In-situ Stress Measurements with the Hydraulic Fracture ... · including the use of United States...

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Transcript of In-situ Stress Measurements with the Hydraulic Fracture ... · including the use of United States...



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- 7 MAY 1987



BHR Record 1987/l.1

In-situ Stres s Measurements With the Hydraulic Fracture Technique

P.N. Chopra and J.R. Enever

3 The information contained in mi. report ha. been obtained by the Bureau of Mineral Reaourc •• , Geology and GeophyalC8 ••

l-\, . part of the policy of the Auatralian GovernlTl8ft to a •• i.t in the exploration and development of mineral reaourc ••. It may not be .j --- publi.hed in any fonn or u.ed in a company pro.pectu. or Itatemant without the pannl .. ion in writing of the Director.


~ t t

In-situ Stress Measurements With the Hydraulic Fracture Technique


+ P.N. Chopra and J.R. Enever

BMR Record 1987/1]

CSIRO Division of Geomechanics

Kinnoul Grove

Synda1 Vic 3149

Table of Contents

Page Number

Abstract iii

Introduction 1

Equipment 2

Experimental Procedures 5

Test Sites 6

Berrigan, NSW 6

Lancefield, Vic 8 Wong an Hills, WA 8-

Results of Field Tests 8

Results of Laboratory Tests 14

Discussion 18

I Conclusions 21

Acknowledgements 22

Bibliography 23


, !


A new hydraulic fracture system has. been developed and constructed

for use in the measurement of in-situ crustal stress. This system

incorporates a down-hole flow meter, a new development which allows

much more precise resolution of crack re-opening pressures and greatly

aids in the interpretation of the hydraulic fracture pressure records.

Hydraulic fracture stress measurements have been made in granitoids at

3 sites in Australia at which independent measurements of the in-situ

crustal stress had already been obtained with th~ overcoring method.

In all cases, the results of the hydraulic fracturing and overcoring

methods are consistent. This suggests that both methods can reliably

determine the stress in the Earth's crust. In the hydraulic fracture

tests reported here, two types of induced fracture geometries have

been observed: fractures in the test section and fractures under the

sealing packers. Each fracture geometry results in a distinctive

pressure record. With fractures of the first type, it is shown that

use of crack re-opening pressure in the analysis provides reliable

estimates of the in-situ stress. With fractures under the packers on

the other hand, it has been found that analysis of the results based

on crack initiation pressure and the mean laboratory-determined rock

strength results in reliable in-situ stress estimates.


~ .

1. Introduction

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

(CSIRO) and the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics

(BMR) have been cooperating for a number of years in a program of

regional stress measurements in granite outcrops throughout Australia

(Denham et al, 1979; Denham et a1, 1980; Denham and Alexander, 1981).

The aim of this work has been to investigate the magnitude,

orientation and distribution of tectonic stress within the continent,

to study the relationship between this stress field and large scale

geological structure and, to obtain data for the assessment of

earthquake risk.

Initial efforts involved a number of overcoring techniques

including the use of United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) borehole

deformation gauges and. the CSIRO triaxial borehole deformation gauge.

These overcoring measurements were made in granite outcrops in close

proximity to the surface (generally less than 5 metres depth) at a

number of locations throughout Australia (loc. cit.). Where the

results obtained are considered to be reliable, they have generally

indicated a NE-SW or E-W orientation of the maximum horizontal

principal stress.

These results, while they have served to delineate some broad

features in the stress field, have also pointed to three serious

limitations inherent in the overcoring technique in its application to

Australian conditions.

1) The need to carry out overcoring at relatively shallow depths

(i.e. less than a few tens of metres) is an important limitation in an

Australian context because of the deep weathering profiles that

characterise the near surface rocks throughout much of the continent.

Such deep weathering can compromise the relevance of near surface

measurements because of the possibility of decoupling of the near

surface rocks from the underlying crust both through the greater

deformability of the weathered material and as a result of the

presence of associated open cracks and joints.

2) Near surface stress measurements are also likely to include


stresses associated with diurnal and seasonal temperature changes that o

can be as great as 50 C.

