Post on 10-Aug-2018

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IMMANUEL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 501 Glad, PO Box 27, Schleswig, Iowa 51461

MARCH—2018 Volume 32 issue 6


Lenten Worship

Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m.

“Return From Exile” is the 2018 Lenten theme

March 7: Pastor Loeschen of Our Savior, Denison will preach: The Pit to the Pit. Meal served by the Grant Cemetery Friends.

March 14: Pastor Keinath of Zion, Denison’s theme will be: Out of Egypt. Meal to be served by the La-dies Aid.

March 21: Vicar Courie of Our Savior, Denison, will preach on the theme of Mountain to Mountain. Meal to be served by Crossroad Friends.

PALM SUNDAY March 25, 9:00 a.m. Worship

Holy week Maundy Thursday Worship ~

with Holy Communion: 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Worship ~

with Holy Communion: 7:00 p.m.


Sunrise Worship ~ with Holy Communion: 6:30 a.m.

~ Breakfast ~ Sunday School and Bible Class: 8:15 a.m.

Easter Worship ~ with Holy Communion: 9:30 a.m.


Easter Lilies needed for our East-er Cross. Please call or stop by the church office if you’d like to order one, and let us know if it is in memory of someone.

VFW & American Legion Pancake Breakfast

March 4, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. At the Schleswig Community Building

Free will offering

======================== BAKED POTATO &

WALKING TACO BAR Join us on Sunday,

March 11 serving from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the church basement.

Please join us for our Preschool spon-sored Baked Potato Bar & Walking

Taco Bar with all the fixings. Free will offering.




FUNDRAISER. Sunday, March 18

8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Schleswig Community Building


Relay for Life & Walk to End Alzheimer’s


Tuesday, March 20 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Our Savior Luther-

an Church in Denison $10 for Adults

$7 for children, 10 & under Children 3 & under free.

T H E I M M A N U E L M E S S E N G E R V o l u m e 3 2 I s s u e 6

God. To submit to God’s will means that we must crucify, we must put to death our own sinful desires. Paul writes to the Colossians, “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of thee, the wrath of God is coming” (3:5-6). We crucify our sinful desires when the Holy Spirit leads us to recognize our sins. The Spirit leads us then to confess our sins in genuine repentance, which is not just being sorry we got caught, but a turning from that sin by the grace of God. True repentance is to see all the sin of self and the damnation and death bound up in our sin, and to turn away from it, seeking res-cue in Christ alone.

In Jesus Christ we have forgiveness and new life. God’s Word shows how Jesus fulfilled that Deuteronomy 21:23 passage for us and says: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us--for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’" (Galatians 3:13). When Jesus calls to us, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me” He is not saying that He has set a price we must pay for our sins. He paid the price in full on our behalf! Instead, Jesus enables us to respond to His grace with the new life of self-denial, cross-bearing, and following Him. The cost of being a disciple is not payment, but a joyful attachment to Jesus by grace through faith in His unconditional love. Certainly, to live following Jesus will mean that difficulty and heartache—the cross—will come into your life and mine. Why would any-one do that?! Denying yourself, taking up your cross and following Jesus is understood well from these words from the pen of St. Paul: “He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Cor. 5:15). We are enabled to live for Jesus, since we no longer have to live for ourselves! So with the hymn writer we confess and pray: “Let us suffer here with Jesus And with patience bear our cross. Joy will follow all our sadness; Where He is there is no loss. Though today we sow no laugh-ter, We shall reap celestial joy; All discomforts that annoy Shall give way to mirth hereafer. Jesus, here I share Your woe; Help me there Your joy to know” Amen! (LSB 685.2)

