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A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in Part Fulfillment Of the Requirement for Degree of

Education inEnglish Department



















Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Syamsul Bahri

Stambuk : 105351111116

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students‟ Vocabulary Skills Using The

Word Memorization Method Through Handbook In

Man 2 Poso

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Makassar, 30 Januari 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Syamsul Bahri






Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Syamsul Bahri

Stambuk : 105351111116

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students‟ Vocabulary Skills Using The Word Memorization Method Through Handbook In Man 2 Poso

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 30 Jan 2021

Yang Membuat Perjanjia

Syamsul Bahri




Bahri, Syamsul (2021). Improving Students‟ Vocabulary Skills Using The

Word Memorization Method Through Handbook In Man 2 Poso. A thesis of English

Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Guided by Arif Paturusi and Andi Bulkis Maghfirah Mannong.

The aims of this study were to find out to describe the students‟

vocabulary improvement through word memorizatin method using handbook.To

describe the students‟ response toward the implementation of word memorization

method using handbook.

This research used mixed method; descriptive quantitative and qualitative

research. The instruments were writing test and interview. The sample of this

research was 20 students that class X IPA consisted of 29 students.

Based on the findings in post-test, it showed that there were 2 (10%)

students categorized in excellent, 11 (55%) students categorized in very good, 5

(25%) students categorized in good level, 1 (5%) student categorized in fairly

good level,1 (5%) student categorized in fairly level and none of students

categorized who gain poor level and very poor level. The results of the post-test

show that the students‟ vocabulary was increased greatly.

Key : Vocabulary, Word, Memorization, Verb, Handbook




Bahri, Syamsul (2021). Meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata siswa

menggunakan metode menghafal kata melalui buku pegangan di MAN 2 Poso.

Skripsi jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan

universitas muhammadiyah makassar. Dibimbing oleh Arif Paturusi dan Andi

Bulkis Maghfirah Mannong.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mendeskripsikan

peningkatan kosa kata siswa melalui metode menghafal kata menggunakan buku

pegangan. Mendeskripsikan tanggapan siswa terhadap penerapan metode

menghafal kata menggunakan buku pegangan.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran; penelitian deskriptif

kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes menulis dan

wawancara. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 20 siswa kelas X IPA terdiri dari 29


Berdasarkan hasil penelitian post-test diperoleh data bahwa terdapat 2

(10%) siswa kategori sangat baik, 11 (55%) siswa kategori sangat baik, 5 (25%)

siswa kategori dalam tingkat baik, 1 (5%) siswa kategori pada level cukup baik, 1

(5%) siswa kategori pada level cukup dan tidak ada siswa yang memperoleh level

buruk dan sangat pool. Hasil post-test menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kosakata

siswa sangat meningkat.

Kunci: Kosakata, Kata, Menghafal, Kata Kerja, Buku Pegangan





There Are No Words Difficult When We Want To Do Something That Becomes An

Obstacle Is "START" Something So Start Now, Keep In Your Mind That "You Can

Do It" As Your Motivation To Learn And Don't Say "I Can't" Because It Will Urge

You Not To Be Able To Do It




Praise be to Allah, Lord of the entire universe. Thanks to the blessings that

Allah gave so that researcher are able to finish writing this thesis. Salawat and

salam also do not forget to send them to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the

prophet as an example for all mankind and the closing prophet of the last days.

There were several problems that researcher face in completing this thesis

writing. However, for the efforts and prayers of researchers, family, and friends so

that they can finish writing this thesis. The researcher would like to express his

appreciation and thank you very much to all of them especially:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag., the Rector of the Muhammadiyah University

of Makassar his advice during her studied at the University.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Teachers‟ Training

and Education.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head of English Education

Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

4. Ismail Sangkala, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Secretary of English Education Department

of Muhammadiyah University Makassar.

5. The writer most profound and sincere appreciation is due to her first consultant

Dr. M. Arif Paturusi, M.Pd., and to his second consultant Andi Bulkis

Maghfirah Mannong, S.Pd., M.Pd., who patiently guided and assisted the

rescarcher to finish this thesis by giving their suggestion, motivation, and




6. Thank you very much to my parents, brothers, sisters and all the families who

have supported me so far.

7. My heartful thanks to all lecturers of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the

lecturers of English Department and all staffs of Muhammadiyah University.

8. Big thanks to all organizational institutions that teach a lot of knowledge and

experience in particular is IMM (Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah).

9. The writer's deep appreciation for as a headmaster of MAN 2 Poso, teacher,

and all the students, especially for the X IPA in academic year 2020/2021 who

have spared their time and activities for being subject of this research.

10. To any other people who cannot be mentioned one by one for their any

contribution to the writer in finishing this “skripsi”.

Makassar, 30 Januari 2021


NIM 105351111116




PAGE TITLE ........................................................................................ i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................ iii

COUNSELING SHEET ....................................................................... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN ...................................................................... iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ......................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................. ix

MOTTO & DEDICATION PAGE ...................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................. xvi

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................ xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................... xviii


A. Background ................................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement ...................................................................... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ......................................................... 5

D. Significance of the Study ............................................................ 5

E. Scope of the Study ...................................................................... 5




A. Previous Related Research Findings ........................................... 6

B. The Concept of Memorization Method ....................................... 8

1. The Definition of Memorization Method ........................ 8

2. Reason of Using Memorizing .......................................... 9

3. The Ways to Apply Memorizing ..................................... 11

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Memorizing .............. 12

C. The Concept of Handbook ......................................................... 12

1. The Definitation of Handbook ......................................... 12

2. The Difference Between Handbook and Manuals ........... 13

3. The Advantages of Using Handbook .............................. 15

D. The Concept of Vocabulary ........................................................ 16

1. The devinition of vocabulary ........................................... 16

2. Types of Vocabulary ....................................................... 17

3. Conceptual Frameworks .................................................. 25


A. Research Design .......................................................................... 26

B. Population and Sample ................................................................ 28

C. Research Variable and Indicator ................................................. 29

D. Research Instrument .................................................................... 29

E. .Procedure of Collecting Data ..................................................... 29

F. Data Analysis .............................................................................. 31




A. Findings ....................................................................................... 35

B. Discussion ................................................................................... 41


A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 44

B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 44

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 46

APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 50




Table 2.1 Verbs of Action .................................................................. 18

Table 2.2 Verbs Different Infinitive Form ............................................. 20

Table 2.3 Regular Verbs ........................................................................... 20

Table. 2.4 Irregular Verbs ................................................................... 21

Table 2.5 Auxiliary Verbs ....................................................................... 24

Table 3.1 One Group Pretest-Posttets Design ......................................... 27

Table. 3.2 Classify the Students Score .................................................... 35

Table 4.1 Classification of the Frequency and Percentage

of Students' Vocabulary Scores (Pre-Test) ............................ 41

Table 4.2 Classification of the Frequency and Percentage

of Students' Vocabulary Scores (Post-Test) .......................... 42

Table.4.3 The Data of Test Result .......................................................... 44




Figure 2.1 Conceptual Frameworks ........................................................ 25

Figure 4.1 The Students‟ Improvement Vocabulary ............................... 43




Appendices A : Lesson Plan ............................................................... 50

Appendices B : The Students‟ Attendance List During the Research

and Initial (Name of the Class X Students Ipa

and Ips) ...................................................................... 53

Appendices C : Vocabulary Test and Key Answer in Pre-Test –

Post-Test ................................................................... 54

Appendices D : The Result Of Students Answer Sheet Pret-Test

and Post-Test Students of Class X Ipa and Ips ......... 58

Appendices E : The Result of Students‟ Vocabulary in Pret-Test

and Post-Test Students of Class X Ipa and Ips .......... 68

Appendices F : The Result of Students‟ Vocabulary in Pret-Test

and Post-Test Students of Class X Ipa and Ips .......... 71

Appendices G : Documentation of Class X Ipa and Ips Students

in the Process of Using the Method the Word

Memorization Method Through Handbook in

Man 2 Poso ............................................................... 76

Appendices H : Surat Pengantar Penelitian Lp3m ............................. 79

Appendices I : Kartu Kontrol Penelitian ........................................... 80

Appendices J : Surat Keterangan Telah Meneliti .............................. 81

Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................... 82





A. Background

English is very important to learn. Because, English was one of the

international languages used in the world or a second language in each

country. Almost all fields used English to introduce their products so we

must understand English. Not a few people learn English because it is so

important to use communication.