3) Such measurements can be influenced by topographic effects

including variations in the cover of weathered material (Denham and

Alexander, 1981).

In view of these factors, it was decided to substitute a stress

measurement program based on hydraulic fracture because this

technique offers the opportunity of making in-situ stress

determinations at much greater depths in fresh tectonically-coupled

rock. The application of hydraulic fracturing to the stress

measurement program in hard rocks has drawn on extensive

experience with hydro fracture obtained by CSIRO in sedimentary basin

rocks (see for example, Enever and Wooltorton, 1983) and hence, the

design philosophy of the down~hole tools and the instrumentation that

is reported here is broadly similar to that used previously by CSIRO.

The initial work with the hydrofracture system has been carried

out at three sites: Berrigan (NSW) , Lancefield (Vic) and Wongan Hills

(WA). At each of these sites overcoring measurements had previously

been made in the relatively fresh, high modulus rock which outcrops at

the surface.

2. Equipment

A hydrofracture system, comprising a fracture tool and an

-impression tool , has been designed and constructed specifically for

this work. Figures 1 and 2 show the essential components of the

fracture tool, together with the handling system and the up-hole

hydraulic and electronic equipment. The tool is connected to the

surface control system by means of two flexible high pressure hoses

and a seven conductor armoured co-axial cable. The former allow

independent connection of the sealing packers and the isolated test

interval (horizon) to separate hydraulic pumps housed in the control

vehicle, while the latter provides the necessary electrical and

mechanical connections. Important components of the fracture tool

include two transducers for the measurement of pressure in the packers









Q,.. ,+-.---1-4:> '. ,,:, iI--1--io __ - __ 1- ------r-....-~_.J




Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the hydrofracture system.


Figure 2a

Figure 2b

The fracture tool, handling system and

hydraulic components.

The interior of the truck-borne instrument cab

showing the hydraulic and electronic controls.


and the test interval, a flow meter for the measurement of fluid

movement into or out of the test interval, and a solenoid operated

dump valve to permit effective deflation of the packers at the end of

the tests. The length of the test interval can be varied to suit test

conditions by using different length spacers (currently 0.5 and 1

metre spacers are used).

The impression tool used in conjunction with the fracture tool

includes a digital compass which provides an up-hole display of the

tool's orientation in the hole. This arrangement provides a reliable

means of determining the orientation of the induced fractures at the

borehole wall.

3. Experimental Procedures

The hydrofracture field tests have been carried out at each site

in a similar fashion. Water has been used as the fracture fluid and

the rates of pressurisation have been relatively slow (approximately

sMPa per minute). The field test procedure followed has involved an

initial fracturing phase followed by a number of cycles of

pressurisation and subsequent venting of the test interval. The

initial fracturing is accomplished by concurrently but independently

increasing the pressure in the packers and the test interval. In this

way a small positive pressure differential can be maintained between

the packers and the test interval which helps confine the fluid in the

latter. Pumping is stopped as soon as a crack is formed in order to

preserve the initial geometry and to allow a first shut-in pressure to

be recorded. The test interval is then vented to atmosphere to allow

the induced crack to close. A build-up of pressure in the test

interval upon temporarily sealing the system during venting ("pressure

rebound") is taken as evidence of continued flow of water out of a

closing crack. Venting is continued until this phenomenon ceases.

Further cycles of pressurisation and venting are used to determine

the crack re-opening pressure and to gauge whether the orientation of

the crack changes as it is propagated. Such a change of crack

orientation is reflected in systematic changes in shut-in pressure


from cycle to cycle. Crack re-opening pressure is determined with the

aid of the down-hole flow meter.

