVII), 1435 (XVII), 1438 (XVII).H/19 (XVII)

Recommendations in par. 3 of T/, 626 adopted atsame meeting

Draft resolutions adopted at 692nd meeting as follows:in T/L.G28 as resolutions IH8 (XVII), 11.21 (XVII),

111211 (XVII), 11;26 (XVII), 11136 (XVII), 1437 (XVII),1439 (XVII), IMO (XVII), 1M3 (XVII)

in T/L.629 as resolutions 1416 (XVII), 11<17 (XVII),1420 (XVII), 14:32 (XVII). IMl (XVII), 14M-iiJA8(XVII), Ilt51 (XVII), 11152 (XVII)

in T/L.634 as resolutions i!161-11173 (XVII), 1481 (XVII)Recommendations in par. 3 of T/L.628, 629, and par. 13

of the introduction of T/L.G34 adopted at same meetingDraft resolutions adopted at 6IJ8th meeting as follows:

in T/L.G35, as amended, as resolutions 11184-11187 (XVII)in T/L.636 as resolutions 11109 (XVII), 11130 (XVII).

11.50 (XVII). 1/155-11159 (XVII)Recommendations in par. 3 of T/L.G35, 636 adopted at

same meetingDraft resolutions in T/L.655 adopted as resolutions 1388

(XVII), 11105 (XVII), 1/108 (XVII), 11<31 (XVII), 11134(XVII), 1M2 (XVII). il154 (XVII), 11<60 (XVII) adoptedat 6H9th meetingRecommendations in par. 3 of T/L.G55 adopted at same


-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (c))


Secretariat. Summary of observations made by individualmembers of the Council during the general discussionand of the comments of the representative and the specialrepresentative of the Administering Authority. T/L.668

Secretariat. Working paper. T/L.6/15 and Add.IUNESCO. Observations on the report for 195/~. '1'/122:1

Petitions circulated 'Under rule 85, par. iiJ of the rules of procedure:

Akonolinga, Population of. T/PET.5/L.58Association des amis de I'ONU. T/ Committee Family. T/PET.S/L.67Belibi, Otto Theodule, T/PET.5/L./;5Belibi, Paramount Chief joseph, and others. T/PET.5/L.70Bloc dernocratique carnerounais : Ntern, Union regionale de.

T/PET,5/L. G/;Choupe Korn, Isaac, T/PET.5/L.50Comite de defense des ch6meurs africains du Cameroun.

'1'IPET .5/L.ll0Etude de la region de N'Kam 'Ernkam'. T/PET.5/L.5HFosto, Marcel Kamga. T/PET.5/L.63Fraternity of Veterans and Ex-Servicemen of the Came­

roons. T/PET.5/L.GGjeunesse dernocratique du Cameroun: Makai Local Branch.

T/PET.5/L.36Kamdoum, lVIicheJ; General Secretary. Syndicat de I' Agri­

culture Bamileke. T/PET.5/L.ltlKaptue, joseph. T/PET.5/L.51Kom, Pascal. T/PET.5/L.48

Cameroons under French administration (continued)

-l'eport, 1954 (continued)

Petitions circulated under rule 85, para. z of the rule of procedure(continued)

La Vhite: Managing Editor. T/PET.G/L.:33Lazare, Missipo, 1'/PET.5/L.G5Longue, Edouard. 1'/PE1'.G/LJ;HMboua, Paul. T/PET.5/L,ll::!Menganda, Mr. T/PET.ti/L.71Nim, Elias Bissohong, and others. 1'/PET.5/L.GOObokoe I Village of: notables. T/PE1'.5/L.32Radicaux modcres camerounais: Chairman: T/PE1'.5/L.55Syndicat de I'agriculture Bamileke : Central Bureau. 1'1

PE1'.5/L ,ldTagne, David. 1'/PET.5/L.72Union democratique des femmes camerounaises:

Hikoajorn Local Branch. T/PET.5/L.52Manjo Branch. T/PET.5/L.39

Union des populations du Cameroun. 1'/PET.5/L.:34Bureau politique. T/PET.5/L.G9Engong Local Cttee. 1'/PE1'.5/L.37Ewondos du Sud, Comites de base. 1'/PET.5/L.42Issondje I, Local Cttee. T/PET.5/L.53Mapubi Central Cttee. T/PE1'.5/L.38Manjo Central Cttee. T/PET.5/L.57M0111, Central Cttee. T/PET.5/L.56Moungo Local Cttee. T/PE1'.5/L.35Ndoko Penja et Foukouarn, Comites. T/PE1'.5/L. I; 7

Local Cttee Zoatubsi. T/PET.5/L.54Local Cttee 24 Oct. T/PET.[l/L.Gl

Yakarn, Family of Samuel. T/PET.5/L.G8Yemcmo. Elie. T/PET.5/L.44

Discussion in Drafting Cttee, No meeting records published.

Report. T/L.GG2

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 66 /1 , G86-693, 6H9, 700Recommendations in T/L.662 as amended, adopted at

699th meeting

Castello, A. EUiott: See Pacific Islands under USA adm.r pets

Charles Antangana Professional School: See Cameroons underFr. adm.s pets

Chemisehe Werke Bunu, VEB: Belegschaft: See Cnmeroons underFr. adm.: pets


-representation in United Nations

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting li53

Chouiheu, Njimoupain: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.i pets

Choupc Kom, Isaaci See Cameroons under Fr. ndm.: pets j reports,1954

Collaboration with specialized agencies: See Trust Territerlearreports of administering authorities: form anrl content

Comite de defense des ch6meurs africaius du Cameroun: SeeCameroons under Fr. adm.s report, 1954

Confedcration gcncrale du travail: See Cnmeroons under Fr.aIOO.: pets

Congress of Cauadian Women: See Cameroons under Fr. udm.tpets

Ceonlination des independents camerounaiar See Call1er00118under Fr. adm.t pets

Diallo, Osea» Mhinak: See Cumeroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Difo, Ngwamba: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Djomo, Jean: See Cameroons under Fr. udm.i pets

Dongo, Paul: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Douala, New Bell Quarters, Camerooniana of the: See CameroonsWIder Fr. adm.s pets


Kom, Pascal: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Koundji, Antoine: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Kumba Refugee Cttee: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Lavenir, Joseph-Rene Binet: See Cameroons under Fr, adm.: pets

La Verite: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.. pets

Lawson, Pierre: See Togoland under FI'. adm.r pets

Lazare, Missipo: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report, 1954

Liens eulturels de la jeunesse eamerounaises See Cameroons underFr. adm.r pets

Ligue progressiste des interllts eeonomiques et sociaux des popu­lations du Norll·Cameroum See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Lipem, Lazare Lavoisier: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Liyomba Bantu Animist Church of the Cameroons: See Comeroonsunder Fr. adm.s pets

Longue, Edouard: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report, 1954,

Lontchi, Moise: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

L':!wn-Chantiers ViUage: See Cameroens under Fr. adm.: pets

Luc, Agnes: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s communication to UN

Lue, Reheeca: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.. communicationto UN

MaW, Ernests See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Mahop, Paramount Chief Louis Abel: See Cameroons under Fr•adm.. pets

Makenenc Village, Population of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.ipets

Mallet, Jacques: See Cameeoons under Fr. allm.: pets

Maniliou, Jean: See Cameroona WIder Fr. adm.s pets

Mang, Lucas Njongu.i: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Maquis, Refugees in the: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.i pets

Marshallese Congress Hold-Over Committee: See Pacific Islandsunder USA adm.r pets

Marshall Islands: See Pacific Islands under USA Administration

Masso, Etienne: See Cameroons under FI'. adm.: pets

Matip, Thomas M.: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Mayag, Mal,tha Ngo: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: [lets

M'Lllmayo Subd.hision, Ewomlos of the Southern part ofl SeeCameroons under Fr. adm,e pets

MLelli ELelIey, Robert: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: Ilets

Mlleleg, GaLriel Leitoux: See Camcroons lmiter Fr. adm.: pets

Mbessang, Simon: See Cameroons under Fr. 81hn.: pels

Mbinaek, Oscar Diallol See Cameroons nnucr Fr. adm,: pets

Mbock, Allraham: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Mhoek, Elias and othel's: See Cameroons uniteI' Fr. adm.: pets

Mhock, Eticnne: See Cameroons under Fr. aum.: pets

MLogue, Jean: See Cnmeroons WIder Fr. adm.: pets

MLogsi, Sylvestre: See Cameroons limIer Fr. adm.: pets

Mhomboa, Moise MOuntOunIjOU: See Cameroolls under Fr. adm.:pets

Mhoua, Paul: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report, 1954,

Mhoude, Traditional Chiefs of the subdivision of: Soe Cameroollsumler Fr. allm.: pets

M'Bounya, Etienne Somekong: See Somekollg M'Bowlya, Etieune

Melliation Frauco-Camerounaise: See Cameroons umler Fr. adnt.:pets

Mekou, Samuel: See Cameroons IUlder Fr. adm.: pets

Menganda, Mr.: See Cameroons under Fr. awn,: report, 1954

Mel'D Citizens' Union: See Tanganyika: pets; report, 1954

Moffo, Josellh Duploml: See ,Callleroons under Fr. oWa.: I.ets

Monetyalll, Simon: See Cameroons under Fr. aam.: llels

DUIJlbe, Sam.uel: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets IEballlla, Eruest Edimo: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

EboJla, Chief Samuel, and others: See Cameroons under Fr.nrlm.e pets

Ebonji, Louis: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.e pets

Elektro-el1em.isches Kombinat, VEB, Bitterfeltl: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.: pets

Elig·Belihi Quarter: Yaoundei See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Eseku, Traditional Chiefs of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Essomba, Etiennee See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Etude de la region de N'Kam: General Chairman: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.: pets; Cameroons under Fr, adm.s report, 1954

Evolution sociale eamerounaises New Bell Branch: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm:: pets

Fawty, E. F.: See Cameroons under Br, adm.: pets

Felleration des travailleurs agrieoles, Iorestiers et paysans duCameroun: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.. pets

Femmes cnmerounaises: See Cameroons under Fr. adm,s pets

Foyer du progres de la jeunesse bayangnrm See Cameroens underFr, adm.: pets

Fonkonankem Village, People of: See Cameroons under Fr.adm,e pets

Fonti, Population of: See Camernons under Fr. adm.s pets

Force ouvriihc: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.e pets

Fosto, Marcel Kamga: See Cameroons under Fr. adm,s pets;Cameroous under Fr. adm.: report, 1954

Fraternity of Veterans and Ex-Servicemen of the CameroonssSee Cameroons under Fr. adm.s report, 1954

Freien Deutsehen Gewerkschaftshlmd: IG Chemie: Zentralvor­sland: See Cameroons under FI'. adm,e pets

Front, National Camerounnlss See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Gnhrielsoll, Nje: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Gangoum, Miehel-Ledouxi See Cameroons under Fr. adm.. pets

Gontiel', Neville K.: See Tanganyika: pets

GOllife, Gustave: See Cameroons under Fr. allm.: pets

Group of African Workers: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Guekop, Pierrer See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Ihang Mang, Simon Pierre: See Cameroons under Fr. adm,» Ilets

Italen, AndrlS: See Cameroons under Fr. aIOO.: pets

Jamaica Federation of Trade Union: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets

Jeunesse dcmoeratique du Cameroun: See Cameroous under Fr.adm.: Ilets; Cameroons under Fr. atlm.: report, 1954: Trustee­ship Council, hearings, 17th scssion: Cameroons umler Fr. adm.

Juvento: Sec Cameroons UIlder Fr. adm.: pets; Togolond underFr. adm.: pets; Togoland under Fr. adm.: rep()rts, 1954

Kamden, Etieulle: See Cameroons under Fr. atlm.l pels

Kamdoum, Michel: See Cameroons unller Fr. allm.: report, 1954

Kamga, Samuel, and others: See Cameroons under Fr. aum.: pets

KmuerwI National Democratic Party: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets

KmuerWJ. National Congress: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Kamkingue, Mauricc: See Cameroons uudcr Fr. adm.: pets

Kamsi, Joseph Innocent: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Kaptue, Joscph: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: repOl't 1954

Kenya: UIlion with Tanganyika: See Trust Territories: union withothel' Territories

Kleeu, G. F. V., aUlI others: See Tanganyika: report, 1954

Kofi, William Amenke: See Togoland under Fr. adm.: rellort, 1954

Kohn, J. Emile: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: Ilets



If: 01 proced

Ihu.: pets

OOB under

,ons under


,I peta

• 700doptcd at

'r. adllI.:


'i l'ET.5(L.:~ureau..

