IMPRESSIONS AFTER FRANCE - 3 (by Polish students)

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of IMPRESSIONS AFTER FRANCE - 3 (by Polish students)

The 7th meeting in France


*We started the travel in our city Łódź.*We went by mini bus.*First, we went to Koeln in Germany.*We had a small break in this city. *The next day, we went to Paris.

*First Day

*We went to school.*And here we had P.E. activities.*Then, we met with Laura Cooper, a

buisnesswoman who told us about how to create a company and launch a product onto the market.*After this meeting, we had to make a

business plan.*After this, we had freetime.

*Second Day

*We started the day with the trip to the Notre Dame Cathedral*It was a beautiful, amazing big church.*After this, we came back to school to meet

with an Urban Farmer, Mr Philippe Leborgne. *Later, we came back home.

*Third Day

*We went to school to meet Mrs Savita Kalhan, a British writer who is the author of „Death of a Princess”. This short story we had read and translated into our Polish language before the meeting in France.*Then, we had workshops about the short story.*On this day, we finished school very early. *After the exercises, we went to see a very beautiful

church called Sacre Coeur.*Later, we went to Champs Elysee.

*Fourth Day

*We started the day by visiting the Louvre museum.*Here, we saw very famous and very

important works of art, among them „Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci.*After this, we went to see the Eiffel Tower.

We went straight to the summit of it!*After this, we came back to school from

where we went home.

*Fifth Day

*We went to Versailles. *We saw one of the most beautiful gardens

in the world. *After this, we came back to school.*We had a farewell party there.*Then, the finnish party finished and all the

students went to theEiffel Tower once again to admire it by night.

*Travel to Poland

*We started the journey very early in the morning. *In around half way to Poland, we stopped

for a break in Prague.We slept there and the next day, we came back home safe and sound.


Krzysztof Zmysłowskifrom

Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 30 im. Adama Mickiewcza w Łodzi, Poland

forMultidisciplinary Flipped Learning with

ICTErasmus+ KA2 Project

FLwICT(2015 – 2017)

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained


*Thanks for watching