Without us knowing that English has entered our home. One

example in our house is that the tools used for cooking or those used for

sleeping are already using English in their usage instructions. Almost all

equipment that we use every day already uses English. This is possible

without us knowing, but the facts are like that.

There are 4 basic abilities learned in English, speaking, writing,

listening, and reading. People will have difficulty learning English both in

terms of speaking, writing, listening and reading because they do not know

the functions, shapes and meanings in English. One of the skills students

must learn is writing. In authorship there are components that must be

considered as content to be written, form, grammar, style and mechanics.

In learning English we must use methods to master it. One method

used is memorizing vocabulary. The more vocabulary we memorize will

make it easier for us to use the language in communication. But not only

memorization methods can improve our language learning but there are


still many methods that we can use depending on how the learning or

learning model is suitable for the person.

Memorization is an active effort in order to entern information into

the brain. According to kuswana (2012:115) memorizing is getting return

relevant knowledge stored in long-term memory long. The ability to

memorize is also interpreted as an ability to move reading material or

objects into memory (encoding), storing in memory (storage) and

disclosure back to the subject in memory (retrival). Keep in mind the

human brain is divided into 3 parts, namely the brain right, left brain and

midbrain. Meanwhile, the ability to remembering and memorizing done by

the left brain. Memorization is an active effort so that you can enter

information in brain.

Memorizing can also be said to be an absorbing activity

information into the brain that can be used long term. In the process of

memorization, students are confronted with material that is usually

presented in a verbal form (form of language) that has meaning. For

example letters of the alphabet, languages, vocabulary and numbers. In the

process students are very helpful in memorizing.

Vocabulary learning for senior high school is critical as The

students' ability to understand English, such as writing and reading, and

Vocabulary mastery is used to comprehend the subject. If the students lack

vocabulary, they do not do their best to communicate and express

message. One factor in learning English is the poor of vocabulary.


According to Manser (1995: 461), “Vocabulary is the total number

of words in a language”. Johnson (1996: 6) says vocabulary in one

language is very important, Since the language's most important

constituents are its vocabulary and its Vocabulary is distorted in order to

provide meaning. In addition, vocabulary can be defined as a collection of

terms and sometimes expressions, typically arranged alphabetically and

described or translated.

Vocabulary is always becoming a big problem for learning English

nowadays. The students in MAN 2 Poso 10th grade have variation

categories in Mastering vocabulary and most of them are still difficult to

understand because they have less vocabulary (based on my PPL

experience). So, using digital dictionaries, they make an alternative way.

From the opinions above, we can conclude that vocabulary is a

word that is structured and has a meaning that is used in language. We

must have a method to develop our English, one example is classifying

part of speech and knowing the function, form, and meaning.

According to Keraf (1991: 44) words are the smallest units

obtained after a sentence is divided into parts, and contain an idea. And

accoding to Kushartanti (2005: 151) the word is the smallest free unit, or

in other words each free unit is a word. From the opinion it can be

concluded that what is meant by the word is the free unit, or the smallest

form, able to stand alone, and already has meaning. Words are two types

of units, phonological units and grammatical units. As a unit of phonology,


words consist of one or several terms, and the term consists of one or

several phonemes. As a grammatical unit, words consist of one or several


The study used the memorization method using a handbook. In the

vocabulary handbook, it focused on verb. According to Agnes (2002)

Verbs can be defined as any of a class of words that express action, nature

or event, or used as an auxiliary or copula, and typically constitutes a

predicate 's principal element. Because verbs in a sentence are the main

element of a predicate, they can show what people and objects do, how

they behave and alter, and when they do the action. According to Abdul

Hakim Sudarnoto (2006:44), handbook is a compilation of various types

of information that are arranged in a solid and ready to use, specifically in

an area such as a handbook of physic. While the manual (manual book)

contains instructions, guidelines or procedures for doing something


This study discussed how to Improve Students' Vocabulary

Achievement Through the Word Memorization Method Using Handbook.

In accordance with the objectives of researchers limit their research.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above the problem statement could be

formulated as follows:

1. How is the improvement of students‟ vocabulary achievement through

memorization method using handbook?


2. How are the students‟ respond to the implementation of the word

memorization method using the handbook?

C. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study were as follow:

1. To describe the students‟ vocabulary improvement through word

memorizatin method using handbook.

2. To describe the students‟ response toward the implementation of word

memorization method using handbook.

D. Significance of the Study

1. For Students, Through Memorizing Methods Students could Improve

Students' Vocabulary in Learning English.

2. For Teachers, the Teacher could use this method in teaching to

Improve Student‟s Vocabulary.

3. For study, researchers find out the experience, knowledge and develop

more about this method.

E. Scope of the Study

This study focused on the Improvement of the Students' Vocabulary

Achievement Through the Word Memorization Method Using Handbook

in MAN 2 Poso, focus on the verbs.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

In order to made different research from the previous research, the study

has found a few previous studies that were concerned with research about

Improve Students' Vocabulary Skills Using the Word Memorization Method

Through Handbook

First, reasearch is from Chen. et. al. (2016) entitle “A Study of Applying

Memorization Method to Enhance Primary School Students’ English Oral

Ability”, The findings of the study indicate that The memorization method had

better effects on students‟ oral ability than traditional approach, There was a

significant difference in the subjects‟ oral accuracy and fluency between the

two groups, and Experimental Group performed better than Control Group,

The memorization method enabled the students to deal with questions related

to their personal lives, Teaching through memorization improved the students‟

abilities of speaking, listening and reading, Students held positive attitudes

toward learning English through memorization and the speaking activities


The second, research is from Yang and Dai (2012) entitle “Vocabulary

Memorizing Strategies by Chinese University Students”. The findings of the

study indicate that Students choose vocabulary learning approaches which

would be the most suitable cater to them and this will require less language

abuse. Of the four vocabulary memorizing strategies cited in the study (rote



repetition, structural associations, semantic strategies, and mnemonic keyword

techniques), students apparently tended to favor the second and the third ones,

though rote repetition remains appealing to some of them. Mnemonic devices

such as keyword method were rather unpopular to most of the students because

they would involve the learners in more active performance of the target

language. And also indicate that rote-repetition, as a traditional way of

vocabulary-learning strategies, is still favored by many language learners,

especially those at the initial and intermediate stages. Language learners

always seek the way they find most helpful for expanding and maintaining

their knowledge of the lexicon.

