Independent evaluation of the Support and Advice to ... · 2 Independent evaluation of the SABRE...

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Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 1

Independent evaluation of the Support and Advice to Businesses around Renewable Energy (SABRE) projectUndertaken by Carbon Minded Ltd 2014

2 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

Our experience with Ben Coulter, the SABRE Auditor, was first class.


Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 3


Foreword 5

The SABRE service 6

Evaluation terms of reference 7

Project objectives 8

What impact did the project have? 9

Have the objectives been met? 12

What did participants think? 14

Why did businesses take part? 16

Conclusions 20

4 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

SABRE was amazinglyhelpful! We simply did not have the time or knowledge to look into the alternative options.Valley Farm Equestrian Centre

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 5

With the SABRE project now coming to an end I’d like to thank our project partners Groundwork Suffolk, the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership and the East of England ERDF Growth DeliveryTeam. And most importantly I’d like to thank all of the businesses that took part in SABRE to make it the great success it has been.

Over the past three years SABRE has helped 120Suffolk businesses review their potential for generating their own energy. Investing in renewable energy can benefit businesses

economically, reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, cut their carbon footprint and demonstrate their commitment to the green economy.

SABRE’s support has been innovative in a number of ways:

• Independent and impartial support – an element greatly valued by participants

• Right time - by requiring participants to have already taken steps to tackle their resource efficiency meant that they were at the right point in their journey to review their renewable energy options

• Follow up support - for the duration of the project all businesses could benefit from further support after their initial review to enable them to take action

Improving the efficiency of businesses by examining the bottom line costs of energy, waste and water use is essential for enabling growth in every sector of our economy. Green Business services like SABRE are vital in supporting this and I am pleased to announce that the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership with Groundwork Suffolk will be continuing to provide renewable energy support as a legacy of this project.

Cllr Beccy Hopfensperger

Cabinet Member for Localities and Environment, Suffolk County Council


6 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

The SABRE service

The SABRE service included:• An on-site renewable energy feasibility review

• A renewable energy feasibility review report by a Groundwork Suffolk SABRE Adviser

• An illustration of the most appropriate renewable energy technologies for the organisation

• A clear indication of the costs and benefits of each recommended technology

• An estimate of how much carbon and money could be saved through installation of a renewable technology

• A simple guide to the commissioning process

• A guide to the planning implications of the installation

• Signposting to accredited installers and other organisations for further support

The SABRE project offeredsmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and social enterprises (SEs) in Suffolk the opportunity to discover their potential to generate renewable energy by providing them with independent and impartial support and advice on investment opportunities created by the Feed-in Tariff and the Renewable Heat Incentive.

This support helped SMEs understand how they could generate their own energy, reduce their carbon footprint and even generate an income for their organisations. SABRE was a three-year partnership project between Groundwork Suffolk and Suffolk County Council on behalf of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership and was part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The project supported 120 businesses over three years and everyone who took part in the project received a free independent and impartial Renewable Energy Feasibility Review along with further free support and advice on renewable energy to assist them in taking recommendations forward.

Free impartial support and advice to businesses around Renewable Energy


SABRESupport and Advice to Businesses

around Renewable Energy

SABRESupport and Advice to Businesses

around Renewable Energy

Free impartial support and advice to businesses around Renewable Energy


Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 7

The Brief The Suffolk County Council brief stated that the final project evaluation report should be innovative and be set within the context of the current economic climate. It should include an executive summary that summarises the key findings and be written in an accessible format for businesses to understand.

It was also a requirement that the final project evaluation report should include a comprehensive analysis of all elements of the support provided to the businesses and the processes involved in the project as well as the performance of the project against its ERDF output and results targets. The report should also include a detailed analysis of the project’s achievements including the total capacity of renewable energy technologies installed, analysis of technologies installed, most applicable technology to Suffolk, financial savings, income savings, cost savings, and main opportunities identified.

Terms of reference In light of the Suffolk County Council brief the key Terms of Reference for Carbon Minded on the evaluation of the project can be summarised as follows:

• Have the original project objectives been met?

• Have the desired project outcomes been achieved?

• What are the key findings of the project?

• What impact did the project have?

• What benefits are there for stakeholders?