I; reports,



DUn: See


Kom, Pascal: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pels

Koundji, Antoine: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

KlUnbll Refugee Citee: See Cameroons lmder Fr. adm.: pets

LIl~enir, Joseph-Rene Binet: See Cameroons under Fr, adm.: pets

La Verite: See Cameroons under Fr. lldm.: pets

Lawson, Pierre: See Togoland under FI'. adm.: pets

Lazare, Missipo: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report, 1954

Lieus culturels de III jeunesse cllmerounaise: See Cameroons underFr. adm.: pets

Ligue progressisle des interllts eeonomiques et sociaux des popu­lations du Norll·Cameroum See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Lipem, Lazare Lavoisier: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pels

Liyomba Bantu Animist Church of the Cameroons: See Comeroonsunder Fr. adm.: pets

Longue, Edouard: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report, 1954

Lontchi, Moise: See Cameroons unllm' Fr. adm.: pets

L':!wu.Chanliers ViUage: See Cameroons under Fr. adrn.: pets

Luc, Agnes: See Cllmeroons under Fr. adm.: comnnmication to UN

Luc, Rebeeca: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: communication10 UN

MaW, Ernesl: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Mahop, Paramounl Chief Louis Abel: See Cameroons under Fr•adm.: pets

Makenenc Village, Population of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pels

Mallei, Jacques: See Cameroolls under Fr. allm.: pets

MllIllhou, Jean: See Cnmeroons WIder Fr. adro.l pets

Mang, Lueas Njongui: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.1 pets

Maquis, Refugees in the: See Cameroons under Fr. ailm.: pets

Marshllllese Congress Hold-Over Committee: See Pacifie Islandsuniter USA allm,: pels

Marsholl Islands: See Paeific Islands under USA Administralion

Masso, Etienne: See Cameroons ullller FI'. adm.: pets

Malip, Tlmmas M.: See Camcroons under Fr. adm.: pels

Mayag, Mal'lha Ngo: See Cameroons unller Fr. adm.: [lets

M'Lllmayo Subdhision, Ewollllos of the Southern part ofl SeeCameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

MLelli ELelIey, Robert: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: llets

Mlleleg, GaLriel Leitoux: See Camcroons lmiter Fr. adm.: pets

Mhessang, Simon: See Cameroons under Fr. mhD.: pels

Mhinack, Oscar Diallol See Cameroons undcr Fr. adDl,: pets

Mhock, Allraham: See Cameroons under Fr. adro.: pets

Mllock, Elios and olhel's: Sce Cameroons uuiter Fr. athn.: pels

Mbock, Eticnne: See Cameroons Ullder Fr. adm.: pels

MLogue, Jean: See Cameroons WIder Fr. adm.: pels

MLogsi, Sylvestrc: See Cameroons llmIer Fr. adm.: pets

Mbomboa, Moise MOuntOunIjOU: See Cameroolls under Fr. adm.:pels

Mhoua, Paul: See Cameroons under Fr. Ildm.: report, 1954,

Mhoude, Traditional Chiefs of lhe subdivision of: Soe Cameroousunller Fr. allm.: pets

M'Bounya, Etienne Somekong: See Somekong M'Bowlya, Etiellne

Melliation Franco-Cameroullaise: See Cameroons umler Fr. aelm.lpets

MekolJ' Samuel: See Cameroons lUlder Fr. adm.: pcts

Mengauda, Mr.: See Cameroons under Fr. awn,: report, 1954

MCI'D Citizens' Union: See Tanganyika: pets; report, 1!l54

Moffo, JoseJlh Duploml: See ,Cameroons under Fr. oWa.: IU~IS

Monetyalll, Simon: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: llels

DUIJlbe, Sam.uel: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets IEballlla, Ernesl Edimo: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

EboJla, Chief Samuel, and others: See Cameroons umler Fr.lldm.: pels

Ebonji, Louis: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: peIs

Elektro-el1emisches Kombinat, VEB, Bitterfeltl: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adDI.: pets

Elig·Belihi Quarler: Yaounlle: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Eseka, Traditional Chiefs of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Essomba, Eticmne: See Cameroons under Fr. tulm.: pels

Etlllle de la region de N'Kam: General Chairman: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.: pels; Cameroons under Fl'. alhn.: report, 1954

Evolution sociale camel'ounaise: New Bell Branch: See Cameroonsunder Fr. adm:: pels

Fawly, E. F.: See Cameroous under Br. adm.: pets

FelleratiDn des travailleurs agrieoles, foresliel's et paysans duCameroun: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Femmes cnmerounaises: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Foyer du progres de la jeunesse hayangam: See CameI'Dons underrr. adm.: pels

Fonkonankem Village, People of: See Camel'oons undel' Fr.adm.: pets

Fonti, Populalion of: See Camel'oons under Fr. adm.: pels

Force ouvriihc: See Cameroous under Fr. adm.: pets

Foslo, Horcd Kamga: See Cameroons under Fr. odm.: pets;CameroollS under Fr. adm.: reporl, 1954

FrRlel'J1ily of Veterans and Ex.Servicemen of lhe Cameroolls:See CllnlCroons under Fr. adm.: reporl, 1954

Freien Deutsehen Gewerkschaflshlmd: IG Chemie: Zelltralvor.sland: See Cameroons under FI'. adm.: pets

Fronl, National Camerounais: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pels

Gllhrielson, Nje: See Cameroons under Fr. allm.: pets

Gangoum, Miehel.Ledoux, See Cameroons umIer Fr. ndm.: Ilets

Gonliel', Neville K.: See Tanganyika: pels

GOllife, Gustave: See Cameroons undel' Fr. allm.: pets

Group of African Workers: See Comeroons under Fr. adm.: Ilets

Guekop, Pie1Te: See Cameroons uuder Fr. adm.: pets

Ibang Mang, Simon Pierre: See Cameroons under Fr. adrn.: llets

Ilalcn, AndrlS: See Cameroons under Fr. aIOO.: pets

Jamaica Federation of Trade Union: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pels

Jeunesse dcmoeratique du Cameroun: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: llets; Cameroons under Fr. atlm.: report, 1954: Trustee­ship Council, hearings, 171h session: Cameroons umler Fr. adm.

Juvento: Sec Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets; Togolond underFr. adm.: pets; Togoland under Fr. adro.: repDrts, 1954

Kamden, Elieuue: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.l pels

Kamdoum, Michel: See Cameroons un4ler Fr. allm.: report, 1954

Kamga, Samuel, and others: See Cameroons under Fr. aum.: pets

KamerwI National Democralic Parly: See Cameroons under Fr.lldm.: pets

KmDerun National Congress: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Kamkingue, Mauricc: See Cameroons uudcr Fr. adm.: pels

Kamsi, Joseph Innocent: See Cameroons UDder Fr. adm.: pets

Kaptue, Joscph: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: repOl'1 1954

Kenya: union wilh Tanganyika: See Trust Territories: union withothel' Territories

Kleeu, G. F. V., aUlI others: See Tanganyika: report, 1954

Kofi, William Ameuke: See Togoland under Fr. adm.: rellort, 1954

Kohn, J. Emile: See Cameroons nuder Fr. adm.: llets

...c_---------------------~~~o ....-.o---~.--.----t!"V~

Ihu.: pets

OOB under


If: 01 proced

,ons under


'r. adDI.1

.700doptcd at

,I peta



'i l'ET.5(L.:~ureau..



DUn: See

l12der Fr.

I; reports,





MOD8snpllguc, ISlI1l1i1u: See C"merOOnS under Fr. adm.• pets

Monthc, Chief Andre: See Cnmeroons under Fr. adrn.r pets

Mounhn, Mnrcus: S"" Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Mouatabn Penja COlllwittee: See CamCrOOJJ8 under Fr. lUlm.: pets

Moulien, Mnthieul Sec Cnmeroons under Fr. ndm.: pets

Mpnye, Hyacinthes Sec Cnmeroolls under F,'. adm.: pets

Mpnye, Mnde.Louise: Sec Cnmeroons tmder Fr. ndnt.: pets

MUlIgo Region, Afrie,," People of: See Camel'onns under Fr.

nihil.: petsMuta1>a ru kll, Augustine: Sec Ruamla.Urumli: ]lets

Mvog.,MIIi, Populntion of: See Clllner(lons under Fr. adm.s pets

Mv()g.Nok, NotaLle. of the viUage of. See Cameroon. nrsder Fr.

adm.r petsNdlluuLn, John; See Cameroon. under Br, adUl.: pet.

Ndnji, Josepb: See Cameroons under Fr. Ildm.1 pets

Ndeno, Daniel: See Cameroous under Fl'. adm.. pets

Ndjclu, Joseplu See Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Ndjeng, Maurice Nloka: See Cameeoons under Fr. a'OO.: pet.

NdogbiulIgn Cantom See Camer'oom under Fr. aelm.: pets

Ndongassannmu, M.,,: See Cnmeroons under Fr. adrn.r pets

N'DoIUUC, Jnsepln Se" Cnlllel'oons under Fr. adm.r pets

New Bell (Funkel), Imligenons InltnllitanLs of: See Cameroonsunder Fr. udm., pets

Ngllmbl!: Central Cuee of: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.i pets

Ngan, Duvidl See Call1eroons under Fr. adm.; pets

Ngapetb, Renc: See Cameroons under Fr. udm.: pets

Ngapua, Salamon: Sec Carneroons under FI·. adm.r pets

Ngo"do, Traditional assemhly of the Douala People: See Trustee-ship Council: hearings, 17th session: Cameroons under Fr. adm.

Ngeso, Andrens: See Cameroeus umler Br, allm.1 pets

Nim, Elills Bi88ohong nnd ethera; See Camereens under Fr. adm.,pets; Cnmeroons under Fr, adm.: report, 1954

Njel, Slmenr See Cnmeroons under Fr, adm.i pets

Njitnglli: See Camcreons under Fr. adm.. pels

Njoumknm, Etienne: Sec Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Nkazu, Jsaae, See Cauleroons under Fr. IlIlm.: pets

Nkollgsnmlla Suhdivlslom See Cameroons under Fr. U11m.: pets

Nlend, Etienne See Camel'oans under Fr. adm•• pets

Non-Sell-Governing Territori.,.:

-social eOllllitions

Drcume Ills

Secrl'tary-General. Note. 1'/1219

Ntchnm Zo'o, Sumuel: Sec Cameroons on del' Fr. ndm.l pets

Ntcbirula, Chief Michel: Sec Camerooll8 limier Fr. lIdm.: pets

Nt~m, Zachelll Sec CantCroons under Fr. allm.: pets

Ntllngukn, Barnah6: Sl'e Ruunda-Uruudh petsl rellort, 1954,

Nzali, Timothcel See ClImeroons Imder Fr. ad'n.: pets

Ohokoe I Village, Notllbles of: Sce Cnmeroons uUller Fr. alltn.:rcport, 1.954

OmlllLug, Pien'e Girbal'd: Sec Cameroous under Fr. adm.: pets

Omog, Gertrude: Sec Camel'oollS under Fr. ndnI.: pets

OWOllO, Simoll Pierre: See Cameroons untIeI' Fr. adm.: pets

Pacific IsIllUlls under USA auminislrution;

-petitions (agenda itclll !I)

Petitions from:

Castel1o, A. ElIiott, T/PET,lO/L.l~Jarshallese Congress Hold-Over Committee, T/PET,1O/29

DisclIssi(Jn i1; Stand. Citee on Pets: Meetings 34.6, 3/17Dl'aft report, T/C.?/L,22':}H"port, T/L,li/c!)