Your fellow-servant for Christ,

Pastor Mahnken

Page 2

During the season of Lent our focus, as always, is on our Savior Jesus, but particularly in Lent we focus on His Passion—His perfect submission to the shame, suffering, and death He endured as He went to the cross to pay for our sins. Jesus predicted His Passion. The first of these predictions as recorded by Mark (found also in Matthew and Luke) is the first time the word “cross” is found in Mark. Right after Jesus predicted His suffering, death—and Resurrection!—Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him (Mark 8:32). Peter’s vision for Jesus did not include suffering and death! Jesus had to rebuke Peter and He said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You do not have in

mind the things of God, but the things of men” (v. 33). Jesus would not be shaped according to human notions! We sinners seem to always want to direct God according to our ideas, always want Him to fit into our plans! Jesus could see that not only Peter, and not only the disciples, but also the crowd with them were infected by these wrong notions. Jesus addressed them firmly. The text says, “Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me and for the Gospel will save it” (8:34-35). When the people heard Jesus say that to come after Jesus meant to take up one’s cross and follow Him, well, that would have been scandalous to those who heard it! The crowd that followed Jesus would have all been Jews. They would have considered the cross repulsive because of what God had said through Moses in Deuteronomy 21:23, “Anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse.” Jesus words “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me” would have further been repulsive to His hearers because the saying would have brought to mind the picture of a condemned man led away to die and forced to carry on his back the cross-beam upon which he is to be nailed at the place of execution. Var-us, the Roman governor of Syria was reported to have crucified 2,000 Jews. The Jews knew about crucifixion. What could Jesus have possi-bly meant by this shocking statement? Jesus means that just as He willingly submits to God’s will, even when that is painful, so we must also submit to the will of

Take Up Your Cross! Follow Jesus!

GREETING US: 4: Larry and Anne Abbe

11: Donna Koch

18: Terry and Nancy Kline

25: Dick Fredericks

29 (M.T.): Kathryn Clausen Easter: Richard & Becky Hanlin

USHERS: Jeff and Sandy Hummel

ACOLYTES: Kaitlyn Bruhn and Elli Heiden


7: Calli Korner & Sara Rosener

14: Kamden Bruhn & Bobbi Jepsen

21: Jordan Richardson

& Cole Schneider

29 (M.T.): Aaron Hennings & Cole Schneider

30: (G.F.): Calli Korner & Ashley Rosener

Easter 6:30): Kaitlyn & Kamden Bruhn

Easter 9:30): Ashley & Sara Rosener

LIBRARIANS: 4: Chris Mahnken 11: Julie Teut

18: Sheila Groth 25: Bonnie Schroeder =================================

For Your Information DVD Ministry: DVD’s of the Sunday services are available, please call the church office.

“LIKE US” on Facebook

Immanuel Prayer Chain: To request a prayer, call: Grace Langholdt, 676-3899 or e-mail: im-

“Thy Strong Word”:

Mon.-Sat. 6:25 a.m. KDSN-FM, 107.1 Denison Mar. 5-10: P. Kluzek

12-17: P. Kaiser 19-24: P. Merrill 26-31: P. Johnson

“The Lutheran Hour”

6:30 a.m. Sundays: KDSN-FM 107.1 Denison. At 10:30 a.m. KDSN-AM 1530.

Immanuel’s Website:

At Mission Central. . .

For info go to:


Lutheran Family Service


The Harvest Magazine

Available online at:

The Messenger Staff: Special Articles: Pastor Merle Mahnken; Coordinator—Typist: Marlene Hight. Printer: Val Teut Collators: Darlene Abbe,

Mardella Andresen, Joyce Detlefsen, Lois Ernst, Mar-

lene Fredericks, Nancy Kline, Donna Meeves, Marie Peters, Marcella Petersen, Marilyn Petersen, Gloria Schmidt, Norma Schoenfeld, and Jolene Whiteing.


