in - SNA IT

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Transcript of in - SNA IT

Fabrizio Cafaggi European University lnstitute

Unìversity of Trento (on leave)

Curriculum vitae ( updated february 20 15)


Sapienza", Degree in Law 110/110 cum laude.

Masters in Comparative and lnternatìonal Law

Berkeley, O!in Fellow

Doctor in Private Law


of Law U.C. Berkeley,

Sapienza", Permanent positìon as Researcher in Private Law

Vìsiting Scholar

Sapienza" - School of Statistics, Visìtìng Professar, Private La w

Department of Economics, Associate Professar in Law

Trento- Department of Economics, Courses in Private Law and Law & Organizations

European University lnstìtute, Visiting professar (comparative law)

Department of Economics, Professore straordinario di diritto

Chair in Comparative Law

Department of Economìcs, Professore ordinario di diritto private


Unìversity lnstitute, Chair in comparative law

de San Andres (Buenos Aires), Vìsiting professar

of Law, Hauser Global Visiting Professar

comparative law

comparative law

professar Columbia law school

professar University of Pennsylvanìa Law School

l may 31 5 Professar Scuola Nazionale dell'Amministrazione on leave of Trento

may st 2016 Part time professar European University lnstìtute and director for Judicial Cooperation

Unìversidad Pontficia de Peru'

lnternational public affairs LUISS. Course on international regulatory

Master program in Behavioural sciences and public admìnistrations SNA-

-Università di Torvergata, Reti di Impresa e finanziamento bancario

, Cambridge (UK) - Capacitas workshop. "Capabilities functioning in negllgence economics"

Unicredìt Conference "Modelli organizzativi e coordinamento Prospettive di una ricerca"

(Texas) - Sovereignty Symposìum: "US and European perspectìves" "Privatising sovereignty? New foundations for civil sovereignty"

Forum de la Régulatìon. Paper presented : "Gouvernance et regulateurs privées"

- Society of European Contract Law (SECOLA) conference on contract terms in Europe: A basis for and a challenge to European contract law".

"Self-Regulation and European Contract Law"

, Cambridge Project Workshop, paper presented "ltalian Products

, Florence - European University lnstitute, Conterence "Le Politiche regionali dì ed il delle reti di imprese".

- Euroepaean University lnstìtute, Conference 'Rethinking Self­and strategies ìn Europe': A comparative research, withìn the 6th on Governance and regulation of European private law

Florence- European University lnstitute, Conference "The plurìdisciplinary corporate responsibility - Theretical question of regulation" with F.


- Conference "Regu!atory strategies" with Horatia Muir Watt withìn the on Governance and regulatìon of European private law.

- Conference in honour of Prof. Guido Calabresi at the Consiglìo

Annua! Conference of the ltalian Society of Law and Economìcs, "Self-regulatory competition"

Florence -Workshop on "The governance of enterprises and the role of presented "Networks ìnterfirm-contracting and corporate governance"

Forum de la regulation, paper presented "L'autorégulation en convergence et politique"

- Coiloqulum "Progetto Sud : Linee generali, strumenti e percorsi di presented "Fondazioni bancarie tra solidarietà e sviluppo locale"

Colloquium at the Unìcredit, paper presented "Riforma dei distretti e delle PMI: Alla ricerca di una strategia"

, Foggia - Conference "Reti di imprese - Gli scenari economici e giuridici" presentatlon

- Conference terzo contratto" discussant

law school, in Europe"

Legai theory workshop, lnvited talk on "New modes of

York Law School, discussant of J. B. Auby and L. Dickinson Hauser Global administrative law organized by R. Stewart and B. Kingsbury

- legai theory workshop McGill Unlversity Montreal presented a paper governance in European private iaw"

York- lnvlted Lecture Columbia Law School on "The impact European national legai systems"

York - workshop on Accountabìlìty and global admìnistrative law Rlchard Stewart and Benedict Kingsbury

York - Workshop at Columbia Law School with Katharina Pìstor and "Determinants for standardìzing contract and corporate law. EU and US

, New York- Columbia Law School, lnvited talk by The European legai studies making of European private law, Regulation and governance design