Pacific Islands under USA admittistrntion (contitllled)

_petitioDs (continued)Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 6tHl, nOli

Draft resolution in 1'/L.G/!\l adopted (\1--'1.-0) as rcsolutiur

1493 (XVII) at 696th meeting

Penda, Isaae: See Cameroons under Fr. udm.: pets

Pcnjn, C()Jnrniuee of the Village of: See CameroonS under Fr,adID.: pets

Penka, Michel: See Cameeccns under Fr. adm.: pets

Pohla, Antlre. Victor; Sec Camerocus under Fr. adni.r pets

RudiellUX moderes eamerounaisr See Canleroons under Fr. adm,lreport, 1954

Rassemblement pnpulaire des refugies du Togo fran9Risl SetTogoland under Fr. adni.s pets


-petitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:Bigiraneaa, Antoine. T/PET.arM and Adcl.IMutabaruka, Augustine. T/PET.H/8HNtunguka, Barnabe. T/PET.:.l/81. 82 and Adel.i-:!

Ottier documents:Belgium. Observations on petitions. 1'/OB8.:1/1<I.-17Secretariat, Working papers. T/C,~!L.1S\l

Discussion in Stand, Ctiee on Pets: Meetings :;:~4, :l·W, ::·17Draft report, 1'/C.2/L.ttlReport. T/L.li5!I

Discussion 'in Plenary: Meeting GOSDrait resolutions in TIL,5511 adopted as resolutions 1:1',1'\­

1381 (XVII)

-report, 1954 (agenda. item ~ (b))

DocumentsBelgium. Rapport ... all suiet de I' admillistl'ali(.m du Ruanda­

Urundi pendant l'annee 1951j, French government docu­ment transmitted in limited number by Secretary­General. 1'/1201

Secretariat, Summary of Observations made by individualmembers of the Council during the general discussionand of the comments of the representative and specialrepresentative o[ the Administering authorities. T/ t ; l

UNESCO, Observations on the report for Hl5·\, T( 122;;

Petitions circulated 1mder rule 85. par.:1 of the rules of pl'oudure

Bigiraneza, Antoine. T/PE1',S!L,5Ntunguka, Barnabe, 1'/PET,a/L.o

Discussion in. Dl"atti'/lg Cuee: No meeting records published.

Report. T/L,ti53

DisClIssion in Plenary: Meetings GM-Gul, [WH. 007. 'IOURecommendations in T/L.l'>53 adopted at u~nth meetill/.:The observations and recolllmendations of tlLe Council are

included in its report to the Htll session of the GeneralAssembly.

-union with Belgian Congo: See Trust Territories: union 'Il-ithother Territories

Salll'ack, Kemagni~ Sce Cameroon. under Fr. udm.: petsSilkeo, Tehinda I See Cumeroons nnder Fr. num.1 pet8

San go, Joseph: See Cameroons under Fr. ndm.: pets

Sehering Adlershof, VER, Belegsebaft: Sce Cmueroons llmler Fr.allm.: pets

Seven Djongo, Inhabitants of: Sce CameroOns under Fr. adUl.;pets

Siaukllm, Thomns: Sec Cameroons uuder Fr. aihn.: pets

Siggins, A. I.: See Tanganyika: pets

Shuo, Mauriee: S88 Camcroons unller Fr. adm.: Ilets

Sillion Le Bcl, B.: See Carneroons under Fr. adln.: pets

______________________- 1

MOD8snpnguc, ISJlluila: See CElmeroons untler Fr. adm.• pels

MOlllhe, Chief Andrc: SM Cameroons umlcl' Fr. adro.: pets

Mouaho, Ml\rcus: Sce Camerouns under Fr. atlm.: pets

.Mouatoblt Penja ConllrliUee: Sce Camerooll8 under Ft'. IUJm.: pets

Moulien, Mnthieu: Sec Comel'oons undcr Fr. adm.: pels

Mpnye, I1yaeintlle: Se" CamerooJls IIl11ler FI·. adm.: pels

Mpaye, Mar.le.Lollisc: Sce Cameroons Imder Fr. lldnl.l petslUungo Regiun, Alric.m People of: See Camel'oons ulI,ler Fr.

alhn.: pelsl'tIutabnruka, Augusline: Sce Ruan,ln.Urlln<li, ]lets

Mvog.Mhi, Popullltion of: See Camerqons IIrulel' Fr. aclm.: pets

Mvog.Nok, NOlaLles of lh., of: See Cn.meroons ,mder Fr.

adm.: pelsNdtllluLa, John: See Cmn"roons under Br. acini.: 1'101.

Ndnji, Josepb: See Cameroons umler Fr. aurn.: pets

Ndeno, Dllnieh See ClImerootls un.let' F.'. odm.: pets

NdjclIl, Joseph: See Call1croons under Fr. ltrlm.: petBNcljeng, Maurice Nloka: See Cnmeroons under Fr. a,Int.: pel.

Ndogbinliga Canton: SN Carner'oom under Fr. aam.: petsNdollgl\ssltnnmn, M.,.: See Cllmeroons under Fr. adm.: pet8

N'DoIUUC, Joseph: Sc,' Clllllel'oons umler Fr. adm.: pctsNew Bell (Funkel), IlIlligenouB InJmltitanls of: See Cameroons

under Fr. adw.: petsNgllmbl!: Central ClIee of: Sec CnmeroOJls under Fr. adw.: pets

Ngon, David. See C.meroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Ngapetb, Reno: Sce Cameroons uuder Fr. adm.: pel8

Ngapua, Snlamon: See Catneroons under F,·. adm.: PClS

Ngolldo, Traditional assemllly of the Dounla People: See Trustee·ship Council: hearings, 171h session: Cltmeroons under Fr. adm.

Ngoso, AllnreBs: See Cnmeroolls umler Br. [lllm.: pets

Nim, Eli1l8 Bissohong nnel others: Sce Cameroous under Fr. adm.:pel8; ClIItIeroons uudcr Fr. lldm.: report, 1954

Njel, SimoJlI See Cnmcroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Njilnguil See CamcrooIls under Fr. adm.: )lets

Njoulllknm, Etienne: Scc Camel'oons under Fr. odm.: peb

Nkazu, Isaocl Sce CaUlcrooll8 under Ft'. aflm.: pets

Nkougsamlla Subdivision: See Camcroons under Fr. mlm.: pets

Nlcnd, Elienne Masso: See Camet'oane under Fr. odm•• pets

Non-Self-Governing Territories:

-social eOllllilionslJnrtlme Ilts

Secrl'tary-Gcncral. Note. 1'j1'.1.19

Nlcham Zo'o, Sumucl: See Camct'oous umlel' Fr. adm.l pets

Ntcbirtda, Chief Michc1: See Cameroons uncler Fr. lldm.: pets

Nll'lII, Zachelll See CalltcroollS under Fr. ltelm.: pets

Nlllll/llukn, Darnl\M: Sec Ruunda-Urundi: pets; rellOrt, 1954NZ[lIi, TimolhcBI See ClImeroons .mder Fr. odtn.: pets

Obokoc I Village, NOlllhlcs of: See Cnmeroons ulI.ler Fr. allrn.:rcport, 1.954

Omlloug, Pien'e Girllnrd: Sec Cameroous under Fr. ndm.: pets

Omog, Gertrude: See CamcI'oOl]8 unller Fr. ndm.: pets

OWOllO, SimoJl Pierre: See Cnmeroons unller Fr. adm.: pet8

Pacific Ielanlls UIIder USA administralion:-pelitions (agenda itcHl !l)

J'etitions from:

Castcl1o, A. ElIiott, T/PET,lO/L,l~Jarshallesc Congress Holel-Over Committee, TjPET.I0jZ'J

Disctlssiltn i1; Stand. Cttee on Pets: Mee tiugs 34-6. 3117Draft report. T jC.?/L,22;}H"pnrt. T/L,LVd)



~"C~"",... __._-_..-=--=========~~~~~=-~-~-=---::~~~~=====Pacific Islands under USA adn:.itIi81rntion (continued)

_petitions (continued)

Discussion in Plenary: l\leetings litiH. li04,Draft resolution in TjL.Gl.d) adopted (',1-.'1.-0) as rcsulutiOl

1493 (XVII) at 696th meeting

Pends, Isaac: See Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Pcnja, Committee of the Village of: See CameroottS under Fr,

ndm.: pets

Penka, Michel: See Camel'oons under Fr. adm.: pets

Poltla, Antlre-Victor: Sec Cameroous under Fr_ adat.: pets

RlldiclIlIX model'es eamerotwllis: See Cauleroons muler Fr. adro.1

rcpOl't, 1954

Rassemblement populllire des refugies du Togo frlln9nis: SteTogoland under Fr. ndm.: pets


-l,elitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:Bigiraneza, Antoinc, T/PET.H/'i;!, and Add.lMutabaruka, Augustine. TjPET.a/8HNtungulm. Barm.M. T/PET.:3/81. 82 and Adcl.i-~

Other documents:Belgium. Observa.tions on petitions. T/OBS.:J/14-l7Secretariat. Working papers, T/C.';!/L.1Stl

Discussion in Stalld, Cllee on Pets: .r.rcetings :;:~4. :l-W. ::.:\ 7Draft report, TjC.'2jL.t:!lReport, TIL.Oti l,

Discussion 'in Plc11ary: .Meeting GOSDraft resolutions in TIL,55Ij adopted as resolutions 1:1',K­

13tH (XVII)

-rcport, 1954 (agenda item;) (b))

DocumentsBelgium, Rapport '" all sI/jet de /'admillistl'ati/Jn du RtlllI/dd­

Urtmdi pe,itdant l'annie 195/j, French go\'crnl11~llt docu­ment transmitted in limited numuer by Sccretary­General. Tj1201

Secretariat. Summary of observatiOlls made by individualm.embers of ti,e Council during the general discussi"uand of the comments of the representath'c and specialrcpresentative o[ the Administering a.uthorities. T/ t; l

UNESCO. Observa.tions on the report ior itl5,L T( 122;;

Petitions circulated 1mdcr j'ule 85. par.:2 o{ Ihe rules o{ pl'(ludure

Bigiraneza, Antoine. T/PET.S/L.5Ntunguka. BarnaM. T/PET,BjL.D

Discussion in Dva/ti-tlg Citee: No meeting records publishl.'ll.

Report. T/L.653DisCHssion in Plenar)'; Meetings 05 /,-Glil, lHiH, O!l7. 700

Recommelldations in TjL.l'>'SJ adopted at uU7th meetingThe observations alIcl recommendations of the Council arc

includeel in its report to the Htll session of the GeneralAssembly.