4. Test Sites

In this record, discussion will be limited to three of the sites

where hydrofracture stress measurements have been made in granitic

rocks (see Figure 3). These sites characterise two different types of

results we have obtained in our stress measurement program, both in

terms of the form of the pressure-time data recorded and the nature of

the fractures produced. These sites are also of particular value

because independent estimates of the deviatoric stress state are

available from overcoring measurements made nearby (less than 10m

laterally distant). These sites are

1) Berrigan, New South Wales

The measurements were made in a borehole drilled in a granite

of Upper Silurian age at depths between 4 metres and 167

metres. The borehole is located in a small disused quarry in

flat lying country in southern New South Wales on the western

flank of the Lachlan Fold Belt. The quarry is located at grid

reference CD93l5l0 on the 1:100,000 Berrigan Topographic

Sheet. The granite is a coarse grained rock with an average

grainsize of 1670 microns (as determined from thin section by

the linear intercept method of Exner (1972) using a

sectioning correction factor of 1.5) which contains crystals

of orthoclase of up to 2 cm. In thin-section the rock is seen

to be essentially free of deformation induced microstructures

other than a few non-pervasive microcracks which are located

principally along grain boundaries. Ample evidence in the

form of pop-ups and stress controlled jointing exists in the

Berrigan area which suggests that the ground is currently

being subjected to a strong horizontal compressive stress

field. This is of particular interest because the area has a

history of seismicity with a magnitude 5.5 earthquake

recorded in the vicinity in 1938.








Figure 3 Location map showing the test sites and the

orientation of the maximum principal stress

as deduced from hydrofracture and overcoring



2) Lancefield, Victoria

This site is located in a broad valley in gently rolling

country near the town of Lancefield approximately 75 o

kilometres north of Melbourne at 37 II'S latitude and o

144 45'E longitude. The borehole penetrates a fine grained

undeformed graniodiorite of Upper Devonian age with an

average grainsize (determined as above) of 1440 microns. This

site is located within the Lachlan Fold Belt. The

hydrofracture measurements were made at this site at a depth

of 10 metres.

3) Wongan Hills (Cousin's), Western Australia

This site is approximately 150 km north-east of Perth and

within an area bounded by the towns of Meckering,Calingiri

and Cadoux, the sites in recent years of earthquakes of

magnitudes 6.9, 5.9 and 6.5 respectively. This area is part

of the Yilgarn Block, a multiply deformed Archaean craton. o

The borehole is sited at latitude 30.87 S, longitude o

116.96 E. The rock penetrated by the borehole is a deformed

rock of granodioritic composition which has probably

undergone recrystallisation during its deformation history

and is now relatively fine grained. The average grainsize

determined from thin-section is 980 micron. The hydrofracture

test results discussed here are reported in detail elsewhere

(Denham et aI, 1986 in prep.).

5. Results of Field Tests

Vertical hydraulic fractures were initiated during testing at each

site. At Berrigan, the fractures were found generally to correspond

with the test interval, extending at each end into the regions occupied

during testing by the packers. In contrast, at the Lancefield and

Wongan Hills sites the fractures were found to be restricted to the

zone occupied during testing by one or other of the inflatable

packers. The orientations of the fractures induced at the three sites

are shown in Figure 3.




Also shown in Figure 3 are the corresponding orientations of the

major horizontal stress component determined by overcoring tests at

each site. For all these sites, the agreement of orientation between

the overcoring and hydraulic fracturing stress measurements can be

considered good, if the orientation of the induced fracture is taken

to represent the orientation of the major horizontal stress component.

This is true irrespective of whether the induced fracture formed in

the test section or under the packers.

The difference in the locations of the fractures induced at.

Berrigan compared to Lancefield and Wongan Hills was reflected in the

form of the pressure records obtained from the respective sites.

Figure 4a is typical of the pressure records obtained for the majority

of the tests conducted at Berrigan (i.e. excepting the test at 4m

depth). This record exhibits a distinct and sharp crack initiation,

well-defined and consistent shut-in pressure for successive cycles of

pressurisation and noticeable pressure "rebound" during venting of the

test section between cycles. The data in this figure also display'

clear indications of crack re-opening during the repressurisation

cycles (defined by the onset of measureable fluid flow through the

down-hole flow meter) and point to a fairly constant fluid pressure

during crack propagation. In these respects, the data of Figure 4a

might be considered a "text-book" example of a hydrofracture test.