Page 3 Volume 32 issue 6 T H E I M M A N U E L M E S S E N G E R

March 1: Whitley Brown

2: Debbie Goettsch

Joan Nahnsen 4: Jerry Langholdt

7: Eugene Mitchell

Norma Schoenfeld

8: Abby Macumber

Sarah Schmidt Mikayla VandenBurg

9: Kayla Morgan

Dolly Swearingen

10: Nan Bornhoft

Lacy Greve

Sarah Mahnken

11: Roger Chisholm Amber Haberberger

Gloria Schmidt

Pete Teut

12: Bonard Christiansen

Cori Kragel Lucas Peters

Ashley Rosener

13: Barb Quandt

16: Devin Jepsen

17: Dylan Dimig

18: Roger Rothe 19: Glenda Bryson

Rocky Ellerbeck

21: Angie Ellis

22: Bob Andresen

Wyatt Kragel Glenn Wigg

24: Kamden Bruhn

Karin Schneider

25: Justin Andresen

Zach Bielenberg

Amy Hoffmeier 26: Morgan Gierstorf

28: Jarel Bral

Jestin Bral

29: Timothy Riessen

Joshua & Ashley Beeck ~ 3/4/2005 Dr. D.L. & Gloria Schmidt - 3/4/1978 Terry & Nancy Kline ~ 3/6/1970 Karla & Matthew Gross ~ 3/10/2008 Ryan & Stacy Jepsen ~ 3/20/1999 Pastor & Chris Mahnken ~ 3/22/1986 Lodean & Sandra Voss ~ 3/22/1968 Grant & Janette Clausen ~ 3/26/1988

Hugo & Cynthia Ernst ~ 3/26/1983 Leila & Bob Reimer ~ 3/29/1997 Daryl & Barb Pedersen ~ 3/31/1979

Etcetera....Etc….. The ABC Book Group (Adventure Between Chapters)

The book chosen for the next

ABC meeting is Back of Beyond

by C.J. Box. The Group will

meet on Tuesday, March 27 at

7:00 p.m. at Cheeta’s. All read-

ers are invited and welcome to come and enjoy the round table


If you’d like to receive The

Messenger by email to cut down

postage, please call the church

office, 712-676-2235 or email us


Coming to Mission Central:

March 10, at 1:00 p.m. Pastor

Eddie Hosch and family from

Peru will be speaking.

On March 17 at 1:00 p.m. Rev.

Mark and Sue Moss will be

speaking on their mission in

Sierra Leone West Africa among

the Limba people.



The Immanuel Ladies Aid met on

Thursday, February 1 at 1:30 p.m.

We sang the LWML theme song Lu-theran Women One and All accompa-

nied by Marlene Hight at the piano.

Peggy Wunschel was our Christian Growth leader.

Her topic was on prayer. She closed with prayer.

Pastor Mahnken played a DVD for us entitled “The

First Rosa”. He followed this with a prayer.

We opened the meeting by saying the LWML Mis-

sion Statement in unison. There were 17 members


On January 9 several LWML members met to dis-

cuss different ideas of what we can do as a society.

Peggy explained these ideas to the Aid.

The secretary and treasurers’ reports were read

and approved.

Immanuel Ladies have been invited by the

LWML of St. John Lutheran Church in Kiron to

join them at a sew-a-thon on February 26 from

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to sew blankets for ba-

bies in Haiti. A motion was made and seconded

that we send them $50 to purchase material

for the blankets. The motion passed.

Coleen Bruhn and Joyce Miller audited the

treasurers’ books and found them to be in or-


Group I will serve the meal after the next fu-


The Ladies Aid will serve the meal after the

Lenten service on March 14.


Eventide: Marian Stockfleth reported Group I will

help with bingo on February 6 and March 20.

There will be an Auxiliary meeting on February 26.

Visiting: Loretta Reimers visited for February.

Visiting for March is Donna Harm.

Quilting: Carol Neddermeyer reported the Quilters will meet on February 8 and 22.

Birthdays: Karen Wood reported there are 4 mem-

bers with February birthdays.

We closed by singing the birthday song followed by

saying the Lord’s Prayer and the table prayer in


Servers for February were Donna Harm and Loret-

ta Reimers. Servers for March are Marlene Freder-

icks and Marilyn Petersen.