-union with Belgian Congo: See Trust Territories: union 1I1thotllCr Territodes

Sall!-ack, Kemllgni: See Cnmeroons under Fr. adm.l petsSakeo, Tchinda: See Cameroons IIDder Fr. ndm.l pet8

Snllgo, J08eph: See ClIItIeroons under Fr. aWn.: pets

Sehering AdlCl'shof, YEn, Belcgsehaft: See CDlueroons ltmIer Fr.ntlm.: {lets

Seven Djongo, Inhahilants of: See Call1eroofls under Fr. adUl.;pets

SiankllID, Thomas: See Cameroolls Wider Fr. aUnt.: pets

Siggills, A. I.: See Tanganyika: pets

Sitno, Maul'ice: See Cameroolls umler Fr. adm.: Itets

Simon Le Bel, B.: See Cameroolls under Fr. UdlU.: pets




Singang, Association of the Youth of: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.s pets

Sokpoli, Aloys: See Togolaml under Fr. adm.s pets

Somekoug M'Bouna, Etienne: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.spets

Song, Fehx: See Cameroons under Br, adm, al1l1 Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.i pets

Songo, Benoit: See Camernona under' Fr. adm.i pets

SO\lOP, Isaae: See Cam croons under Fr. adm.i pets

Standing COIwnittee on Petitions:

-members (TJ'usteeship Couneil, 18th session)

A ction in Plenary: Meeting 700The following members were appointed: Belgium, Burma,

China, France, USSR, UI\:

-reports: See Trust Territories: petitions: examinations, 17thsession and sub-heading petitions under names of Territories

Syndieat de I'agrieulture Bamileke: Central Bureau: See Camcroousunder Fr. adm.. report, 1954

Syndicat des memhres de I'enseiguement officicl: See Cameroonsunder Fr. aIOO.: pets

Syndicat des petits planteurss See Camel'oons under Fr. adm.s pets

Tagne, David Richard: See Cameroous under FI'. adm.i pets;report, 1954

Tague, Bonifaee: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets


-petitions (agenda item 11)

Petitions [rom:

Gontier, Neville K. T/PET.2/195Meru Citizens' Union. T/PET.2/197Siggins, A. J. T/COrvU/L.2liWasharnbala, Representatives of. T/PET.2/19G, T/COM.2/

L.2<lWerner, Otto, Heirs of. T/PET.2/19.1 and Add.1

Othe» documents:

Secretariat. Working paper. T/C.2/L.190UK. Observations on petitions. T/OBS. 2/16, 24, 27

Discussion in Stand, Cttee on Pets: Meetings 335, 36G, 338, 345

DraIt report. T/C.2/L.220Report. T/L.G38

Discuesion in Plenary: Meeting G9tl

Draft resolutions in T/L.(i38 adopted as resolutions 1374­1377' (XVII) at G98th meeting

-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (a))


Secretariat. Summary of observations made by individualmembers of the Council during the general discussionand of the comments of the representative and specialrepresentatives of the Administering Authority. 1'/L.G65

Secretary-General. Note transmitting supplementary infor­mation to Annual Report, 1D51,. 1'/'1221

DE:. Report ... on T'amganyika wnder United Kingdomadministration [or the year 195<i. UI\: government documenttransmitted in limited number by Secretary-General.1'/lii05

UNESCO, Observations on the report for 105/" 1'/1223

Petitions circulated unde» rule 85, par. 3 of the rules of procedure

Kleen, G. F. V., and others. T/PET.2/L.1;Meru Citizens Union. T/PET.2/L.(i

Tanganyika (continued)

-report, 1954 (continued)

Discussion in Drafting Citee: No meeting records publishedReport. T/L.(i57

Discussion in Plenary; Meetings 670-(i72, G74-G80, 683, G97,700

Recommendations in annex of 1'/L.657 adopted (7-<i-:~;j at(i97t11 meeting

-wlion with Kenya and Ugandas See Trust Territories unionwith other Territories

Taniga, Joseph: See Cameroons under Fr.· adm.r pets

Tate, Abrllbllm: See Cameroeus under Fr., adm.r pets

Tehabam, S1I1'1I: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Tchani, Lucas: See Carnercons under Fr. adm.s pets

Tchaptchet, Pierre: See Cameroons under Fr. udm.i pets

Tehokete, Jean: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Tchouangou, Andre: See Cumeroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Tchuen-Tumou, Silass See Cameroons under Fr. adm.. pets

'I'chuente, Elie L.: See Camcroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Tciutcheu, Engilbert: See Cameroons under Fr, adm.s pets

Toffon, Jean: See Cameroens under Fr. adm.s pets

Togbonou Togbc, Antlre: See Togoland under Fr. adm.: pets

Togoland: unification (agenda item tl)General Assembly resolution 9H (X)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 672, 673, 698Draft resolution in T/L.(i59 adopted (7-B-4) as resolution

1371 (XVII) at G98th meeting

Discussions in Drafling Citee, No meeting records published

Report T/L.G58, par. 36, 659

Togoland under French administration:

-petitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:

Ames, Francis K. T/PET.7/478Amewuho, Marie. 1'/PET.7/484Juvento: National Secretary. 1'/PET.7/L.'12Lawson, Pierre. T/PET.7/509Rassemblement populairc des refugies du Toga francais.

1'/PE1'.7/437Sokpoli, Aloys. T/PET.7/1;83Togbonou Togbe, Andre, T/PET.7/1,79

Other documents:Secretariat. Working papers. T/C.2/L.208, 209, 210-214

Discussion in Stand. Citee on Pets: Meetings B39, ,W7

Draft report. 1'/C.2/L.222Report. T/L.652

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting (i9tlDraft resolutions in T/L.G52 as amended, adopted, as

resolutions lHIS-H92 (XVII) at G62nd meetingRecommendations in par. 3 of T/L.Gl\J, G2G adopted at

same meeting

-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (e))

DocumentsFrance. Rapport ... sur l' administration au Togo place sous

la tuielle de la France, annee I954. French Governmentdocument transmitted in limited number by Secretary­General. 1'/1202 and Add.I

Secretariat. Working paper. T/L.G30 and Add.iSecretariat. Summary of observations made by individual

members of the Council during the general discussionand of the comments of the representative and specialrepresentative of the Administering Authority. 1'/L.(j(iG

Secretary-General. Note transmitting supplemontary infor­mation to Annual Report, 195/[, 1'/1232

UNESCO. Observations on the report for '195~. 1'/1:!20




Singang, Association of the Youth of: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets

Sokpoli, Aloys: See Togolaml under Fr. adm.: pets

Somekoug M'Bouna, Etienne: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.:pets

Song, Fellx: See Cameroons under Br. adm. al1l1 Cameroonsunder Fr. adm.: pets

Songo, Benoit: See Camel'oons under' Fr. adm.: pets

SO\lOP, Isaae: See Camcroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Standing COIwnittee on Petitions:

-members (TJ'usteeship Couneil, 18th session)

A ction in Plenary: Meeting 700The following members were appointed: Belgium, Burma,

China, France, USSR, UI\:

-reports: See Trust Territories: petitions: examinations, 17th.session and sub-heading petitions tmder names of Teyritories

Syndieat de I'agrieulture Bamileke: Central Bureau: See CamcroollsImder Fr. adm.: report, 1954

Syndicat des membl'es de I'enseiguement officicl: See Cameroonsunder Fr. aIOO.: pets

Syndicat des petits planteUl's: See Camel'oons under Fr. adm.: pets

Tagne, David Richard: See CaDleroons under FI'. adm.: pets;report, 1954

Tague, Bonifaee: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets


-petitions (agenda item 11)

Petitions f"om:

Gontier, Neville K. T/PET.2/195Meru Citizens' Union. T/PET.2/197Siggins, A. J. T/COrvU/L.2liWashambala, Representatives of. T/PET.2/19G, T/COM.2/

L.2<l\Vemer, Otto, Heirs of. T/PET.2/19.1 and Add.1

Otllel' documents:

Secretariat. Working paper. T/C.2/L.190UK. Observations on petitions. T/OBS. 2/16, 24, 27

Discussion in Stand, Cttee on Pets: Meetings 335, 36G, 338, 345

Draft report. T/C.2/L.220Report. T/L.G38

DisGttssion in Plenary: Meeting G9tl

Draft resolutions in T/L.(i38 adopted as resolutions 1374­1377' (XVII) at G98th meeting

-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (a))


Secretariat. Summary of observations made by mdividualmembers of the Council during the general discussionand of the comments of the represontative and specialrepresentatives of the Administering Authority. 1'/L.G65

Secretary-General. Note transmitting supplementary infor­mation to Annual Report, 1D51,. 1'/'1221

DE:. Report ... on Tal1ganyihu 'unde?' United Kingdomadministration fOl' the year 195<i. UI\: government documenttransmitted in limited number by Secretary-General.1'/lii05

UNESCO, Observations on the report for 105/" 1'/1223

Petitions circulated 2lndey ntle 85, par. 3 of the l'ules of proced?re

Kleen, G. F. V., and others. T/PET.2/L.1;Meru Citizens Union. T/PET.2/L.(i

Tanganyika (continued)

-report, 1954 (continued)

Discussion in Drafting Citee: No meeting records publishedReport. T/L.(i57

Discuss'ion in Plenal'y: Meetings 670-(i72, G74-G80, 683, G97,700

Recommendations in annex of 1'/L.657 adopted (7-<i-:~;j at(i97t11 meeting

-wlion with Kenya and Ugllndll: See Trust Territories unionwith ot1lel' Territories

Taniga, Joseph: See Cllmeroons under Fr.· Ildm.: pets

Tate, Abrllbllm: See Camel'oons under Fr., adm.: pets

Tehabam, S1I1'1I: See Cllmeroons under Fr. adlll.: pets

Tchani, Lucas: See Camel'oons under Fr. adm.: pets

Tchaptchet, Pierre: See Cameroons under Fr. IIthn.: pets

Tchokote, Jean: See Cameroolls under Fr. adm.: pets

Tchouangou, Andre: See Cameroons under Fr. ndm.: pets

Tchnen-Tamou, Silas: See Cameroons uIlller Fr. adm.: 11ets

Tchuente, Elie L.: See Camcroons under Fr. IIdm.: pets

Tciutcheu, Engilbert: See Call1eroons unller F'r. IIdm.: I,ets

Toffon, Jean: See Cllmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Togbonou Togbc, Antlre: See Togoland undel' Fr. adm.: pets

Togoland: unification (agenda item tl)General Assembly resolution 9H (X)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 672, 673, 698Draft resolution in T/L.(i59 adopted (7-B-4) as resolution

1371 (XVII) at G98th meeting

Discussions in Drafling Cttee, No meeting records published

Report T/L.G58, par. 36, 659

Togoland under French administration:

-petitions (agenda item 4)

Petitions from:

Amos, Francis K. T/PET.7/478Amewuho, Marie. 1'/PET.7/484Juvento: National Secretary. 1'/PET.7/L.'12Lawson, Pierre. T/PET.7/509Rassemblement populaire des refugies du Toga fran'imis.

1'/PE1'.7/437Sokpoli, Aloys. T/PET.7/1;83Togbonou 1'ogbe, Andre. T/PET.7/1,79

Other documents:Secretariat. Working papers. T/C.2/L.208, 209, 210-214

Discussion in Sland. Citee on Pets: Meetings B39, iW7

Draft report. 1'/C.2/L.222Report. T/L.652

Discussion in Plenary: :Meeting (i9tlDraft resolutions in T/L.G52 as amended, adopted, as

resolutions lHIS-H92 (XVII) at G62nd meetingRecommendations in par. 3 of T/L.Gl\J, G2G adopted at

same meeting

-report, 1954 (agenda item 3 (e))

DocumentsFrance. Rapport ... sur l'administration au Togo place sous

la tu/elle de la France, annee I954. French Governmentdocument transmitted in limited number by Secretary­General. 1'/1202 and Add.l

Secretariat. Working paper. T/L.G30 and Add.1Secretariat. Summary of observations made by individual

members of the Council during the general discussionand of the commonts of the representative and specialrepresentative of the Administering Authority. 1'/L.(j(iG

Secretary-General. Note transmitting supplemontary infor­mation to Annual Report, 195/[, 1'/1232

UNESCO. Observations on the report for '195~. 1'/1:!20


Togoland under French administration (contimted)

-report, 195j (continued)Petitions circulated under rule 85, par. e of the rules of procedure

Atakpame cantons, Chiefs of. T/PE1'.7/L.l0Juvento: National Secretary. 1'/PE1'.7/L.H, 12Kofi, William Arnenke. I'/PET.7/L. 13

Discussion 'in Drafting Citee. No meeting records published

Report. I'/L.G58Discussion i1' Plenary: Meetings G60, GG2-Gn, OU8, 700

Recomrncndations in 1'/L.G51:\ adopted at G98th MeetingThe observations and recommendations of the Council are

included in its report to the 11th session of the GeneralAssembly. A/a 170 (GAOR, 1ith sess .• Suppl. no. /1).

