In Less Than 5 Minutes

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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5 minutes from now you'll know someone who can help you get seen more often online and help you get your life back.

Transcript of In Less Than 5 Minutes

In Less Than 5 Minutes

You’ll see why growth oriented professionals, find us, and then choose us, for their internet promotion, and

business development strategies.

Love What You Do !

Get Seen More Often

I’m Rick Falls with

I love to help people who love what they do, get seen more often, by more people online.

I have a terrific life !

After 3+ years in Internet Marketing

• I had spent thousands of dollars

• I had spent thousands of hours learning

• I knew a ton of great people and stuff

• I had made some money at it, … but

• I almost knew too much to stay focused

• I wasn’t happy with “internet businesses”

• I wanted to share what I knew …

With Real Businesses

I woke up one day and thought

This stuff could help a lot of people who have offline businesses, I’d better get to work spreading the word.

To Help Stop This …

I saw far too many businesses failing, and I wanted to use what I knew, to help prevent that from happening so often.

So I started helping everyone

I was determined to save the world from

poorly spent, old fashioned, ineffective

and wasted marketing and advertising

dollars. And so … was born

I started helping some friends and the local people that I knew, get more customers by using the Internet and by applying some simple technologies.

And before you know it, I was in demand.

I was sharing what I knew

But I didn’t have the time to spread the word “one on one” anymore.

I had to become more effective, so I put more of the systems I was showing people into place in my own business, and it worked great !

Something very cool happened I was doing more of

what I loved, less of what I didn’t, and I had managed to get my life back. It was fun !

I had more time off to play, and spend time with my family, and do the things I enjoyed, a lot more often.

But it wasn’t just me …

My clients were getting the same kind of results.

More time off, less stress, lower costs, more profits, and more fun overall.

I was jazzed about that!

Now I help mostly … Professionals and

small business owners, who have been spending money, time, and effort trying to use the Internet.

Basically someone who would like to be more successful at it, than they’ve managed to be, up until now.

• So, if you have …• Invested time • And money • And energy• And you feel that it

should have worked a little better than it has, you’re absolutely right. It should have.

And with my help it can !

I understand how confusing it can be

Thankfully, I’ve managed to figure a lot of it out, and see what works where, and when.

Now I get to shorten the time frame, and the cost, and the stress of getting it right for my clients.

And they love that !

If it’s any comfort to you

I have no idea how to do what you do either.

And I know I don’t have time to learn it.

That’s why working together makes sense.

I know … there’s no time !

Usually people tell me that they have no time.

That’s exactly why they love what I do for them.

I give you your time back, to use it as you want to use it.

I know, I know, the money …

The cost to do the things that can really “rock your world”, have never been lower than they are today.

But the question isn’t how much will it cost, the right question is, what kind of value will it provide for you.

So let’s just say, it’s worth it

The Great News Is …

All this Internet stuff can, and does work, if you have the right people working with you as “partners” and you share the responsibility for getting the kind of business results that you’re after.

The people who step up …

Will be able to take a leading position in their markets and have rock solid businesses.

Those who wait and see, or dabble with it a little bit here and there … not so much.

Selling stinks, I’m a creative guy …

And I really enjoy helping people, get further faster, by sharing what I know.I love working with and coaching people through, to the bigger vision that they hold for themselves.

With that said …

I would like to …

Ask you what you would like to do,

See if that’s something we can help you with,

And decide whether we can both commit to working together, and making it happen for you.

All that you need to do now, is call our office at (352) 533 2307, to set up a 15 minute

No Cost

“Client Evaluation” Consultation, to see if we’re a good fit to work together.

I don’t want what happened to me, to happen to you …

I kept getting buried in

more and more stuff.

I was overwhelmed with information so deeply that I was just stuck.

I needed hands on help ! And now, that’s what I’m

offering to give to you.

That’s it, now it’s your move.

Call my office … (352) 533 2307 Ask for my Office

Manager Dana Fox

Set up a time when you can be in front of a computer with “15 minutes” of uninterrupted time and a high speed internet connection.

Work with me …

Get your life back.

Set your business up so you can win more often, and live the life you want to live.

Be a confident business owner, and stop being owned by your business.

Call us today … 352 533-2307

Set a time to spend 15 amazing minutes with me, that will begin the process of creating the life you really want, so you can do more of what you want to do.

Stop struggling !

You can do this, I can help

I’m Rick Falls from

Let me help you.

Go to the website and get your free copy of “7 Ways to get seen”