—Glenda Bryson, Secretary

COLLECTION FOR LWML MITES Sunday, March 11, 2018

Page 4

Lauraine Snelling is a Christian author who has

written many different series of books. From the

Dakota Series, I chose the book Ruby. The story starts in the early 1880’s in New York where Ruby Torvald is a young lady who is em-

ployed as a governess to the Brandon family.

She has a younger sister Opal who is 10 years

old. Their mother had died shortly after Opal

was born. Their father decided to move west to

try his luck at gold mining and left the two girls with the grandmother.

They lived with their grandmother until she died

five years ago. Ruby had started as a maid but

because of her love for children, she moved up to nanny’s helper and later to governess to the

three Brandon children.

One afternoon Ruby received a letter from her

father. She was amazed he was still alive after all

of these years and not hearing from him. He knows he is dying and wants to see them both

and pass on their inheritance. He sent them two

train tickets to come to Dove House. There is

train service to Little Missouri in Dakota Territo-

ry. This little spot on the map doesn’t offer much.

Check this book out and see what Ruby and

Opal do after they get there and talk to their fa-

ther. Ruby puts her trust in God to help her get

through all of this.

— Submitted by Carol Neddermeyer


Weekend to Remember® Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. Weekend to Remember® provides encouragement, hope, and practical tools to build and grow your relationship. That’s why it’s called a Weekend to Remember! Our congregation will cover your registration costs so you only have your room and travel costs! Local weekends coming up: Des Moines; March 9-11; Lincoln, NE: March 23-25; and Omaha, NE: April 6-8. For information and registrations go to:

From Your library . . .

“Have we got a book for you!”

Volume 32 Issue 6 Page 5

BUS TRIP To the Creation

Museum and the

Ark Encounter August 6-10, 2018

There was more information about this trip in the last newsletter. Here’s a brief review so you can plan ahead. Per person: Single room, $1,040; Double room, $695; Triple room, $580; Quad room, $525. $100 deposit upfront, balance due by July 1. Departure, Aug.6 from Waverly IA; at the museum, Aug. 7-8; at the Ark, Aug. 9, return home Aug. 10. Contact: Roger and Ellen Bauer 806 Juhl Ave Waverly IA 50677 Home: 319.352.5435 Cell: 319.610.2622 Visit: and to see more info.


Weekend to Remember® provides encouragement, hope, and practical tools to build and grow your relationship. That’s why it’s called a Weekend to Remember! Our congregation will cover your registra-tion costs so you only have your room and travel costs! Local weekends com-ing up: Des Moines; March 9-11; Lincoln, NE: March 23-25; and Omaha, NE: April 6-8. For information and registrations go to Or you can call 1-800-358-6329. For more information, please contact Pastor Mahnken


The last valentine was handed out and the children have loaded the bus headed for home. The excitement and enthusiasm was electric today. As I enjoy the quiet moment after departure and process our Valentine’s Day, I think about how God must want us to share that excitement each and every day.

The world’s celebration of today often includes

gifts and flowers. God’s celebration of love originated in a manger and was fulfilled with the death of His Son (and, praise Jesus, His resurrection) on a cross. The ultimate sacrifice. Yes, it’s enough to bring about an energy to match the children’s and well worth sharing with others!

We have finished learning about David and Goliath in our morning class and will shift gears to Daniel in the Lion’s den. The afternoon students are learning about America and how they can pray for their president and country. We’ve also learned about George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln is next up. (What is it about the story of the cherry tree being chopped down that grabs everyone’s attention?)

We hope you’ll all come out and join us on March 11th for the Baked Potato Bar. All proceeds will be directed towards the cost of running the pre-school.

Serving Him with you,

Mrs. Gustafson


Volume 32 issue 6

Interviews for team ministry are in full

swing. Rumors of congregations calling sole pastors are beginning to swirl as

application deadlines approach. The reality of our final four months starts a list of must-dos before we leave for God knows where.