• Was the project’s delivery approach effective?

• What lessons have been learned?

• What would be done differently in future?

BackgroundCarbon Minded Ltd was awarded a contract by competitive process to research and prepare an independent and objective evaluation report which establishes SABRE’s impact against identified outputs and results.


About the AuthorCarbon Minded Ltd is a carbon and energy consultancy with broad experience in helping organisations who wish not only to minimise their environmental impact, but to do so in a way that makes good business sense. We carry out climate change strategies, renewable and low carbon technology feasibility studies, carbon footprinting and energy audits for organisations of all shapes and sizes.

The terms of reference

8 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

The goals of the programmeThere were three goals to be met at the beginning of this programme:

• The number of businesses that were aided with Priority 2 Assistance

• The number of businesses that completed environmental related initiatives

• The number of businesses that have integrated new products, processes or services

O2.2 Number/type of SMEs receiving Priority 2 assistance – risk capitalThis is the support that was provided to the businesses and included the site visit and the renewable energy feasibility review report written for them.

R5 Number/type of successful environmental related initiatives in SMEsWithin the programme structure it was deemed that the Renewable Energy Feasibility Review and the associated report would count as theR5 target. As a result, every business that received a Renewable Energy Feasibility Review would also achieve an R5. The R5 target for the project was 95.

R13 Number of businesses integrating new products, processes or servicesThe final goal within the programme was for 25 businesses to actually carry out some form of renewable or resource efficiency work. This included any resulting changes to resource efficiency e.g. by process, products or services put in place as a result of the SABRE intervention e.g. a renewable energy installation or resource efficiency work like insulation or LED lighting. The target for R13 was 25.

The total number of businesses achieving either an R5 or R13 would together total 120 which equals the number of businesses assisted O.2.2.

Project objectives

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 9

*The figures noted are annual savings and benefits

64,000 tCO2e



4,000 tCO2e


158 tCO2e




What was the project impact?

10 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

The impact on business

90% of businesses increased their understanding of FITs and RHI

76% of businesses are now more resource efficient

75% of businesses increased their understanding of renewables

60% would not have installed renewables if they hadn't taken part in the SABRE project

55% of businesses are more environmentally aware

SABRE has helped to engage senior management.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Case Study: Denny Bros Ltd

Company InformationSector: Print and Media No of Staff: 70 Location: Bury St Edmunds Turnover: £6 million pa

Solutions and BenefitsSize of installation: 50 kWp PV Payback: Less than 5 yearsCO

2 savings: 468 tonnes over 20 years

BackgroundDenny Bros was a general printer until the 1970’s when they invented and patented the leaflet label Fix-a-Form®. In 2008 they achieved ISO14001 accreditation and have since undertaken several resource efficiency projects reducing their electricity use by over 40%, gas by 28% and water usage by nearly 50%.

SABRE supportDenny Bros reviewed SABRE’s recommendations and chose to install solar PV alongside a voltage optimisation system. It provided them with a worthwhile return on investment and provided 6-8% of their annual electricity supply. SABRE gave further support to help identify suppliers and the system’s specification.

“SABRE has helped us to deliver an excellent solar PV installation and greatly increased our awareness of renewable technology. We are now considering biomass with SABRE’s support and are planning further lighting upgrades to LED during 2014 and more areas controlled by proximity sensors.”













Our organisation has benefitted economically from undertaking the SABRE service

Our organisation has reduced its carbon footprint as a result of undertaking the SABRE service.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly agree

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 11

12 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

Have the objectives been met?

Critical success criteriaThe key factors that contributed to the success of SABRE included:

Knowledgeable adviser: The results of the surveys show overwhelmingly that the businesses valued the knowledge and expertise of the Groundwork Suffolk adviser that visited their premises. The relationship between adviser and business, particularly over long periods of time, is particularly important as this can be a key factor in whether the business chooses to continue to engage with the programme or simply take the free support and do nothing more to implement any of the recommendations.

The support of Suffolk County Council: As shown by the surveys over 55% of businesses that responded stated that they valued the impartial nature of the advice on offer. The position of trust held by the local authority is critical to engaging businesses in the programme that may otherwise be unwilling to speak to consultants or sales people from renewables installers.

