Important seo terms

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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Search Engine Optimization, often referred to as SEO, plays the most important role in the shaping up of any blog or website today.

Transcript of Important seo terms

Search Engine Optimization, often

referred to as SEO, plays the most

important role in the shaping up of any

blog or website today.

Use of better techniques can certainly

help you generate thousands of unique

visitors each day, and on the contrary,

if you opt for wrong tactics, your site

may even be banned by a search

engine leading to total bursting down of

online reputation.

No business today can survive without

using proper SEO methods.

If you are familiar with the term SEO,

and need to explore more of the same.

You can check best seo services


Then we present to you a list of few

other related terms which might help you


Search Engine Marketing

Often abbreviated as SEM, the

procedure involves marketing of the

services, or products provided by the

company on a search engine.

We can generally write a formula:


Where SEO is our Search Engine

Optimization, and PPC stands for Pay

Per Click

PPC is the technique of purchasing

sponsored links from a search engine

for a few special queries related to the

site to gain more visitors.


Backlinks play a critical role in SEO

field, and refer to simple links from other

websites pointing to your site.

There are several benefits associated

with backlinks.

To generate a backlink, you may either

post comments on other blogs, or go for

guest article writing.

Page Rank:

Google Page Rank, or simply page rank,

refers to a specific number from 0 to 10

allotted by Google to every website

based on several factors like quality of

content being hosted, number of

backlinks of site, etc.

Google uses specific algorithms to

release fresh page rank updates on a

periodic basis.


May include a written piece of content,

audio, video, or image, hosted on a site

to attract as many numbers of backlinks

as possible.

Anchor Text:

An anchor text normally refers to a

clickable fragment of text placed on a

website, which on clicking redirects the

visitor to any other web page

Title Tag:

A title plays the most crucial role in

determining the search engine

friendliness of a site, and it is defined via

a title tag in the code part.

Meta Tags:

A Meta data simply mean data about


Meta tags help the search engine in

determining the type of content being

hosted by the site.

Search Engine Result Page:

SERP is nothing more than the result

page produced by search engines when

you look for a query and press enter.

Search Algorithm:

: Refers to sophisticated algorithmic

codes used by search engines to index

their results.

Keyword Density:

Helps a user to determine how many

times a particular keyword occurs in the

given block of text.


: A separate index managed by Google

to place all the new website links.


This part of Black Hat SEO involves

designing two separate pages for the

human visitor and search engine bots.

Sites using this strategy, once

discovered, are heavily fined by Google.