Implementing BIM to Realise Benefits (Peter Scuderi, Arup)

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Audio Recorded Live at the AGI Showcase Event in York. For details of more AGI Events, visit our website:

Transcript of Implementing BIM to Realise Benefits (Peter Scuderi, Arup)

Peter ScuderiOve Arup and Partners

Strategic Asset Management, Performance Improvement, BIM ConsultingMobile: +44 7876 871 469 Email:

Implementing BIM to realise benefits

The opportunity for existing asset owners

What am going to talk about?

Key Elements to Asset Management

• Business Drivers• Client Involvement• Risk based approach• Stakeholder Engagement• Asset Stewardship

Key Elements to Asset Management

Key Elements to BIM Strategy

Key Elements to BIM Strategy• Business Drivers• Client Involvement• Risk based approach

• Stakeholder Engagement• Asset Stewardship

How does BIM fit in context to Asset Management?

It’s all about Data

How does BIM fit in context to Asset Management?

It’s not all about the model








Definition of O+M Needs

Alignment Team

Design Process

Construction Supply Chain

Data Handover

Operations + Maintenance


T SYSTEMLesson’s Learnt from Project Reviews O+M

ASSET INTELLIGENCE•IFC Open Standard Model•COBie Data Structure•Common Guidelines•Standard Objects•Aligned Workflows

Do you know what you want?

Is it:Useable consistent dataImproved O&M performanceBetter capital planning

Do you know what you want?

Is it:Useable consistent dataImproved O&M performanceBetter capital planning

Properly understanding the business drivers is critical in ensuring the right strategy

Do you know what you have?

Have you got:Portfolio wide geospatial dataHistorical O&M DataBudget + operations targets

Do you know what you have?

Have you got:Portfolio wide geospatial dataHistorical O&M DataBudget + operations targets

Understanding the way your portfolio currently operates is the first step


University of Sydney Campus – Data Access

• Scalability – BIM model can develop with needs/value to the FM team

• Low initial cost to pull together existing data of existing campus facilities

what does success look like?

Greater visibility & accessibility to data

Verification of existing data

Scalable & Relevant access of data

Greater control and granularity

Data Mining of Existing data

Multi-user population and monitoring

Campus wide data querying

Better design visualisation

Improved design studies on existing assets

3D based Way Finding

Visual Monitoring of systems

what are the risks?

Industry Hype•Over importance on model dependency•Has been led by software vendors

Software Vendors Marketing Strategy•Being tied down to Single Solutions & Suppliers•Its all about selling seats of software

Lack of Interoperability•Solutions focused more on specific products•Quality of data, consistency of data not a driver

Workflows and methodology not aligned with solutions

• Disruption through implementation, loss of data, repetition of data

Upfront Costs of Model Production• Post processing of laser scans• retrospective modelling and


Training Requirements & Cost Increase Significantly

• Skills gap

Large diverse portfolio•Differing needs, systems and workflows

Not connecting the key stakeholders internally•Communication and clarity important

Not aligning new data strategy with existing•Potential for huge legacy transition phase

Inconsistency in data from industry•Clearly defined requirements of data not models

1.Strategic Approach

2.Don’t just buy software

3.Focus on interoperability of data

4.Seek practical knowledge and expertise

5.Plug the short comings of software vendors

6.Focus on delivering best outcomes, not idealistic visions

Where to from hereStrategic Information Management