Free of charge support: Over 50% of the businesses surveyed cited lack of capital as a reason for not investing in renewables. This indicates that the free nature of the support was an important factor in attracting businesses to sign up to the programme to determine if the RHI and FITs could help them develop the business case for financing renewable programmes using alternative sources of funding.

In Focus: Valley Farm Equestrian LeisureCompany InformationSector: SportsNo. of Staff: 11Location: Wickham MarketTurnover: £500,000 pa

Solutions and BenefitsSize of Installation: 12.5 kW ASHPInstallation Cost: £4,120Payback: 16 years Cost Savings: £250 pa CO


Savings: 3 tonnes pa

SABRE SupportA renewable energy feasibility review was conducted by SABRE and recommended that they look into either a woodburner or air source heat pump to heat the visitor cafe. SABRE helped Valley Farm find both suppliers and installers and is continuing to provide advice since the installation, looking at ASHP for the children’s swimming pool.

“SABRE was amazingly helpful! We simply did not have the time or knowledge to look into the alternative options. Our air source heat pump is fantastic and we are now thinking of getting one for the pony camp swimming pool - but only with help from SABRE again!”

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 13




• 120 SMEs receiving Priority 2 assistance

• Target met

• 95 successful environmental related initiatives in SMEs

• Target met

• 25 businesses integrating new products, processes or services

• 80% of Target met remainder expected before the end of project

Free impartial support and advice to businesses around Renewable Energy


SABRESupport and Advice to Businesses

around Renewable Energy

SABRESupport and Advice to Businesses

around Renewable Energy

Free impartial support and advice to businesses around Renewable Energy


14 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

What did the participants think?Within the evaluation process every business that received support from the SABRE project was asked to provide feedback via two surveys provided to the supported businesses at different points in their support programme.

From these survey responses representative feedback included:The report was very useful to try and drive forward strategic energy considerations and educate Governors on potential renewable options.

The report was very clear and helpful.

We have found thereport most helpful and constantly refer to it.

SABRE has helped us get more into the mind set to make other changes which are environmentally beneficial e.g. purchasing a car which can run on veg oil and solar panels on our yurts for their LED lighting

Case Study: KindWater Ltd

Company Information Sector: Water Softeners No of Staff: 11Location: Pettistree, SuffolkTurnover: £2 million pa

Solutions and Benefits:Size of installation: 14 kW ASHP Cost savings: £1,000 paCO

2 savings: 6.4 tonnes pa

Payback: 7 years

BackgroundKindWater was established in 2001 and quickly grew to be the UK’s second largest installer of water softeners to both domestic and commercial properties. Having installed insulation, draught proofing and energy efficient lighting, they turned to SABRE for advice on heating their offices in a rural location with no mains gas.

SABRE supportAfter a site visit by the SABRE adviser KindWater received a renewable energy feasibility review which recommended options of a wood burning stove, a wood pellet boiler and an air-source heat- pump (ASHP). KindWater chose to make the larger investment required for the ASHP with underfloor heating.

Where next?With the ASHP offering environmental benefits of a carbon footprint which is one third that of other electrically powered heating systems, KindWater have the potential to become carbon neutral with a phase 2 investment in solar PV when funds permit.

SABRE has also helped us get more into the mind set to make other changes which are environmentally beneficial

We recommend SABRE to anyone considering installing a renewable technology

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 15

16 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

Why did businesses take part?

As part of this evaluation process,

it has been important to identify

areas where lessons can be learnt

to help inform the development and

delivery of future projects.

Key lessons learned through the

delivery of the project include:

■ Support from schemes such as

SABRE is in high demand

■ SMEs do respond to well

developed and practical

opportunities for energy, carbon,

and cost savings

■ Managing the conflicting issues of

value for money verses complete

support is difficult especially in a

publicly funded project.

44% 44%



56% 56%

Our business wanted to reduce our company’s

carbon emissions

Our business wanted to reduce its annual energy

bills and save money

Our business wanted to install renewable energy


During the evaluation, the first survey asked why each individual organisation decided to become involved in the SABRE project and they were presented with options to choose from. Respondents were able to select as many options as applied to them.