'I'olsc, Jean-Henrit See Cameroons under Fr. adm.i pets

Tonye, Jcr6me: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Tounkam, Jean Claude: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Trust Territuries:

-petitions: examination, 17th session (agenda item 4)

DocumentsAustralia. Amendments to draft resolutions in report of

Standing Cttee on petitions. 1'/L.619. I'/L.632Petitions received by the Secretary-General which were

considered manifestly inconsequential. 1'/1233Secretariat. Working papers on petitions concerning:

Cameroons under British administration. T/C.2/L. 188Cameroons under French administration. 1'/C.2/L.1641

Add.l. 17S/Add.l, 187. 191, 192, 19/1-19'7, 202, 203,207, 2J fj

Committee on Communications from Cameroons underFrench administration. Interim report. 1'/L.647

Ruanda-Urundi. I'/C.2/L.180Summaries of petitions and communications circulated by

Secretary-General pursuant to rules 24 and 85, para. 2of the rules of procedure. I'/C.2/L. 193, 227

Tanganyika. 1'/C.2/L.1DOTogoland under French administration. I'/C.2/L.208, 209,

:!il-2111Secretary-General. Examination of petitions. 1'/1229

Discussion in Stand. Citee on Pets: Meetings 21:l6-34i, 3/13-:i48Draft reports. 1'/C.2/L.186 and Rev.I, 198-200 and Add.I,

205, :!OG, 215 and Add.I, :!i7-22a and Add.l, 224Report no.

i:J8-ili:!, lH-l/1l:i, 15/1: Cameroons under French adminis­tration: I'/L.GHJ. G23-629, 6:l4-636, G55

140 : Petitions circulated under rule 85, pal'. 2 and com-munications under rule 24. I'/L.G27

lMJ: Carneroons under British administration I'/L.637150 ; Tanganyika. I'/L,638151 : Pacific Islands under USA administration I'/L.649152: Togoland under French administration. I'/L.65215a: Ruanda-Urundi. I'/L.oM155: List of petitions included in annex of 1'/1216 not

examined during this session. I'/L.G5615/,: Cameroons under British and Cameroons under

French administration. 1'/L,055

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings G54-659, 660, 662, G63, 689,G!J2, 69/1 , 695

Draft resolutions adopted at 660th meeting as follows:in I'/L.623 as resolutions 1389 (XVII), 1391 (XVII),

l:W:l (XVII). f:395 (XVII), 1397-1399 (XVII), 1110/,(XVII), 11127 (XVII), H8;] (XVII)

in I'/L,624 as resolutions 1474-11179 (XVII)in I'/L.625 as resolutions 11100-1402 (XVII). 1406 (XVII),

11107 (XVII), 141O-11d3 (XVII), 11115 (XVII), 1429(XVII), 11180 (XVII), 11182 (XVII)

Recommendations in par. :J of I'/L.62B, G24, 625 adoptedat same meeting

Trust Territories (continued)

-petitions: examination, 17tlt session (continued)

Discussion in Plenary (continued)Draft resolutions adopted at G6:!nd meeting as follows:

in 1'/L.G19 (with Australian amendments in 1'/L.1532) asresolutions 1390 (XVII). 1,192 (XVII), 1394 (XVII).1396 (XVII)

in 1'/L.626 as resolutions H03 (XVII), lilill (XVII).1419 (XVII), 1422 (XVII), 142,1 (XVII), H25 (XVII),1428 (XVII), 1433 (XVII), 14:15 (XVII), 1/138 (XVII),11;49 (XVII)

Recommendations in par. Cl of I'/L.GHI, 626 adopted atsame meeting

Draft resolutions adopted at 69:!nd meeting as follows:in 1'/L.62H as resolutions 11118 (XVII), 1/.21 (XVII),

iI1:Yl (XVII), 142G (XVII), 14aO (XVII), 14,J'1 (XVH),14:-l9 (XVII), lMO (XVII), 1M3 (XVII)

in T/L.G29 as resolutions BIG (XVII). H17 (XVII).1/;20 (XVII), iIl32 (XVII), 1441 (XVII). I~H-l·"A8

(XVII), 1451 (XVII), 1452 (XVII)in 1'/L.634 as resolutions 1/.1,61-1/.73 (XVII)

Recommendations in par. 3 of I'/L.li28, 629, and par. 1:1of the introduction of I'/L.63/~ adopted at same meeting

Draft resolutions adopted at 698th meeting as follows:in I'/L.635, as amended, as resolutions 148/.-1/187 (XVII)in I'/L.G36 as resolutions 14.09 (XVII), H30 (XVII).

1/.50 (XVII). :ll!55-i45D (XVII)in I'/L.637 as resolutions 1382-131:\7 (XVII)in I'/L.638, as amended by Australia. as resolutions 1374­

1377 (XVII)in I'/L.652 as resolutions i/li:lS-iIl92 (XVII)in I'/L.654 as resolutions 1378-1381 (XVII)

Recommendations in par. 8 of I'/L.635, 6,16. 687. 638, 652.654 adopted at same meeting

Draft resolutions in T/L.G55 adopted as resolutions laSS(XVII), 11105 (XVII), 1108 (XVII), 1Il:11 (XVII), iIl34(XVII), W12 (XVII), 1!l54 (XVII), 14GO (XVII), atG99th meeting

Recommendations in par. 3 of I'/L.655 adopted at samemeeting

-political dcvclopment (agenda item 9)General Assembly resolution 9/.1,6 (X)

DocumentsAustralia. Amendments to amendments proposed in TjL.lii::

to draft resolution by USA (1'/640). I'jL.6 /16

Burma, Guatemala. Haiti, India and Syria; Amendmentsto draft resolution by USA ('I'/L.GIIO). I'/L.li4:1

Burma, Guatemala. Haiti, India and Syria; Amendmentsto draft resolution by USSR ('I'/L.GId). 'I'/L.GM

USSR. Draft resolutions. 'I'/L.G41. G4~ (withdrawll at674th meeting)

USA. Draft resolution. T/L.(j40. I'/MO/Rev.l

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 654, 6(55, 67il, 674, Gt:I;, GfI,Draft resolution in 'I'/L.M2 withdrawn by USSR at liTitll

meetingUSSR draft resolution in I'/L.GM1, as amended. not adopted

at 687th meetingUSA draft resolution in I'/L.GIIO/Rev.1 adopted (iO-:!-2) as ,

resolution 1369 (XVII) at 687th meeting-reports of administcring authorities: form and content


India. Draft resolution. I'/L.650 and Rev.IUNESCO. Examination of annual reports. T/12:iO

Discussirm in Plenary: Meetings 655, 695, 698

Draft resolution in I'/L.650/Rev.l adopted (6-0-8) as reso­lution 1370 (XVII) at 698th meeting

-union with other Territeries (agenda item 7)Documents

Secretariat. Working paper. T/C.l/L.M)




Trust Territories (continued)

-union with other Territories (continued)Discussion. in Admin. Unions: Meetings 74-77

Report. T/L.655, 656, li6:;Discussion in Plena-ry: Meetings 655, 609

Reports in T/L.650 and 663 taken note of at 699th meeting

-women: handicrafts (agenda item 11)Economic and Social Council resolution 587F I (XX)Documents

Secretary-General. Note. T/1220Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 095

Trusteeship Council:

-agenda (agenda item 1)Provisional agenda. T/l:! 1IiAgenda. T/1227Discussion ,in Plenary: Meeting 053

Provisional agenda adopted at li50rd meeting. Text in T/1227

-date, 18th sessionDiscussion in Plenary: Meetings 69,J, 700

Opening date of Hltll session fixed for 7 Jun 1056

-decisionsCollected resolutions, T/12:n (TCOR, 17th sess. suppl. no. 1)

-heat'iugs 17th session: Cameroons under French admluistrationRequests jar hearings tram:

j eunesse dernocratique du Cameroun, T/1225Ngondo, Traditional Assembly of the Douala People.

T/PET.5/L.84Union dernocratique des femmes camerounaiscs. T/PET.5/

L.75Union des populations du Cameroun. T/PET.5/L.76

Other documentsSecretariat. Memorandum on requests for oral hearings.

T/1225Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 65:i, 6511, 683

Jeunesse democratique du Cameroun, Request not grantedNgondo, Traditional Assembly of the Douala People.

H.equest grantedHearing postponed until 18th session at 683rd meeting

Union democratique des femmes camerounaises. Requestnot granted

Union des populations du Cameroun. Request not granted

-m.emhers: representatives: credentials (agenda item 2)Documents

Secretary-General. T/l:t::lliDiscussion '/:n Plenary: Meeting 695

Report on credentials (T/l:!36) adopted (11-0·:3) at 695thmeeting

-organization of workDiscussion in Plenary: Meetings 666, 696, 69ll, 700

-report to General Assembly, 1954/1955 (agenda item 10)General Assembly Resolution ,9118 (X)Documents

Secretariat. Summary of observations made in FourthCommittee, lOth sess.. of GA on conditions in trustterritories. T/L.631

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 654

-resolutionsCollected resolutions. T/i:2:J'7 (TCOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 1)

-rules of procedure (agenda item 12)Documents

Secretariat. Working paper, T/L.633Secretary-Geueral. Memorandum, T/IU4Secretary-General. Memorandum. T/1235Syria and USA. Draft resolution. T/L.648, T/L.648JRev.1

(French only)Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 6511, 695


Uganda: union with Tanganyika: See Trust 'I'erritoriess unionwith other Territories

Um Urn, Ruhen, See Cameroons under Fr. adm.s pets

Union democratiqlle des femmes camerounaisess See Camereonsunder Fr. adm.: pets; Cameroons under Fr. adm.i reports,1954; Trusteeship Council: hearings, 17th session: Cameroonsunder Fr. adm,

Union lies populations du CameroWl: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets; Cameroons under Fr. adm.] report, 1954; Came­roons under Br, adm.: pets: Cltmeroons under Ft,. adm.e report,1954; Trusteeship Council: hearings, 17th session: Cameroonsunder Fr. adm,

Union des syndieats autonomes du Cameroun; AdministrativeCouncil: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Union des syndieats comMeres du Cameroun: See Carueroonsunder Fr. adm.s pets

Union of Australian Women: See Cameroons under F.·. adm.s pets

Union of Retail Merchants, Craftsmen and Indigenous Carriers:See Cameroons umlee Fr. adm.r pets

Union regionale des syndieats, Mungo: See Cameroons under Fr.adm.: pets

Unite camerounaiser See Cameroons under Fr. adm.e pets

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under British Administration and the Cameroonsunder French Administration, 1955:

-report on the Cameroons under British administration (agendaitem 6 (a))

DocumentsNew Zealand. Draft resolution T/L.660UK Observations on report. T/123 1k

UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of the Cameroonsunder British administration and the Cameroons underFrench administration, 1955. Report on the Cameroonsunder British administration T/1226, T/1226/Corr.l(English only), T/i22G/Corr.2 (French only)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 677-67ll, 682, G83-()86, 69!JDraft resolution T/L.6GO adopted (13-0-1) as resolution

137:3 (XVII) at 6!J9th Meeting

-report on the Cameroons under French allministration (agendaitem 6 (b))

DocumentsNew Zealand, Draft resolution. T/L.660UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of the Camcroons

under British administration and the Cameroons underFrench administration, H)55. Report. T/1231, T/123 i/Corr.I (French only), T/1231/Corr.2 (English only)

Discussion. in Plenary: Meetings 686·6!J3, 699

Draft resolution T/L.660 adopted (13-0·1) as resolution1373 (XVII) at 69!Jth meeting

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territeries of Togo­land under British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 19551

-repot.t on TogolaDlI under French administration (agendaitem 5)

DocU11lentsFrance. Observations relating to document T/1211. T/1228Guatemala. Draft resolution. T/L.651UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of Togoland under

British administration and Togoland under French admini­stration. Report. T/1238 (TCOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 2)(Reproduces T/12il, 1228)



TrU.!lt Tenitories (continued)

-union with other Territories (continued)Disc-ussio1L in Admin. Unions: Meetings 74-77

Report. T/L.655, 656, li6:;Discuss'ion in Plena-ry: Meetings 655, 609

Reports in T/L.650 and 663 taken note of at 699th meeting

-women: handicrafts (agenda item 11)Economic and Social Council resolution 587F I (XX)Documents

Secretary-General. Note. T/1220DisCllssion in Plenar)': Meeting 095

Trusteeship Council:

-agenda (agenda item 1)Provisional agenda. T/l:! 1IiAgenda. T/1227Discussion ,in Plenary: Meeting 053

Provisional agenda adopted at li50rd meeting. Text in T/1227

-date, 18th sessionDiscuss'ion in Plenary: Meetings 69,J, 700

Opening date of Hltll session fixed for 7 Jun 1056

-decisionsCollected resolutions, T/12:n (TCOR, 17th sess" suppl. no. 1)

-heat'iugs 17th session: Cameroons under French iulministrationRequests jar hearings tram:

Jeunesse democratique du Cameroun, T/1225Ngondo, Traditional Assembly of the Douala People.

