Inbound Marketing Campaign Step 6: Measure Everything and Troubleshoot

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Inbound Marketing Campaign Step 6: Measure Everything and Troubleshoot

How to Create an EffectiveInbound Marketing Campaign



Revisiting each element of your campaign and analyzing how it performed individually and as a part of the whole is key to improving your marketing performance.

Look at a wide range of metrics in order to evaluate the success ofyour campaign

If you want an overview of your offer’s performance, start with the analytics tied to your marketing offer’s landing page, such as:

• Views• Submissions • Conversion rate

• New leads • New customers

Different metrics tell different stories.So, if you performance wasn’t what you were hoping for, take the time to find out which metric needs to be improved.• Example: If the number of landing page views was low, you need to work harder to promote the offer and drive traffic to it.

Yikes! What if youroffer’s performancewas poor?

? ?


If the click-to-submissionrate of your CTAs is low

If the conversion rate of the landing page is low:You need to focus on creating a more compelling offer, optimizing your landing page, or making sure that you’re driving the right traffic – the people who will be interested in your offer – to the landing page.

If the number of new leads created by this offer is low:It could mean that your existing contacts are not sharing your offer with new people. You need to either incentivize them or find venues of promotion to a new audience.

If the number of customers the offer brought you isn’t very high:That could mean that your workflows aren’t successfully nurturing leads to convert them into customers. You may need to revisit your workflows to make them more effective.

Don’t forget to look at howyou promoted your offer…

• The same idea – measuring key metrics – applies to the rest of the components you used in your marketing campaign, such as your calls-to-action (CTAs), email blasts, blog, and social media.

• You should be able to use analytics to explore the number of new leads and customers you generated from each channel, and you should also have access to key performance indicators that give you cues on how to improve the final results of your campaign.

There are two key metrics that you can monitor in order to improve the effectiveness of your CTAs:

• View-to-click rate• Click-to-submission rate

If the view-to-click rateof your CTAs is low• Make sure the CTA is engaging and well-designed, or...• Make your offer more compelling so that more people who see the CTA choose to click through.

Ask Yourself:• Is my description easy to read and understand?• Am I making the benefits of the offer clear?• Is the submission form overwhelming?• Is the page as a whole visually appealing?

If the click-to-submissionrate of your CTAs is lowFocus on optimizing your landing page and making it perfectly aligned with your CTA.

The metrics behind lead nurturing and email marketing overlap. They show the performance of your email blasts and the extent to which recipients engage with your email content.

For automatic lead nurturing emails and email blasts, the key analytics are:

• Click-through rate• Unsubscribe rate

Use an engaging format

If the click-throughof your emails is low

Start creating more compelling offers, or spend more time on segmenting your email list. If your emails aren’t getting opened at all, make sure they’re personalized and experiment with subject lines. (Note that while open rate is a helpful metric, it isn’t very reliable).

That could mean that your offer isn’t appealing enough to the recipients.

• Blog post analytics• Page views• Inbound links• CTA click-through rate

Promoting Your Offer with Blogging & Social Media Marketing

• Each of these individual metrics can help you identify weaknesses and strengths in your marketing campaign. However, don’t forget about the bigger picture – stay focused on the number of new leads and customers your campaign (and each of your channels) generated.• As you begin developing your next stellar marketing offer, make sure to incorporate the things you learned from this offer, and adjust accordingly!

Here are some of the key metrics that you need to monitor:

• Social media analytics• Click-through rates• Shares• Comments/replies

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