The reasons were:• Reduce annual energy bills/

save money• Find out more about the

Feed in Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive

• Use the project as a green publicity/marketing tool/unique selling point

• Install renewable energy technologies

• Reduce company carbon emission

• Increase competitive advantage

• Demonstrate environmental credentials to existing clients

• Attract new customers

Important to our businessNot so important to our business

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 17

Was the review successful?

The standard of the site visit was appropriate

The auditor's technical knowledge was appropriate

The length of the site visit was appropriate

My organisation's objectives for the site visit were met

0%Strongly disagree

Disagree Neither agree or disagree

Agree Strongly agree








The report was very useful to try and drive forward strategic energy considerations and educate Governors on potential renewable options.

18 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

Was the feasibility review report useful?

Following the individual site survey by Groundwork Suffolk each of the 120 businesses supported under this programme were provided with a bespoke renewable energy feasibility review report.The report detailed all of the available and economically viable renewable and/or resource efficiency projects that were available to the businesses. This amounted to a potential of 219 individual projects across the 120 businesses. They ranged from simple 2.5 kW PV systems to 2MW anaerobic digestion plants, and represented the full spectrum of current renewable and resource efficiency technologies.






Strongly disagree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly agree

The information in the report was easy to understand

The level of detail of the report was appropriate


Case Study: John Gosden Racing

Company InformationSector: SportsNo of Staff: 75Location: Newmarket, SuffolkTurnover: £2 million pa

Solutions and BenefitsSize of installation: 20 kWp PV, loft insulation and LEDsCost savings: £5,000 pa CO

2 savings: 20t

Payback: 4 years

BackgroundJohn Gosden is a racehorse trainer who has trained over 2,000 winners since 1989. Considered to be one of the most successful racehorse trainers of his generation, he is now based at Clarehaven stables, Newmarket. John and his team have always worked hard to reduce the company’s environmental impact and costs.

SABRE supportAfter a site visit by the SABRE adviser, John Gosden Racing received a renewable energy feasibility review which recommended a number of actions. SABRE then continued to provide further support, talking them through the best way to implement solar panels and installing site wide loft insulation and LED lighting.

Where nextJohn and his team continue to work hard to reduce their environmental impact. They are committed to: site wide recycling; newer and fuel efficient horse boxes; a 45 mpg average for cars; producing 85,000 tpa of natural CHP fuel and fertiliser; cloud computing and remote maintenance.

Case Study: Sackers Recycling

Company Information Sector: Waste & Recycling No of Staff: 50+Location: Great Blakenham and Needham Market Turnover: £27 million pa

Solutions and BenefitsSize of installation: 50 kWp PV Installation Cost: £76,000Cost savings: £2,620 paCO

2 savings: 21.32 tonnes pa

Payback: 9-14 years

BackgroundFounded in 1929, Sackers provides waste collection, recycling & disposal for businesses & domestic households. Waste reduction equipment wasusing around 2,881,400 kWh, costing £238,000 in 2011 with a carbon footprint of 1,315.45 tonnes pa. Sackers’ green ethos made renewables the natural next step.

SABRE supportThe SABRE report reviewed the costs & savings of solar PV, a wind turbine and anaerobic digestion. Sackers choose to install solar PV at the Great Blakenham site, as the energy draw, building layout and potential capacity was ideal for this technology. SABRE continued to provide support, helping review the quotations.

“We recommend SABRE to anyone considering installing a renewabletechnology or who is trying to work out what their resourceefficiency options are. Their information gave a lot of comfort in knowing we were dealing with people who knew the market, and their impartial advice was great to receive”

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 19

20 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project


Is the project an effective means of reducing emissions?During this evaluation it was clear that the CO


impact was significant with 64,000 tCO2e annual

savings identified and a total of 4,000 tCO2e

annual savings expected in the next two years. The projects expected to be delivered in the next two years have the potential to save over 80,000 tCO

2e over their 20 year lifetime.

The SABRE project has already assisted in the delivery of 22 energy efficiency and renewable installations at 20 businesses, with an expectation that another 5 business will complete identified projects by the end of September 2014. The total carbon savings of these projects are around 158 tonnes of CO


per annum which is almost 3,160 tonnes of CO2e

over their lifetime, over 155kW of Solar PV and Air Source Heat Pumps have been installed.