Third research is from Dewi (2013) entitle “Using English Song

Memorization Technique To Improve The Seventh Graders’ Mastery Of

Vocabulary” The findings of the study indicate that applied English songs

memorization to teach vocabulary as the technique that was expected to solve

the students‟ vocabulary mastery problem. English songs memorization

technique was a technique in which the students should memorize an English

song selected by the teacher based on the syllabus used by SMPN 7 Malang.

The students are supposed to learn about descriptive text and procedure text.

Thus, the English songs‟ themes were about those two kinds of texts. To use

the English songs memorization technique, the teacher provided the materials

from the internet which are some videos of the songs used. The number of the

English songs that should be memorized was about 2 to 4 songs. Every song

contained some vocabulary focused that should be mastered by the students


through memorizing the songs. The good point of English songs memorization

is that it allows the learners to repeat and memorize the songs.

Fourth research is from Kunnu. et. al (2016), entitle “The Development of

Vocabulary Memorization by Using Games”. It is found that an average testing

score in pre-learning and post-learning in word and items in school categories

are different with statistical significance at 0.05. Moreover, when considering

the average scores in each word categories, it is found that the average score of

test papers in mixed word and weather having an average testing scores in pre-

learning higher than post-learning; the other has the average testing scores

lower in pre-learning lower that post-learning. the method used is Instructors

selected 5 categories of words, namely items in school, clothing, food,

occupation and weather, emphasizing on memorization by using games such as

bingo, crossword puzzle, word matching and picture and word spelling. A test

was conducted before and after instructions using the same test paper.

Based on the previous research above, the authors conducted a study of

similarities and differences. In this case, the writer had similarities in

increasing students' vocabulary by memorizing vocabulary. The differences

were the subject, scope, technique / strategy, and methodology used by the


B. The Concept of Memorization Method

1. The Definition of Memorization Method

English learning is very important to be applied in a school.

Students are expected to be able to master English well. Process learning


from introduction, understanding, and application in everyday life is very

much needed in order to achieve ideal English learning. See the

development of students, the ability they have is different in

understanding, and therefore we need a method that can make students

respond well. learning methods are a set of ways that are done to achieve

certain goals in the learning process. the method will used in this study is

the word memorization method. According to Richards & Schmidt

(2013:359), "Generally, memorization refers to the Aware method of

memorizing information”. The term 'memorizing' usually refers to the

conscious processes. "This means that the learners consciously use

memorization and when applying it think about the memorization process.

According to Oanh, Hoang, and Hien (2006:2) another explanation can be

found in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, that "Memorizing is

to learn something carefully so that you can remember it exactly.

Oxford emphasizes the importance of ways in memory strategy for

vocabulary because of specific memory strategies mentions the relationship

between word form and meaning in memory (Yang, Wei-dong, and Wei

ping, 2012:209).

2. Reason of Using Memorizing

Yang and Dai (2012:208) stated that vocabulary is by far the most

sizeable and unmanageable component in the learning of any language

whether foreign or one‟ mother tongue. No language acquisition can take

place without the acquisition of lexis. As far as anybof the world‟s major


languages are concerned, every other aspect of language learning is dwarfed

by the proliferation of different meanings in their tens of thousands, and the

seemingly infinite shifts in meaning brought about by contextual variables.

Language learners sometimes, if not often, feel that they cannot remember

words that they attempt to learn. Such words are probably not committed to

memory effectively, and not stored in such a way they may be easily

retrievable when necessary. In order for learners to go about deepening their

receptive or productive mastery of vocabulary items, they must first

remember the words well enough to recognize them.

Wisam Ali Askar (2012:415) stated that Inadequate vocabulary items

refrain learners from expressing their ideas and thoughts. On the other hand,

sufficient or rich vocabulary provides language learners the correct words to

apply at the right time. For language learners, vocabulary knowledge is of

great significance when using a foreign language, while no one can

communicate without lexical repertoire. Oxford and Crookall (1990) noted

that vocabulary is not explicitly taught in most language classes. It is clear

that both vocabulary and grammar are of great significance in good

language classes, but to compare between them, vocabulary is more central

than grammar and more attention should be paid to vocabulary instruction.

Ellis (1994) indicated that lexical errors tend to obstruct comprehension

more than grammatical errors. Besides, Wilkins (1972:111) affirms that

“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing


can be conveyed”. Mastering vocabulary items is an important component

of second/foreign language learning.

Then, this method suitabled for learning vocabulary. Where students

had mastered the vocabulary they previously memorized helped them

understand texts, read, write, speak publicly in English use English, as well

as when listening to a teacher or someone talking, dialogue and so on.

3. The Ways to Apply Memorizing

Rivers (1983) summarizes the strategy of memorizing the vocabulary

normally used by language learners as follows:

a. Some make lists and memorize it.

b. Some read a lot and mark with an asterisk, a word they do not understand

every time they meet him, thus making their own number of frequencies.

c. Some notes of words in short contexts, repeatedly writing the same

words until their meaning and use are assimilated. Some make

associations with words that sound or look similar in their mother tongue,

although their meanings may be different. Some practice using new

words as they speak to themselves in order to give them long-term


d. Some read dictionaries

Rivers points out that each student has a special level of learning so

they use special methods to practice this method. With this method students

will feel happy in learning and not boring or monotonous. The media above

can be used to better know the level of interest which they will choose.


4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Memorizing

The advantages of memorizing were:

a. Improving the ability to speak in English. Surely this is the main benefit

of the mastery of vocabulary, with the number of words you can do well

and will be easier to understand spoken English.

b. Vocabulary can increase the ability to read texts in English. The ability of

students to understand the content of text reading with ease.

c. Help you get a TOEFL score, which is high and it will be easier for

students to pass the college entrance selection.

The disadvantages of memorizing strategy are:

a. Bored. Time students will feel tired when they have to memorize the

vocabulary of every meeting or every week.

b. The students can easily forget that they have memorized vocabulary

when they do not apply in the classroom or in everyday life.

c. Most of them are many who do not like memorizing strategy.

C. The Concept of Handbook

1. The Definitation of Handbook

In the Ramdom House dictionary (1987) "Handbook" is an

introductory book, guide, or information, such as for work, travel, or

reference. "Manuals" are booklets, especially those that provide

information or instructions, while manuals are manuals and information

for travelers, tourists, etc.


Then according to M. Winchell in his book Guide to Reference book

(2001) “The handbook is a collection of other information which, in some

fields, is very important as a reference tool, for example, in the technical

branches there are handbooks which, although prepared especially for

engineers who practice, are useful for answering reference questions in the

library”. Literature, history and statistics handbooks are needed in libraries

of all sizes.

According to Abdul Hakim Sudarnoto (2006:44), handbook is a

compilation of various types of information that are arranged in a solid and

ready to use, specifically in an area such as a handbook of physic. While

the manual (manual book) contains instructions, guidelines or procedures

for doing something gradually.

Understanding handbooks have been widely favored by some

experts in the library field. Handbook is an English term which when

translated into Indonesian can mean a handbook or a handbook. Handbook

is a collection of references loading information potpourri focused on the

subject matter or certain subjects, which are used as a guide for working

on it something .Handbook is the usual issue contains information about a

field (various fields), presented in solid form and practical (Qalyubi,

Syihabuddin et al, 2007).

2. The Difference Between Handbook and Manuals

Pawit (2009: 418) argues that between handbooks and manuals,

because the nature and function are almost the same, it is very difficult to


distinguish clearly. The handbook contains a collection of facts that are

centered on a particular theme, which is also often dubbed as a smart book.