, Phìladelphia - lnvited talk at Pennsylvania Law School, Accountability of in Europe

- Conference "Soclal responsibility non profit organizations", professar Francioni and Montinì

Aires - Universidad de San Andres, lnvlted talk on New developments of la w

- conference on Global administrative law issues in Latin America, "Private organisations and transnational law: the case of corporate socìal

- Economics round table on the book quale economia per il diritto? (book and L Musu)

, Florence - European Unìversìty lnstitute, Conference on "Finanziamento delle nuovi strumenti"

- Workshop on "Network of SMES in Europe", organized with University and Versaìlles

, Florence - European Universìty lnstìtute, Conterence on "New frontiers of with Micklitz

diritto europeo dei contratti fra parte "European contract law in regulated

speech at a conference on ltalian reform on pension funds

, Pisa - ECPR conference, paper presented "Private !aw makìng in European

, Montreal McGill Universìty, Round table on Global legai educatìon, talk ··•""r'".,''"' orderings: the challenges to comparative law and legai educatlon"

- invìted talk on Public and private enforcement in consumer law

- invited ta!k a t AICCON conference on civil economy on Regulation and selt· non profìt organizations

- Seminar on Social responsibility of Foundations in Europe with Fondazione

London School of economics, invited talk at Carr Seminar on Private new European architecture

invited talk at European Policy forum on New regulatory strategies in integration

'''~~"'=>nr·a - European Unìversity lnstitute, invited talk on Reasonableness and

30111-December st, Florence - European University lnstìtute, Conference on the private organizations

, Cambridge (UK)- Conference of REFGOV project, papers presented "The European transnational SMEs" and "lnter-firm Networks !n the Publìc

ntorc<:>·t'l !-\!Of'!!unr•n from Northern lta!y" wìth P. lamìcelì

, Florence - CLEF Meeting, presented a paper on Safety regulatory networks: safety

, Florence - Round table on Il Manuale di diritto privato europeo, edìted by C. c;,.ch··"nr,ur. Mazzamuto

, Florence - European University lnstitute, Publìc and private regulatìon seminar on Public and public regulatìon in energy (co-organìsed with P. Rane! and

lrw••Cl School of regulation).

1st, Florence Seminar on "Common Frame of Reference", co-organised at the European University lnstitute, paper presented "The New Challenges

Contra et

Conference on "The current state of European Self- and Co-regulation",

- European University lnstitute, Public and private regulatìon seminar col!aboration with the Florence School of regulation

Publìc and private regulation seminar series: Telecom ìndustry, organized with the Florence School of Regulation at the European Unìversity lnstitute

- American Law lnstitute Annual Meeting

Conference "National Supreme Courts and European Private Law", collaboration with the Robert Schuman Center at the European University

meeting of the Hague lnstitute for the l nternationalìsation of La w o n self-regulation, invited talk

, Conference on Class actions wìth NYU law School and ALI

- Workshop "The (new) concept of multitevel governance" organized committee

Trento, paper on "Duty cooperate in contract law" , Chicago Conference on "Fault in Contract Law"

and Public regulation, Conference organìzed with RSCAS, lntroductory

1st, Florence - Conference "Contractual networks, lnter-fìrm the Small Business acf' organized at the European University lnstitute , London - Conference. "The Regulatory State: Constitutional lmplication'',

"Private regulation and European legai integration: towards a new

, Berlin Conference 'The Current State of Self- and Co-Regulation" , Florence - Conference on 'The Europeanìsation of Private Law in Centrai

, co-organised with M. Cremona and H. Micklitz at the European

l Va!encia 'l Jornadas de derecho de redes, Hacha un derecho para las l paper presented "De la redes contractuales al centrato de red"

- lnvìted lecture on "Long-Term Contracts and Cooperation" at Winter and Economics

lnvited lecture on "Makìng European Private Law" at Scuola Superiore

- organised a workshop on "Regulation and Governance of in European Wine lndustry" at EESC within the RefGov 6th

