Independence Day in Poland

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Independence Day in Poland

Independence Day 11th of November

General information

National Independence Day – Polish national holiday celebrated on the 11th of November to commemorate the restoration of Polish independence in 1918, after 123 years of partitions (1795–1918).

Meaning of the date

10th and 11th of November 1918 Polish nation regained independence. The whole country felt overwhelmed with enthusiasm and hope.

In general the 11th of November 1918 is mainly remembered as the end of the First World War.

For Poles this day is particularly a day of independence after the times

of the partitions of Poland.

For 123 years Poland was occupied by Russia, Prussia and Austria. They wanted to completely destroy any Polishness in the area: Polish traditions, customs and the Polish language. However, the Poles were strong and throughout the period of the partitions they were doing everything they could to regain independence and national identity. Through armed activities and daily proceedings they sought to show its independence to the invaders.

Independence day is a very important date for Polish people. They can remember their ancestors fighting for the independence of the country in its difficult moments. Then we place flowers at the graves and monuments of those who sacrificed their lives for us. By participating in the celebration of this day we commemorate those thanks to whom we live today in free Poland and who saved our language, culture and tradition.


On Independence Day radio plays Polish music and television is full of films connected with the history of Poland.

All patriotic monuments are decorated with flowers.On this day everyone has to hang Polish flags.

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