While the manual is often equated with technical things to do something

(how to do it), is this to prepare light work or to do a rather heavy work

such as automotive automotive work. Because of its almost the same

nature, it is used to refer to manuals and handbooks, namely manuals. A

handbook is a book that contains facts or events and even processes of

activities in detail from a particular field. Because of this nature, this book

is included in the reference books for a particular field of knowledge in a

limited way.

In the Random House dictionary in Sujono Trimo (1997: 101-102).

"Handbook" is a book of instruction, guidance, or information, as for an

occupation, travel, or reference. "Manual" is a small book, especially one

giving information or instruction, while a handbook is a book of direction

and information for travelers, tourists, ect.

According to M. Winchell in his book Guide to Reference book,

quoted by Sujono Trimo (1997: 101-102). Handbook is compilation of

miscellaneous information which, in some fields, are particularly

important as reference aids, e.g., in branches of engineering there are

handbook which, although prepared primarily for the practicing engineer,

are useful for answering reference questions in a library. Literary,

historical and statistical handbooks are needed in libraries of all sizes.


Referring to the understanding of the handbook, the handbook is

useful as information, handbooks, instructions, references, provide

answers to questions in related fields, which are expected users of the

handbook to work on a program that is directed, systematic, correct

according to instructions, and easy in achieving goals..

From the various opinions above it can be seen that the handbook is

a text book that contains elements among others

a. There are instructions.

b. There is an order.

c. As a smart book.

d. As reference.

e. Contains principles, procedures, and descriptions of subject matter.

f. There are tips that must be implemented. g. There are materials /

materials / ways of working.

h. Give answers to questions in related fields.

3. The Advantages of Using Handbook

According to Abdul Hakim Sudarnoto (2006: 44), a handbook is a

compilation of various types of information that is arranged densely and is

ready to use, especially in a field such as a physical handbook. Meanwhile,

the new book (manual) contains instructions, guides or procedures for

doing something gradually.

As for the handbook that is used by researchers to do is a handbook

that has been made. in the book has included vocabulary which will be


research material for students. As for the advantages of the handbook is in

terms of shapes that are already small or practical below then the contents

already contain vocabulary by differentiating the class of words. so it will

be easy to use.

D. The Concept of Vocabulary

1. The definition of vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the most important language components in

learning English (Nation, 2001). Tarigan (1986: 2) states that quality

Someone's language depends on the quality of vocabulary possessed. Get

richer the more vocabulary you have, the greater the likelihood of language

skills. Rivers (Nunan, 1991: 117) states that vocabulary is a thing it's

important to be able to use a second language. Without vocabulary broad, a

person will not be able to use the structure and function of language within

comprehensive communication.

Increasing vocabulary can help students to express the ideas they

have. besides that, students also learn vocabulary to understand new words.

Hiebert (2005: 3), states that vocabulary is knowledge about the meaning of

words. we must understand words in order to understand language. in

addition, Brown (2001: 377) views vocabulary as a list of boring words that

students must memorize. it can be concluded that vocabulary is a list of

words as a fundamental beginning for someone's proficiency in languages

that have forms or expressions that contain meaning, use of words, and

forms. In addition, vocabulary is knowledge of the meaning of words that


come at least in the form of differences to find out the meaning of words

when listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2. The Important of Vocabulary

As we know that vocabulary was fundamental or fundamental that

must be known before interacting, a person would not be able to receive and

give ideas when not having and understanding good vocabulary. Resinski

(2008) says that vocabulary is knowledge about the meaning of words,

someone will not be able to improve English skills if they do not understand

vocabulary. Mastery of words was not only to improve the ability to listen,

read, and interpret something as well as writing, but also as the main capital

to master English as a foreign language and international language. As said

by Tozcu and Coady (2004: 473) that learning vocabulary is an important

aspect of mastering a second language and a foreign language to achieve

comprehension and reading skills, which are closely related.

a. The Definition of Verbs

According to Michael Agnes (2002) Verbs can be defined as any of

a class of words that express action, nature or event, or used as an

auxiliary or copula, and typically constitutes a predicate 's principal

element. Because verbs in a sentence are the main element of a predicate,

they can show what people and objects do, how they behave and alter,

and when they do the action.


Verbs could show some different kinds of actions. Martin Parrot

mentioned several verbs which can show action in the following


Table 2.1 verbs of action

According to Martin Parrot (2000) While many verbs do

describe actions, verbs can also be used to express other meaning

such as existence (e.g. be, become, exist), mental conditions and

processes (e.g. believe, deduce, enjoy), relationships (e.g. depend,


b. The Classification of Verbs

1. Main Verbs

According to Martin Parrot The main verb conveys the

primary meaning of every group of verbs. For example, her project

has been completed in the sentenceYuni, finishedis the main verb.

Key English verbs have other forms which are as follows:

Cry Fix Cut Climb

Walk Feel Hear Fly

Hop Run See Hit

Talk Slide Work Paint

Jump Dig Paste Visit


a) Infinitive

The infinitive form of a verb can be viewed as its

basic or „pure‟ form. It is easy to determine an

infinitive because it is the form that follows to, as in:

We need to drink/finish/win.

b) Present Tense

Depending on the subject of the verb, the present

tense of a verb in English has two forms:

1) With a third – person singular subject (e.g., the girl,

James, he, she, it), the present tense has usually an–

sinflection: The girl goes to the market, James plays

tennis, she dives in the sea, he completes his project,

it often rains heavily.

2) With other types of subjects, however, the

form of present tense is the same as the

infinitive form, but it has no an inflection to

and has no an–s inflection: e.g., They plant

trees, I dive in the sea, You play basketball.

The exception of these patterns was found in forms

of the main verb to be. Unlike other main verbs,to behas

three present forms, all of them have different form from

their infinitive form.


Table 2.2 Verbs different infinitive form

c) Past Tense

According to Geoffrey Leech (2004) Past tense

normally applies only to completed happening or to

an event seen as a complete entity The ending –ed on

a verb shows that the event happened in the past.

Unlike the present tense, which has two predictable

forms (uninflected or –ed), past tense forms vary

much more widely. There are two categories of the

form of past tense in English which are as follows:

See these tables to know the different change

between regular verb and irregular verb:

a. Regular Verb




1 Study Studied Studied

2 State Stated Stated

Singular Plural

1st person I am We are


person You are You are


person She/He/It is They are


3 Kiss Kissed Kissed

4 Sell Selled Selled

5 Lock Locked Locked

6 Return Returned Returned

7 Order Ordered Ordered

8 Open Opened Opened

9 Close Closed Closed

10 Call Called Called

Table 2.3 Regular Verbs

Example : The regular verbs for their past

tense by adding an–edinflection: e.g., adviced,

offered, opened.

b. Irregular Verb




1 Abide Abode Abode

2 Arise Arose Arisen

3 Bear Bore Born

4 Begin Began Begun

5 Come Came Come

6 Choose Chose Chosen

7 Dig Dug Dug


8 Do Did Done

9 Eat Ate Eaten

10 Fall Fell Fallen

Table. 2.4 Irregular Verbs

Irregular verb form their past and past participle

in several ways:

i. By changing a vowel

Drink Drank Drunk

ii. By changing a vowel and consonant

Do Did Done

iii. By making no change

Cut Cut Cut

d) Present Progressive

According to Angela Downing and Philip Locke

(2002) English has a progressive identified by some

form of be and the ing form. It combines with both

present and past tenses and also with the perfect, with

modals and with the passive.