- Workshop on "Public and Private Enforcement" co-organized with J. Suk University lnstìtute

lnvited iecture on "Private Regulatìon and European Legallntegration" Amsterdam Law School

co-organised a workshop on collective redress and DCFR Turku on Private regulation and European law

co-organised Annua! Secola Meeting on contractual governance

on mass

Professar Law at the NYU School of Law. Teach a course on regulatìon' and another one (with A Schwartz) on 'Private law in Europe and

or divergence'. lecture at Duke law school on Private regulation European

lnternatìonal law week. lnvited paper on The accountabìlity regulators

luncheon talk Columbia Law School on "Transnational private regulation: a

Law and Economics of Long-Term Contracts with J.M:

Law and Private Regulation (wìth M. Poiares Maduro)

invlted paper on multilevel governance of transnational private organized by professar J. Tala

organised a conference on "A Research on Trans-European Networks , fìnal conference of RefGov - lnter-firm network in the wine sector,

- organlsed a workshop withln HIIURSCAS project on "Food safety private regulation", presented an ìntroductory paper on "Private regulation

j::,,.,, .. c>.r,,.,o organised a workshop within HIIURSCAS project on "Advertlsing", in h.~~,~..,ti,.,., with EASA, presented an introductory paper on Advertìsìng and transatìonal

, Co-organìsed a conference on A European Law lnstitute? Towards innovatìon in (with F. Francioni, H. Mìcklitz, Miguel Pojares Maduro)

University invited speech at L&E Workshop on "Supply chain and private

lf'·o organìsed a conference withìn Hiii/RSCAS project on "Enforcement of Tr~•nc:.n,;:,t,nn,:!~l private regulation" paper presented "The transformation of transnational

enforcement and governance".

at the Fundaçao Getulio Vargas 'Transnatìonal Private Regulation: a

Superior Tribuna! de Justiça, co-organìsed conference

co-organised by EUI and Fundaçao Getulìo Vargas on ''Transnational South America"

Unìversìty Colìege Dublin, Inaugurai Annua! Conference Private Transnational Constitutìonal Foundatìon and Governance Design, paper presented " The new

transnatìonal private regulation"

, University College Dublin, Third Biennal Conference of ECPR Standing Group Governance "Regulation in the Age of Crìsìs"

. Geneva, invited speech on "Transnational Private Regulation" at the inaugurai lnternational Publìc Policy Making".

, European assoclation of law and economics Paris Il, 27th Eale on: "Governing the supply chaìn

Transnational Regulation the secand meeting for the creation ELI in collaboratlon with the

organized a conference with NYU and Vanderbilt Universìty on Gleba! '"''-"'"'eu cooperation , Euro-latin study network on integration and trade (Eisnit), ldb - Cepìi VIli

of the trade and the international organization of production, paper (wìth an: "Private regulation and industriai organizatlon: the network approach"

Science Po. Coordìnator of Scìence Po seminar organized by prof J. Auby non étatiques dans la globalisation juridique"

within the framework of MEDIADEM project organized a workshop on free and !ndependent media systems- Current issues for regulation".

, University Valencia, congreso internacional de derecho de redes presented papers: "Rethìnking the boundaries of firms: networks and lnter­

, (wìth Paola lamicelì) on: "inter-firm networks across europe: a

organised a workshop on "Quality and Effectiveness of Transnational search of a framework"



, University Bozen, italian Society of Law and Economics 2010 lamìceli) on "Governìng the supply chain through networks"

, organised a conference on "Judìcial Cooperation Among State Courts USA: A Comparative Approach"

seminar - Law and Economìcs (wìth A. Nicita)

seminar Adjudìcatory and Law-Making Powers of lnternational (with M. Scheinin)

Rome, invited speech on "Un contratto di rete per l'Europa? Primi segnali 'r'"'""''n"''"""""' italiana"

, organised a workshop on ''Transnational Private Regulatìon Methodology

organized a workshop on "Transnatìonal Private regulation in

Paola lamìceiì) co-organized a legai workshop series on competitiveness, lnterfìrm Networks (University of Trento)

organized a workshop on "Il sistema dei media italiano", in the framework of project

Co-organlzed with Gerard Hertig and Geoffrey Miller a conference institutions and their regulation. Public and private approaches to risk

in a post crisis world".

to a conference on 'Transnational ìntegration regimes", organized by L McDermott, resenting a paper on "Private regulation and industriai

