Independent safety assessment by a CSM Assessment … A… ·  · 2016-04-21Independent safety...

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Transcript of Independent safety assessment by a CSM Assessment … A… ·  · 2016-04-21Independent safety...

Independent safety assessment by a CSM

Assessment Body (RASBO)

Planning, delivery, management and independent safety

assessment report

Presentation to ERA Arthur D. Little Limited

Science Park

Milton Road

Cambridge CB4 0FH

United Kingdom

Tel.: +44 1223 427 100



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


Arthur D. Little is the world's first Management Consultancy,

focusing on technology intensive sectors

Innovating business – since 1886

Today we are the only premier global management consulting firm with a

125 year track record. Founded as a technology consultancy, throughout

our history we have contributed to numerous ground breaking innovations

Linking strategy, technology and innovation

We are acknowledged as a thought leader in linking strategy, technology

and innovation. We focus on technology intensive sectors delivering

business transformation

Working uniquely, different

Our people and their side-by-sideTM approach integrate cross-sector

knowledge and next level thinking seamlessly into your business.

How we work is innovative, what we deliver is positive change

1 Content – About Arthur D. Little


Safety and risk has been a part of the firm’s heritage for over a

century, highlighted by numerous landmark assignments

Waste minimization

services – Circa 1905

Warning agents for natural

gas – 1952NIOSH chemical

standards – 1979

Mass Transit Railway Signaling ISA –

1988 to date

Strategic Safety Management

Training – 1993 to date

Delhi Metro ISA - 2003 to


Prototype Safety Case supporting

UK Rail Privatisation – 1993-1995

EPA Risk Assessment

Support – 1979-1985

Texas City

investigation – 1947

EPA RCRA Program

Support – 1976-1980

Hooker Chemical

Investigations – 1979

Bhopal investigation – 1985

BP Forties Field Quantified Risk

Assessment – 1988-1990

Shell/Exxon UK Fife Plant Risk Studies -

1987 to date

ENI Refining Risk Studies – 1990 to


Swiss and Munich Re EHS

Management Systems – 1999-2000 UK Nuclear Liabilities Assessment –


Exxon Valdez –


Greek Gas Pipeline Network

Risk – 1990 to date

Development of Hong Kong

MTR Safety Management –

1989 to date

Safety Development

Programs – 2008 to


Safety critical

systems – 1995 to



studies worldwide –

1970 to date

1 Content – About Arthur D. Little


We have undertaken signalling ISA assignments for many

clients around the world

MTR Corporation

ATC Replacement

Lantau Airport Railway

Quarry Bay Congestion Relief

Driverless Turnaround

Tseung Kwan O

LAR 4-tracking

YAM O Signalling

Disney Resort Line

West Island Line

KCR Corporation

East Rail Resignalling

European Signalling Products

Generic ERTMS (EVC and RBC)

CBTC GoA Level 4

Delhi Metro, Chennai Metro

Delhi Phase 1, 2 & 3

Chennai Metro

1 Content – About Arthur D. Little

EuropeanSignalling Projects

Betuweroute ERTMS L2 trackside



Singapore DTL1



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


An independent safety assessor provides additional assurance

that a given significant change achieves the necessary level of


Conducts independent safety assessment of the risk assessment process

and safety demonstration of the significant change

Does not perform the risk assessment required by the CSM nor the safety

demonstration itself

Provides confidence that the risk assessment and risk management

activities have been properly conducted by the proposer

Conclusions are not binding on the proposer but are an important input to be

taken into account by them

2 Content – Introduction to Independent Safety Assessment


An independent safety assessor must be independent and


Must be independent from the design, risk assessment, risk management,

manufacture, supply, installation, operation/use, servicing and maintenance"