Analysis of the Berrigan field data has in each case been based on

the conventionally accepted use of shut-in pressure as the minor

horizontal stress component (~ ) and crack re-opening pressure for h

calculation of the magnitude of the major horizontal stress component

(~ ). It has also been assumed that these horizontal components of the H

stress field are principal stress components and that the third

principal component (~ ) is therefore vertical and coaxial with the 3

test hole. The methods used to select the salient data from the test

results are illustrated in Figure 4a. These data are tabulated in

Table 1, along with a summary of· their analysis based on the



,... o

Il.. 20 :::E: -..;

w a::: ::J 10 (J) (J) w a::: Il..

,... 12 o

Il.. :::E: -..; 8

o 5

o 5

Figure 4

10 15

10 15 20


Z ;I => :c VI

I.U VI => u.. u.. o


Fig. 4 (a) •

:.::: u « 0::: WI.:J

f-Z w­ZZ - LU f-o.. VlO 0 1




Fig. 4(b).






c::------ PACKER PRESS.


45 50



70 75 80

Abridged test records showing the important features and

the methods used to extract the data. Fig. 4 (a), Berrigan;

Fig. 4 (b), Lancefield.


TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF DATA FOR BERRIGAN SITE ---_._---_._--- -----_.

Depth of Estimated Crack Initiation Ranqe of Shut-in Ranoe of Estimate of Estimate of Orientation of at Test Pore Pressure (Pi) MPa Pressures (1st qe-oneninn a, ~~a at ~Pa Horizon Pressure (Correspondinq cycle-nth cycle) Pressures

(m) (Po) MPa packer press.) MPa (Pr) MPa

4-5 0 11.6 (14.2) 5.6-5.B-6.0 5.7-6.0 5.6-6.0 11.1-12.0 69-70 0.7 15.5 (16.2) 5.6-5.5-5.3 5.6-5.5 5.3-5.6 9.7-10.5 70" East of True Nth

100-101 1.0 17.4 (18.9) 6.0-5.5-4.9 6.3-5.6 4.9-6.0 R.1-10.7 75" East of True Nth

125-126 1.3 18.5 (19.7) 6.3-6.2-6.1 6.7-6.7 6.1-6.3 10.1-10.9 70· East of True Nth

154-155 1.5 20.7 (21.5) 6.3-6.1-5.7 7.0-7.0 5.7-6.3 8.6-10.4 72' East of True Nth

168-169 1.7 18.6 (19.0) 7.7-8.0 8.4 7.7-8.0 13.0-13.9 73' East of True Nth

Results from Overcorino in Ad.iacent Hole ._---------

3.5 5.6 11.4 74" East of True Nth 3.8 9.5 12.1 80' East of True Nth


Depth of Test Horizon

Estimated Pore Pressure (Po) MPa

Crack Initiation Pressure (Pi) MPa (Corresponding packer press.)*

Ranqe of Shut-in Pressures ( 1st cy~le-nth cycle)

Ranoe of Re-ooenino Pressures (Pr) ~Pa

Laboratorv S trennth . Ranqe, MPa

Estimate of a. MPa

Estima te of (jl** tJlPa


Orientation of at


approx. 10m

Average of two tests at approx. 10m



6.5 10.5

° 10.9 (11.6)

0.7 9.5 (9. {,)

0.7 11.4 (11..5")

MPa (Averaoe)

Lancefie1d 7.0-3.9-3.9-3.9-3.9-3.9

4.0-4.7.- 10.0-12.0 4.2-4.2-4.6 (11.0)

Results from Overcorino in Adiacent Hole

Y/onqan Hills 6.3-5.1-4.3- 4.2-3.9- 13.2-15.0 4.3 3.9 (14.1) 5.5-6.1-6.6- 3.9-3.9- 13.2-15.0 6.6 4.2 (14.1 )

Results from Overcorina in Adjacent Hole

* Pressure in packers at crack initiation. used in analysis ** K = 1.0 used in analysis






3.4 6.8

10.1-12.1 (11.1)


15.9-17.7 (16.8) 20.9-22.7 (21.8)

18.2 20.4

68' East of True Nth

78' East of True Nth

79' East of True Nth

60" East of True Nth

62" East of True Nth 87" East of True Nth

a 1

3.a - K.P - (2-K).P 2 r 0

(Haimson, 1978)

where: a is estimated directly from the shut-in pressure 2

P is the crack re-opening pressure r

P is the ambient pore pressure at the location of the o

test horizon (based on the assumption that the

water table is at the surface)

and, K is a poro-elastic constant which is generally assumed

to be equal to 1.