T/PET.5/L.84Union demoeratique des femmes camerounaiscs. T/PET.5/

L.75Union des populations du Cameroun. T/PET.5/L.76

Other documentsSecretariat. Memorandum on requests for oral hearings.

T/1225Discl/ssion in Plenary: Meetings 65:i, 6511, 683

Jeunesse democratique du Cameroun, Eequest not grantedNgondo, Traditional Assembly of the Douala People.

H.equest grantedHearing postponed until 18th session at 683rd meeting

Union demoeratique des femmes camerounaises. Requestnot granted

Union des populations du Cameroun. Request not granted

-m.emhers: representatives: credentials (agenda item 2)Doclements

Secretary-General. T/l:t::lliDiscussion '/:n Plenary: Meeting 695

Report on credentials (T/l:!36) adopted (11-0·:3) at 695thmeeting

-organization of workDiscussion in Plenary: Meetings 666, 696, 69ll, 700

-report to General Assembly, 1954/1955 (agenda item 10)General A$sembly Resolution ,9118 (X)

DocumentsSecretariat. Summary of observations made in Fourth

Committee, lOth sess., of GA on conditions in trustterritories. T/L.631

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 654

-resolutionsCollected resolutions. T/i:2:J'7 (TCOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 1)

-rules of procedure (agenda item 12)Documents

Secretariat. Working paper, T/L.633Secretary-Geueral. Memorandum, T/IU4Secretary-General. Memorandum. T/1235Syria and USA. Draft resolution. T/L.648, T/L.648JRev.1

(French only)Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 6511, 695


Uganda: Wlion with Tanganyika: See Trust Teuitories: unionwith other Territories

Um Urn, Ruben. See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Union democratiqlle (les femmes camerOlUlaises: See Camerflonsunder Fr. adm.: pets; Cameroons umler Fr. adm.: repflrts,1954; Trusteeship Council: hearings, 17th session: COJUeroonsunder Fr. adm.

Union lies populations du CameroWl: See Cameroons under Fr.Itdm.: pets; Cameroons unller Fr. adm.; report, 1954; Came­roons ul1ller Br. adm.: pets: Cltmeroons WilIer Ft,. lulm.: report,1954; Trllilteeship Council: hearings, 17th session: Cameroonsuudel' Fr. adm.

Union des syndicats aulonomes llu Cameroun; AdministrativeCouncil: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.1 pets

Union ,Ies syndieats comMeres du Cameroun: See CamerooDsunder Fr. adm.: pets

Union of Australian Women: See Cameroons under F.·. aI1ln.: pets

Union of Retail Merchants, Craftsmen and Indigenous Carriers:See Cameroons uUller Fr. adm.; pets

Union regionale des symlicats, Mungo: See Cameroons Wlder Fr.adm.: pets

Unite cawerounaise; See Cameroons uUller Fr. adm.: pets

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under British Administration aud the CamerooDslmder French Administration, 1955:

-report on the Cameroons under British administration (agendaitem 6 (a))

DocumentsNew Zealand. Draft resolution T/L.660UK Observations on report. T/1231k

UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of the Cameroonsunder British administration and the Cameroons underFrench administration, 1955. Report on the Cameroonsunder British administration T/1226, T/1226/Corr.l(English only), T/i22G/Corr.2 (French only)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 677-67ll, 682, G83-()86, 69!JDraft resolution T/L.6GO adopted (13-0-1) as resolution

137:3 (XVII) at 6!J9th Meeting

-report on the Cameroons under French allministration (agendaitem 6 (b))

DocumentsNew Zealand, Draft resolution. T/L.660UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of the Cameroons

under British administration and the Cameroons underFrench administration, H)55. Report. T/1231, T/123 i/Corr.i (French only), T/1231/Corr.2 (English only)

Discussi01L in Plenary: Meetings 686·6!J3, 699

Draft resolution T/L.660 adopted (13-0·1) as resolution1373 (XVII) at 69!Jth meeting

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Tel'l'itories of Togo­land under British Administration and Togoland lIDller FrenchAdministration, 19551

-repot.t on TogolaDlI under French administration (agendaitem 5)

DocU11lentsFrance. Observations relating to document T/1211. T/1228Guatemala. Draft resolution. T/L.651UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of Togolalld under

British administration and Togoland under French admini­stration. Report. T/1238 (TCOR, 17th sess., suppL no. 2)(Reproduces T/12il, 1228)

20 C. SUBJECT INDEX=======================..._-

United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Tenitories of Togo­land under British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdminislration, 1955 (wntin1led)

-report on Togoland under French administration (continued)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings G()2-573, (\98

Draft resolution T!L,(i51 adopted unanimously as resolutioni:37<! (XVII) at liUStll meeting

Waffo, Moise: See Camcroons under Fr. adm.i pets

Washamhalo, Representative of: See Tanganyika: pets

Werner. Ouo, Heirs of: See Tanganyika: pets

World Federation of Trade Unions: See Cameroons under Fr.ud1ll.: pets

Yakam, Family of Samuel: See Cameroons under Fr. Bdm.lreport, 1954

Yana Yana, Gilbert: See Cameroons WIder Fr. adm.: pets

Yapla, Louisr See Cameroons under Fr. adm.r pets

Ycmeno, EHc: See Cllweroons under Fr. adID.: pets

Yila, ISllIlC: See Cam croons undee Fr. adm.r pets

Yit, Joseph: See Cameroons under F.·. adm.s pets

Yumo, Isidore: See Cllmeroons under Fr. adm,e pets

20 C. SUBJECT INDEX=======================..._-

Uniled Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Tenitories of Togo­land under British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdminislration, 1955 (wntin1led)

-report on Togoland under French administration (continued)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings G()2-573, (\98

Draft resolution T!L,(i51 adopted unanimously <lS resolutioni:37<! (XVII) at liUStll meeting

Waffo, Moise: See Camcroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Washamhalo, RepresentaLivc of: See Tanganyika: pets

Werner. Ouo, Heirs of: See Tanganyika: pets

World Federation of Trade Unions: See Cameroons under Fr.ud1ll.: pets

Yakam, Family of Samuel: See Cameroons umler Fr. Bdm.lI'eport, 1954

Yana Yana, Gilbert: Sce Cameroon!'! WIder Fr. adm.: pets

Yapla, Loui!'!: See Cameroons under Fr. adm.: pets

Yemeno. EHc: See Cllweroons un,ler Fr. adID.: pets

Yila, ISllIlC: See Camcroons umIer Fr. awn.: I,ets

Yit, Joseph: See CawerooDs under F.·. adm.: pets

Yumo, Isidore: See Cllmeroons under Fr. adm.: pets


Plen: (HI:1Plen : 605

Plen: O!J5

Plen : (iM, 66;\

Plcn: G98Plen : 67:i, 6'74

Plen: 082, GB!.

Plen: GOZ

682, 688, 684, 689Plen: (9), 682

Plen: 655650, 658, oB9, eeo

Plen: 677, 6786G4, (,o7, G69, 670

Plen: 678

Plen: 678, GS1, GSAPlen: 686-691, 695, fi9~)

Plen: 655Plen: 655-oB?, OUO, 697

Ple:1: 671, 670, 079, 097


Cameroons under British adrn, : reportPlen:

Carneroons under Fr. adn1.: reportChina: representation in UNRuanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adm, : report Plen :Trust Territories: political developmentTrusteeship Council;

hearings: Carneroons under Fr. arlm, Plen : G5llmembers: representatives: credentials Plen : 695

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br, Adrn. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adrn., 1955:

report on the Carneroons under Br. on the Cameroons under Fr. adm.

Department of Trusteeship anti Information from Non­Self.Govel'l1ing Territcries

Trust Territories: petitions: examinationTrusteeship Council:

organization of work Plen : HI)!)rules of procedure Plen : 6115

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsTrust Territories:

reports of administering authorities:form and content

FranceCameroons under Br. adrn.: reportCarneroons under Fr. aclm.: reportChina: representation in UNRuanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. aclm.: report

Plen: 600, G62, GM, Gu5, GC6. ccs. 669, G7H, 6!l:1Togoland : unification Plen : li73, fi\.l8

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical develop rnentreports of administering authorities:

form and contentunion with other territories

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adrn. Plen : Ori3, Gfi1.organization of work Plen: (jGG, (HJ(j, fi9llrules of procedure Plen: 095

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br, Adm, and the Camcroonsunder Fr. Adrn., j 955 :

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm , Plen : Gll!,report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: li~(j, (i\)5

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br, Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adrn.,

1955 :report on Togoland under Fr. adm.

Plen: 6GO, G(j3, GM, lifl:')

Burma (continued)UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo­

land under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm..1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm, Plen : 672





671, 098

085, 699093, 699089, 690(il:il, 697G80, 697669, 670

Plen: 684Plen : (}!i:~

Plen: GH5Plen: 6\13Plen : GG7

Plen: 698

Plen: 685Plen: 69i, 6HS

Pleu: 095. 698

Plen : 654, 063, G99Plen: 673. 687

Plen: 581, 682, Gilll

Plen: 0(\3, 665, 1:i98, 699Plen: GS7

Plen:adm.: report

Plen: G62, G67, OG9,

under British adm.: reportunder Fr. adm. : report

Plen: 689, 690, fi9J, G93, 699adm. : peti tions Plen : G96

Plen: 654.·659. 66:1, 697671, 676, 677, G7S, GSO, 6!J7

Carneroons under Br , adm. : report PI en : 677, 678,Cameroons under Fr. adrn. : report Plen : 689,Pacific Islands under USA. adm. : petitions PleuRuanda- Uru ndi : report Plen : li5(;, 657,Tanganyika: report Plen : (\7 i, (\76, G77,Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen :Trnst Territories:

petitions: exarninationpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form and contentTrusteeship Council:

hearings: Carneroons under Fr. adm. Plen :organization of work Plen: 090,

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCarneroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955 :

report on the Carneroons under Br. on the Cameroons under Fr. adm,report on Togoland under Fr. adm,

Pacific Islands under USARuanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr.

Trust Territories:peuitions : examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form and content

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Pleu : 053, OG4report to GA. 1951kj1955 Plen: GM

UX Vialting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br, Adrn, and the Carneroonsunder Fr. Adrn., j 955 ;

report on the Carneroons under Br. adm,report 011 thc Carneroons under Fr. adm.

BurmaCameruons under British ad m. : report

Plen: 078, 681, G85, 69\!Cameroons under 1<"r. adin. : report Plea; O!i3Pacific Islands under USA adm.: petitions Plen: G96Ruancla-Urunc1i: report Plen: 656, 657, 058, 6GlTanganyika: report Plen: 676, on, 680Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 66/" 606. 6138, 137'dTrust Territories: political development Plen: 671" 68/Trusteeship Council:

hearings: Carneroons under Fr. adrn. Plen: 653members: representatives: credentials Plen: 695rules of procedure PIen: 6!i5

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCarneroons under Br. Adm. and the Carneroons

under Fr. Adrn., '1 !l55 :report on the Cafl1.eroons under Br, adrn.

report on the Carneroons under Fr. adrn:



IL _


PIen : G72

Plen: 695

Plen: MIllPlen. (\0;;

Plen: li5l1, 56;l

Plen: u82, ()Iv.

Plen: 5[)Z

Plcn : GH8Plen: 67:~, 6'7-1

682, 688, 68 /i, 689Plen : 601, 682

Plen: 655655, 658, G5\J, (j(:iO

Plen: 67'7, 678GGiI, (IG7, GG9, 670

Plen: 67,3


Plen: (',78, Gi:ll, G8/1Plen: 686-G!J1, 695, fi!J~)

Plen: 655Plen: 655-657, GOO, 697

PIe:}: 671, 67u, 679, G97

FranceCameroons under Br. adm.: reportCameroons under Fr. ac1m.: reportChina: representation in UNRuanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adm.; report

Plen: 600, G62, &54, GG5, 6C6. (i(ill, 669. 67;1, G~tl

Togoland: unification Plen: G7S, nUS

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering a llthorities :

form and contentunion with other territories

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: G53, GGL,arganization of work Plen: (jGG, (Wo, G99rules of procedure Plen: 695

UN Visiting Mission to the Tnlst Territories of theCametoons under Br. Adm. and the Camcroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Call1eroDns under Br. adm. Plen: G~L1

report on tile Cameroons under Fr. actrn. Plen: li~(j, (W5

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Adm. and Togoland undcI' VI. Adm.,

1955 :report on Togoland under Fr. adm.