Governance contract"

University, lnvited lecture on "Transnational private law. A research agenda" co-organized a conference on "Transnational Business Governance

Approaches, Empirica! Contexts and Practitioners' Perspectives" on 'The architecture of transnational private regulation''

Co-organized conference on "The foundation of European Law lnstitute". accountability of ELI: challenges and perspectives"

Francisco, Participated to Law and Society conference in San Francisco and on Transnatìonal private regulation.

note speech at EUI conference on "Courts and New Governance", paper by contracf'

Hl IL annual meeting, lntroductìon on the project Transational private

Hague, Conference on The law of the future conference, HIIL, coordination on 'Transnational private regulation" with Patrick Glenn, Unda Senden and

, (with Paola lamiceli and Lorenzo Sacconi) co~organized Summer School a Law and Economics Approach" (University of Trento)

Paulo Brazil, co-organized the first HILUFGV workshop on regu!ation in South America", ìntroductory paper and concluding

Janeiro, co-organized the Brazilìan conference on "Gioballitigation Antonio Herman Benjamin and Hans Micklitz on "Access to






Law School, invited talk on "Contractual governance and transational in food safety".

York, Columbia Law School, workshop co-organized with Professar K. effects of transnational regulation"

Universityl invìted talk on "The architecture of transnational private regulation"

workshop on "Fundamental rights and judìcìal cooperatìon" wìth Center

, organized a conference on "Competition and Pluralism" within the Mediadem project in collaboration with Florence School of Regulation

European Law lnstitute workshop on "EU sales", paper on "Duties to

l Edinburgh, Fourth Mediadem Meeting, paper on "Comparative regulatìon in

l Torino, Societa Italiana Diritto economia, paper on 'Transnatìonal contra et" , organized a workshop on "Comparing case studies", in the framework of the

workshop in Washington DC, paper on "Transnational private integration"

at EASA conference in Brussels Universityl Workshop on the law and economìcs of Common European by prof. O. Ben-Shahar, paper on "From status to a transaction based

3, Conference on "The making of European Private Law: why, l organized prof. Moccia, paper on "The role of private regulation in


superiore della pubblica amministrazione, Conference on 'The Transnatlonal Regulatìon", co-organìzed with prof. K. Pistor

Florence, judicial cooperation (EU!), organised Conference on "Giobal Cooperation"

Argentina Hill Latin American Conference on transnatlonal private with Martin Bohmer and Florencia Saulìno at Universidad de Buenos

Victorìa (Bristìsh Columbia), organised a workshop on transnational governance by contract" in col!aboration with prof. -C.

schooll Faculty workshop, paper on "Regulatory capabilities'',

hoc seminar in Penn Programme on Regulation, paper on Commerciai Contracts to Regulate Business"

- organized a workshop on "Cross-sectoral comparìson among case framework of the TPRER project

Paulo, Transnationa! regulation, economie growth and legai evolution, workshop in cooperatìon wìth USP

, Florence, Centre for judicial cooperation (EUI), organised a conference on in European and National Laws"

coordìnator of DG JUST funded project "European Judicial cooperation in nn:::omt:J,nr~ rìghts practice of European courts", Juanuary 2013/June 2014

'""~"'10n,·ml" coordìnator of the expert team far a "Study on the legai framework '"'""'"'"""'" business-to-businesses unfair trading practices in the retail supply chain", Project

MARKT (January- November 2013)

Fina! conference of MEDIADEM project Presented Report on Media

, Florence, Centre far judìcial cooperation (EUI), Techniques of Judìcial Multi-System Protection of Fundamental Rights:Non-discrimination, in the

DG JUST project "European Judicial cooperation in the Fundamental rights courts".