Also included in Table 1 is a summary of the results of the overcoring

tests conducted at the Berrigan site.

The data in Table 1 show a high degree of consistency, both in

terms of the relatively small ranges observed for shut-in pressure and

re-opening pressure for any given test, and in terms of the general

agreement between the results for the six hydrofracture tests. There

is also good agreement between the hydro fracture tests and the

overcoring results.

Figure 4b, containing data obtained from the Lancefield site, is

generally representative of the pressure records obtained for the

tests at Lancefield and Wongan Hills, and for one test at Berrigan (at

approximately 4 metres depth). The distinctive features displayed in

Figure 4b include a much more rounded crack initiation phase, more

variable and poorly defined shut-in phases and a lack of any

detectable pressure rebound during venting of the test section between

tests. Crack re-opening is indistinct and significantly, there is a

pronounced hump in the first re-pressurisation cycle. All of these

features can be linked to the initiation of fracturing under the

sealing packers rather than in the test interval.

The less distinct crack initiation and more variable and poorly

defined shut-in phases apparent in Figure 4b result from the fluid in

the test section having to leak past the inflated packer to enter the

crack. This restriction of fluid access results in a dampening of the

test interval pressure response. The lack of significant pressure

rebound and of a distinct re-opening pressure can be attributed to the


propping effect of the packer on the crack initiated under it. The

distinct hump in the pressure-time record presumably represents the

excess pressure required to extend the original crack along the length

of the hole to a position where fluid from the test section can gain

direct accesS to it.

It is also notable in Figure 4b that the pressure responses during

the tests subsequent to the first re-pressurisation are very similar.

The pressure~time records for the crack propagation phases and the

shut-ins are essentially identical. This observation is indicative of

the diminishing influence of the original crack location as crack

propagation proceeds. The only significant difference between the

later cycles is the somewhat higher crack propagation pressure value

in the last test. This elevated pressure is linked to the higher

packer pressure used in this test and may reflect reduced fluid access

to the crack during propagation.

The absence of distinct re-opening pressures for the data obtained

from the Lancefield andWongan Hills sites necessitated the use of a

different approach to analysis in these cases. As with the Berrigan

data, shut-in pressure was used to estimate the magnitude of (I • The 2

magnitude of (I was determined from the relationship: 1


1 3.a + S - K.P - (2-K).P

2 i 0 (Haimson, 1978)

where: S is the fracture strength and,

P is the crack initiation pressure. i


Core recovered from the test holes at the Lancefield and Wongan

Hills sites was tested in the laboratory to determine appropriate

values of Sand K for each site. The outcome of this laboratory

testing is discussed in detail in section 6. Table 2 gives a summary

of the field and laboratory data for the Lancefield and Wongan Hills

sites, and a precis of the overcoring results.

In general terms, the data in Table 2 reflect fairly good

agreement between the hydraulic fracture and overcoring results,

though the measurements were made at quite different depths. This


correspondence is best when the average measured laboratory

strength is used. This agreement is evidence of the reliability of

both methods of stress measurement and of their ability to determine

the in-situ stress field. This holds even when the fractures initiate

under the packers, provided that the crack initiation pressure and

laboratory measured strength are used in the analysis rather than the

re-opening pressure. Scrutiny of the data in Table 2 suggests that use

of re-opening pressures would in all cases however have led to serious

under-estimations of the value of a . 1

It would appear from the data contained in Table 2 that when crack

re-opening occurs, it does so at a pressure closer to the value of a 2

rather than the value of 3a - a as generally assumed for the 2 1

analysis of crack re-opening pressures. This divergence from normal

behaviour may be due in part to the tendency of the packers to hold

the cracks open. Alternatively, the low re-opening pressures at the

Lancefield and Wongan Hills sites may result from the particular

stress states existing there. In both these cases, the net horizontal

stress fields tend toward a situation where a > 3.a . Under such a 1 - 2. .

stress state, it might be expected that a crack, once initiated in the

borehole wall, would not reclose with depressurisation.