He is writing Present + Progressive

He was writing Past + Progressive

He has been writing Perfect + Progressive


e) Past participle

The past participle of a verb is usually marked by

the auxiliary have. For a few verbs –walk, bring

take. It will be discovered that past participle forms

vary widely. This variation corresponds to the

distinction between regular and irregular verbs. For

regular verbs the past participle form is the same form

as the past tense.

Yesterday I walked to the office(past tense).

I have walked to go home every day this

week.(past participle).

1. Auxiliary verbs

According to James G. Fernald (1979) Auxiliary verbs

are verbs of incomplete predication that is used with a

principal verb to form phrase indicating tense, mood, or


Sometimes, they also called “helping verbs”. A

helping verb helps the main verb to express action or make a

statement. English has two types of auxiliary verbs which is

finite forms and in non-finite forms. They can be seen in the

following table:


Non-finite forms Finite forms

Infinitive Present






Past Tense










Am, is, are

Have, has

Do, does







Was, were

Had Did






Table 2.5 Auxiliary Verbs


3. Conceptual Frameworks

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Frameworks

In this research, researchers through the method of memorizing words using

handbook by students of class Xa MAN 2 Poso as a medium in the learning

process. Researchers focus on input referring to memorizing students using a

handbook. Students are given a handbook that contains the verb to memorize.

Students can memorize using this handbook whenever and wherever they like.

Then, the students responded to the memorization method using the handbook in

increasing vocabulary. Output refers to the achievement of whether through the

method of memorizing words using the handbook can improve students'

vocabulary. Do the students get significant developing or not.












This chapter contains the research design, population and sample,

instrument, procedure of collecting data and the last data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this study, researchers used Pre-experimental research to determine

improvement students‟ vocabulary achievement through the word

memorization method using handbook in MAN 2 POSO.Researchers conduct a

pre-test to find out the basic knowledge of students about their vocabulary

achievement. The next step is treatment, and the researchers will use handbook

as a method. At the end of the study, there will be a post-test. By getting

students' scores in the pre-test and post-test, the significance between them

display. According to Sugiyono (2007: 74), one group pretest-posttest design is

described as follows:

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2

Table 3.1 One Group Pretest-Posttets Design


O1 = pre-test

O2 = post-test

X = treatment using handbook



The procedures are as follows :

a. Pre-Test

In this section, the researcher gives a pre-test to students using the

provided paper and then measures the vocabulary of the students they


b. Treatment

After the pre-test, the researcher gave the treatment to students. The

treatment procedure explained as follows:

1) First, the researcher introduced a handbook used in memorizing


2) Furthermore, the researcher explains how to use hadnbooks in

memorizing vocabulary

a) Students memorize vocabulary 1 day 1 paper consisting of 20


b) Students memorize vocabulary after each fardu prayer at least 4

vocabulary, so that in 1 day there are 20 vocabularies that they


c) Students can memorize vocabulary at the time and place they like

d) Students can memorize vocabulary by playing games, take turns to

ask and answer the results of their memorization

3) Students are given 1 week to used the handbook that was distributed


c. Post-Test

After giving the treatment, the researcher conducted a post-test. The

questions given consist of 20 multiple choice numbers which are the same

as the pre-test. A post-test is given to see the effectiveness of using the word

memorization method through. The post-test is used to measure how deep

students understand vocabulary and measure students' interest after using

the word memorization method through.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research at the Tenth grade of MAN 2

POSO which consists of 6 classes and 154 students. Obviously, it can be

seen in the following table.

No Class Number of Students

1 IPA 1 29

2 IPS 1 25

3 IPA 2 27

4 IPS 2 24

5 IPA 3 27

6 IPS 3 22

Table 3.2. Population of The Tenth Grade MAN 2 Poso

Source : UPT MAN 2 Poso

2. Sample

This research used Cluster random sampling in the tenth grade of

MAN 2 POSO.The sample of this research choose 1 class students from

all of class randomly.The class is X IPA 1 consist of 29 students.


C. Research Variable and Indicator

1. Variable

The variables in this research, Independent variable was Handbook and

dependent variable is Verbs.

2. Indicator

The indicator of this research was vocabulary achievement through the

word memorization method using handbook.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument of this research was memorizing vocabulary use

handbook. Pre-test and post-test will be committed by answered multiple

choices containing about verbs according to the memorization results

contained in the handbook. Then researchers interviewed students about

the students‟ response toward the implementation of word memorization

method using handbook.The aspects that the researcher focused on this

study is the improvement of students‟ vocabulary achievement through

memorization method using handbook.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

Data collection is an important thing in this research which can be

determined. Data collection was carried out in two times, namely the pre-test

and post-test used:

1. Pre-test

The pre-test was given at the beginning of class (the pre-test was

given by the writer doing the experiment) to find out the students


'knowledge about the material achieved by the students' vocabulary. The

instrument consists of 20 multiple choice items, there are 20 items and

each item is given a score of 1, so the total score for this type is 20.

2. Treatment

Treatment of referring to the students‟ vocabulary achievement

through memorization method using handbook. The teacher provided how

to use this handbook so that students had no trouble using the handbook.

Next, students can practice memorizing vocabulary using the book in

accordance with the direction of the researcher

3. Post-test

The researcher gave a post-test after the memorization process was

complete to determine the students' ability to memorize vocabulary. The

instrument consisted of 20 different questions with the pre-test but the

same objectives

4. Interviews

Researchers conducted direct interviews with students. This

interview activity was carried out on students with the aim of knowing the

insights, understanding, and enthusiasm of students in learning English

after using the Memorization method. This interview is also intended to

find out student responses or suggestions so that researchers have an

overview of the stages of learning that will be carried out using

memorization learning.


F. Data Analysis

In collecting data, pretest and posttest were applied. This research

looked at the development of students during Word Memorization Method

Through Handbook then students also felt in the questions given to the

researcher. Then the results of the data Analysis already obtained were

included in the graph as the latest results of this research.

1. Quantitative Data

a. Calculating the student‟s correct answer of test.



b. Tabulated and classify the students score into the following


The score of the test were classified into seven levels as follows:

No Score Classfication

1 96 – 100 Execllent

2 86 – 95 Very Good

3 76 – 85 Good

4 66 – 75 Fairly Good

5 56 – 65 Fair

6 36 – 55 Poor

7 0 – 35 Very Poor

(Depdikbud, 2006)

Table. 3.3 Classify The Students Score


3. The mean score of the students‟ find out by means following the formula:


X = The mean of score

∑X = The sum of all scores

N = The number of students

(Gay, 2006)

4. The researcher tried to get the class percentage which pass the minimal

mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English subject gains score

75, which is adapted from the school agreement at MAN 2 POSO. It used

the formula:


P: the class percentage

F: total percentage score

N: number of students

(Sudijono, 2014)


5. To find the students‟ improvement the formula as follows :


P: percentage of students‟ improvement

y: pre-test result

y1: post-test 1

(Sudijono, 2014)

2. Qualitative Data

In qualitative data analysis used interactive analytical technique

consist of: (1) Data reduction (2) Display Data (3) Conclusion

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction begins with selecting the important things by

summarizing the field notes by separating the main research-related

issues. Not all obtained from research was important, which ensures

that vital information is collected and non-essential information is not

retrieved but retained because it would be required for the purposes of

clear research at any time. So researchers reduce information as long as

there was no important and does not support the data needed by



2. Data Display

The next step was analyzing the data. It is data display. It is an

organized, compressed assembly of information the permits conclusion

drawing and action. By displaying the data, the researcher easy to

understand and to analyze what will happen with the data presented.

In this study, the researcher used the multiple choices in

displaying the data, because it is most common data display used in

qualitative research.