Plen: GGO, (}(j3, 6M, M5

Burma (continued)UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo­

land under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm..195G:

report on Togoland under Fr. adm.

ChinaCameroons under British adm. : report

Plen:Cameroons under Fr. adn1.: reportChina: representation in UNRuanda-Urundi: reportTanganyika: reportTogola.nd under Fr. adm.: report Plen :Trust Territories: political developmentTrusteeship Council:

hearings: Carneroons under Fr. adll1. Plen: G5~l

members: representatives: credentials Plen' 695UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Ac1m., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. on the Cameroons under Fr. adm.

Department of Trusteeship ami Information from Non­Sclf.Govel'lling Tel'ritoric8

Trust Territories: petitiollS: examinationTrusteeship Council:

organization of work Plea: ill)!)

rules of procedure Plen: 595

Food and Agriculture Organizlltion of tlte United Nations

Trust Territories:reports of administering authorities:

form and content




G71, 098

085, 699093, 099089, G9G(il)l, 6\!7oBO, G97669, 670

Plen: OH8

Plen: GH5Plen: 6\13Plen: G67

Plen: 68Ll

Flen: 6!i:~

Plen: G85Plen: 691, 6H3

PlelL: 695, 098

Plen: 681, 682, Oflll

Plen: 654, 063, 699Plen: 073, G87

Plen: GUa, GG5, 698, 699Plen: liS7


Plen: GG2, G67, u69,

under British adm.: repDrtunder Fr. adm. : report

Flen: 689, 690, ()\11 , GH3, 699adm. : petitions Plen: 096

Plen: 654.·659, 66:1, 697671, 675, 677, 678, 680, 697

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form and content

-rrusteeship Council:hearings: Carnel'Oons under Fr. adm. Plen: 053, OG4report to GA, 1951k/1955 Plen: 0511

U ~ Visiting MissioLl to the Trust Territories of theCamerooIls under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsundcr Fr. Adm., j \155 :

report on the Cameroons under Br. 011 the Cameroons under Fr. adm.

Cameroons under Br. adm. : report Plen: 677, 678,Cameroons under Fr. adln. : report Plen: GSg,Pacific Islands llnder USA. adm. : petitions PleuRuanda- Urundi : report Plen: li5(;, 657,Tanganyika: report Plen: f\71, G70, G77,

Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen :Trnst Territories:

petitions: exan1inatiollpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form a.nd contentTrusteeship Council:

hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen:organization of work Plen: 6\!6,

UN VisiUng Mission to the Trust Territories of theCamerooDs under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955 :

report on the Carneroons under Br. on the Cam.eroons under Fr. adl1l.


report on Togoland under Fr. adnl..



Pacific Islands under USAH.uallda-Urundi: reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adm,:


BurmaCamerrJOllS under British adm. : report

Plen: G78, 6i:l1, 685, 69\!Camel'oolls under 1<"r. adll1. : report Plen: ti!i3PacifIC Islands under USA adm.: petitions Plen: 696Ruancla-Uruncli: report Plen: 656, 657, 658, 661Tanganyika: report Plen: 676, G77, 680Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 66/" 6u6, 668. 61'2.Trust Territories: political development Plen: fi7l" 68/

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 653

I m.embers: representatives: credentials Plen: 695


rule::; of procedl1re Plen: 6\J5UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cam.eroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., '1955:

report on the Call1.eroons under Br. on the Cameroons under Fr. adm.

IL --=--=============~:=::::::=:~======~~I-


Plen: (j69

Plen: 695

Plen: GG8Plen: 6711



Plen : [jG5Plen: ll7:l

Plen: 678

Plen: 672

Plen: 668Plen: 654

Plen: lj(j:~, 669

l178, 682, oss. (j99Plen: li811-G90

Plen: l)55, (]59, MOPlen: 673, G75, U77, mu

Plen : (io6, GU\), 698


Plen: 690, 69i,UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-

land under Br. Adm, and Togoland under Fr. AdITI.,1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm.

India (continued)

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br. Adm, and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under on the Cameroons under Fr.


Cameroons under Br. adm.: report Plen :Cameroons under Fr. adm.: reportRuanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adrn. : reportTrust Territories:

petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form and content Plen: 698TC: hearings: Carneroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 653UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Carneroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Carneroons under Fr. adm. Plen: G89UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-

land under Br. Adrn, and Togoland under Fr. AdITI.,1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adrn.

Internationol Labour Organisation

Togoland under Fr. adm. : reportTrust Territories: social development

New Zealand

Cameroons under Br. adm.: report Plen : H7t1, 68:.!. 684Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 689, 090, (j92Pacific Islands uuder USA adm. : petitions Plen: 696Ruanda-Urundi: report Plen: 655, oso, G58, 659, 660, 6U7Tanganyika: report Plen: on, 675, 67G, 679, 697Togoland under Fr. adm. : report Plen : 6611, GG7-(j(\9, 698Trust Territories: political development Plen: G7:{, G87TC: hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adrn. Pleu : 653UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cameroons under Br. Adm , and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., i955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm, Plen: 684. mlUreport on the Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 69:2, 699

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Ad:rn.,:1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm. Plen: 669

Seeretariat: See Department of Trusteeship and Inforxn-ation from Non- Self. Governing Territories

Special representatives of Administering Authorities

Cameroons under Br, adm.: report Plen: 677-683, 686Camerooris under Fr. adm,: report Plen: G8li-69i, 695Ruanda-Urundi : report Plen: 654-G5\1, G63Tanganyika: report Plen: 670-677, 681, 683Togoland under Fr. adm.: report

Plen: seo, GG2, 664, 660-G69, 67::1UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm, 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm,Plen: 677, 078, 682

report on the Cameroons under Fr. adrn,Plen: 680, 689, GOI

Plen: 653, 654Plen: 695

Plen: 6\)6, 699Plen: 654Plen: 695

691, 693, 694, 699Plen: 655

Plen: 689, 696656, 658, 659, G97677, 680, 683, 697

Plen : G82Plen: G56-658, G97

Plen: 676, 67'7, 679, 681Plen: (i65, 667, 669

Br. adm.Plen: (;77, 682, 683, 686

report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm.Plen: 686, G89, 690, 691, 6911

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Adrn. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm,

Cameroons under Br. adm.: reportRuanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adrn, : report

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical development

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm, Plen : 653rules of procedure Plen : G95

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCarneroons under Br. Adrn., and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under

Cameroons under Br. adm.: reportPlen: 678, (j82, 68:j, 685, 699

Cameroons under Fr. adm.: reportPlen: 688, 690,

China: representation in UNPacific Islands under USA adm, : petitionsRuanda-Urundi : report Plen: 655,Tanganyika: report Plen: 673-675,Togoland under Fr. adm.: report

Plen: G60, 662, 666, 668, 672Plen: 672

GuatemalaCameroons under Br, adm,: report

Plen: 679, 681-688, 686, 699

Carneroons under Fr. adm.: reportPlen: 687-691, 691" 695, 699

Pacific Islands under USA adm. : petitions Plen: 696Ruanda-Urundi: report Plen: 656-659, 661, 697Tanganyika: report Plen : 675, 677, 680, 697Togoland under Fr. adrn, : report Plen: GM-G69, 672, 698

Trust Territories:petitions: examination Plen: G5/1, 66;jpolitical development Plen: 6711

union with other territories Plen: 665TC: hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm, PIen : 65:1UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cameroons under Br. Adrn, and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm, 1955 :

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm, Plen : G82, 685report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm, Plen : G91

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br, Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.,1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm. Plen : 672, 698


Togoland: unification

Trust Territories:

petitions: examination Plen: 651" 668, 665, 698, 699political development Plen : 654, 673, 674, 687reports 0:1 administering authorities:

form and content

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Ca.meroons under Fr. adm.members: representatives: credentialsorganization of workreport to GA, 1954/1955rules 0:1 procedure


686, 699689, 692

660, 697681, 6B7666, 670

Plen: 698

Plen : G57

Plen: 695

Plen: 682

Plen : 66;]Plen: 673, 687

Plen: 655. 650Plen: 698

Plen: 653Plen: 695

Plen : 6M, 695

Plen: 655

677, 681, 682,Plen:Plen:

Plen: 670, 671, G75.




Plen: U6i:!. GG5Plen: 6G5, 673, 074. GS6


Trusteeship Council:

hearings: Camerocns under Fr. adm.members: representatives: credentialsrules of proced ure

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCarneroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm.• 1955:

report on the Carneroons under Br. adm.

World Health Organization

Ruanda-Urundi: reportreports of administering authorities:

form and content

Ruanda-Urundi : reportTogoland under Fr. adm.: reportTrust Territories:

reports of administering authorities:form and content

Trust Territories:

petitions: examinationpolitical development

United Kingdom

Cameroons under Br. adm.:

Carncroons under Fr. adm.:Ruanda-Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adm.: report

Trusteeship Council:

hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm, Plen : 653organization of work Plen : 696, 699

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. adrn, Plen: G77UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-

land under Br, Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.•1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm, Plen: 070

United Nations Educational, Scientific and CultnralOrganization

United States of America

Cameroons under Br. adm.: reportPlen: 677. 6Hl, 682, 683, G99

. Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report Plen : 687, G90, Gn~

Pacific Islands under USA adm. : petitions Plen : G8D. 696Ruanda-Urundi: report Plen : 655, 659. 660. 697Tanganyika : report Plen: 671. 675, 677, 678. 6B7Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 6G2, 665, 666. 669

Trust Territories:

petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering

form and content653G95699695

Plen:Plen:Plen :Plen:

Plen: 6H;)PIen : 699

Plen: 66G, 670

Plen : G54, 663Plen: G71,

Plen: 663, 664, G70

Plen: 663, 6G4. 667

Plen: 663, 665. 698, G99Plen : 67il, G7lJ., 687

690. 691, G93, G!JBPlen: 655

petitions Plen: 696Plen : G55, G57-660, 697

G71, 673, 676, G77, 679, G97Plen: 6M, 667-670, 698


adm.Plen: G78, 682, 685

report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm.Plen : 689. 691, 693, 694

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.,1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm.

Special representatives of Administering Authorities (continued)

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Ad m.arid Togoland under Fr. Adm.;1955 :

report on Togolanc1 under Fr. adm.

SyriaCameroons under Br. adm, : report Plen: 678, B8:.!, 683, 6!JBCameroons under Fr. adrn. : report Plen : 688, 690, 6!J1, 6!J3Pacific Islands under USA adm.: petitions Plen: 696Ruanda-Urundi: report Plen: 655, 657, 659, 661, 663Tanganyika: report Plen: 67:2, 673, 675-677. 680Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen : 662, 666, 668, 670

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical development

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 653, 651,

rules of procedure Plen : 695UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cameroons under Br , Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Carneroons under Br. adrn. Plen: G78, G83report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 689, 693

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-laud under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.,I!J55 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adrn,

Union of Soviet Socialist HepuhlicsCameroons under Br. adm. : report

Plen: 678, 682. 683, 685. 699Cameroons under Fr. adm. : report

Plen: 689.China: representation in UNPacific Islands under USA adm.:Ruanda- Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adm. :

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form and contentunion with other territories

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. :members: representatives: credentialsorganization of workrules of procedure

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Camerooris under Br.


686, 699689, 692

660, 697681, 6B7666, 670

Plen: 698

Plen: G57

Plen: 695

Plen: 682

Plen: 66;]Plen: 673, 687

Plen: 655. 650Plen: 698

Plen: 653Plen: 695

Plen: 6M, 695

Plen: 655

677, 681, 682,Plen:Plen:

Plen: 670, 671, G75.




Plen: U6i:!. GG5Plen: 6G5, 673, 074. GS6


Trusteeship Council:

hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm.members: representatives: credentialsrules of proced11re

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm.• 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm.