of the system under assessment

Must be free from any pressure or incentive which may affect their


Must not deliver advice or solutions on how to address non-conformances or

concerns identified by the assessment

2 Content – Introduction to Independent Safety Assessment


An independent safety assessor must be competent

Risk management competence

Technical competence

Management systems competence

2 Content – Introduction to Independent Safety Assessment


Independent safety assessment is widely used, in many


2 Content – Introduction to Independent Safety Assessment

Independent Safety











1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


Independent safety assessment is best conducted throughout

the risk management process, from start to finish

Source: ERA

3 Content – Timing of Independent Safety Assessment



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


An independent safety assessment plan should describe, in

practical terms, how the assessment is to be completed

4 Content – Planning an Independent Safety Assessment

Independent SafetyAssessmentPlan

Scope of work

Assessment approach

Assessment team

Schedule of assessment activities

Planned deliverables



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment



5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

5.1 General approach

5.2 Gathering data

5.3 Working papers


The depth of assessment should be appropriately balanced,

according to the significance of the change

5.1 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – General Approach

“Lightweight” assessment to

manage potential high risksBalanced approach

“Heavyweight” assessment to

manage potential lower risks

Vulnerable to surprises and

omissionsPretty much OK

Reflects an imprecise

understanding of potential risks


of change

Depth of



The depth of assessment can be guided by a thorough

understanding of the management systems and processes and

through an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses

5.1 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – General Approach


Examine the management systems and processes in place


Test each system or procedure

Emphasis given to possible weaknesses

Focus on those elements that appear most critical


Analyse such processes for weaknesses


Sufficient understanding of all relevant management systems

should be obtained

5.1 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – General Approach














Verification and



Once the management systems are understood, their apparent

effectiveness should be assessed

5.1 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – General Approach

Consider potential impacts

1Evaluate the management



Set inspection priorities


What are the potential impacts if the

management system does not

operate correctly?

Are the specified processes likely to

deliver their defined and/or

necessary objectives?

Are the systems and processes,

coupled with their controls, sufficient

to mitigate the potential impacts?

Ensure potential issues representing

high risk and/or weak management

controls receive sufficient attention


Verification should assess the correctness of the strengths

and weaknesses determined in the previous analysis

5.1 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – General Approach


Verification should assess the correctness of the strengths

and weaknesses determined in the previous analysis (continued)

5.1 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – General Approach



5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

5.1 General approach

5.2 Gathering data

5.3 Working papers


Assessment data can be gathered through a mixture of

interviews and document review

5.2 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – Gathering Data

Interviews are a highly effective tool for gathering evidence


Assessment data can be gathered through a mixture of

interviews and document review (continued)

5.2 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – Gathering Data

Interviews are a highly effective tool for gathering evidence

Documentary evidence is also gathered from review of the

proposer’s documents and records



5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

5.1 General approach

5.2 Gathering data

5.3 Working papers


Working papers should be maintained by each assessor,

throughout the assessment

5.3 Content – Conducting the Independent Safety Assessment – Working Papers

Can be paper or electronic

Record all assessment activities and their results

Written whilst conducting the assessment activities

Provide a basis for quality assurance



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


A log of findings should be maintained, tracking the status of

all issues identified during the assessment

6 Content – Management of findings

Documents all findings (non-conformities, inadequacies, etc)

Tracks all such findings to closure:

• Original finding, responses from the proposer, updates from

the assessor

• Dates of relevant updates / responses

• Current status (open / closed)

Updated as necessary throughout the assessment

All findings should be closed or non-blocking prior to issue of a

positive safety assessment report, or conditions noted


Findings Log



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


The safety assessment report provides conclusions on the

fulfilment of the safety requirements by the significant change

7 Content – Contents of the safety assessment report

Identification of the CSM assessment body

Summary/reference of the independent safety assessment plan

Definition of the scope of the assessment, including limitations

Results of the assessment

• Details of the assessment activities performed to check

compliance with the CSM for risk assessment

• Identified non-compliances and recommendations

Details of cross acceptance


• Does the risk assessment performed by the proposer comply

with the requirements of the CSM?

• Are the risk controls sufficient to allow the change to safely

fulfil its intended objectives?



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


An independent safety assessment often relies on the results

of other assessments performed by third parties

8 Content – Cross Acceptance

Has the third party assessment been performed with the

necessary independence, impartiality and competence?

Is the artefact that is subject to cross-acceptance being used in

the same context as that assumed by the original assessment?

Does the assessment reach clear conclusions?

Are any restrictions raised by the assessment complied with?



1 About Arthur D. Little

2 Introduction to independent safety assessment

3 Timing of independent safety assessment

4 Planning an independent safety assessment

5 Conducting the independent safety assessment

6 Management of findings

7 Contents of the safety assessment report

8 Cross acceptance

9 Value of independent safety assessment


Done well, independent safety assessment can significantly

increase confidence in the safety of a change

Good understanding & review of management processes allows significant

weaknesses to be identified and corrected

Effective review helps detect systematic errors

Focus on management systems encourages proposer organisations to

continuously improve

9 Content – Value of independent safety assessment