Oh and there are still classes to complete. It's the perfect storm, the high and low pressures of fourth year are colliding and

we can all feel it. Storms happen in life, and compared to other storms we've watched

our friends and family go through, this seems relatively minor. But no matter how minor the storm may be, when you're in the

middle of it, you can't help but notice how

helpless you are in the situation.

In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 4, we have

an account of the disciples caught in a storm while Jesus is sleeping in the boat. A carpenter resting easy while seasoned fish-

ermen are panicking because they were taking on water. This appeared to be a

storm for the ages! They didn't see it coming but it must have been that perfect mix of high and low pressure that resulted

in such a storm. The disciples, after all their efforts and worrying, finally go to

Jesus and wake him up. They question him, asking why he isn't concerned. Jesus

rebukes the storm and it is calm.

In this life we find ourselves often

powerless, in perfect storms. But Jesus reminds us that He is in control. And even

better than asleep in the boat with us Jesus is risen and ascended at the Father's right hand where He has dominion over all

things. So what are we to do with the storms we find ourselves in right now? I

would encourage you to go with me to Jesus. Call on His Holy Spirit to give us peace during this time and hearts to trust

that He is in control. No matter the temporal outcome of our storm we are reassured that God works out all things for

those who trust him in Christ Jesus.

Your prayers and reaching out to us in

support mean the world to us! Your

companionship during this time is deeply



After a nice vacation in Michigan I had a one week intensive in which I studied the text of the New Testament. It was a

fascinating class where we studied the earliest manuscripts of the Bible and learned more about how we got the Greek

text that scholars use today.

I was able to compare variants in different manuscripts and see the supposed

“problems” of the text. In the end I came to see that Christians should have little

concern that the English text they have of scripture contains any egregious mistakes or variants from the originals. God’s Word

proves true.

The Garcia Family

6250 S. Dehmel Rd. Frankenmuth, MI 48734

Phone: 734-945-3052



Dear Partners in Ministry Feb. 22, 2018

Thank you for your partnership! Just as a congregation is dependent on the fi-nancial gifts of congregations. Last year you provided just over $1.5 million to help us sup-port Christ’s mission. Those funds enabled us to support 5 missionary partners in IDW, sup-port over 30 congregations with mission grants, provide workshops and resources in a variety of areas, support the work of the LCMS, and work with you as you carry out Christ’s mission in your community. As a result, hundreds of indi-viduals came to faith just in IDW, thousands were strengthened in their faith, and a new con-gregation was planted (The Gate, Ankeny)! Thank you again and may God richly bless our partnership in 2018.

Rev. Dr. Steven Turner, President, and the staff of IDW

Iowa District West LCMS

409 Kenyon Road, Suite B

Fort Dodge IA 50501

Page 6 T H E I M M A N U E L M E S S E N G E R

Volume 32 issue 6

Rev. Dennis Bartels has been a faithful servant of the Church for 31 years. The majority of that time has been devoted to Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School in North Miami.

Before he arrived at the city, people told Bartels he was going down there to close the ministry. Bartels, an Iowa farm boy who grew up in a town of 800, [Schleswig], was overwhelmed. “But this is where God wanted me,” he said. So, he bloomed where he was planted—and then God opened doors.

What began as a Germanic Anglo congregation

in the early 1980’s, transitioned to a culturally diverse ministry with a variety of ethnicities. Today, the school, which has over 400 children, is predominately Haitian and 19 different countries are represented at Sunday morning worship.

The ministry has experienced struggles with finances in the past, with significant turnover every three to four years as members move away, many due to economics. Through it all, Bartels has been faithful, not only to his members, but to the larger community.

Florida-Georgia District President Greg Walton said, “He is the humbles man that I know and … has a servant’s heart and truly cares about people … Their school feeds 400 students both breakfast and lunch. And when [Hurricane] Irma went through Miami and the school lost power, instead of losing all the food in their refrigerators they grilled it and gave it away.”