3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The last step of analyze which would draw conclusion and

verification. From the start of the data collection, the qualitative data

analyze would begin to decide what things mean is nothing regulation,

patterns, explanation, possible configuration, causal flows and

preposition. The conclusion in qualitative research was a new discovery

that can be an answer of the research problem. The conclusion was

from description of the object of this study. Finally, in this step the

researcher would get the result and conclusion of the research.




This chapter deals with result of this research. This chapter divided into

three parts of presentations: the first part was findings, and the second part was


A. Findings

In this section, the researcher described the research results based on the

problem statement. Further explanation to answer the questions in the problem

statement as follow:

1. The students’ vocabulary improvement through word memorization

method using handbook.

To answer this first research question, the researcher took class X

IPA that consisted of 20 students. Then the researcher distributed the pre-

test that had been made by the researcher. In the pre-test, there were 20

numbers of multiple choice questions that related to the verb material. The

following are the results of the students' answers that described in the table.

a. The classification of students‟ pre-test score

The following table shows the classification of the frequency and

percentage of vocabulary mastery scores of class X MAN 2 Poso (Pre-




No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 9.6-10 0 0%

2 Very good 8.6-9.5 1 5%

3 Good 7.6-8.5 2 10%

4 Fairly good 6.6-7.5 0 0%

5 Fairly 5.6-6.5 4 20%

6 Poor 3.6-5.5 10 50%

7 Very pool 0-3.5 3 15%

Total 20 100%

Table 4.1 Classification of the frequency and percentage of students'

vocabulary scores (pre-test)

The data above showed that from 20 students, there were 3 (15%)

students in very poor level, 10 (50%) students in Poor level and 4 (20%)

student in fair level, 2 (10%) student in good level,1 (5%) student in very

good level and none of students who gain fairly good level and excellent


Based on the pre test results obtained data that the mean score the

pre test is 52. Only 3 students or 15% of students get it. The score was

above the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) while the other 17 students

are under these criteria. From the results of the analysis, it could be seen

that almost all students of class X IPA are still very low.


b. The classification of Students‟ Post-test Score

The following table shows the classification of the frequency and

percentage of vocabulary mastery scores of class X MAN 2 Poso (Post-


No Classification Score Frequensi Percentage

1 Excellent 9.6-10 2 10%

2 Very good 8.6-9.5 11 55%

3 Good 7.6-8.5 5 25%

4 Fairly good 6.6-7.5 1 5%

5 Fairly 5.6-6.5 1 5%

6 Poor 3.6-5.5 0 0%

7 Very pool 0-3.5 0 0%

Total 20 100%

Table 4.2 Classification of the frequency and percentage of students'

vocabulary scores (post-test)

The data above showed that from 20 students, there were 2 (10%)

students in excellent, 11 (55%) students in very good, 5 (25%) student in

good leve, 1 (5%) student in fairly good level,1 (5%) student in fairly level

and none of students who gain poor level and very pool level.

From the results of the post test, it showed that the increasing on

students‟ vocabulary was great. It can be seen on the students‟ score table.

The students‟ vocabulary increased from 15% to 85%. The result of post


test showed the mean score of the class increased to 88,25 which there

were 18 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM 75.

It means that there was 74% of mean score improvement.

Furthermore, the increase in students' vocabulary from the pre-test to

the post-test was summarized in the following graph:

Figure 4.1 The students‟ vocabulary improvement

The mean of students' score in the pre-test was highest, so it could be

said that the students' vocabulary mastery by using word memorization

method through handbook improved from 52 to 88.25. From the table above,

the result showed the increasing of the students ‟ score from the pre-test to the

post-test . In the first test (pre-test) the students who passed the KKM 75 were

3 students of 20 students (15%). In the second test (post-test ) the students

who got the score up 75 or passed KKM were 18 students of 20 students

(90%). The increasing of pre-test to the post-test was about 74%.







Pre-test Post-test






1 PRE-TEST 52 15%

2 POST-TEST 88,25 90%

Table.4.3 The Data of Test Result

2. The students’ response toward the implementation of word memorization

method using handbook

In this section, the researcher analyzed and classified the process of

using the word memorization method through handbooks in class X IPA. The

researcher interviewed the students' responses to the word memorization

method through the handbook.

This interview was conducted after the implementation memorize

method. From the students‟ interview result, it indicated that there was the

difference in feeling before and after the application of memorizing through the

handbook “Yes, I can understand better and my vocabulary has also improved

because the methods used are very good” the Student said. There were

students who have difficulty learning English because of several factors,such

as: factors was the lack of vocabulary they know, an unsupportive

environment, lack of facilities, unable to distinguish between types of words

such as verbs, nouns, adverbs, adjectives and others “Because I don't know how

to distinguish the types of vocabulary such as verbs, nouns, adverbs, adjectives

and others” the student said.


In general, students like this method because they were given a

handbook that would be memorized and taught how to used it to made it easier

for students to used it. This handbook was also interesting because it is small in

size and easy to carry everywhere and the content or material in the book is

quite complete. Students feel happy and satisfied using this method because

students' vocabulary increases "I can understand better and my vo cabulary

has improved because the method is very good" the student said. There were

also students who had difficulty or did not like this method. They do not like to

memorized because they felt burdened to memorize even though their

vocabulary increases “I don't like this method because I don't like memorizing”

the student said.

Students felt satisfied with the improvements made and focus on

vocabulary scores through the memorization method. Researcher also motivate

to continue use it because it can make it easier for students to improve their

vocabulary. This could be seen from the results and students' positive

responses to the methods used. Although there were still some difficulties in

using this method due to the limited memory of students possessed. But in

general students like to used this method with the techniques being taught “I

like this method because I was given a very good and comfortable book to

memorize and was given how to use it” the student said.


B. Discussion

Based on the findings, in this section the researcher discussed two

main things that are in accordance with the research problems described in

Chapter I. How is the improvement of students‟ vocabulary achievement

through memorization method using handbook?, and How are the students

respond to the implementation of the word memorization method using the

handbook?. To answere all these problems, researchers conducted written

tests and interviews.

1. The improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement through

memorization method using handbook

To answer this first research question, the researcher took a sample

of 20 students. Then, the researcher distributed the pre-test that had

been made by the researcher. In the pre-test there were multiple choice

questions consisting of 20 numbers related to the verb material.

The results of the pre-test showed that the scores they got were

very insufficient and even had difficulty choosing the correct answer.

This was due to a lack of vocabulary and understanding of the verb in

particular and the part of speech in general. This could be seen in the

tablee and graph of the assessment results. The data showed that from

20 students, there were 3 (15%) students in very poor level, 10 (50%)

students in Poor level and 4 (20%) student in fair level, 2 (10%)

student in good level,1 (5%) student in very good level and none of

students who gain fairly good level and excellent level. The results


showed that the student's score was still less than the standard or was

still below the middle of the questions given.

The next step was the researcher distributes the handbook used in

this memorization method. The researcher also explained how to use

the handbook. In the handbook that the researcher used, there was a

part of speech and its explanation as well as examples of its used that

were easy for students to understand. Besides this handbook was also

small so that it could be taken anywhere and used anywhere. Then the

researcher gave 1 week to use the book and memorize it.

