Imperialism in asia 12.1 2.0 2010

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Imperialism in asia 12.1 2.0 2010

China had become an increasingly important member of the global community

Western economic pressure forced China to open to foreign trade and influence

Out of pride in their culture, the Chinese looked down on all foreigners

In 1793, the emperor allows a British ambassador into China

The emperor is shown the West’s most advanced technology: clocks, globes, musical instruments, and even a hot-air balloon

He is unimpressed, they were not interested in the “strange objects” of the West

China was able to reject these items because they were self sufficient

The basis of this was their agriculture

China had numerous resources: Tin, copper, silver, and iron China also had numerous other

exotic goods: silk & fine porcelain

European merchants were desperate to find something the Chinese would trade for

Eventually the found one… OPIUM Opium is a habit forming narcotic made

from the poppy plant The Chinese had been using it as a pain

killer for years Europe was now peddling it for non-medical


It took a few decades to catch on, but by 1835 as many as 12 million Chinese people were addicted to the drug

The growing supply of Opium caused great problems for China

Pleas went unanswered and the British refused to stop the Opium trade

The result would be a clash between the British and the Chinese – the Opium War

The battles took place mostly at sea

China’s outdated ships were no match for the British steam-powered gun boats

As a result China suffers a humiliating defeat and is forced to sign the treaty of Nanjing

British will get Hong Kong and British citizens would not be subject to Chinese law

By 1898, China had been humiliated by its loss of power

People began to demand a modernization of China

China’s emperor, Guangxu sought to see Chin reorder its educational system, the economy, modernize the military, and streamline the government

This was a lot of change for a country who did not like change

Guangzu was placed under arrest, his policies reversed and he lost control of the government to Empress Dowager

People continued to be frustrated at their situation and finally it erupted in violence

Poor peasants and workers resented the special privileges of the foreigners

Those not happy with situation formed a secret organization called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists

However, the soon became known as the Boxers

They would lead the way to rid the country of Empress Dowager and foreign privilege this would be known as the Boxer Rebellion

“Death to the Foreign Devils” became the battle cry

Boxers placed the European section of Beijing under siege

The Boxers would eventually fail, being overwhelmed by a multi-national army

But despite their failure the Chinese realized they:

needed to resist foreign invasion Increase government listening to their needs

Cause: British Bring Opium to China

Effect: Many Chinese Become Addicted

Overall Outcome: Opium War

Cause: Foreign Influence comes to China

Effect: Sphere of Influence in China

Overall Outcome: British, French, German, Japan and Russia all control trade in China

Cause: United States declares Open Door Policy

Effect: China is now safe from colonization

Overall Outcome: China is still dominated by foreign powers

Cause: Workers and poor launch Boxer Rebellion

Effect: Increase of Nationalism

Overall Outcome: Reforms will need to be executed