Santiago de Compostela, Secola Conference, Paper on "The boundarìes !.WH•U<C<K:H! f""C'\ntf•,;:;('t and property"

Externado, Bogotà, Third Latin American conference on "Transnational

Discussed the paper by Parchomosky and Stavang

University of Amsterdam, lnvìted Public lecture on "The relationship between effectiveness in transnationa! private regulation"

, Utrecht, lnvited public lecture (with Andrea Renda) on "The role ,(",,;t,v"' in Transnational private regulation"

, Florence, Centra for judicial cooperatìon (EUI), Techniques of Judicial Multì-System Protection of Fundamental Rights: Fair Trial Guarantees, in

the DG JUST project ''European Judicìal cooperation in the Fundamental Europea n courts". , Dubiin Final conference on HiiL Project on Transnational Private regulatory

nrco~ontc,,rl "Fina! report on the project"

Nazionale dell'Amministrazione, Rome, Workshop co-organìzed wìth Tìm Pistor on "The Distributional consequences of transnational private

(EUI), Workshop on Private Regulation, Customs and Usages Law, co-organized with Gideon Parchomovsky wìthin the framework

on Transnational Private Regulation

151, Florence, Centre for judìcìal cooperatìon (EUI), Technìques of

in the Multi-System Protection of Fundamental Rights: Freedom of framework of the DG JUST project "European Judìcial cooperation in the practice of European courts"

Unidroit WFA meeting on contract farming. Gave a presentation on contract tarming and codes of conduct.

Markt, EU and global private standards: Comparing instruments and Global standards and European law.

di Cassazione, Conferenza finale della serie di corsi su! Dialogo Istituto Universitario Europeo. Ha presentato le Linee guida sulla


Florence, Centre for judicial cooperation (EUI), Techniques Judicial the Multi-System Protection of Fundamental Rights: Judicial lnteractìon

Protection of European Fundamental Rights: Past and Future Perspectìves,




the DG JUST project "European Judìcial cooperation in the Fundamental European courts".

, Bucharest, Romania, National !nstitute of Magistracy, Judicial Dialogue in Non­on Grounds of Age, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Dìsability and Race in the

DG JUST project "European Judicial cooperation in the Fundamental rights European courts". Gave a presentation on European judicial cooperation and

•nn:;;,?TI!nnT::>I rights in the Romanian context.

DG CNECT, Communlty of Practice (CoP) for Better Self- and Co­a presentatlon on Transnational regulation and European law

Master ìn management (MAMA) LUISS and SNA course on Transnational

, Warsaw, Poland, Supreme Administrative Court, Dìssemination conference ot "Unexplored Judìcial Cooperation in Fundamental Rights Practice of national

unexplored potential of judicial dìalogue methodology (JUDCOOP)". Gave a "~"''"'"'"'t"'i""n European judicial cooperatìon and fundamental rights in the Polish context.

, Scandicci, Firenze, Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, Sales of Goods in and European Law invited speech on Remedìes in internatìonal and European

project on global supply chain field work in Indonesia Round table coordinator at the consultation workshop on Good corporate

contract farmìng 4 OECD. lnvited speaker at the conference on lmproving risk regulation:

to learning and innovatìon co-organìzed by IRGC, Duke University and the paper: Private standards and transnational rìsk regufation

iecture at Pontificia Universidad Catolìca Peru' (PUPC) maestria derecho international Lima Perù on Transnational private regulation and global supply

Pontificia Universidad Catolica Perù lntroduction and Conclusion Lima Perù annual meeting on Transnational private regulation

Philadelphia lntroduction to the Symposium organized by Pennsylvanìa ìaw. Talk on Transnational private law making

lnvited talk Fordham Law schoo!. Paper on the regulatory contracts in private regulation

Seminar Model Rules ( RENEUAL)

Vienna seminar on Eu prìnciples on remedìes and administrative judicial

lnvited speech public hearing organìzed by the Economie and Socìal an Opinion concernìng self and co-regulation

table on L Torchia and S. Cassese, Il diritto amministrativo, Mulino, 4 Roma Coordinator with Giacinto della Cananea workshop on " le regole

procedimento amministrativo europeo". National School of magìstracy Dialogo tra le corti e diritto europeo dopo il di Giustizia

Conefrence Coordinator Scienze comportamentali per un nuovo modello di Sfide ed obiettivi.

