Increasing Employee and Patient Satisfaction Through Branding

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Increasing Employee and Patient Satisfaction Through Branding

Increasing Employee and Patient Satisfaction Through Branding

Healthcare networks are faced with an increasing number of competitors. Nationwide pharmacy chains, localized care centers and other local networks provide the consumer a broad assortment of choices. The importance for healthcare providers to create loyal customers cannot be overstated. Creating brand loyalty starts with brand recognition. has created a platform designed to highlight your brand while engaging in programs that increase employee and patient satisfaction. Color – Coded Uniforms Color Coded or Color by Discipline uniform programs are designed to allow employees and patients the ability to identify various members of the healthcare team. Successful programs inherently improve patient safety and care, increase patient satisfaction, and contribute to a culture of professionalism and higher expectations from your staff. Employee Recognition Sybil Stershic said, “The way your employees feel, is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.” Recognizing outstanding service is a way to lead, motivate and retain quality employees. Personalized Service Recovery Implementing, a service recovery program requires time and training. However, in the end, these programs develop customer retention, improve processes, and have proven to be cost-effective. Adding a layer of personalization to such programs only enhances the customer experience and builds deeper customer devotion. Consistent Branding and Messaging Healthcare networks have multiple locations and numerous departments within those facilities. Controlling the brand standards is virtually impossible without a single point solution to manage brand guidelines and cultivate a consistent message to the consumer.’s proprietary platform allows healthcare networks the opportunity to achieve measureable results in employee and patient satisfaction, while building brand loyalty. Our solutions manage the programs and provide important data and reporting at both the individual and department level.