As busy as he is, Bartels has been a supporter of the ministry of LCEF for years, as an investor, trainer and advocate. He has served over 18 congregations as a guest leader for LCEF’s “Consecrated Stewards program,

including the training of other pastors to be guest leaders. LCEF honored Rev. Dennis Bartels at the 2017 Fall Leadership Conference with the Lietz Individual Ministry Award for exceptional efforts in the work of church extension.

Thrivent Choice®:

Strengthening Communities, Changing Lives.

Thrivent Choice, the member-advised charitable grant program from Thrivent Financial, continues to be a welcome funding source for churches and nonprofit organizations nationwide.

Eligible benefit members has designated Choice Dollars® that they can direct, thereby recommending charitable grant funding for their choice among thousands of enrolled churches and nonprofit organizations, including Immanuel Lutheran Church and preschool. To date, Choice Dollars have distributed $55 Million overall. This year’s contribution as of December 31, 2017 is $7,684.00 to Immanuel

Lutheran Church and preschool in Schleswig and totaling $62,827.00 since 2010. Please contact a Thrivent representative to learn more about Thrivent Choice and the vast amount of products that Thrivent has to offer.

If you are eligible to participate in Choice Dollars, or are uncertain about your eligibility, visit Or contact your local Thrivent Financial representatives. (Craig Dozark, Jared Koch, Neal Meseck 712-263-6785)

*Choice Dollars designated to eligible benefit members in 2017 must be directed by March 31, 2018. =====================================

Spoiler alert

In these days of DVRs and streaming programming, it’s common courtesy to warn people before discussing a

show’s plot or ending. How frustrating to inadvertently

hear how a much-anticipated drama concludes!

Knowing how everything ends is a blessing for Chris-

tians, however. Jesus’ victory over death gives us hope and confidence for this life — and for the life to come.

“The church does not pretend … that it does not know

what will happen with the crucified Jesus,” writes

Thomas Hopko in The Orthodox Faith. “It does not sor-row and mourn over the Lord as if the church itself

were not the very creation which has been produced

from his wounded side and from the depths of his

tomb. All through [Holy Week] services, the victory of

Christ is contemplated and the resurrection is pro-


Indeed, Jesus’ followers know how his story — and

therefore our story — ends: in Easter life!

T H E I M M A N U E L M E S S E N G E R Page 7

Rev. Dennis Bartels receives the

Lietz Individual Ministry Award

Page 8 Volume 32 issue 6


Dear Friends,

Liberian News: Missionary Linda Kurtz was recently

in Liberia and had the opportunity to visit Bong

County where ARM is connecting with villagers who listen to the new Kpelle program. She reports that

one group of listeners at Gbonokalai has formed a

very active church.

Linda writes, “One man named Joe would never en-ter the church for Sunday services because he is a

Muslim and thought it would be a sin. But one day

he tuned into the radio and heard the preacher tell

of God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

He kept tuning into the message week after week. Joe is now a saved believer in Jesus Christ. The ra-

dio broke down a barrier that a physical church

could not. Thanks be to God!”

Ethiopian News: Evangelist Demeke Ture requests prayers for an end to ethnic unrest in Ethiopia.

These problems are harming peace loving citizens

and disturbing travel necessary for commerce and

ministry. Although his travels to visit prisons and

villages in the south were encouraging he was forced

to wait several days for the military to clear the road of burned vehicles and rebels who rob or shoot trav-


In the south of Ethiopia listeners are from smaller

ethnic groups like the Mursi who are requesting that

ARM help support young leaders to become evange-

lists that can return to their home area to teach

them how to follow Jesus and be baptized. Through your generosity ARM is currently sponsoring nine

students who are preparing to be pastors, evange-

lists and deaconesses. The cost is about $400 per

student per year. Most programs last 2 years. In-

vestment in the training and teaching of these young servants equips them to strengthen the new Chris-

tians in their home areas.

Thank you so much for your part in this ministry.