In financial terms these savings equate to an annual financial benefit £9m for the identified projects, £850,000 for the expected projects and £30,000 worth of annual savings for those projects already delivered.

In addition to the significant savings described above, it has been shown that when

prompted with intensive support, businesses also increase their installations of resource efficiency projects. This is an inadvertent benefit of the SABRE project as it was originally designed to highlight viable renewable projects.

Indeed, the participants definitely believe that the project was worthwhile in improving their own emissions in that the majority of them – over 60% - believed that they had reduced their emissions as a direct result of this.

A conclusion could be drawn that when businesses had intensive support under the SABRE project they changed their way of thinking in relation to the environment.

This does appear to be borne out in the results from the second survey with over 50% of organisations stating that they better appreciate the need to change their organisational behaviour to enable them to become more resource efficient and to reduce their environmental impact. Furthermore, over 50% stated that their employee engagement in environmental issues had increased as a result of the SABRE service and that 70% of businesses believed that the SABRE project had helped engage senior management.

Following the evaluation by Carbon Minded and as described fully within the associated technical analysis document, it can be stated with certainty that not only is the project an effective means of reducing emissions that are quantifiable, there are additional significant reductions that will be realised, even though they are unlikely to be quantifiable.

Can the project bereplicated in the rest of the UK?The SABRE project could be easily replicated in other areas of the UK by setting up a project team that included:

• The local authority or other business support organisation as a trusted service provider

• A knowledgeable and experienced adviser that can impartially advise businesses of their options

• A source of funding which would allow the service to be provided free of charge to businesses

The SABRE team have done an excellent job in the delivery and their experience could be used to replicate the success of this project throughout the UK.

This success in reducing emissions is by no means the only benefit to Suffolk as there are wider benefits to the local economy. There are over 50 renewable projects likely to be delivered over the next 2 years, with over £840,000 going back into the local economy every year, and a potential of £16,800,000 going into the local economy over the 20 year life of the projects. According to the results of both surveys, the local economy will also benefit as the local labour force are likely to install a significant proportion of the equipment and this could deliver around £1.1m to the local economy over the next two years.

As noted, there have already been 22 energy efficiency and renewable installations across 20 businesses, and it is expected that another 5 businesses will complete identified projects by September 2014. The financial benefits of these 22 projects are significant with total annual savings of over £30,000 pa which equates to over £630,000 on a 20 year lifetime including RHI/FIT payments of around £8,000 pa with around £170,000 on a 20 year lifetime.

In putting these savings in context, businesses in the UK at the beginning of the SABRE project were increasingly squeezed financially and any cost savings or extra revenue generated from energy efficiency and renewables would go straight to the bottom line. So although SABRE was aimed at making business more sustainable, it has also made them more robust, more competitive, and more financially viable for the long term.

Craig CopelandDirector, Carbon Minded Limited.

Independent evaluation of the SABRE project 21

22 Independent evaluation of the SABRE project

AcknowledgementsSABRE was delivered by its Project TeamEmma Flint – SABRE Project Manager, Suffolk County CouncilDavid Walton – SABRE Project Chair, Suffolk County CouncilDominic Munro-McCarthy – SABRE Project Claims Management, Suffolk County CouncilMatt Hullis - SABRE Project Sponsor, Suffolk County CouncilCouncillor Rebecca Hopfensperger – Cabinet Member for Localities and Environment, Suffolk County CouncilEmma James – SABRE Project PR & Marketing, Suffolk County CouncilAnna Martin - SABRE Project Manager, Groundwork Suffolk Natalie Phillips – SABRE Project Finance, Groundwork Suffolk Ben Coulter – SABRE Project Adviser, Groundwork SuffolkKirsty Pattrick - Contract Management Executive, East of England Growth Delivery Team, Department for Communities and Local Government

For further information about SABRE please contact:

Emma Flint Environment Strategy Manager Suffolk County Council Endeavour House8 Russell RoadIpswichIP1 2BX01473 264810

SABRE was an active participant in the New Anglia LEP Green Economy Pathfinder. For more information visit

SABRE was a three-year partnership project between Groundwork Suffolk and Suffolk County Council on behalf of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership and was part financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Alternatively visit for project case studies and other information.