World Health Organization

Ruanda-Urundi: reportreports of administering authorities:

form and content

Ruanda-Urundi: reportTogoland under Fr. adm.: I'eportTrust Territories:

reports of administering authorities:form and content

Trust Territories:

petitions: examinationpolitical development

United Kingdom

Cameroons under Br. adm.:

Carneroons under Fr. adm.:Ruanda-Urundi: reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adm.: report

Trusteeship Council:

hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 653organization of work Plen: 696, 699

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. ad11l. Plen: G77UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-

land under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.•1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm. Plen: 070

United Nations Educational, Scientific and CultnralOrganization

United States of America

Cameroons under Br. adm.: reportPlen: 677. 6Hl, 682, 683, G99

. Cameroons under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 687, G90, Gn~

Pacific Islands under USA adm. : petitions Plen: G8D. 696Ruanda-Urundi: report Plen: 655, 659. 660. 697Tangap.yilm: report Plen: 671. 675, 677, 678. 6B7Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 6G2, 665, 666. 669

Trust Territories:

petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering

form and content653G95699695


Plen: 6H;)PIen : 699

Plen: 66G, 670

Plen: (;54, 663Plen: G71,

Plen: 663, 664, G70

Plen: 663, 6G4. 667

Plen: 663, 665. 698, G99Plen: 6n, G7lJ., 687

690. 691, G93, G!JBPlen: 655

petitions Plen: 696Plen: G55, G57-660, 697

G71, 673, 676, G77, 679, G97Plen: 6M, 667-670, 698


Special representatives of Administering Authorities (continued)

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Ad m.and Togoland under Fr. Adm".1955 :

report on Togolanc1 under Fr. adm.

SyriaCameroons under Br. adm. : report Plen: 678, B8:.!, 683, 6!JBCameroons under Fr. adm. : report Plen: 688, 690, 6!J1, 6!J3Pacific Islands under USA adm.: petitions Plen: 696Ruanda-Urundi: report Plen: 655, 657, 659, 661, 663Tanganyika: report Plen: 67:2, 673, 675-677. 680Togoland under Fr. adm.: report Plen: 662, 666, 668, 670

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical development

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 653, 651,

rules of procedure Plen: 695UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of the

Cameroons under Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm. Plen: G78, G83report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm. Plen: 689, 693

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-laud under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.,I!J55 :

report on Togoland under Fr. adm.

Union of Soviet Socialist RellUblic8Cameroons under Br. adm. : report

Plen: 678, 682. 683, 685. 699Cameroons under Fr. adm. : report

Plen: 689.China: representation in UNPacific Islands under USA adm.:Ruanda- Urundi : reportTanganyika: reportTogoland under Fr. adIll. :

Trust Territories:petitions: examinationpolitical developmentreports of administering authorities:

form and contentunion with other territories

Trusteeship Council:hearings: Cameroons under Fr. adm. :members: representatives: credentialsorganization of workrules of procedure

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of theCameroons lmder Br. Adm. and the Cameroonsunder Fr. Adm., 1955:

report on the Cameroons under Br. adm.Plen: G78, 682, 685

report on the Cameroons under Fr. adm.Plen: 689. 691, 693, 694

UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories of Togo-land under Br. Adm. and Togoland under Fr. Adm.,1955 :

report on Togoland under Fr, adm.


(1) Plenary


T/UOO (TCOR, Ifith scss, , suppl. no, ~)

1:!Ol1:!O~ and Add.l12051208I;!OD121112161219-1:2251226 and Corr.I (English only)1227-128012:11 and Corr.I (French only), 2 (English only)12:12-12BG12:17 (TCOR, 17th sess., Sl1PPI. no. 1)1238 (TCOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 2)


T/LlHDG2H-G29GHO and Add.lGB 1-638U39 and Add.1IHO and Rev.lIVd-G!,41115 and Add.I64(;-U47648 and Rev.l (French only)649650 and Rev.lli51-6noGUl and Corr.IU62-Gli~



(2) Standing Committee on Administrative UnionsLIMITED SERIES




(3) Stamling Committee on Petitions


T/C:2/L.l 64/Add. 1175/Add.l18H-HJ21%-1(J9;WO and Add,/l20220H:105-209:111-214:115 and Add.I21(,-222:123 and Add.l22/,225226




(4) Tanganyika: communications, obscnlll:ions nnd poetidOll!


T/COM.2/L.2/1 , 2n


T/OBS:2/16, 2.\, 27


T/PET.2/194 and Add.I--l1D51oo and Add.IHI7L.4, 6

(5) Ruanda·Urtmdi: observations and petitions




T/PET.a/SlH2 and Add.I and 28:18/, and Add.IL.5, G

(6) Cameroolls under British administration: obeervntlons andpetitfons


T/OBS.4/14 and Add.l15-20


T/PET..i/10i:J104 and Add.IlOfl-107L.l/Add.1L .)


(7) Cameroons under Britillh and Cameroons lulder Frenchadministration: petitions


T/PET,/; and 5/1" r-n

(3) CllmeroollS undee French administrationr C.onunnnicadolU,observatiolls and petitions


T/COM.5/L.1iO, III115-1181~0, 1~1

1~4, 125, 1271:17ISO


T/OBS.5jGl, 02, sn, ss, H-7f)


T/FET.5/L,a.:2-GlGH-n75, 7084

3W, 317320 and Add.I



(1) Plenary


T/UOO (TCOR, Hith scss, , suppl. no, ~)

1:!Ol1:!O~ and Add.l12051208I;!OD121112161219-1:2251226 and Corr.l (English only)1227-128012:11 and Corr.l (French only), 2 (English only)12:12-12BG12:17 (TCOR, 17th scss., Sl1PPI. no. 1)1238 (TCOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 2)


T/LlHDG2H-G29GHO and Add.lGB 1-638U39 and Add.1IHO and Rev.lIVd-G!,41115 and Add.l64(;-U47648 and Rev.l (French only)649650 and Rev.lli51-6noGUl and Corr.lU62-Gli~



(2) Standing Committee on Administrative UnionsLIMITED SERIES




(3) Stamling Committee on PetitionsLIMITED SERIES

T/C:2/L.l 64/Add. 1175/Add.l18H-HJ21%-1(J9;WO and Add,/l20220H:105-209:111-214:115 and Add.121(,-222:123 and Add.l22/,225226




(4) Tanganyika: communications, obscnlll:ions nnd poetidOll!



T/OBS:2/16, 2.\, 27


T/PET.2/194 and Add.I--l1D51Uli and Add.IHI7L.4, 6

(5) Ruanda·Urtmdi: observations and petitions




T/PET.a/SlH2 and i\dd.I and 28:18/, and Add.lL.5, G

(6) Cameroolls under British administration: ob&enllllolls andJletitions


T/OBS.4/14 and Add.l15-20


T/PET..i/10i:J104 and Add.llOfl-107L.l/Add.1L .)


(7) Cameroons under Britillh and eameroons lulder Frencbadministration: petitions


T/PET,/; and 5/1" 7-tl

(3) CllmeroollS ullcler French administrationr C.onunnnicadolU,observatiolls and petitions


T/COM.5/L.1iO, III115-1181~0, 1~1

1~4, 125, 1271:17ISO


T/OBS.5jGl, 02, lHi, li8, H-7f)


T/FET.5/L,a.:2-GlGH-n75, 7084

3W, 317320 and Add.l



(8) Cameroons under French administration: Communications,observations and petitions (contin lied)

PETITIONS (conthmcd)

T/PET.5j324, 3<'5328330 and Add.1

335:JB7:JH and Add.I346, 347:350356357 and Add.l35M, 359361, 862366, 367369-372375377:n9,380:381 and Add.1-3382385·387390 and Add.I391-399391-::\99402-408A09 and Add.l4.10-Id2


'122-43243:3 and Add.1-3


438-4404112, Vi34A5-A4.8q,:'l0-1157


468-472'17'1, Ij,75

'178- 1180

'183, 1185, 1188

'1\14-i96-500505, 513515, 516518520, 521523-525536, 5375/d, 545547, 5118

51,9 and Add.l

580, 581591, 593596, 599600 and Add.I, 2601 and Add.1

G02609-611Gill and Add.I


(8) Cameroons under French administration: ComolUllicJlhOns.observations and petitions (continued)

PETITIONS (continued)

T/PET.5/619, 620621 and Add.l622-629630 and Add.l631-633635·6381139 and Add.l641 and Add.I642-645646 and Add. 1, :2


653 and Add.I654-658659 and Add.1-3660-669670 and Add.l, :2

671·673675·677680681 and Add.I, :2

682, 68368/1 and Add.l685686 and Add.1-3687-691693-6966U8, 699700-715717-719721-724725 and Add.1726-728729 and Add.l730-732734-7117

749, 750752-755757 and Add.i

758-764765 and Add.l766-773775-778781783, 787, 788792, 794796-798800802-805808810, 811814, 817


(9) Togoland under French administratiom petitions


T /PET. 7/L.W·131137

1178, 479

1183, 48/1



(8) Cameroons unuer French administration: Communications,observations Rnd petitions (contin lied)

PETITIONS (conthmcd)

T/PET.5j324, 3<'5328330 and Add.1

335:JB7:JH and Add.l346, 347:350356357 and Add.l35M, 359361, 862366, 367369-372375377:n9,380:381 and Add.1-3382385·387390 and Add.l391-399391-::\99402-408A09 and Add.l4.10-Id2


'122-43243:3 and Add.1-3

1134·113G438-4404112, Vi34A5-A4.8q,:'l0-115711 59-1166

468-472'17'1, Ij,75

'178-1180'183, 1185, 1188

'1\14-i96-500505, 513515, 516518520, 521523-525536, 5375/d, 545547, 511851,9 and Add.l

580, 581591, 593596, 599600 and Add.1, 2

601 and Add.1

G02609-611Gill and Add.l


(8) Cameroons under French administration: ComolUllicJlhOns.observations and petitions (continued)

PETITIONS (continued)

T/PET.5/619, 620621 and Add.l622-629630 and Add.l631-633635·6381139 and Add.l641 and Add.l642-645646 and Add. 1, :2

6117-652653 and Add.l654-658659 and Add.1-3660-669670 and Add.l, :2

671·673675·677680681 and Add.l, :2

682, 68368/1 and Add.l685686 and Add.1-3687-691693-6966U8, 699700-715717-719721-724725 and Add.1726-728729 and Add.l730-732734-7117749, 750752-755757 and Add'l758-764765 and Add.l766-773775-778781783, 787, 788792, 794796-798800802-805808810, 811814, 817


(9) Togoland under French awninistration: petitions


T /PET. 7/L.W·131137

1178, 4791183, 48/1



(10) Pacific Islands under USA administration: petitions



(11) Somaliland under Italian administration: communications,petitions





(12) Supplements to Official Records

No, 1. Resolutions. 1956. 61 p. (T/1237). $U.S, 0.70; stg. 51.'Sw. fro 3.00 '

No. 2. UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in East Africa1954.. Report on Somaliland under Italian administration'and related documents. 1955. 67 p. (T/1200). $U.S. 0,70:stg. 5/-; Sw. fr. 2.75 '

No. 2. UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of Togolandunder British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 1955. Report on Togoland under Frenchadministration. 195G. 44 p. (T/1238). $U.S. 0,1.0; stg. 3/-,Sw. fr. 1.50

(12) Supplements to Official Records

No, 1. Resolutions. 1956. 61 p. (T/1237). $U.S. 0.70; stg. 5/•.Sw. fr. 3.00 '

No. 2. UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in East Africa1954.. Report on Somaliland under Italian administration'and related documents. 1955. 67 p. (T/1200). $U.S. 0,70:stg. 5/-; Sw. fr. 2.75 '

No. 2. UN Visiting Mission to Trust Territories of Togolandunder British Administration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 1955. Report on Togoland under Frenchadministration. i95G. 44 p. (T/1238). $U.S. 0,1.0; stg. 3/-.Sw. fr. 1.50


=====================-=(10) Pacific Islands under USA administration: petitions



(11) Somaliland under Italian administration: communications,lletitions


T/COM.11/ L ,177191200