The other notable feature of the data contained in Table 2 is the

larger range of shut-in pressures found at the Lancefield and Wongan

Hills sites than were found at Berrigan (Table 1). This greater

scatter can probably be attributed to variations in the influence of

the iriflated packer on fluid access to the crack as each test

proceeds. Since, as already discussed, the influence of the packer

decreases as the crack is propagated further however, it follows that

shut-in pressures in the later pressure cycles of a test are likely to

be provide more meaningful stress estimates.

6. Results of Laboratory Tests

The core samples from the Lancefield site were all tested without

external load. This testing strategy was chosen in order to simulate

the stress condition in the borehole wall during the hydro fracture




r I , I-


, ~ ,- 15-0

", a.

~ l: u .. i" a:: ~ VI VI w 10-0 a:. Q.

z a I-« I-

~ Z

~ ::::.::::: 5-0 LJ « ex: LJ



Figure 5

• •

• • •


Summary of the laboratory results for the

Lancefield granodiorite (see text).


ro 0... L

.... w ex: ::> V) V) UJ cc c..

z 0

~ I--Z

~ u «


cc 10· 0 L-_--'--_----'-__ --'----Jo-----J'"--_--'



Figure 6 Summary of the laboratory results

for the Wong an Hills granodiorite

(see text).

testing (i.e. a - 3.a in equation (2». The results of the these 1 - 2

tests which are presented in Figure 5, do not suggest a systematic

variation of crack initiation pressure with the rate of pressurisation

used in the tests. The limits of strength used in the analyses of the

Lancefield field data are indicated by the horizontal lines in the

figure. In the absence of specific laboratory data, a value of K = 1.0

was assumed for the analyses, based on general practice (Haimson,


In the case of the material from the Wongan Hills site, samples

were tested under external diametric loading in order to produce a net

tensile stress at the point of crack initiation in the interior of the

samples. This procedure was used in order to simulate the in-situ

stress field existing during the hydrofracture experiments which

produced a similar circumferential tension in the borehole wall at the

location of crack initiation (i.e. a > 3.a ). Figure 6 illustrates 1 2

the results of these laboratory tests on the Wongan Hills material.

Crack initiation pressure is plotted here against the calculated

uniform transverse tensile stress existing a short distance away from

the central hole in the specimens as a result of the external

diametric loading (Jaeger and Hoskins, 1966). The data in Figure 6 are

not inconsistent with an approximately linear relationship between

crack initiation pressure and tensile stress and fall within a

reasonably well defined band. The trend of this band is adequately

described by a value of K = 1+0.25 (from equation (2) with 3a - a - 2 1

assumed equal to the tensile stress and PO). The customarily used o

value of K=l was used in the analysis of the Wongan Hills field data,

together with the strength measured from the samples tested without

external loading (see Figure 6).


7. Discussion

The most obvious aspects of the field results evident from the

data contained in Figure 3 and Tables 1 and 2 are the apparent

orientational consistency of the horizontal s'tress field over vast

distances (probably coincidental) and the suggestion, based on the

Berrigan and Wongan Hills data, of a small systematic gradient in the

horizontal stress magnitudes with depth (see Figure 7). The overcoring

results from all three sites indicate that the near surface layers are

well-coupled to the tectonic basement.

From the viewpoint of the hydraulic fracturing technique, an

interesting feature of the experience gained at the three sites has

been the variation in the location of the induced fractures relative

to the tool geometry (i.e. under packer versus in the test interval)

and the commensurate implications on analysis of field data in

general. While the practical implications of crack location have been

treated above, the factors influencing the variation warrant further


Two different explanations for the differing locations of crack

initiation are suggested by the results presented in this record, viz.

control of crack initiation by the petrophysical properties of the

rocks at each site, and control by the prevailing stress fields.

