Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Educators Group Webinar with Kathy Parker from Nov 9. Learn the steps to implementing an ereader program at your school from a school librarian who has been there!

Transcript of Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

with Kathy ParkerNovember 9, 20108:00 EST – 8:45 EST

(a joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories, LLC)

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Before you order your e-readers

Which e-reader do I buy?

Where do I get the money?

Are there grants available?

Creating an Educators’ Planning Committee

Who falls into the target student group?

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Ordering your e-readers

• Amazon Corporate Account• Purchase Orders• School Credit Card• School Procurement Card• Accessories: e-readers need to be protected

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

Buying and Managing Books

• Need to have one designated person in charge• All Kindles need to be numbered to coincide

with Amazon’s “Manage Your Account” number, important for downloading titles

• Develop a Kindle database to keep track of teachers/Kindles/titles

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Working with Students and Parents

• Marketing your program to parents• Developing a school Kindle policy for

students & parents to sign• Preparing for loss and damage

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Troubleshooting questions

• Problems with students downloading titles• Can students delete titles?• Internet connection: policies and problems• Student damage to Kindles

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Keep Learning• Connect with Other Educators: Kindle, Nook,

and More Educators Group (Ning)• Conferences and Groups: School Library

Journal• Blogs:

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

EduKindle (E-readers and education focus) Marianslibrary (Kathy’s blog) A Kindle World (Kindle news and updates) The Kindle Chronicles (podcast) Ireader Review (tips)

Questions and Answers with Kathy

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Additional Resources• Copies of tonight’s agenda and other

resources will be emailed to attendees.

• More information about Opples, a joint project of eReadia and M-Edge, can be found at

• Useful links mentioned tonight will be posted at

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Upcoming Events

• December: Understanding E-book Formats and Finding Free Materials• January: e-Reader Device Review: Comparing the Options• More Webinars to Come in 2011!

Sign up at!Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories

Contact Information

Kathy Parker

Will DeLamater -

Lauren Gartrell – M-Edge

Re-Kindle Kids with a Passion for Reading : Implementing an E-Reader Pilot Program at Your School

A joint project of eReadia LLC and M-Edge Accessories