In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media...

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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I designed my products in a way that ensures there is a strong use of continuity throughout. Using magazines such as Q and NME as inspiration, I wanted created a house style in order for my magazine to look professional and conventional. I ensured continuity by ensuring that I used similar texts, for example the numbers on my contents page are the same as my numbers in the corners of my double page spread. Similarly, I used a typewriter type font from Dafont on both my front cover and contents page which further ensures continuity. Furthermore, I used the same artist "Lauren Schofield" on all 3 pieces- this creates continuity throughout my coursework as the cover artist is the biggest story on the contents page and the DPS. I have also created a house style by using mostly red,black and white for my colour scheme with only few exceptions- for example the platinum on my headline is in the colour platinum. I added screamers such as Lauren Schofield is back! and WIN! to really highlight these features to my audience- this is conventional of music magazines which I looked at. The page numbers for my feature story are consistent on both the contents page and double page spread. This is conventional of magazine, in addition I placed the DPS at page 13 which is consistent with a real magazine- DPS are conventionally seen later in magazines.

I used a medium-close up shot as this is the most conventional used in a magazine. My models pose fits with the indie ideology of being brash and in your face. Medium close ups allow the audience to see the face and outfit in detail and the eye contact of the model engages the reader into reading the magazine. I used a conventional issue number, Issue 1 as this shows the magazine is new and the competitive price of £2.50 reflects this- especially considering its target audience lies in social grade E of students who are depenedant on part-time jobs or parents as they are in education. I also used a variety of different fonts and sticked to a 3 colour scheme, this is conventional of music magazines such as NME which I took inspiration from. I have used a skyline and a footer as well as a masthead which looks professional and has each of my 3 colours in it.

To make my contents page conventional, I added photos of the cover artist and the editor on the main story part and the Editors Letter segment respectively. My main picture has a page number in the corner as well as information about her name and a brief description of the article. This is consistent with my house style of red, black and white and uses the same typeface as the other page numbers. I have also added a features section with page numbers and a small standfirst after each one detailing what is on that page, I believe this is effective at making the magazine easy to navigate for my audience. Furthermore, I added the masthead SW into the contents page which reinforces my brand identity and house style- it is conventianally placed in the top right hand corner. I also added a Subscribe plug which says that you can 'Save £1 on each issue'. This stays true to my house style as it is red, white and black and is also conventional of magazines as this will attract my attract my target audiene of students who stereotypically have less money so any saving would perhaps spur them on to subscribe whereas they would usually only by magazines every so often as my research has uncovered.

As you can see, I tried to make my contents page as conventional as possible.

I used examples such as NME contents page and I took insporation from this. I also added my own twist, with an Editor's Letter that NME doesn't have.

Unconventially, I superimposed my original image of my model onto a background which I found on the internet. I did this as the image fits in perfectley with the indie ideology and the image of my model- a conventional long shot works better as she is holding a guitar so it goes well with the stage scene behind. I also didn't use conventions as I strayed from my house style by making the word 'platinum' the colour platinum. I did this as it makes this particular word stand out and the colour contrasts well against the blue background.

Following conventions, I used an interview. To make it as professional as possible, I put it in colomns and used a standfirst and dropcap which I highlighted in red as well as a 'Continued overleaf' caption which signals to the audience that the article continues on the next page. Furthermore, I used my masthead which reinforces my magazine title to anyone who reads the article as well as page numbers in the corner which are important for navigating the magazine.