After that the researcher distributed the post-test that the researcher

had prepared in the process that the researcher shared the same as the

questions that had been worked on, namely 20 multiple choice

questions. However, the difference was that the verbs that were

included in the questions given are all already in the handbook that

has been distributed. The data above showed that from 20 students,

there were 2 (10%) students in excellent, 11 (55%) students in very

good, 5 (25%) student in good leve, 1 (5%) student in fairly good

level,1 (5%) student in fairly level and none of students who gain poor

level and very pool level. The results of the post-test show that the

increased in students' vocabulary was greatly increased.


2. The students’ response toward the implementation of word

memorization method using handbook

To answer this last research problem, the researcher interviewed

students about the process of using this method. From the results of

the interview, the researcher found that this method was very good for

increasing students' vocabulary. They could use this handbook as they


There were also students who still have difficulty memorizing but

students can memorize the method using the One day one page

system. With the methods and systems applied, the vocabulary of

students was greatly improved.

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that using handbook is one

of teaching media that can improve students‟ vocabulary achievement at the Tenth

grade of MAN 2 Poso




This chapter presents two main sections. The first part was the conclusion of

the research findings. The second part was that researchers provide suggestions to

students, English teachers, and prospective researchers.


Based on discussion proposed in previous chapter, the following conclusion

was it can be concluded that the use of students‟ vocabulary achievement through

memorization method using handbook can improve students‟ vocabulary,

particularly in verbs at the tenth grade of MAN 2 Poso. It was proven by the

students‟ mean score improvement from pre-test to post-test. It means that there

was a significant difference.


After completing the research through the word memorization method

using handbook, the researcher tried to provided suggestions to the teacher,

students, and further researchers.

1. for the English teacher, the teacher can explain the part of speech that can be

easily understood by students. Then provide a few words that must be

memorized so that students' vocabulary increases. When this method of

memorizing vocabulary continues to be done, the students' vocabulary

mastery will increase and this is a positive thing for both students and




2. For students, this handbook method is very easy to do. It's just that it requires

a consistent system in use. Although there are some people who do not like to

memorize, the system that the researcher suggests will make it easier for

students to do it. Students can memorize vocabulary using a handbook to

make the memorization process easier.

3. For future researchers, this research can be a useful reference in the future. In

this research there are still many deficiencies that must be fixed. Therefore

the next researcher conducted a similar study so that it could provide a more

precise method in the future. In addition, further researchers can help students

improve vocabulary to make it easier for students to learn English.



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Sekolah : MAN 2 POSO Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : X/ Ganjil Materi Pokok : Teks Interaksi Transaksional; Informasi

Terkait Jati Diri dan

Hubungan Keluarga

Alokasi Waktu : 45 x Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

• Mengidentifikasi ungakapan-ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga

• Memahami struktur teks ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga

• Memahami jenis-jenis kosakata dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga

• Menghafal kosakata ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga

B. Media/alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar Media : Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa), Lembar penilaian

Alat/Bahan : Spidol, papan tulis, Laptop

Sumber Belajar : Buku Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas X, Kemendikbud,

Tahun 2016; Internet

C. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pendahuluan (25 Menit)

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin

Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan

dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan

sebelumnya serta mengajukan pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan

menghubungkan dengan materi selanjutnya.

Menyampaikan motivasi tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh (tujuan & manfaat)

dengan mempelajari materi : Menghafal kosakata Ungakapan-ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga. Menjelaskan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, kompetensi yang akan dicapai, serta metode belajar yang akan ditempuh,

Kegiatan Inti ( 90 Menit )




Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi Menghafal kosakata Ungakapan-ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.



Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan dengan materi Menghafal kosakata Ungakapan-ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.

Collaboration Peserta didik dibagikan handbookkemudian Menghafal kosakata ( Verb) dan membentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk saling bergantian mengoreksi hasil hafalan.

Communication Peserta didik menyetor hasil hafalan dari handbook yang

diberikan secara individual didepan siswa lain dan mengoreksi

jika ada yang salah dan dilupa

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait Menghafal kosakata Ungakapan- ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga. Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (20 Menit)

Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan. Guru membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.

D. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

- Penilaian Pengetahuan berupa tes tertulis pilihan ganda & tertulis uraian, tes lisan / observasi terhadap diskusi tanya jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan

- Penilaian Keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja dan penilaian proyek

Makassar 23

November 2020


Kepala Sekolah MAN 2 POSO Guru Mata


Lasirin Hidayatullah Tadzkiratul Husna

NIP 196703061999031001 NIP/NRK.



The Students’ Attendance List during the Research and initial (Name

Of The Class X Students IPA)

1. Name Of The Class X Students IPA

No Nama Initial

1 Ahmad sewa AS

2 Jabari JB

3 Khusnul khadijah KK

4 Fitri rahayu lestari FL

5 Fitri handayani FH

6 Mutmainnah MT

7 Iqbal IQ

8 Adinda wulan trihapsari AW

9 Fiki arrahma FA

10 Muh. Fauzi T MZ

11 Ahmad irwan affandi AI

12 Sartika SA

13 Syamsiar SY

14 Syafira faqih SF

15 Taufik TA

16 Ita rusdin IR

17 Asrullah AR

18 Tasmin TA

19 Lena rahmadhana LR

20 Fitrah FI



Vocabulary Test and Key Answer in Pre-test – Post-test

A. Multiple Choice Test

1. I have been ________ since the morning.

a. Play c. Played

b. Plays d. Playing

2. Ravi has been ________ in Mumbai since he was five years old

a. Stayed c.Staying

b. Stays d. Stay

3. Rani ___________ his work.

a. Have completed c. Completing

b. Has completed d. Have complete

4. I have ___________ his name.

a. Forgot c. Forget

b. Forgotten d. Forgets

5. My parents will be ________ for Canada tomorrow.

a. Leave c. Leaving

b. Leaves d. Left

6. I will be _______ in the park tomorrow.

a. Sing c. Sang

b. Sung d. Singing

7. We ________ not coming over.

a. Is c. Are

b. Am d. Be


8. ___ he your teacher?

a. Are c. Be

b. Is d. Am

9. That house _______ ours yet.

a. Am not c. Is not

b. Are not d. Being

10. ____ these your new cars?

a. Is c. Are

b. Am d. Have

11. Charles has been ________ since the morning.

a. Sleep c. Slept

b. Sleeps d. Sleeping

12. We ________ the best friends.

a. Are c. Has

b. Is d. Am

13. Tia ___________ her task.

a. Have finished c. Finishing

b. Has finished d. Have finish

14. I have ___________ this way.

a. Remember c. Remembering

b. Remembered d. Remembers


15. My uncle will ________ holiday to Europe next month.

a. Went c. Going

b. Goes d. Go

16. I will be _______ at the competition tonight.

a. Competing c. Competed

b. Been compete d. Compete

17. They ________ bread everyday.

a. Eating c. Eat

b. Ate d. Eaten

18. The baby ___ milk every morning.

a. Drink c. Drinking

b. Drinks d. Drank

19. That mosque _______ very beautiful.

a. Been c. Am

b. Are d. Is

20. Today ____ the big day, isn‟t it?

a. Is c. Are

b. Am d. Has


Key answer (Kunci jawaban)

1. C. Played

2. C. Staying

3. B. Has completed

4. A. Forgot

5. A. Leave

6. D. Singing

7. C. Are

8. B. Is

9. C. Is not

10. C. Are

11. D. Sleeping

12. A. Are

13. B. Has finished

14. B. Remembered

15. D. Go

16. A. Competing

17. C. Eat

18. B. Drinks

19. D. Is

20. A. Is



The result of students answer sheet Pret-test and Post-test students of

class X IPA

1. Result the pre-test






2. Resul the Post-test







The Result of Students’ Vocabulary in Pret-test and Post-test students

of class X IPA

1. The Pre-test Scores students

NO NAME Pre-test Post-test

1 AS 85 95

2 JB 55 90

3 KK 50 90

4 FL 40 90

5 FH 45 85

6 MT 25 70

7 IQ 80 100

8 AW 35 85

9 FA 40 90

10 MZ 45 85

11 AI 65 85

12 SA 30 90

13 SY 45 90


14 SF 45 95

15 TA 40 65

16 IR 85 80

17 AR 60 95

18 TM 45 90

19 LR 65 100

20 FI 60 95

AVERAGE = 1040

X = 52

= 1765

X = 88,25

1. The Pre-Test Scores

The students‟ mean score:

The percentage of students who passed the KKM score



2. The Post-test Scores

The students‟ mean score:

The percentage of students who passed the KKM score

The improvement percentage



Interviews with class X IPA students in the process of through the method

the word memorization method using handbook in MAN 2 POSO 1. First

Participant :

I : Mengapa sulit mempelajari kosakata?