( the Netherlands). lnvited talk on remedies in contract farming and the guide

workshop in collaboratìon with the European Associatìon of administratìve IC'Tr'-lT"·'""' enforcement and remedies in EU iaw

visiting lecturer


"Rivista Critica Diritto Privato"

the editing board of "Mercato, Concorrenza e Regole"

the scientlfìc board of "Giornale dì diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni

the board of Forum de la regulation

Consultative Board Secola

scientific committee of AICCON

of Private regulation serìes with Edward Elgar

board of European Journal of risk and regulation

series an Judicial cooperation with Edward Elgar


Law lnstitute rno,mn.or

European Law !nstitute

the Executive Committee of the European Law lnstitute

of the Council of the European Law lnstitute

advisory board

member UNIDROIT on the contract farming working group

member by the European and Economie and Social Committtee on the and co regulation

Co-ordinator of a European Research project on "Social Enterprise" in France, ltaly, Spain (Digestus Project).

on project on welfare reform and new functions of non-profit

on networks of firms under MIUR project on contract

harmonizatlon contract law

group on networks, European University lnstitute

(with J. Ziller) workshop "A multidisciplinary approach to networks" (EUI) 8

the European Private Law Forum, Department of Law, IUE

C. Joerges and J. Ziller of research project on Tenancy Law

research project on networks of firms and intellectual property rights (Miur

research project on "Codification and Constitutionalisation"

project "Governance", funded by EU, coordinated by prof. M.

research project on "Public ìnterest services and citizenship" (coordìnated by

research project on "Capacitas" (coordinated by S. Deakin and A. Supìot)

research project on "Self-regulation in the European Perspective: a assessment"

a research project on networks of firms and local development

H. Muir Watt of a research project on Governance and regulation of private law within research project on New Governance

a research project on the social responsibìlity of non profit organizations

a research project on the relationship between Public and private regulation sponsored by the Robert Schuman Center in collaboration with the Florence

regulatìon a research project on the role of natìonal judiciaries in European private law

a research project on comparative organizations concerning wine industry within REFGOV Framework Program

a research project at EUI on The impact of European private law on European countries

Coordinator the HIIL research project 'Private transnational regulation: foundations and governance design' at RSCAS with UC Dublìn and

EUI unit in a research project on private regulation in media within l Framework Program

LABORE (progetto Laboratorio Reti) fondazione REI Bruno Visintini and Laboratorio sulle reti

with Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law School) of a research project on regulation. Governance by contract. Scuola Superiore della Pubblica

Rome ltaly

on .Access to global value chain (Generai coordinator)

Center for judicìal cooperation at EU l. Coordinator of a research project on cooperation wìthin the Centre for Judìcial Cooperation, EUI Florence

of a research project on interfirm networks for the Foundation Bruno Vìsentini

scientific committee of research project on Unfair commerciai practìces in relationship (DG internai market)

a research project on European Judìcial Cooperation in fundamental rights courts (DG Justice)

master program in Behavìorallaw and economics SNA/LUISS

a research project on the effectiveness of transnational private regulation

coordinator of the project on remedies in adminìstrative and civil enforcement with the European assocìation of administrative judges


Commission for the reform of the First Book of Cìvil Code (Ministry of Ministry of Justice)

the Commission "Third Sector and occupation" (Ministry of Labour) Florence

of Unidroit Working group on Guidelines for contract farming

expert of European Economie and social Committee on the Opinion on self and


Enciclopedia diritto, Giuffrè 2015, forthcoming transnazionale e trasformazione dello stato, Il Mulino forthcoming 2015

private law and judicial dialogue ( wìth Stephanìe law) Elgar, forthcoming

private regufation - A casebook, Edward Elgar,

refationships in gfobal supp!y chains: the rate of cooperative Uniform law review 1, 2015

regulation and contractual govemance, forthcoming in EU law and risk and Tridimas eds) OUP, 2015

regulators forthcoming in Global administrative law research handbook ( ed. Elgar, 5

of transnational private rule making: tne unexplored relationship between leges regulatoriae, University of Pennsylvania Journal of international

la regulacion transnational prìvada, Revista de derecho privado

Pistor) Regulatory capabilities: a Normatìve framework for assessing the regulation, Regulatìon and governance, 2014, p. 00

interaction techniques, their potential use in fundamental rìghts adjudication, available at

private regulation and regional (legai) integration: a reassessment of the , liber amicorum Hans Micklitz, 2014.

