In what condition that development what condition that development can reduce disaster risk and vice...

Post on 06-May-2019

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Transcript of In what condition that development what condition that development can reduce disaster risk and vice...

In what condition that development can reduce disaster risk and vice versa?

In what condition that disaster can provide development opportunities and vice versa?


RISKHazard Vulnerability

Creating a national and a local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation

Identifying, assessing and monitoring disaster risk and enhancing ‘early warning’.

Using knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels.

Reduce the underlying risk factors (associated with the level of development, special conditions such as insularity typical of small island development states).

Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels

Resilient Community requires strong institutional basis integrating disaster risk reduction programs with development policy

Resilient Community requires culture of safety and resilience provide opportunity for the people to engage with disaster risk reduction programs

Resilient Community requires reduction of all underlying risk factors governmental policy should be sustainable and

Human Development◦ Development that puts emphasis on choices and

capabilities that should be able to be used by humans in order to fulfill their basic needs

◦ Includes the social and economic factors that determines their fulfillment of basic needs

◦ Pioneered by UNDP and can be traced by ideas developed by Amartya Sen.

Sustainable Development◦ Development that meets the needs of the present

without compromising the needs of the future generations

◦ Sustanable Development can be measured through Livelihood

Level of


Disaster Development

Global Hyogo Framework for



Development Goals


Disaster Risk

Reduction Policy

Development Planning


Local Implementation & Decentralization to Lower

Level (Kab/Kota & Village Government)

Connection between HFA and MDGs

How Does the MDGs Programs

Campaign about preparing and understanding disaster

Building through:

◦ Desa Tangguh Bencana (Resilient Village)

◦ Sekolah Siaga Bencana (Resilient School)





To avoid “Krida

Lumahing Asta”

Resilient Village:

◦ Pratama

◦ Madya

◦ Utama

Three Pilars:

◦ Government

◦ Society

◦ Privates

D. I. Yogyakarta

◦ 301 Village as Disaster-

Prone Area

◦ 94 Village are set as

Resilient Village

Kab. Sleman

◦ Perda No. 27 Tahun 2013

“in order to prepare society

bacome more resilient and

prepared to face disaster”

◦ Three Districts

Kampung Siaga Bencana

22 kampung (small village) have FPRB (Disaster Risk

Reduction Forum)

What to prepare in Resilient Village

◦ Maps: Disaster Risk, Treath, Capacity,

◦ Evacuation Route

◦ First Aid

◦ EWS (Early Warning System)

◦ Communication System w/ HT

◦ Lumbung Desa (Bunker)

◦ Economy Recovery Post Disaster

“Sosialize, technical conseling, disaster curriculum, simulation.”

SDN. Umbulharjo 2

SMPN 2 Cangkringan

SMK Muhammadiyah Cangkringan