P1 : Saya sulit belajar bahasa inggris karena kurang fasilitas yang disedikan

dan juga jarang menggunakan bahasa inggris.

I : Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan dalam pembelajaran kosakata?

P1 : Saya suka metode ini karena saya diberikan buku yang bagus dan enak

digunakan untuk menghafal dan diberikan cara menggunakannya

I : Apakah pemahaman tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata melalui

buku pegangan meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata Anda?

P1 : Iyya, karena kosakata saya meningkat atau bertambah karena saya sudah

menghafal menggunakan buku yang diberikan.

P : Apa keuntungan dan kerugian menggunakan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan?

I : Keuntungan : saya bisa tau jeis-jenis kata,bukunya bagus dan kecil, kosa

kata saya juga bertambah. Kerugiannya : menguras pikiran karena

menghafal dan biasa lupa yang dihapal

P : Kapan dan di mana Anda biasanya menerapkan metode ini?

I : Saya biasa menghapal dirumah dan disekolah saat sore dan biasa juga

malam. Biasa juga saat selesai shalat.


2. Second Participant :

I : Mengapa sulit mempelajari kosakata?

P2 : Saya sulit mempelajari bahasa inggris karena kurangnya kosakata yang

yang saya tau dan susah untuk dipaham karena lain tulisannya lain


I : Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan dalam pembelajaran kosakata?

P2 : Pendapat saya cukup bagus dan efektif karena buku yang dibagikan

ukurannya kecil dan isinya cukup lengkap.

I : Apakah pemahaman tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata melalui

buku pegangan meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata Anda?

P2 : Iyya, karena saya sudah menghafal meggunakan buku tersebut dan

kosakata saya meningkat.

I : Apa keuntungan dan kerugian menggunakan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan?

P2 : Keuntungan : kosakata saya meningkat dan saya tau membedakan jinis-

jenis kata. Kerugiannya : biasa sudah dihafal tapi lupa lagi dan

memerlukan waktu yang pas untuk menghapal.

I : Kapan dan di mana Anda biasanya menerapkan metode ini?

P2 : Saya biasa menghafal dikamar dan disekolah, kadang saya juga

menghafal setelah shalat sesui dengan saran yang diberikan.


3. Third Participant :

I : Mengapa sulit mempelajari kosakata?

P3 : Karena saya tidak tau membedakan jenis-jenis kata, seperti noun,

pronoun, verb, adjective dan lainnya

I : Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan dalam pembelajaran kosakata?

P3 : Saya tidak suka metode ini karena saya tidak suka menghafal

I : Apakah pemahaman tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata melalui

buku pegangan meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata Anda?

P3 : Iyya, ada sedikit peningkatan karena sudah mencoba menghafal dengan

buku yang diberikan cuman biasa lupa-lupa lagi

I : Apa keuntungan dan kerugian menggunakan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan?

P3 : Keuntungannya adalah saya sudah bisa menhafal beberapa kosa kata dan

tau beberapa perbedaan jenis-jenis kata dalam bahasa inggris .

kerugiannya : saya merasa capek karena menghafal dan sya tidak kuat

menghafal sehingga biasa lupa

I : Kapan dan di mana Anda biasanya menerapkan metode ini?

P3 : Saya menghafal dirumah dan disekolah. Kalau dirumah biasa sore dan

malam, kalau disekolah biasa jam istrahat bersama teman-teman.


4. Fourth Participant :

I : Mengapa sulit mempelajari kosakata?

P4 : Karena saya tidak banyak tau kosakata dan saya juga jarang

menggunakan bahasa inggris.

I : Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan dalam pembelajaran kosakata?

P4 : Pendapat saya metode yang digunakan cukup bagus Karena biasa

membatu saya untuk tau beberapa tentang kosakata.

I : Apakah pemahaman tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata melalui

buku pegangan meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata Anda?

P4 : Iyya, karena buku yang diberikan sangat membantu saya untuk

mengetahui kosakata.

I : Apa keuntungan dan kerugian menggunakan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan?

P4 : Keuntungan saya menggunakan buku ini yaitu bisa banyak tau kosakata

dan kerugiannya yaitu banyak sekali waktu saya gunakan untuk

menghafal kosakata sehingga saya jarang bersama teman.

I : Kapan dan di mana Anda biasanya menerapkan metode ini?

P4 : Saya menerapkan metode ini kalau dirumah dan disekolahpadassat saya

sedang sendiri dikamar dan pada saat bersama dengan teman-teman.


5. Fifth Participant :

I : Mengapa sulit mempelajari kosakata?

P5 : Saya sulit belajar bahasa inggris karena saya tidak terlalu suka belajar

bahasa inggris. Dan saya juga tidak banyak menguasai kata kerja dalam

bahasa inggris.

I : Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan dalam pembelajaran kosakata?

P5 : Menurut saya penerapan menghafal yang digunakan bagus karena saya

sudah mulai paham tentang kosakata.

I : Apakah pemahaman tentang penerapan metode menghafal kata melalui

buku pegangan meningkatkan keterampilan kosakata Anda?

P5 : Iyya, karena keterampilan saya dalam bahasa inggris saya meningkat dan

kosa kata saya juga meningkat.

I : Apa keuntungan dan kerugian menggunakan metode menghafal kata

melalui buku pegangan?

P5 : Keuntungan yang saya dapatkan yaitu bisa banyak tau kosakata dalam

bahasa inggris, kerugian saya yaitu saya jarang main game lagi sama

teman-teman karena waktu saya gunakan untuk menghafal.

I : Kapan dan di mana Anda biasanya menerapkan metode ini?

P5 : Saya menghafal pada saat jam istrahat disekolah.



Documentation of class X IPA students in the process of through the method

the word memorization method using handbook in MAN 2 POSO
















SYAMSUL BAHRI is a student of the English

Department at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

He was born on April 12, 1996 in Tolada. He is the second

child of Jumarni and Tajang's marriage. He has 2 sisters

(Syamsiar) and (Sartika).

In 2003, he started attending elementary school at SDN 140 Lumu-Lumu,

graduated in 2009. Next he continued his junior high school at SMP Negeri 2

Malangke and graduated in 2012. Then he continued to high school at SMAN 1

Malangke. and graduated in 2015. After that continued the English and computer

courses at QEC (Qalsum Education Center) 2015-2016. In 2016 he was accepted

at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar as a student of the English

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. At the end of his study,

he was able to complete his thesis in 2021 with the title "IMPROVING