Serving Christ,

John & Kathy

Rev. John and Kathy Duitsman~Demeke Ture, Linda Kurtz, Ezekiel Saah and the entire ARM team. Funds are needed and can be sent to:

ARM—c/o Linda Kurtz

Faith Community Lutheran Church, 2700 S. Town Center Drive

Las Vegas, NV 89135

Note: All donations are sent overseas. Administrative costs

are paid by volunteers.



V O L U M E 3 2 I S S U E 6

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



1:30 p.m. Ladies Aid

5:00 p.m. Pre-school Board



6:00 p.m. Worship w/HC


9:00 Worship w/HC 10:15 SS & BC’s

7:30-12:30 VFW & American Legion Pancake Break-fast/Comm. Bldg.

1-4 p.m. SS Roller Skating Party 6 The Art of Marriage






6:30 Bbfast at Cheeta’s

Preschool 9:30 Women’t Bible Study Confirmation 5:45 Lenten Ser-vice. Meal served by Grant Cemetery



9:00-4:00 Quilting



1:00 Pastor Eddie Hosch & family at Mission Central

11 Daylight Saving

Time Begins

9:00 Worship 10:15 SS & BC;s 10:00-12:30 a.m.

11:00-12:30 Baked Potato & Walking Taco Bar by the Preschool

6 The Art of Marriage





8:30 Pastors’ Conference at St. Paul, Ute


6:30 Bbfast at Cheeta’s

Preschool 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study Confirmation 5:45 Lent Service. Meal served by the Ladies Aid




17 St. Patrick’s Day

The Moss family at at Mission Central

6:00 p.m. Worship w/HC


9:00 Worship w/HC 10:15 SS & BC’s

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Relay for Life Omelet Brunch/Comm. Bldg.

6 The Art of Marriage



20 Spring Begins


Messenger Deadline


21 6:30 Bbfast at


Preschool Confirmation

5:45 p.m. Lent Wor-ship. Meal served by Crossroads Friends



9:00-4:00 Quilting


5:30 Rehearsal


4:00 Nahnsen-Kinsey Wedding

25 Palm Sunday

9:00 Worship 10:15 SS & BC’s

Erin Koch Pancake Fundraiser/Comm. Bldg.





7:00 p.m. ABC Book Group at Cheeta’s

28 6:30 Bbfast at

Cheeta’s Preschool 8:45 Newsletter & 1:00 Volunteers to OGT;

29 Maundy Thurs-


No Preschool

7:00 Worship with Holy Communion

30 Good Friday

7:00 Worship with Holy Communion



Ladies Aid Servers: Marlene Fredericks & Marilyn Petersen Altar Care: 3rd & 4th; 17th & 18th: Jerrie Wigg 29th (MT) & 30th (GF): Marlene Hight Confirmation: Wed. 5th & 6th: 2:45-4:30 p.m. 7th & 8th: 6:15-8 p.m. (when Lent starts– 6:30-8 p.m.) Preschool: Mon, Tues, & Thursday: All Day: 8-3; Wed. aft. only 11:30 a.m.—2 p.m.




501 Glad St. PO Box 27 Schleswig, Iowa 51461


Rev. Merle F. Mahnken, Pastor

Office Ph. 712-676-2235

Pastor’s Home Ph. 712-676-2242

Office E-mail:



“Like” us on Facebook

Worship Opportunities:

Saturday Worship: (First & Third Saturdays each month at 6:00 p.m.)

Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. Communion—1st & 3rd Sat. & Sun. 10:15 Sunday School & Bible Classes

Office: Marlene Hight and Valerie Teut

Preschool: Leslie Gustafson

Organist: Marlene Hight

Janitor: Jolene Whiteing

Groundskeeper: Peter Teut

Snow Removal: Loren and Janice

Jepsen and Ryan Jepsen

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“Together in Christ, we grow through the

Word and Sacraments, serving

our Lord and sharing His saving

grace with all people.”