Grundmann and G. Vettori), The Organizational contracts, Ashgate, 2013. chains contractual governance and certification regimes", European

economìcs, 1 provisions of transnational commerciai contracts available. New

Fordham Journal of internationallaw 1557 (2013)



, Uber Amicorum Jules Stuyck, lntersentìa, 2013 Giandomenico Mosco) "Il contratto di rete e le prime pratiche: lìnee di

e prospettive di sviluppo", in l Contratti, 2013, 8/9, pp. 799 - 816 regulatìon", (wìth A Renda and R Schmidt), OECD publications,

status a transaction based approach" Common market law revìew 2013 rete per la crescita delle imprese, edìted by F. Cafaggi P. lamiceli- G.D. Mosco,

2 Verso il consolidamento, in Il contratto di rete per fa crescita

Cafaggi- P. lamìceli- G.D. Mosco, Giuffrè, Milano, 2012 Prosser, R. Castro, A. Renda) "Polìcy recommendations for the

the Council of Europe for media freedom and ìndependence and a matrix across the Mediadem countries", Mediadem project deliverable, 2012,

"Private regulation, Freedom of expressìon and Journalism: Towards a , EUI w.p. 2012/22

regulatìon and industriai organization the network approach" EUI wp.

and private regulation. Mapping the labyrinth", in Doveschmit revìew,

an d private ba d s", in European Journal of internationallaw 2012 governance by contract. Private regulatìon and contractual networks in food

Swinnen, J. Wouters, M. Maertens, & A. Marx (eds) Gfobal Governance and !nterdfsciplinary Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012

"Consumer protection''. in Research Handbook on the Economìcs of European and Schafer (eds), Edward Elgar, 2012 di diritto: ripensando i fondamenti dell'integrazione europea", Rivista

e procedura 2012 reality of precautìon. Comparìng risk regulation in the US and Europe by J.

Hamm!t and P. H. Sand, (eds.)", European Journa! of Risk regulation

transnational private regulation, Edward Elgar, 2012 Transnational Private Regulation: Conceptual and Constìtutìonal Debates, Cafaggi, Colin Scott and Linda Senden, Wiley-Biackwell 2011

y contractual: una agenda de investigacì6n para un Derecho in J. Ruìz Peris (a cura dì), Nuevas Perspectìvas del Derecho de Redes

Valencia: Tìrant lo Blanch, 2011

"Redes empresa en la industria europea del vino" in Ruìz Peris, J.L (a Perspectìvas del Derecho de Redes Empresariales, Valencia: Tirant Lo

neila prassi prime riflessioni, In Contratti, 2011, 5, 504

networks, lnter-firm cooperation and economie growth, Edward Elgar 1 and L. Transnational Private Regulation: Conceptual and

Debates, Oxford: Wìley-Biackwell, 2011

and European Private Law" in A. Hartkamp, M. W. Hesselìnk, Du Perron (eds.). Towards a European Civil Code, Den Haag: Kluwer




"lnter-fìrm networks in the European wine industry'', WP 2010/19,

networks ìn the European wine industry: a comparative analysis cn•.•n•~'"' in the European wl ne industry, 201 O, p. 121-160

F. Casarosa, M. Degasperì, M. Gabbato, C. Ferrari), "lnter-firm networks in industry: three case studies in North East and South ltaly (Trentina, Verona,

in lnter-firm networks in the European wìne industry, 2010, pp. 47-64 M. Cremona, K. Cseres, L Gorywoda, R. Karova, H.-W. Micklìtz, K.

"Europeanizatlon of Private Law in Centrai and Eastern Europe Countrìes Findìngs and Research Agenda", WP EU! 2010/15, 2010

Transnational Private Regulation", WP RSCAS 2010/53, Private n.04,2010

rete. Learning by doing", l contratti, 201 O, pp. 11 - 1172 Ben Shahar, A. Porat (a cura di), Fault in American Contract Law,

University Press, 201 O, p. 237-255

"La sfida delle reti di imprese tra sviluppo locale e reti trans-nazìonali" in A. (a cura di), Strategie per il vino che verrà. Una ricerca dell'Informatore di un documento di riflessione strategica per il settore vìtivinìcolo italìano,

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