1) Petrophysical control

For the field tests conducted at Lancefield and Wongan Hills, the

packer pressure during initial pressurisation was kept only marginally

above the test interval pressure. Thus at crack initiation, there was

only a very small excess pressure in the packers. The most plausible

petrophysical explanation for the fracturing to have initiated under

these packers then is to suppose that the value of the poro-elastic

constant K must have been very close to 1. If the value of K had been

significantly above 1, cracks would have been expected to have formed

preferentially in the test section where the rock was exposed directly

to the influence of fluid penetration. It is notable that a value of K

-1 is also consistent with the results of the laboratory tests carried



50 -Q) J.....

4-J Q)

E - 100 J::

I 4-J

I 0. Q)

0 150 ,

~ ~


cr (MPa) H

5 10 15 20 ~, .. "",

~ '. \ \

\ . \ \

, . \ .

\ ..... . \ . \

. \0-

. I ' . .

\ V . ,

\ ........... \

. "

\ \ ~

\ '. \

• n

\ \ .

Figure 7, Plot of Maximum horizontal principle

stress versus depth at Berrigan,-NSW

~ hydrofracture results

• overcoring results

.rr vertical str,ess due ,togravi ty 'v


out in the tensile stress regime with this material.

In contrast to the situation at the other two sites, at Berrigan

even though the packer pressure during the initial pressurisations was

allowed to exceed the test interval pressures by on average 0.9 MPa in

the deeper tests, cracks still initiated preferentially in the test

sections. It was only when the packer pressure differential was

allowed to reach 2.6 MPa in the test at 4 metres depth that crack

initiation under the packers resulted. These field observations

suggest that the value of K for the Berrigan material might be

somewhat greater than 1. This conclusion will be tested in a

forthcoming series of laboratory experiments.

2) Stress control

The alternative explanation for the differing locations of the

crack initiations rests on the observation that the prevailing in-situ


stress field at Berrigan is very different from that recorded at the ~ Lancefield and Wongan Hills sites. At Berrigan, the state of stress in

the rock is such as to produce a net circumferential compression in

the borehole wall. In contrast, at the other two sites the stress

fields are characterised by a net circumferential tension (Wongan

Hills) and an approximately zero circumferential stress (Lancefield).

These differences may imply somewhat different failure criteria in

stress fields with very large stress ratios (i.e. u > 3.u ) compared 1 2

with more balanced stress fields such as at Berrigan (i.e. u < 3.u ). 1 2

Further work is now being undertaken to determine the nature

dfthe mechanism controlling the site of crack initiation in the

hydrofracture tests. The ultimate aim of this work is the development

of a criterion of failure which will permit better control of crack

initiation during hydrofracture testing.


8. Conclusions

The results of the hydraulic fracturing tests conducted to date

have established close agreement with earlier measurements of the

magnitude and orientation of the in-situ stress field made using the

overcoring technique. This correspondence suggests that both methods

have the ability to provide useful measurements of the prevailing

in-situ horizontal stress field in granitoids.

Two distinct forms of hydraulic fracture initiation have been


1) fracture initiation occurring in the isolated test interval

2) fracture initiation occurring under one or both of the inflatable

sealing packers.

Distinctly different styles of pressure records are associated with

these two cases. In both instances it has been shown that it is

possible to undertake satisfactory analysis of the data. When

fractures initiate in the test interval and the net circumferential

stress in the borehole wall is compressive, crack re-opening pressure

provides a reliable means of estimating the maximum horizontal

principal stress magnitude. When fractures initiate under packers

and/or the net circumferential stress in the borehole wall is tensile

or near zero, crack initiation pressure and the laboratory measured

strength can be used to evaluate the major horizontal principal stress

magnitude. In both cases the shut-in pressure provides a reli"able

estimate of the minimum horizontal principle stress magnitude.

The incorporation of a down-hole flow meter in the hydrofracture

system has greatly improved the reliability of determination of crack

re-opening pressure.


9. Acknowledgements

The equipment used for the field work was designed and developed

by J. Edgoose of the CSIRO Division of Geomechanics. His considerable

contribution to the program is gratefully acknowledged. Personnel of

the Engineering Services Unit, BMR were responsible for the

construction and commissioning of the down-hole tools, electronics and

handling systems. Particular thanks are due in this regard to R. De

Graaf, E. McIntosh, D. Foulstone and A. Sholtez.


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