Immigration Act of 1921Immigration Act of 1924 National Origins ActVolstead Act Scopes...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Immigration Act of 1921Immigration Act of 1924 National Origins ActVolstead Act Scopes...

Immigration Act of 1921 Immigration Act of 1924

National Origins Act Volstead Act

Scopes Trial Sacco-Vanzetti Trial

Harlem Renaissance Prohibition

Urban-Rural Conflict Marcus Garvey

Assembly Line ‘Normalcy’

Teapot Dome Scandal Harding Scandals

John Maynard Keynes Hawley-Smoot Tariff

‘Black Tuesday’ Reconstruction Finance


Debt Moratorium Bonus Army

Isolationism Four Power Treaty

Five Power Treaty Nine Power Treaty

Kellogg-Briand Pact London Naval Conference

Good Neighbor Policy Dawes and Young Plans

Clark Memorandum Washington Conference

Herbert Hoover Calvin Coolidge

Warren Harding A. Mitchell Palmer

Clarence Darrow Williams Jennings Bryant

Charles Lindbergh Charles Chaplin

John Dewy Charles and Mary Beard

Robert and Helen Lynd H.L. Menken

Francis Scot Fitzgerald Sinclair Lewis

Ernest Hemmingway Andrew Mellon

Jackson Pollock Margaret Sanger

Albert Fall Langston Hughes

Carl Sandberg Grant Wood

Norman Thomas 1932 Election

Franklin D. Roosevelt Hundred Days Congress

Tennessee Valley Authority

‘Brain’ Trust

Share-Our-Wealth Program

First New Deal

Second New Deal Court Packing

Nye Committee New Deal Programs

Social Security Act Fair Labor Standards

The Federal Securities Act

Glass-Steagall Act

National Industrial Recovery Act

1st Agriculture Adjustment Act

Works Progress Administration

Wagner Act

2nd Agricultural Adjustment Act

Schecter v. United States

United States v. Butler Father Charles Coughlin

Huey Long Dr. Francis Townsend

Harry HopkinsNational Recovery


John Steinbeck “Roaring Twenties”

Consumer Society Henry Ford

Revival of KKK Great Depression

Eleanor Roosevelt Relief, Recovery, Reform

21st Amendment Fireside Chats


New Deal Opposition Dust Bowl

America First Atlantic Charter

The business of American and the consumer economy

Republican Politics: Harding, Coolidge, Hoover

The culture of modernism: science, arts and


Responses to Modernism: religious fundamentalism, nativism and prohibition

The ongoing struggle for equality: African Americans

and women

Causes of the Great Depression

The Hoover Administration's response to the Great Depression

FDR & the New Deal

Labor Unions and recognition

The New Deal coalition and its critics from the left and


Surviving hard times: American society during the

Great Depression20th Amendment